#Cot Sponlon 2024
Hello, fellow Americans. I am afraid that this address with not be a joyous one, as I have most unfortunate news.
Sadly, my campaign is coming to an end. It has truly been an honor interacting with my fellow citizens, but it is time for me to move on and find a new path (I most definitely did not get found out as a fraud).
I shall see you all in another time— or whenever I get out of federal prison. Goodbye, my friends; it has been a good run, but I, regrettably, must cross the finish line.
“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 9 months
Cot Sponlon Lore!!!
(Here’s some info on Cot Sponlon and his campaign for President of the United States! Feel free to suggest additions/ask questions, and don’t forget- Vote Cot Sponlon in 2024!)
    I’m doomed, Spot lamented silently as he stared at the papers on the desk before him. They were written in fancy language that he barely understood, with official-looking stamps and signatures plastered over every sheet, and Spot felt as if they were trying to suck the soul out of his body.
    It had all started as a joke. He’d been drunk with Race on a Saturday night, and the other boy had made some sort of joke- like a “hey, what if you ran for President of the United States” sort of joke- and Spot had taken it seriously. A more sober version of him (but still a version with horrible ideas) had gone through the process, somehow getting himself involved with New York’s state government and also somehow getting nominated to represent the Democratic Party in the race. 
    Cot Sponlon was the name he’d chosen. A stupid mixed-up version of his childhood nickname that somehow went unchecked by everyone he came into contact with (he didn’t know how), the name that newscasters either berated or praised on television, the name that he’d have to use for the rest of his life if he wanted to keep up this ruse. He had no clue how nobody had checked to see if Cot Sponlon was a U.S citizen, if he old enough to run for president, or even if he was a real person at all, and he fully blamed the carelessness of everyone else for the mix up. Apparently, it didn’t take much trickery to fool the old men in office, as he’d done it with ease.
    Spot sorted through the endless stack of files on the desk, seeing his “name” in immaculately typed script on each one, trying to make sense of the duties he’d be taking over. This is a fucking fever dream, he thought to himself, holding back a cry of frustration as he caught the word deadline for the five hundredth time. He wasn’t quite sure how he was going to get himself out of this mess- it wasn’t as if you had to have some sort of permit to run for president, and somehow America had welcomed Cot Sponlon with open arms, most claiming that he was the best fit to lead the country. Make America Gay Again was the slogan he’d chosen- a take on some fat orange bastard’s battle cry that was somehow endearing to weirdos like himself everywhere.
    No matter the fact that he had dropped out of college at age twenty, that most of his former schoolteachers were surprised he ever learned how to read, much less create a lie so elaborate that he could fool the entire world. It would only take a bit of common sense for it all to come crashing down, for him to be exposed as the clueless leader he was. 
    A banner hung above his small desk- one that read: Cot Sponlon, 2024. Staring up at the brightly printed letters, disbelieving of his own stupidity, Spot made up his mind to keep going with this, even if it was just to see how far he could fuck over the country before they realized he was a fake.
    And, who knows, maybe I could make a difference, Spot thought to himself, suppressing a laugh as he continued to flip through the never-ending paperwork, the name he’d created destined to lead him far into the world of politics he’d never truly meant to sign up for.
Information About Our Candidate:
Name: Cot Sponlon
Age: Twenty-two
Campaign slogan: Make America Gay Again
Political Party: Democrat
College Degrees: None
Interviews and more to come soon! Feel free to ask questions to Mr. Sponlon through the ask box!
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Now, I’m not saying I support the shooting of Donald Trump or anything, but…
I think I’m going back in the running.
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Cot Sponlon 2024- Make America Gay Again
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(This advertisement is endorsed by Cot Sponlon)
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I have told the man himself about Cot Sponlon 🫡
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Oh my goodness, yes!!!!
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Never give up. There’s a whole world out there waiting for you to see it, and so many people who are waiting to love you. Keep on keeping on, good citizens <3
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Everyone welcome my vice president, @hacetrack-riggins-vp! If you have any questions for either of us about the campaign, feel free to ask!
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I played Spot in a production of mine, so from one Spot to another, what would you do to make America gay again?
It is extremely important (especially if America is to be gay again) that we make sure safe spaces are available to queer people everywhere. No matter if it is simply by keeping LGBTQ+ books in libraries or by offering counseling to queer students, we must make sure that it is safe for people to be openly queer in this country. Too many people have gone silenced for too long, and it is about time we step up and tell everyone who wishes us harm the truth- we are here, we are queer, and we’re ready to finally live unafriad.
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Hello, good citizens!
It has been a while, but I can promise I have not forgotten about my campaign nor my promises to you all. Me and my campaign team have been hard at work!
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Mr. Sponlon, I keep getting letters from your fans asking if you and your VP, Mr. Hacetrack Riggins, are married!
Anything you can say to clear up the issue?
While I do believe that a politician’s personal life should not be mixed or involved with their professional life, I do see the concern that many people may have about my relationship status with Mr. Riggins.
I have been advised not to comment too much on this situation, but I can assure you that, whether I am married to him or not, there will be no conflicts between the interest of the United States and the interests of my personal life.
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Quick shout-out to @noels--lament, co-creator of Cot Sponlon and his campaign!
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What will the gays do for the economy??
Make it gayer.
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 9 months
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🎤 mr Sponlon, sir, will laws regarding school and schooling practices change if you’re elected? Many are the children hopeful for your reign, er, presidency.
Absolutely! Our schools in this country are incredibly underfunded and practically forgotten by politicians as of now, so there is much to do to improve them. More accessible ways of learning will be implemented, schools will have more funding brought to them for upgrading use of books and technology, and curriculum will be changed so that children everywhere can thrive, no matter who they are.
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