#Crab Day 2023
🦀 Happy Crab Day, Tumblr! 🦀
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may it be ✨ crabulous ✨
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beryllheliodora · 1 year
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@spotofmummery @dandelionmeadow @dafthappiness
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aedelia · 1 year
Crab day this year (July 29th) is just 2 weeks away.
You could allow other people to blaze your posts too.
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This is your reminder, in light of Crab Day (July 29th) and what it represents, to check out the Tumblr Merch shop, which actually has some really cool stuff in it, including but not limited to
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Ea-Nasir bracelet in ancient sumarian! Color of the Sky socks!
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Stab Ceaser (Salad) Bottle!
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A Literal Dumpster fire! (3D printed and originally designed by a user whom Tumblr collaborated with)
and of course....
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the President's shoelaces.
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greenskellyblob · 1 year
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The Crabs Are Upon Us
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allatariel · 1 year
O crabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
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jenniferbrincho · 1 year
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Woe, crab be upon ye 🦀
This wasn’t supposed to be a whole comic, but it got away from me, lol
Tumblr has been my favorite social media site since I joined in 2015. Where else can I enjoy a reverse chronological timeline, create a carefully curated dash experience, and participate in legendary running jokes? It’s not perfectly but there’s nowhere else like it.
So! Send crabs to your friends, get merch, make memes, support the site!
Crabe Diem
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cerriddwenluna · 1 year
Dear @staff,
Lots of us will be buying crabs or other merch on the first annual Crab Day 🦀 (July 29th). We do this as a gesture of good faith because we love this hellsite (affectionate).
We only need 2 things from you:
Make sure the merch servers can handle all the traffic.
LISTEN TO US when we tell you that a lot of your changes will turn this into a hellsite (derogatory).
You're $30mil in the red and need to make make money somehow. We get it. We're not monsters.
But please, work WITH us instead of AGAINST US!
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traumagician · 1 year
I heard a rumor that today was crab day?
Reblog for a surprise....
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cogentranting · 1 year
('Why isn't Mr. Krabs here?' Because I don't like him.)
Pictures below for reference.
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Crazy Joe scares me too much to picture
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omg-snakes · 1 year
Thoughts on Crab Day
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I support this idea and I'll be participating on July 29th.
I see a lot of folks saying things to the effect of, "don't reward Tumblr for making things worse/not listening to their userbase/not adding features I need-want-like." I also see a lot of posts saying that the organizers of Crab Day are TERFs, neo-Nazis, and/or ultraconservatives.
While I agree that TERFs and Nazis (neo and paleo) need to be yote into the sun, whoever started this idea was not wrong about the site needing money to continue operating. Tumblr is a business. That's how businesses work.
Now, they can get money from advertisers and monetization partners, or they can get it from users. If they get it from advertisers/investors, those parties have the opportunity to weigh in on features they think will generate more revenue... like Tumblr Live... which is objectively trash. Tumblr Live is powered by LiveBox, an add-on service provider that enables sites to host live streaming content to generate revenue. Tumblr is also trying to attract users from the X-Twitter exodus by making the interface more familiar to these users. Was this a bad idea? Yes. It's a desperate attempt to attract more users so as to increase ad views and generate more revenue. But, remember, Tumblr is a business. That's how businesses work.
For YOU (and me!), Tumblr is a community. It's a platform for our art. It's a meeting place for friends and like-minded individuals. It's a safe space for self-expression. It's the last mostly-unmonetized bastion of social media in a landscape dominated by influencers, hustlers, and data-miners. For TUMBLR STAFF, Tumblr is a service that they are trying to sell so that they can obtain money that they can then exchange for food, housing, repayment of student loans, etc. If they can't afford those things by selling you their services, then they will literally go do something else. Yes, Tumblr is indeed a business and not just a passion project. That's how businesses work.
So by buying things directly from Tumblr, like a $3 crab-summoning gift, and especially as part of a coordinated effort like Crab Day and/or Crab Week, you are telling Tumblr Staff that YOU are a CUSTOMER, not just a monetizable data point. We are, in a very distant sense, establishing ourselves as a body of influence. If Tumblr sees that we can and will do this en masse, they are more likely to treat us as contributors and potentially shareholders who need to be kept happy. We each have a vested interest in the continuation of this site, and we have a rare opportunity to show the specific value of that interest.
Also, for those who want more accessibility tools, this is a great way to get those implemented. Accessibility for web applications is a big, big business and toolkits and training for accessibility standards tend to cost quite a lot. Training for a single accessibility plug-in toolkit can cost around $2000 per user*. That's about 667 crabs. By participating in Crab Day, even just a little bit or even just spreading the word about it or even just allowing others to participate as they please without pitching a ragequit tanty about it, you can tell Tumblr staff that you're here as a customer, your voice needs to be heard, and your needs are important.
If this doesn't work, and Tumblr doesn't take their userbase seriously after we make a concerted effort to support them, then please by all means go back to whatever version of complaining makes you feel most satisfied. But just for now, let's try something new!
*based on actual costs of a web accessibility training program offered by the agency for which I work
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britcision · 1 year
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subject94 · 1 year
Who wants crabs for crab day
Most of my friends aren't on tumblr regularly so I'll need someone else to unleash the horde on. If anyone else isn't sure who to send crabmail to they can also pick someone who reblogs this
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crab-day-creacher · 1 year
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Dost thou wish to awaken the Creacher early? Beware, Beware, for thou dost not want the Creacher to
earlier than it intends! Else thou shalt Find Out Why I ought not be allowed to Rise!
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
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oh they describe the alt text
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forumkedis · 1 year
Tainish word of the day:
🦀 Ressemoa 🦀
Crab (lit “water charmer” from their movements and posture)
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