#thats cooling down hayden step one
izayoichan · 5 years
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“A cat that likes water, I’m impressed.” “Millie is a special cat, she knows what she wants and water be dammed.“ “I can see that. Well have a nice evening, and just call if you need something.” “Thanks, dad.”
He chuckles, setting down the Sushi on a table nodding at them vanishing again at the same time as River returns to them with towels in hand, putting them down where Hayden can reach them. Rylan watching them, specifically Charlie who he notices has some of the traits a good therapy dog would normally have, or perhaps a helper dog, trained to pick up things and generally  help their owner around the house.  Vy looks at Charlie and sighs, finally picking the small dog up with a frown.
“You need an owner, someone big and strong and full of love that just needs something tiny and adorable to protect… “
As his answer, he gets licked by the dog and looks at Hayden horrified, not sure if he should drop the dog or not, finally he puts it down carefully.
“G-go lay with a big fluffy polar bear!”
Almost as if answering Polar comes over and lays down next to the two, looking up at Vy
“… Hayden… “
He slowly scoots away, Hayden trying his best not to chuckle at it all.
“Or maybe he just needs someone that cares for him and that he can care for in return. Their nice stinkies Vy, not out to do you harm, right Polar?”
He gets a wave off the tail as an answer.
“I should be cold enough now so, get me back to the sofa so we can eat?”
He has noticed River looking at the boxes, knowing he loves sushi, and probably where his dad has been to get said sushi. Vy pouting slightly, but easily helps him out of the bath, letting him dry off and let his merman form disappear.
“Yess! We got sushi!” “Yep, probably from Japan knowing my dad right, so be careful with the Wasabi.”
Rylan chuckles, knowing all to well how his other dad reacted to that once, thinking it was the normal stuff.
“Oh! Real wasabi, I’m having some!”
He chuckles as he sees both Charlie and Polar following Vy.
“I think they like him though. They can tell he’s scared and want to comfort him, kinda cute…”
He opens a few boxes with Rylan and pulls him close.
“And what were you thinking princess?
Vy sighs, trying to ignore the fact that he is followed by both the dogs. Focusing on Hayden instead.
“How are you feeling, my Heartlight? “ “I’m good”
He notices both Polar and Charlie following Vy,
“Did you ever train Charlie, River?”
He pulls Vy down on the couch next to him, wrapping his arms protectively around him, knowing he still doesn’t feel fully comfortable with the dogs. Rylan looking at River, wondering if he has a direct line into his head sometimes. Charlie looking up at the two in the sofa, whining a little to be allowed back up.
“Hmh, a bit what my brother just said, maybe charlie could be trained like Polar. Perhaps as a helping dog?” “No I haven’t trained him, but he is a smart dog.” “I think I might try and train him while you’re away, he has what’s needed, and if we find the right person for him, he would get a home to feel safe and need at “ “You can try. Just try not to let him bond to you, it’ll be harder to get him an owner if he starts seeing you as his”
Vy looks down at the small dog and sighs,
“Okay… you’re kinda cute… -”
He pulls him up to the sofa, putting him on the pillows next to them.
“Just… don’t go to my lap, that’s a cat exclusive but… I guess you can lay next to me…”
The dog lays next to him and polar at his feet, Vy snuggling closer to Hayden, putting his hands on Hayden’s and kissing him gently.
“My Heartlight… I’m surrounded by stinkies, at least you aren’t a stinky, my beautiful and bright Heartlight… “
He lays head against him, listening to his heart to be sure that he feels okay, as well as the comfort of just being close to him. River opening some more boxes and handing them out to everyone.
“Would you still love me if I was turned into one? A stinky I mean?”
He keeps one arm around him as he takes the food River hands him. Vy looking at Charlie then back at Hayden.
“Yes… I’d love you regardless… I’m better with cats… but I guess I can learn to like the shelter dogs… if they’re nice… Like Lobo and Charlie and… even Polar…
The three aforementioned dogs wag their tails and Vy smiles.
“I guess he likes me… “
He pets Charlie again offering a piece of his sushi, noticing how Millie is clearly more interested in it than the dog.
“Want a piece of my sushi? Or do you prefer it, Millie.”
He holds out a piece of sushi for Millie who takes it with a purr, cuddling next to Charlie, munching happily at her little piece of food.
“Awww! Millie made a friend!”
Hayden just smiling at them, thanking River as he hands him the box with sushi. Looking at the box knowing to stay away from the wasabi, a lesson he learned last he tried. Trying to offer Charlie one of his bites, only to have Millie grab that one too.
“I guess you would rather have meat huh, Charlie. ”
Rylan takes his box and opens it, looking over at River who has opened his box and started to mix the wasabi with the soy sauce dipping his first piece in it. Grinning at Rylan as he puts it in his mouth.
“Huuuummmmmmmmmm! Real wasabi! Good!” “Well then… now I know what to bring with me when I come to visit you when you’re stuck in RoM huh?”
River smiles, throwing a piece of meat to Charlie, handing out treats to the other animals around them, then returning to sit with Rylan.
“Have you seen what they eat there?” “No.. that bad is it?” “Very bad. They cook mac and cheese in those cauldrons just so you know… “
Their talk gets interrupted by Vy giggling, watching Charlie and Millie and how they get along so well.
“I like Sushi!” “I do too, although I prefer your home-cooked meals by now.”
Hayden chuckles, both him and Vy pondering the same about the two animals their watching, that both seem to be better around the other.
“Maybe they should be allowed to be together at night, and… if they are this close, perhaps they could be adopted as a pair?” “They seem to like each other, I never saw a cat do this so easily with a dog they didn’t know.”
Hayden looks at Vy who looks at the two pets, River having listened to their conversation, nodding slightly
“I think I can let Millie in with Charlie at night. She’s a friendly old girl. “ “Millie likes Charlie and she’s very calm about him, I don’t think him being a stinky will bother her so it might be okay”
looks at River, struggling with his chopsticks
He throws chopstick and eats with hands, which gets all the pet’s attention mostly because off the chopsticks that are suddenly on the floor. Rylan chuckling slightly at it.
“Seems it is worth a try at least. It could be beneficial for both, and we can add a note that they would like to have a home together. I clearly need to teach you how to use chopsticks Vy”
He chuckles, managing to get the chopsticks with his feet before any of the animals try to chew on them. Rylan looking at River, trying to think of what cauldrons he could be talking about.
“Wait, in those really big pots… Ewww… Well then, I guess I will just have to bring you food as often as I can or you will be skin and bones by the time you come back! “
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stxvercgersslut · 4 years
Finally A Happy Ending
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Pairing: Hayden (Harvard Hottie) x female! Reader
Description: You’ve never had the greatest luck when it comes to love but that all changes when you bump into Hayden
Warnings: Tone of fluff, language, Smut towards end but it’s really fluffy and nothing too raunchy.
A/n: Gif is not mine! Bits in at Italics means that it’s a flash back. THIS HAS NO BUSINESS BEING THIS LONG 😂
It didn’t seem real, in fact none of this felt real. How on Earth did you ever get to this moment without screwing everything up for yourself like you usually did? Was this a miracle? It had to be right? It had to be some sign that God didn’t hate your live life after all.
Well miracle or not, you were still sat in a hotel room getting ready for the big day. Thats right. You were getting married to the most amazing human in the world. The love of your life. Never had you ever thought that you would get so lucky, especially like this. In fact you hadn’t even expected to ever find love, let alone get married. Yet here you were, being assisted into your gorgous white wedding dress by your two best friends, Annie and Emily. This was most certainly a dream come true.
“Babe are you sure you haven’t gotten the wrong size? Or the seamstress just hasn’t done the correct measurements? Because this dress doesn’t look right nor does it fit right. It’s practically suffocating your rib cage and We haven’t even managed to zip it up yet!” Your bridesmaid Emily commented as she struggled to completely zip up your dress since it haulted just below where the hem of your white lacy panties ended. Probably from the slight weight gain after your expensive trip to Brazil with Hayden a few weeks before your wedding. You guys had never eaten so much food in your life.
“No! I’m positive I got the right size!” Still completely in shock. Why the hell were things so difficult on what was supposed to be the best day of your life?
“Well either you’re got fat or someone shrunk your dress without you even realising because there is no way this dress is getting past your stomach unless you really breath in.”
“Just keep trying!” You replied before completely falling silent desperately trying to suck in your slightly swollen belly as much as physically possible, still in shock. Whilst you’re bridesmaids continued to help you get your somehow ridiculously tight dress to close, you couldn’t help but begin to daydream about that one writers evening that just so happened to be the luckiest night of your life. The day everything fell into place and reminded you that maybe life wasn’t always full of disappointments and that it’s actually full of good times too.
“You have got to be kidding me!” You groan as you plunge your hand back into your ridiculously expensive Chanel bag for what felt like the hundredth time tonight in search for your purse. But unfortunately, still no damn purse. Where the hell could it have gone? And to make matters worse you were literally in the back of a cab right now with no money to pay the driver. “No no no.....this can’t be happening! Not tonight of all fucking nights! Where the hell is it?!?” You sob quietly to yourself, a few fustrated tears trickeling their way down your cheeks, praying to any god that was listening that you’d find your purse. But still no luck what so ever. Great...now you were completely stuck in a cab that was most likely going to kick you out once the driver finally realised that you weren’t going to be able to pay him back. Unfortunately, you had another hour until your destination. How could you just stay there in the back seat riddled with guilt. You had to say something! So that’s exactly what you did,
“I.....I’m so sorry...” you began, swallowing thickly before continuing once you had been sure that the cab driver was actually listening to you. “My...purse....I must have forgotten it at home when I left....I’m so sorry...” you rambled, already beginning to allow tears to fall from your eyes once again. This was already the worst night of your life. Of course it was.
A loud screech echoed through the cab as it came to a sudden stop. “You’ve got to be kidding me! I just drove 2 fucking hours thinking I was getting my $400 and now you tell me you can’t pay me? Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were doing!” The driver yelled angrily as he yanked his seatbelt off before literally getting out of the car, opening the back door and literally yanking you out of the veichel in one clean swoop, sending fear shooting down your veins.
“I didn’t know! I’m so sorry please just.....if you take me back I can pay....I’ll even pay you more!” You tried to reason, knowing that your begging probably wouldn’t get you anywhere but it was worth a shot right?
“Don’t lie to me bitch! I’ve been round your type before! Greedy little stuck up princesses who think that everything in life comes free. Well it won’t work with me Princess and I’m sure as hell not driving you 2 hours back home! You can get lost!” The man spat, as he took hold of your arm, causing sparks of fear to jolt through your spine. This couldn’t end well could it?
“HEY! Get the fuck off of her! She doesn’t owe you shit!” A males voice echoed, ripping you from your fearful state and sending an over whelming sense of relief to flood you.
“Oh is that so? This bitch made me drive 2 hours out of town and then tells me she hasn’t even got her fucking purse! That’s not a coincidence” the cab driver bit back.
“How much has this cost you?” The mysterious man questioned, sending a quick sympathetic look your way before looking back towards the other male who still had a piercing grip on your wrist.
“What?” The cab driving questioned totally taken aback by the mans kindness.
“Oh sorry are you deaf?! How much has the drive cost you? I won’t ask again” this time the blue eyes beauty stepped forward, a threatening look replacing his kinder side.
“$400” He snarled still not letting go of your wrist.
“$400?!?” Now the kind strangers eyes were buldged so wide that he could have sworn that they would pop out of his head if he wasn’t careful. “I don’t carry that amount of money on me...do you do card?” He asked, taking out his wallet and beginning to rummage for his card, almost instantly finding it.
“What? No no you can’t do that! I couldn’t possibly ask that of you. You don’t know me....” you spoke, eyes widening as he placed his card against the machine watching as it processed his information and took the $400 from it in an instance. “Too late” he spoke jokingly, placing his card back into his wallet before practically yanking the drivers hand away from yours causing a sigh of relief to run through your body. Thankfully.
“Now you have your money so I expect to never see you around here again! And if I so much as see you picking on another women like you did just now then I will not hesitate to report you to your boss got it?” The Male asked with a angry smirk on his eyes. Clearly he wasn’t lying. Not when it came to scumbags like him. It wasn’t fair! Not at all.
The driver didn’t say another word, just scurrying back to his cab before eagerly driving off back to wherever the hell he came from. As long as it was far away from you you didn’t give a shit.
“Thank you!! Thank you thank you thank you so much Erm....”
“Hayden...thank you...I really can’t thank you enough. I promise I will pay you back when I get home.....” you spoke trying hard to keep your cool since you were literally standing in front of who you thought was most certainly the sexiest man alive. No one could be cuter then him right?
Hayden laughed sympathetically once more before shaking his head over exaggerating each movement to further prove he was serious. “Nonsense. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be treated the way he treated you. Are you okay? Because if you’re not you know you can sue for physically abuse and threatening behaviour him right? In fact if you wanted to you could literally sue the entire company for everything that it’s worth! You shouldn’t let him get away with it. It’s not fair” as the Male continued to ramble on about every possible way you could take legal action on the taxi ferm you couldn’t help but realise how handsome he truely was. The kindness just making him even more sexy. “I guess I just don’t want the trouble...” you spoke with a weak smile. Beginning to shake due to the cold air beginning to seep it’s way into your thin jacket. Wasn’t the best of choices but you didn’t seek to care.
Hayden sighed, taking in a deep breath as he watched your skin turn a slightly blue due to the cold. His heart beginning to throb when he noticed your shivers. How could he just leave you out here cold and alone with nowhere to go? If he was a decent guy, which he was, then he had to do something. Maybe he could drive you home? Take you back to his apartment? Pay for your hotel? Get you another taxi and pay for it? Just anything to make sure that you were safe and not stuck out in the cold all night where you’d probably freeze to death. And without a purse? Well you’d end up stuck out here till at least the morning. Just wasn’t fair.
Without a second though he shrugged off his jacket, instantly draping it over your shoulders not even caring if you shrugged it off. But you didn’t, which for some reason seemed to just hold it closer, placing your arms through the sleeves and grasping the zipper on each side to pull it closer around your body. Clinging to it like you were scared that it wasn’t real, like all of it wasn’t real. Like HE wasn’t real.
“Look....” he began, pressing his right hand to the back of his neck in though, desperate to help you in any physical way that he could. “Is there anything that I can? Where were you heading? Maybe I can drive you there? Or just take you home? I could even pay for another ca—“
You stoped him, you had to! Of course you did. Hearing him even so much as offer to pay another $400 in order to get you home. That just wasn’t fair. “No no I can’t ask that if you! Besides it’s 2 hours back that way...it wouldn’t be fair ...” you argued, pressing your palm against his chest as he walks further. Clearly he was reach for the hem of his jacket that you were wearing but you didn’t care. You still took it as an opportunity to feel at his chest. And me oh my how you were happy you did. He seriously was built like a fucking god! “I was going to my mothers.....but she’d probably have gone to sleep now. Plus I need my purse anyway....” you explained. Taking a deep breath whilst continuing to feel at his chest. Surprisingly he wasn’t pushing you away. So you just took that as a sign that he didn’t want you to stop. In that case you wouldn’t.
You were driving him crazy, no actually you were intoxicating. Drawing him in closer and closer with ever word. Causing him to beg and pleas to be with know you, to feel you close and kiss you. God how he wanted to kiss you and he’d only just met you. “Alright....then where do you live? I’m not leaving you out here on your with nowhere to go! Let me drive you home? It’s the least I could do to ensure your safety. It’s almost midnight and it’s pitch black. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you. Please?” Now he was begging, pleading and whining. Pretty much losing every scrap of dignity that he had left. Not caring how he sounded. As long as you were safe then he didn’t care.
He waited, and waited and waited for what felt like hours until you finally answered, replying with a simple thank you and a boss as to show that you were accepting his offer. Thank god for that. It was like a rush of relief flooded through him once you accepted his offered. Knowing that your be safe with him until you got home. So that was exactly what he did. He drove you home. And later, stayed the night to keep you company in your empty apartment. Of course, the pair of you exchanged number rather quickly before he left in the morning. This was the beginning of what was about to be the most romantic 4 years of your life.
The sound of you dress zipper finally giving up and actually going the entire way up, no matter how tight it was, had been enough to tear you from your romantic daydream. Causing you to realise exactly we’re you were. You were really marrying Hayden right now? How? How on Earth was that happening right now? How had your relationship lasted 4 years already? Oh you were a lucky girl.
“Y/n/n you ready?” Annie asked as she placed a hand on your shoulder, a soft smile laced in her features. Both of your bridesmaids were just so sweet, clearly excited to even watch their best friend get married to then man that you loved with you entire heart. Nothing would change that. Not one thing.
Slowly you were fully revived from your dreamlike state, actually now completely comprehending what they said “Hmm? Oh yeah....I’m as ready as I’ll ever be...wow is it really time already? That’s strange. Thought I had 3 hours left? God that’s gone quickly. Well time to get married I guess” you spoke shakily, a little panic begining to deep through as you slowly began to strut your way out of your hotel room and down to the main hall. Thankfully everyone had already been seated in the grand garden outside where the wedding would be held. So you had time to sneak your way out into the hall, narrowly avoiding being seen by your husband to be and the rest of the guests through the large glass windows right in front of the garden.
Neither of you had many guests. Hayden had a couple of his good friends from college, his father (although he didn’t seem to actually want to be there) and a few other people but in all fairness he only had 15 guests. Where as you didn’t have any parents, your father sadly passed away before you’d gotten to the age of 17. And your mother? Well she had died 5 weeks before the wedding. So you only had Emily, Annie, your 3 friends from college and your uncle. So in total you only had 21 guests. Not that you wanted too many anyway. A small gathering of people was more then enough for the both of you.
Emily quickly ducked her head out to the garden, giving the band and the wedding planner a thumbs up before sneaking back inside and behind you to hold onto your train. It wasn’t too long but still if you attempted to walk without aid right now then that would be sure to end in disaster.
“Let’s get you married” she spoke, kissing your cheek before giving you an almighty shove to force you out of the door. Not that you even needed the shove right now. Especially since you were more then willing to walk out there to Hayden in a heartbeat. He was the love of you life after all. That much had been clear from your very first date.
A week later He’d barely gotten a chance to ask you on a date before you were accepting his invitation to go out to a rather expensive restaurants near his apartment block. How he’s managed to book a table somewhere that was usually completely booked up was beyond you. Yet you still accepted the offer. Excited for what was awaiting you.
Saturday night was your date night, and you’d spent almost 5 and a half hours getting yourself ready. Curling you h/c silky smooth hair into gorgous beach waves, carefully and somewhat shakily applying your makeup (practically packing it on to make yourself presentable for one night that was bound to be the best night ever) and standing at the mirror having a mini fashion show in front of it as you tried on several outfits, before finally landing on a beautiful silk short sleeved red dress that rested at your knees. Pairing it with some slightly darker red heals before finally just sitting on your couch and nervously waiting for to turn up at your door.
You practically bolted out of the house the second that you’d seen his car pull up outside of your house, running in heals over to him and pulling him into a tight hug. What? You just couldn’t help it. In some weird way you’d actually seriously missed him and it had literally only been a week since he had quite honestly saved you from being thrown into jail for refusal to pay your cab fee. Not that you could have.
“Woah, hello to you too” he laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist equally as fast as he inhaled your cinnamon scented perfume whilst closing his eyes. “What’s brought the hug on beautiful?” He pondered.
Beautiful? He’d never called you beautiful. Well you’d only known him a week so he hadn’t exactly had the chance to. The nickname instantly causing a peachy blush to pierce its way through you what felt like seven layers of foundation. “Nothing, think of it as my way of saying thank you”
“Thank me?”
“Thank you for what sweetheart?” yet again another new nickname.
“For everything that you’ve done for me...and this...it’s just....I’ve never actually been with a guy that actually cared..most just wanted sex. So thank you for not being like those me” you admitted. Smiling weakly as you patted down your dress and patiently waited for his reply. Although what he did next actually surprised you.
Slowly Hayden lifted one of his hands, placing it delicately on your cheek as if he was terrified of breaking you. Like you were made of porcelain. “Well I’m not like any other guy....I’d never treat you like any of those idiots ever did! You’re a beautiful women who deeerves to have men worship the ground you walk on, not sleep with you and leave.” His voice no more then a whisper as he leaned in closer and closer towards you, barely even an inche away from your lips now. Oh he really was different. Especially since he didn’t kiss you, he stayed right where he was, not wanting to force you to kiss him if you didn’t want you.
But owe you so wanted to. Ever since you’d met him last week you’d thought of nothing more then to press your greedy lips against his and kiss him. Maybe that was your virginity trying to tell you something, that it was time to let go and divulge. But not yet. So instead you just wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, yanking him insanely close and soon pressing your lips to his.
The kiss was short and sweet, his lips gliding along yours whilst your hands were now carded in his hair. Messing up the soft wisps of hair. Neither of you wanted to pull away but when a large spray of rain came shooting down from the sky, practically beginning to shoak you already, it was evident that you had to pull away. Unless you wanted to get hypothermia.
“Wow..how romantic..” he begun, smiling like a big dork as he literally dragged you into his car to shelter from the rain. “I’ve never done that before...” he admitted, shying away a little.
“Never what? Kissed a girl?” You wondered a little puzzled by his words.
As if it was even possible Hayden’s cheeks began to burn a much darker shade of red. Almost covering his entire face before actually speaking. How was he so nervous? What was it about you that seemed to draw him in closer? “Well yeah I’ve kissed girls before....of course I have....but I’ve never...kissed them right before the first date...it was nice. If the rain hadn’t began to pour then I would have kept kissing you” he admitted that sweet dorky smile soon coming back.
“Well...who says we have to stop?” You asked suggestively. A cheeky little smirk landing there on your face.
“Our 8:30 dinner reservation actually.”
“Oh shit....I forgot about the date part”
Once again, you’d been dragged from yet another day dream by the studden feel of Hayden’s hands pressed against yours, dragging you closer so that you were only a small foot away from him and the sound of the Priests voice beginging to echo through the room God he wanted to kiss you right, both of you just half drowning out the Priests voice as you stared into each others eyes with love burning inside of you. However, your heard the priest gesture towards Hayden you actually began to listen. Now it was finally time for the vows, something you were more then excited about since you’d both decided to write your own vows.
Haydens hands were shaking as he took the piece of paper from his father, trying his hardest to calm down his nerves but it wasn’t working. So instead he just began to speak. “Y/n....ever since I met you those 4 years ago, I knew that we would be together. Everything about you was perfect back then and it’s still perfect now! Seriously how do you stay so perfect?” He asked with a happy wife smile on his face, causing all your guest, apart from a few, to burst out into laughter. “You’re not only the love of my life but you’re also my best friend, my partner and my soulmate. I promise to love you with all my heart, to respect you every single second, to never argue with you when you’re clearly going to win” once again the guest burst out into laughter, calming his nerves ever so slightly “I promise to never ever buy you that awful take out food ever again” more laughter “and most of all, I promise to be the best husband that you will ever have. No matter what happens on the future, what obsticals we both face, I will always be by your side. We will face life head on together because baby? You’re never getting rid of me, you can try but trust me baby, you won’t.”
And with that Hayden took the ring from his best man, slowly taking your ring finger and slowly sliding it onto it. “With this ring, I promise to love and respect you for the rest of my life” now he really was calm, having now gotten everything that he wanted to say out into the open he heart had stopped pounding. So now he was just staring at you. Patiently waiting for you to begin.
“You know....I had so many things that I wanted to say to you! But nothing on this sheet would ever be able to describe how much I love and care about you. From our first date, to our first kiss, to our first fight, to our first house and now to our wedding I have loved you the entire way. And that’s never going to stop I hope you know that!” The room fell silent now, everyone watching to engrossed in listening to your vows to even so much as laugh since yours were so much calmer and more serious then Hayden’s. “I promise to be a good wife and treat you right, to try and stop getting jealous every time you talk to another girl, to go with you to bars when you ask me to and actually have fun for once” finally the crowd began to laugh, most so mesmerised by how two people could love each other so dearly to completely take in everything that you had said. “And most of all I promise to not get mad at you about everything when I’m only actually mad at you about one thing” with that you laughed softly along with Hayden before slowly taking the wedding band given to you by Annie and slipping it onto his finger. The most adorable smile gracing your face as you did. “With I promise that everything I have vowed to you is true. I will live and respect you for as long as I live”
The part of you barely managed to get through the I dos with out crying tears of joy. But finally once the priest had announced that he could now kid the bride he just couldn’t help himself, he had to kiss you. Pulling you close to his chest and just pressing the most humongous kiss to your lips. So full of love that you literally forgot about everyone around you. They all faded away, none of them seeming to feel to important to either of you right now.
The night Hayden had proposed to you had coincidentally been the exact night of your first fight.
You’d been so distraught after that you’d literally stormed out of your shared apartment. Not really caring where you went, just wanting to get as far away from Hayden as humanly possible.
He’d hurt you, yelling at you at your weakest point and continuing to shoot you down and accidentally insulting you twice over some pathetic reason that neither of you could actually remember. So deep into the fight that he’d barely noticed you’d left until he heard the front door violently slamming shut.
That night, when you finally got home, he tried his hardest to make it up to you. Holding you close when you finally let him finally touch you, leaving little kisses all over your body whilst whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
He even went as far as to eat you out after a few hours of kissing you. Eating your pussy like it was his favourite meal in the world. Which to be perfectly honest you were his favourite. He sucked at your clit, nibbling on it ever so often before sucking it into his mouth, sucking hard on it until you were practically screaming. Making you cum 5 times until you finally forgave him. It was a long 5 times but who were you to complain?
He just wanted to make it up to you, especially after accusing you of cheating only to find out that the man you were with wasn’t only homosexual, but he was your uncle. His friend had clearly gotten it wrong, so of course he needed to ensure that you knew he was sorry. Clearly Hayden was jealous but he hadn’t exactly expected to feel so strongly towards you. Especially like this.
“Marry me” he��d whispered as he began nibbling at your folds, it wasn’t exactly the greatest time to ask, but it had just slipped out. Half way through eating you out. God what a way to ask.
“Wh—what?...” you asked, still practically fucked out from the firth orgasm he’d ripped from you just a few seconds ago.
“Marry me” he repeated, still keeping his tongue pressed against your clit. Each one of his words causing a wave of pleasure to shoot down your spine.
You couldn’t take it, couldn’t talk whilst he was attached to your pussy. It was way too difficult to concentrate. “S....stop bab....y” you spoke, gripping onto his hair and yanking him away from your cunt. Thankfully he obliged and kissed up your body back to your lips. Letting you taste yourself on his lips making you moan gently before he pulled away completely to let you speak. “Do you really mean what you said?”
“What do you mean? Of course I meant it. I wanna marry you. We’ve been together for 3 years already baby girl, it’s time for the next step don’t you think baby?”
“Yes what baby girl? What are you agreeing to?” He asked, a slight smirk on his face as he finger slide down to your pussy, making you yelp as he began to play with your already swollen and sore clit. He really did wanna push you to the limit. Especially since you were waiting for your wedding day to actually have sex.
“Yes—I will....m—marry you..” you moaned out.
“I love you” he replied whilst strumming at your clit.
“I love you too” was the last thing you moans before cumming for the 6th time that night.
“Earth to Y/n!” Hayden spoke as he ran his hand through your hair, placing a kiss to your forehead before finally getting your attention “Are you okay baby? You’ve been quite for a while. Everything okay?” He asked worriedly whilst swaying the two of you back and forth, enjoying your first dance as a married couple.
“Hmm?” You asked. Still a little dazed from your third daydream of the day. “Oh yeah....yeah I’m fine just remincing on our relastionship. The good times..” you explained whilst slowly placing your forehead against his, being extra careful not to transfer any of your foundation to his face. “Oh really baby? And what are thought good times? Anything in particular?” He asked with a slight raise of his eyebrows, placing a soft kiss to your nose before allowing you to speak “memories like the day we met, our first date, the night you proposed.” You teased gently pulling away a little as you placed your lips against his. God he adored you, in fact he adored everything about you.
“Oh really? Well how about we escape from here and go to our suit? It’s almost midnight anyway baby, wanna go recreate our engagement night? With a twist?” He asked with a smirk on his lips. Not giving you enough time to reply before he was dragging you off the dance floor and through the hotel.
The pair of you had barely made it to your honeymoon suit by the time that you’d began making out in the hallway, both too engrossed in each other’s love that you didn’t even begin to care that there was an elderly couple ogling the pair of you as you attacked eavhither with your mouths. The pair Laughing and muttering something along the lines of ‘clearly newly weds about to seal the deal’ before walking past you to leave the pair of you to it. If you weren’t both careful then you’d most certainly end up having sex right in that very hallway. Not that that would be a bad thing, apart from the fact that this was going to be your very first time. Not just with Hayden but over all.
“Hayden.....stop baby.....” you muted against his lips, whining a little as he nibbles on your bottom lip with a small bit of pressure before completely letting go after your plea. His eyes so wide with list that he didn’t even need you to expand on why you’d stoped him. He just somehow knew.
So without another word, he dragged you over to the honeymoon suit, opening the door quickly. Egarly tearing the dress from your body and ridding himself of his suit until the pair of you were left in his boxers and your panties, before picking you up and throwing you onto the bed rather brutally.
“Hey!” You whined “be careful! You’ll hurt the baby.” That made him stop in his tracks. Questioning everything that he never knew.
“Wait what? What baby? Y/n/n you’re a virgin. How can you be pregnant? Are you lying to me? Have you not been a virgin this entire time?” He asked, worry seeping through his voice.
“No silly, I’d never lie to you. I mean the baby I want you to put inside me” you spoke the words in themselves causing your nose to crinkle up. Okay maybe you’d had a little bit too much to drink. Well yes of course you had, it was your wedding night you couldn’t not drink.
“Oh is that so? But this is your first time...”
“We’ve already establishes that...what’s your point?”
“My point is, that don’t you want your first time to be special and memorable instead of having your first time be trying for a baby?”
“But your my husband? And married couples try for children. You’d die you wanted a baby. Did that change?” You pondered, wondering exactly what was going on inside his head. If only inside out was an actual real thing that you could see.
With that Hayden pressed a sloppy kiss to you forehead, scattering time little kisses to you cheeks, chin, eyes and finally you lips. Trying to call you down before he began to explain. Once he was satisfied, he finally pulled away from your kiss swollen lips. “No no of course not y/n...I just.....didn’t expect you to want to try for a baby straight away.” He explain, stroking his hand along your cheek.
“Do you want to?” You asked.
“Of course. If you want to start right away then I’m more then happy to oblige my love” he replied.
“Then let’s get down to business lover boy” you teased, slowly pressing your hand against his boxers as soon as you got the chance.
“No baby, that’s not fair, my girl deserves the lovin tonight. I can wait. Just want you to feel good” he spoke lovingly, prying you’re warm hand away from his boxers before slowly making his way down your half naked body, taking he sweet time showing appreciation to each little part of your body, making sure nothing goes without his appreciation. But after a while of just listening to your whimpers and begs for him to finally touch you where you needed him the most he finally got down to your white lacy panties.
“These are beautiful baby, but their Gonna have to go” You giggled as he slid them down your legs slowly, revealing your already aching and throbbing core to him. Something felt different about this. But it was a good different.Kissing every inch of them. Shivers raced down your spine as the inevitable neared closer. Sure you've done stuff with him but it's never ended in sex. No, you've been saving that for tonight and now it was here you felt nervous. But even with the nerves, you craved his mouth on your heat. You needed to feel his tongue all over you.
“God....always so wet for me baby, haven’t even really touched you yet.” he groand causing you to cover your face with your hands, hiding your cheeks as they heated up.
However, he was right. You’d always been so responsive to Hayden’s touch. Even if you both hadn’t experienced sex with each other yet. you still being a complete virgin just made this so much better.
He moved them away almost as soon as they were there, his eyes locked on yours "I want you to watch as i eat this pussy baby, don't go all shy on me now" he ordered, his smile growing each time you felt his breath fan against your already puffy folds. God how you needed him more then you had ever needed him before.
Your back arched at the all too familiar feeling of his mouth on your bundle of nerves. You griped onto his hair, messing it up in the process as you tugged. His fingers circled your tight hole before he slowly sliped one in. You winced at the stretch, he'd never done this before but he did promise to prepare you for the big moment.
He knew it’d been something that'd lived in your head rent free. He knew you're scared to fully give yourself up to him. But he was going to make sure that he prepared you as well as he ever could. Stretching you until his fingers would move painlessly through you with precision, then AND only then would he finally slip into you inch by inch letting you feel every inch of him. But for now, he’d settle for eating you out until his heart was content whilst his finger stayed still inside you for now, feeling every little quiver of your pussy as he sucked visiously on your clit whilst a second finger poked and proded at your entrance before sliding in beside his over. Slowly beginning to move them in a scissor like formation which cause you to hiss in pain. It wasn’t the most painful thing in the world but it was still uncomfortable of course it was.
“Shhh baby, it’s okay I’ve got you. Just relax. Everything will be okay” he hummed against your clit, twisting and pulling at it with his teeth before slowly but surly pulling it into his mouth, sucking harshly as he continued to make you sing with his fingers, curling them delicately against your fluttering walls. Listening to each moan and each curse that you made.
“Always so verbal my love, and always so delicious. Taste like honey” he informed whilst licking at your clit. Never once letting go whilst his fingers began to speed up inside you. Stretching you out until you no longer felt the pain each time he curled them up to your g-stop. And that was your downfall. With one last curl of his fin he ran and one last suck of your clit you were cumming, moaning his name loudly whilst tugging hard at his hair.
But he didn’t stop. Not until he was completely satisfied that you were ready for him. Beckoning 2 more delicious orgasms out of you before he was satisfied that you had suffered enough from the fourplay. It was time to finally give in. Already rock hard in his pants he pulled his boxers down. Letting out a moan as he felt the relief of finally releasing the pressure. But still he longed to be inside of you.
“Now I’ll ask you one last time baby, are you sure you don’t want me to wear a condom baby? This is a big deal” he spoke softly, clearly worrying for his new wife more then you’d realised. This man really was the kindest Male you’d met. “Yes....I’m ready baby, I want a child with you” you whispered lovingly as you mumbled against his lips.
Needing to feel him once more before of course feeling him beginning to push into you. Hissing in pain as he fully stretched you out further then his fingers had. A small line of tears slowly leaving your eyes as you tried to calm yourself, small trickles of blood visible. But of course he didn’t let you look, he never would. Instead he kissed your lips. Giving you as much time as you needed to get used to the usual fullness of his cock inside of you. Finally becoming his.
“Hayden.....please....move” you begged after 10 minutes of just feeling him inside of you. Your entrance raw as he finally began to thrust carefully into your aching pussy. Moans and grains filling the room. This wasn’t fucking, this wasn’t just sex. No in fact this was truely making love. And from that moment on you’d be forever his.
2 years later
The years leading to this very moment had been perfectly normal, little to no disturbances. In fact the pair of you led a pretty normal life together.
“Y/n love? Can you help me please? I need to feed Lilah but Maisie and Kaden won’t stop clinging at my legs.” Your husband of 2 years now begged as you wandered into the kitchen, laughing as you saw your 1 year old twins Kaden and Maisie grabbing at Hayden’s legs.
“Alright you two little minx’s get off of daddy shall we?” You spoke, softly scooping the little one up off of the floor and into your arms as they giggled, happily his curling into your arms. Allowing your husband enough time to feed your new born little baby Lilah. “Thank you gorgeous” he spoke, slowly kissing your neck lovingly before pulling away. This was the life you’d made for yourselves and you loved it.
Tag list: @jtargaryen18 @et-lesailes @chuckbass-love @cevans-fics
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knifesxedge · 4 years
you really are about to unlock smth bc a) i have SO many thoughts on the sequel trilogy and b) im DESPERATE for a distraction so um. i think about the prequel trilogy and i really truly start to lose it. bc force awakens was SO GOOD. like remember the first time you watched it and you (me, but maybe you as well) were like? HOLY SHIT. it was obviously a new hope v2 but it was FRESH and NEW and there were cool characters that i CARED about. (1/3)
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HELL YEAH let’s get into it ok ok ok OPINIONS INCOMING.
TOTALLY with u on this. like the prequels make me mad about the wasted potential but tbh the sequel trilogy is just like. draining emotionally because they LOOK so fucking good. the force awakens WAS so so good, like very very star wars even if it was following the plot beats of anh. and then it just. tanked itself holy shit. like at least the prequels look bad, sound bad, it’s like a comical level of tragic. the sequel trilogy feels like having chalk dust spread all over my skin and then being put in an echo chamber of nails on a chalkboard 😔 at this point even tfa comes with a TINY lil bit of like 😞 just because i know what comes after but YES tfa is one of those star wars movies that just FEELS so fucking star wars it makes me unhinged. “THATS ONE HELL OF A PILOT” YEAH BITCH!!! IT IS!!!!! GAY PEOPLE!!!
the last jedi. a mess. i like certain rian johnson films but he should not be allowed to be anywhere near Star Wars. my main problem? (beyond the racism and romanticizing stalking and emotional and physical abuse?) it doesn’t FEEL like star wars. like. ok even in the darkest moments in mainstream star wars films they are SUPPOSED to feel hopeful. tlj feels like watching a train wreck in slow motion it’s just like shitty thing after shitty thing after shitty thing happening to the main cast. i think the casino planet’s design was a little lazy and WAY too underlit and rose’s character was pointless in the way she was shown in the movie. exhausting. the jokes were all on the wrong edge of disrespectful to the characters and the original star wars like luke tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder? appalling. not funny just there for shock value. everyone is out of character. everyone is stressed and miserable all the time. aside from things i didn’t really want to see but wouldn’t have argued with in a better movie (ie luke dying) it really was just a racist misogynistic mess. oh yeah did i mention how they did rey’s character dirty because she went from being a scrappy desert mechanic who’s a little dorky and just trying to find a family and a place in the galaxy to Bland White Girl Servicing a Man’s Character. that pales in comparison to how finn poe and rose’s characters were treated but HOLY shit. i walked out of the theater crying. tfa raised my expectations only to have tlj smash them down to the floor it was. hhhhh ok ok ok im trying to think if i liked anything from the movie. um. you were right it looked good! sound and score were great as usual. i did think poe’s conversation with hux at the beginning was funny. i really liked when leia used the force to come back to the ship (ik that was a controversial scene for some people but i did really like that scene. she deserves it). laura dern is cool i hated her character but in theory laura dern being leia’s lesbian boarding school friend is neat. but yeah im sorry i really REALLY didn’t like that movie we only saw it in theaters once it was so bad. :( i do agree with u abt the force mysticism being cool tho!
rise of skywalker. now maybe it’s because the bar was on the floor after tlj. but i actually liked it quite a bit. still kind of a mess. jj trying to retcon all of the stuff from the last movie because for some reason he wasn’t just allowed to do the whole trilogy. the pacing being a nightmare for the first half. the atrocious abuser-validating kiss at the end. but im gonna be real after having to sit through tlj i was happy enough just to see the main trio back together and finn and poe being treated with more respect to care much about that stuff. disney queerbaits me once again but that’s on me for clowning. i really genuinely liked the scene where rey passes the lightsaber to kylo i thought that was cool but it was overshadowed by the knowledge that the Kiss 🤮 was coming so i didn’t get to enjoy it like i wanted. ALSO hayden christiansen and all the other actors doing the voices in the scene where rey is fighting the emperor (who im pretty sure was only in there because RIAN put the trilogy’s intended big bad into a sparkly gold bathrobe and killed him off in the second movie but im not complaining about seeing ian mcdiarmid) were apparently on set in costume and force ghosts were supposed to protect her in like a big circle and what im saying is i feel robbed and cheated and feral
the only movie of the three i REALLY liked was tfa. now we’re back to How Would I Fix It. step one fire rian johnson. step two put JJ on the whole trilogy and HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE for having a plot planned out, or else get a different director TO DO ALL THREE MOVIES. none of this middle of the road “trying to appease both sides of the fandom” bullshit. kylo dies at the end and they DO NOT kiss and that is all the redemption he gets. if disney is claiming gay rep then they SHOW us ACTUAL gay representation. poe and finn kiss on screen and we don’t get a two second blurry background kiss between random characters. completely toss out whatever the fuck that plot was supposed to be in tlj and separate ros into two movies so JJ could actually DO the entire plot he had planned (instead of disney execs chopping down what was p much a four hour movie into two hours twenty two minutes which was SHORTER than the two hour forty minute cut jj reluctantly okayed but i DIGRESS).
god. what the fuck. anyways sorry for completely going off the rails but ty for sharing ur sequel trilogy opinions and ty for letting me rant sorry this got so long but ily!!! ❣️💕💝
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beekwarcraft · 4 years
<Hearthglen - March 22nd - Evening >
Hayden was sitting in his room -- provided by his Brothers-In-Arms when he'd stay for short visits. They were always warm and accommodating. 
 His armor propped up in the corner, metal glinting in the moonlight. Its surface marred with a few scratches and dents from heavy training sessions. 
 The paladin was in his more casual attire, having been ready to turn in for the night. 
 He had a small light globe illuminating the pages as he wrote in his booklet.  
 Hayden gently tapped the globe with his finger tips and the light went out.
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
Flirt - Theo Raeken
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warnings: swearing, mentions of sexual activities, lotso alcohol so underaged drinking, very belated request word count: 4535 (THATS WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT I WROTE IT IN 1 DAY) requested by anon! again sorry the request took me forever to get to ya, but i didn’t forget! although I did change some things around... hope you still like it tho
“Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?”
 You turned from where you stood on the steps of the school, and rose an eyebrow at Theo Raeken.  He winked, bounding up the stairs towards you.  “And how are you this mornings, darling flower?” You rolled your eyes, but let him walk next to you anyways.
 “I am absolutely wonderful now that I have Mr Raeken escorting me into the building.  And you?”
 “Well I do find myself fancying walking with you, flower” He replied.  You laughed to yourself as you headed into the school.
 “Nice chatting as always Raeken.  See you later”
 “Adios Chica”
 He watched you walk off to your locker, and he paused in the hall.  You met up with your friend, Kira, as you always did.  Theo let out a sigh.  Sure, he flirted around, it was like his trademark.  But he didn’t flirt to anyone the way he flirted with you.  He pursued you.  You… the girl unaware of what his past truly was.  Sure, he’d been told by Scott that you knew about the more… supernatural side of Beacon Hills.  Basically that you knew about the McCall pack, but wasn’t involved.  He persisted on knowing more about you, but Scott only cared to share your knowledge on the werewolves banshees and kitsunes.
 But he was aware that you had no clue of his own involvement, including his chimera status.
 You were at your locker with Kira, the girl pushing you into answering her daily questions about your encounters with Theo.
 “Did he use a pickup line? He always does, what’d he say today? Was it cute? Do you think you like him?”
 “Hey hey hey” You said with a chuckle.  “Kye, I love you, but this is getting out of hand.  Theo’s… popular.  You think he’s gonna go for some random girl like me? No.  He’s not” Kira made a pout.
 “I don’t know girly… he seems like he’s really into you” You crinkled your nose and shook your head.
 “No… no I doubt he’s like that”
“Doubt who’s like what?” Lydia asked, having popped out of nowhere.  Already using the mirror on your locker door to fix up her lip gloss.
 “y/n don’t think that Theo likes her” Kira said.  Lydia rolled her eyes.
 “Oh please, I haven’t ever seen a boy salivate that much.  And I’ve taken Stiles to get curly fries” She said with a short laugh.  “Seriously, just go for it.  What’ve you got to lose?”
 “My dignity?” You said sarcastically.  Kira rolled her eyes with Lydia this time.
 “You’re not even gonna take a real chance?” She asked.  You pursed your lips.
 “Maybe if Lyds gets me tipsy enough at her next party” You said.  Your friends sighed.
 “Come on y/n, that’s totally not fair” Kira said in a defeated tone.  “You flirt with hi,, and he flirts back.  You’re both into each other, why not just… you know” Kira began wildly clapping her hands.  Lydia’s brows furrowed.
 “Hatefuck each other?” The banshee guessed.  You slapped a hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter.
 “What!?” Kira asked with wide eyes.  Oh the innocence of this fox would never not be funny to you.  “No- no! I meant- I meant get together!” Kira began to clap again, this time sending you and Lydia into pity giggles and head shakes.
 “No sweetie… no that’s not what that means.  Like at all” Lydia said, wrapping an arm around the kitsune’s shoulders as the three of you began to walk to class.
“Oh my God…. I do that when I’m talking to people all the time…” Kira mumbled, making you both laugh again as you went into class. 
You ended up unable to focus during the entire class.  You were too busy wondering about what the girls had told you about Theo.  Sure, you were kinda interested.  A cute boy who flirts with you? Who wouldn’t be interested.  But you were certain that his intentions weren’t to have a romantic evening at dinner and a movie.  No, Theo Raeken seemed more like a one night stand kind of guy.  
Theo sighed as he sat down at his picnic table outside for lunch.  Yeah, for a ‘popular’ and big flirt, he ate lunch alone.  After his encounters with the McCall pack, Stiles had a thing for glaring him down in the cafeteria.  Or the hallways.  Or class.  And once he accidentally walked into the bathroom while Stiles was already there.  Usually he didn’t mind the alone time, in fact he quite enjoyed it.  He was able to get back into the swing of things.  Focus on classes, raising grades.  As well as keeping his cool and forgetting about the past.
 But he knew you were in the lunchroom.  Laughing and smiling with your friends… who happened to be the McCall pack but Theo would risk getting the evil eye from Stiles to listen in on your giggling.  But then he’d also have to go through the hassle of finding a table and alas, he had no friends.  Hayden was the closest thing to a friend he had… but last he heard she was part of Scott’s pack now and likely wanted nothing to do with him.
 You wandered outside, needing a break from your group of friends.  Well, needing a break from Stiles and Lydia’s clinginess, from Kira’s continued questions, Scott’s check up on your grades, Malia’s… well Malia didn’t do anything you loved Malia, but you needed a break from everyone really.  No one was out there, a nice empty space of picnic tables.  You took in a deep breath and looked over the area…. Your eyes landed on Theo.  Your brows furrowed at the sight.  Theo Raeken ate lunch alone?
 “Hey Raeken” You called, walking down the steps and into the courtyard.  He looked up from a book.  A book.  You never pegged him for a reading guy. 
“Hey l/n” He replied.  You stood in front of his table, next to the bench across from him.  “Well sit down if you like, but if you’re ditching this early I’d get your ass moving” He said with a light hearted chuckle.  You shook your head and sat across from him, setting your bag next to you.
“I don’t ditch.  I don’t want to get in trouble” Theo laughed.  “What? Is there something funny about my wanting to have a good education?” You asked.  You shook his head, pursing his lips and putting his hands up in surrender.
“Oh no, I just don’t expect any less from you lovely y/n” He said.  You raised an eyebrow.
“And what does that mean?” You asked, folding your hands together and setting them on a table.
“It means, toots” He started.  “You wouldn’t ditch, if I gave you all the money in my wallet, right now” You thought about it for a moment.
“Hm” He rolled his eyes.
“Are you seriously contemplating it? Please, I see you getting the bite from Scott before leaving school grounds before the final bell has rung”
You sat in silence for a full minute before Theo realized his mistake.
His eyes widened and jaw slacked, unsure of how to cover for such a colossal screw up.
Before he could even come up with something to say, you were already responding.
“Well at least Scott’s an alpha.  I don’t suppose I’d like to be a part of your sorry ass ‘half animal’ chimera pack” You said with a scoff and a smirk.  Again, leaving him with wide eyes and a hung open mouth.  “Shut the trap dear, you’ll catch flies” You winked, and slung your bag over your shoulder.
“You.. you knew?”
“I gotta go hun” You said, standing from your seat and making your way towards the school again.  “Don’t wanna be late for class” Theo shook his head, left a stunned mute in his lonesome.
 The next morning you were getting out of Stiles’ jeep, and tiredly walking yourself up the steps of the school.  Nothing had happened to make you this tired, it was just one of those mornings.  The kind where you were jeans converse and a sweatshirt, a messy bun on your head and a coffee in your hand.  Well, Stiles did spend the whole drive to the school telling you terrible things about Theo, so that wore you out.  At least all his arguments were things you already knew.  
‘I mean, look at the gel in his hair’
‘He flirts around a lot’
‘He eats lunch all by himself’
‘There’s a reason he’s got no friends’
To be honest, everything he used just made you feel bad for Theo.  He really didn’t have friends… at least not ones you ever saw him hang out with.  You frowned at the thought, and looked to Stiles as you walked towards the school together.
“Did he have friends ever? Like in elementary school or anything?” You asked.  Having been new to Beacon Hills in the eighth grade, you hadn’t known Theo until he had supposedly moved back in the beginning of your senior year.
“Yeah.  Me and Scott” Stiles said, tugging on the strings of his jacket.
“Scott and I” You corrected with a mumble.  But didn’t push the subject any more.  He’d only argue against you.  If you even breathed Theo’s name, you were sure Stiles would pop up with five more text based facts about why you should steer clear of him.  Most of them relating back to ‘because he’s evil’.
Was he? Would you even know? All that Kira had oh so secretly filled you in on was that Theo was a chimera, and for a short while he had a pack of chimeras that consisted of Tracy, Josh, Hayden and Corey.  Hayden and Corey being the only friends you had to talk to about whether or not Theo was a villain.
Josh and Tracy had mysteriously disappeared a few months back… maybe you should be doing some more investigating.
“Kira!” You called, ditching Stiles and rushing over to your petite asian friend.
“Kay bye” Stiles muttered, trying to hide his embarrassment of you leaving him alone by searching for Scott or Lydia.
“Hi” Kira said with a chipper tone but a confused look.  “What…? Did you forget to do the Econ homework cause I did too and I was gonna ask Lydia for help on it-”
“Tell me about Theo” You said bluntly.  Her eyes widened to a round almond shape.
“Tell me Kira, I need to know”
Meanwhile across the hall, Theo perked up at the sound of his name being spoken in a recognizably soft tone.  He looked over from where he was putting his coat in his locker, to where you stood just down the hall with Kira.  Just far enough that he could listen in without getting caught.  His ear perked as he stuffed his bag with books to look busy.
“... I mean Scott wasn’t dead dead, well, he was, but only for a few minutes!” Kira said quickly.  Theo could hear the quickening in your heartbeat.
You were scared.
He shook his head, furrowing his brows as he continued to listen to the conversation against his better judgement.
“He… he k- he killed Scott?” You stuttered over your words, speaking quietly.  Theo looked down the hall now, meeting Kira’s eyes.  Your back was turned to him.
“Yes” She answered, maintaining eye contact with him.
He wanted to glare, he wanted to slam his locker, maybe storm down there and deliver a nice ‘fuck you’ to the thunder kitsune.
But he couldn’t.  He could only stare longingly at the back of your head.  Kira looked at him again, giving a slight frown.  He wondered if she meant it as an apology, or just for pity.  The bell rang, and he heard you and Kira exchange goodbyes.
When you turned around, you began walking down the hallway quickly.  He could see you tightly clutching a binder to your chest.  He turned slightly, making himself more visible to you, and he contemplated saying something, but he didn’t know how, or what to even say 
You saw him before he could finish his thought.  Your eyes widened, and you stepped further away from him, walking closer to the opposite wall of lockers.
“Don’t” You said in the most serious tone you could muster.  “Don’t talk to me”
 He opened his mouth, but closed it instantly.  He could see the tears in your eyes, and didn’t want to push you anymore than he already had.
“You- how- how dare you” You said with a snarl.  “How dare you”
I’m sorry, he wanted to say.  I’m sorry for everything, I should’ve told you, I should’ve been honest about everything.
“You, Theo Raeken” You looked away for a moment, then shook your head as you stared back at him.  “You’re a terrible person” You told him, voice cracking.  You opened your lips to say something else, but couldn’t bring yourself to do it.  So you settled for shaking your head again.   
You walked off, and Theo was left in an empty hallway. 
“What an asshole! What a total dickwad!” You exclaimed, swigging back a drink of your beer as you sat on Lydia’s sofa.  She sighed, looking over at Kira and Malia, who were curled up on the recliner.  Malia had fallen asleep within the first two hours of the girls night sleepover.
“Look, y/n can I tell you something? Like, some real and solid advice?” You shrugged and nodded, taking a few more drinks.  “I think… I think he’s better now.  Since he’s come back”
“What!?” You exclaimed, and Kira shot you a look, gesturing to her sleeping girlfriend.  “Sorry I just- Lyd” You said her name in a breathy laugh.  “He, he killed Scott, Kira told me everything he did, he hit you too and nearly killed you in EIchen how can-”
“Yes, he did horrid, and awful things” Lydia said.  “But he was literally dragged down, to the pits of hell, for months… I think he’s learned a lesson or two”
 You let this sink in whilst chugging down the rest of your beer.
“Anyways, I invited him to my party tomorrow night.  Well, I invited everyone, but still, he said he’d be there so” Lydia shrugged, pretending to care about her fingernails but she was watching you out of the corner of her eye.  “Maybe you can talk to him, or something”
Maybe you could.
 Theo closed the front door behind him, almost being shoved against it by the mass amount of dancing bodies in Lydia Martin’s living room.  He swiftly moved past them and made his way to the kitchen.  Then double checked his phone.
Lydia Martin: come to the kitchen when you get here Lydia Martin: i’ll put wolfsbane in your drink.  You’ll need it
He ended up pushing a few people aside and promptly apologizing.  When he reached the Martin kitchen, he saw Lydia there, pouring and mixing drinks, handing out beer bottles and red solo cups.  At the dining table some girl was dancing on it and a ring of guys took shots of toxic liquid god knows what 
“Ah Mr Raeken!” Lydia grinned, waving him over.  “Hey, Mal take my spot” She said, Malia instantly trading places with her.  Lydia grabbed two plastic cups and met Theo at the kitchen entrance.  “Come with me” She told him, and he blindly followed her to the backyard.  He was surprised no one was back here.
“Are you gonna kill me-”
“Nope” Lydia handed up one of the cups, and when he took it she drank from hers.
“Okay… and why’d you want me to come tonight? I mean thanks but-”
“Cut the bullshit you only came cause you knew y/n would be here” Theo snapped his mouth shut and Lydia giggled.  “I knew it! Cute” She took another drink, slightly swaying to the loud music inside, muffled out here.
“Yeah.. yeah I did but she doesn’t want to talk to me anyways so..” Theo shrugged, taking a whiff of his drink.  When he smelled the wolfsbane he took a small sip, and was surprised by the old yet familiar sensation of liquor running down his throat.
“Anywho.  She’s dancing with Kira.  You should go ask to talk to her” Theo snorted at that.
“Yeah, thanks sweets, but she’d rather shove a stick up my ass first” Lydia crinkled her nose and cringed at the image in her head, but shook her head to get rid of it.
“Okay… but you’re wrong” Lydia said, using her ‘Sweetie I’m smarter than you so I know what I’m talking about’ voice.
“I’m wrong?” Theo asked, drinking more of whatever it was Lydia had made for him.
“Yeah.  You are.  You don’t think that I explained to her the whole story?” Lydia asked, her tone becoming softer.  Theo looked at her, then looked down at the cup in his hands.  “Because I did” She said, maneuvering her head so their eyes would meet, hoping he’d see her sincerity.  “Listen to my heartbeat am I lying? y/n likes you, and I can see it, and I know it, you think I’d let her just be pissed at you over something she didn’t yet understand-”
“Okay but why do you care? Why are you helping me? Won’t your boyfriend be mad?” Theo asked.  Lydia smiled, and shook her head 
“I’m not here for Stiles.  I’m here for y/n” She said kindly.  “Just go find her” She added, then headed inside.
Theo thought about just standing in the backyard, drinking his liquor and contemplating the strange shit that was his life.  But after a second he knew he couldn’t be this close without trying to talk to you.
He went back inside, and pushed his way through the crowd in the living room.
When he saw you, dancing too cutely for your outfit of choice, his heart melted.
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You were wearing a black cocktail dress that fell to your upper thigh, enough that when you jumped as you danced, he could just barely see the smooth curve of your ass.  You spun around, revealing a beer bottle in one hand, the other happily raised as you danced to the EDM music playing.  You were laughing and smiling, eyes closed in euphoria, and if Theo had his scents right, drunkenness.  He frowned slightly, instantly worried for your own well being.
Your eyes fluttered open, instantly landing on him.  The only non moving thing in the crowd, about four feet away.  He was surprised when you didn’t scowl, or frown.  The smallest of smiles still stayed present on your lips.  After a moment, you lowered your arms and looked down at your feet, silently giving yourself reassurance.
Then you walked up to him, somehow managing to balance in your high heels.  He watched you, pretty much ready to hold his arms out to catch you if you were to fall.
“Hey” You managed quietly.  Theo looked dramatically to the left, then the right, before pointing to himself
“Me?” You nodded.  “You’re talking to me?” You giggled this time, nodding, and holding your bottle to your chest.
“Yes, I’m talking to you Theo” You said.  He smiled at you and bowed his head slightly.
“Well then the pleasure is all mine” You laughed again, and nodded your head off to the side 
“You want to go outside?” You asked him, and he nodded.
“Sure” WIth that he followed behind you to the back door, just like he had for Lydia.  When he passed her and Malia in the kitchen handing out drinks like before, the strawberry blonde gave him a hidden thumbs up.  Though he didn’t know if she meant it for him or you.  He opened the door and held it as you walked out, giving him another small smile in thanks.  He closed it when you stepped outside.
He admired you for a moment as you stared up at the inky blue night sky, counting the stars in your head, as many as you could.  After a while he knew he had to say something.
“Look, I figure you wanna talk about the other day, so um, if you have any questions I don’t mind-” You turned around, your beautiful eyes meeting his and Theo found himself trailing off.
“What?” You asked, your innocent voice quiet and soft.  You set your bottle down on the concrete patio with a little clink.  “Why’d you stop?” You asked, walking back to him.
“Sorry I just..” He stopped again, and you raised your eyebrows in impatience.  “I don’t know.  Waiting for you to ask questions I guess” You nodded, pursing your lips as you thought.
“Are you evil?” He snorted a laugh.
“I’d like to think not, but don’t ask Stiles that” he said, making you chuckle as well.  “Is that all you got? Not exactly what I was expecting”
 “Did… did you kill Tracy and Josh?” You asked.  His mouth opened, then closed.  Then opened again…. Then closed again.  You got your answer that way.  “Why?”
 “I can’t… I can’t answer that in a way that will ever make sense to you” He said honestly.  “Or me, quite frankly” You nodded, looking down at the ground and rubbing your shoe on the concrete.  “Look, I did a lot of terrible things, but I want- I need you to know that i regret every moment of it, every single one of them.  And if I could take it back I would in an instant” You looked up, eyes meeting his again.
 “I’ll take your word for it” You said softly.  He half smiled at you.
 “Any other questions?” You thought for a few seconds, taking off your shoes in the meantime and wandering into the grass in your bare and aching feet.
 “Come up with me” You said, pointing off to a tree.  Theo looked up, seeing a tree house in it.
“I never thought Lydia would be a treehouse building kind of girl” Theo chuckled, and you did too, shaking your head.
“No, it’s old.  She’s had it here longer than I’ve been around” You told him, climbing up the trunk to where the ladder was.
“How long have you been around? Did you go to Beacon Hills Elementary? Cause I think I would’ve remembered you” You were thankful he was on the ladder below you, so he wouldn’t see your blush.
“No, I didn’t move here till the middle of eighth grade” You told him, climbing into the box that was once a prized treehouse.  Theo crawled in shortly after you.  “But I didn’t meet Scott and Stiles and Allison till freshmen year, I was friends with just Lydia till then” You said.
“Allison?” You looked over at him, your features falling.
“Yeah.. yeah we uh… we lost her” You said solemnly.  Theo nodded, barely recognizing the name from something Scott had briefly mentioned a while back.  “But she’s in a much better place now, so” You nodded off, looking desperately for a conversation changer.
“So what’s your college future look like?” Theo asked.  You raised an eyebrow, sitting on the planked floor against the wall.
“My college future?” You repeated, and he nodded.
“You get questions, I get questions.  It’s the game” You nodded, smiling at the idea of the game.
“Alright, I’ll play.  I applied for a few places, but I really just want to get into NYC” You said.
“Why so far?”
“Nope, my turn for a question” You said.  “Why’d you come to Lydia’s party?”
“Hoping to find you miss y/n” He stated unashamedly.  “Why do you want to go to NYC?”
“Because it’s far and I want to explore on my own.  Gain a sense of freedom and independence you know?” Theo smiled at that, and nodded.  “Mr Raeken” You began in a deep formal voice, and making him laugh.  “Do you have the hots for moi?” He chuckled at the question.
“I do believe so, miss y/n” He said, shuffling over closer next to you.  For a moment you thought he was going to lean over and kiss you, maybe wrap an arm around you, but he did neither.  “And do you for me?” You looked over and smiled at him, fully aware of the mere two inches between your lips and his.  You nodded your head just barely.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a chimera to begin with?” You asked quietly.
“I didn’t want to scare you off so soon” He replied in the same volume.  You watched his eyes flicker down to your lips for a moment, then back to your own.  “Did you hate me when Kira told you… things?” He asked.  You shook your head, choosing to keep silent in this answer.  He watched you inch closer just a little 
“Do you want to kiss me?” You murmured.  Theo rose a hand, his fingertips dusting lightly over your cheek before cupping it.
“Yes” He said, your eyes trained on his lips as he spoke the single word.
“Then do it”
It only took him half a second before his lips slanted against yours, making you see stars behind your closed eyes.  Your hands slid up behind his neck, into his hair and resting in the soft locks.  You hummed in pleasure, scooting forward and moving your lips in sync with his.  You felt him smile against you, and you parted briefly.
“Wow” You whispered, eyes still shut and nose bumping his.  Theo chuckled, opening his eyes to find yours still closed.
“How would you feel on going out tomorrow night with the bad guy?” He asked you, and you opened your eyes, pressing your cheek against his warm palm.
“I would love to go out tomorrow night with a… a good guy in training” You said with a bright smile and small giggle.  With that answer he leaned back in and kissed you shortly, to which you pulled him right back in for a satisfyingly longer kiss.
“I like the sound of that better” Theo said, and you smiled again.
“Me too” You said, hands resting on his shoulders.  You stared at him for a moment, then moved closer on your knees, and straddled over his lap.  
Theo watched your actions, his arms falling from holding your face gently.  You both looked down as you sat yourself on his thighs, then met eyes again.  You smiled shyly, and leaned down to press your lips to his again.  His hands rested on your hips, then encircled around your waist to embrace you against him.  Your lips moved together in a soft dance.  He did even try to stick his tongue down your throat, showing you nothing but affection and gentleness.  You smiled against his lips, giving him one last, longing kiss.  You both parted slowly.
“I would like to fall in love with you” He told you, making you laugh softly and shake your head.  He brushed back the fallen strands of hair.
“I’d like to fall in love with you as well, Mr Raeken” You responded.
And you very well did.
hope it was everything you dreamed Xx
xoxo ~ jordie
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okay. first is first. so, anyone that talks to me or reads my ooc stuff knows i am an anxious mess like always. i constantly worry about being liked by my friends. there have been so very few cases of me never experiencing this anxiety about someone, and @adler-thewoman is one of them. sophie and i met on my first or second day writing sherlock. i was super new and had no idea what i was doing. i still don’t, but that’s beside the point. sophie and i hit it off immediately; by the end of the day we had an entire relationship built for sherlock and irene and i was completely comfortable with her. any anxiety i had about writing sherlock went away because she never let me feel like i was anything less than great at what i was doing. maybe its because she’s a teacher or maybe its because she shares a similar love of nickleback album covers, but sophie has never once failed to make me feel infinitely important even when i was loathe to believe that and there are few things you can do to make that up to someone. but a concept: sophie is an amazing irene. she’s been doing this for five years, granted with a long hiatus in between, and her experience shows in her writing. irene’s voice rings through in every reply i’ve ever read from her. she is -- and i say this in completely confidence -- very possibly the actual irene adler. there is nobody i would rather write witty dialogue with, nobody i have more dumb inside jokes and references with. sophie is absolutely fantastic and i adore her and her irene and am so so so thankful for her. without the martha to my snoop, i honestly probably wouldn’t still be writing sherlock.
second is second. @mvcrofts is someone that for a while, i had heard about but never actually endeavored to write with. hayden always seemed to take that extra step in his writing that i was hesitant to approach for fear of not being good enough. that changed the minute we started talking. i found that our headcanons lined up in an amazing way, and that we worked together beautifully ic. not that we have many threads, but there’s something to be said for long conversations about how the holmes boys grew up and grew around each other before branching off; hayden seemed to get everything i threw at him without me needing to explain things, and he always took what i said and ran with it. he’s an amazing mycroft and that goes without saying; anyone who has seen him write or taken the time to talk to him can tell you that. he’s also a brilliant person. bear in mind that i haven’t been talking to hayden for a very long time. maybe a week or a little more, at least thats what it feels like. but in that time hayden has made me laugh so hard i’ve snorted soda out of nose, cried in the middle of a restaurant, developed not one but two lumps on my head from throwing my head back in laughter and banging it against a wall, and on one occasion i actually physically choked on a potato and i wasn’t even talking to him at the time. so that’s how incredible hayden is. he has an affect on people and stays in your mind long after the conversation is over, but in a good way. in the kind of way that makes you want to continue being a part of his life too. he’s incredibly sweet and caring and god knows he needs a break from real life sometimes. i genuinely hope he sees me as a friend, because i haven’t gotten clarification on that yet, but he lets me call him denny, so i think thats okay. (don’t call him denny btw. i have dibs on denny and pretty potato boy as far as nicknames go.)
so. @fxrechild / @moongifted / @itsjustak / @irregularitiies. kacie. i always come back to kacie because kacie is my eternal rock in life. i’m shit at keeping friends. she can tell you this because she has been there for me through the loss of so many close friends of mine, yet here she is. kacie makes me smile without her needing to be there. she’s a thirteen-hour drive away from me and yet i’ve never felt closer to anyone and right now, it feels like i never will, and that is okay with me. kacie and i met a very long time ago in a fandom i don’t associate with anymore. her ocs were popular and i hated ocs because i used to write shitty ones. let me tell you, the first time i read some of kacie’s writing, i was blown away. i was shocked that someone who wrote an oc could possibly write like she did; even three years ago, kacie was incredibly gifted and had an understanding of her characters that comes with novels and screenplays, not shitty 2014 threads on tumblr. we started talking over her oc, k. k was different then, she wasn’t an alcoholic and she wasn’t nearly as cool as she is now. then it was rain. the ocs over at her other blogs came later. i have seen kacie make too many ocs, and i’ve fallen in love with every single one of them. rain the pyrokinetic and her roommate/girlfriend, ray, a superhero who fights in pajamas. her best friends, liam and freddie and dustin, a mermaid and a werewolf and a cursed fox. her badass aunt, k. pip, a new addition, part of freddie’s pack. leaf the forest man. a whole network of ocs that she has put so much time and effort into. i’ve never known kacie to half-ass anything. she is fiercely protective of her characters, and when it calls for it, of me. i cannot count the number of times she has threatened to take a flight down and beat someone up for me. all joking, of course; she’s very small and i would worry for her health. out of everyone i’ve met, whether its on tumblr or irl, kacie is the one person who i would be completely lost without. i don’t know what i’ll be doing in five years, ten years, twenty, but i daresay i don’t give a fuck as long as i’m doing whatever it is with kacie. (excluding death, of course. kacie isn’t allowed to do that with me.)
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waldorfcadence-blog · 8 years
Spring Semester has blew in
First day back for spring semster is supposed to be light and crisp,like the smooth wind. Friends rekindle and catch up after a lengthy winter break and classes are officially back in session.
 My first day back was an emotional whirlwind, not only was I placed into chemistry with Jeffery and Hayden, I also was the delivered the saddening news that the only person that ever made my small town high school experience thrilling and eventful,is gone. He was discharged, or at least thats the story the Bird is going with.
Oh Dear First Sergeant, I will miss you sir.
  Also Leon and I had a great heart pouring. I told him I absolutely refuse to be taken advantage of and hurt like he did when I was “nothing more than a babe” (a freshmeat), and basically he told me that I should leave the past to history, that he has changed. (its taking me every urge not to insert actual convo pics),but what he doesn’t realize is that my heart is still pain shaking.
This kind of challenges my commitment to the scheme I was going to put him under, I was going to make his heart and soul vulnerable and break him down like he did me. (I was even going to pull him so deep i was going to invite him to a birthday dinner that would have all of my friends attending)
ahhhh anyways enough rambling and gossiping on my personal effects,let’s discuss the mission.
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  The mission I have put into action is another aching challenge.Recommendations are just as important as a great college essay.Your recommendations back up everything else in your application..and good ones can make you seem better than what they thought while examining your app.. and if its a bad recommendation it can hurt it, and I feel it is best to have a teacher from an outstanding high education institution that also has a lot of teaching experience.
  Although my chem teacher may have experience, she may have too much experience.
I swear when she coughed while reading the class syllabus,a piece of floppy disc flew out 
My new English teacher is Canadian. I wonder if she’s a virgin.
damn damn.I forgot.Saturday night Marco and I had our first real connection since last year when .. well when it happened. I've been playing it cool all summer since Labor Day weekend, when I told him how I felt,but it didn't matter because Lorie had him under her evil spell.
No matter how much I apologize for what I did. he wouldn’t accept. He shrugged it off and he.. well he moved on like any strong dominant man would after what happened.
Now this sort of connection like the one we had Saturday (or Sunday morning) has only happened on time since I broke him down into a young broken boy last Christmas,
His graduation.
I felt it and it felt real. And idk I can’t help but wonder if he felt it too. 
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I guess B was wrong and sometimes you cant stop your emotions. Besides,they are our natural instinct. 
I was going to leave on a prerogative note by signing off with the status of my teachers virginity, but I guess now I can be studious and give a proper farewell.
Goodnight Champs and Storks,
Stay in step and sweet dreams.
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