#Could always be because there has been no rockets just yetr
izayoichan · 5 years
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“A cat that likes water, I’m impressed.” “Millie is a special cat, she knows what she wants and water be dammed.“ “I can see that. Well have a nice evening, and just call if you need something.” “Thanks, dad.”
He chuckles, setting down the Sushi on a table nodding at them vanishing again at the same time as River returns to them with towels in hand, putting them down where Hayden can reach them. Rylan watching them, specifically Charlie who he notices has some of the traits a good therapy dog would normally have, or perhaps a helper dog, trained to pick up things and generally  help their owner around the house.  Vy looks at Charlie and sighs, finally picking the small dog up with a frown.
“You need an owner, someone big and strong and full of love that just needs something tiny and adorable to protect… “
As his answer, he gets licked by the dog and looks at Hayden horrified, not sure if he should drop the dog or not, finally he puts it down carefully.
“G-go lay with a big fluffy polar bear!”
Almost as if answering Polar comes over and lays down next to the two, looking up at Vy
“… Hayden… “
He slowly scoots away, Hayden trying his best not to chuckle at it all.
“Or maybe he just needs someone that cares for him and that he can care for in return. Their nice stinkies Vy, not out to do you harm, right Polar?”
He gets a wave off the tail as an answer.
“I should be cold enough now so, get me back to the sofa so we can eat?”
He has noticed River looking at the boxes, knowing he loves sushi, and probably where his dad has been to get said sushi. Vy pouting slightly, but easily helps him out of the bath, letting him dry off and let his merman form disappear.
“Yess! We got sushi!” “Yep, probably from Japan knowing my dad right, so be careful with the Wasabi.”
Rylan chuckles, knowing all to well how his other dad reacted to that once, thinking it was the normal stuff.
“Oh! Real wasabi, I’m having some!”
He chuckles as he sees both Charlie and Polar following Vy.
“I think they like him though. They can tell he’s scared and want to comfort him, kinda cute…”
He opens a few boxes with Rylan and pulls him close.
“And what were you thinking princess?
Vy sighs, trying to ignore the fact that he is followed by both the dogs. Focusing on Hayden instead.
“How are you feeling, my Heartlight? “ “I’m good”
He notices both Polar and Charlie following Vy,
“Did you ever train Charlie, River?”
He pulls Vy down on the couch next to him, wrapping his arms protectively around him, knowing he still doesn’t feel fully comfortable with the dogs. Rylan looking at River, wondering if he has a direct line into his head sometimes. Charlie looking up at the two in the sofa, whining a little to be allowed back up.
“Hmh, a bit what my brother just said, maybe charlie could be trained like Polar. Perhaps as a helping dog?” “No I haven’t trained him, but he is a smart dog.” “I think I might try and train him while you’re away, he has what’s needed, and if we find the right person for him, he would get a home to feel safe and need at “ “You can try. Just try not to let him bond to you, it’ll be harder to get him an owner if he starts seeing you as his”
Vy looks down at the small dog and sighs,
“Okay… you’re kinda cute… -”
He pulls him up to the sofa, putting him on the pillows next to them.
“Just… don’t go to my lap, that’s a cat exclusive but… I guess you can lay next to me…”
The dog lays next to him and polar at his feet, Vy snuggling closer to Hayden, putting his hands on Hayden’s and kissing him gently.
“My Heartlight… I’m surrounded by stinkies, at least you aren’t a stinky, my beautiful and bright Heartlight… “
He lays head against him, listening to his heart to be sure that he feels okay, as well as the comfort of just being close to him. River opening some more boxes and handing them out to everyone.
“Would you still love me if I was turned into one? A stinky I mean?”
He keeps one arm around him as he takes the food River hands him. Vy looking at Charlie then back at Hayden.
“Yes… I’d love you regardless… I’m better with cats… but I guess I can learn to like the shelter dogs… if they’re nice… Like Lobo and Charlie and… even Polar…
The three aforementioned dogs wag their tails and Vy smiles.
“I guess he likes me… “
He pets Charlie again offering a piece of his sushi, noticing how Millie is clearly more interested in it than the dog.
“Want a piece of my sushi? Or do you prefer it, Millie.”
He holds out a piece of sushi for Millie who takes it with a purr, cuddling next to Charlie, munching happily at her little piece of food.
“Awww! Millie made a friend!”
Hayden just smiling at them, thanking River as he hands him the box with sushi. Looking at the box knowing to stay away from the wasabi, a lesson he learned last he tried. Trying to offer Charlie one of his bites, only to have Millie grab that one too.
“I guess you would rather have meat huh, Charlie. ”
Rylan takes his box and opens it, looking over at River who has opened his box and started to mix the wasabi with the soy sauce dipping his first piece in it. Grinning at Rylan as he puts it in his mouth.
“Huuuummmmmmmmmm! Real wasabi! Good!” “Well then… now I know what to bring with me when I come to visit you when you’re stuck in RoM huh?”
River smiles, throwing a piece of meat to Charlie, handing out treats to the other animals around them, then returning to sit with Rylan.
“Have you seen what they eat there?” “No.. that bad is it?” “Very bad. They cook mac and cheese in those cauldrons just so you know… “
Their talk gets interrupted by Vy giggling, watching Charlie and Millie and how they get along so well.
“I like Sushi!” “I do too, although I prefer your home-cooked meals by now.”
Hayden chuckles, both him and Vy pondering the same about the two animals their watching, that both seem to be better around the other.
“Maybe they should be allowed to be together at night, and… if they are this close, perhaps they could be adopted as a pair?” “They seem to like each other, I never saw a cat do this so easily with a dog they didn’t know.”
Hayden looks at Vy who looks at the two pets, River having listened to their conversation, nodding slightly
“I think I can let Millie in with Charlie at night. She’s a friendly old girl. “ “Millie likes Charlie and she’s very calm about him, I don’t think him being a stinky will bother her so it might be okay”
looks at River, struggling with his chopsticks
He throws chopstick and eats with hands, which gets all the pet’s attention mostly because off the chopsticks that are suddenly on the floor. Rylan chuckling slightly at it.
“Seems it is worth a try at least. It could be beneficial for both, and we can add a note that they would like to have a home together. I clearly need to teach you how to use chopsticks Vy”
He chuckles, managing to get the chopsticks with his feet before any of the animals try to chew on them. Rylan looking at River, trying to think of what cauldrons he could be talking about.
“Wait, in those really big pots… Ewww… Well then, I guess I will just have to bring you food as often as I can or you will be skin and bones by the time you come back! “
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