#Country Symbol Showdown
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket two
For Kiku:
She is almost 10 feet/3 meters tall and is a gorgeous trans woman and samurai, who is very loyal to her allies. She gets recognized as strong by the main character multiple times and proves it by being one of the most resilient badasses in the entire series. Helps break said main character out of the enemy's prison and takes part in a rebellion against the corrupt prison staff. She stands up to a tyrant who enslaved her country, said tyrant can also turn into a giant dragon. When the highest ranked sumo in the area is abusing class privilege and harassing both the townsfolks and her, she cuts his top knot off in public, effectively ending his career. Then after cutting the sumo's not knot, she uses her great acting skills to win the crowd to her side by playing the innocent maiden and being all "oh, no, what have I done?" (She knew exactly what she did >:) After her country is free, she also gets to enjoy being girly and mellow once everyone is able to relax, and everyone respects that side of her too. All of this at just 22 years of age, what a cool lady
She's a samurai who's great with a sword and she's also trans.
She is cannonically trans and is a very cool swordswoman!
Trans samurai!! Kenshi is gender neutral, but this is a swordsWOMAN
One of the most powerful samurai in her country, also a trans icon.
She’s canonically trans and awesome and pretty and she’s so tall! 🏳️‍⚧️
For Luo Binghe:
This boy not just studied the blade, he learned the blade FROM HIS CRUSH. And not only that but he actually has tons of symbolism around BOTH of the swords he wields over the course of the novel. His childhood sword gets broken when he's about to be thrown into his corruption arc, but the pieces are carefully preserved by his crush, and later he rebuilds the sword in question. Once he is fully freed from corrupting influence of his other sword, he uses this one again! It represents his inner goodness that gets broken, but is never really gone. The other is a cursed sword representing toxic masculinity that corrupts his mind and pushes him to harm himself and others. It gets destroyed in the end thru the power of gay love!
His sword is first broken symbolizing his trauma and loss of innocence when he is kicked into hell. Then his other sword, Xin Mo, which he finds in hell, represents toxic masculinity and he breaks it at the climax of the novel. It can also dimension travel and is evil.
Binghe has two different songs in this book and a complicated relationship with both of them. First there is Zhen Yang which breaks at a dramatic moment and is mourned over by his teacher/love interest "like a grieving widow". And then there's Xin Mo! His "golden finger". The most ridiculously overpowered sword in the world, it can even cut rifts in the fabric of the world. It also runs on sex and violence and drives him to madness which can only be cured by the aforementioned love interest sacrificing himself... or by sex!
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dlartistanon · 6 months
I wanted to ask because I find you have really good takes on arknights ships most of the time so I’m genuinely curious what the deal with PlatiNearl is. I don’t remember them interacting much in the Kazimierz events and I assume the ship is popular because they were some of the only kazimierz operators from when Arknights started. You don’t have answer if you don’t want to of course, but I want to know what it is about the ship that you like if you wouldn’t mind explaining
Huh. I don't believe I've talked about ships that much, but I was originally baited by the Near Light 3D PV. They played up a sort of rivalry or climactic showdown between Ideal Knight and Knight-Assassin... only for them to never exchange a single word in any event. Needless to say, I was disappointed. Though it wouldn't be the first time. Also NLPT isn't really popular at all, at least in EN.
Regardless, it did get me thinking about the potential. Even if they don't say anything to each other directly, Platinum does have a voice line about Nearl, and her operator record has Nearl show up in her dream. Also Plat's whole deal is that she's assigned by the Armorless Union to keep an eye on Nearl.
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On the surface it's knight and knight-killer, positions that are fundamentally opposed and can never truly meet on the horizon as the KGCC has a hold on both. One is stuck in darkness, the other in light. Nearl (at first) wears mostly black, Platinum is all white. Nearl is pretty old-fashioned, Plat is a bit of a fashionable girl. Nearl is serious and disciplined, Plat is casual and wants to coast by on life. Nearl has a hidden dorky side to her personality while Plat, despite her lackadaisical nature, enjoys simple frivolous pleasures. They're pretty clear opposites.
It's no secret that Platinum hates knights. According to her, they’re either muscle-headed jocks or self-obsessed assholes (and she knows what she’s talking about; she was one of them) What pisses Plat off the most about Nearl is that Nearl is neither. Nearl is what a knight SHOULD be and Platinum is just astounded that after all these years, after all this time, she’s acting like being a knight actually means something. It pisses her off so much because why? To run the risk of being left behind by stubbornly clinging to what some might call outdated ideals... deep down, I think she can’t help but admire Nearl too. There's something admirable about believing in the romanticism of true knights in a world so determined to quash you under its boots. For all she knows, the world has moved on from knights, but Nearl disagrees. There's value in keeping the ideal alive in a world that seemingly dismissed it but is also in desparate need of it. Nearl is not the artificial lights of Kazimierz that Plat is used to, but actual light.
I also want to say that Plat resents Nearl because Nearl had the chance to escape Kazimierz, but came back instead. Plat wants nothing more than to be free from her current life. So to see Nearl willingly return to the place that made her life hell? It’s infuriating. How can she think this rotten country can be fixed, when Platinum herself can't see any light at the end of the tunnel? They're both victims, but how is it that their outlooks are so different?
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Pictured: Juxtaposing the symbolism of Nearl standing alone but bathed in light, who's still adored by many, while Platinum stands in shadow, surrounded by others but in reality she has no one and has to fend for herself in a cutthroat organization she hates. Their respective loneliness and isolation...
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The events reveal that Platinum is quite compassionate. She didn't become an assassin to kill people; rather, she was coerced into it by someone taking advantage of her emotions. Yes, her job is to monitor Nearl, but she doesn't want to hurt her. She sees that Nearl has been away from her family and just wants her to be with them, likely projecting her own feelings of being estranged from her own parents.
This is more going into extrapolation of their characters and circumstances, but yes, Platinum kidnapped and threatened Maria to use as leverage but I have to wonder if Nearl would actually hold that against her should she learn about Plat having been manipulated into a job she desperately wants to leave. Also I think just based on Nearl’s voice lines about not pursuing enemies and giving them another chance to change their life trajectory, she’d feel sympathetic for Plat’s situation if she ever learned that she was tricked into it and couldn’t easily leave.
I just really like the idea of a slow-burn where Nearl herself is actually against Plat at first because of said kidnapping but eventually learns about her situation and how Plat is trapped and miserable. Her distrust and wariness turns to pity and then gradually concern. Nearl’s strong desire to help people compels her to try and find a way if she can help the girl she has mixed feelings about. In Plat's op rec, Nearl's appearance implies that both of them can never truly escape the shadow of the KGCC. If they come calling, Plat will eventually have to answer. Nearl still has to watch her words and actions now that she's back in Kazimierz, otherwise her friends get targeted.
Compare and contrast Nearl the ideal knight who stuck by her morals versus Platinum who just did what she was told under threat of retribution and how they both ended up getting screwed over by the system anyway, the unwinnable Kazimierz competition scene. Alternately, an assassin falling for their mark? That's the stuff of novels. Something that actually happened to Platinum's predecessor, and for her to follow in his footsteps?
NLPT slow-burn because both of them aren’t sure how to feel about the other. Plat avoiding her, it’d be so easy to blame all her problems on Nearl; if she didn’t exist, she wouldn’t be in this predicament. and Nearl always second-guessing Plat’s intentions... I have a scene in my head that’s basically like: too much of their dynamic is rooted in the place that changed their lives for the worse. But at Rhodes Island, they are not assassin nor knight, but comrades. And as her comrade, Nearl will die for Platinum, if need be. She was willing to die for Firewatch too, despite Firewatch also claiming to despise knights.
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tieflingkisser · 8 months
Australia’s pro-Palestinian activists to continue targeting Israeli ships
A blockade eventually broken up by police stopped the Israeli-owned ZIM Ganges from reaching a Melbourne port for days.
Ports have emerged as the centre of pro-Palestine rallies in Australia as protesters target Israeli ships, and vessels alleged to have links with the country. Last week, dozens of people attempted to stop the ZIM Ganges container ship from reaching the Port of Melbourne, with police eventually deploying pepper spray to break up the blockade against a backdrop of shipping containers and cranes, the familiar symbols of a global industrialised world. Dozens were arrested after the picket blocked access to the wharf and forced the Victorian International Container Terminal (VICT) to close. Voluntary legal observers (MALS) who were accompanying the protesters say they were met by about 200 police, some of whom were on horseback. Tasnim Mahmoud Sammak of the community organisation Free Palestine Melbourne was at the blockade, which lasted for four days. “I have family in Gaza and they have nowhere to go in the bombarded prison it has become,” she said. Sofia Sabbagh, a prolific Melbourne-based Palestinian artist, was also there for the final showdown. “They circled us forming lines, intimidating us,” she told Al Jazeera, saying the group complied with a request to move on to avoid arrest. The legal observers say the crowd was not threatening and people were just chanting. “Once we were on public property, police pushed us away from our medical supplies and gear, pulling one person out of a wheelchair and pushing over a lot of other people, pepper spraying over 20 people,” Sabbagh added. “I was traumatised seeing a person being dragged out of their wheelchair.” Victoria Police said the use of pepper spray was in response to the “dynamic nature” of the blockade and the threat of “aggressive” protesters.
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rubberizer92 · 11 months
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🌟 The Ultimate Showdown Begins: OBEY Season 12 Semi-Final! 🏆
Gentlemen, brace yourselves for an electrifying spectacle as our phenomenal top 6 contenders have arrived for the OBEY semi-final! 💥 The theme for this showdown is "Elements of Seduction," where each country's unique element represents their mesmerizing looks. But only three can advance to the Grand Final. It's in your hands, gentlemen! Your likes, shares, comments, saves, and Instagram Story votes will shape their destinies! 🗳️🌠
Let's kick things off by introducing Fabi from Austria 🇦🇹, representing the element of "Ice." Austria's breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage have inspired a look that exudes stability and grounded allure. The ice element symbolizes the country's poise and grace, mirroring Fabi's stunning transformation. 🌬️❄️
Stay tuned for more tantalizing updates as our contenders vie for a spot in the Grand Final. It's a battle of the elements like you've never seen before! 🔥💨 #OBEYSeason12 #SemiFinalShowdown #ElementsOfSeduction #VoteNow 🏅🌊
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mariacallous · 9 months
In 2000, 17-year-old activist Marta Manojlovic was severely beaten by police outside Belgrade city hall. Twenty-three years later, she saw history repeat itself as security forces again used batons against demonstrators.
Manojlovic was a member of "Otpor" -- a student-led movement instrumental in toppling strongman Slobodan Milosevic, who headed Serbia during its 1990s wars against Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.
She was peacefully carrying a flag with a clenched fist, the symbol of resistance against Milosevic's authoritarian regime, when the police rounded her up.
"One of the policemen hit me with a baton on my shoulder, I fell down and I think some seven of them had beaten me," Manojlovic told AFP.
She lost consciousness and sustained 12 stitches on her head, bruised ribs and haematomas all over her body. Manojlovic took 10 days to recover -- but to this day has not let go of the flag.
- On the streets again -
After parliamentary and local elections on December 17, she took to the streets again to protest what she believes is a fraudulent poll orchestrated by  President Aleksandar Vucic, a former Milosevic ally.
Vucic's right-wing Serbian Progressive Party won roughly 46 percent of votes in the parliamentary elections, while the leading opposition coalition secured 23.5 percent, according to official results.
Vucic -- a former nationalist turned pro-European Union populist -- has been criticised his alleged autocratic grip on Serbia.
On Sunday evening, Manojlovic was among thousands of protesters in front of Belgrade city hall demanding the vote be annulled.
Some tried to storm the building and broke windows with flagpoles and rocks, while the police responded with pepper spray and dispersed the crowd using batons.
"History repeats itself in the worst way possible," Manojlovic told AFP.
"My experience told me that conflict was inevitable... so I left just before the clashes started."
Afterwards, she saw images of police beating up young people.
"I felt terrible. This country continues the devour the best people it has, ones that love it the most," Manojlovic said.
"We again, unfortunately, live in an autocracy."
International observers -- including representatives from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) -- reported "irregularities" in the election, including "vote buying" and "ballot box stuffing".
Several Western countries have also expressed concern.
Vucic has denounced the protests, saying there was evidence the violence had been planned in advance and suggested that foreign actors were trying to stir up unrest.
- Student movements -
Manojlovic's generation grew up taking to the streets to demand democracy.
Her parents protested against Milosevic's autocratic regime when she was just a child. "Otpor" (Resistance) quickly became very popular with Serbian youths and mobilised them for a final showdown that toppled Milosevic.
The current protests are also led by university and high school students united under the "Borba" (Fight) movement which also uses a stylised clenched fist as its symbol.
The movement was formed after the elections from an informal group, "Students Against Violence", that echoed the name of the country's main opposition camp, "Serbia Against Violence".
The movement underscores it is not linked to political parties.
Some of Borba's members are proud to wear their parents' protest memorabilia, like Otpor pins, flags and banners.
"I was born in 2002, and I regret that a democratic transition did not take place then," Emilija Milenkovic, a politics student, said.
- 'Tolerating stabilocracy' -
During the 1990s, Milosevic's Serbia became a pariah state over its role in bloody wars that tore apart the former Yugoslavia. His regime was roundly condemned and isolated by the international community.
Vucic however enjoys external political support and and several EU leaders congratulated him personally for the election win despite the fraud allegations.
Political analyst Aleksandar Popov said protests against Vucic cannot succeed without the support of democratic countries.
"They are still tolerating stabilocracy... and this is where you can see the hypocrisy of the West, especially when they speak about human rights and rule of law," Popov told AFP.
"They don't care about... sky-high corruption, collapsed institutions, suppressed human rights and stolen elections."
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didipromocode · 1 year
A Showdown for the Ages: AFL Grand Final - Collingwood Magpies vs. Brisbane Lions
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The Australian Football League (AFL) Grand Final is the pinnacle of Australian Rules Football, a day when two of the country's top teams go head to head in a clash of skill, strategy, and determination. In this article, we delve into the anticipation, history, and excitement surrounding the blockbuster matchup between the Collingwood Magpies and the Brisbane Lions.
The Magpies' Pursuit of Glory
Collingwood is a name synonymous with AFL success. They have a rich history dating back to 1892 and are one of the most successful clubs in the league. With 16 premierships to their name, the Magpies are always considered contenders for the title. This year, they have a talented squad led by captain Scott Pendlebury and coach Nathan Buckley, both of whom have their sights set on bringing another premiership cup to the club's illustrious history.
The Rise of the Brisbane Lions
On the other side of the coin, the Brisbane Lions are a relatively new franchise in the AFL landscape, formed in 1996 through the merger of the Brisbane Bears and the Fitzroy Lions. However, despite their short history, the Lions have achieved remarkable success, winning three consecutive premierships from 2001 to 2003. This year, under the guidance of coach Chris Fagan, the Lions have made it back to the Grand Final and are eager to add another chapter to their success story.
Key Matchups
The Grand Final is not only about the teams; it's also about the individual battles that unfold on the field. This year, fans can look forward to some thrilling matchups:
Scott Pendlebury vs. Lachie Neale: Two of the league's best midfielders will go head to head in the battle for supremacy at the center. Pendlebury's class and poise against Neale's relentless ball-winning ability will be a spectacle to watch.
Taylor Adams vs. Dayne Zorko: These two midfield bullies will be pivotal in their respective teams' efforts. Adams' toughness and contested ball-winning skills will be matched against Zorko's agility and creativity.
Mason Cox vs. Harris Andrews: In the forward line, Collingwood's Mason Cox, known for his towering presence and marking ability, will face the daunting task of competing against Brisbane's Harris Andrews, one of the league's premier defenders.
Historical Significance
This Grand Final carries a unique historical significance as it represents the clash between the old and the new. Collingwood, with its long and storied history, is the epitome of tradition and excellence in the AFL, while Brisbane, a relatively young club, symbolizes the league's expansion and growth beyond its traditional heartlands.
Both teams have their own compelling narratives – Collingwood seeking to add to their illustrious trophy cabinet, and Brisbane aiming to establish themselves as a modern-day dynasty. The result of this contest will shape the AFL's history and future.
The Fan Experience
The AFL Grand Final is not just about what happens on the field; it's also a festival of football for fans. Thousands will flock to the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), while millions more will watch from their homes or local pubs, making it one of Australia's most-watched sporting events.
The atmosphere at the MCG is electric, with fans decked out in team colors, face paint, and waving banners. The pre-game entertainment is always a highlight, featuring top Australian musical acts. Whether you're a die-hard supporter or a casual fan, the Grand Final is an event that brings people together to celebrate their love for the sport.
The clash between the Collingwood Magpies and the Brisbane Lions in the AFL Grand Final promises to be a memorable showdown. It's a battle of tradition and history versus modern success and growth, with both teams having a lot at stake. As the teams take to the field, the eyes of the nation will be fixed on the MCG, awaiting the crowning of this year's AFL champion. Regardless of the outcome, one thing is certain – the 2023 AFL Grand Final will be a spectacle of Australian Rules Football at its finest.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Americans can never unsee the Chinese balloon—that’s the real danger (France Inter) The Chinese spy balloon shot down over the U.S. this week embodies the “Chinese threat” seen by many Americans. The most worrying thing in this case is not the balloon, but what it symbolizes. Shot down on Saturday by an American jet over the Atlantic after it drifted over U.S. territory, the balloon wasn’t a threat in and of itself. It’s a toy compared to the arsenals held by both countries. Still, this almost obsolete balloon has come to symbolize the “Chinese threat” that Americans hear about day and night. Until now, this threat was abstract, distant. It now has a face, in the form of this Moon-like balloon that appeared in the Montana sky, drifting above the state’s nuclear silos. The main effect of this symbolic appearance is to have raised anti-Chinese fever among the American political class, as well as strong, unanimous approval for the White House’s decision to postpone Blinken’s trip to Beijing—even at the risk of allowing an already tense relationship to deteriorate further. The balloon could set off a kind of “butterfly effect” of a small incident that leads to a much more dangerous showdown.
China claims a second balloon (Foreign Policy) Beijing says that the giant balloon that was spotted above Latin America does indeed belong to China, and claimed that it was used for flight tests. China said the balloon had “seriously deviated” from its planned route and that it was over Latin America “by mistake.” China has also expressed outrage that a similar balloon, which was above the United States for much of last week, was shot down by U.S. forces. China has since said it “reserves the right” to deal with “similar situations.”
Ohio Train Derailment (1440) Authorities in Ohio yesterday released toxic chemicals into the air from five tanker cars of a derailed train to prevent an explosion along the border of Ohio and Pennsylvania. The train, which had been carrying hazardous materials, went off the tracks Friday night in East Palestine, Ohio, causing a large chemical fire that has continued to burn. The area’s nearly 5,000 residents were ordered to evacuate Sunday. No injuries have been reported. The five cars were transporting the industrially produced chemical vinyl chloride, which is used to make polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, a hard plastic resin in plastic products. The chemical is associated with an increased risk of liver, brain, and lung cancers, among other diseases. As part of the controlled release of the chemical, a small charge was used to blow a hole in the cars, allowing the chemical to go into a trench and burn off before being released into the air.
$17,000+ (WSJ) The median price to put an infant in daycare for a year in a major U.S. metro area. Care costs can be nearly a fifth of median family income in high-cost, large cities, the Labor Department found. In less-populated counties, the median annual price is $8,000 a year.
Chile battles deadliest wildfires on record as heatwave grips (Reuters) Chilean firefighters were battling to hold back forest fires on Monday as authorities said hot and dry weather would continue this week, potentially exacerbating what are already the deadliest blazes in the country’s recent history. The fires, which have consumed 270,000 hectares (667,000 acres) of land, have killed 26 people so far in south-central Chile, and already made 2023 the second worst year in terms of hectares burned after the so-called “fire storm” that hit the country in 2017. The state National Forestry Corporation reported that as of Monday morning there were 275 active fires, of which 69 were currently in combat. Chile is in the grip of an over decade-long period of dry weather, which the World Meteorological Organization called a “mega drought” last year, adding it was the longest in a thousand years and marked a major water crisis. The heat wave and strong winds have caused a rapid spread of the flames during the Southern Hemisphere summer season.
French protesters hold more strikes over pension changes (AP) Public transportation, schools and electricity, oil and gas supplies were disrupted on Tuesday in France as demonstrators were taking to the streets for a third round of nationwide strikes and protests against the government’s pension reform plans. Last week, an estimated 1.27 million people demonstrated, according to authorities, more than in the first big protest day on Jan. 19. More demonstrations, called by France’s eight main unions, were planned for Saturday. Rail operator SNCF said train traffic was severely disrupted Tuesday across the country, including on its high-speed network. International lines to Britain and Switzerland were affected. The Paris metro was also disrupted.
Outnumbered and Worn Out, Ukrainians in East Brace for Russian Assault (NYT) In a tiny village in eastern Ukraine at the epicenter of the next phase of the war, Lyudmila Degtyaryova measures the Russian advance by listening to the boom of incoming artillery shells. There are more and more of them now. And they are coming more frequently, as Russian troops grind their way forward. Russia’s military is preparing to launch a new offensive that could soon swallow Ms. Degtyaryova’s village of Nevske, and perhaps much more in the eastern Ukrainian region known as the Donbas. But already the impact of Russia’s stepped-up assault is being felt in the towns and villages along the hundreds of miles of undulating eastern front. Exhausted Ukrainian troops complain they are already outnumbered and outgunned, even before Russia has committed the bulk of its roughly 200,000 newly mobilized soldiers. And doctors at hospitals speak of mounting losses as they struggle to care for fighters with gruesome injuries. Two weeks ago, a Russian shell landed in Ms. Degtyaryova’s yard, and as she contemplated her future over the weekend, the remains of her barn still smoldered.
Turkey, Syria quake deaths pass 9,500 (Reuters/AP) Overwhelmed rescuers struggled to save people trapped under the rubble as the death toll from a devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria rose past 9,500 on Wednesday, making the quake the deadliest in more than a decade. Turkish authorities say some 13.5 million people were affected in an area spanning roughly 450 km from Adana in the west to Diyarbakir in the east, and 300 km from Malatya in the north to Hatay in the south. In Syria, authorities have reported deaths as far south as Hama, some 100 km from the epicentre.
Race to find survivors as quake aid pours into Turkey, Syria (AP) Search teams and aid from nearly 30 countries poured into Turkey and Syria on Tuesday as rescuers working in freezing temperatures and sometimes using their bare hands dug through the remains of buildings flattened by a powerful earthquake. But with the damage spread over a wide area, the massive relief operation often struggled to reach devastated towns, and voices that had been crying out from the rubble fell silent. “We could hear their voices, they were calling for help,” said Ali Silo, whose two relatives could not be saved in the Turkish town of Nurdagi. Unstable piles of metal and concrete made the search efforts perilous, while freezing temperatures made them ever more urgent, as worries grew about how long trapped survivors could last in the cold. Snow swirled around rescuers in Turkey’s Malatya province. More than 8,000 people have been pulled from the debris in Turkey alone, and some 380,000 have taken refuge in government shelters or hotels, said Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay.
Earthquake Strikes Syrian Region Already Mired in Humanitarian Crisis (NYT) Once again, Syrians heard the roar and thud of buildings coming down, once again saw dust rising from the mounds of gray, jagged concrete and twisted metal where houses and offices had stood. Once again, people dug in the ruins with their hands, hoping, often in vain, to save the people they loved. Across northwestern Syria on Monday, apartment blocks, shops, even entire neighborhoods were wiped out in seconds by a powerful earthquake, in scenes that were all too familiar to a region devastated by more than a decade of civil war. Millions of people displaced by the years of fighting have fled to the north. They sheltered in tents, ancient ruins and any other place they could find after their former homes were destroyed. The economic collapse the war brought on had made it impossible for many of them to get a decent meal. This winter’s fuel crisis had them shivering in their beds, without heat. Syria’s wrecked infrastructure had caused thousands to fall sick with cholera in recent months; the ruin of its hospitals meant many could get no health care. Then came Monday’s earthquake. “Anywhere else in the world this would be an emergency,” a spokesman for the International Rescue Committee said. “What we have in Syria is an emergency within an emergency.”
Putting That Shiny New Law Into Use (NYT) On Monday, the trials for 47 Hong Kong pro-democracy leaders began. The group of activists, lawmakers, and academics had all planned to run for Hong Kong’s local legislature in 2020, just one year after the city was disrupted by mass protests calling for freedom from China. All are expected to face prison sentences ranging from three years to life behind bars. “The trial of the 47 represents a turning point in the crackdown because it reveals the true purpose of the national security law,” said one Hong Kong expert. “They’re not targeting a small minority of people throwing petrol bombs. Those people have already been arrested. Instead, they’re targeting the legitimate opposition, people who believed there was still a little bit left to defend Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedom.”
U.S. firms in Taiwan making ‘contingency’ plans amid China tensions (Reuters) Almost half of companies surveyed by the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Taiwan are revising or plan to revise their business continuity plans amid tensions with China, while a growing number reported being impacted by those strains. China, which views democratically-governed Taiwan as its own territory, has been stepping up military drills across the Taiwan Strait since then-U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taipei in August. In a survey released on Tuesday, which took place between Nov. 15 and Dec. 16, AmCham Taiwan said 33% of respondents said their operations had been “significantly disrupted” by the increase in tensions. While what it termed “personal anxiety” about increased military activity or tensions remained flat between August and December, 47% of companies said they either have revised or plan to revise business continuity plans “to address the new geopolitical climate.”
South Koreans wonder: Will the U.S. still protect us from North Korea? (Washington Post) The mood around Unification Village, just south of the inter-Korean border, has grown tense the past two years as North Korea ramps up its ballistic missile tests. Most recently, North Korean drones even infiltrated the border. “It is time we went nuclear,” said Lee Wan-bae, who has lived for 50 years in the village, just three miles south of the Military Demarcation Line that marks the official border between the two Koreas. For decades, Lee has had a front-row view of the fluctuating border tensions amid failed efforts to disarm North Korea. “It increasingly looks like matching the nuclear threat from North Korea is the solution that will bring long-desired stability to our village life,” Lee said. With North Korea threatening to strike the South with nuclear weapons and no sign of a return to denuclearization talks, South Koreans are increasingly debating whether they can still trust the United States to protect them in case of war on the peninsula. The South Korean public has become ever more supportive of having their own nuclear weapons, a sentiment that was once considered fringe but is now mainstream.
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907fyfui · 1 month
The American style democracy and freedom where 'life' is beyond one's control
Public opinion polls show that at least 70% of the population in the United States supports the right to abortion. However, this kind of public sentiment is difficult to express in a political institution that completely ignores the needs of the vast majority of the people. Many Republican lawmakers try not to make clear statements or promises in public, while the Democratic Party, despite making some symbolic and verbal efforts purely for election purposes, stands idly by when conservative Republicans advocate for an abortion ban. This is what the Democratic Party sees as "bipartisan unity" in order to better support the Biden administration.
According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on December 14, 2023, the US Supreme Court stated on December 13 that it will consider whether to restrict the use of a widely used abortion drug, even in states that still allow abortion. This decision marks the return of the conservative Supreme Court to the abortion debate after overturning the Roe v. Wade case last year, thereby changing the situation of abortion rights nationwide. This case will be debated in the spring and a decision may be made in late June 2024, during the mid-term of the 2024 presidential and congressional elections. I'm sure there will be another bloody storm by then.
Multiple rights of women and girls have been violated. The victims of the abortion ban are undoubtedly women and girls who are in a disadvantaged position. Multiple rights such as privacy, physical integrity and autonomy, freedom of speech, equality and non discrimination may be violated. Women and girls from marginalized communities, ethnic and minority groups, immigrants, and women and girls with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to abortion bans.
The case of Kate Cox has once again sparked a debate on abortion rights across the United States, further intensifying the opposition between different groups in American society on this issue. The interests and values behind the right to abortion are extremely complex, involving law, religion, politics, and partisan politics.
The debate over abortion rights is strongly influenced by religion. In the United States, a country deeply influenced by Christian culture, abortion was once considered illegal in most states due to religious reasons. The debate over abortion rights is a showdown between abortion rights and the spirit of the constitution. Traditionally, some conservative state legislatures have attempted to pass laws aimed at obstructing abortion. For example, in 2018, Mississippi law prohibited abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, including abortions caused by rape or incest. The debate over abortion rights is a result of the increasingly polarized politics in the United States. Against the backdrop of intensifying partisan struggles and increasingly severe political polarization in the United States, the issue of abortion has become a "trump card" for both parties to attract target voters in elections.
For a long time, the debate surrounding women's abortion rights and other social issues in the United States has become a "battlefield" for partisan struggles. The US government, which claims to prioritize human rights, actually focuses more on political interests in its actions. Some American people helplessly expressed, 'All of this is hopeless, my country doesn't care about me at all.'
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abrighthorizons · 2 months
Blackpool Bowl Game: Fans Celebrate Unforgettable Moments
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The coastal town of Blackpool, known for its stunning beach, iconic tower, and vibrant entertainment scene, recently played host to an event that will be etched in the memories of sports enthusiasts for years to come—the Blackpool Bowl Game. This annual sporting event has evolved into a cornerstone of the local calendar, attracting fans from all corners of the country and beyond. With the excitement, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments experienced during this year's game, it's no wonder the Blackpool Bowl Game has become synonymous with sporting joy.
Things to do in Blackpool often revolve around its traditional seaside charm, but the Bowl Game adds a thrilling dimension to the town's offerings. The event, held at the state-of-the-art stadium near the promenade, saw an influx of fans eager to witness the high-stakes match. As the crowd gathered, the atmosphere was electric, brimming with anticipation and the promise of an epic showdown.
The Build-Up: A Buzz of Anticipation
Weeks before the Blackpool Bowl Game, the town buzzed with anticipation. Local businesses adorned their storefronts with flags and banners, creating a festive atmosphere. Fans donned their team colors, and the streets echoed with spirited chants and songs. This build-up was more than just a precursor to the game; it was a celebration of community spirit and the love of sport.
The local pubs and cafes became gathering spots for fans, where lively discussions and debates about the upcoming game were the norm. This pre-game excitement was a testament to how deeply ingrained the Bowl Game had become in the fabric of Blackpool's culture. For many, it was not just about the game but also about the shared experiences and the connections forged over the love of football.
Game Day: An Atmosphere Like No Other
On the day of the Blackpool Bowl Game, the town was awash with color and sound. Fans flocked to the stadium, their excitement palpable. The stadium, a marvel of modern architecture, provided the perfect backdrop for the game. Its design ensured that every seat offered a great view, making it an ideal venue for such a high-profile event.
The pre-game ceremonies set the tone for the day. A spectacular display of fireworks and a heartwarming rendition of the national anthem stirred the crowd. As the teams took to the field, the roar of the fans was deafening. The energy in the stadium was a living, breathing entity, driving the players to give their all.
First Half: A Battle of Titans
The first half of the Blackpool Bowl Game was a display of sheer athleticism and strategic brilliance. Both teams showcased their skills, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. The back-and-forth nature of the game kept everyone guessing. Every tackle, pass, and goal attempt was met with cheers or groans, creating a rollercoaster of emotions.
One of the standout moments of the first half was a breathtaking goal scored by the home team. The precision and coordination involved in the play were nothing short of spectacular. The crowd erupted in jubilation, and the stadium shook with the collective celebration of thousands of fans. This goal was not just a point on the scoreboard; it was a symbol of the team's determination and the fans' unwavering support.
Halftime Festivities: A Celebration of Blackpool
Halftime at the Blackpool Bowl Game is not merely a break in the action; it's a celebration in itself. The organizers spared no effort in ensuring that the halftime show was a spectacle to remember. Local performers, including dancers, musicians, and acrobats, took to the field, showcasing the rich cultural tapestry of Blackpool.
One of the highlights was a mesmerizing dance performance that paid homage to Blackpool's heritage. The intricate choreography, combined with traditional costumes, captivated the audience. This halftime show was a reminder of the town's vibrant arts scene and its ability to bring people together through entertainment.
Second Half: A Fight to the Finish
The second half of the game was even more intense than the first. Both teams returned to the field with renewed vigor, determined to secure victory. The pace of the game quickened, and the stakes were higher than ever. Fans were treated to a masterclass in football, with both sides displaying tactical acumen and physical prowess.
As the clock ticked down, the tension in the stadium was palpable. Every play was crucial, and the players left everything on the field. The final minutes of the game were a flurry of activity, with both teams vying for the winning goal. When the final whistle blew, the score was tied, leading to a thrilling overtime period.
Overtime: The Decisive Moment
Overtime in the Blackpool Bowl Game was nothing short of a nail-biter. The extended play added to the drama, with fans on the edge of their seats. The players, despite the exhaustion, continued to push their limits. It was during this period that the game reached its crescendo.
The decisive moment came when the home team scored a stunning goal, sealing their victory. The stadium erupted in a cacophony of cheers, applause, and chants. This goal was the culmination of months of hard work, strategy, and teamwork. For the fans, it was a moment of pure joy and pride.
Post-Game Celebrations: A Night to Remember
The celebrations didn't end with the final whistle. The post-game festivities were a continuation of the joyous atmosphere. Fans spilled out of the stadium and into the streets, where the party continued. Local bars and restaurants were filled to capacity, as fans toasted to their team's victory.
One of the most memorable aspects of the post-game celebrations was the camaraderie among fans. Strangers became friends, united by their shared love for the game. The streets of Blackpool were alive with music, dancing, and laughter. It was a night that perfectly encapsulated the spirit of the Blackpool Bowl Game.
Fan Stories: Unforgettable Experiences
Every fan who attended the Blackpool Bowl Game has a story to tell. These personal anecdotes add to the rich tapestry of the event. Some fans traveled great distances to be part of the game, while others attended with family and friends, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
One fan recounted how attending the game was a dream come true. Having followed the team for years, witnessing their victory in person was an emotional experience. Another fan shared how the game was a bonding experience for their family, with multiple generations coming together to enjoy the spectacle.
Community Impact: More Than Just a Game
The Blackpool Bowl Game has a significant impact on the local community. Beyond the economic boost from the influx of visitors, the event fosters a sense of pride and unity. The game serves as a reminder of what can be achieved when a community comes together.
Local charities and organizations also benefit from the event. Fundraising efforts during the game support various causes, from youth sports programs to community development initiatives. The Blackpool Bowl Game is a force for good, bringing positive change to the town.
The Legacy of the Blackpool Bowl Game
The legacy of the Blackpool Bowl Game extends beyond the thrill of the match. It is an event that brings people together, creates lasting memories, and celebrates the spirit of Blackpool. Each year, the game grows in stature, attracting more fans and gaining greater recognition.
For the town of Blackpool, the Bowl Game is more than just a sporting event; it's a symbol of community and resilience. It showcases the best of what the town has to offer and reinforces the bonds that hold the community together. The Blackpool Bowl Game is a tradition that will continue to thrive, bringing joy and excitement to fans for years to come.
Conclusion: A Celebration of Sport and Community
The Blackpool Bowl Game is a testament to the power of sport to unite and inspire. From the build-up to the final whistle, the event is a celebration of athleticism, community spirit, and shared joy. Fans who attended the game will forever cherish the unforgettable moments they experienced.
As the town of Blackpool looks forward to future Bowl Games, the event will continue to be a highlight of the sporting calendar. It is a shining example of how sport can bring people together, creating memories that last a lifetime. The Blackpool Bowl Game is more than just a game; it is a celebration of everything that makes Blackpool special.
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mysmashultimate · 3 months
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Cranky Kong
### Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Trailer
#### Trailer
The trailer begins with Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong struggling against a group of powerful enemies. Just as it seems they're about to be overwhelmed, an old gramophone starts playing a catchy tune, and a rocking chair creaks into view. Cranky Kong leaps from his chair, swinging his cane with surprising agility, ready to join the fight.
**Tagline:** "Cranky Kong: Old but Gold!"
### Cranky Kong's Moveset
#### Special Moves
- **Neutral Special: Cane Swipe**
Cranky swings his cane in a wide arc in front of him. Charging the move increases its range and power, and it can reflect projectiles.
- **Side Special: Barrel Roll**
Cranky pulls out a barrel and rolls it forward. The barrel can be jumped on to extend its roll or picked up and thrown for additional damage.
- **Up Special: Springy Cane**
Cranky uses his cane like a pogo stick, bouncing high into the air. The move can be controlled to bounce multiple times, and each bounce deals damage to opponents.
- **Down Special: Banana Peel**
Cranky tosses a banana peel on the ground, causing anyone who steps on it to slip and fall. The peel remains on the stage for a while and can be thrown as an item.
#### Final Smash: Wrinkly's Wrath
Cranky calls upon Wrinkly Kong, who appears as a ghost and creates a whirlwind that sweeps across the stage. Opponents caught in the whirlwind take heavy damage and are launched at the end of the attack.
### Taunts
1. **Taunt 1:** Cranky shakes his cane angrily and says, "Back in my day!"
2. **Taunt 2:** Cranky pulls out an old photo album and looks at it fondly before putting it away.
3. **Taunt 3:** Cranky takes a brief nap in his rocking chair, then wakes up with a start.
### Victory Poses
1. **Victory Pose 1:** Cranky sits in his rocking chair, laughing and saying, "Still got it!"
2. **Victory Pose 2:** Cranky balances on his cane and does a little dance before striking a proud pose.
3. **Victory Pose 3:** Cranky stands atop a pile of bananas, twirling his cane and smirking.
### Kirby Hat
When Kirby inhales Cranky Kong, he gains Cranky's bushy eyebrows and a small cane, allowing him to use **Cane Swipe**.
### Defeat Pose
Cranky slumps back into his rocking chair, looking disappointed but still grumbling.
### Classic Mode Name
**"Kong's Wisdom"**
Cranky's Classic Mode route involves battling younger, less experienced characters, showcasing his old-school skills. It ends with a showdown against Master Hand, symbolizing overcoming even the greatest challenge with age and wisdom.
### Stage
**"Cranky's Cabin"**
A rustic cabin set deep in the jungle. The stage features wooden platforms, rocking chairs that can be used as hazards, and a background filled with classic Donkey Kong memorabilia. Occasionally, various Kongs will appear to cheer Cranky on or cause minor stage hazards.
### Attributes
- **Weight Class:** Light
- **Height:** Short
- **Speed:** Medium
### Victory Song
A remixed version of the original Donkey Kong Country theme, featuring an old-timey, ragtime piano arrangement.
With Cranky Kong added to the roster, players can enjoy a unique blend of nostalgic references and surprising agility, proving that even the oldest fighters can pack a punch!
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3pattimaster00 · 5 months
Teen Patti: The Traditional Card Game That Has Captivated Generations
Teen Patti, also known as "Flush" or "Flash," is a traditional Indian card game that has been a source of entertainment for generations. The game, derived from the British game of "Three Card Brag," has become a staple in social gatherings, family functions, and festive celebrations. With its simple rules and high-stakes excitement, Teen Patti has gained popularity not only in India but across the globe. Let's explore the essence of Teen Patti and understand why it continues to captivate players.
The Basics of Teen Patti
Teen Patti is typically played with a standard 52-card deck, without jokers. The game can involve anywhere from three to seven players. Each player is dealt three cards, and the goal is to have the best hand or to convince others that your hand is unbeatable.
The ranking of hands in teen patti real game is similar to that of traditional poker, with the following hierarchy from high to low:
Trail (Three of a Kind): Three cards of the same rank.
Pure Sequence: Three consecutive cards of the same suit.
Sequence: Three consecutive cards, not necessarily of the same suit.
Color (Flush): Three cards of the same suit, not in sequence.
Pair: Two cards of the same rank.
High Card: The highest card among the three dealt.
The betting in Teen Patti adds an element of thrill. Each player contributes an initial stake to the pot, known as the "boot." Players can then either "see" the bet, "raise" it, or "fold" if they believe their hand is not strong enough. The game continues until one player remains or until a showdown is reached.
Teen Patti in the Digital Age
In recent years, Teen Patti has made a successful transition to the digital world. With the rise of online gaming platforms and mobile apps, players can now enjoy Teen Patti from the comfort of their homes. This digital adaptation has opened the door to a global audience, allowing players from different countries to connect and compete in virtual Teen Patti tournaments.
The online versions of Teen Patti have added exciting features, such as multiplayer modes, chat functionality, and in-game bonuses. These enhancements have contributed to the game's growing popularity among younger generations and experienced players alike. The convenience of playing online has also made Teen Patti accessible to those who may not have had the opportunity to play the traditional version.
The Cultural Impact of Teen Patti
Teen Patti holds a special place in Indian culture. It is often played during festivals like Diwali, where families and friends gather for fun and celebration. The game is a symbol of social bonding, encouraging players to engage in friendly competition and strategic thinking. It has also been portrayed in Indian cinema and literature, further solidifying its cultural significance.
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reportafrique · 8 months
Anthony Joshua vs Francis Ngannou: Second round of the CAF 'Nigeria vs Cameroon'
As the excitement from Nigeria's Super Eagles defeating the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon in the Africa Cup of Nations lingers, Nigerians are now shifting their focus to another anticipated showdown – the boxing match between British-Nigerian boxer Anthony Joshua and Cameroon-born fighter Francis Ngannou, which some have dubbed "Nigeria vs Cameroon Part 2." Following Nigeria's impressive 2-0 victory over Cameroon, securing their spot in the quarter-finals against Angola, the Nigerian public has taken to social media to rally support for Joshua in his upcoming bout against Ngannou. Expressing a mix of national pride and friendly banter, social media posts have amplified the significance of this match, making it more than just a boxing bout. A Twitter user, @Sports_Doctor2, emphasized the broader context of the fight, stating, "Anthony Joshua, this fight is now more than just your fight, it's 'Nigeria vs Cameroon' part 2. No Gree For Francis Ngannou oooh." Another user, @LawrenceOkoroPG, humorously speculated, " https://twitter.com/LawrenceOkoroPG/status/1751362853339013443?s=20 Somebody say na Anthony Joshua go suffer this beating wey Nigeria dey beat Cameroon." Meanwhile, @aai_austin suggested, "If I were Anthony Joshua, I'm cancelling that fight with Francis Ngannou. Make one man no pay for national beef." Cameroonians, stung by the recent football loss, have also voiced their opinions on social media. A Facebook post by Jude Asahmbom III warned, "If Nigeria win Cameroon, na Anthony Joshua go suffer the consequences." @Beardedzz another Cameroonian posted: “If Nigeria wins, let Anthony Joshua just prepare himself to end up at the a Hospital. Ngannou go unleash our anger on him !!! #AFCON2023#CAN2023” The heightened anticipation for this boxing match stems from the desire for national bragging rights, with both Nigerian and Cameroonian fans adding an extra layer of rivalry to the already intense bout. While the recent football victory fuels the friendly banter, it also adds an element of revenge for Ngannou, who may seek to avenge Cameroon's loss in the ring. Scheduled for Friday, March 8, 2024, in Saudi Arabia, the heavyweight bout between Joshua and Ngannou, labeled 'Knockout Chaos,' promises an electrifying showdown. As the two colossal punchers prepare to collide, both fighters recently came face to face in London to publicize the event, building anticipation and heightening expectations for what is sure to be an epic battle. In the coming weeks, fans from both nations will eagerly await the outcome, hoping for another victory to celebrate or avenge previous losses. The 'Nigeria vs Cameroon Part 2' narrative adds an extra layer of excitement to the boxing world, transcending individual achievements and transforming the bout into a symbol of national pride for both countries. Read the full article
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Let The Games Begin
Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia
Step into the magical world of Harry Potter with our exclusive collection of Triwizard Tournament memorabilia. Relive the excitement and intensity of this thrilling event as you browse through our handpicked selection of unique and authentic items. From commemorative badges and replica wands to Triwizard champions' robes, we have everything a true Harry Potter fan could dream of.
Every item in our collection is carefully crafted to capture the essence of the Triwizard Tournament and bring the enchanting world of Hogwarts right to your doorstep. Whether you're a dedicated collector or a passionate fan, these memorabilia pieces are perfect for adding a touch of magic to your own personal collection or gifting to fellow Potterheads.
Each item is meticulously designed to capture the spirit and details of the tournament, allowing you to relive your favorite moments and immerse yourself in the wizarding world. From the daring tasks to the epic showdowns, our memorabilia offers a tangible connection to the beloved story.
Don't miss this opportunity to own a piece of Harry Potter history. Explore our Triwizard Tournament memorabilia collection today and let the magic continue beyond the pages and screens.
The Significance of the Triwizard Tournament in the Harry Potter Series
The Triwizard Tournament is a pivotal event in the Harry Potter series, serving as a thrilling backdrop for the fourth installment, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." This tournament brings together wizarding schools from different countries and tests the skills, courage, and intelligence of three champions. It showcases the magical prowess and diversity of the wizarding world, while also highlighting the dangers and challenges faced by the characters.
In the story, the Triwizard Tournament serves as a turning point for Harry Potter and his friends, as they navigate through a series of dangerous tasks and uncover a dark conspiracy lurking behind the scenes. The tournament not only puts their friendship and loyalty to the test but also sets the stage for the epic battles to come.
The Triwizard Tournament is a symbol of unity and competition, bringing together students from different backgrounds and fostering a sense of camaraderie among them. It is a celebration of magical talent and a chance for young witches and wizards to prove themselves on an international stage.
Collecting Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia
Collecting Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament memorabilia is a way to bring the magic of the series into your everyday life. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the wizarding world, these collectibles allow you to immerse yourself in the enchanting story and create a personal connection with the characters and events.
When it comes to collecting Triwizard Tournament memorabilia, there are a few key things to consider. First, decide on the type of items you want to collect. From replica wands and robes to commemorative badges and posters, there is a wide range of options to choose from. Think about what aspects of the tournament resonate with you the most and focus your collection around those themes.
Next, consider the authenticity of the memorabilia. With the popularity of the Harry Potter series, there are many counterfeit items on the market. To ensure you're buying genuine Triwizard Tournament memorabilia, look for reputable sellers and official licensing. Research the item's provenance and ask for certificates of authenticity whenever possible.
Popular Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia Items
The Triwizard Tournament offers a wealth of exciting memorabilia items for fans to collect. Here are some popular choices that capture the essence of the tournament:
Commemorative Badges: These badges feature the emblems of the participating wizarding schools and are a great way to show your support for your favorite champion or school.
Replica Wands: Recreate the magic of the Triwizard Tournament with replica wands of the champions. Each wand is intricately designed to reflect the unique qualities of the character it represents.
Triwizard Champions' Robes: Channel your inner champion with these authentic replicas of the robes worn by the Triwizard champions. Made with high-quality materials, these robes are perfect for cosplay or display.
Tournament Posters: Capture the excitement of the Triwizard Tournament with beautifully designed posters featuring the champions and key moments from the tasks.
Triwizard Tournament Books: Dive deeper into the world of the tournament with books that provide behind-the-scenes insights, interviews with the champions, and detailed accounts of the tasks.
Where to Find Authentic Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia
Finding authentic Triwizard Tournament memorabilia can be a daunting task, especially with the abundance of counterfeit items in the market. To ensure you're purchasing genuine collectibles, it's important to buy from reputable sources.
One of the best places to find authentic Triwizard Tournament memorabilia is through official Harry Potter merchandise stores. These stores are licensed by the franchise and offer a wide range of high-quality products. Additionally, online marketplaces like eBay and Etsy can be a treasure trove for collectors, but be sure to read seller reviews, check for certificates of authenticity, and ask for detailed photos before making a purchase.
Another option is to attend Harry Potter conventions and events, where you can find specialized vendors and meet fellow collectors. These events often have exclusive merchandise and opportunities to connect with other fans who share your passion for the Triwizard Tournament.
Tips for Buying and Preserving Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia
When buying Triwizard Tournament memorabilia, it's important to take care of your investment and ensure its longevity. Here are a few tips to help you preserve your collectibles:
Store items in a cool, dry place: Avoid exposing your memorabilia to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as this can cause fading, discoloration, or damage.
Use acid-free archival materials: When displaying or storing your items, use acid-free sleeves, display cases, and storage boxes to prevent deterioration.
Handle with care: When handling your memorabilia, make sure your hands are clean and dry to avoid transferring oils and dirt onto the items.
Avoid excessive handling: Limit the amount of time you handle your collectibles to reduce the risk of accidental damage.
Regularly clean and dust: Gently clean your items with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove dust and dirt. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could scratch or damage the surfaces.
By following these tips, you can ensure that your Triwizard Tournament memorabilia remains in pristine condition, allowing you to enjoy and cherish them for years to come.
The Value of Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia
Triwizard Tournament memorabilia holds both sentimental and financial value for collectors. The emotional connection to the Harry Potter series makes these items priceless for fans who want to own a piece of the wizarding world. They serve as reminders of cherished memories and allow fans to relive the excitement and magic of the Triwizard Tournament.
In addition to their sentimental value, some Triwizard Tournament collectibles can appreciate in financial worth over time. Limited edition items, signed pieces, or rare memorabilia can become highly sought after by collectors, increasing their value in the market. However, it's important to remember that not all collectibles will appreciate in value, and the primary value lies in the joy and connection they bring to the owner.
Displaying and Showcasing Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia
Displaying your Triwizard Tournament memorabilia is a great way to showcase your collection and create a visually stunning tribute to the wizarding world. Here are some ideas for displaying your items:
Shadow boxes: Arrange your memorabilia in a shadow box with a glass front, allowing you to create a three-dimensional display while protecting the items from dust and damage.
Shelves and display cases: Use dedicated shelves or display cases to showcase your collection. Consider arranging the items by theme, character, or task to create a visually appealing and organized display.
Wall art and frames: Frame posters, badges, or other flat items and hang them on the wall to create a gallery-like display. This not only showcases the items but also adds a touch of magic to your living space.
Rotation displays: If you have a large collection, consider rotating your items periodically to keep your display fresh and prevent damage from prolonged exposure to light.
Remember to regularly clean and maintain your display to keep your memorabilia looking its best. Dusting and inspecting the items for any signs of deterioration will help preserve their condition and ensure they remain a source of joy and inspiration for years to come.
Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia Events and Conventions
For avid Harry Potter fans and collectors, attending Triwizard Tournament memorabilia events and conventions is an exciting opportunity to immerse yourself in the wizarding world and connect with fellow enthusiasts. These events often feature exclusive merchandise, guest appearances, panel discussions, and interactive experiences that allow fans to celebrate their shared love for the Triwizard Tournament.
From the annual "LeakyCon" to local Harry Potter fan conventions, there are numerous opportunities throughout the year to attend these events. Keep an eye out for announcements and ticket sales to secure your spot and make the most of the experience.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament Memorabilia
Owning a piece of Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament memorabilia allows fans to keep the magic of the series alive long after the final page has been turned or the last movie has been watched. Whether you're a dedicated collector or a casual fan, these items offer a tangible connection to the beloved story and a chance to relive the excitement and wonder of the Triwizard Tournament.
From commemorative badges and replica wands to Triwizard champions' robes, there is a wide range of memorabilia to suit every fan's taste. By collecting authentic items, preserving them with care, and displaying them proudly, you can create a personal tribute to the wizarding world and share your love for the Triwizard Tournament with others.
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buzztowns · 1 year
Doodles & Diversions: Engaging Paper and Pencil Games
Paper and pencil games have a timeless charm that transcends generations. With just a sheet of paper, a pencil, and a sprinkle of creativity, these games offer a world of entertainment. Whether you're looking to pass the time during a journey, take a break at work, or engage in a fun activity with friends, doodles and diversions have got you covered. In this article, we'll explore a range of captivating paper and pencil games, including the popular "Mash Game," ensuring you're never short of amusement.
1. Tic-Tac-Toe: The Classic Showdown
Tic-Tac-Toe, the game of Xs and Os, is a perennial favorite that never loses its appeal. Two players take turns strategically placing their marks on a 3x3 grid, aiming to create a row of three of their symbols. Simple to grasp yet challenging to master, Tic-Tac-Toe is a delightful way to engage with a friend.
2. Dots and Boxes: Strategic Conquests
"Dots and Boxes," also known as the "dot game," transforms a grid of dots into a strategic battlefield. Players take turns drawing lines to connect dots, striving to complete boxes. Occupying a box with your initial earns you another turn. The player with the most boxes claimed at the end emerges victorious, making this game a true test of tactics.
3. Hangman: Word Guessing Challenge
"Hangman" puts your wordplay skills to the test in a guessing game that challenges your vocabulary and deduction abilities. One player selects a word, and the other player guesses letters. With each incorrect guess, a part of a stick figure "hangman" is drawn. The objective is to guess the word before the hangman is fully depicted.
4. Paper Soccer: Navigate the Grid
In "Paper Soccer," a grid transforms into a soccer field as players take turns drawing lines to guide a "soccer ball" from one goal to another. But there's a twist—no line can be crossed, adding a layer of strategy as you outmaneuver your opponent to score.
5. Battleship: Naval Warfare on Paper
"Battleship" converts a simple piece of paper into a naval battleground. Each player secretly positions their fleet of ships on their side of the paper. Players then call out coordinates to launch attacks on the opponent's fleet, aiming to sink their ships before theirs are sunk.
6. Squiggle Game: Creative Connection
In the "Squiggle Game," one player draws a random squiggle on the paper, and the other player transforms it into a recognizable drawing. The game showcases creativity as players turn seemingly random lines into imaginative creations.
7. Categories: Quick Thinking Challenge
"Categories" is a game of quick thinking and vocabulary. Players pick a category (e.g., animals, countries) and take turns naming items within that category, each starting with a specific letter. The challenge lies in coming up with items before time runs out.
8. Consequences: Collaborative Storytelling
"Consequences" is a collaborative storytelling game that leads to amusing and unexpected narratives. Players take turns writing portions of a story, not knowing what the others have written. The result is a whimsical tale with twists and turns.
9. Telephone: A Game of Whispers
"Telephone," also known as "Chinese whispers," tests communication skills. Players whisper a phrase from person to person, leading to amusing misinterpretations as the phrase travels down the line. The final rendition is often vastly different from the original.
10. Pictionary: Drawing and Guessing Fun
"Pictionary" blends drawing and guessing in a lively game of creativity. Players take turns drawing a word or phrase related to a chosen category, while their teammates try to guess what it is. The element of time pressure adds excitement and humor to the game.
Embrace the allure of paper and pencil games, offering a delightful escape from the digital realm. From classics like Tic-Tac-Toe, mash game and Hangman to imaginative diversions like Squiggle Game and Consequences, these games celebrate the magic of imagination and interaction. Whether you're in search of a brief respite, a bonding activity with family, or a way to ignite creativity, these games offer boundless entertainment with just a sheet of paper and a pencil. So grab your pencil, unleash your ingenuity, and embark on a journey of doodles and diversions, including the ever-entertaining "Mash Game," promising endless enjoyment and laughter.
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mariacallous · 6 months
Six years after a contract killing shook Slovakia to its core, with Fico back as PM and his ally Pellegrini poised to become the next president, the country risks coming full circle in entrusting the reins of power to its most problematic but familiar leaders.
The image is striking and all-too symbolic of the country’s reverse course: vying to replace Zuzana Caputova, elected in 2019 as Slovakia’s first female president, are nearly a dozen men.
Caputova, a lawyer, activist and divorced mother of two, announced in June last year that she would not seek a second term in office, leaving the field wide open for this year’s ballot. And with days to go before the first round on March 23, the election is proving to be a hard-fought duel between Peter Pellegrini, a 48-year-old former prime minister and current speaker of parliament supported by the ruling coalition, and 59-year-old Ivan Korcok, a career diplomat, ex-foreign minister and main hope for the country’s liberal opposition.
The latest Ipsos poll put Pellegrini slightly in the lead in the first round with 37.4 per cent of the vote closely followed by Korcok at 36.6 per cent, both easily ahead of the other candidates. However, a second round on April 6 will be required if no candidate receives more than half the vote, and a poll by the Focus agency for TV Markiza had Korcok losing such a run-off 45-55 per cent.
Pellegrini, who replaced Fico as prime minister in the aftermath of the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancee in 2018, is largely seen as a more moderate and even-tempered politician than his notoriously volatile mentor, but questions remain as to how much this would remain the case should he be elected president.
Many commentators warn that a Pellegrini victory would dangerously embolden the three-party coalition government led by Fico’s Smer party and give his former boss all the tools he needs to mould Slovakia to his own authoritarian wishes.
While the Slovak president’s role is largely ceremonial, the head of state can still act as a welcome counterweight to the cabinet’s actions, holding, for example, a power of veto on legislative proposals as well as nominating judges to the country’s top constitutional court.
According to Grigorij Meseznikov, founder and director of the Bratislava-based Institute of Public Affairs (IVO), the competition between the two leading candidates is really a showdown between “liberalism and the rule of law”, defended by Korcok; “and the systemic degradation of democratic rules towards illiberalism and authoritarianism”, embodied by the former Smer duo.
Feeling the tide shifting against Smer’s heavy baggage and skeleton-bursting closets, Pellegrini formally split from his former boss four years ago to start his own party, Hlas, and quickly rose to become one of the most trusted and popular figures on Slovakia’s polarised political scene.
“Pellegrini is completely Fico’s man, Smer is his political DNA. He’s way too much of a loyal servant to be able to emancipate himself,” Meseznikov warns, describing his split from Smer merely as an opportunistic move to leave what he thought at the time was “a sinking ship”.
Dominika Hajdu, policy director at the Centre for Democracy and Resilience at the Bratislava-based Globsec think tank, describes the relationship between Pellegrini and Fico as “pragmatic”.
“They support each other in key areas of agreement, and do not comment on those where they disagree,” she tells BIRN, agreeing that a Pellegrini victory would evidently lead to a “greater alignment between the government and the president’s office”.
Pellegrini’s inability to dominate last year’s general election, when Hlas came third behind Smer and the liberal Progressive Slovakia, and his failure to find agreement with other potential coalition partners brought him back into Fico’s fold despite earlier promises to the contrary.
“With Peter Pellegrini becoming president, I would say Fico will be in a stronger position, even without having the constitutional majority in parliament, to really fast-track adoption of the kind of legislation that could further lead to democratic backsliding in the country,” Katarina Klingova, senior research fellow at Globsec, told BIRN earlier this year.
Open race
The race between the two frontrunners is far from settled, with a lot depending on the mid-election attitude and potential backing of the other candidates, whose combined weight may total up to 20 to 25 per cent of the electorate.
A lot will also hinge on voter mobilisation and election turnout, which has rarely surpassed 50 per cent since 1999.
Under the campaign slogan “decent, but firm”, Ivan Korcok promises to be a president “who can stand up to the government in difficult times” – a meaningful pledge at a time when the power-driven Fico holds a majority in parliament, albeit a slim one, and is aggressively moving to undermine the independence of the judicial system and erode other democratic checks and balances.
The natural choice for supporters of the outgoing president and anyone sceptical at the idea of giving Smer too much power, the self-declared moderate conservative Korcok should be able to rely on the support of a large part of the liberal opposition, including voters of Progressive Slovakia, Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) or the non-parliamentary Democrats, and has also received lukewarm support from the Christian-democratic KDH party.
“If Igor Matovic had not entered the race, I think Korcok would lead in the first round,” reckons Meseznikov, referring to the former prime minister who as head of the OLaNO movement helped dump Fico’s Smer party out of power in 2020, and who’s currently polling at about 5 per cent and seems to have entered the race just for the sake of argument.
According to the political pundit, most of Matovic’s voters would naturally switch to Korcok in the run-off regardless of their leader’s instructions.
“Korcok has been campaigning very intensively across the country, personally speaking to people, participating in the debates, receiving quite large support from publicly known figures as well,” says Dominika Hajdu. “The question is whether he will be able to maintain the momentum.”
But Mikulas Hanes, an analyst at the NMS Market Research agency, told the local SME daily that until Korcok’s campaign gets a new boost “he has hit a ceiling”, alluding to limited campaign resources and lack of media visibility compared to his main opponent.
According to Meseznikov, the biggest wild card that could tip the election one way or the other is the former Supreme Court chief justice turned far-right populist rabble-rouser Stefan Harabin, who is currently polling in third place at 11 per cent and just received the endorsement of the leader of the coalition Slovak National Party (SNS), Andrej Danko, who dropped out of the race on Monday.
“Harabin’s voters have a potent pro-Russian and anti-Western prism, which is clearly detrimental to Korcok, and a strong homophobic prism, which could be detrimental to Pellegrini,” Meseznikov says, alluding to longstanding speculation, most notably from Danko, about the former prime minister’s sexual orientation.
“I believe the anti-Western stance would take precedence, although many of Harabin’s voters might simply decide to stay home during the second round,” he says.
Stability and cronyism
For Pellegrini, the main goal will be to court voters on the extreme-right without alienating his more moderate core electorate, many of whom, polls show, are not too satisfied with the direction taken by the government and with Hlas’s involvement with coalition partners Smer and the far-right SNS.
“Peter Pellegrini wants to assure more conservative or nationalist voters that he is the choice for them,” says Hanes of NMS Market Research. “He wants to convince potential voters from this camp not to go to… Stefan Harabin.”
In line with this strategy, Pellegrini is now going out of his way to cast himself in a more traditionalist, Christian-conservative friendly light – a strategy adopted by Maros Sefcovic, Caputova’s rival in 2019, but which, in the EU commissioner’s case, didn’t fool anyone and ended up largely ridiculed.
Pellegrini has pulled this trick before, according to reports. On Tuesday, VSquare, an investigative site, said intelligence material it had seen showed that back in 2020 Pellegrini, then prime minister, asked his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban to act as a middleman to secure an invitation from the Kremlin to visit Moscow just before Slovakia’s parliamentary election, in the hope that it would appeal to the pro-Russian parts of the Slovak electorate. Pellegrini was indeed invited to Moscow a few days before the election, where he met Mikhail Mishustin, Russia’s prime minister, but he still lost the election.
In this hunt for far-right votes – reminiscent of the strategy used in the last Czech presidential elections by former prime minister Andrej Babis against his victorious opponent Petr Pavel – Pellegrini supporters have made Korcok the target of hoaxes spread by the country’s notoriously active and pervasive disinformation sphere, read by about 30 per cent of the electorate, according to Globsec’s Hajdu.
The latest such efforts have accused the diplomat, who before becoming foreign minister served as Slovak ambassador to Germany, the EU and the US, of holding a US passport until just recently and of having collaborated with the Communist-era secret StB police in former Czechoslovakia.
According to Meseznikov, Smer and Hlas are leading a coordinated defamation campaign against Korcok, dividing the tasks amongst themselves depending on the virulence of the attacks.
“They want to make people believe that Korcok is going to lead Slovakia into the war [in neighbouring Ukraine] while they, on the other hand, are the guarantors of peace,” he tells BIRN.
Just weeks after thousands of Slovaks gathered in Bratislava to mark the six-year anniversary of the murder of Jan Kuciak, the upcoming presidential election – and Pellegrini’s potential victory – could once more embed the dominance of the political duo in charge at the time of the killings.
Along with the failures and disunity of the centrist governments that ruled between 2020 and 2023, “the multiple crises of the past few years – from COVID-19 to the war in Ukraine and inflation – have clearly contributed to their return to power,” argues Meseznikov.
“Smer was skilfully communicating with the public throughout the entire period of being in the opposition,” notes Hajdu. “They have gradually built their popularity back by working with the insecurities caused by the major crises of the past years, and capitalising on the chaotic 2020-2023 governments marked by personal conflicts that did not fulfil citizens’ needs for stability and security in such uncertain times.”
Now back in power and betting on the victory of his former protégé, Fico is trying to restore what Meseznikov describes as “the rule of immunity and impunity” for himself and his cronies.
The outcome of the presidential election will be key to determine how straightforward it will be for him to do just that.
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taiwantalk · 1 year
so i hope you got to follow my series of blogs about putin's address to nation. i wish i can claim credit to have nearly predicted his address but putin is quite.... how should i put it? limited by his options.
based on nbc version of the address (see the link in the thread), 1st 1/2 of his address is resolute. 2nd 1/2 is that he is fragile and benevolent. in hindsight, i should've tried to write out a version of what his address could be like. but i didn't and so the best i can offer now is a simple breakdown below:
resolute (remind the nation that he is still in control because he was not)
as continuation of being resolute, putin starts with the message of unity (this part is very old school communist/kgb stuff) from the govt to the citizens. and this is the part when you should bust out laughing because anyone with a jet got in the air and the rest were just wondering who the fuck is running the country? prigozhin???
at 0:54, putin's speech writer ran out of bullshit on "unity" and just threw in another bullshit to sound resolute which is that putin knew and had a plan from the beginning.
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putin was just giving his pilots a drill, a rehearsal. his plane and those helicopters...
4. and then the writer got carried away, and added that not only putin was ready, prigozhin knew that the mutiny was going to fail big time. and so nobody was ever in danger. NONE. (excluding 6 helicopters-1 mig35, 1 ka52, 3 mi8, 1 mi8 transport, Ilyushin Il-22M coot aerial command post & radio-relay plane).
5. but despite of sounding contradictory, prigozhin mutiny is still very dangerous! so starting from 1:23, putin dragged in the great threat from outside of russia and prigozhin's mutiny would jeopardize russia's battle against the entire outside world.
6. then it became nonsense because russia invaded ukraine and yet putin talks like the russian soldiers at the front won't give an inch and start to blame everything on ukraine and other countries for manipulating the mutiny.
7. after a couple of minutes of saying wagners were used then at 3:21, putin starts to soften up and start the 2nd act-fragile
8. putin essentially offers olive branch to the traitors the following options: 1) sign contract to join military. 2) go home. or 3) go to belarus. SO, I AM STILL RIGHT! BECOME A WAGNER NOW AND YOU CAN GO HOME OR GO BELARUS!!! you have to be a dumb mother fucker fighting at the frontline getting paid nothing, fighting with shit weapons, eating expired foods, and AT ONE TIME, GETTING SHOT AT BY THE WAGNERS FROM BEHIND, and them mother fuckers get to go home or go belarus now!
lol, this is a cluster fuck for russian soldiers. those who joined mutiny get to go free or, who knows, maybe have another showdown to overthrow putin, but those at the front, they just realized that THERE'S NO REINFORCEMENTS, NO ROTATIONS!!!
in case you got lost in my blogs, and you could not find the nbc version of putin's address to nation. below is the video.
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