#Croome estate
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cavenewstimes · 12 days
What I Learned From a Hermit Who’s Lived in a Remote Scottish Cabin for 40 Years
Books Alone and Unafraid What can we learn from the life of a hermit? Ken Smith and his cabin in the 1980s. Courtesy of Ken Smith In Tom Stoppard’s play Arcadia, a rich noblewoman named Lady Croom is having the grounds of her estate redone by the 1809 version of a trendy landscape architect. He wants to add all the artificially wild, lonely, and picturesque touches so popular at the time,…
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444namesplus · 3 months
A Aat Administrasia Administrasiata Administrativen Administrativna Administrativni Adrianovia Ages Ako Akop Akra Aksent Aksentira Al Ala Alain Alezia Alkasar Allen Alternativa Alternativen Alternativni Alternativnite Alternativno Am Amb Ambrazuri Ambrazurite America Amerika Amerikite An Analogisnite And Anglessey Anglia Anglicanum Angliiskata Angliiski Angliiskia Angliisko Anglosaksonskite Antecedentes Antiohia Antiohiiskoto Antisnite Antisnostta Anzu Apogei Aponia Ar Arbalet Arbaleti Archaeological Archaeology Architecture Arheologiseski Arheolozite Arhitekt Arhitekti Arhitektura Arhitekturata Arhitekturna Arhitekturni Arhiv Aristokrasia Aristokrasiata Aristokrat Aristokrati Aristokratisen Aristokratisnata Aristokratisnite Aristokratite Armia Armiata Armii Artileria Artileriata Artileriiskata Artileriiski Artileriiskite Asno Aspekt Association Astia At Ataki Atakite Atakuvasi Atakuvasite Aula Aurell Avgust Avila Avtorite Avtorskite B Ba Baden Bailey Baio Balata Bamburg Ban Barbakan Barker Baronsko Barry Barthélemy Barut Baruta Bastion Batsford Bavarskiat Bavat Bavno Baza Bazileus Bditelnost Behind Beili Beilita Beilito Beleg Belknap Belvuar Bergfrid Berite Bes Beseda Bez Bezpolezna Bezpolezni Bezsmisleno Bi Biat Bibliografia Bibliography Biha Bilata Biskvitki Bist Bitia Bitkata Biumaris Biva Bivat Bivsa Blagodarenie Blagonadezdni Blagopriatstva Blagorodnik Blagorodnika Blagorodniseskata Blagorodniseski Blagorodniseskia Blagorodniseskoto Blagorodnisi Blagorodnisite Blagosklonnostta Blizka Blizki Blizkia Blizko Blizo Blizost Blizostta Blokira Blokirana Blokirat Bludavat Bludstvoto Bne Bnf Bodiam Bog Bogatstva Boinisa Boinisi Boinisite Book Books Bov Boydell Brag Brak Brandenburg Brannisite Brata Braun Bregovi Britain Britanskata Britanskite British Broa Broat Brodueiskata Broi Bronzovata Brown Bsi Bsite Builders Buildings Buntovete Buse By C
Cambridge Castellarium Castle Castles Cathcart Cathedral Central Century Channel Charles Chartrand Chateaux Chester Chevaliers Chicago Chichester Christopher Châteaux Civilizing Clūsa Commons Companion Context Continuum Coulson County Courtliness Courtly Crac Creative Creighton Croom Crusaders Crusading Culture Cunliffe D Da Dadeno Dadenosti Dal Dama Dania Daniel Danni Dat Datiran Datirani Datirasi Datsanite Dava Davaiki Davat David De Debela Debeli Debelina Decline Definira Definisia Definisiata Deinite Deistvie Dekorasiata Dekorasii Dekorativni Dekorativnite Delkasi Delo Des Desa Desetiletie Deto Devoikite Dia Diata Die Dieter Dieto Diktuva Diktuvat Dilisa Dilisni Din Dinan Direkten Direktno Dnes Dnesnia Dnesnite Dni Do Dobava Dobavaiki Dobavane Dobavaneto Dobavat Dobavka Dobavki Dobiv Dobra Dobre Dobrite Dokato Dokazano Dokazatelstvo Dokazva Dokument Dokumentasia Dokumentirano Dolinata Dom Doma Domakinskite Domakinstva Domakinstvo Domakinstvoto Domasniat Dominant Dominique Dominirat Dominus Domove Domus Donato Donjon Donzon Donzona Donzoni Donzonite Dop Doprinasa Dorazvita Dori Dornenburg Dorset Dosli Dost Dosta Dostat Dostavkata Dostavki Dostiga Dostigat Dostignata Dostoverni Dotogava Douv Dr Drastisna Drebnite Drevna Drevni Drevnorimskite Drezden Drogo Drug Druga Drugade Drugari Drugi Drugite Drugo Duby Due Duffy Duloto Duma Dumata Dungeon Dupka Dupki Dupkite Dusi Dva Dvama Dvata Dve Dvete Dvizeiki Dvizenie Dvoini Dvoranstvo Dvorsovi Dzeims Dzordz E Early Eaton Ebidat Ed Edesa Edin Edinisi Edinstveno Edm Edna Ednak Ednakvi Edni Edno Ednovremenno Eduard Eduin Edva Efekt Efektivnata Efektivni Efektivnost Efikasen Egipet Ekset El Elementarni Elementi Eleventh Elit Elita Elizabet En Enfilada England English Enoriiska Ensiklopedia Epoha Erlande Es Eskalada Esperans Estate Estestveni Estestveno Estestvo Estetika Estetikata Estetiseski Et Etapa Etapi Etaz Etaza Etazi Etimologia Etimologisen Eu Europe Evoluira Evropa Evropeiskata Evropeiski Evropeiskia Evtin Ezera Ezersata Ezik Faktori Familia Faza Feodal Feodala Feodalen Feodali Feodalizm Feodalizma Feodalna Feodalnata Feodalnia Feodalnite Feodalno Feudalism Finansite Finansovi Flamandskite Flammarion Flangovi Flangovoto Folly Fon Fonten Forma Formata Formi Fort Forteresse Fortifications Fortifikasia Fortifikasiite Fortove Fortress Fortresses Forts Fotografia Fototeka Foundation Four Fourteenth Fr France Frances Francois Frankskata Fransia Fransoa French Frenska Frenski Frenskiat Frenskite Frenskoto Friar From Ftava Fundament Funksia Funksii Funksionalni Funksionirat Futa G Gaar Galerii Galilea Garnizon Garnizona Garnizonite Gate Gebelin Georges Georgiev Germania Germanskiat Germany Gers Gi Gibel
Gies Gisor Gla Glad Glasas Glavno Gledna Gli Glindur Glost Gnd Gnu Go Goblen Goblena Godina Godini Godisno Golam Golama Golamata Golamo Golemi Golemiat Golemite Gorasi Gordost Gorespomenatite Gori Gornite Gospodar Gospodara Gospodarite Gosti Gotika Gotiseskata Gotiseski Gotiseskoto Gradi Gradini Gradove Gradska Gradskite Grafstvo Granisite Gravett Grazdanska Greda Gredi Greenwood Gresni Grizat Grizi Grupirat Gubat Gubi Guide H Hai Harakter Harakteristika Harakteristiki Harper Harseneto Hart Harti Harvard Haznata Hds Hektara Helm Henri Heritage Herlihy Hersozi Higham Hil Hiladi Historia History Históricos Hnoveni Hoensolern Hoenzalsburg Holy Horata Horizontalen Horizontalna Horizontalni Hospitalierite Hr Hrana Hristianite Hristianskite Hudson Humanities Hunadi Hv Hvі Hvіі I Ide Idea Ideal Idealen Ideata Idva Idvasiat Idvat Ierusalimskoto Igra Igraat Ii Ikonomika Ikonomiseskia Ili Illustrated Ilsev Im Ima Imas Imat Imenia Imenieto Imeto Imitirat Imore Imperator Imperia In Ind Index Industria Informasia Inovasia Inovasii Inovasiite Inovativniat Inovativnite Institusia Institusii Institut Instrumenti Interes Interesa International Interpretative Interpretirat Intimna Invazia Iordania Iorkskata Ireland Iresek Irlandia Irokezite Isbn Islands Ispania Ispanski Ispanskite Istinski Istinskite Istoria Istoriata Istorii Istorik Istoriseski Istorisi Istorisite Italia Italienne Iv Ix Iz Izbira Izbirat Izbiti Izblednava Izbrana Izbranite Izbrano Izd Izdanie Izdava Izdelia Izdigane Izdiganeto Izdigat Izdignata Izdignati Izdr Izgarat
Izgled Izglezda Izglezdasia Izgraden Izgradeni Izgradenite Izgrazdaneto Izgrazdat Iziskva Iziskvaneto Iziskvania Iziskvasa Izklusitelno Izkop Izkopavat Izkopi Izkustvena Izkustveni Izkustveno Izlaga Izlivane Izlizasite Izlizat Izmestat Izmesteni Izmezdu Iznenadvaso Izobrazen Izobrazenia Izobrazenie Izobretenia Izobretenie Izolda Izp Izpadat Izpolzva Izpolzvan Izpolzvana Izpolzvanata Izpolzvane Izpolzvaneto Izpolzvani Izpolzvas Izpolzvasi Izpolzvat Izraz Izrazava Izrazena Izrazhodva Izrazhodval Izsalo Izsezva Izsezvat Izsipva Izsipvaneto Izsledvania Iztok Iztoka Iztosen Iztosna Iztosnata Iztosnik Iztosnisi Iztosnite Iztosno Izv Izvesten Izvestni Izvestniat Izvivka Izvlisaneto Izvori J James Japanese Jean John Johnson Joseph Journal K Ka Kak Kakto Kakvito Kakvo Kaliakra Kalkira Kam Kambanariite Kamenari Kamenen Kamenna Kamenni Kamennite Kamenodelsi Kamenodelstvo Kamenolomni Kampaniata Kanada Karak Karaula Karfili Karkason Karl Karnarv Karti Karusi Kasestva Kasi Kastra Katedrali Katedralite Kategoria Kato Kavaleriata Kazano Kazarma Kazarmata Kegan Kenilu Kenyon Kerak Keramisni Kilogramovi King Kirpisena Kitai Kladenes Klasiseskite Kletva Klonat Klounes Klus Klusalka Klusovi Knazestvo Koato Koda Kodeks Koeto Kogato Koito Kolhida Kolisestva Kolkoto Kolonisti Kom Kompleks Kompromisi Kon Kone Konemann Konflikti Konfliktite Konkretni Konsentrira Konsentrirasi Konsentrisen Konsentrisna Konsentrisnata Konsentrisni Konsentrisnite Konstantinopol Konstruiraneto Konstruksia Konstruksiata Konstruksii Kontakt Kontinent Kontinentalna Kontrol Kontrolira Kontroliraso Kontrolirat Kontrolredaktirane Konusnite Kopaat Kopertino Kopirat Koreni Korenno Koritoto Kosi Kovasi Kove Kovodi Kovodstvoto Kovseznik Kr Kraa Kraen Krai Kraibreznite Kraina Kraino Krak Kral Krala Krale Kralisa Kralski Kralskite Kralstvo Krasivite Kraus Kreit Krepost Kreposten Kreposti Krepostite Krepostna Krepostnata Krepostni Krepostnite Krepostta Krieitiv Kriterii Krivolineina Kuhnite Kuka Kula
Kulata Kuli Kulite Kuls Kurs Kurtoazna Kurtoaznata Kusi Kvadraten Kvadratna Kvadratni Kvat L La Lalis Land Landsaft Landscape Landscapes Las Latinskata Latinski Lbi Lbisa Lccn Legendata Legendi Legendite Leicester Leit Leksikon Len Lenno Lesen Lesno Lesnoto Letas Lg Lga Lgaria Lgarski Lgi Lgia Lgo Lgokrakia Li Liddiard Life Linia Linii Link Lipsata Lira Lisenza Liseto Lisna Lisni Literatura Lm Lmove Lmovite Ln Lnat Lnenia Lnenie Lni Lnite Lnitelna Lnitelni Lnitelnite Lno Lnoletie Loalnost Lodki London Long Lord Lorda Lordove Lov Love Lsaid Ltd Lubov Lubovta Ludvig Luis Luks Luzeski Lzaso Lzat Lzava Lzavame Lzavat Lzenia Lzenie Lzenieto Lzi Lzinata Lzitelen Lzitelna Lzitelnata Lzitelno M Macclesfield Machine Madzarite Main Maistori Makar Maksimalno Mal Malbork Malka Malki Malkia Malkite Malko Malkoto Mandalo Mangonel Mansio Marc Margat Marienburg Martin Masa Masab Masikula Masikuli Masikulite Masina Masini Masite Masivniat Masto Mastoto Material Materiali Mcneill Meandri Mediawiki Medieval Medievistite Mehmed Meid Meksiko Melnisi Menu Meri Mesesi Mesqui Mesta Mestata Mesten Mestnata Mestni Mestnia Mestnite Mestnost Mestnosti Mestnostta Mestnoto Mestonahozdenieto Metal Metalni Metatelni Metod Metra Metrovia Mezdu Michael Middle Miklosis Minaloto Minavas Mirni Mirno Mit Mladezite Mn Mnenia Mneniata Mnenie Mni Mnimi Mnisa Mnogo Mnogobroinata Mnogoto Mnozestvo Moat Mobilen Modata Moderen Modern Moderni Mog
Mogat Mogila Mogilata Mogili Mogli Moldavia Monarh Monarha Monarsi Monreal Montgomery Morris Morskia Mortrieri Mos Mosen Mosna Mosni Mosnite Most Mosta Mot Mota Motte Moze Mozete Mrasni Mrezata Mu Museo Musulmanite Musulmanskata Märchenkönig N Na Nablegne Nablizo Nabludava Nacional Nad Nadminavat Nadmosie Nadpis Naemnisi Nai Nak Nakazanie Nakoa Nakoi Nakolko Nalaga Nalozi Nama Namalat Namalava Namalavaneto Namalavat Namalila Namat Namira Namiraneto Namirasi Namirat Nanasaiki Nanovo Naokolo Nap Napadateli Napadenie Napadne Napodobavasi Napravena Napraveni Napresnite Napresno Naprimer Napusne Nar Narastva Naresen Naresena Narezda Narisan Narisat Narusavane Nas Nasalo Nasaloto Naseleni Naselenite Naseleno Naselo Nasestvenisi Nasestvenisite Nasestviata Nasestvie Nasin Nasip Nasipi Nasite Naslednik Naslednisi Nasoka Nast Nat Natat Natrupvaneto Nausavat Nausen Nausnite Nav Navezdat Navliza Navodnava Navodnavane Navsak Naznasava Naznasavane Nbrasni Nd Ndl Ne Nea Nego Negov Negova Negovata Negovi Negovia Negoviat Negovo Nein Neiniat Neinite Neizdr Nekvalifisirani Nemskata Nemski Nemskoto Neobhodimo Neotlezala Neposredstveno Nepraktisna Nepraktisni Nepravilna Nepravilno Nepredvidimi Neprek Neprevzemaem Nepriatni Neprist Ner Neravnosti Nesigurni Neso Nesposobni Netosni Neudobni Neudobnia Neukrepeni Nevinagi New Nezamenimi Nezelani Neznasitelno Ni Nia Niderlandia Nik Nikak Nikakva Nikakvi Nikoga Niski Niskite Nissite Nite Nito Niva Nivo Nivoto Nkc Nki Nli No Noemvri Noisvansain Normandia Normandskata Normanite Normanskite Normanskoto Normativen Norris North Noseiki Noseni Nosi Noto Nova Novata Novi Novia Novite Novopostroeniat Novopostroenite Novosti Novov Ns Nsen Nsnata Nsni Nsnia Nsniat Nuzda Nuzdae Nuzdaehme Nuzdaem Nuzdi Nuzni Nuznite Nuzno O Ob Obase Obasnava Obasnenia Obasneno Obedinenoto Obekt Obekta Obekti Obezludava Obgradeni Obgrazdasata Obiknovenite Obiknoveno Obis Obisaino Obitateli Obitavane Obkr Oblastta Oboznasava Oboznasavane Obrabotvaema Obrabotvasi Obratno Obrazsi Obrazuva Obrazuvala Obrazuvat Obsa Obsada Obsadi Obsadite Obsadna Obsadni Obsadnoto Obsazda Obsazdasata Obsazdasite Obseg Obsestva Obsestvena Obsestveni Obsestvo Obsestvoto Obsim Obsirni Obsnostta Obsomedia Obstrel Obstrela Obstrelvane Obstrelvat Obuslava Obv Of Ofanzivna Ofisi Ofisialna
Ofisialnite Og Ognevata Ogradenite Ogradi Ogranisava Ograniseno Ograzda Ogromni Ogromnite Ohrana Ohranavaneto Oi Okazva Okolnata Okolnia Okolo Okop Okoto Oktomvri Olio Olioto Oliver Olovo Olovoto Om Opaseniata Opasnostta Opidum Opidumi Opirane Opisani Opisano Opisvan Opisvana Opit Opitni Opitva Opitvat Opozaravane Opredelasi Opredelena Opredeleni Or Ora Orden Ordeni Ordenite Ordensburg Orford Originala Originalnata Originalniat Ornament Osakva Osama Ose Oseani Oselava Oselavat Oseleli Osem Osenena Osevidno Osigurava Osiguravaiki Osiguravane Osiguravasi Osiguravat Osiguri Oslananeto Osnovata Osnovna Osnovnata Osnovni Osnovnite Osnovno Osnovnoto Osobeno Osobenosti Osobenostite Osobi Osprey Ostanali Ostanalite Ostanki Ostava Ostavat Ostrova Ostrovi Osven Ot Otbagvani Otbivan Otbrana Otbranata Otbranitelen Otbranitelna Otbranitelnata Otbranitelni Otbranitelnite Otbranitelno Otdavane Otdelni Otdelnite Otdelno Otdolu Otgore Otgovara Otgovor Otgovoren Otgovornostta Otidat Otk Otkat Otklonavaneto Otklonavat Otkolkoto Otkriite Otkrito Otkrivat Otlisitelen Otmena Otnasa Otnasasi Otnema Otnosenie Otnosno Otnovo Oto Otrazava Otrazenie Ots Otsasti Otsetliv Otslabva Otslabvat Ottam Ottogava Otv Otvetno Otvor Otvori Otvorite Ouain Oxford Oziveno Oznasava Ozovavat P Pada Padaneto Padasi Padenieto Pak Palestina Palisada Palisadi Pari Paris Parkove Patovoto Patronaz Paul Paunda Pazasa Pbr Peizaz Peizaza Pen Perfon Period Perioda Periodi Pernik Peseleiki Pesi Pet Petno Petrariata Peveril Philip Phillimore Pi Pili Pilo Pioner Piper Pirati Piruva Pise Pismenata Pistoleti Pite Plan Planinite Planirania Plantagenetite Plasa Plasaniata Plesivi Plit Plodorodna Plodorodnia Plos Pnost Po Poava Poavata Poavava Poavavat Poavi Pobedata Pobira Pod Poda Podavat Podbran Podd Poddr Podelena Podem Podhod Podhodasi Podhodi Podkopavane Podkopavat Podkrepa Podkrepane Podkrepeno Podlaga Podoben Podobna Podobni
Podobno Podobravat Podobril Podobrite Podovete Podpalat Podpori Podporite Podrazava Podrobno Podrobnosti Podronvaneto Podsertavani Podsertavasi Podsigurat Podsiguravane Podsigurena Podsileno Podsinenite Podvizen Podviznata Podviznost Podzemen Podzemni Podzemno Poema Poeme Pogl Pogresno Pohod Pohodi Pokaze Pokaznost Pokaznostta Pokazva Pokazvane Pokazvas Pokazvasa Pokazvat Pokoite Pokrit Pokrita Pokritie Pokriva Pokrivni Pokupkata Polagat Political Polovina Polozenie Polsa Polski Polukr Polumeses Polusava Polusavat Polusi Polza Polzite Polzvane Pomesenia Pomislat Pomos Pompozna Ponakoga Ponasa Pone Poneze Popov Poradi Porta Portal Portata Porti Portite Poseten Poseti Posetitelite Posle Posledna Poslednata Poslednite Poslednoto Posledvaloto Posluzi Pososvat Postava Postavane Postavaneto Postavat Postavilo Postepenno Posti Postoanna Postoanni Postroava Postroavane Postroavaneto Postroavat Postroen Postroena Postroeni Postroeniat Postroi Postroika Postroikata Postroiki Postroili Pot Potok Pounds Pov Povdigane Povedenie Poveritelnost Povese Poveseto Povliavat Power Powered Pozar Pozari Pozertvan Pozisiata Pozisii Poznat Poznata Poznati Poznavali Pozorno Pozvolava Pozvolavasa Pozvolavasi Pozvolavaso Pozvolavat Pozvolenia Pozvolenie Pozvolenieto Pozvoli Pr Praka Prava Pravat Pravo Pravos Pravoto Prazen Prebivava Prebivavane Pred Preden Predi Predimno Predimstvoto Predisno Predistoria Predlagat Predmeti Prednata Prednaznaseni Prednaznasenie Prednaznasenieto Prednia Predostavat Predotvratava Predotvratavane Predotvrati Predpazva Predpazvat Predpolagalo Predpolozenie Predpositani Predpositat Predsestvenisi Predstava Predstavata Predstaveno Predstaviteli Predstavitelna Predstavlava Predstavlavat Preduprezdenie Pregled Pregledaite Pregrada Pregradi Prehistoric Prehranata Preimusestvata Preimusestvo Preimusestvoto Preizgrazdaneto Prekaleno Prekarvaneto Preki Prekonstruiraneto Prelubodees Premahvaneto Premestvane Premestvat Preminat Preminavaneto Prenebregnat Preneseni Preobrazuvane Preodolavane Preodoleni Prepatstvia Prepitavat Prepratki Prerastva Presat Presmetnato Press Presses Prestiz Prestiza Prestizni Prestoa Prestoi Prestroenoto Preustanovi Preuveliseno Prevod Prevodnata Prevr Prevzemat Prevzet Prevzetite Prez Pri Pribaltiiskite Pribava Priblizava Priblizavaneto Priblizi Priblizitelno Pridobiva Pridobivat Pridvizi Pridvizvaneto Pridvizvasi Pridvizvat Priemat Priemi Prieto Prigodavat Prigoden Prigodeni
Prigotvaneto Prihod Priizdasite Prikaznia Prikazniat Prikrivasi Prilisas Prilisat Prilozeni Prilozenia Primer Primeri Primerite Primitivni Prinsip Prinsove Prinuzdavani Pripisvat Priroda Prirodni Prirodnite Pris Priselat Priselvane Prisina Prisini Prisposoblenia Pristiganeto Pritezanie Pritezatela Pritezatelite Pritezava Pritezavanite Pritezavat Private Privatizasia Privlisat Prizemnia Priznanie Proava Probie Probiv Probivane Probudat Prod Prodovolstvia Produksiata Proekta Proekti Proektirani Proektirat Programa Prohod Prohoda Prohodi Prohodite Proizhod Proiztisa Prokopavane Proletta Promana Promanata Promena Promeni Pros Prostira Prostiras Prosto Prostorni Prostranstva Prostranstvo Prostranstvoto Prosuvstvena Protiv Protiva Protiven Protivnikovi Protivoresasi Prousvane Provans Provinsialni Provinsialnia Provinsialnite Provinsiata Prozorsi Prozorsite Prug Pruga Prugata Publications Publishing Puski Pvaneto Qal R Rabota Rabotat Rabotesa Rabotesi Raboti Rabotilnisi Rabotilnisite Rabotnisi Rabotnisite Radko Radvat Raglan Raizing Ranni Rannia Ranniat Rannite Rannoto Rano Ravniat Razbiraneto Razbivat Razdelena Razdeleni Razgleda Razgranisenie Razhodite Razkazvani Razlika Razlisavat Razlisen Razlisna Razlisni Razlisno Razmer Razmeri Raznoobrazni Razpada Razpadaneto Razpolagat Razpolozeni Razpolozenie Razprostranavane Razprostranavat Razprostranena Razprostraneni Razprostranenieto Razprostraneno Razraboteni Razrabotsisi Razrazili Razresenie Razrusava Razrusavaneto Razruseni Razs Razsiravat Razsistvane Razsitaiki Razsitat Razstoanieto Raztopeno Razviat Razvit Razvita Razviti Razvitie Razviva Razvivat Rb Rba Rdavasi Rde Rdeniata Rdi Rdina Reaksia Redaksiite Redaktirane Redaktirate Redaktor Redisa Reference Reginald Regiona Regionalni Regions Reka Rekite Rekonstruksia Relefa Remonti Renaissance Renesans Renesansovi René Republiki Resava Rese Resenie Resenieto Resetka Resetki Resni Resnik Resurs Resursi Resursite Revelations Rezidensia
Rezidensiata Rezidensii Rezultat Rezultira Rgovia Rgovski Rha Rhnostta Rhovete Rhu Riba Rimlanite Rimska Rimskata Rimski Rimskite Risara Risarat Risari Risarite Risarski Risarstvo Risarstvoto Rise Riskuva Risunka Rkva Rkvata Rkvite Rlane Rlaneto Rlat Rnat Rnbul Rni Robert Rodeni Rola Rolata Romanskia Romantiseskoto Romantisnite Romantisnoto Romantizma Routledge Rov Rova Rovove Rovovete Row Rs Rsal Rsaska Rsat Rsava Rsena Rsene Rseto Rsi Rt Ruini Rum Ruski Rva Rvata Rvena Rvenata Rveni Rveniat Rvenite Rvenoto Rvesen Rvesina Rvia Rvite Rvo Rvodelsi Rvonasalno Rvoto Rza Rzan Rzane Rzaneto Rzani Rzanie Rzanieto Rzat Rzavi Rzavni Rzavnost Rzim Rzo Rzva Rzvat S Sa Sab Sablon Safad Safadin Sak Saksonski Sala Saladin Salah Salata Sam Sama Sambelan Samia Samiat Samite Samo Samostoatelni Samostoatelno Sapultepekskia Sarasinite Sarasinskite Sarls Sarlz Saso Sast Sasti Sastisno Sastni Sastnite Sat Sata Sato Sblizavaneto Sbornik Schultz Se Sebe Sedmisa Sedmisi Sedstvo Segovia Seh Seint Sekat Sel Sela Selani Seli Selia Selisa Selisata Seliseto Selite Selse Selta Semeistva Semeistvo Sen Sena Senata Sent Sentralizirana Sentraliziranata Sentralna Sentralnata Sentralni Sentrove Senvil Seriozen Seriozno Sertezi Seskata Seski Sesto Sestveno Sestvo Sestvuva Sestvuvasi Sestvuvat Setete Seti Setiri Sevalie Sever Severna Severnogermanska Sexuality Sgrada Sgradata Sgradi Sgradite Shaped Shema Shire Short Shvasane Si Sia Siato Siege Sigurno Sigurnost Sii Siion Siito Sila Silata Sili Silindrisen Silindrisni Silno Simon Simvol Simvoli Simvolisna Simvolisno Simvoliz Sinon Sinovete Siria Siriiski Sirok Siroko Sisart Sisloto Sist Sistema Sisterna Sitadeli Site Sitiranata Sk Skandinavia Skele Skeleta Skeleto Skite Sklad Skladiranite Skladovite Sklusva Skoro Skorostno Skrivalise Slabata Slabi Sladil Sladka Slapo Slavanski Sled Slednite Sledvat Slivat Sloeve Slozen Sloznostta Slugi Slusaat Slusai Slusva Slusvasoto Sluzat Sluzba Slōz Sm Smail Smata Smatat Smeil Smes Smesisa Smetka Sna Snabdavaneto Snabdavat Snarada Snarazenie Snata Sni Snite Sno Snost So Sobstvenik Sobstvenisi Sobstvenost Sobstvenostta Social Society Sofia Som Soroca Sosialen Sosialna Sosialni Sosialnia Sosialno Sotlandia Soto Sovek Soveski Spain Spanish Spedaliere Speseli Spesialno Spestat Spis Spodelane Spodelenoto Spomaga Spomenava Spomenavane Spomenavat Spored Sposobna Sposobni Sposobnost Sposobnostta Spramo Spravat Spre Sraknete Sravnavat Sravnenie Sred Sredata Sredisa Sredise Srednite Sredno
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unitedstatesrei · 9 months
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Get ready for the Money Is Funny! Beginning September 26, 2023, join in every Tuesday for an entertaining take on the finances of everyday life. Prepare to dive deep into the relaxed yet pivotal conversations where money meets life on the Money Is Funny! Meet your charismatic hosts who are here to sprinkle fun into your financial journey: Armond Croom The financial maestro with a heart of gold! With a rich background as a business owner, family man, and a former Navy lieutenant, Armond is here to guide you in transforming your money into a well-lived life through quality financial planning. Get ready to embrace financial wisdom with a touch of a fun-loving approach! Mychael Anthony The entertainment powerhouse with a golden resume! From acting to performing in the local St. Louis, Missouri Hip-Hop scene to gracing roles on General Hospital and TMZ, and even rocking the stage with stand-up comedy at the Hollywood Improv Comedy Club - Mychael is the natural entertainer who brings joy and laughter to the often-serious world of money! Join Armond, Mychael, and all of the incredible guests as they unravel the secrets to making the best decisions for your money and your life, all while having a casual blast! Subscribe to United States Real Estate Investor Podcasts on all major podcast platforms, YouTube, and Rumble to see how MONEY IS FUNNY! https://www.unitedstatesrealestateinvestor.com/money-is-funny/ https://www.youtube.com/@unitedstatesrei https://rumble.com/user/USREI #MoneyIsFunnyShow #FinancialFun #LifeAndMoney #ArmondCroom #MychaelAnthony #FinancialWisdom #MoneyMatters #WealthBuilding #SmartMoneyMoves #FinancialFreedom #LifeGoals #MoneyTalks #PersonalFinance #FinancialWellness #MoneyMindset #InvestInYourself #FinancialGuru #EntertainmentMeetsFinance #MoneyAndLife #WealthJourney #FinanceWithFun #MoneyMagic #WealthWellness #FinanceFunnies #SmartSavings #InvestSmart #WealthWisdom #FunFinance #MoneyMavens #LifeEnthusiasts
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pocketstitched · 6 years
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Woah?!! Any place with a cat becomes a great place! Croome Estate and the best gorl named Pepper!!
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walkaholicuk · 4 years
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Croome in the days when you didn't have to social distance or wear a mask. #ntchallenge #croome #worchestershire #house #estate #chateau #touristattraction #tourism #daytrip #dayout #old #mansionhouse #manorhouse #grandhouse #capabilitybrown #estate #building #property #architecture #mansion #statelyhome #classicalarchitecture #historichouse #listedbuilding #officialresidence (at NT Croome) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGWsYuIj11B/?igshid=26xb2odcq9vl
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LUV Robert Adam’s Croome! (Have tried to visit it twice over the years, but could never find the way to get to it from the massive motorway that seems to bisect the Croome Estate. Members of our family have certainly been there.)
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renoyes · 3 years
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This is blatantly stolen from reddit user u/brevardforbernie it is the best snapshot I’ve seen of the local sheriff’s office here in Brevard County, Florida.
 This is what “a few bad apples” looks like in Brevard: multiple civil rights cases filed against the Sheriff, the President of the local police union publicly inviting violent cops from other states to work in Brevard, the hiring of a deputy whom the Washington Post had previously reported was under FBI investigation for racially motivated traffic stops, and the hiring and retention of an officer with a violent criminal history who killed two teenagers last year on the job.
A veteran died in a Florida jail. Two years later, video shows he was tased, left convulsing in a cell. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/11/13/veteran-police-death/
Lawsuits against Sheriff's Office and West Melbourne filed over death of Gregory Edwards https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2020/12/09/ben-crump-files-lawsuits-against-brevard-sheriff-west-melbourne-police-veterans-death-jail-edwards/6506680002/
Lawsuit blames 'culture of recklessness' in Florida sheriff's office for fatal shooting of Black teens https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/04/24/florida-ben-crump-black-teens-shooting-news-conference/7365747002/
Florida sheriff who hosts 'Wheel of Fugitive' show features people who are not fugitives https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2021/03/05/florida-today-brevard-sheriff-ivey-uses-non-fugitives-facebook-show/4581640001/
Florida police union head resigns over social media post trying to recruit cops from departments accused of brutality https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-nw-florida-fop-bert-gamin-resigns-20200612-24ozlir3rbebrorjhohzgkbo5q-story.html
Fairfax seeks to dismiss 400 convictions in cases brought by one officer https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/04/16/convictions-dismiss-jonathan-freitag-fairfax/
Brevard County sheriff's deputy fired after past misconduct revealed by Washington Post https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2021/04/19/brevard-florida-sheriffs-deputy-fired-after-misconduct-history-virginia-revealed/7287865002/
Deputy involved in fatal shooting has history of violence, “unacceptable” behavior, records show https://www.wftv.com/news/deputy-involved-fatal-shooting-has-history-violence-unacceptable-behavior-records-show/XVXMDH4VJFCDZJV2VL7CYBIH5U/
Estates of AJ Crooms & Sincere Pierce - Demand for Jury Trial https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20689444-1?responsive=1&title=1
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architectnews · 2 years
Windsor Residence, Florida
Windsor Residence, Florida Real Estate, US Architecture and Interior design, Images
Windsor Residence in Florida
May 30, 2022
Architecture: Wheeler Kearns Architects
Location: Windsor, Florida, USA
Photos by Tom Harris
Windsor Residence, FL
Traditional yet spare architectural forms make up this winter retreat for interior designer and homeowner, Britt Taner, and her family of five.
Located in the seaside planned community of Windsor, Florida, the Windsor Residence project follows strict requirements set by the township. The design guidelines are derived from vernacular Anglo-Caribbean sources to encourage the simultaneous time-honored values of community and privacy while being responsive to the semi-tropical environment.
Although limited in size and aesthetic range, the home maintains simple, direct forms. Four pavilion volumes of varying scale, shape, and function are arranged around a pool and courtyard oriented to the sun. Roofs are steeply pitched with broad overhangs, complying with guidelines while maintaining their purest distinct form.
Entry into the home begins through a landscaped entry court along the west side of the site that doubles as guest parking in between a colonnade of palms atop crushed gravel. A white stucco retaining wall extends from the back of an open-air pool pavilion to guard the entrance into the courtyard and procession to the main door.
Composed entirely of a white masonry wall and punched openings, the pool pavilion’s exposed structural roof framing is the most primitive expression of the building type, removed from any function other than shade from the sun, shelter from the rain, and privacy from the street.
It stands opposite the living-dining pavilion, a more developed form that nonetheless maintains simplicity and features a singular interior volume that echoes the balanced, symmetrical shapes of the exterior. This volume mediates between the private courtyard and distant views of the landscape and town center to the east, making it perfect for both family time entertaining.
Functional family spaces of kitchen, baths, bedrooms, and closets are housed in a two-story pavilion to the north, open to the sun and courtyard to the south. Additionally, a separate guest suite is tucked under the roof of the garage-pavilion. A row of privacy hedges and columnar trees complete the enclosure of the courtyard.
Highlights include: • Design guidelines derived from vernacular Anglo-Caribbean sources that are responsive to the semi-tropical environment. • Simple, direct forms with four pavilion volumes of varying scale, shape, and function arranged around a pool and courtyard oriented to the sun. • Fun, lively interiors blending vintage finds, like a 1920s brass cocktail table from Paris, with contemporary design elements, including Bulthaup custom countertop, cabinetry and dining table, Carl Hansen CH56 bar stools, Knoll Barcelona chairs and Flos table lamps.
Windsor Residence in Florida, USA – Building Information
Year: 2018
Design: Wheeler Kearns Architects – https://wkarch.com/
WKA Team: Tom Bader, AIA LEED AP, Principal Architect and Chris-Annmarie Spencer, AIA NOMA, Project Architect Consultants General Contractor: Croom Construction Structural Engineer: M L Engineering Inc. HVAC: ProCalcs, LLC Interiors: Britt Taner
Photography: Tom Harris
Windsor Residence in Florida images / information received 300522
Location: Windsor, Florida, United States of America
Florida Architectural Designs
Florida Building Designs
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach Design: Foster + Partners, Architects, UK photo : Nigel Young/ Foster + Partners Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach
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Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Student Union, Daytona Beach Design: ikon.5 architects photograph : Brad Feinknopf Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Student Union
La Clara, West Palm Beach, FL, USA Design: Hariri Pontarini Architects image from architects firm La Clara Apartments in West Palm Beach, Florida
Florida Architecture
American Office Buildings
American Architecture
American Architects
Comments / photos for the Windsor Residence in Florida designed by Wheeler Kearns Architects page welcome
The post Windsor Residence, Florida appeared first on e-architect.
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deerwooduk · 2 years
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In the short video I visit Croome Court in Worcestershire, UK and get some images as the mid morning sun breaks through the clouds and spills on to the wider landscape of the croome estate whilst illuminating Croome House and the Rotunda against a backdrop of blue and grey clouds. This is also a talCHASING LIGHT | smc Pentax 2.5 135mm Vintage Lens | Landscape Photography | Geoff Moore Photography via Pocket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBUpqTeqU28
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oakstrand · 4 years
Are you a real estate sales agent in Croom-A-Coochee, Florida? Join us - You keep 100% commission. Click to find out more! https://oakstrand.com/job/18408/hiring-real-estate-sales-agent-in-croom-a-coochee-florida?utm_term=Croom-A-Coochee-Florida #joblisting #hiring #joinourteam #jobopening #Croom-A-Coochee #realestateagent #florida #oakstrand #bestplacetowork
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Historic Croome Court Sculptures Marked Up By Crayon-Wielding Miscreants
On Saturday, April 8, tour guides at the historic Croome Court estate in Worcestershire were stunned to find crayon markings all over a statue and memorial plaque located on the court’s sprawling landscape grounds. Read more Section:  News General Read Later  ​Read More Ancient Origins 
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bdscuatui · 4 years
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Giao dịch Bất động sản Quận Erie - Tin tức Buffalo Sau đây là các giao dịch bất động sản trên 5.000 đô la như được liệt kê trong hồ sơ của văn phòng thư ký Quận Erie trong tuần kết thúc vào ngày 7 tháng 2. ALDEN • 11980 Walden Ave., Walden Realty Limited Hợp tác với Tập đoàn Cintas số 2, $ 6.000.000. • 928 Đường Ba Rod, Renee C. Lyon; Đổi mới Lyon; Ralph M. Mohz; Michael Pelczynski; Michael F. Pelczynski; Renee C. Pelczynski; Renee Pelczynski cho Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang, $ 212,663. • 885 West Alaura Drive, Toolee LLC đến Kelly A. Jarrell; Scott D. Jarrell, 195.000 đô la. • 11423 Broadway, Michael D. Rosner; Patricia B. Rosner đến Joelle Hoeltke; Nathaniel Hoeltke, $ 179,900. • 1241 East Laray Drive, Buffalo Gates LLC đến Bradley Bowen; Kimberly Bowen, 175.100 đô la. • 928 Đường Ba Rod, Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang đến Joy Ann Morris, 171.999 đô la. • 11760 Westwood Road, Robert M. Laycock; Bình minh Seiwell đến Nicholas S. Buscaglia; Julia N. Licata; Russell J. Licata, 155.000 đô la. • 1462 Elm St., Joseph R. Demare; Carolyn S. Kawecka đến Hallie Keren; Jehosua Keren, 132.100 đô la. • Vl Wende R, William C. Foley; Leonard A. Weisbeck III đến Cmk Builders Inc, 50.000 đô la. AMHERST • Vòng tròn 7 Le Brun, Lucy A. Campbell; James P. Houck đến Janelle M. Randall; Nathan G. Randall, $ 699.000. • 58 San Fernando Lane, Cheryl Castyham; Thomas Cickyham cho Henry Edward Reyes, $ 428.000. • 151 Darwin Drive, Anthony F. Pegnia Jr. để Denise J. Agostino; Philip A. Agostino, 330.000 đô la. • 177 Patton Place, Edda Tiburzi đến Cynthia M. Donoghue; David K. Hanley, $ 316.500. • 13 Campbell Meadows, David Woods; Rừng Phyllis đến Christine A. Tona; Frank C. Tona, $ 311.000. • Tòa án Cimarand 247, Sachiko Fujita; Sachiko F. Fujita đến Daniel Kim; Kia Thạch, 300.000 USD. • 117 Glen Oak Drive, Daniel L. Rodems; Manda E. Rodems cho Jennodes Acheampong; Eric Barnie, $ 295.000. • 4025 Main St., Aida J. Corey đến Darryl Heusinger; Eric L. Heusinger, 285.000 đô la. • 167 Thợ săn ngõ, Pamela J. Kohrn đến Cristina L. Garcia; Juan J. Garcia Jr., $ 278,780. • 4 Địa điểm Hubbardston, Christine A. Tona; Frank C. Tona cho Alfred C. Leto; Willow Leto, $ 275,100. • Đường 491 Mt Vernon, 6831 Seneca St. LLC đến Shanna M. Becker, $ 250.000. • Ngõ 319 Bramblewood, Clara Parisi; Joseph C. Parisi đến Catherine Patricia Shampine; William Christopher Shampine, $ 245,000. • 305 Willow Green, Omara 2018 Family Trust Tr to Crisanto Champion III; Claire L. Hojnacki, 240.000 đô la. • 6 Westcliffe Drive, Pamela A. Shields; Robert W. Shields cho Ginny Gallersdorfer; Patrick Niedziecki, 227.500 đô la. • 109 Altruria, Barbara R. Edwards; Richard W. Edwards đến Alison R. Giunta; Mickael Giunta, 220.000 đô la. • 1569 Wehrle Drive, Joseph Lafornara cho Michael Hennigan; Tara Lynne Trottnow, 220.000 đô la. • 156 Grandview Drive, Claus Schwinge to Brian Kirsch, 207.000 đô la. • 6 Copley Sq, Jane G. Navarro; Joseph A. Navarro cho David Wieloszynski, $ 199,545. • 1269 Đại lộ Thác Niagara, Forest City Properties LLC; Công ty cổ phần cho thuê rừng thành phố Suc; W-A-L Realty Inc Suc; Niasher Realty Inc đến Jemals Boulevard LLC, $ 194,779. • 108 Hickory Hill Rd Ud, Marilyn T Mendelson ủy thác có thể hủy bỏ 041615 Tr cho Janice J. Kapturowski; Ronald A. Kapturowski, $ 185,900. • Ngõ 21 Crown Point, Donald R. Laux; Margaret A. Laux đến Margaret A. Laux, 180.000 USD. • 2810 Đường Dodge, Bertha Regnet; Bertha M. Regnet; Bertha Regnet Living Trust 072011 Tr cho Donald W. Heim, 165.000 đô la. • 25 Albion Ave., John V. Kivinen; Kelyn G. Kivinen đến Elisa R. Debow; Gabriel E. Rivera-Vazquez, $ 156.000. • 9 Công viên Beacon Đơn vị J, Shelley C. Imbs cho Joseph Braccio; Pamela Braccio, 136.000 đô la. • Đại lộ 324 Crosby, Jeanette Levin đến Envision Enterprices LLC, 125.000 đô la. • 335 South Cayuga Rd Đơn vị C, Frances Carter đến Beverly I. Schuster, 115.900 đô la. • 31 Mckinley Ave., Magdalena M. Block; Norbert J. Block to Dum Ventures LLC, 111.000 đô la. • 4166 North Bailey, Barry Medwin tới Daniel Mansfield, 110.000 đô la. • 165 Lynette Lane, Ciminelli Muir Woods LLC đến Ryan Homes of New York, 82.330 đô la. • 123 Callodine Ave., De Leon Juan Perez đến Vazquez Manuel Omar phơi sáng, 71.000 USD. ANGola • 330 North Main St., Lmb Capital Inc đến Danielle Jasmine Ginkel; Zachary Stephen Ginkel, 125.000 đô la. • 5 School St., Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang cho Mark Mazur; Clair A. Montroy III, $ 18.000. AURORA / EAST AURORA • 1021 Đường Olean, Thyroff Aurora LLC đến Benedicto Holdings Inc, $ 1.000.000. • 135 Kandahar Drive, Jody B. Dowdall; Mercedes B. Dowdall đến Jacqueline M. Rabey; Jordon R. Rabey, 440.000 đô la. • 299 Triển vọng Ave., Jacqueline M. Rabey; Jordon R. Rabey đến Green J Gerard Jr, 270.000 đô la. • 214 Greenwood, Deborah J. Mccormick đến Donna M. Ward; John P. Ward, $ 244,000. • Đường đọc 1811, Jack A. Weinheimer; Rosalie Weinheimer đến Julie Gemerek; Mark Gemerek, 175.000 đô la. • Vl Center St., Revitalized Neighbours LLC đến Jeffrey E. Brodowski, 82.000 đô la. BLASDELL • 3610 South Park Ave., Mary Ellen Lipinski đến Colleen Degraff, 175.000 đô la. BOoston • 6454 Willow Drive, Brittany D. Rashbrook cho Jessica Carey; Michael Carey, $ 230.000. BUFFALO • 527 Hertel, Buffalo Townhomes LLC đến Gold Wynn Delsan Court LLC, $ 8,737,820. • 377 Main St., Landco H & l Inc đến 377 Main Realty Inc, 2.000.000 đô la. Katharine Stryker; Stryker Katharine G Rooney đến Kristy L. Kapturowski, $ 565.000. • 2801-11 Bailey, Mccormick 111 LLC đến 2801 Bailey LLC, 450.000 USD. • 126 Crescent Ave., Juliette M. Carbone; Robert C. Carbone đến Gina M. Spaulding; Noah J. Spaulding, 404.000 đô la. • 426 Triển vọng Ave., Vanessa M. Fineberg đến Caroline C. Gilbert, 380.000 đô la. • 152 Fargo Ave., 152 Fargo LLC cho Caroline Bernadette Clauss; Điều khoản ăn kiêng; Marilyn Halpin, 375.000 đô la. • 32 Hamburg St., Let Them Lol Inc đến Jc Properties Qozb LLC, 250.000 đô la. • 744 Amherst St., Jessica Hughes; Thomas B. Hughes đến Melissa E. Smith, $ 235,000. • 84 Hammerschmidt, Gannon-Patel Enterprise LLC đến Tim J. Eng, 228.500 đô la. ; Erika Noreck; Hans L. Steiniger; Joseph R. Steiniger; Marianne Steiniger đến Jacobi Joseph John Jr, 180.000 đô la. • 149 Baynes, Anne M. Bouvier; John F. Fraser đến Louis Gott; Nikki Ruehl, $ 165,000. • 172 Bird Ave., Bá tước K. Cantwell III; Hy vọng Maria Dunbar đến Jennifer Rutherford, 165.000 đô la. • 129 Amber St., James K. Roberts đến Richard Hernandez, 159.650 đô la. • 53 Montrose Ave., Dorothy V. Gambino đến Buffalo Callodine LLC, 150.000 đô la. LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, 145.000 đô la. • 43 Baxter St., Saphiep Kim đến Marian M. Mclean, 145.000 đô la. • 86 Camden Ave., Tyler J. Bortel cho Michael V. Puleo, 144.500 đô la. • 51 Pavonia St., Lebrun Estate LLC tới Evelyn A. Owens-Hennings, 135.000 đô la. • 882 West Ave., Nicholas Pugliese cho Rich Holdings Inc, 130.000 đô la. • 421 Elk St., Trung tâm Khám phá Di sản LLC đến 421 Elk St. LLC, 130.000 đô la. • 863 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo Circle LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, 125.000 đô la. • 269 Skillen St., Nhà thờ Tin lành Nazareth Lutheran đến Sandar Moe; Tun Win, 125.000 đô la. • 445 Willett St., Fred Punturiero đến Alyssa Lopez, 125.000 đô la. • 65 Roanoke Parkway, Claire Lydia Hojnacki đến Jacob J. Lipowski, 120.000 đô la. • 46 Carlyle Ave., Donna J. Miller; Jeffrey Miller; Leroy E. Miller; Đánh dấu Miller; Deborah J. Thomas; Deborah L. Thomas đến Mark W. Miller; Renee J. Sullivan, 115.000 đô la. • 457 Monroe St., Angienell Brown đến Celia Croskery, 110.000 đô la. • 176 Geary St., Karen Andres; Steven B. Bengart; Steven Bengart; Robert Robinson Jr.; Robert P. Robinson Jr. đối với các khoản phải thu bảo đảm tài sản được bảo đảm LLC Trust 2005-Op2 Giấy chứng nhận chuyển nhượng thế chấp & xem; Ngân hàng Wells Fargo NA Tr, 105,674 đô la. • 1848 Clinton, Blp Partnership to Acme Cabin Company LLC, 105.000 đô la. • 946 Abbott Road, Colleen Gill đến Robert Adams, 105.000 đô la. • 202 Kay St., 716 Estates LLC đến Stergios Kotsidis; Damianos Tallides, $ 91.000. • 171 Fenton St., Dolores L. Fontana; Richard A. Fontana đến Bryan Jeffrey Bollman, 87.500 đô la. • 103 Lockwood Ave., Juanita L. Bauer; Cindy L. Coleman cho Richard Acosta, 87.500 đô la. • 279 Davidson, 716 Estates LLC đến Sabina Akter Mukta, 85.000 đô la. • 25 College St., Thomas & elizabeth Campbell Living Trust 091509 Tr tới Bonkuka Fnu Kwayo Ithe, 85.000 đô la. Kevin Croom; Peter M. Kooshioan đến Mfra Trust 2014-2 Tr; Wilmington Trust NA Tr, 77.000 đô la. • 2421 Bailey Ave., Edwina S. Bartscheck đến Prime Properties Buffalo Inc, 75.500 đô la. • 210 Condon Ave., William N. Eaton; Emily Trott đến Galina Tumash, 75.200 đô la. • 31 Vandalia, Let Them Lol Inc cho Jc Properties Qozb LLC, 75.000 đô la. • 45 Kermit Ave., Rahman Properties Management Inc đến Nusrat Zahan, 75.000 đô la. • 290 Cáp, Yrsh LLC LLC, 70.000 đô la. • 779 Triển vọng Ave., Carmen Lai; Carmen L. Lai đến Christina Tretter; Christina E. Tretter, 70.000 đô la. • 968 Genesee St., Addie M. Hargrove; Willie A. Robinson; Tracy Walton; Walton Estelle tháng 12; Walton Faye C đến Fairtrade International Inc, 70.000 đô la. • 547 Highgate Ave., Lĩnh vực Annie L Est; Lĩnh vực Annie Louise Est; Anthony J. Lana đến Fannie Mae, 69.342 đô la. • 153 Hagen, Chat Bark Properties 1 LLC đến Md Jahngir Alam; Md Alamgir Hossain; Md Abdur Razzaque, $ 65,200. • 526 Plymouth Ave., Luz M. Vives đến 716 West Side Holdings LLC, $ 60.000. • 609 East Amherst St., Tonton Group LLC đến Tazin Sultana, $ 60.000. Nykizza A. Hardy; Eric J. Hill, 58.000 đô la. • 163 Wakefield, Raquel Crespo; Giovanni Quinones cho Hemel Ahmed, 55.000 đô la. • 50 Fuller, Jeanallan Properties LLC đến Vicky Nguyen, 55.000 đô la. • 207 Riley, Henry W. Self to Goodeee Management LLC, 55.000 đô la. • 160 Tưởng niệm, Dixon Enterprises Inc cho Wilson Edoh, 52.500 đô la. 846 Walden, Thành phố Buffalo đến Delight Realty LLC, $ 50.000. • 77 Crossman Ave., John C. Szablewski; Kathy J. Szablewski đến Lucky Saad Realty Corp, 50.000 đô la. • 239 Suffolk, Tammy Massey-Thomas đến Carlton Jermaine Byrum, 49.000 đô la. • 97 Bradley St., Robert E. Bordner đến Jcos Properties LLC, 46.000 đô la. • 73 Hawley, Robert E Bordner đến Jcos Properties LLC, $ 46.000. • 396 Riley St., Debra Williams; Robert Williams đến Sylvia Mcneill True lov; Vernon A. True lov, $ 42.500. • 34 Wood Ave., Buffalo Circle LLC đến Treyger Shmaryahu, $ 42.000. • 258 Parkdale Ave., Peter Bestajovsky; Eliza Kaminska đến William Szczerba, 41.000 đô la. • 22 Theodore St., Clinton Calloway đến Main Uddin, 40.000 đô la. • 20 Timon, City of Buffalo to Mds Assets Inc, 38.000 đô la. • 57 Goodyear, Yitzys Homes LLC đến tuxedo • 428 Goethe, Atlantica LLC đến Abu Talukder, $ 32.000. • 182 Hagen St., Leigh Anderson; Ethel L. Cummings cho Buffalo King Reality Inc, 32.000 đô la. • 1649 Fillmore, Nina C. Sidiyahya cho Spencer W. Gaskin, 30.000 đô la. tới Ikram Murad, 28.000 đô la. • 164 Royal Ave., Sdp Properties LLC đến Eric Muniz; Nancy Muniz, 27.520 đô la. • 1903 Broadway, 1375 French Rd Inc đến Ahmad M. Shinwari, 20.000 đô la. • 88 Lewis St., Sunil Bakshi; Hageman Sandra D Est đến Ymr Homes LLC, $ 14,581. CHEEKTOWAGA • 75 Alys Dr E, Vịt con xấu xí LLC đến Courtney Paige Black; Brandon Gl lý, $ 230.000. • Đại lộ 212 Towers, Kelly A. Jarrell; Scott D. Jarrell cho Amy M. Blashot, $ 214.000. • 72 Conway, Jason D. Jacks đến Marietta L. Schaedel; Robert E. Schaedel, $ 188,000. • 35 Gabrielle Drive, Robert P. Johnson; Loretta Roberts đến Rmf Mua lại ủy thác mua lại 2018-1 Tr; Hội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington Fsb Tr, $ 178,363. • 99 Sandy Lane, Frank Bednasz đến Daryl Hahn; Kelly Hahn, 150.000 đô la. • 101 Argus Drive, Jaclyn R. Cwiklinski; Timothy G. Stearns đến Samantha L. Girdlestone; Trevor T. Wirth, 149.900 đô la. • 69 Angela Lane, Norma J. Mongtomery đến Khadiza Halim, 145.000 đô la. • 119 Lee St., Gdc Holdings LLC đến Lyndsey Grande; Robert Wilcox, 141.625 đô la. • Ổ đĩa Cherokee, Armond E. Lofton; Brenda L. Lofton đến Kathryn M. Lam, 135.000 đô la. • 107 Houston St., Michelle M. Yates đến Ryen Seyfried, 130.000 đô la. • 122 Haller Ave., Farzana Sultana đến Bird House Holdings LLC, 130.000 đô la. • 177 Kennedy Road, Daniel W. Metzinger đến Aubrey R. Mcguire, 130.000 đô la. • 50 Hawro Place, Cynthia L. Boroszko đến Blair V. Fletcher; Jeremy Schlierf, 127.000 đô la. • 220 Bissell Ave., James A. Schwartz; Linda J. Schwartz đến Robert W. Zinni, 122.500 đô la. • 32 Lyman Ave., Trung tâm dịch vụ con người đô thị Lt Col Matt ở Western New York; Trung tâm cộng đồng Ba Lan của Buffalo Inc dba đến Alicia Threat; Gary Threat, 122.000 đô la. • 43 Ellen Drive, Seggio Properties LLC đến Saleh Mohamed, 120.000 đô la. • 240 Parker, Georgina Sinnett đến Gerald Vilier, 110.000 đô la. • 183 đường Meadowlawn, Adam N. Wilcox tới Nazma Akther; Md Sifat Ullah, 108.000 đô la. • 54 Hadley St., Kathleen A. Kubala; Karen M. Noe cho Jennifer Bartus, 107.000 đô la. • 64 Boll St., Lisa M. Tomchot đến Rebecca A. Doruszewski, 107.000 đô la. • 64 Northcrest Ave., John M. Mugas tới Christina H. Evans, 99.000 đô la. • 44 Loxley Road , Ibrahim M. Abu-Sitta đến Talitha Field; Aaron Hawkins, $ 92.500. • 20 Haller Ave., HUD đến Ruhul Amin, $ 80,055. • 83 Loretto Drive, Debra S. Smith đến Ae Buffalo Properties LLC, $ 75.000. • 5521 Đường Road, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến 5521 Transit Road LLC, $ 35.000. • 24 Halstead Ave., Michael P. Fischer đến Tri Trekkers LLC, $ 31.000. • 6 Algiers Lane, Arthur V. Pogorzala; Dolores Z. Pogorzala đến Jean Pogorzala, 30.000 đô la. • Đường Vl Kennedy, Daniel Petroski đến Joseph J. Darlak; Rossana D. Darlak, 21.000 USD. CÂU HỎI • 9662 Deerview Lane, George P. Gallagher đến Daniel L. Rodems; Manda E. Rodems, $ 419,900. • Đất trống 9819 Đường mòn Longleaf, Sg Clarence LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 129.500 đô la. THU THẬP • 14088 Gowanda State Road, Earle W. Gates; Vòng nguyệt quế S. Gates đến Keller Billie Jo M, 143.100 đô la. • 13945 Quaker St., Nancy Wells Withington đến Mark Hawes, 40.000 đô la. CONCORD • Đường mòn 20 dốc, Jennifer A. Obrien; Kevin J. Obrien đến Jerry Grawe; Sandra Grawe, $ 245.000. • 13966 Mill St., 7538 Olean Road LLC đến Michael Meindl; Jessica Stack, $ 178.000. EDEN • 9833 Đường Tice, Joseph J. Willis; Karen S. Willis cho Jennifer L. Weber; Joseph M. Weber, 360.000 đô la. • 2172 Đường Hemlock, Lynn Milligan; Robert Milligan đến Brett J. Gage; Natalia D. Gage, 225.000 đô la. • Đường 2304 tháng 3, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc., $ 10.000.EVans • 7125 Brandywine Drive, John Hider; Kristine Hider đến Desiree Hider; John C. Hider, 150.000 đô la. • 73 Center St., Truman 2016 Sc6 Title Trust Tr to Queen City Remodeling Inc, 61.500 đô la. • 1576 Eden Evans Center Road, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc, 25.000 đô la. • 9096 Đại lộ Tây Nam, Nancy Snyder; Quận Erie đến Tây Nam Inc, $ 10.000. ĐẢO GRAND • 94 Đường mòn dễ chịu, David W. Ambellan; Nancy A. Ambellan đến Narinder Singh, 351.000 đô la. • 1310 East Park Road, 335 Center St. Inc đến Idrees Akhtar; Mubeen A. Moughal, 205.000 đô la. • 1486 Đường Whitehaven, Mehmet Hajdini; Arbnore Islami đến Tri Trekkers LLC, $ 173.500. • 3058 Đường sông Đông, David M. Scalise; Joseph D. Mở rộng cho Susan King, 125.000 đô la. HAMCHA • Tòa án Woodway 5018, David Marshall Meinke đến Joshua R. Bannister; Nicolette E. Bannister, 373.000 đô la. • 4301 Rushford Drive, Timothy J. Keim đến National Nominee Services Inc, $ 325.000. • 4301 Rushford Drive, National Nominee Services Inc cho Emily T. Haas, $ 325.000. Steenberg; Timothy T. Steenberg đến Jami Ali; Matthew Silver, $ 290.000. • 5589 Câu lạc bộ đồng quê, Valerie L. Heywood đến Jessica L. Hargarther; Kyle E. Scritchfield, $ 260.000. • 6233 Đường Versailles, Erin N. Russell đến Louis P. Vertino Jr., $ 215.000. • 4971 Kennison Parkway, Natalie R. Bucholtz; George T. Griesbaum cho Lauren E. Murray; Michael T. Murray, $ 189.000. • 6138 Mckinley Parkway, John C. Stiker; Mary L. Stiker cho Steven J. Fox; Tracy A. Fox, $ 185,000. • 5136 Thurston Ave., Jennifer Sj Beam to Paul Hoffman, $ 170.000. • 77 Cây thông, Joseph R. Hess; Lynn M. Hess đến Lindsey K. Ardus, 150.000 đô la. • 4745 Đại lộ Mount Vernon, Claudia M. Austin; Elbert C. Austin III đến Harold R. Clark, 138.000 đô la. • 2640 Oakwood Ave., Melissa Bannister cho Bradley K. Heilig, 135.000 đô la. HÀ LAN • 6 Cherrywood Ridge, Florence Hoffman; Gene E. Hoffman cho Brandon J. Dawson; Rebecca G. Dawson, $ 217.000. • 124 Canada St., Rebecca G. Keller cho Jennifer R. Larkowski; Sean M. Larkowski, $ 157,400. LACKAWANNA • 66 Orchard Place, Colin P. Higgins đến Sharif M. Alamry, $ 157.500. • 100 Balen Drive, Edward J. Mueller cho David D. Holmwood, $ 147.000. • 191 Franklin St., Bruce Savino đến Samantha Martin, $ 108,150. LANCASTER • 28 Weathersfield Lane, Rjf Development Jv đến Cross Creek Eight LLC, 996.870 đô la. • 1821 Como Park Boulevard, Kcm Enterprises Inc đến Van Buren Boys Holdings LLC, 430.000 đô la. • 16 Park Walk, Jamie L. Cudzil; Jonathan R. Fletcher cho Jennifer N. Zyla; Scott E. Zyla, 270.000 đô la. • 21 Ivy Way, Divert Properties LLC đến Samantha J. Pilote, $ 235.000. • 18 Petersbrook Circle, Patricia K. Wukovits cho William E. Clotfelter, 179.000 đô la. • 132 Iroquois Ave., Beverly Schuster; Beverly I. Schuster đến Valerie Lynn Alba, $ 167,000. • 6 Benson Drive, Helen M. Dietz đến Kelly Ann Martin, $ 122.500. • 6 Weathersfield Lane, Essex Ngôi nhà của WNY Inc cho Lauren C. Rittling; Richard W. Rittling Jr., 84.000 đô la. • 34 Glendale Drive, Crystal A. Richards đến Thomas P Schuster Ira Ben; Equity Trust Co Cust, 81.000 đô la. • 8 Hidden Lawn Crossing, Hidden Lawn Lan LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 69.000 đô la. • Đất trống 41 Partridge Walk, Hidden Lawn Lan LLC đến Forbes Capretto Homes; Forbes Homes Inc dba, 69.000 đô la. MARILLA • 2432 Đường Eastwood, Jonathan Thompson đến Paul Luke Kieffer, $ 220.000. NEWSTEAD • 4959 South Newstead Road, Cmk Builders của Alden Inc đến Gary Bailey; Candi S. Possinger-Bailey, 360.000 đô la. PHÍA BẮC • Đường Vl Marschfield, David Berghash; David Wadsworth cho Kenneth Phillips, 33.000 đô la. CÔNG viên ORCHARD • 2 Đường Winterhall, Sally A. Manley; William S. Manley đến Dean M. Brewer Jr.; Rachel Annette Biaer, 656.900 đô la. • 8 Grand View Trl, Joseph P. Kubarek; Sharon M. Porcellio đến Kelly A. Todaro; Michael J. Todaro, 650.000 đô la. • 285 Độc lập, Matthew E. Raiff; Susan M. Raiff đến Gregory D. Samei, 375.000 đô la. • 45 Minden Drive, Steven B. Bengart; Charlene C. Parker đến Fannie Mae, $ 231,022. • 5246 Webster Road, Patricia S. Walla viêm; Paul J. Walla viêm đến Timothy T. Steenberg, 148.000 đô la. • Đất trống 4 Stone Bluff Ct 56, Liên doanh Brompton / caesar Associates cho Jamie N. Nadler; Megan E. Nadler, 118.000 đô la. • 20 Hearthstone Terrace, Liên doanh Brompton / caesar Associates cho Forbes Homes Inc, 114.000 đô la. • 22 Hearthstone Terrace, Brompton / caesar Associates liên doanh với Forbes Homes Inc, 114.000 đô la. đến Tài sản & Bất động sản Mỹ LLC, $ 42.500. MÙA XUÂN • 205 Newman St., Ethan W. Collins; Audra D. Towsley; Patrick E. Towsley đến Ngân hàng Cộng đồng NA, 136.341 đô la. • 47 Glen St., Rosemary S. Mumbach đến Margaret A. Obrien, 126.000 đô la. • 154 East Main St., Cordell A. Thompson; Jaime C. Thompson cho Sarah L. Gabler, 104.000 đô la. THÀNH PHỐ TONAWANDA • 4 Peuquet Parkway, Outvue LLC đến Stark Real Estate Holdings LLC, $ 950,000. • 279 Brookside, Trevor J. Mullins cho Jason L. Bishoff; Maegan E. Bishoff, $ 215.000. • 273 Rogers Ave., Matthew Casseri đến Jamie L. Cummings; Nathan Cummings, $ 173,000. • 257 Niagara St., Edward W. Schreaser to Amy E. Tirella, 133.900 đô la. • 228 Grove St., Odonnell Land & expl LLC đến Jacob Rutkowski, 122.000 đô la. • 166 Rogers Ave., Doris Callahan; Doris E. Callahan đến Kristen Consminger, $ 119,900. • 45 Simson St., Kira Cochran-Gross cho Ahad Advisory Group LLC, $ 50,786. • 2 Maldives, Ave., Francis J. Prelewicz đến John C. Pontrello, $ 50.000. • 4 Clinton St ., David L Eddy Ira 100% Ben; Công ty ủy thác Pensco ủy thác cho Michael J. Lee; Khủng bố E. Lee; 78 Niagara Shore LLC, $ 44.000. TONAWANDA • 22 Deerhurst Park, John Pezzino III đến Anthony C. Fanara, $ 330.000. • 42 đường Grayton, Marilyn Kanutsu đến Deborah A. Tomizzi; Joseph J. Tomizzi, $ 277.999. • 324 Argonne Drive, Anne Mcguire; Curtis L. Meer cho Justin Giá, $ 272.000. • 2970 Đường Eggert, Francesca Grisafi; Giovanni Grisafi đến Bình minh Marie Smyth; Michael Lawrence Smyth, 266.000 đô la. • 142 Westfall Drive, William J. Croker đến Breanne A. Queeno, 186.500 đô la. John A. Delaney đến Heather Rende, 161.000 đô la. • 403 Thorncliff, Dorothy M. Grover cho Elizabeth J. Smith; Michael P. Smith, $ 159,000. • 50 Dreyer Ave., Mark Valenti đến Rosalina M. Vanegas, $ 150,000. • 22 Keller, Heather E. Markwart đến Rachelle Roberts, $ 145.000. • 33 North Ellwood Ave., Susan Ellsworth Johnson đến Trevor J Ngày, 140.000 đô la. • 32 Tremont Ave., Eric B. Nelson đến Miranda Scamacca, 135.000 đô la. • 393 Westgate Road, Kaysi Stepien đến Anthony Badon, 130.000 đô la. • 60 Legion Drive, Donald S. Cox; Gary F. Cox; James A. Cox; Walter W. Cox đến 60legion LLC, 129.900 đô la. • 64 North End Ave., Mary T. Kosmerl đến Lsf9 Master Tham gia tin cậy Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, $ 125,261. • 974 Đại lộ Riverview, Roberta Mcginty đến Kim Tetreault; Scott Tetreault, 106.500 đô la. • 115 Brighton, Arthur Manthey Jr.; Manthey Arthur Paul Jr đến Amanda C. Glor, 100.000 đô la. • 3347 Elmwood Ave., Schofield Residence; Schofield Residence & schofield Certified Home Care; Ghế bánh xe Home Inc dba to Linda C. Baker; Robert A. Baker, 97.000 đô la. • 31 Kerr Ave., Justin J. Bleich; Paul A. Vance gửi Ngân hàng HSBC Hoa Kỳ NA, $ 94,073. • 64 Hoover Ave., Kenneth Graber; Amiee L. Kennedy; Keith D. Miller; Mary E. Miller đến Ngân hàng Midfirst, 81.000 đô la. • 140 Parkwood Ave., HUD đến Emmanuel Tambi, 77.000 đô la. • 164 Woodlawn Drive, Christina Trust Tr; Cơ hội tín dụng dân cư ủy thác III Tr; Hội tiết kiệm Wilmington Fsb Tr dba to Terrance P. Brogan, $ 75,001. • 86 Somerton Ave., 6831 Seneca St. LLC đến Unisource Realty LLC, $ 75.000. • 21 Pullman Ave., Carolyn Diakakis; Peter Diakakis cho Corey J. Hogan, 65.000 đô la. • 149 Kaufman Ave., Michael W. Wagner đến Stephanie E. Capozzi; Nicholas P. Hackett, 30.000 đô la. • 68 Roxley, Anthony F. Scrivo đến Colleen E. Kozlowski; Colleen Scrivo, $ 15,693. TÂY SENECA • 8 Crownland Circle, David R. Modica Jr. đến Jaime E. Noltee; Jeffrey Noltee Jr., $ 202.500. • 69 Woodbine Ave., James Lawson; Theresa Lawson đến Alexia R. Schmidt; Cameron W. Schmidt, 179.900 đô la. • Đường 338 Union, Philip Obrien đến Rachael Ann Kapuscinski, 170.000 đô la. • 4968 Clinton St., Frederick F. Mazurowski đến Richard Wieland, 135.000 đô la. • 45 Nancycrest Lane, George R. Myslinski đến Anne E. Nâu; Stephen P. Brown, $ 134,900. • 319 Nhà thờ Ấn Độ, Erma B. Flory cho Steven J. Wagner, $ 125,250. • 66 Burch Ave., Tập đoàn cải tiến vùng đất Buffalo Erie Niagara đến Elizabeth A. Komoroske, $ 125.000. • 400 Collins Ave. , Nicholas L. Arakelian đến April K. Mueller, 123.600 đô la. • 245 Burch Ave., Steve M. Dipalma cho Christopher S. Golownik; Patricia Golownik, 63.000 đô la. • 212 Saint Jude Terrace, Lisa M. Zimpfer cho Peter J. Celli, 40.000 đô la. • 2p V / l Hyland Ave., Stefan Kablak cho Donald G. Larson, 23.500 đô la. [ad_2] Nguồn
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zuytcom · 4 years
Loạt công viên ở Anh miễn phí vé vào cho du khách giữa dịch Covid-19
Thứ Tư, 25/03/2020 lúc 18:00
Giữa đại dịch Covid-19, một tổ chức sở hữu chuỗi công viên đã quyết định miễn phí vé vào cho tất cả du khách tới tham quan.
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Chuỗi công viên thuộc quản lý của National Trust đồng loạt miễn phí vé vào cửa cho tất cả du khách tham quan giữa đại dịch Covid 19. National Trust có tên đầy đủ là National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty. Đây là tổ chức phi lợi nhuận được thành lập năm 1895 với sứ mệnh bảo tồn và trưng bày những cảnh quan thiên nhiên cũng như công trình kiến trúc được xem là di sản quốc gia ở Anh.
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National Trust đã có 3,7 triệu hội viên, trở thành tổ chức lớn nhất châu Âu về bảo vệ nét đẹp văn hóa và tự nhiên. Trụ sở chính đặt tại Swindon, tây nam nước Anh. Trong khi dịch bệnh Corona đang bùng phát mạnh mẽ tại Anh, National Trust đã quyết định miễn phí tham quan toàn bộ công viên cho du khách ghé thăm.
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Các công trình kiến trúc, cửa hàng và quán cà phê đã đồng loạt đóng cửa từ ngày 20/3. Tuy nhiên, các cửa hàng tiện lợi có không gian mở đã được lắp đặt để đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu khác nhau của du khách trong thời gian tham quan. Ông Hilary McGrady, tổng giám đốc của National Trust, giải thích: “Chúng tôi muốn tôn vinh sứ mệnh của mình”. Việc tự do tham quan này không chỉ nhằm tạo không gian mở an toàn cho người dân mà còn giúp cho họ có cơ hội gần gũi với thiên nhiên hơn.
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Đây là địa điểm thích hợp cho những người ưa thích không gian ngoài trời, yêu thiên nhiên. Công viên với những khu vườn, bãi cỏ rộng giúp du khách có thể đảm bảo duy trì khoảng cách an toàn như lời khuyên của chính phủ, phòng tránh lây lan bệnh dịch.
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Việc miễn phí vé tham quan này nhằm mục đích giúp các bậc phụ huynh có thể đưa con ra ngoài mà không phải lo lắng về việc tiếp xúc gần với người khác. Người dân có một địa điểm vui chơi miễn phí và an toàn giữa mùa dịch.
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Nhiều địa điểm nổi tiếng được miễn phí vé vào cho du khách như vườn Dyffryn, khuôn viên Penrose House, Wimpole Estate, khu rừng gỗ sồi Ashridge Estate, công viên Croome, lâu đài Powis, lâu đài Culzean nằm trên vách đá Ayrshire…
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Tuy nhiên, vào những ngày cuối tuần, lượng khách tham quan tăng mạnh, trong khi diện tích công viên có hạn. Điều này có thể dẫn đến tình trạng quá tải, không đảm bảo chất lượng cũng như sự an toàn cho mọi người.
Anh TúTheo The Sun
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Bài viết Loạt công viên ở Anh miễn phí vé vào cho du khách giữa dịch Covid-19 đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Zuyt.
from Zuyt https://zuyt.com/kham-pha/loat-cong-vien-o-anh-mien-phi-ve-vao-cho-du-khach-giua-dich-covid-19/
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naturecoaster · 5 years
How the Withlacoochee Forest came to be - part 2
This is the second part of an article that is based on the work of Sid Taylor, Florida Forester, and local historian. Sid has tirelessly worked to document the Withlacoochee Forest's history. NatureCoaster was blessed to see one of her presentations on the subject a few years ago and contacted her. Sid Taylo graciously shared her research and sources with NatureCoaster, and that is the basis of this series. If you missed part one, click here to read it.
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Raymond and Margaret Robins donated 2,000 acres of their Chinsegut Hill estate to the Federal Government as a Wildlife Sanctuary and Agricultural Experimental Station. Image courtesy of Florida Memory. Local Social and Economic Needs championed by Colonel Raymond and Margaret Robins The local social and economic needs were known in Washington, DC, partially due to Colonel Raymond Robins, who knew and advised six U.S. Presidents over his lifetime (1873-1954) and lived in Brooksville. Raymond Robins and Margaret Drier Robins donated 2,000 acres of their nearby Chinsegut Hill estate to the Federal Government as a Wildlife Sanctuary and Agricultural Experimental Station on April 9, 1932.  The First Civilian Conservation Corps project Begins in Brooksville Work started there as the first Civilian Conservation Corps project, dubbed “CCC AG-1.” You can still see two bronze plaques immortalizing their achievements at Chinsegut Hill Manor Museum and Retreat Center.
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The first Civilian Conservation Camp was in Brooksville, as part of the Chinsegut donation. This was part of Roosevelt's famous "New Deal," and it provided paid training to young men so they could support their families. Image by Renee Berger. The Civilian Conservation Corps projects were begun to train young men and provide income that they could use to support their families, thereby saving family farms and training the U.S. work force that would later fight and win World War II. Local tradition suggests that the Civilian Conservation Corps also participated in the work on the Withlacoochee Resettlement Land Use Demonstration Project, but there is no substantiating documentation to support that presumption.
Restoring the Land and Rebuilding the Forest
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At the peak of production in March 1936, 899 people were being paid. These men planted trees in one of the first forest reclamation projects planned, funded, and managed by the U.S. government. Image courtesy of Florida Memory. The first Withlacoochee Resettlement Land Use Demonstration Project manager was John Wallace.  John was the brother of then U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Agard Wallace, who became FDR’s Vice President in 1941. He moved to the area from St. Petersburg and put his staff together by the end of 1934. John and Henry were the sons of Henry Cantell Wallace, a Republican and a progressive farmer in Iowa, who also served as Secretary of Agriculture (1921-1924) in Warren G. Harding’s Administration.
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John Wallace is supervising the planting and growing of pine trees by WPA workers. Image courtesy of Sid Taylor Brooksville was chosen as the center for the project due to its manageable distance from Ocala, Clearwater, Tampa and St. Petersburg. The New Deal planners thought it feasible for unemployed urban men to commute by bus to work. 
How the Withlacoochee Forest was Created
At the peak of production in March,1936, 899 people were being paid. Five fire-look-out sites with houses and out-buildings were constructed and the Forest’s headquarters site was erected. These laborers were paid by the Works Project Administration (WPA) for the duration of the Resettlement Administration (January 1935 through March 31, 1937).
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Five fire lookout sites and towers were constructed and the Withlacoochee Forest's Headquarters was erected. Image courtesy of Florida Memory. The Resettlement Administration branch of the FDR’s New Deal brought $261,307 of wages into the local economy over two years through this project. The Withlacoochee project provided an ideal place to test and demonstrate land reclamation and restoration techniques and strategies.
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The Withlacoochee Forest Headquarters on US 41 today includes a visitor center, fleet operations center and employee buildings. Image by Diane Bedard. The mission statement of the RA was to provide acreage for forestry, wildlife, game conservation, recreation, and extensive grazing or multi-land use. This was to be based on principles and practices adaptable by private individuals and corporations, as well as State and Federal agencies.  Fighting Fire in the Forests: New Methods would give Good Results
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Forest fires were a real problem before the Florida Forest Service. The Withlacoochee Rettlement Land Use Demonstration Project had wildfire control as one of its goals. Image courtesy of Florida Memory. The initial goals of the Withlacoochee Resettlement Land Use Demonstration Project included controlling the wildfires that had become a constant threat with slash, or the remnants of the logging business, littering the forest floor. Some of the first projects included building 357 miles of access trails through the newly acquired land. These were created as a priority to reach remote areas for fire suppression. 
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Forty-one miles of telephone lines throughout the Withlacoochee Forest were strung to provide communication. Image courtesy of Florida Memory. Five fire towers and 41 miles of telephone lines were strung to provide communication. This attitude of fire suppression prevailed until the system of controlled, prescribed fire was awakened as a management tool in 1941. The Beginnings of Prescribed Burns
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This 1940s US Forest Service fire truck was part of the solution to manage fire, thereby helping prevent wildfires. Image courtesy of Florida Memory. John Bethea, Florida State Forester from 1970-1987, told an Oral Historian on November 18, 1998 that the first real effort to promote controlled burning happened in 1949.  Trainers and demonstrators were sent out by Tallahassee to change the public’s minds about fire, and to distinguish between burning as a tool versus the havoc of uncontrolled wildfires. 
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Putting out forest fires then. Image courtesy of Florida Memory. Today, with a mature forest, the pine dominate ecosystem is managed, and succession growth stymied by prescribed burning on a two- to four-year rotation schedule.  This provides a healthy forest that regenerates growth of new trees from seed kernels within the pine cones.  The Florida Forestry Service works so that we never have to see a wanton wasteland within the boundaries of Withlacoochee State Forest again. 
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Firefighters conducting a controlled burn in current times. Image courtesy of Susan Strawbridge Withlacoochee Forest created to Give Life Meaning, Joy and Beauty Henry Wallace was the Secretary of Agriculture at the onset of the New Deal. He said that he hoped conservation projects like the Withlacoochee Forest could “leave something that contributes toward giving (to) life meaning, joy and beauty.” The Withlacoochee State Forest is here for our enjoyment because the Federal Government planted trees beginning in 1935.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt promoted both the conservation of the human spirit by putting people to work, and the conservation of the natural resources by replenishing what had been taken from the land.
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Today the Withlacoochee State Forest offers outdoor recreation for visitors. Image courtesy of Pat Manfredo. In 2019, over 164,000 non-contiguous acres provide residents and visitors with many recreational opportunities in the Withlacoochee State Forest. There are trails for hiking, biking, horse riding and driving, off-highway vehicle and birding. Camping is available by calling 877-879-3859. Water recreation facilities include boat ramps, canoe launches, docks, and fishing. Additionally, the Croom Motorcycle Area offers a unique venue to take 4-wheelers and motorized bikes on paths through this amazing location.
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OHV/ATV enthusiasts find miles of trails within the 2,600-acre Croom Motorcycle Area (CMA) at Withlacoochee State Forest. Image by rihaij/Pixabay. Other features include hunting, nature study, restrooms, showers, pavilions, picnic tables, grills, stables and dining halls. Leashed pets are allowed in several locations. Stop at the Visitor’s Center at 15003 Broad Street (US41) in Brooksville for brochures. The Visitors Center hours are Monday - Friday, except holidays from 8 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., although the hours may change without notice. Please call ahead if you plan to stop by. (352) 797-4140 Read the full article
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directlywithlizzie · 5 years
Director’s Notebook: Sense and Sensibility
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Let the research begin!
The Journey to Jane
After spending a delightful autumn with the Bennet sisters staging Lauren Gunderson and Margot Melcon’s Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley for Oregon Contemporary Theatre, I’m looking forward to Spring with the Dashwoods. Prior to these projects I had fairly limited experience with Jane Austen’s novels. I’m a embarrassed to admit now, I was for a long time reluctant to read them, echoing the extremely sexist sentiment expressed by some of my male friends and fellow English majors in college, “I’m not interested in trivial stories about women tittering about the house gossiping about marriage.” No, no! I wanted to read serious literature in college, the works of Shakespeare and Chaucer and Milton! For a long time I was under the delusion propagated by some in academic circles that there was “Literature” and then there were a number of literary subcategories by authors other than White Cis-Gendered and Male to be studied in specialized elective topics courses.  The capital “L” GREAT LITERATURE was canonized because it was assumed to be capital “U” UNIVERSAL while everything else, while perhaps possessing literary merit, was somehow less-than. Mary Shelley and Virginia Woolf might get a passing nod in a British Literature survey course, but Kazuo Ishiguro or Zadie Smith? Forget it! Because if, God-forbid, too many white women or people of color became required reading, it would come at the cost of some poor dead, white male author . . . and then where would we be?
It wasn’t until graduate school that I found feminism and began to discover how patriarchy and white supremacy permeated even the most liberal spaces of society. (I know . . . right?) At one point, an old white, male tenured professor gave the grad students a list of several hundred capital “G” Great Plays “every theatre graduate student must read” before even considering a career in academia. The list was (unsurprisingly) white and male. The only female playwrights that appeared were Aphra Behn and Lorraine Hansberry and the only people of color were Luis Valdez, August Wilson, and (again) Lorraine Hansberry. I argued in a small seminar course with said Old White Tenured Professor about the need to open up the canon, that if we weren’t actively working to do this . . . then who would? Students would never know about Catherine Trotter, Margaret Cavendish, Hrosvitha, George C. Wolfe, Suzan-Lori Parks, Cherrie Moraga, and Lynn Nottage to name a few. He smiled in that kindly patronizing Old White Tenured Professor way and said, “Sure, we should read these authors, but does that mean we don’t read Shakespeare anymore?”
In my mid-twenties, I discovered how my education and life experience, for all its privilege, had deprived me of perspectives not fixed in white-maleness. In literature, pop culture, and life experience, my existence was always as other, always on the fringes of what the mainstream considered to be some idea of “Universal” humanity. My girlhood icons were so limited: Princess Leia and Tela were rare females amidst a sea of men on quests to save the galaxy. I came to consume and mimic the male comic voices of Monty Python, 90s era Saturday Night Live where women were generally dismissed or entirely absent. I reveled in “boy’s club” humor that lampooned women as frivolous, stupid, or slutty. I took pride in the fact that most of my friends were male, that I was “one of the guys” and took the comment “you write like a man,” as the greatest possible compliment. My literary heroes were Holden Caulfield and Benjamin Bradock. Looking back, I see a young girl whose tastes and interests were shaped by patriarchal assumptions that women simply matter less. At the time I would proudly say something like, “Well, if they were good enough, then they would have made it!” Good enough by what standard? I never thought to ask that question. I was always a voracious reader and I could have found Jane Austen and the Brontes on my own . . . but people don’t know what they don’t know. And what I “knew” then, reinforced in and outside the classroom, was that my time was better spent admiring Joseph Heller than Louisa May Alcott.
And all that time . . . Jane Austen had been waiting for me with something I would have loved all along. In 2009, I directed Arcadia, my first Main Stage production at Oregon State University. Tom Stoppard’s 1993 play captured my imagination during a high school trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Arcadia wasn’t the first play I ever saw or was affected by, but it was the first play that truly gave me pause to say: Theatre can do that!?! In some ways Arcadia influenced me to pursue a career in theatre. The script is incredibly witty, smart, and romantic . . . and the setting in a late 18th century English country estate and precious heroine makes it all the more appealing!
Here in 2019 I get to revisit many of the same themes and the visual aesthetic I had the pleasure of exploring ten years ago. Sense and Sensibility and Arcadia are, of course, stylistically two very different plays, but they do share similar themes of status, social class, and clever young women struggling with their roles in “polite society” of the 1790s. Young Thomasina, the math prodigy at the center of Arcadia, possesses wit and imagination well beyond her years and cloistered experience as the only daughter of Lord and Lady Croom. Thomasina shows little interest in fulfilling her duty to “marry well,” and instead pours her passion and energy into her studies and her tutor and friend, Septimus Hodge. Thomasina, like many Jane Austen heroines, exists within her society as an outsider-insider, a misfit within the upper-crust. Like Lizzy Bennet or Emma Woodhouse, she possesses her own mind and asserts her agency, however unlike them, Thomasina meets a tragic fate while Austen’s characters experience unambiguously happily-ever-afters. Thomasina Coverly has been one of my favorite characters in all of literature since I was fifteen years old, long before I knew anything about her literary predecessors. In a roundabout way, she was my gateway into appreciating the worlds of Pemberley or Barton Park. Without knowing it, I adored Jane Austen before having actually read any Jane Austen.
More to come as the process gets underway!
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