staragri · 28 days
Explore how Star Agri partners with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to build resilience and drive sustainable agricultural practices. This page highlights our collaborative efforts to enhance the capacity of FPOs, improve farm productivity, and foster economic stability within farming communities.
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loanalbuprefect · 1 month
Prefectul Ioan Albu împărtășește cum inginerii agronomi transformă agricultura
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Agricultura nu mai înseamnă doar îngrijirea câmpurilor și creșterea culturilor. Peisajul modern al agriculturii a evoluat într-un efort extrem de tehnic și științific, în care inginerii agronomi joacă un rol esențial. Ioan Albu Prefect, un expert experimentat cu ani de experiență în agronomie și politică agricolă, oferă o perspectivă asupra modului în care acest domeniu de specialitate revoluționează modul în care ne cultivăm alimentele.
Noua față a agriculturii
Au trecut vremurile când agricultura era văzută ca o ocupație simplă, tradițională. Astăzi, inginerii agronomi sunt în fruntea transformării agriculturii într-o industrie condusă de știință. Acești profesioniști reunesc cunoștințele despre biologia plantelor, știința solului și inginerie pentru a optimiza practicile agricole. Prefectul Ioan Albu subliniază faptul că această schimbare nu numai că crește randamentele, ci și promovează practicile durabile, care sunt esențiale în lumea de astăzi.
„Inginerii agronomi sunt în esență arhitecții agriculturii moderne”, spune prefectul Ioan Albu. „Ei își folosesc expertiza pentru a proiecta sisteme agricole eficiente, prietenoase cu mediul și capabile să răspundă cerințelor unei populații globale în creștere.”
Agricultura de precizie: o schimbare de joc
Una dintre cele mai semnificative contribuții ale inginerilor agronomi este dezvoltarea și implementarea agriculturii de precizie. Această abordare folosește tehnologie avansată, cum ar fi GPS și senzori, pentru a monitoriza și gestiona culturile cu o acuratețe incredibilă. Potrivit Prefectului Ioan Albu, agricultura de precizie permite fermierilor să aplice cantitatea potrivită de apă, îngrășăminte și pesticide exact unde și când sunt necesare.
„Acest nivel de precizie reduce risipa, scade costurile și minimizează impactul agriculturii asupra mediului”, explică Prefectul Albu. „Este o situație avantajoasă atât pentru fermieri, cât și pentru mediu.”
Folosind datele și tehnologia, inginerii agronomi pot ajuta fermierii să ia decizii informate care duc la un management mai bun al culturilor și la randamente mai mari. Acest lucru este deosebit de important, deoarece schimbările climatice continuă să pună provocări pentru metodele tradiționale de agricultură.
Sustenabilitatea la bază
Sustenabilitatea este un accent cheie pentru inginerii agronomi, iar prefectul Ioan Albu subliniază importanța creării unor sisteme agricole care să reziste în timp fără a epuiza resursele. Sănătatea solului, gestionarea apei și rotația culturilor sunt doar câteva dintre domeniile în care inginerii agronomi își aplică cunoștințele pentru a dezvolta practici durabile.
„Pământul sănătos este fundamentul agriculturii”, notează Prefectul Albu. „Inginerii agronomi lucrează pentru a se asigura că solul rămâne fertil și productiv pentru generațiile viitoare. Ei dezvoltă, de asemenea, strategii de gestionare eficientă a resurselor de apă, ceea ce este esențial în zonele care se confruntă cu deficitul de apă.”
Concentrându-se pe durabilitate, inginerii agronomi ajută la asigurarea viitorului agriculturii, asigurându-ne că putem continua să hrănim o populație în creștere fără a compromite sănătatea planetei noastre.
Reducerea decalajului dintre știință și practică
Ioan Albu Prefect mai subliniază că unul dintre rolurile cheie ale inginerilor agronomi este acela de a reduce decalajul dintre cercetarea științifică și agricultura practică. Ei preiau concepte științifice complexe și le traduc în practici acționabile pe care fermierii le pot implementa pe câmpurile lor.
„Inginerii agronomi sunt legătura dintre laborator și fermă”, spune Prefectul Albu. „Munca lor asigură că progresele științifice nu sunt doar teoretice, ci sunt de fapt aplicate într-un mod care aduce beneficii fermierilor și industriei agricole în ansamblu.”
Impactul inginerilor agronomi asupra agriculturii moderne nu poate fi exagerat. Prin expertiza lor, ei transformă agricultura într-o industrie mai eficientă, durabilă și productivă. Perspectivele Prefectului Ioan Albu ne amintesc de rolul critic pe care acești profesioniști îl joacă în modelarea viitorului agriculturii, asigurându-se că aceasta rămâne viabilă în fața provocărilor globale. Pe măsură ce lumea continuă să evolueze, la fel va evolua și rolul inginerilor agronomi, care conduc sarcina către un viitor agricol mai durabil și mai prosper.
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agmatix · 1 month
Revolutionize Agriculture with Axiom Modeling Technology
Discover how Axiom Modeling Technology is transforming the agricultural industry with Agmatix. This cutting-edge technology offers advanced data modeling and predictive analytics, empowering farmers and agronomists to make more informed decisions. By leveraging Axiom’s capabilities, users can enhance crop management, optimize resource use, and improve overall farm productivity.
Axiom Modeling Technology provides precise insights into crop performance and environmental conditions, helping to mitigate risks and maximize yields. Its integration with Agmatix’s platform ensures seamless data analysis and actionable results, driving smarter agricultural practices and sustainable growth.
Explore the benefits of Axiom Modeling Technology and see how it can revolutionize your approach to modern agriculture.
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technophili · 1 month
The 12 Most Mind-Blowing Ways AI Is Innovating In Farming
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The agricultural sector is developing thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), which is transforming our farming practices, from sowing to harvesting. As we can see today, the world's growing population is only getting stronger, and climate change is bringing new challenges that we need to address, which is why we need artificial intelligence not just in finance or machine learning, but also in agriculture, because we need it to increase crop yields, to conserve resources and also to create food systems that will be more sustainable. This article explores the current state and future potential of AI in agriculture, drawing on expert opinion and real-life examples.
Why innovation is needed in agriculture ?
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), quoted by Forbes, the world is going to have to produce 60% more food than we have by 2050 in order to feed a projected population of 9.3 billion. But right now, there are a number of major challenges in the agricultural sector that may mean that this goal will (perhaps) never be reached. At least for the time being.Rajesh Singh, professor at Lovely Professional University and co-author of "Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture", underlines just how urgent this situation is: "The agricultural industry is at a critical juncture. Traditional farming methods are struggling to keep pace with growing demand and environmental pressures. AI offers a promising path forward, but its implementation must be thoughtful and inclusive."The current challenges facing agriculture are as follows:1. Pest damage: According to Forbes, pests destroy around 40% of everything produced in agriculture every year, causing losses of at least $70 billion. Their impact is widespread, with locusts in Africa and fruit flies damaging orchards all over the world, so it's damage that also affects the economy.2. Soil degradation: According to Forbes, nearly 33% of the world's soils are degraded, reducing their capacity to support crop growth. This results in an estimated loss of around $400 billion a year.3. Water scarcity: Again according to Forbes, agriculture uses 70% of the world's fresh water, but 60% of this is wasted through leaky irrigation systems and inefficient farming practices.4. Weed proliferation: According to Forbes, some 1,800 weed species reduce crop production by around 31.5%, resulting in economic losses of around $32 billion a year.5. Post-harvest losses: The World Economic Forum notes that in countries like India, 40% of produce is lost in the supply chain due to inadequate storage, transport and market access. These problems are particularly acute for small-scale farmers. Anita Gehlot, co-author of "Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture", explains "Smallholder farmers, who produce a significant portion of the world's food, often lack access to advanced technologies and face disproportionate risks from climate change and market fluctuations. AI solutions must be designed with their needs in mind." The World Economic Forum gives us a sad example of the challenges with the story of Krishna, a small farmer from Telangana, India. He actually cultivates an acre of land, but Krishna earns just $120 a month - not even enough to give his family what they fundamentally need. For Krishna and millions of others like him, farming is a gamble that involves enormous risks, and it doesn't pay very well. That's why we're all asking the same question 
How is AI revolutionizing agriculture? 
Thanks to artificial intelligence and other AI-dependent technologies such as machine learning, computer vision and the Internet of Things (IoT), we have other ways of making these long-standing agricultural challenges a distant memory. As Mahesh Kumar Prajapat, also co-author of "Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture", notes: "AI's ability to process vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, and make predictive analyses is being applied across the entire agricultural value chain, from soil preparation to post-harvest logistics."Let's see how AI is transforming different aspects of agriculture: 1. Crop and soil management: Thanks to AI, the way farmers monitor and manage their crops and soils is going to change completely. -Crop yield prediction through AI:in effect, this means that learning algorithms have the ability to analyze historical data, weather patterns, soil conditions and satellite imagery to predict crop yields with an accuracy that will only increase.This gives farmers greater clarity when it comes to planting, and can even extend to resource allocation and harvest scheduling. There's also- Machine learning for pest and disease detection: Image-recognition systems powered by artificial intelligence can detect any signs of pest or disease infestation in crops, and that's before humans can notice anything. I'd also like to mention Automated irrigation systems:If AI starts analyzing soil humor levels, weather forecasts and crop water requirements, it could perhaps make irrigation better. According to forbes,CropX, a company specializing in precision agriculture, reports that thanks to their AI solutions, they have been able to reduce water use by 57%, while at the same time increasing yields by up to 70%.Crop monitoring by drone: which can rapidly survey large areas and provide information on crop health, growth patterns and problems that can appear in great detail. AI-assisted soil health analysis:here, if machine learning models happen to analyze soil samples and sensor data, they will potentially be able to give information on soil composition, nutrient levels and overall health at depth.2. Livestock managementBhupendra Singh, also co-author of "Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture", talked about how AI could impact livestock farming."AI is transforming livestock management through advanced monitoring and predictive analytics, leading to improved animal welfare and productivity."Among the main applications we have, for example, the: AI-assisted animal health monitoring:here we may be talking about how wearable captures and AI algorithms can monitor vital signs, movements and the way animals behave in relation to their feed in order to detect early signs of disease, there are also:Automated feeding systems:where AI can choose the best feeding times and portions according to each animal's needs, improving nutrition and at the same time reducing waste. And let's not forget Behavioral analysis: in this case, it analyzes the way animals behave in order to predict certain events in advance, such as   estrus in dairy cows, enabling us to set up more effective breeding programs.3. Farming The AI organizes the overall management and operations of the farm:Resource optimization: this involves enabling algorithms to analyze different data streams, so that they can optimize the way in which resources such as water, fertilizers and labor are used throughout the farm. Weather forecasting: that's nothing new! I think many of you already know that AI is capable of giving us weather forecasts in every locality, and this could help farmers to make important decisions about planting, for example: when to plant? When not to? How to do it? When to do it? There will also be important decisions to make when harvest time comes, and other decisions too about how to protect crops. That's why there's Agricultural data analysis: made possible by AI-powered dashboards. And what's important to know here is that since they are in a position to integrate data that comes from different sources (sensors, machines, market prices), they will be able to provide farmers with information that they can use and thus make the way they make decisions much better.4. Supply chain managementAI improves efficiency and transparency throughout the agricultural supply chain:Blockchain for traceability:blockchain solutions can track agricultural products from farm to fork, thereby enhancing food safety and enabling consumers to check where their food comes from and where it has been before it reaches their plates.AI-enabled inventory management: we could optimize stock levels with artificial intelligence, thereby reducing waste and ensuring that agricultural products are delivered as quickly as possible..Demand forecasting:we'll be able to analyze market trends, the way consumers behave and other external factors to know in advance which agricultural products will be in greatest demand, so farmers and distributors can plan better.
In fact, AI in agriculture is also having a certain impact in the real world, as it..
  ...is already being felt worldwide. Here are a few compelling examples:1. Precision weeding: according to Forbes, the LaserWeeder, an AI-powered weeding system, claims to eliminate up to 5,000 weeds per minute with 99% accuracy. Farmers using this technology say they have been able to cut their weeding costs by up to 80%, and they have a return on investment that can be made in as little as one to three years!2. Empowering small-scale farmers:The World Economic Forum had mentioned in their article an 18-month pilot program that was done in India to test digital advisory services that used artificial intelligence and was aimed at small-scale farmers, and the results they got were insane.-     Net income doubled to $800 per acre in a single crop cycle (6 months). -    Chili production increased by 21% per acre. -     Pesticide use decreased by 9%. -     Fertilizer use decreased by 5%. -    Crop price increased by 8% because of improved quality. -  Crop yields increased by 23%. - Water use was reduced by 30%. - Fertilizer and pesticide use were reduced by 20% and 50% respectively. - Overall profitability improved by 35%. - The farm's carbon footprint has been reduced by around 25%.Rajesh Singh comments on this case study: "This example illustrates the holistic impact AI can have on farm operations. It's not just about individual technologies, but how they work together to create a more efficient, productive, and sustainable farming system.”
Conclusion: The changing face of agriculture
In the future, it's clear that AI will play an increasingly central role in agriculture. From small farms in India to large industrial farms in the USA, AI technologies are helping farmers to produce more food with fewer resources, while reducing their impact on the environment.Anita Gehlot concludes: The integration of AI in agriculture represents a paradigm shift in how we approach food production. However, as we embrace these technologies, we must ensure that their benefits are widely shared and that we don't lose sight of the fundamental connection between humans and the land."As we move into this new era of algorithmic agriculture, we must strive to ensure that the benefits of these technologies are widely shared, that their implementation is environmentally sustainable, and that they serve to enhance rather than replace the rich tradition of human agricultural knowledge. In so doing, we will be able to write a new chapter in the age-old history of human agriculture, one in which silicon and soil work together to feed the world.The authors of "Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture" remind us that, while artificial intelligence offers powerful tools for tackling the challenges facing agriculture, it is not a panacea. Its successful implementation will require ongoing research, thoughtful policymaking and a commitment to inclusive development that benefits farmers at every scale and in every region.At the intersection of traditional farming wisdom and cutting-edge technologies, the future of agriculture promises to be both exciting and complex. By harnessing the power of AI responsibly and equitably, we have the opportunity to create a more resilient, sustainable and productive global food system for generations to come.  Read the full article
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222-222-222 · 2 months
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vatshalgreen · 2 months
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irishybridseeds · 3 months
Best Seed Suppliers in India for High-Quality Seeds
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scholarstree · 3 months
Agriculture | Crop Management | Applied Sciences | Articles & Blogs - Scholar's Tree
Latest research articles, blogs, news, whitepapers, videos and more on agriculture, soil science, crop management, crop production, allied sciences & resource manage. Contact us to get your research articles published
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shastramnursery · 4 months
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A Protected Farming Structure Maximizes Crop Yield and Profitability
Explore the world of protected farming structures and how they empower farmers at Shastram Plant Nursery to regulate environmental factors, ensuring year-round crop cultivation and enhanced profitability.
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market-insider · 4 months
Cannabis Cultivation Market Insights: Assessing Market Dynamics, Investment Opportunities, and Technological Advancements
The global cannabis cultivation market size is expected to reach USD 1,844.1 billion, expanding at a CAGR of 21.3% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Growing legalization and adoption of cannabis for the treatment of chronic diseases is positively impacting the market growth. Furthermore, the liberalization of laws related to hemp and marijuana by various countries is projected to further bolster revenue growth during the forecast period.
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Cannabis Cultivation Market Report Highlights
The market is anticipated to witness significant growth owing to the growing legalization and adoption of hemp and marijuana for the treatment of chronic diseases
The hemp segment dominated the market in 2022, owing to the increasing adoption of hemp and derived products due to low THC content
The industrial consumption segment dominated the market in 2022, owing to the growing application of marijuana and hemp in various industries
In May 2022, Aurora Cannabis Inc. completed the purchase of TerraFarma Inc., which will contribute to their Canadian recreational cannabis company and Aurora's worldwide expertise in the cannabis market
In March 2022, HEXO and Tilray Brands Collaborate to Form Strategic Alliance, Uniting Two Canadian Cannabis Industry Leaders
In December 2021, As part of its continuous development plan, the Company purchased Quebec-based Laurentian Holdings Inc., boosting its presence in Quebec's second-most populated province
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Cannabis Cultivation Market Report
Furthermore, while the authorities imposed lockdown measures during COVID-19, European consumers hoarded supplies. Between January and March 2020, the value of items sold on Cannazon, a platform for hemp products, reached roughly USD 5.04 million reflecting a volume of 1.6 metric tonnes. In the U.S., a similar increase in sales was observed, with people stockpiling in anticipation of government-mandated shelters. As a result, increased stocks and strong consumer demand, as well as a growth in areas recognizing the product as a necessary commodity for recreational and medical uses, are projected to fuel market expansion throughout the forecast period.
Based on biomass, the hemp segment dominated the market in 2022. Factors contributing to increasing demand include the increasing adoption of hemp and derived products and its growing acceptance among users due to its low THC content. It is mainly used by people who intend to reap the medical benefits of the plant without getting intoxicated. In addition, positive government reforms regarding the utilization of hemp in many countries are further propelling market growth.
In 2022, the industrial consumption segment accounted for the highest revenue share. This growth is attributed to the growing application of marijuana and hemp in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, personal care & cosmetics, nutraceuticals, and food and beverages. In addition, the growing usage of cannabis and its derivatives as raw material by companies to produce their products is further fueling the growth. For instance, CBD oil and tinctures obtained from the plant are used by pharmaceutical companies for the production of cannabis-infused drugs. Hence, its consumption for various applications boosts the overall growth of the market.
Asia Pacific is expected to expand at the fastest CAGR in the forecast period owing to the presence of the largest cultivation markets in the region such as China, South Korea, India, and Australia. Furthermore, favorable climatic conditions, increasing awareness about the plant and its medical benefits, and a growing patient pool eligible for medical marijuana treatments are the other factors boosting the growth of the market in the region.
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loggerindo · 7 months
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inventcolabsoftware · 7 months
Precision Drone Software for Agriculture
Discover how our precision agriculture drone software is revolutionizing the industry. Explore costs and features.
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loanalbuprefect · 1 month
Primele 10 abilități ale prefectului Ioan Albu pentru inginerii agronomi
Alăturați-vă nouă ca Ioan Albu Prefect, un inginer agronom experimentat, împărtășește primele zece abilități pe care fiecare agronom trebuie să le stăpânească. De la știința solului și managementul culturilor la valorificarea tehnologiei și promovarea durabilității, Ioan oferă sfaturi de specialitate pentru a vă ajuta să excelați în lumea în evoluție a agriculturii. Indiferent dacă ești nou în domeniu sau un profesionist experimentat, acest episod este plin de informații pentru a-ți impulsiona cariera.
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agmatix · 2 months
Transforming Agricultural Research with Ag Field Trials Software
Discover how Agmatix's ag field trials software is revolutionizing agricultural research. This innovative software streamlines data collection, enhances accuracy, and provides valuable insights to optimize crop yields and resource management. Ideal for researchers and farmers aiming to improve agricultural practices, Agmatix's solution offers a comprehensive platform for managing and analyzing field trial data effectively.
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captobiotech · 9 months
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roll-fast · 9 months
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