#Creshaw at midnight
musictyme · 8 months
Xian Bell - Control
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the-penny-dreadfuls · 5 years
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Bijan Michael Shoushtari was a young man with many dreams. Summer of 2013 brought about a new chapter for him. In the spring prior, Bijan graduated from his high school in Los Angeles and then signed up for an EMT program at the El Camino College. To those who knew Bijan, this career path came as little of a surprise. His heart was filled to the brim with compassion for his fellow man, and even at a young age, he understood the importance of helping others. The congregation of his church regarded him as a well-known friendly face. He volunteered as an acolyte, always making sure that the elderly parishioners were comfortable and taken care of. As for his ten-year plan, Bijan planned on working his way to becoming a firefighter, marrying his high school sweetheart, Troi, and hopefully life would bless him with a son.
It seemed as if all these dreams were around the corner, right within grasp. Tragically, it would never be. Like many kids, Bijan was enjoying the last days of summer vacation before the new school year began. He called his mother, Marsha Jones Shoushtari, to inform her of his plans for the evening. Before hanging up, he promised to not be out too late.
Midnight was approaching. Bijan, along with two of his friends, cruised the streets in a white Buick Electra. The clocked rolled to August 3rd. Just as the new day began, Bijan and his friends drove on Creshaw Boulevard. Another vehicle pulled up alongside them and fired into the car. Out of the three, only Bijan was wounded. Paramedics rushed him to the hospital, where staff desperately fought to save him. For the next two days, Bijan struggled to hold on to his life.
“His eyes were never opened,” Marsha told NBC Los Angeles. “But he grabbed my fingers, and he squeezed them. And that was it.”
Bijan Shoushtari passed away on August 5th, 2013 at the age of eighteen. His loss shook his family and friends to the core. To think a life as vibrant as Bijan’s, one so filled with promise, could be snuffed out that quickly felt impossible. Now, nearly six years after his murder, they are still left wondering why.
Not soon after the investigation began, it started to grow cold. Detectives recovered little evidence from the scene, but they completed a sketch of the murder suspect. They released the sketch to the public, hoping to bring in new leads. Unfortunately, no new information has come through. “Maybe someone saw something important that night and didn’t realize what they saw,” said a detective, who is working on the case. “Saw some part of the incident and brushed it off, didn’t think anything of it.”
If anyone has information related to Bijan Shoushtari’s murder, they are asked to contact the LAPD’s Criminal Gang Homicide Division at 213- 485-4341.
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