#Crown Prince Ryōma of Hoshido
sweetestrequiems · 4 years
Goodbye, Hoshido
Summary: You finally reached the Hoshidan capital. Little did you know, though, that you’d have to sacrifice Ryōma’s life in order to continue your control of the lands with Nohr. With the siege on the Great Wall of Suzanoh over, and your forces moving to Castle Shirasagi, you face the most difficult decision of your life yet. But, you did not realize that the fight would come at the cost of your body being taken over by an ancient power. 
Character(s): Female!Corrin (Will be referred to as Kamui.) Crown Prince of Nohr, Xander Crown Prince of Hoshido, Ryōma
TW: graphic description of death, violence, blood proceed with caution.  
A/N: Because my dumb ass was listening to Lost in Thoughts, All Alone on repeat and also sad, this is what happened. Written in a mixture of second and third person points of view. (You/Yours/Him/His) Pretty much a deviance from my normal works (i.e.: Broadway/West End shows), but I have a soft spot for this peculiar installment of the Fire Emblem franchise. Fates captivated my heart with its story, and with the moral choices it forces Corrin to take. I really wanted to write the Revelation route, but Conquest is just so much more fun. And, I owned Conquest first of all the three.
This is my take on Chapter 25: Ryōma, of Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. (Note: Ryōma, in the games, dies by a different manner. I just wanted to have fun and write something that deviates from the story.) And yes, Kamui does indeed get taken over by Anakos.
Tag List: @bchcadcd 
Your steps felt heavy against the bricks of the Hoshidan Capital, but you kept walking forward.
The Yato felt like a screaming fire in your hands, but you kept holding on to your beloved blade.
The gold of the blade was tarnished in the crimson of the blood of the Hoshidan army. Most everyone had fallen, and by your hands. This blood is something you would never be able to wash off. A hand grabs your shoulder and stops you in your tracks. You turn around, to find it’s none other than the blond wielder of the Siegfried, Xander. His gaze looked concerned, and you could see it in his eyes. Part of you could get lost in that gorgeous gaze of his.
“Kamui.” His voice was a tad abrasive at the moment, but you knew it held soft undertones. “Are you okay? You haven’t spoken much since we left the Great Wall of Suzanoh,” that’s where his voice softened up. With a nod, you just shake off whatever’s bothering you. The Grim Yato’s purplish glow was a bit of a comforting sight to you, but nonetheless, the blood was not as much. Your voice is quite mellow, but your expression reads troubled.
“I’m fine, Xander. Really, I can handle this.”
He didn’t look very reassured, but his hand lets go of you and the two of you continue to walk. The blade of the Yato rested on your shoulders, as a way for you to give your arm a break from carrying it so much. Castle Shirasagi looked a little too desolate on the outside, which began to worry you. You had just spared Sakura and Hinoka, and Takumi had gone missing during the seize on the Great Wall. Your brain was reeling with thoughts and uncertainty, which even Xander himself was feeling. Knowing you two had one task left at hand, you both drew your blades and opened up the doors.
“Go to the Throne Room, Kamui. I’ll fetch the others, and wait for us there.” Just as soon as he had come in with you, he left. 
You remember the layout of the castle. This was your family’s home. Your brothers, and your sisters... all of them lived here. But with Takumi gone, and your sisters in hiding... this became nothing. Your feet against the tatami made a soft thud noise with every step. The Grim Yato’s glow began to get brighter the closer you inched to the throne room. It was detecting the energy of Ryōma’s blade, the fabled Raijintō. You kept following it, hoping to maybe speak to Ryōma.
The sounds behind you grew louder with time. Xander had returned with everyone, and you had just opened the door to the throne room.
There he stood, the red samurai. Eldest of the Hoshidan noble family, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Hoshido: Ryōma, with the Raijintō sheathed, yet in his hands.
“Kamui, you have done well so far,” the unsheathing of the electric-pulsing blade immediately lit the torches in the room up. You saw his eyes full of both pain and love. This was a fate he never wanted to accept, that he would be going against his little sister. “But all of that was just practice. No more games, young one. To the death.”
This speech, of course, was cut short by that vile Iago. You hated him from day one. You knew something about him was off. And in the way that he threw Hinoka’s lance at Ryōma, you knew the chance to talk was over. He pinned a false death on you, and... well, you had to go along with it. Your face was full of shame and regret, as to go along with the act, but... Ryōma’s features, lit by the torchlight, looked rough.
Betrayal replaced the love in his eyes. 
The doors to the throne room close behind you, with everyone else trapped on the outside. You turn around, yelling for someone to come back in. “Xander! Xander please! Open the door!” But even with the attempts one could hear, the door would not budge. Xander’s calming voice would be what brings you peace in this moment of fear. “Stand strong, Kamui! We’ll find our way in there!”
The second you turned around, the blade of the Raijintō was coming down upon you with fury. Bringing up the Yato, you stumble back a step or two, crying out from fear. Your brother’s rage was something you were blessed to have never witnessed, but it was truly a difficult sight to bear. “YOU MURDERING FIEND!”
“Ryōma, please–”
“I will have revenge for my sister! I challenge you to a duel!! I will not rest until I kill you myself, you traitorous scum! When the sun sets on this day, one of us will be dead. No one will get between me and my revenge!” The force on his blade doubled as you struggled to keep your ground. With all of your might, you manage to push your eldest brother back, and stare at him with pained eyes. “Ryōma, please! We can talk this out!”
But it was too late. The samurai was set on his one goal of avenging Hinoka, blissfully unaware that you had actually spared her.
Before you even managed a chance to catch your ground on the tatami, the Raijintō was coming right for your side. The smallest bit of the end of the blade cuts into your skin, and you cry out, needing to step back. The side of your body began to feel a little warm as that crimson liquid that had dried on your Yato was now running down your side. Looking up, you see the samurai you call a brother winding up for another attack, the Raijintō now showing off its true aura of electricity. The fire from the torches was dancing around the sleek katana’s blade.
This was not how you wanted to take Hoshido, but it seemed this was the only way to do so.
Your hands tighten around the hilt of the Yato. Forcing yourself to ignore the pain, you just begin to run down the corridor of the throne room, swinging the golden blade of your sword in a diagonal that would catch Ryōma off guard. And it did, as the top layer of armor he wore across his chest cracked upon the hard blow of your blade. In fact, just a small part of the edge of the blade got lodged in it, and you had to force yourself to yank it off of him. 
“I see, you truly have been practicing. Well done, Kamui. But... I cannot bear to look at you. You’re a traitor to your family. To your home!”
It was a dance of blades. His Raijintō versus your Yato. 
The sound of the metal clashing was driving you mad. You paused for a moment, seeming to look defeated. But instead, a rage began to consume you. Your dragon roots, due to Anakos’ blood being your own. Looking up at the tall ceiling of the throne room, you release a dragon’s cry into the air. The people outside of the locked throne room all seemed to have gone quiet. Your gaze goes down to meet Ryōma’s, and he looks a little shaken himself. Your red gaze seems to have hardened, because you feel your eyebrows furrowed.
You look down at yourself, to come find your Silent Dragon’s features have taken over parts of your body. Your hands are the menacing talons you used to crush Hoshidan soldiers at the Great Wall of Suzanoh, your silver tail has broken a hole into the tatami behind you, and your dragon’s horns have revealed themselves. Your grip on the Yato tightens, snd you charge forward, newfound strength coming from this rage. The first swing you manage to take against Ryōma in this state of yours lodges the golden blade into his torso, with a cry coming from the Crown Prince. 
In a frantic display, the prince manages to dislodge himself from your blade’s grasp, hand going to cover the wound. It was pretty deep, but he would never admit defeat. You see the sparks fly from the Raijintō, and you knew what was coming for you. Deciding to ignore his wound, the Crown Prince charged forward, unleashing his fabled Astra attack. A blur of five strikes, which caught you off guard. You find yourself stumbling back, and even falling to the tatami, several open wounds on your body. 
But just as he began his charge again, you raise up your left hand. Catching the blade as he began his strike, your eyes open and a leg comes up. Enough to kick him back, and make him drop the blade.
“Kamui, hold on a little longer!” You hear Xander call from outside. Little would he know though, that you were not yourself.
Standing up with a struggle, your grip on the Yato tightens once more. Another dragon’s cry. You begin to run towards him, with the golden blade striking downwards. He managed to get the Raijintō in his hands on time, but struggled to block your attack. Deflected the first, but the second was a strike. The voices of hatred were screaming in your head. “Death, death!” They chant, and you can't help but want to oblige. Ryōma stands up, needing the support of his blade to actually stand up. You managed to inflict quite a few wounds that were deep enough to cause concern.
However, you had had enough.
An attack Ryōma would never expect is a lunge forward, and a lunge forward is what you met him with. Just as you narrowly avoided his diagonal slash, it moved him into perfect position. The golden blade is driven into the top right sector of his chest, right by his collarbone. Your ears picked up the breaking of bones, and the sound of him gasping in an instant. “Further, further!” The voices screamed about the blade. As you continued to run, the golden blade began to exit out his back, and you could see the crimson running down it. Kicking him away from the blade inflicted more pain, as well. 
He immediately fell down in front of you, hand coming to clutch the area, knowing damn well it would not be enough. Looking up, the fear in his eyes began to set in. “Kamui–” Your voice echoed as you spoke. This was not you speaking anymore, but rather, a wrathful Anakos. “Kamui is no more, pitiful fool. Only I reign supreme, and just soon... there will be no more of Hoshido!”
He struggles to stand up this time. You watch him struggle, and even allow it. But you got sick of all of this. Throwing your Yato to the side, you simply prepared to dash forward. You wanted to end this here, and now. So, you would. And in quite a gruesome style.
Ryōma barely had any time to look up or prepare to defend himself as your black-taloned hands began to reach for his body. A dragon’s talons were sharper than anything man could imagine, and being a Silent Dragon, you had an edge of being a descendant of the First Dragons. Just as your left hand tightly gripped his neck, your right swung right into the wound on his torso, the size of your claws helping to tear through the skin. The bones of the lower ribs cracked with the impact of your fist, and the insides were all suffering grievous damage. The Crown Prince found himself crying out for help.
No one was going to come to his aid, though. 
Your bloodied right hand retracts itself, but your claws dig right back into his skin. He was beginning to lose grip on your left arm in an attempt to stop your other arm. But alas, he was unable to. Raking your right hand up from the wound, you made sure your claws were deep enough to cause real damage. That’s when you look up to see him cough. Blood was beginning to come out of his mouth. Letting go of his neck, you push him down, with your dragon’s tail swinging hard enough to knock him right to the floor. 
He looked pitiful, and you stood over him with blood dripping from your arm.
Just as he reached up with an arm to beg for his life, you forcefully brought your right arm down, claws piercing through the skin and with force enough to rip a hole into his chest. The life in his eyes almost immediately left, and he began to turn pale. With a tight grip on bone, you crush his already broken ribs. Your vision grew redder for a moment. Carnal instinct took over, and your left hand came to join the right, you needing to make sure he was out for the count all together. 
As your hands exit the partially open chest cavity of the body, you stand up, the warm, gory liquid dripping from your arms. The door on the other side of the throne room breaks open. It must have been the work of Leo and the Brynhildr tome. The Nohrian nobles rush in, seeing if you’re okay. But they all stand back, fear in their eyes as you look right up at them. That same, echoing voice from your ancestor being what speaks to them.
“He was first of many, and you are all next.”
All you saw was Camilla immediately hug Elise, as to cover her eyes from the blood splatter. Leo, with his jaw hanging and his mouth agape in horror. Xander, with fear in his eyes and a tense body. He raises Siegfried up in a defensive stance, with Leo joining him by opening up Brynhildr. You laugh at their attempt, but Camilla soon joins with her axe resting on her shoulder.
“Kamui, what have you done?”
“You just ruined our chances at–”
“I ruined nothing. This prince believed himself a rightful warrior, and I gave him but a worthy challenge he could not complete.”
The family is mortified at your words. You stare down at the body below you, letting a laugh or two escape. The blood from your arms had dripped onto Ryōma’s cadaver. His face and hair had the red liquid that once gave him life on it. You just stare at the ripped open body with a smirk, eventually looking up at Xander.
“You’re next, Nohrian Prince.”
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astralshadow · 7 years
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Crown Prince of Hoshido: Ryōma
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