#Chapter 25: Ryoma
onebloodsoakedlion · 1 month
My Fire Emblem Fates Incorrect Quotes Episode 3
Here's another 25 incorrect quotes because I LOVE making these!
WARNING: There might be spoilers in this one, depending on what you make of them.
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(Contrary to what cartoons of the original text post depict, I thought what the second character meant by saying "hopital" was that they ended up being hospitalised.)
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The SOMETHING is meant to be a depiction of seppuku and I took it from my recent drawing of Error Ryoma.
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(When you choose the Conquest or Revelation routes... I know Revelation has a better outcome but it's not like anyone knew that until... I dunno... Chapter 17?)
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Yeah... I'm gonna traumatise Xander as well as Ryoma in Abandoned Conquest JUST YOU WAIT.
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Legendary Male Corrin’s journey in Birthright: Quest for peace and greater good
HAPPY 9TH ANNIVERSARY FIRE EMBLEM: IF!! (known internationally as Fates)
As it was the birth-month of mine(June 24) and Fate’s first release 9 years ago in Japan, on June 25, 2015.And especially we finally have L!M! Corrin because he is represented well in FEH and many of his lines and meet the heroes page have a lot of references to his journey in Birthright.
 I had written something for my favorite Lord, Corrin in Birthright. As Corrin goes through different paths, it is a gargantuan task to talk about Corrin in all paths. As most games that has different routes, I believe a character will become a different person by taking a specific path,  and I would prefer one route over another. For example, Denam from Tactics Ogre LUCT. He is idealistic and stands for his principles & justice in the Chaos route meanwhile he is cold and pragmatic  in the  Law route.  Thus I’ll be talking specifically about the Birthright version and within the context of that route, because it is my favorite version of Corrin, and I’m very fixated with Hoshirrin. 
I was inspired by the late  u/NobleYato  ‘s  The Most Misunderstood Lord and Why We Love Them, an excellent read and we have arrived at some similar points. And I have to say that I was kinda bummed that someone already beat me to it. However I already started my drafts and made some notes. If I started something, I’m determined to finish it. Thus I’ll attempt to make mine too with my own takes and interpretations. This would be another small contribution for understanding Corrin . 
In the white light 
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“In the white light, a hand reaches through”
Corrin’s character is shown to be good, kind, intuitive, and values life, albeit sheltered and knows little of the world. We saw in the early chapters where he effortfully tried to save Kaze and Rinkah despite all the pressure and even threatened to death. Another thing that shows his good character where he even saved an injured bird (who later reveals to be Lilith). When confronted by Xander with his overly magnanimity, he would gladly lay down his life for the greater good, and it is his nature.
 Later when he was out and saw the world for the first time, he witnessed firsthand the atrocities and terrorized villages by the faceless caused by Garon when he was in Hoshido. He wasn’t able to see and know these when he was imprisoned in the fortress, and was brought up that Garon as his “father” and cannot be wrong. When the special sword that was given to him exploded and his true mother died protecting him, along those at the square, this triggered his memories of the day he was abducted and remembering his real father also died protecting him. Now he knows what true colors of his “Father” Garon are. 
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It was a hard pivotal decision of Corrin, to stand with Hoshido and his birth family. As it is in line with his character to be good and morally upright and he stands for justice as when he spared the prisoners when ordered to. He does not side with the man that incites  terror and commits atrocities because it goes against his ideals and the sacrifices to those who protected him. His parents sacrificed themselves to save him from the man who abducted and made him sheltered and kept in the dark when he was held prisoner in a fortress, albeit pampered and able to bond with the Royal family. He quickly realized that he was a pawn and his life was not valued by his “father”. Clearly Garon is the mastermind, clearly sees his intentions and clearly sees for what he is. He condemns him and vows to never return to Nohr, and to correct his wrongs. He believes that this is the right path towards peace and is determined to achieve it. 
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They got separated with Ryoma and the others after the surprise attack  after the events of CH6 which the battle stretched across up to the bottomless canyon, so they were spread out. Which leaves Corrin ,as the 2nd prince of Hoshido and the only eldest Prince left, the responsibility lies in him and to command the remaining part of the army. As he is also chosen by the divine Yato which gives him authority and legitimacy that makes people trust in his abilities.  And even later when Hinoka—his elder sister joins, he is still in-charge and giving orders as he is the elder prince and the chain of command goes to him in the absence of the High Prince Ryoma. And to prove his dedication, he embraced himself as Hoshidan and dedicated himself to defend the Kingdom yet he only truly seeks peace between Hoshido and Nohr, without unnecessary bloodshed of the innocent. He is merciful to those who surrender and gives chances to lay down arms and spare them, as it is the Hoshidan way . He learns about this from Kaze’s words from CH7, after sparing Silas and then demonstrating it in CH 10 by sparing Zola. This act shows his great commitment to the Hoshidan Ways and this shows that he is not like what they think of those from Nohr, thus earning their trust and confidence of the lost 2nd prince. 
From Isolation to newfound freedom
Corrin: Travel? I hope you both realize that this isn't exactly a vacation...
Fuga: Of course. It's just that Hayato has not had much opportunity to leave the village. In addition to helping you, he will be exploring the world for the first time.
Corrin: I see. I think I understand exactly how he feels. After all, I spent most of my childhood locked in a Nohrian castle
As he wasn’t allowed to go outside when he grew up in the fortress and  even wasn’t able to see other people. He may have grown up in Nohr with luxuries but only in the fortress, he didn’t even know the Wolfskins, the demihumans of Nohr. And now he is finally free, naturally he enjoys his first times experiencing the outside world— enjoying the forest air, mesmerized by a boat ride, that he even plans to buy one after the war, just fascinated by new things that he wasn’t able to before ,and meeting new faces along the way. Being isolated for so long, he makes up to experience new things.  
Due to his experience being locked in a tower, he highlights the experience and let others not experience his sheltered life, and encourages anyone to go explore the world; we saw this when he was introduced to Hayato. And also with Rinkah, whom he sees that they may have similar experiences, he encourages the princess of the isolationist Flame tribe to have this opportunity to explore the world and learn different cultures and he shows his optimism to think positively of what happened, he also shows to be a believer of “things happens for a reason”.
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With being outside, free and without the pressures of being subdued especially under Garon, he can openly express himself and can be corny and cheeky at times.  He has a dry-sense of humor to liven up moments such as when he joked about taking the “5-minute staircase”  instead of the eternal staircase(CH8)  and when with all the moving around they no longer need to work out after reaching the peak of Mt. Garou(CH15) . Or when he said “Can I be happy for a moment?” after taking over a fortress(CH15) and being reminded that there are more to be done. He is encouraged to share his thoughts when consulted by Ryouma on  army decisions and is supported when he takes the lead.  With this freedom, it gives him the opportunity to grow and be himself.  
Leadership, charisma and growth
As I have mentioned, as the second prince and the only eldest remaining prince when Corrin got separated from Ryoma. Now, the responsibility lies to Corrin. He may have had training in martial skills when he was in the fortress yet he lacks the field experience, but has no choice but to lead an army early on. Also with his background of being raised by the enemy ,where especially Saizo was very suspicious, may be a thorn in his side.  He works hard to earn the trust of others and to gain their confidence and in himself. He earned it by demonstrating the aforementioned “Hoshidan Way” of sparing Zola,  and through perking up others when the other princes were missing and tries to maintain a positive outlook and puts on a brave face and tries to be convincingly confident despite he hides it (CH10), 
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With these experiences of leading, he grows bold, charismatic and confident that later on when they are rejoined by Ryoma and resume command, his confidence has grown that at times leads the way and be a rallying cry for the army,especially wgjhen he gives a rousing speech before their first counter offensive in capturing a Nohrian fort (CH14) and to rally themselves to take a shortcut through the demon falls (CH21) , and he does initiatives to lead the way out when facing grave danger at the Fort Dragonfall (CH21)
Besides being confident with oneself, he also learns to be confident with others and rely on them as he can be very hard on himself at times, does want anyone to get involved and be hurt and even self- sacrifice or be a martyr. When he sided with Hoshido (CH6) or went on a pilgrimage to the rainbow sage(CH19), he was ready to sacrifice himself and not anyone involved. Or when the resistance was discovered, he was all downer. Every time he recruits someone or asks someone to join his cause he would always tell them not to join and they could not because of the possible blood be shed, for example with (Kaden, Hayato, Speech at the border fort). However, time and time again,he needs his allies around him to bring him back to his senses like that slap by Scarlet and most of all Ryoma’s guidance to bring back his confidence and the right path. 
However, all that confidence and cool head is put to the test. A major blow to his trust, when Zola betrayed them despite all they have gone through. This was a hard lesson for Corrin to learn and proving his naivety. To further erode his trust after the betrayal, the rumors of a spy being continually taunted by Iago, made him lose his confidence in others and himself. He began to suspect others and lose trust after earning that from his new allies, and the stakes are getting higher. The main quality of his character is a trusting charisma, and the people around him are quick to notice the change of mood, most especially Takumi as we know with their rocky first relationship who was wary of Corrin but now he trusts Corrin but got hurt with his doubts. 
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As Corrin cannot deal with these matters alone, time and time Ryoma, his guiding light , reaching his hand through Corrin’s troubles, lifts his spirits back. He gives advice that is encouraging to Corrin on his journey to be a good leader, and helps him deal with or settle his old life, even cordial to his Norhian siblings . He points out and highlights his natural charisma and is very trusting in that it makes it both his strength and weakness(CH17), and uses his good sense of intuition on treading on his path. As the chosen one by the divine sword Yato, people lean on Corrin.  Ryoma has been a wise guidance to Corrin when he loses his way and many times to bring him to the right path, showing him the light and what hope is possible, giving him confidence and earning with worth as the chosen one. If he wasn't there, his little brother would have been lost.
Anger, Anguish & Resolution 
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“A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two”
 In this path he may have felt the warmth of light and growing in it, but also in this path the darkness follows to test and challenge his personal progress, and the risks involved in the road taken . Now that he’s on the other side, it is inevitable that he would face and fight his loved ones from his old life. He would face trying and difficult moments especially losing his loved ones from his old life and the innocent lives. He lost Flora when she was forced to fight against her village and then sacrifice herself. And he was forced to fight the wolfskin, by false flag incident, in self defense. These losses, yet painful, enduring it  and he would carry a heavy burden, made him more determined to swiftly end the war and make Garon pay.
Despite all that, he maintains his cool head, bearing the pain yet still be merciful to his foes, he still doesn’t want unnecessary bloodshed despite all the inner rage from all he lost. He gives the foe’s soldiers a chance to surrender, and does not do wanton violence against them when they no longer fight. He gives them a chance to talk, explain their side and be patient like when defeating Silas [Ch7], Flora[Ch8], & Leo[CH18]. But knowing the stakes at hand and fulfilling his duty he knows that one could not always be nice and necessary sword-threatening should be done, but when they can explain their side, he will give them a chance to defect and join their cause. 
He learns that not everyone can be reasoned with, and the language they can understand is through his Yato. He grows resolute and understandably angry towards Garon and his lackeys, Hans and Iago. As always, he tried diplomacy first with them but he keeps failing. Nothing can be done but to end them. His interactions with them will always have a comeback, sassy remarks and be contemptuous over the suffering they caused. Corrin learns that not all people are reasonable and redeemable, that peace cannot be achieved without defeating them. 
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After all the losses he endured, he still carries on with the burdens and heavy heart, and maintains his cool head, brave face and optimism. However he has a breaking point. After Lilith shielded Corrin from Hans and died, another one very dear to him lost. That moment finally broke him, he finally felt anguished, fell into deep despair and lost all his optimistic spirits. After all that collectedness, he finally opened up the deep pain he held for so long and openly expresses the sorrows he hides, lamenting all the lives lost and for what? He faltered, was about to truly give and yield. 
Corrin: What are we even fighting for? Is it worth it?
Ryoma: Look up, Corrin.
Corrin: Ryoma?
Ryoma: Dry your tears. Think about Lilith's sacrifice. She gave her life so you could continue fighting. And what are we fighting for? We are fighting for peace! We are fighting for Queen Mikoto and for the whole world! Do you think Lilith would want you to give up like this?
Corrin: Ughhh...
Ryoma: Listen. It is time for you to rise to the occasion. If we want to end this war, now is the time for us to take action!
Corrin: I'm just so tired. Tired of loss. Tired of death.
Ryoma: There will be a time for rest. But that time is not now. Rise up! The sacred blade Yato chose YOU, Corrin. We're all counting on you!
Corrin: ... You're right. I know you're right. I will not stop until King Garon's reign of terror is over. Let's go, everyone.
Ryoma: That's the spirit.
Ryoma brought him back and gave him back the light, for the sake of the sacrifices, for their mother and most of all the peace of the world, as why the Yato chose him. Give him resolution, reminding of his cause and for world peace around, bring him back to light and to push him to continue, move on, and fight for them so that their sacrifices won’t be in vain.These trials are not the reason to give up but a challenge to improve ourselves. His pain is not an excuse to back-out, but a resolution to move on and forward.
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Ryoma:... Look, Corrin. Can you see the sun breaking over the horizon?
Corrin: Yes...I suppose I can.
Ryoma: They say the sun never shines in Nohr, but we can see that that's not true. Perhaps it's small comfort, but I take this as a good omen.
Corrin: It is warm here. The same kind of warmth I felt walking the streets of Hoshido. I hope someday, both Hoshido and Nohr can share this kind of warmth.
Ryoma: Anything is possible, Corrin.
With his journey comes to a close, after being in the light of hope and shining on his optimism and that the possibility of peace between nations is achievable, especially when one can do things if you put your mind into it. Corrin was shown that it is possible that light can reach the darkness when they were in mount Garou (CH15), where Ryoma telling all the things are possible and when they made a pilgrimage in the seven fold sanctuary as a test and learned that a magical object nothing better in improving but one's mindset, will power, and hardworking efforts. These experiences changed Corrin to grow and be more commanding of one’s will, which in CH23 where Elise, after meeting since his pivotal decision, notices Corrin’s change compared to the time when he was in the fortress. His outlook is now more bold and knows what he is doing. Now he has returned to Nohr as a different person,  he uses what he has learned and shapes his ideals to be the light who brings justice.
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The theme music of the Birthright route is masterfully composed; listening to it evokes feelings of Corrin and what he goes through in this final part of his journey. In the calm version, you could feel the uneasiness, highlighted by the wind instruments, the sounds of nostalgia of his old life growing up in Nohr. That heavy feeling of bittersweet feeling of coming home, now for different reasons, it evokes uncertainty, reluctance, bittersweet nostalgia, hesitation and tense & heavy feeling. And in contrast, the storm version is very contrasting with its upbeat marching rhythm, full of emotion and heroic tone ,signifying Corrin’s choice to act decisively, determination for peace of the world. Thus I named this chapter after this masterpiece. 
For the greater good
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Growing up in Nohr albeit in a fortress, he grew up and bonded with the Nohr Royals and was treated as a sibling. He is very attached to them and is dear to him and they cherish him. It was a hard decision for him to go against Garon ,their father, but he must do what he must for his ideals of justice, even dealing with them should they stand in his way. It was clever for Garon to abduct and to let Corrin to have a bond with his children so that he would develop Stockholm syndrome, he would become a pawn to his machinations, but Corrin isn’t fooled and cannot stand his tyranny. Despite now joining the other side, he still held his Nohr siblings dear and tried on every occasion to be diplomatic and convince them not to fight, as he tried very hard to shed light on Garon’s true colors.  And in turn they tried to convince Corrin back but he is firm in his decision and mission, he must make a stand for peace and goodwill between Hoshido and Nohr. Miraculously with all his efforts and the trials he faced in this journey, he somehow manages not to end them. However that may not be the case later on when facing Xander.
They later accepted Corrin as Hoshidan and agrees that he is in the right path but they cannot make a stand against fight Garon, as he is their father and as his children, only Corrin has the opportunity to stand up against Garon, and Corrin as the truly Hoshidan only can he defy and it is his birthright to stand up to their abusive father. They may have understood that Corrin’s duty is in the right path to peace to face Garon.
(The Xander and Corrin duel is a very symbolic battle and has a complex motif , u/Visual-Function-213 may have analyzed it better with Birthright Chapter 26: Analysis and Misconceptions , but I’ll share my short take.)
As Corrin has the birthright to bring light to the darkness, Xander as well has a duty and it is his birthright to be the crown prince to defend his kingdom no matter what with pride and dignity. Corrin’s efforts to dissuade Xander are futile as they both have duties to fulfill. Corrin’s hesitation and struggle to face Xander. That sad and heavy feeling of facing the one who trained you and is close to you, he made Corrin what he is.In this penultimate major trials of this path and the climax of his journey , it duel of ideals and clash of duties, contrasting ideals, as crown prince who is bound to his standing and has no choice , contrast to Corrin is free and has a choice. In this poetic battle between a mentor and a student, who have learned much of the world and to show his mentor how he has changed and grown. Corrin has learned a lot in his journey and he’ll show his mentor what he has learned in his journey that reshaped his views that things are possible, there is justice, which Corrin went through the lessons of his journey. He is no longer hesitant and giving it all. Corrin no longer holds back indications of decisiveness. Xander is very proud of Corrin’s decisiveness but he himself was holding back, making Corrin upset that Xander wasn’t giving his all while Corrin was. 
Dawn Breaks 
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Finally in the end of Corrin’s journey, he traveled far in this path, from a pampered sheltered prince kept in the dark and after basking of the light of experiences, growing confidence, taking risks and all the sacrifices, with the highs and lows and with the wisdoms of his big brothers— Ryoma for showing him the hope, warmth and the possibilities; Xander for teaching and training him for to be strong, be decisive and to seize the day. Corrin has grown to be a capable leader and transformed to something else. Just like Yato transformed to its Blazing form in parallel and signifying his change as a person. He will face the source of all the suffering and the cause of the war, Garon who intended Corrin to be naive and unknowing of the world so that he could be a good pawn. But Corrin stood up and is no longer a victim of this manipulation. He fought valiantly but all of it was not enough as he was knocked out despite all his efforts. 
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“Waking dreams fade away”
In his unconscious state, he met for the final time with the loved ones from his old life. And imparting their final words: Flora to be self-dependent, Xander, to be decisive, Elise for the bonds, And Lilith, to be a kind heart to the weak . It is a symbolic gesture when Flora tells Corrin that sometimes he has to learn to wake himself up on his own and to decide for himself. In this final farewell, this signifies letting go of his  old life, embracing the new life. This is the final push for him to strive and to finish Garon.  
“Embrace the brand-new day”
Revived and now determined than ever with the path he chose and for the greatest cause and self sacrifice for the greater good. He is not alone and with his allies, they will achieve world peace. After saying goodbye to his old life and all the sacrifices, he has gathered strength to defeat Garon and was triumphant in beating the source of misery and Alight the kingdom in the dark.  
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However, Corrin will face his final loss and sacrifice, his good friend Azura.In her final words of comfort, to remind Corrin to smile and look up and live as they finally have world peace. Corrin had faced so many losses and heart wrenching moments, but he grew strong to not let these emotions drown him and break him, but he is more determined to carry on for their sake and for the greater cause. He wishes to strive to build a new world and to make the dream peace happen and for the memories of the fallen. 
“Sing with me a song of birthrights and love”
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Later in the coronation ceremony, he has an emotional moment with and with his siblings. This time of tears of joy,after all the sacrifices and pain he endured, he has achieved his dream of peace and friendship between Hoshido and Nohr. He also desires to enjoy and have fun after his emotional journey. 
With his exemplary decision to stand with peace, sacrifices and growth, he is a model and a hero, and together with Ryoma,Hinoka, Sakura and Takumi, his birth family , showing their appreciation and commending Corrin’s decision. Together, they will rebuild the future in a brand new day. His mother would be proud of what a fine man he has become. 
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“The light scatters to the sky above
Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone”
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Defeating and making Garon pay may have been the main motivator but along the way he learned new stuff that made him grow. He was intended to be sheltered and ignorant of the world and to develop Stockholm syndrome by having bonds with the Nohr Royals, but in his new found freedom, gained new experiences outside in the world.He went through trials, leading the an army, being looked up and depended on, earning trust, becoming more commanding, gaining confidence yet he is till kind and merciful to enemies and intuition to trust and earn charisma. He experienced hardships and anguish, losing his loved ones from his old life and being forced to end a tribe in self defense, enduring the pain and even acting as a martyr and taking it all by himself. But with his allies around him, most especially, Ryoma’s wise guidance and light, as a hand to bring Corrin to the right path and to remain steadfast in their great cause. He made self sacrifices for the greater good, that is beyond his comforts of his pampered old life. Peace and universal brotherhood may have been his ultimate goal, but can’t achieve that without justice. You can’t achieve that by being nice and accommodating to injustice. 
An inspiration
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Like many of my favorite characters, this may sound cliché or cheesy, there is something I look up to them or some positive aspects to inspire or influence me. As someone who was from the “darkness” of social anxiety, Corrin’s journey (in birthright) inspired me. His story motivated me to try new things, to be friendly and meet with people and to get along with them easily. It instilled me with confidence that I can talk with anyone, even those you just have short talk with someone, even new acquaintances. 
Like anyone who got into Fire Emblem, I met him at FEH and I loved his design, though I keep hearing some bad things about him. So when I played his game in this route,  he wasn't that bad and what he does makes sense if you put it into context and his reactions felt natural to me. (Though I may confess when I saw Corrin in  the other routes besides Birthright, I can see why they badmouth him.) Like I said I love his Birthright version, I think it’s in character for him and at his best. I like seeing him being outside living in the light free from the shackles of darkness and his abductors. It is satisfying for him to stand up and defy Garon.A fantasy Japanese prince felt refreshing to me versus the usual European fantasy.  His dragon form is unique and cool, too bad it is very underused and isn’t much significant in the plot in later points. 
His Birthright story reminds me of my favorite movie when I was little, the Prince of Egypt. Like Moses who grew up and was adopted to the enemy kingdom, when he knew the heritage of his birth, he left behind the old comfortable life and doing what is right and to defend his people, even facing the “brother” he grew up with. I love that kind of story, that is why Birthright is so appealing to me. 
Closing words
And with that concludes my attempt of doing “”analysis””. I’ve put more effort into writing this than I ever did with my school essays. Like this has 5,000 words! And I didn’t even resort to using redundant word extending techniques. This shows how interest and passion would make you do.  As a peak of my fixation, and before this phase wears off at least I have made a writing tribute to my favorite character before I’ll move on to something else. I hope people read and appreciate this because I have poured my heart and soul to this. 
It was quite harder than it looks as I am mainly a drawer, not a writer. Writing is a way different beast than art. I was so “Lost in thoughts all alone”, like I got so many ideas, interpretations and understanding but I don’t know how to express it and articulate it, so those words got lost. I had doubts sometimes like who would even read this especially a Lord who has a particular reputation in the Fire emblem fandom. In finishing this I dragged myself and slogged through, and rushed it just to make it done.  Writing is scary, I’ll just go back to art as my own way to appreciate Lord Corrin such as doing illustrations of him. 
And now that we finnally have L!M! Corrin in FEH, I think have done my unfinished business and I think I can now move on. Though Lord Kamui has a special place in my heart and I may look back to this in my days of fixation. 
Nevertheless,as always:
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emblemxeno · 1 year
Finished both Birthright and Conquest again.I played hard-classic for the majority of both until chapter 25 of CQ (the spy shuriken ninjas were getting on my nerves) and chapter 26 of BR (it was getting super boring to play so I thought I might as well speed through to the end).
I also made tier lists of both routes' maps. I made them separately to judge within the context of each game since I think CQ's maps are better as a whole.
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Birthright was actually pretty fun in the pre-Ryoma maps, and even after I got him there's some hits. But many maps are either full of one unit type or are just extremely big and/or require you to rout the enemy, both things I find exceedingly boring after a while. Tbh the only reason chapters 11 and 15 are in B is because the former has a neat dragon vein mechanic and the latter has terrain that isn't completely barren and wide open. As a whole, Birthright is fine, but not something I'm keen to come back to when I'm in the mood to replay Fates again.
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Conquest was even better than I remember! Again, I did lower the difficulty when I got to the Ryoma map (stacking the health draining skills along with shit like lunge kinda made me bitter), but as a whole it's still top tier in the gameplay experience. Chapter 10 was always peak (I somehow had more fun than I last played it years ago), but what was unexpected is how much I loved chapters 20 and 24. Dragon Veins are so fucking cool to use in those maps. As a whole, very enjoyable experience. Definitely will be my go to route when replaying Fates again in the future.
As for other Fates replay notes, this kinda just re-established what I already thought of story things.
Birthright is a good story kneecapped by a localization that muddies the characterization of its main protagonist and REALLY LOVES CAPS LOCK WHEN CORRIN IS ANGRY!!! Conquest meanwhile is a great story that thankfully isn't as hampered by localization script issues (the way of speaking that Corrin uses between the two routes is vastly different, you'd have to see it to believe it) aside from some of Xander's lines. Something I noticed though is that Conquest utilized a lot more creative in-game cinematography for its scenes and that really elevated some of the story sequences. Very nice.
Anyway, I'm gonna be taking a break before playing Revelation, since that route is when I'm planning on doing as much content as I can get out of it (and uni work is a priority at the moment).
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randomnameless · 9 months
Scrolling through some old posts on a whim and found this, in response to an anon pointing out how stupid it was for Claude to not know about poverty in Almyra:
To be fair, that's also something I ranted about in Birthrout when Ryoma went all "i never knew people in Nohr were starving" because there's no way a crown prince and future heir of a nation doesn't know basic things about his immediate neighbours -
While you went on to point out that it's worse in Three Houses' case because it's a prince not knowing about basic details of his own nation instead of a prince not knowing about basic details of his neighbouring nation, i'd like to add that it's even more justified in Fates' case due to one of the biggest and most consistent issues with Hoshido being it's isolationism and lack of care for the issues of other countries, made even worse by the fact that it's general populace despises Nohrians due to the war:
Azura, in her C-Support with Corrin in Revelation: I suppose the carefree attitude of Hoshido might look like indifference to others. It could give people the impression that Hoshidans are very self-centered. So long as there is peace, the people in Hoshido seem uninterested in the world.
Shura, chapter 19 of Birthright: The day Kohga fell to Mokushu, almost all of my people were slaughtered. I was a child... Chased from my homeland and separated from the other survivors. Even as a refugee, I was denied entry to Hoshido. So I wound up in Nohr. I was exiled and alone. My only choice was to steal or die. You can guess what I chose. I've been here ever since, searching for others like me and trying to stay afloat...
Azura, in a line that was removed during localization and changed into her being the only person to suffer suspicion from the general populace, Chapter 9 of Conquest: But ever since the war started, everyone has changed. After you, a Hoshido princess, defected to Nohr… Anyone who had even a little involvement with the enemy could not be trusted, and a movement to eliminate them began. And the brunt of it… Was directed at me, because I was born in Nohr.
With all that in mind, i actually find it pretty reasonable for Ryoma to not know about Nohr's food shortage; he was born and raised in a country that's, at best, willfully ignorant and uncaring of the issues other countries face and, at worst, actively murderous towards anyone with even the slightest involvement with the enemy nation it's at war with. While his own prejudice against Nohr doesn't go quite that far, it's very consistent throughout Conquest that he doesn't think very highly of it either, calling it's ways treacherous, automatically assuming they tricked Corrin just because she chose to go back to Nohr, and assuming that Corrin was lying to him and trying to trick him to win their duel due to what they were taught while in Nohr (using fateswartable's translations here since Treehouse massively exaggerated Ryoma's grudge against Nohr):
Ryoma, Chapter 6 of Conquest: Like hell I’d give up…! I have to make Kamui come to her senses. Anyway it was you, the Nohr royal family, that seduced her, right!?
Xander: Bullshit…We did no such thing. Kamui, of her own free will, chose us.
Ryoma: Damn…! I know your way of doing things. You always use dirty tricks to torment the people of Hoshido! Defeat me fair and square in a fight and then you can speak of victory!
Corrin, boss convo in chapter 25 of CQ while Ryoma still wrongly believes that they killed Hinoka: Ryouma- please stop fighting! I want to speak with you! There’s more to what happened to Hinoka, so please listen, brother!
Ryoma: Hou…Are you trying to catch me off guard? By seeing the face of the sister that killed Hinoka? Nohr’s ways are treacherous…but it’s a shame. No matter what you say, my heart shall remain steadfast. I can no longer think of you as my little sister! Draw your sword!!! Kamui!!!!!!
Given his own initial prejudice against Nohr, coupled with the isolationist culture of Hoshido, i find it reasonable for him to only bother learning about important military strongholds in Nohr and not bother investigating what life's like for the peasants there, especially since he doesn't hold the country in high regard at the start of Birthright and only softens up to it and vows to help it with it's resource problem once he finds out that most of the people there are starving, meaning he wouldn't have bothered spending any more time researching Nohr than was helpful for the war effort.
I hope my 2014 -5 ramblings weren't completely nonsensical, I haven't revisited them in a while lol
I still think Ryoma, who's not a random but the crown Prince, should at least have known a bit, even if his country is marked by extreme prejudice and isolationism, about Nohr - especially since Nohr is the country who has tried to invade them since Garon (or Gooron?) was king, and they're fighting since, well, forever.
But taking his prejudice into account, and Ryoma's own faults (he's very impulsive, not unlike his own son?), it sort of makes sense, even if I still think that's not an optimal situation for the next heir to only have the "bcs they're evil/norhians it's in their nature" answer to the usual question "why are Nohrians attacking us".
Granted, 2014-2015 was part of my Jugdral period, where both games took care to have their Lord be explained why the frick they are fighting - it's mostly important regarding Leif, who gets told by August that if Thracians are bandits and targeted the Mansterian lands, it's because they are starving and cannot import food from the North bcs Leif's forefathers and the Mansterians nobles don't want to share food.
So Leif's journey from "Thracian Hyenas!" to "Gods why are those people starving why aren't we trading food with them" to being the King of the unified peninsula, aka both Thracians and Mansterians, felt a regular, normal journey.
Ryoma being blocked at the "Nohrian hyenas" step felt a bit underwhelming in comparison, especially since, unlike Leif, he supposedly received all the education befitting a heir and hasn't been on the run for 10 years.
But ultimately everything boils down to "different games, different situations", and more over, different characters. Ryoma is biased, arrogant and impulsive - and there's no FE8!Seth, FE5!August, hell, even FE13!Fredo to tell him to stop and start being a King or acting as the leader of a State.
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fatesdeepdive · 1 year
Entry 119: Amen
We’ve reached the end.
Revelation Chapter 27: Hear My Cry
The shadow mist that flew out of Gunter flies into the big stone head on the wall. It comes to life, now possessed by Anankos. Corrin says that Anankos has been toying with them for too long. Anankos says it isn't wrong to manipulate humans, because they exist solely for the amusement of dragons. Anankos asks why he was left to suffer and die, why humans flourish while he is burried in a dead world, ignored and forgotten. It's because you destroyed Valla, dickhole.
Jokes aside, Anankos having a crisis about being forgotten isn't a bad idea. The concept of an ancient god, now no longer worshipped, angry about being forgotten is decent. Too bad it's relegated to a couple of throwaway lines.
Corrin answers Anankos by hitting him with a sword, because Corrin is an articulate speaker. This fails, because swords don't cut through giant stone statues generally. Anankos says that, because Corrin is part of his bloodline, he will make Corrin his vessel. Xander and Anakos rush in and get their asses handed to them by Anankos’s laser breath. Anankos also attacks Azura, because dancers are OP.
The legendary weapons randomly start glowing and Yato transforms into its true form, a flaming golden chainsaw sword called Omega Yato. AKA the legendary Fire Emblem.
This chapter uses the same map as the last one, with Anankos serving as the boss. There are Dragon Veins that can be used to make healing tiles. As an aside, I'd like to praise Anankos's design in this chapter. The decayed statue works well for a forgotten god and is visually unlike anything else in the series. The moments where the head rears out from the wall, revealing there's an eldritch monster wearing it, and the moments where the jaw of the mask breaks apart so Anankos can shoot lasers are creepy.
Anankos is a powerful enemy who has bullshit skills that negate stat drops, poison, statuses, Lethality, Counter, and damage after battle from Poison Strike and similar skills. It also halves damage from all weapons but Omega Yato, which is instead reduced by 25%, and reduces the damage from criticals and activation skills. This final battle is lactose intolerant. Fortunately, Xander and Takumi were strong enough to beat him down.
After being defeated, Anankos summons Garon to give him a power boost. Garon tells Anankos to fuse with him so they can rule together. Anankos laughs and eats Garon. The Nohrians are given a single line of mourning each. Anankos then brags about getting his power back. The stone mask cracks, revealing four red eyes. The monster body retracts into a hole. The palace explodes as Anankos's real form, a bigass dragon, flies away. Dragon Anankos summons a fucking black hole, which sucks in all of the rubble of the palace and eventually entire flying islands as he rears up to attack.
So, power scaling is kinda dumb, but Corrin and company don’t get sucked in, meaning they can casually shrug off the pull of a black hole. This makes Corrin arguably one of the strongest characters in Smash.
Revelation Endgame: Anankos
Takumi and Leo say that they can't possibly beat Anankos's dragon form. Xander said he never thought his final moments would be alongside a Hoshidan prince; Ryoma messes up the Legolas quote because he hasn't seen Return of the King. Ryoma says he'll meet his end on his feet. Corrin says to not give up and that they can win through teamwork!
The setting for this final chapter is cool. The black hole makes the sky change to a beautiful starry night, for some reason, with Anankos taking up half the map. Dragon Anankos is a pale dragon covered in spikes, with sharp black nails and rotting wings filled with holes. The dragon's head has no eyes; in his jaw, it holds a giant green orb covered in red eyes, which I assume is Anankos's soul. An excellent remix of Lost in Thoughts All Alone plays as the battle begins. Unfortunately, despite the game giving me dozens of different units, I was only allowed to bring a paltry 12.
There are a few enemies milling about in this chapter, but the main threat is Anankos. You first have to kill Anaknos’s two arms, which causes him to lower his head. Anankos hits like a truck. His attack animation has a tree grow out of his head as he shoots out an energy ball. It looks cool but I don't know what the significance is. I split up my army, with Takumi and Kenshi taking out the two hands, while Corrin took on the central head. Corrin was unable to fell the head in a single blow, so I resorted to callously throwing my units away through an endless parade of human wave tactics. Setsuna, of all people, managed to dodge a lethal dragon breath attack and kill Anankos with a counterattack.
Psyche! There’s a third form that is just the eye ball! This final form tore through my army. I sacrificed Takumi to get the eye weak and attacked with Corrin, who just barely failed to kill the god. I had Kenshi Galeforce boost back to the center and attack over Corrin’s shoulder with a shuriken. This didn’t work, but Corrin killed Anankos with a pair-up attack. If I felt like it, I could wax philosophically about friendship and bonds killing a god.
Anankos dies, the black hole disappears, and everyone celebrates. The game cuts to the throne room, where Azura crowns Corrin ruler of Valla as their siblings watch. Yay! Corrin is the ruler of a dead kingdom without any subjects! Corrin thanks Xander and Ryoma for donating land to rebuild Valla, but the fact remains, who the hell is going to live there? Also does the curse still exist?
Corrin pledges to believe in their people and works for their betterment. Everyone says Corrin will be a good ruler, as Gunter watches from a distance. Corrin and Azura meet by the lake. Corrin says Azura should be the leader, but she counters that they stopped Anankos and were chosen by Valla. Azura sings the song and Corrin speculates it's about them. Azura says Anankos wrote the song, so it could be used one day to save him by killing him. Corrin and Azura vow to write a new verse to the song, together.
In the final anime cutscene, Xander and Ryoma stand on a green hillside and vow to keep peace. Hinoka and Camilla say they will all be bound by this vow. Elise and Sakura say they're friends now. Takumi says he wishes it were that easy to forgive, but Leo says that healing can only begin with trust. Everyone turns to Corrin as the two kings swear to their people, countries, and Mary Sue sibling.
It sure is good that this ending fixes the massive economic issues in Nohr that force the country to result to raids on neighboring countries for supplies and also fixes the lingering resentment Hoshidans feel over the decades of constant slaughter of civilians at the hands of Garon!
I don’t know who my MVP was because I accidentally skipped the credits. Let’s say Kenshi.
Closing Thoughts
Revelation is a bit of a mess. There are things I like. The idea of a golden ending where everyone unites is cool. Mikoto and Sumeragi coming back as ghosts is interesting. Gunter was a good villain, even if the writing regarding Scarlet’s murder was haphazard. Valla at least looks amazing.
But, I can’t deny this route has heavy, heavy flaws. The first half of the route is mostly retreading the other two, with characters reduced to single lines of dialogue and major plot points tossed aside, and feels like filler. It picks up once the gang gets to Valla, only to grind to a halt with the Anthony arc. The idea of new lore and ancient secrets is appealing, but that isn’t really given. All of the depth to Anankos’s character is relegated to DLC chapters and Valla is a boring country, free from any culture or depth. The ad-hoc worldbuilding and dumb character decisions return from Conquest, but at the same time, Corrin being a decent character returns from Birthright.
The reliance on gimmick maps is far more common than in the other routes, and while I do appreciate attempting to make maps unique, many of them are just annoying to play. The game gives you an absolutely massive army, but never gives you a chance to use this bigger army.
Revelation exists to give a happy ending where everyone lives, a route where you can recruit dozens of soldiers and customize your army as much as you want. And it succeeds at being that. But, as this epic finale, this ultimate battle against the ultimate villain, it falls woefully short. And as a result, I think it’s my least favorite of the three routes.
I’m not done yet with Fire Emblem Fates. I still have a few more DLC chapters, most notably the Heirs of Fate Xenologues, and would like to end this blog with my honest thoughts on every character. But, for now, let’s close the book on this chapter of Fates.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
the ishin hijikata megacomp because im mentally ill
timestamps below:
Chapter 1: "Escaping Home"
0:00 - 1:33 | A Killer with Two Lives
Chapter 3, "Mibu Wolves" 
1:34 - 2:57 | Men of Tennen Rishin
2:58 - 5:44 | Captain of the Third
Chapter 4, "Joint Struggle"
5:45 - 6:34 | The Wolves' Den
6:35 - 12:49 | Just Deserts
Chapter 6, "The Ikedaya Incident" 
12:50 - 13:53 | Overtures 
13:54 - 14:37 | Slippery Kogoro 
14:38 - 20:27 | The Purge at Ikedaya
Chapter 10, "True Identities" 
20:28 - 21:53 | First Division, March 
21:54 - 25:40 | Death of the Miburoshigumi
Chapter 12, "Kyo Ablaze"
25:41 - 32:13 | The Treacherous Goryo Eji
Chapter 13, "The Assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma"
32:14 - 34:25 | Last of the Shinsengumi
34:26 - 39:14 | For the Sake of Kyo 
39:15 - 41:30 | Stories to Tell
41:31 - 44:01 | The Omiya Incident
44:02 - 45:17 | Sakamoto Ryoma Assassinated
Finale, "Dawn Breaks"
45:18 - 46:58 | Returning Home
46:59 - 49:20 | The Man in Kochi Castle
49:20 - 54:46 | Hope for Our Future Brethren
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nowis-scales · 2 years
Just Leave a Comment Fest 2022
This is the second half of my Just Leave a Comment Fest results, with the first one being the Danganronpa one that you can find here. I’ve seen a lot of people posting their totals with link recommendations based on what they read, so I’ve decided to do that too, but divide it up based on my two main fandoms!
Overall, though, I got a grand total of 25. I know a lot of people have been doing numbers like this or higher in a day, but I’ve been a bit more sociable this week, so I’ve made my goal for next year to increase that number a lot more! Even if I didn’t average as many as others, though, I’ve gotten about 14 replies so far from excited authors, and that warms my heart.
But, without further ado, here are all of my Fire Emblem-themed recommendations based on “Just Leave a Comment Fest 2022” (and please be warned of spoilers!):
• “Petals in Open Palms” by lesbianexalt - A FE Awakening based Sumia/Cordelia one-shot, centred around Cordelia trying to come to terms with the appearance of Cynthia, and how her love will never be requited… The build-up in this one is immaculate, and does a great job of making you feel for the positions that both Cynthia and Cordelia are in. The exploration of complex emotions is done so well that I think this story could appeal to fans regardless of what their shipping preferences are. Just a really lovely fic, honestly.
• “Where the Heart Is” by QuoteMyFoot - A FE Echoes AU multi-chapter story, where instead of Celica being discovered, Mycen is able to kill Slayde and his men and keep her under their protection. Thus, she grows up with the other Ram Village kids, knowing her destiny in the back of her mind, but unable to truly say anything. The author has expressed that updates may be slow going and it may be unpolished just because they are in and out of burnout for it, but the agency it grants Celica is absolutely spectacular, and the way the character relationships are written lends so well to the narrative.
• “Reading” by SwiftWhiskers - A FE Echoes one-shot centred around the young Ram Village kids. Alm is having some trouble learning to read (implied dyslexia), so his friends devise a plan to try and help him learn. This fic is cute and fluffy, and perfect for someone who just wants to read about a little moment of happiness. Personally, I know I’ll never get enough of the Ram Village kids loving each other, so I thought this one was just perfect.
• “Close Scrutiny” by Mystery_Of_The_Emblem - A FE Fates one-shot set in Revelation about Saizo trying to have fun at the first Nohr-Hoshido party. He starts it off spying, but when Kaze catches him and points out how badly it would reflect on Ryoma if he were to be caught, Saizo has to change up his tactics on how he will go about collecting information. The author’s creative way of approaching Saizo’s relationship struggles were so fun, and the humour added from the brotherly relationships even more so. This one would please any Saizo fan with ease, even managing to show a little character development for him!
• “A Moment of Silence” by MotaroKahn - A FE Fates one-shot, set in no particular route, where Gunter reflects on the loss of his wife and child through the building is a snowman. This one is bittersweet, but damn, does it do the bittersweetness well. Getting to read Gunter’s reflections firsthand as he builds this snowman, this product of his love and his pain, help establish this tone. At times it might be easy to forget how lonely Gunter truly is, but this author is sure to write in a way that ensures that you might remember a little more often.
• “Bedtime Stories” by fayesdiary ( @fayesdiary ) - A FE Awakening one-shot containing Chrom/Robin and their little family, where Chrom and Robin are desperately searching for a new story to tell their little ones after they have finished Tales of Hoshido, Nohr, and the Invisible Kingdom. This story is full of adorable Lucina and Morgan content as cute little kids, and also features several fun references to other Fire Emblem titles, which is perfect for any long-standing FE fan.
• “Lantern” by pronz69 - A FE Fates one-shot about Jakob’s backstory, detailing how he went from the rejected child of two nobles to one of Corrin’s closest confidants. One thing I really loved about this one was that it did a good job of preserving the tragedy of Jakob’s backstory, while also maintaining his sharper personality traits. It really establishes him as an interesting character, because while most of his early relationships were not formed on kindness or respect, it shows that when it comes down to it, he values it deeply. He’s reluctant to trust at first, of course, but “Lantern” proves that Jakob truly is just a person who wants to be loved…
• “Talking” by NoFunctionalSaveButton - A FE Three Houses one-shot set at the end of Verdant Wind, in which Claude and Rhea get to finally sit down and have a conversation about her past — and encourage each other to live. This one is an emotional but fun establishment of culture, one establishing the histories and cultural practices of the Nabateans and the Almyrans. It digs deep into the potential connection between Claude and Rhea, and serves as a means of exploration for the part of Claude that does want to give Rhea the benefit of the doubt as a person. This one is honestly just really great, and I must confess, this is not the first time I have read it. It’s worth a read and reread any time.
• “Fall” by May_Aboreal - A FE Three Houses one-shot set during Crimson Flower, but on the Golden Deer’s side. This piece is about the death of Hilda and her last moments before she dies, thinking of Claude and her beloved Marianne, and what is to come next. This story is so beautifully descriptive, and manages to encapsulate the relationships between Hilda and her two loved ones with such power.
• “Everything is a Sweet Revelation” by theatrhythms - A FE Echoes College AU one-shot, focused on Gray/Tobin and Mae/Boey. To be more specific, actually, it’s about Mae and Gray trying to figure out as a duo how they’re supposed to act now that they’ve started dating one of their best friends in the world. Clever, charming, and accurate, this one is just a straight up pleasure to read for anyone who’s a fan of these two pairings.
• “Floriography” by luminioux - A FE Three Houses Marianne/Hilda College AU. This one is actually a challenge one-shot, where the author could only use three sentences to tell their story. Each of those three sentences is used damn near perfectly, with a clear understanding of both Hilda and Marianne’s characters, and an extremely entertaining picture of what their lives together would look like as college girls.
• “Spilt Milk” by Steelport - A FE Fates one-shot written for Felicia/F Corrin. This fic lovingly tackles Felicia’s self-esteem issues in relation to her relationship with Corrin, and how she feels like she will never be good enough for her. So overwhelmed by her feelings, Felicia runs away, only to find out that… maybe things weren’t exactly as she always saw them. It’s a serious depiction of Felicia’s clumsiness and emotional struggle, and a comforting romance that confronts just how important the two girls are to each other.
• “From Dawn to Dusk” by MahNati - A FE Fates multi-chapter written for Siegbert/Shiro. I’ve already raved about this once or twice before, but I cannot recommend it enough. Set after Conquest, it follows Shiro’s journey to become the next king of Hoshido through visits back and forth to Nohr and meetings with Siegbert… until news comes that the long lost Fujin Yumi has suddenly been recovered in Nohrian territory. This fic is an awesome confrontation of the Shiro/Siegbert relationship with good development, and does just about as much with relationships like Hinoka & Shiro and Xander & Siegbert without even having to try that hard. The characterizations are crisp and powerful, and the whole story is one I have read more than once. It’s still updating fairly regularly, too, so you have lots to look forward to!
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sweetestrequiems · 4 years
Goodbye, Hoshido
Summary: You finally reached the Hoshidan capital. Little did you know, though, that you’d have to sacrifice Ryōma’s life in order to continue your control of the lands with Nohr. With the siege on the Great Wall of Suzanoh over, and your forces moving to Castle Shirasagi, you face the most difficult decision of your life yet. But, you did not realize that the fight would come at the cost of your body being taken over by an ancient power. 
Character(s): Female!Corrin (Will be referred to as Kamui.) Crown Prince of Nohr, Xander Crown Prince of Hoshido, Ryōma
TW: graphic description of death, violence, blood proceed with caution.  
A/N: Because my dumb ass was listening to Lost in Thoughts, All Alone on repeat and also sad, this is what happened. Written in a mixture of second and third person points of view. (You/Yours/Him/His) Pretty much a deviance from my normal works (i.e.: Broadway/West End shows), but I have a soft spot for this peculiar installment of the Fire Emblem franchise. Fates captivated my heart with its story, and with the moral choices it forces Corrin to take. I really wanted to write the Revelation route, but Conquest is just so much more fun. And, I owned Conquest first of all the three.
This is my take on Chapter 25: Ryōma, of Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. (Note: Ryōma, in the games, dies by a different manner. I just wanted to have fun and write something that deviates from the story.) And yes, Kamui does indeed get taken over by Anakos.
Tag List: @bchcadcd 
Your steps felt heavy against the bricks of the Hoshidan Capital, but you kept walking forward.
The Yato felt like a screaming fire in your hands, but you kept holding on to your beloved blade.
The gold of the blade was tarnished in the crimson of the blood of the Hoshidan army. Most everyone had fallen, and by your hands. This blood is something you would never be able to wash off. A hand grabs your shoulder and stops you in your tracks. You turn around, to find it’s none other than the blond wielder of the Siegfried, Xander. His gaze looked concerned, and you could see it in his eyes. Part of you could get lost in that gorgeous gaze of his.
“Kamui.” His voice was a tad abrasive at the moment, but you knew it held soft undertones. “Are you okay? You haven’t spoken much since we left the Great Wall of Suzanoh,” that’s where his voice softened up. With a nod, you just shake off whatever’s bothering you. The Grim Yato’s purplish glow was a bit of a comforting sight to you, but nonetheless, the blood was not as much. Your voice is quite mellow, but your expression reads troubled.
“I’m fine, Xander. Really, I can handle this.”
He didn’t look very reassured, but his hand lets go of you and the two of you continue to walk. The blade of the Yato rested on your shoulders, as a way for you to give your arm a break from carrying it so much. Castle Shirasagi looked a little too desolate on the outside, which began to worry you. You had just spared Sakura and Hinoka, and Takumi had gone missing during the seize on the Great Wall. Your brain was reeling with thoughts and uncertainty, which even Xander himself was feeling. Knowing you two had one task left at hand, you both drew your blades and opened up the doors.
“Go to the Throne Room, Kamui. I’ll fetch the others, and wait for us there.” Just as soon as he had come in with you, he left. 
You remember the layout of the castle. This was your family’s home. Your brothers, and your sisters... all of them lived here. But with Takumi gone, and your sisters in hiding... this became nothing. Your feet against the tatami made a soft thud noise with every step. The Grim Yato’s glow began to get brighter the closer you inched to the throne room. It was detecting the energy of Ryōma’s blade, the fabled Raijintō. You kept following it, hoping to maybe speak to Ryōma.
The sounds behind you grew louder with time. Xander had returned with everyone, and you had just opened the door to the throne room.
There he stood, the red samurai. Eldest of the Hoshidan noble family, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Hoshido: Ryōma, with the Raijintō sheathed, yet in his hands.
“Kamui, you have done well so far,” the unsheathing of the electric-pulsing blade immediately lit the torches in the room up. You saw his eyes full of both pain and love. This was a fate he never wanted to accept, that he would be going against his little sister. “But all of that was just practice. No more games, young one. To the death.”
This speech, of course, was cut short by that vile Iago. You hated him from day one. You knew something about him was off. And in the way that he threw Hinoka’s lance at Ryōma, you knew the chance to talk was over. He pinned a false death on you, and... well, you had to go along with it. Your face was full of shame and regret, as to go along with the act, but... Ryōma’s features, lit by the torchlight, looked rough.
Betrayal replaced the love in his eyes. 
The doors to the throne room close behind you, with everyone else trapped on the outside. You turn around, yelling for someone to come back in. “Xander! Xander please! Open the door!” But even with the attempts one could hear, the door would not budge. Xander’s calming voice would be what brings you peace in this moment of fear. “Stand strong, Kamui! We’ll find our way in there!”
The second you turned around, the blade of the Raijintō was coming down upon you with fury. Bringing up the Yato, you stumble back a step or two, crying out from fear. Your brother’s rage was something you were blessed to have never witnessed, but it was truly a difficult sight to bear. “YOU MURDERING FIEND!”
“Ryōma, please–”
“I will have revenge for my sister! I challenge you to a duel!! I will not rest until I kill you myself, you traitorous scum! When the sun sets on this day, one of us will be dead. No one will get between me and my revenge!” The force on his blade doubled as you struggled to keep your ground. With all of your might, you manage to push your eldest brother back, and stare at him with pained eyes. “Ryōma, please! We can talk this out!”
But it was too late. The samurai was set on his one goal of avenging Hinoka, blissfully unaware that you had actually spared her.
Before you even managed a chance to catch your ground on the tatami, the Raijintō was coming right for your side. The smallest bit of the end of the blade cuts into your skin, and you cry out, needing to step back. The side of your body began to feel a little warm as that crimson liquid that had dried on your Yato was now running down your side. Looking up, you see the samurai you call a brother winding up for another attack, the Raijintō now showing off its true aura of electricity. The fire from the torches was dancing around the sleek katana’s blade.
This was not how you wanted to take Hoshido, but it seemed this was the only way to do so.
Your hands tighten around the hilt of the Yato. Forcing yourself to ignore the pain, you just begin to run down the corridor of the throne room, swinging the golden blade of your sword in a diagonal that would catch Ryōma off guard. And it did, as the top layer of armor he wore across his chest cracked upon the hard blow of your blade. In fact, just a small part of the edge of the blade got lodged in it, and you had to force yourself to yank it off of him. 
“I see, you truly have been practicing. Well done, Kamui. But... I cannot bear to look at you. You’re a traitor to your family. To your home!”
It was a dance of blades. His Raijintō versus your Yato. 
The sound of the metal clashing was driving you mad. You paused for a moment, seeming to look defeated. But instead, a rage began to consume you. Your dragon roots, due to Anakos’ blood being your own. Looking up at the tall ceiling of the throne room, you release a dragon’s cry into the air. The people outside of the locked throne room all seemed to have gone quiet. Your gaze goes down to meet Ryōma’s, and he looks a little shaken himself. Your red gaze seems to have hardened, because you feel your eyebrows furrowed.
You look down at yourself, to come find your Silent Dragon’s features have taken over parts of your body. Your hands are the menacing talons you used to crush Hoshidan soldiers at the Great Wall of Suzanoh, your silver tail has broken a hole into the tatami behind you, and your dragon’s horns have revealed themselves. Your grip on the Yato tightens, snd you charge forward, newfound strength coming from this rage. The first swing you manage to take against Ryōma in this state of yours lodges the golden blade into his torso, with a cry coming from the Crown Prince. 
In a frantic display, the prince manages to dislodge himself from your blade’s grasp, hand going to cover the wound. It was pretty deep, but he would never admit defeat. You see the sparks fly from the Raijintō, and you knew what was coming for you. Deciding to ignore his wound, the Crown Prince charged forward, unleashing his fabled Astra attack. A blur of five strikes, which caught you off guard. You find yourself stumbling back, and even falling to the tatami, several open wounds on your body. 
But just as he began his charge again, you raise up your left hand. Catching the blade as he began his strike, your eyes open and a leg comes up. Enough to kick him back, and make him drop the blade.
“Kamui, hold on a little longer!” You hear Xander call from outside. Little would he know though, that you were not yourself.
Standing up with a struggle, your grip on the Yato tightens once more. Another dragon’s cry. You begin to run towards him, with the golden blade striking downwards. He managed to get the Raijintō in his hands on time, but struggled to block your attack. Deflected the first, but the second was a strike. The voices of hatred were screaming in your head. “Death, death!” They chant, and you can't help but want to oblige. Ryōma stands up, needing the support of his blade to actually stand up. You managed to inflict quite a few wounds that were deep enough to cause concern.
However, you had had enough.
An attack Ryōma would never expect is a lunge forward, and a lunge forward is what you met him with. Just as you narrowly avoided his diagonal slash, it moved him into perfect position. The golden blade is driven into the top right sector of his chest, right by his collarbone. Your ears picked up the breaking of bones, and the sound of him gasping in an instant. “Further, further!” The voices screamed about the blade. As you continued to run, the golden blade began to exit out his back, and you could see the crimson running down it. Kicking him away from the blade inflicted more pain, as well. 
He immediately fell down in front of you, hand coming to clutch the area, knowing damn well it would not be enough. Looking up, the fear in his eyes began to set in. “Kamui–” Your voice echoed as you spoke. This was not you speaking anymore, but rather, a wrathful Anakos. “Kamui is no more, pitiful fool. Only I reign supreme, and just soon... there will be no more of Hoshido!”
He struggles to stand up this time. You watch him struggle, and even allow it. But you got sick of all of this. Throwing your Yato to the side, you simply prepared to dash forward. You wanted to end this here, and now. So, you would. And in quite a gruesome style.
Ryōma barely had any time to look up or prepare to defend himself as your black-taloned hands began to reach for his body. A dragon’s talons were sharper than anything man could imagine, and being a Silent Dragon, you had an edge of being a descendant of the First Dragons. Just as your left hand tightly gripped his neck, your right swung right into the wound on his torso, the size of your claws helping to tear through the skin. The bones of the lower ribs cracked with the impact of your fist, and the insides were all suffering grievous damage. The Crown Prince found himself crying out for help.
No one was going to come to his aid, though. 
Your bloodied right hand retracts itself, but your claws dig right back into his skin. He was beginning to lose grip on your left arm in an attempt to stop your other arm. But alas, he was unable to. Raking your right hand up from the wound, you made sure your claws were deep enough to cause real damage. That’s when you look up to see him cough. Blood was beginning to come out of his mouth. Letting go of his neck, you push him down, with your dragon’s tail swinging hard enough to knock him right to the floor. 
He looked pitiful, and you stood over him with blood dripping from your arm.
Just as he reached up with an arm to beg for his life, you forcefully brought your right arm down, claws piercing through the skin and with force enough to rip a hole into his chest. The life in his eyes almost immediately left, and he began to turn pale. With a tight grip on bone, you crush his already broken ribs. Your vision grew redder for a moment. Carnal instinct took over, and your left hand came to join the right, you needing to make sure he was out for the count all together. 
As your hands exit the partially open chest cavity of the body, you stand up, the warm, gory liquid dripping from your arms. The door on the other side of the throne room breaks open. It must have been the work of Leo and the Brynhildr tome. The Nohrian nobles rush in, seeing if you’re okay. But they all stand back, fear in their eyes as you look right up at them. That same, echoing voice from your ancestor being what speaks to them.
“He was first of many, and you are all next.”
All you saw was Camilla immediately hug Elise, as to cover her eyes from the blood splatter. Leo, with his jaw hanging and his mouth agape in horror. Xander, with fear in his eyes and a tense body. He raises Siegfried up in a defensive stance, with Leo joining him by opening up Brynhildr. You laugh at their attempt, but Camilla soon joins with her axe resting on her shoulder.
“Kamui, what have you done?”
“You just ruined our chances at–”
“I ruined nothing. This prince believed himself a rightful warrior, and I gave him but a worthy challenge he could not complete.”
The family is mortified at your words. You stare down at the body below you, letting a laugh or two escape. The blood from your arms had dripped onto Ryōma’s cadaver. His face and hair had the red liquid that once gave him life on it. You just stare at the ripped open body with a smirk, eventually looking up at Xander.
“You’re next, Nohrian Prince.”
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tianeyuan · 5 years
the downfall of a hoshidan prince | takumi (fire emblem)
A/N: Hey there!! thought of using this blog to throw in some writings that are not imagines related haha ;;v;; here’s something that has been sitting in my drafts for like a year and half now or something on my interpretation of takumi’s presumed death after chapter 23 of fire emblem fates conquest! hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Spoilers for FE Conquest, suicide attempt, angst, self-destructive thoughts
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Character: Takumi
The wind’s current blew stronger and stronger as the archer struggle to fight it, determined to reach the top of the mountain. Every footstep he took made his heart clench even tighter, the guilt falling heavier on his shoulders.
I should’ve trained more. Brother Ryoma and Sister Hinoka are way stronger than me, there’s no point.
I couldn’t even protect my own country, my own kingdom. What good am I?
I lost to him, that damned Corrin!
It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault that those Nohrian scum invaded Hoshido. I couldn’t defend my country and my people not only once, not twice but thrice.
I’m worthless. Even he’s better than me.
What good is a prince who cannot defend his own country? What good is he if he cannot protect his people? What use could he provide to the royal Hoshidan family when he’s just a mere shadow of his elder brother? Every little thing I have done will always be compared to Brother Ryoma’s feats, to what he has done before me. What good am I then?
The degrading thoughts haunted the Hoshidan prince’s mind as he reminisced the fight that happened a few hours before his long trek to the wall. Every tactic he used with his army was in vain. Every arrow he fired could only leave scratches and deep cuts on Corrin. Every soldier who fought were either captured by the enemy, killed, fled to the mountains or were spared by that idiot of a commander.
He couldn’t stand the humiliation he had faced in front of thousands of Nohrians and Hoshidans as he was kneeling down before the man he used to call “brother”.
Tears were threatening to spill as Takumi reached the top of the wall and looked down at the ravine, clenching the Fuujin Yumi in his left hand. He panted for air, clutching his chest as he leaned against a ballistae next to him, leaning forward.
The purple aura that surrounded him gradually grew bigger, slowly engulfing the prince’s body in complete darkness. Takumi’s chest heaved as he gripped onto his hair out of frustration — no, out of anger. He felt his body grow heavier and heavier as the mysterious purple aura completely swallowed the prince.
“I’d… I’d rather die than surrender to you… Corrin…!” he yelled. “Damn you…! Why did you… have to join them?!” he sobbed angrily, dropping to the ground on his knees.
“It was because of you, foolish prince,” an eerie voice replied. “You’re worthless. You’re useless. Nobody wants you, not even Sakura. Ryoma and Hinoka are better off without you. This is why Corrin chose Nohr rather than siding with his birthright family; it was all because of you.”
“Who are you?” Takumi asked through his voice dripping with venom. “Do not look down on me. I am a prince of Hoshido! Show yourself to me!”
“There’s no need for you to know my name,” the voice replied. “I simply want to help you, princeling. You desire power, correct? Is that your wish?”
Takumi stayed silent as he cautiously listened, his grip on ballistae becoming firmer that the bricks may crack and break if his grip was tighter.
“Oh? Speechless? Does that pathetic loss still haunt you? See, this is why people prefer Ryoma better. You’re just a shadow. You’re nothing,” the voice continued.
“Shut up! You don’t know anything!” Takumi yelled, punching harshly the wall beside him, the fabric of his gloves tore apart at the brash move, blood seeping out and staining the grey bricks.
“You’re wrong. I do wish to help you. I’ve been watching you since you were born. I can understand your powerlessness. I know how it feels like to be overshadowed. Being forgotten by everyone over time. I know it all.”
“Speak! What—”
“I can help you. I can offer you immense power, strong enough to surpass even both strengths of the Nohrian and Hoshidan princes combined. You can either die a hero or live as worthless trash. The choice is up to you.”
Takumi gritted his teeth as he listened to the taunting voice. “Then… what do you suggest?” he asked quietly.
“Jump. And submit yourself to me. I can give you strength; strength that will rival the High Prince. All you need to do is jump.”
He hesitated for a few moments, looking at the steep fall of the Bottomless Canyon from the border wall he was standing from.
“Would you rather die in the hands of the enemy then?” The voice asked.
Takumi knew his answer to that question. He would never submit himself to the enemy and admit defeat. He took a step forward, and another step, and another until he let himself fall down the cliff.
But not before hearing a voice in his mind before his eyelids slowly closed shut.
“Good job, princeling. You’ll be a good pawn for me. Kill them all, kill all the Nohrians. Kill, kill and kill. Kill Corrin and avenge your siblings. In exchange, I, Anakos, shall grant you the power you desire.”
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0x-jelly-beans-x0 · 2 years
!!!Two idiots in love!!!
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Chapter 4/ ?
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Artist´s credit warning: coming out , just idiots being idiots , themes of loneliness and isolation , consuming drugs, fluff and hurt/comfort
This is my 100th post, so yeah
word count: 1361
After an awkward moment, the bell rings and the last class of the day starts.
You feel relieved until you remember that you two have the same class together…you say to yourself “ that’s ok.. he sits behind me so I don’t have to look at him directly also I don't have any free table by my side due to being in the window and my colleague”.
Your happiness slowly disappears when you notice that Ryoma is talking with that same colleague about changing sets.
And you saw him bringing his stuff to your table, you knew…that you couldn’t run away from that situation anymore…
Your English teacher says:
Welcome Everyone! Today, we are going to talk about CRT, please open your book on page 25.
You two open your book, he looks at you waiting for you to talk and you just cover your face with your hand to focus on the class.
When you open the page, he picks his pencil and writes in your book;” Why did you kiss me on the cheek?”.
 You pick another pencil , pause for a few seconds and write him back ; “ I don’t know…”.
He looks at you confused and writes, “ You don’t have any explanation?”.
You write him back “…Maybe your cuteness”.
He blushes a little and you blush hard and in your inner panic you write to him; “ I’m sorry.I won’t do it again..”.
He slowly but hesitantly writes to you “ It’s ok , just ask first next time…” . He looks aside and blush a little bit more while you remove your hand from your face and smile at him tenderly.
After class, Ryoma decides to companie you to home; you two talk for what felt was hours until you remembered something:
I don’t think I ever gave you a nickname…
Hm? Is that important?- Ryoma asks you, referring to it as irrelevant.
Yes , it is. It can be a funny and/ or sweet way to refer to someone.An example is my sis. I call her Kiki because of that ghibli movie and also due to her loving cooking!- you tell him like it was the most important thing in the universe.
Ok.. So what is my nickname?- he asks you
Ryo!!! Like “Ryo” De Janeiro- you tell him enthusiastically 
…- he looks dead serious and starts to walk faster so he can distance you.
WAIT!! You can call me a goofy nickname too!-you tell him trying to calm him down.
He slows down , takes around 5 minutes to think about a good nickname and says:
..”Puka”.- he tells you smugly 
From that cartoon!!! She just harasses garou..- you tell him furiously 
What did early can be considered harassment, you know?- he told you smugly and you started to look at the floor ashamed.
I’m sorry…I will not do it again..- you tell him
It’s ok , just ask next time.- he pats your back trying to calm you down.
You two approaches your house and you decide to stop and say:
Since that is the condition, can I kiss you on the cheek? As a goodbye..-
He rubs the back of head , thinking about it and then he says:
You get in one knee and kiss in the cheek, he kisses in cheek as well , with surprised you and you ask him light bit agitated:
Why did you kiss me???-
I don’t know. Maybe due to your cuteness..- He smugly tells me that.
You’re so petty…- you cover your face embarrassed. 
But I need to go home, see ya Ryo- 
See ya, Puka- 
He slowly walks away, he looks back at your home and mumbles:
What is it like to live in her shoes? She has a family that beats her yet she is still happy… even helps me..hm..-
He slowly and secretly takes out a cigarette and starts to smoke and starts to go back to his home.
When he is close to home, he extinguishes the cigar , take his bottle of water and slowly drinks it.
He looks at his home and says to himself “ At least, she has her sister…” ; he starts to chew mint chiclet and walks in. He looks around his house and sees the living room in the dark connected to the kitchen, a small dinner table with something on it and a couch and TV close to a window door that directs you to the balcony. 
He tells himself “Hm.. It seems that this time my family didn’t appeared , I can continue to smoke then”.He switches the light on and sees a plate with his favorite food and notestick close to it, he slowly approaches it and it reads: “ Sorry son, we had to go to the reunions tonight while be back at 11 p.m. Don’t wait for us   -Mom and Dad-“. He looks at it unsurprised and says:
The same shitty excuse…-
He throws the note away, turns on the TV and starts to eat it.
After a half hour, he finishes it and gets bored after watching the same episodes over and over , turns off the tv , wash the dishes and goes to his bedroom.
His room was messy, sweaty clothes , a big sports bag , rackets and tennis balls in the corner close to the door, a small drawer with a laptop on top of it ,a king size bed connected to the wall and a closet on the opposite wall.
He lays in his bed , picks his phone and starts scrolling through the net…he saw many pictures of families and friends and found family fanart based on his favorite shows. He turns his body to the side, hugs his pillow and slowly clenches it. 
He just changes apps and starts to message his friends from the tennis club, they start to talk about of their day for hours but when 12 p.m. strikes , his family didn’t appear, his friends are asleep and  his thoughts starts to get a little bit to much…he tries to sleep but can’t…
He messages you not really hoping for much , questioning “ Are you awake?”; but when you reply to him saying “ Yes.” , he forms a small smile.
He questions you “ Call?” , you just reply “sure”.
He calls you and tell you:
Are you having insomnia?-
Yep!-  you reply to him tired as fuck 
Me too…What is your reason for insomnia?..- He questions you trying to focus on you..
I just discovered the term trans and trans boy… and like it..but maybe I’m faking being it…like I’m still thinking if it true or not..- you tell him really nervously.
He looks at ceiling and tells:
I’m bisexual and if I’m telling you the truth… I felt the same way as you when I discovered that term…-
He sighs kinda nervous for confessing that part of himself but continues:
I just need to tell you.. If you feel that you’re faking it… You probably aren’t. Most cishet_-
You interrupted him and ask: 
Cis, Cisgender. It refers for people who gender identify with the sex at birth. And het is for straight people.- He explains to you calmly 
OHH!! Got it.- you say to him.
But focusing on what I was saying… most cishet people doesn’t even question if they are gay or not. Because they know it and they also know it when they are faking it.. So don’t stress yourself if you’re faking it or not , ok?- He tells you trying to uplift you.
Yeah… Thanks Ryo. I think I will try he/him pronouns for now -you tell him sweetly
You got it, Puka- he tells you tenderly.
Hey!.. What was the reason for you to call me?-You ask him caringly
I…just wanted some company!..- He tells you kinda ashamed.
No problem,bud. I will be your company until you fall asleep.- you reassure him 
Thanks, Puka…I needed it- he covers his eyes and silently cries.
You two passed the rest of the call, talking about some dumb stuff until both of you pass out of exhaustion.
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evajellion · 2 years
Happy 28th anniversary, Live A Live!
I was gonna write a fat post about the themes of this game and how it's perfect for people who can't get into JRPGs with overly long stories (because of the bite-sized chapters) but I had a, uh… surgical removal today, sorta. So I think I will keep my autism to a minimum and post my age headcanons for the cast + Oscar and Jihad instead.
Pogo - 20 years. (he's just really short, the game refers to him as a "strange man")
Shifu - Definitely somewhere over 80 considering he pushed himself to his grave…
Hong - 19 years.
Lei - 20 years.
Yun - 13 years. (only disciple referred to as a "boy" rather than just young)
Oboromaru - 18 years. (game refers to him as young, but evidently old enough to send out on a dangerous mission)
Ryoma - 30 years. (dies at 31 IRL)
Shiro - 17 years. (died at that age IRL, I think it's funnier if Oboro is only a bit older than him)
Yodogimi - 48 years. (died at that age IRL)
Musashi - 61 years. (died at that age IRL)
Sundown - 30 years.
Mad Dog - 26 years.
Masaru - 25 years. (because of course)
Akira - 15 years.
Kaori - 10 years.
Cube - Was literally just born.
Kato - 22 years.
Darthe - 50 years. (old enough to have been a war participant)
Oersted - 21 years.
Streibough - 19 years.
Oscar - 21 years.
Jihad - 200 years. (vampire)
Idk if anyone has official sources to counter these, these are what I figured. It ain't everyone, so… I'll leave the rest for you guys to piece together.
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geminiamethyst · 2 years
Limitless. Chapter 17: Break
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 16: click HERE
Chapter 18: click HERE
This chapter was inspired by a scene from season 1 of "Stranger Things".
Kaito turned his attention to his right as he saw Kaede and her team catching up to Shuichi, Kirumi, Kokichi, Gonta and himself. Ryoma has gone on ahead to try to take care of any other guards that might still be running around somewhere. Kaede, Kiyo, Himiko, Rantaro and Tsumugi were able to get away seemingly unscathed. It gave Kaito an immense form of relief. The plan seemed to be going well, but Kaito couldn't risk jinxing it yet.
"You all good?" Rantaro asked.
"Just barely." Shuichi answered.
"Hey! Sorry if we're late."
Everyone turned to the voice, seeing Keebo, Miu and Angie. However, Kaito and the others didn't feel like celebrating. Miu was stumbling a little as Keebo and Angie helped to keep her upright and walking. She seemed stunned, almost our of it completely. She also looked like she had been shocked badly, even her hair was a little frazzled.
"Miu?! What happened to you?" Tenko exclaimed.
"Why don't you ask the idiotic dick cheese?!" Miu shouted, glaring right at Kaito before slumping a little.
"Dick cheese?!" Kaito repeated, repulsed by the insult.
"Project J.E couldn't be opened. It was rigged to make sure Miu couldn't open it." Keebo explained with a grim look on his face. Even Miu couldn't get into it. That was the one shot that they might have had to find out more about it. They might never get the chance to get into it.
"We'll worry about the file later! Let's get moving!" Shuichi urged, seeming to sense what Kaito was feeling at that moment. Kaito didn't like it, but he was right. Time was running out, it wasn't on anyone's side. They had to leave now. Kaito will just have to hope that once they got out, Project J.E will have failed before it could even get off the ground. Everyone started running, heading towards where the exit was.
"We've got a small problem!" Ryoma suddenly shouted as he sprinted into view from around the corner. Kaito and the others took his warning but had t' look to see what the problem was. This wasn't a small problem as Ryoma had said. The exit was ahead of them, at least 30m away from them. However, there were at least 25 guards halfway to the exit. They must have been out of the rooms that had been locked before Miu had hacked into the system. They must have figured out what was going on, and gathered together to put a stop to this. All the guards were armed with their batons, ready to do damage to any Limitless that might resist.
"Alright, freak show! Time to go back to your rooms! Or else you'll all get punished!" A guard at the front ordered. Kaito had just about enough. He was getting everyone out of here, even if he didn't. He was ready to charge at the guards, but something told him to stop. It was like a sharp feeling that he suddenly had. It just told him to stop him from what he was about to do. The batons that the guards held suddenly flew out of their hands. All of the weapons suddenly melded into a mangled mess before hitting the floor with a solid thud. The impact was so hard that the weapons were buried halfway into the ground and caused a small tremor. The guards seemed just as surprised as everybody else. The Limitless looked behind them and suddenly started to part away to make a clear path for Maki. Kaito was happy to see her, but he couldn't bring himself to show it as he saw the intense look on Maki's face. Maki was unfazed as she stepped past Kaito, standing firm in front of him.
"S-stand down!" The same guard at the front stuttered, trying to keep himself steady. Maki didn't say anything. She didn't move. "Did you not hear me, bitch?! I said stand down!" The guards took out their guns, keeping them trained on Maki. Maki continued to stay silent. There was this tension in the air. Kaito could feel the hairs on his arms and back of his neck stand up on end just from how tense the atmosphere suddenly felt. He's certain that the others can feel it too. The air felt hot but cold at the same time. It felt so surreal. Kaito looked at the guards. They were shaking, but Kaito could see that it was not because of fear. Upon a closer inspection, Kaito could make out what appeared to be blood coming from the visors, right where the eyes were hidden. It only took ten seconds until there was a horrible, sickening squelching noise. The guards fell to the ground instantly, Blood pool around all of them. Maki took a breath, but suddenly collapsed herself. Kaito kneeled down and turned her onto her back. Maki was more pale than she was before and she started to have a nosebleed. Did she use all of her strength to kill the guards like that?
"I don't know about everyone else, but I'm outta here!" Kokichi announced, sprinting and stepping over the bodies to the door. He was being extra careful to not slip on the blood. Everyone else slowly followed suit, not caring to think to see if Maki was alright. Only Kaito was checking her over, making sure if she was going to be okay.
"Kaito!" Shuichi shouted at Kaito as he stood at the door.
"Keep going! I'm not leaving without Maki!" Kaito ordered, his voice full of authority. Shuichi nodded before he disappeared into the dark. Kaito shook Maki a little, a final attempt to wake her up. However Maki didn't show any signs of waking up. Kaito heard shouting from the corridor behind him. He hurriedly but carefully picked Maki up bridal style. He secured her as tight as he could. He bolted as quick as he could to keep up with everyone else. As soon as he was through the door, he carefully placed Maki down and hurriedly slammed the door. Spotting a pipe and hovering above the ground, he broke the pipe off and bent it so that it was blocking the door. Kaito looked at the window, spotting White glaring daggers at him with armed men beside him. Kaito flipped him off just out of spite. Not wanting to wait to see if the guards could get through the barred door, he picked Maki up again and turned to join the others. He didn't know what he was expecting, but he felt a little surprised when he saw stairs. Was this place underground? That would explain the lack of windows. Hearing clanging behind him, Kaito immediately hurried up to move. He ran up the stairs so fast that he felt like he was starting to fly again. He didn't know, nor care, how high up he went. All he saw was light flooding in through an open door. He reached it and squinted badly as he was met with sunlight. The sun. He was outside. Finally. He could hear the others struggling a little as they too struggled to get used to the sudden light again. Some of them haven't seen it for years. Despite the sun, Kaito couldn't help, but shiver a little as he felt something light hitting his skin. Above hearing everyone else muttering, he could hear...waves? Feeling like his eyes were well adjusted, Kaito finally looked around properly. It was an island. A small island. The door that he came out of was disgusted to make it look like it was leading into an old shed. There was a helipad a good 30 or so metres away from the shed. However, there was no helicopter. There had to be a way off of the island.
"Hey, Miu!" Tenko shouted as she finally, could see well enough. She immediately pointed to something. "Think you can get that thing moving!" Kaito stepped forward to see what she was pointing at. With steps leading down to it was a dock with a boat parked at it. It was probably transport that would have been used to get Shuichi, Kaito and Kokichi off the island. It was big enough to transport everyone away from this hellish place.
"Of course I can make it fucking move!" Miu shouted, finally able to stand on her own. "Just make sure that there are no guards on it!" Ryoma sped on ahead. The others waited for him to get back as soon as they were at the dock. Ryoma came back, trying not to slip on the icy surface.
"Six guards. Four on the deck, two with the captain." He said, pointing up at the boat.
"I might be able to get the four on the deck. I can get them to leave the ship." Kaede spoke up, hesitantly pointing to the painting on her arm.
"Gonta, Tenko, I may need your assistance for the last two and the captain after I detain them." Kirumi insisted. She quickly moved her hands, making two earplugs made of spider's silk. "Kaito, you'll need to have these in your ears since you're carrying Maki. Kiyo, would you mind?" Kiyo nodded silently as he gently took the earplugs and carefully slipped them in Kaito's ears. Once he did that and everyone else covered their ears, Kaede started to tap at the painted keys on her arm. Kaito couldn't hear anything at all but he watched as the guards on the deck suddenly started to make their way off the boat and onto the dock. They continued to walk towards the Limitless, but they went right past the group. They started going up the stairs, towards where everyone came out. Seeing that it was clear for now, Kirumi, Gonta and Tenko made their way onto the boat. Everyone else started to edge towards the boat, ready to board as soon as it was time. Kaede kept playing, making sure that the guards kept going up the stairs. She didn't know how close they had to be to hear her "music", but she didn't want to find out. In two minutes, Gonta and Tenko came out carrying the two guards and captain. They were currently tied up in spider webs. Tenko and Gonta walked on as if they couldn't hear Kaede's "music". Kirumi must have made earplugs for them just as she had done for Kaito. As soon as the restrained men were dumped unceremoniously on the dock, Kaede stopped "playing". Everyone took their chance to get onto the boat. As soon as they were on board, and heard the guards heading back to the dock, Gonta and Tenko raised the gangplank and Shuichi and Kaede untied the boat from the dock. Miu charged into the bridge and within seconds, the boat's engine roared to life. The boat pulled away, leaving the island behind. As he felt the web earplugs gently drift out of his ears, Kaito looked back at the dock, seeing the guards on there with back up not too far behind. Not that it mattered. There was nothing that they could do. Shuichi's plan had worked perfectly. Kaito was able to get everyone out. However, one thing lingered in his mind.
They were free, but this wasn't over yet.
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Birthright Corrin: From sheltered life in the dark, to growth in the light and selfless sacrifices in Road Taken
HAPPY 8TH ANNIVERSARY FIRE EMBLEM: IF!! (known internationally as Fates)
As it was the birth-month of mine(June 21) and Fate’s first release 8 years ago in Japan,last month, on June 25, 2015. I wrote something for my favorite Lord, Corrin in Birthright. As Corrin goes through different paths, it is a gargantuan task to talk about Corrin in all paths. As most games that has different routes, I believe a character will become a different person by taking a specific path, and I would prefer one route over another. For example, Denam from Tactics Ogre LUCT. He is idealistic and stands for his principles & justice in the Chaos route meanwhile he is cold and pragmatic in the Law route. Thus I’ll be talking specifically about the Birthright version and within the context of that route, because it is my favorite version of Corrin, and I’m very fixated with Hoshirrin.
Actually months ago I was also planning to write (especially for the CYL) about Birthright Corrin and made some notes but I was too busy with annoying school work. I later found u/NobleYato ‘s The Most Misunderstood Lord and Why We Love Them, an excellent read and we have arrived at some similar points. And I have to say that I was kinda bummed that someone already beat me to it. However I already started my drafts and made some notes. If I started something, I’m determined to finish it. Thus I’ll attempt to make mine too with my own takes and interpretations. This would be another small contribution for understanding Corrin .
In writing this, I shall refer to Corrin as Male. As it is illustrated that Male Corrin represents Birthright in the box art and even in-game that Female Kana the child of Male Corrin is grouped together with the Hoshidan 2nd generation. In the Birthright drama CD, Corrin is male and has more flavor with his title, the second Prince of Hoshido. And other games such as FEH also followed suit, I also wrote and concluded that Male Corrin in FEH is consistently from Birthright. It is implied that the Birthright Route is tailored for Male Corrin. I’ll share my observation and explanation below why Male Corrin makes sense for Birthright.
His Birthright and the Hoshidan Way
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The Trio: If you look closely and notice that the princes always have a lead in the openings of later chapters, indicated by these 3 sprites
They got separated with Ryoma and the others after the surprise attack after the events of CH6 which the battle stretched across up to the bottomless canyon, so they were spread out. Which leaves Corrin ,as the 2nd prince of Hoshido and the only eldest Prince left, the responsibility lies in him and to command the remaining part of the army. As he is also chosen by the divine Yato which gives him authority and legitimacy that makes people trust in his abilities. And even later when Hinoka—his elder sister joins, he is still in-charge and giving orders as he is the elder prince and the chain of command goes to him in the absence of the High Prince Ryoma. And to prove his dedication, he embraced himself as Hoshidan and dedicated himself to defend the Kingdom yet he only truly seeks peace between Hoshido and Nohr, without unnecessary bloodshed of the innocent. He is merciful to those who surrender and gives chances to lay down arms and spare them, as it is the Hoshidan way . He learns about this from Kaze’s words from CH7, after sparing Silas and then demonstrating it in CH 10 by sparing Zola. This act shows his great commitment to the Hoshidan Ways and this shows that he is not like what they think of those from Nohr, thus earning their trust and confidence of the lost 2nd prince.
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Later when Ryoma, the eldest, rejoins and assuming top responsibility , he consults and briefs his little brothers on the matters of the army planning and strategy, as we can see with Takumi for example in CH 15 & 21, where he gives his views deciding on which route to take such as pointing out a forest nearby and a short cut through the demon falls, Takumi has a good sense of geography, and with Corrin, be his second command and may lead the way at times (we’ll be discussing this role more in the following sections). We see that the princes take the lead in the army, and in the opening scenes of later chapters we see Ryoma, Corrin and Takumi have the major dialogues. This shows that princes have the highest chain of command in the army. This is his Birthright and reclaims as a Hoshidan Prince leading the way.
In the white light
Corrin’s character is shown to be good, kind, intuitive, and values life, albeit sheltered and knows little of the world. We saw in the early chapters where he effortfully tried to save Kaze and Rinkah despite all the pressure and even threatened to death. Another thing that shows his good character where he even saved an injured bird (who later reveals to be Lilith). When confronted by Xander with his overly magnanimity, he would gladly lay down his life for the greater good, and it is his nature.
Later when he was out and saw the world for the first time, he witnessed firsthand the atrocities and terrorized villages by the faceless caused by Garon when he was in Hoshido. He wasn’t able to see and know these when he was imprisoned in the fortress and was brought up that Garon as his “father” and cannot be wrong. When the special sword that was given to him exploded and his true mother died protecting him, along those at the square, this triggered his memories of the day he was abducted and remembering his real father also died protecting him. Now he knows what true colors of his “Father” Garon are.
It was a hard pivotal decision of Corrin, to stand with Hoshido and his birth family. As it is in line with his character to be good and morally upright and he stands for justice as when he spared the prisoners when ordered to. He does not side with the man that incites terror and commits atrocities because it goes against his ideals and the sacrifices to those who protected him. His parents sacrificed themselves to save him from the man who abducted and made him sheltered and kept in the dark when he was held prisoner in a fortress, albeit pampered and able to bond with the Royal family. He quickly realized that he was a pawn, and his life was not valued by his “father”. Clearly Garon is the mastermind, clearly sees his intentions and clearly sees for what he is. He condemns him and vows to never return to Nohr, and to correct his wrongs. He believes that this is the right path towards peace and is determined to achieve it.
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*Note that this will be the reading order of panels in the succeeding images
From Isolation to newfound freedom
Corrin: Travel? I hope you both realize that this isn't exactly a vacation... Fuga: Of course. It's just that Hayato has not had much opportunity to leave the village. In addition to helping you, he will be exploring the world for the first time. Corrin: I see. I think I understand exactly how he feels. After all, I spent most of my childhood locked in a Nohrian castle.
As he wasn’t allowed to go outside when he grew up in the fortress and even wasn’t able to see other people. He may have grown up in Nohr with luxuries but only in the fortress, he didn’t even know the Wolfskins, the demihumans of Nohr. And now he is finally free, naturally he enjoys his first times experiencing the outside world— enjoying the forest air, mesmerized by a boat ride, that he even plans to buy one after the war, just fascinated by new things that he wasn’t able to before ,and meeting new faces along the way. Being isolated for so long, he makes up to experience new things.
Due to his experience being locked in a tower, he highlights the experience and let others not experience his sheltered life, and encourages anyone to go explore the world; we saw this when he was introduced to Hayato. And also with Rinkah, whom he sees that they may have similar experiences, he encourages the princess of the isolationist Flame tribe to have this opportunity to explore the world and learn different cultures and he shows his optimism to think positively of what happened, he also shows to be a believer of “things happens for a reason”.
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With being outside, free and without the pressures of being subdued especially under Garon, he can openly express himself and can be corny and cheeky at times. He has a dry-sense of humor to liven up moments such as when he joked about taking the “5-minute staircase” instead of the eternal staircase(CH8) and when with all the moving around they no longer need to work out after reaching the peak of Mt. Garou(CH15) . Or when he said “Can I be happy for a moment?” after taking over a fortress(CH15) and being reminded that there are more to be done. He is encouraged to share his thoughts when consulted by Ryouma on army decisions and is supported when he takes the lead. With this freedom, it gives him the opportunity to grow and be himself.
Leadership, charisma and growth
“In the white light, a hand reaches through”
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As I have mentioned, as the second prince and the only eldest remaining prince when Corrin got separated from Ryoma. Now, the responsibility lies to Corrin. He may have had training in martial skills when he was in the fortress yet he lacks the field experience, but has no choice but to lead an army early on. Also with his background of being raised by the enemy ,where especially Saizo was very suspicious, may be a thorn in his side. He works hard to earn the trust of others and to gain their confidence and in himself. He earned it by demonstrating the aforementioned “Hoshidan Way” of sparing Zola, and through perking up others when the other princes were missing and tries to maintain a positive outlook and puts on a brave face and tries to be convincingly confident despite he hides it (CH10),
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With these experiences of leading, he grows bold, charismatic and confident that later on when they are rejoined by Ryoma and resume command, his confidence has grown that at times leads the way and be a rallying cry for the army,especially when he gives a rousing speech before their first counter offensive in capturing a Nohrian fort (CH14) and to rally themselves to take a shortcut through the demon falls (CH21) , and he does initiatives to lead the way out when facing grave danger at the Fort Dragonfall (CH21)
Besides being confident with oneself, he also learns to be confident with others and rely on them as he can be very hard on himself at times, does want anyone to get involved and be hurt and even self- sacrifice or be a martyr. When he sided with Hoshido (CH6) or went on a pilgrimage to the rainbow sage(CH19), he was ready to sacrifice himself and not anyone involved. Or when the resistance was discovered, he was all downer. Every time he recruits someone or asks someone to join his cause he would always tell them not to join and they could not because of the possible blood be shed, for example with (Kaden, Hayato, Speech at the border fort). However, time and time again,he needs his allies around him to bring him back to his senses like that slap by Scarlet and most of all Ryoma’s guidance to bring back his confidence and the right path.
However, all that confidence and cool head is put to the test. A major blow to his trust, when Zola betrayed them despite all they have gone through. This was a hard lesson for Corrin to learn and proving his naivety. To further erode his trust after the betrayal, the rumors of a spy being continually taunted by Iago, made him lose his confidence in others and himself. He began to suspect others and lose trust after earning that from his new allies, and the stakes are getting higher. The main quality of his character is a trusting charisma, and the people around him are quick to notice the change of mood, most especially Takumi as we know with their rocky first relationship who was wary of Corrin but now he trusts Corrin but got hurt with his doubts.
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As Corrin cannot deal with these matters alone, time and time Ryoma, his guiding light , reaching his hand through Corrin’s troubles, lifts his spirits back. He gives advice that is encouraging to Corrin on his journey to be a good leader, and helps him deal with or settle his old life, even cordial to his Norhian siblings . He points out and highlights his natural charisma and is very trusting in that it makes it both his strength and weakness(CH17), and uses his good sense of intuition on treading on his path. As the chosen one by the divine sword Yato, people lean on Corrin. Ryoma has been a wise guidance to Corrin when he loses his way and many times to bring him to the right path, showing him the light and what hope is possible, giving him confidence and earning with worth as the chosen one. If he wasn't there, his little brother would have been lost.
Ryoma: What's wrong, Corrin? You haven't seemed yourself lately. Corrin: Well, to be honest...our encounter with Iago is still bothering me. I'd hate to think I can't trust everyone here, but I've been burned once before... Ryoma: That's not your style, Corrin. You're on your way to becoming a great leader, and you lead by example. If you don't trust your own troops, how will they trust you? Don't let what happened with Zola shake your confidence. Corrin: I don't know. I feel like things have changed. The stakes have been raised. As if they could get any higher... Ryoma: Let's take a step back, shall we? Do you trust me, Corrin? Corrin: Of course. Ryoma: All right. How about Sakura and Takumi? Think about Hinoka, Azura, and Silas too. Any of them potential suspects? Corrin: Absolutely not. I believe in all of them! Ryoma: Very well. How can you be so sure? Corrin: I...I just can. I don't know. It's a gut feeling, I guess... Ryoma: Precisely. This is both your weakness and your strength. You have a keen intuition for people and natural charisma. Yet you lack the years of experience needed to make calculated decisions. So? Follow your strength. Use your intuition. Don't try to be what you're not.
Anger, Anguish & Resolution
“A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two”
In this path he may have felt the warmth of light and growing in it, but also in this path the darkness follows to test and challenge his personal progress, and the risks involved in the road taken . Now that he’s on the other side, it is inevitable that he would face and fight his loved ones from his old life. He would face trying and difficult moments especially losing his loved ones from his old life and the innocent lives. He lost Flora when she was forced to fight against her village and then sacrifice herself. And he was forced to fight the wolfskin, by false flag incident, in self defense. These losses, yet painful, enduring it and he would carry a heavy burden, made him more determined to swiftly end the war and make Garon pay.
Despite all that, he maintains his cool head, bearing the pain yet still be merciful to his foes, he still doesn’t want unnecessary bloodshed despite all the inner rage from all he lost. He gives the foe’s soldiers a chance to surrender, and does not do wanton violence against them when they no longer fight. He gives them a chance to talk, explain their side and be patient like when defeating Silas [Ch7], Flora[Ch8], & Leo[CH18]. But knowing the stakes at hand and fulfilling his duty he knows that one could not always be nice and necessary sword-threatening should be done, but when they can explain their side, he will give them a chance to defect and join their cause.
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He learns that not everyone can be reasoned with, and the language they can understand is through his Yato. He grows resolute and understandably angry towards Garon and his lackeys, Hans and Iago. As always, he tried diplomacy first with them but he keeps failing. Nothing can be done but to end them. His interactions with them will always have a comeback, sassy remarks and be contemptuous over the suffering they caused. Corrin learns that not all people are reasonable and redeemable, that peace cannot be achieved without defeating them.
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After all the losses he endured, he still carries on with the burdens and heavy heart, and maintains his cool head, brave face and optimism. However he has a breaking point. After Lilith shielded Corrin from Hans and died, another one very dear to him lost. That moment finally broke him, he finally felt anguished, fell into deep despair and lost all his optimistic spirits. After all that collectedness, he finally opened up the deep pain he held for so long and openly expresses the sorrows he hides, lamenting all the lives lost and for what? He faltered, was about to truly give and yield.
Corrin: What are we even fighting for? Is it worth it? Ryoma: Look up, Corrin. Corrin: Ryoma? Ryoma: Dry your tears. Think about Lilith's sacrifice. She gave her life so you could continue fighting. And what are we fighting for? We are fighting for peace! We are fighting for Queen Mikoto and for the whole world! Do you think Lilith would want you to give up like this? Corrin: Ughhh... Ryoma: Listen. It is time for you to rise to the occasion. If we want to end this war, now is the time for us to take action! Corrin: I'm just so tired. Tired of loss. Tired of death. Ryoma: There will be a time for rest. But that time is not now. Rise up! The sacred blade Yato chose YOU, Corrin. We're all counting on you! Corrin: ... You're right. I know you're right. I will not stop until King Garon's reign of terror is over. Let's go, everyone. Ryoma: That's the spirit.
Ryoma brought him back and gave him back the light, for the sake of the sacrifices, for their mother and most of all the peace of the world, as why the Yato chose him. Give him resolution, reminding of his cause and for world peace around, bring him back to light and to push him to continue, move on, and fight for them so that their sacrifices won’t be in vain.These trials are not the reason to give up but a challenge to improve ourselves. His pain is not an excuse to back-out, but a resolution to move on and forward.
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Ryoma:... Look, Corrin. Can you see the sun breaking over the horizon? Corrin: Yes...I suppose I can. Ryoma: They say the sun never shines in Nohr, but we can see that that's not true. Perhaps it's small comfort, but I take this as a good omen. Corrin: It is warm here. The same kind of warmth I felt walking the streets of Hoshido. I hope someday, both Hoshido and Nohr can share this kind of warmth. Ryoma: Anything is possible, Corrin.
With his journey comes to a close, after being in the light of hope and shining on his optimism and that the possibility of peace between nations is achievable, especially when one can do things if you put your mind into it. Corrin was shown that it is possible that light can reach the darkness when they were in mount Garou (CH15), where Ryoma telling all the things are possible and when they made a pilgrimage in the seven fold sanctuary as a test and learned that a magical object nothing better in improving but one's mindset, will power, and hardworking efforts. These experiences changed Corrin to grow and be more commanding of one’s will, which in CH23 where Elise, after meeting since his pivotal decision, notices Corrin’s change compared to the time when he was in the fortress. His outlook is now more bold and knows what he is doing. Now he has returned to Nohr as a different person, he uses what he has learned and shapes his ideals to be the light who brings justice.
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The theme music of the Birthright route is masterfully composed; listening to it evokes feelings of Corrin and what he goes through in this final part of his journey. In the calm version, you could feel the uneasiness, highlighted by the wind instruments, the sounds of nostalgia of his old life growing up in Nohr. That heavy feeling of bittersweet feeling of coming home, now for different reasons, it evokes uncertainty, reluctance, bittersweet nostalgia, hesitation and tense & heavy feeling. And in contrast, the storm version is very contrasting with its upbeat marching rhythm, full of emotion and heroic tone ,signifying Corrin’s choice to act decisively, determination for peace of the world. Thus I named this chapter after this masterpiece.
For the greater good
Growing up in Nohr albeit in a fortress, he grew up and bonded with the Nohr Royals and was treated as a sibling. He is very attached to them and is dear to him and they cherish him. It was a hard decision for him to go against Garon ,their father, but he must do what he must for his ideals of justice, even dealing with them should they stand in his way. It was clever for Garon to abduct and to let Corrin to have a bond with his children so that he would develop Stockholm syndrome, he would become a pawn to his machinations, but Corrin isn’t fooled and cannot stand his tyranny. Despite now joining the other side, he still held his Nohr siblings dear and tried on every occasion to be diplomatic and convince them not to fight, as he tried very hard to shed light on Garon’s true colors. And in turn they tried to convince Corrin back but he is firm in his decision and mission, he must make a stand for peace and goodwill between Hoshido and Nohr. Miraculously with all his efforts and the trials he faced in this journey, he somehow manages not to end them. However that may not be the case later on when facing Xander.
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They later accepted Corrin as Hoshidan and agrees that he is in the right path but they cannot make a stand against fight Garon, as he is their father and as his children, only Corrin has the opportunity to stand up against Garon, and Corrin as the truly Hoshidan only can he defy and it is his birthright to stand up to their abusive father. They may have understood that Corrin’s duty is in the right path to peace to face Garon.
(The Xander and Corrin duel is a very symbolic battle and has a complex motif , u/Visual-Function-213 may have analyzed it better with Birthright Chapter 26: Analysis and Misconceptions , but I’ll share my short take.)
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As Corrin has the birthright to bring light to the darkness, Xander as well has a duty and it is his birthright to be the crown prince to defend his kingdom no matter what with pride and dignity. Corrin’s efforts to dissuade Xander are futile as they both have duties to fulfill. Corrin’s hesitation and struggle to face Xander. That sad and heavy feeling of facing the one who trained you and is close to you, he made Corrin what he is.In this penultimate major trials of this path and the climax of his journey , it duel of ideals and clash of duties, contrasting ideals, as crown prince who is bound to his standing and has no choice , contrast to Corrin is free and has a choice. In this poetic battle between a mentor and a student, who have learned much of the world and to show his mentor how he has changed and grown. Corrin has learned a lot in his journey and he’ll show his mentor what he has learned in his journey that reshaped his views that things are possible, there is justice, which Corrin went through the lessons of his journey. He is no longer hesitant and giving it all. Corrin no longer holds back indications of decisiveness. Xander is very proud of Corrin’s decisiveness but he himself was holding back, making Corrin upset that Xander wasn’t giving his all while Corrin was.
Dawn Breaks
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Finally in the end of Corrin’s journey, he traveled far in this path, from a pampered sheltered prince kept in the dark and after basking of the light of experiences, growing confidence, taking risks and all the sacrifices, with the highs and lows and with the wisdoms of his big brothers— Ryoma for showing him the hope, warmth and the possibilities; Xander for teaching and training him for to be strong, be decisive and to seize the day. Corrin has grown to be a capable leader and transformed to something else. Just like Yato transformed to its Blazing form in parallel and signifying his change as a person. He will face the source of all the suffering and the cause of the war, Garon who intended Corrin to be naive and unknowing of the world so that he could be a good pawn. But Corrin stood up and is no longer a victim of this manipulation. He fought valiantly but all of it was not enough as he was knocked out despite all his efforts.
“Waking dreams fade away”
In his unconscious state, he met for the final time with the loved ones from his old life. And imparting their final words: Flora to be self-dependent, Xander, to be decisive, Elise for the bonds, And Lilith, to be a kind heart to the weak . It is a symbolic gesture when Flora tells Corrin that sometimes he has to learn to wake himself up on his own and to decide for himself. In this final farewell, this signifies letting go of his old life, embracing the new life. This is the final push for him to strive and to finish Garon.
“Embrace the brand-new day”
Revived and now determined than ever with the path he chose and for the greatest cause and self sacrifice for the greater good. He is not alone and with his allies, they will achieve world peace. After saying goodbye to his old life and all the sacrifices, he has gathered strength to defeat Garon and was triumphant in beating the source of misery and Alight the kingdom in the dark.
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However, Corrin will face his final loss and sacrifice, his good friend Azura.In her final words of comfort, to remind Corrin to smile and look up and live as they finally have world peace. Corrin had faced so many losses and heart wrenching moments, but he grew strong to not let these emotions drown him and break him, but he is more determined to carry on for their sake and for the greater cause. He wishes to strive to build a new world and to make the dream peace happen and for the memories of the fallen.
“Sing with me a song of birthrights and love”
Later in the coronation ceremony, he has an emotional moment with and with his siblings. This time of tears of joy,after all the sacrifices and pain he endured, he has achieved his dream of peace and friendship between Hoshido and Nohr. He also desires to enjoy and have fun after his emotional journey.
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With his exemplary decision to stand with peace, sacrifices and growth, he is a model and a hero, and together with Ryoma,Hinoka, Sakura and Takumi, his birth family, showing their appreciation and commending Corrin’s decision. Together, they will rebuild the future in a brand new day. His mother would be proud of what a fine man he has become.
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“The light scatters to the sky above
Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone”
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FEH: M!Corrin's Lv 40 confession reflects in his experiences and want to be protective to those who are dear
Defeating and making Garon pay may have been the main motivator but along the way he learned new stuff that made him grow. He was intended to be sheltered and ignorant of the world and to develop Stockholm syndrome by having bonds with the Nohr Royals, but in his new found freedom, gained new experiences outside in the world.He went through trials, leading the an army, being looked up and depended on, earning trust, becoming more commanding, gaining confidence yet he is till kind and merciful to enemies and intuition to trust and earn charisma. He experienced hardships and anguish, losing his loved ones from his old life and being forced to end a tribe in self defense, enduring the pain and even acting as a martyr and taking it all by himself. But with his allies around him, most especially, Ryoma’s wise guidance and light, as a hand to bring Corrin to the right path and to remain steadfast in their great cause. He made self sacrifices for the greater good, that is beyond his comforts of his pampered old life. Peace and universal brotherhood may have been his ultimate goal, but can’t achieve that without justice. You can’t achieve that by being nice and accommodating to injustice.
An inspiration
Like many of my favorite characters, this may sound cliché or cheesy, there is something I look up to them or some positive aspects to inspire or influence me. As someone who was from the “darkness” of social anxiety, Corrin’s journey (in birthright) inspired me. His story motivated me to try new things, to be friendly and meet with people and to get along with them easily. It instilled me with confidence that I can talk with anyone, even those you just have short talk with someone, even new acquaintances.
Like anyone who got into Fire Emblem, I met him at FEH and I loved his design, though I keep hearing some bad things about him. So when I played his game in this route, he wasn't that bad and what he does makes sense if you put it into context and his reactions felt natural to me. (Though I may confess when I saw Corrin in the other routes besides Birthright, I can see why they badmouth him.) Like I said I love his Birthright version, I think it’s in character for him and at his best. I like seeing him being outside living in the light free from the shackles of darkness and his abductors. It is satisfying for him to stand up and defy Garon.A fantasy Japanese prince felt refreshing to me versus the usual European fantasy. His dragon form is unique and cool, too bad it is very underused and isn’t much significant in the plot in later points.
His Birthright story reminds me of my favorite movie when I was little, the Prince of Egypt. Like Moses who grew up and was adopted to the enemy kingdom, when he knew the heritage of his birth, he left behind the old comfortable life and doing what is right and to defend his people, even facing the “brother” he grew up with. I love that kind of story, that is why Birthright is so appealing to me.
Closing words
And with that concludes my attempt of doing “”analysis””. I’ve put more effort into writing this than I ever did with my school essays. Like this has 5,000 words! And I didn’t even resort to using redundant word extending techniques. This shows how interest and passion would make you do. As a peak of my fixation, and before this phase wears off at least I have made a writing tribute to my favorite character before I’ll move on to something else. I hope people read and appreciate this because I have poured my heart and soul to this.
It was quite harder than it looks as I am mainly a drawer, not a writer. Writing is a way different beast than art. I was so “Lost in thoughts all alone”, like I got so many ideas, interpretations and understanding but I don’t know how to express it and articulate it, so those words got lost. I had doubts sometimes like who would even read this especially a Lord who has a particular reputation in the Fire emblem fandom. In finishing this I dragged myself on and slogged through, and rushed it just to make it done. I made a self-imposed deadline, and this was supposed to be done by Fate’s 8th anniversary, but I got burnt out and delayed this. Writing is scary, I’ll just go back to art as my own way to appreciate Lord Corrin such as doing illustrations of him.
I did my best with all my abilities and limits. I hope I didn’t miss something. If something was overlooked, please politely correct me and please don’t kill me and tear me to shreds…
And as always:
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9 notes · View notes
emblemxeno · 2 years
Something i don't really like about Conquest chapter 25 is that i don't think Ryoma would be the kind of person to patiently wait in a fortified position as Hoshido's last line of defense while his siblings are trying to push back the Nohrian army; this is the same guy who went into Nohrian territory with only a small platoon as back-up just because he got confirmation that Corrin was headed there and wanted to drag them back to Hoshido, which is incredibly reckless and hot-headed of him.
While it's strategically sound for the king to not be involved in the fighting unless absolutely necessary, both because the Nohrian troops would have been whittled down by the time they got to the throne room, and because he's by far the most important person in Hoshido both politically and militarily speaking, therefore any situation that puts him at risk of death should only be used as a last resort, i really don't see the Ryoma from chapter 12 being willing to risk his siblings' lives just for the sake of an advantage, let alone being patient enough to follow through on that plan to the bitter end, though that might just be me.
That is a little weird yeah. I guess he just had faith in his siblings being able to hold their own?
10 notes · View notes
There was one last thing I want to write for the Corrin dies, everyone else unites to fight Anankos AU, which is....uh...basically all of the chapters leading up to the fight with Corrin? “““One last thing”””, that’s more than one thing, really. There’s like, three chapters in here, for the duration of what would be Chapter 23 thru 25 of Revelation. It would likewise fall near the end of this AU route. 
I tried to keep it loosely within the bounds of how it would play out in the game, indicating some dialogues during battles, some features of the combat in these various chapters, and what would be a cutscene. I’ve dropped in some links to the wiki so that you can have quick reference to which maps I’m picturing and such. I’ve also linked the other combat dialogues that I wrote, at the point when they would occur.
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Background: The group are traveling through Valla, led by Azura. They have encountered Arete once (same scenario as Revelation Ch 22) and know that she is Azura’s mother and the former Queen of Valla. She does not know who they are, and they do not yet know her connection to Mikoto, or Mikoto’s connection to Valla. 
The group are walking through the islands of Valla, which are covered in thick fog obscuring the path further up. Azura comes to a halt and the others stop behind her. A figure can be made out in the distance, mostly shrouded in mist.
Azura: Who’s there?!
???: ...
Elise: Maybe...maybe they can help us?
Takumi: Have we met anyone here who’s friendly? We should get ready for another fight.
Xander: Agreed. We don’t know what Anankos’ next trick will be. We have to prepare for anything.
Elise: But if they know where the castle is...
The figure begins to move closer but any details about them are still obscured. Azura moves forward, trying to make out their face.
Azura: Please, we do not wish to fight if we do not have to - no! You...!
Azura staggers backwards.
Ryoma: Azura?!
[Cutscene: The camera pans up over familiar gray-and-black armor to a face still partially concealed by both fog and purple flames of corruption. Mikoto cries out and starts to run forward, but Ryoma and Xander both extend an arm to stop her from getting past them. Corrin draws from the sheathe at their side the sword Glangari and raises it to point at the three of them, and Azura, who has come back up at Ryoma’s side.] Corrin: No further... Come no further.... [cutscene ends]
Mikoto: Corrin!
Xander: That sword...!
Corrin: Yes...with my father’s power... My orders...to stop you... 
Several Vallite soldiers teleport in, along with Arete.
Corrin: Arete...stop them here. If you cannot...then I will be waiting...to kill...them all...
Corrin disappears. Mikoto runs toward the place where they stood.
Mikoto: CORRIN!
Xander: Queen Mikoto, get back!
Leo: So it’s a fight after all, huh.
Takumi: So it seems. But that - was that really...?
Combat ensues, the same map as Revelation Ch 23. Arete is defeated at the end of the battle. She and Azura converse. 
As Arete fades away, she glances past Azura to where the others, including Mikoto, stand.
Arete: ...Mikoto...?
Mikoto: ...
Arete: I’m glad...that all this time...you’ve been safe...
She dies and dissolves into water.
Azura: Mother? Mother!
Ryoma: Mother...why did the Queen of Valla know who you are?
Mikoto: ...
Camilla: She was Queen of Nohr too, of course. Where did you say you’re from originally, Queen Mikoto?
Mikoto: ...I know how strange this must seem. When we have reached somewhere safe, we can talk.
Elise: But what about Corrin? We have to do something to help them, right? We can’t just leave!
Leo: I don’t think they recognized us, Elise. Like Arete didn’t recognize Azura.
Sakura: But she did! Eventually, when...when she...
Hinoka: No! We can’t kill Corrin! We lost them to Nohr and now we can’t...we can’t lose them...again... *sob*
Azura: The power of my song and my pendant can cleanse Anankos’ corruption from the living, but Corrin...hasn’t been among the living for a while now.
Camilla: ...
Azura: I will try, of course, but I do not know if there is anything that I can do.
Takumi: We should keep going. If Corrin really...if that’s really Corrin, surely they’ll come find us. And if that’s just one of Anankos’ tricks, then it will appear in our way again.
Ryoma: That sword Corrin carried... Xander, you recognized it too. That was the sword that Corrin had...that exploded and killed them. Was that some plot of Garon’s?
Xander: Yes. He gave them the sword as a gift before their first battle - before the skirmish at the canyon when they were captured and taken to you. ...He said it had been instilled with the power of another world.
Ryoma: Considering that Anankos was trying to spark war between Hoshido and Nohr, it makes sense that it could be a Vallite sword.
Elise: Was...was Father not the one behind Corrin’s death, then?
Xander: ...He still handed the sword to Corrin and set Anankos’ plot in motion, knowing the consequences. He bragged to us about as much. Whether that was with a clear mind or one clouded by Anankos’ possession...we cannot know until Anankos first has fallen.
Azura: Yes. That is what we know for certain. Anankos must die.
—— —— —— ——
The group have made it into the basement of Castle Valla (map from Revelation Ch 24). As they try to take stock of their surroundings and find a path through, the lights go out. Ryoma and Mikoto are separated from the group. 
[Cutscene: Before the two of them, a watery form of a person begins to rise from the ground. Ryoma draws his blade.] Ryoma: Mother, stay back! [The form solidifies before him into the visage of King Sumeragi. Cutscene ends.]
Ryoma: Anankos! You cowardly fiend! I will not be fooled by your tricks! Face us yourselves instead of with these puppets!
He swings his sword at Sumeragi, who does not try to dodge or parry. Ryoma stops with the blade held at Sumeragi’s neck.
Ryoma: Will you not fight back? Or is your familiar face meant to grieve me when I strike you down?
Sumeragi: Ryoma, my son...look how much you have grown. How strong you have become. I am proud to see that you have helped Hoshido flourish in my absence, and how you have helped my dear Mikoto. ...If you wish to strike me down without remorse, then do so. I would understand, after all you have faced to get here. Though my body is under Anankos’ control, my soul remains my own, and I would gladly sacrifice myself that you may confidently move forward.
Ryoma: ...
Mikoto: Sumeragi...can this really be you? After Arete and Corrin did not recognize...?
Sumeragi: Oh, Mikoto. I am so glad to see you well. Please believe me. I mean to warn you of the maze ahead - a test of both strength and wit. More powerful soldiers await you, as do many foul traps. The blue doors will take you safely through the maze and on your way to Anankos.
He disappears. 
Mikoto and Ryoma regroup with the others. There is no stealth mechanic in this level; in keeping with possessed-Sumeragi’s obsession with strength and fighting in Revelation Ch 25, it’s a straight fight, testing the group’s strength. The first two blue doors, as in Ch 24, open the pathway, and likewise the third blue door is the safe one while Sumeragi attempts to tell the group otherwise.
[If the third red door is chosen:] Ryoma: Argh... I knew I shouldn’t have trusted— Sumeragi: Now, let me see the true strength of my children! At such a disadvantage, how well do you fight? I would like nothing more than for you to die and join Anankos’ forces, that we may all fight together forever!
[If the third blue door is chosen:] Sumeragi: So you didn’t trust me after all. Ryoma: No. And I would apologize, but it seems I was right to do so. Sumeragi: You are strong and clever - you would make a great king, my son. But I would like nothing more than to see my children die and join me in fighting for Anankos! How could I not want your strength on my side?
Sumeragi and the rest of his forces are fought and defeated. He converses with Ryoma and his other children, as in canon. However, with Corrin dead and Mikoto present instead, after he has spoken with his children he turns to her.
Sumeragi: Mikoto, my beloved...I am so sorry. I am nothing more than a puppet again used by Anankos to try to claim your life...
Takumi: Again?
Sumeragi: Anankos is remorseless. He feels nothing at the thought of killing his own wife and child.
Mikoto: ...
Sumeragi: And so he made me do the very same. The Vallite assassin who appeared in Hoshido that day, killing Corrin and so many others of our citizens...you see that assassin before you now, finally offering his life as recompense. 
Ryoma: No! That can’t be—!
Sumeragi: Forgive me, Mikoto. That I left all the burdens of Hoshido upon your shoulders...that I could not protect our child...and that when you were reunited, it was I who tore your child from you again. 
Mikoto: No. I would not blame you for it, my love. I know who is responsible for inflicting such despair upon not only our family, but so many families of all Hoshido, Valla, and Nohr.
Sumeragi: If this must be our reunion...and your cruelest homecoming, my love, then I am so glad to see how our children support you...that even the children of Nohr and a princess of Valla fight alongside you now. My only regret...is that I die without seeing Corrin...freed... Please. Find Corrin...and free them...from Anankos...and win this war...for their sake if not mine...
He dies, dissolving into water droplets as Arete did.
Ryoma: Father...
Azura: I am so sorry, but...Queen Mikoto... Please, what did he mean, a homecoming? And my mother said...
Mikoto: ...
Xander: Queen Mikoto. If you have some connection to Valla - if Corrin has some connection to Valla... It may be very important for us to know.
Mikoto: ...Yes, I was born in Valla, and so was Corrin. That is how Arete knew me. We left Valla at the same time - when her husband was murdered and the kingdom fell to Anankos. 
Hinoka: But if Corrin was born in Valla - but isn’t Father also...Corrin’s father? I thought...
Mikoto: Your father was a good man. He welcomed me to Hoshido though I had nothing, and he welcomed Corrin as though they were his very own child.
Ryoma: That is to say, no. Father was not Corrin’s father by blood.
Sakura: But—
Takumi: You knew this, Ryoma? All this time? Why didn’t you say anything?
Ryoma: ...
Xander: Because it made no difference. Corrin was your family all the same, and loved whether or not you shared blood. ...At least, is how I imagine that Prince Ryoma felt.
Ryoma: Heh. And I imagine that’s exactly how you felt, as well.
Xander: ...Indeed.
Ryoma: I will never stop grieving that I did not get the chance to see Corrin grow up alongside my other siblings, or that I did not have more time to spend with them. But all the same...if they had to be taken from us... I am glad that they still had an older brother who cared as much for them as I did. As you did.
Xander: ...
Out of a ball of light, Lilith appears.
Lilith: Azura! Prince Xander! Prince Ryoma!
Leo: Lilith? What are you doing here?
Lilith: I knew Anankos is capable of turning the dead to his whims, but I truly wanted to believe it was just an illusion, and not really Corrin. But what Sumeragi said...that really is Corrin, isn’t it? For Anankos to take their body and use it... I can’t believe this. How could he do such a thing? I thought, surely, that Corrin...that Anankos... I...
Azura: Lilith?
Lilith: The Silent Dragon Anankos is my father.
Mikoto: What?! How can this be?
Lilith: Even after all that he did to me, to Valla, when I left I could not bring myself to betray him. I swore to myself that even should anyone come here, I would not admit a thing. But what he has done to Corrin is ghastly beyond words. I can’t bear this in silence any longer!
Sakura: But if you’re Anankos daughter...d-do you know the way through the castle? That would be a b-big help.
Lilith: Yes. I can take us on the quickest path to the throne room.
Takumi: That would’ve been nice if you’d offered earlier...
Azura: We are glad for your help now, Lilith.
Most of the group walks offscreen; Mikoto and Lilith both linger onscreen.
Mikoto: Lilith...if you are Anankos’ daughter, then that means that you and Corrin...
Lilith: ...Yes. I wondered how much you knew about who Corrin’s father truly was.
Mikoto: His memories returned to him soon before Valla’s final collapse. He told me everything and bid that Arete and I flee with our children.
Lilith: I see. ...He truly cared for you and Corrin, didn’t he? Now all that is left is a soulless dragon, and he may still be my father, but for Corrin’s sake...I’ll do anything. Even fight against him.
—— —— —— ——
Lilith guides the group into the labyrinth of Castle Valla (map from Revelation Ch 25), instructing them in the use of the dragon veins to open up passage to the end. After units have been selected for combat, Mikoto runs up and joins them.
Hinoka: Mother! What are you—
Mikoto: I cannot stand idle any longer and let the Silent Dragon make mockery of those I love! I will bring Corrin back to us, whatever it takes.
Azura: Queen Mikoto...
Ryoma: Mother, please, that’s far too dangerous! Stay back and let us handle this. You can’t—
Mikoto: No. I am Queen of Hoshido, and if I wish to fight for my kingdom and my child, then I will, and even a crown prince will not stop me.
Takumi: But—!
Xander: Please, Queen Mikoto, I beg of you. Hoshido needs you, as do your children here. Whatever we are fighting - that is Anankos, not Corrin. 
Mikoto: I will not be ordered around by a foreign prince, either. Do you mean to tell me that, even after you have seen Arete and my husband regain their selves, you would deny that this is Corrin?
Leo: Anankos’ control broke on their deathbeds! Queen Arete could not remember Azura - King Sumeragi was forced to betray you again—
Xander: I sparred against Corrin for years, instructing them in the blade! Even with a blunted training weapon, time and again I had to remind them to put more of their strength behind their swings. They were that afraid of hurting those they loved! For them to raise that horrible sword at us and swear to kill us, that is not Corrin. That cannot be Corrin. Corrin is dead, and because of that very same sword!
Mikoto: Enough! First you took Corrin from me, and now you stand here and tell me that you mean to turn me away so that you may murder my child!
Camilla: How DARE you—!
Sakura: M-mother...
Takumi: ...
Hinoka: Mother! That isn’t fair! They aren’t the ones who took Corrin! They’re fighting against Garon, the same as us!
Ryoma: I know you’re grieving, Mother, but so are we - so are they! They loved Corrin as much as we do!
Azura: Queen Mikoto, I know how you feel. We all do. But if you intend to stand in battle with us, you must face the reality that Xander is right. Corrin will try to kill you, as my mother and your husband have tried to kill us, and we must meet them with that same strength. And even if we can find some way to save Corrin, or if they do regain themselves, how would they feel to find out that they had killed you?
Mikoto: ...I am sorry. You are right, all of you. That is Anankos more than Corrin. I know that, I do. Nevertheless, I...
Xander: None of us want to fight Corrin. But for all our sakes and the sake of the world, we cannot afford to hold back against them...whatever of their own self may still remain within them.
Ryoma: Now. Is everyone ready? We don’t know who or what awaits us next.
Mikoto: ...I am. Let us proceed.
Mikoto joins as a playable character. The goal of the battle is “rout”, but when the final room is breached, Corrin suddenly appears there as a boss, and the goal changes to “defeat boss.” 
Dialogue: engaging Corrin in combat (Azura, Xander, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi)
Dialogue: engaging Corrin in combat (Leo, Camilla, Elise, Sakura)
[Mikoto engages Corrin in combat] Mikoto: Oh, my sweet child. If only I could have died in your place, I would have died happy to have saved you. To go on without you has been agony. And to see you again, this way... You truly remember nothing of yourself, Corrin? Corrin: ...No. My head...it hurts... I don’t...know... Mikoto: When you first came home to me, you remembered nothing of the family that had so loved you. Garon took that from you. I prayed that in time, you would remember, but we had so little time, and now, again, you have forgotten. And it is Anankos this time who has taken those memories from you. Corrin: He gave me...power...  Mikoto: Deep in my heart I longed that someday, somehow, you might meet your father by blood. The man I knew him as was kind. He loved you. That you stand before me, like this, I know that he is lost entirely to me now. Corrin: My...father? Why do you... You are... Mikoto: Are your memories still stirring somewhere within you? Perhaps you may still find your way back to me. Now, forgive me, my poor child. I love you, but I know what I must do. As your mother, and so that your siblings do not have to.
[on defeat, vs all] Corrin: ...Thank...you...
Combat ends with Corrin’s defeat. 
Azura stands before Corrin and begins to sing.
Corrin: That...that song... That - Azura! You sang that...at the lake where we met...
Azura: Corrin! You remember!
Elise: Quick, Sakura! We have to try—!
Corrin holds their head in their hands. Azura stops the two girls from coming any closer.
Corrin: No, no! Not - please! Run, Azura, RUN!
[Cutscene: Corrin transforms into their Feral Dragon form.]
Combat begins again, and Corrin, in their draconic form, must once again be defeated. They cannot speak in this form and do nothing but roar when they are engaged in combat.
[Cutscene: Defeated, Corrin’s dragon form is staggering, barely upright. Azura once again approaches while singing. Corrin lashes out at her with a clawed hand, knocking her to the ground. Xander and Ryoma rush forward. Corrin reaches for Azura but before they grab her, they collapse. Xander and Ryoma arrive at Azura’s side as Corrin reverts to their human form.]
Azura, kneeling on the ground, cradles Corrin’s head in her lap.
Corrin: Azura...did I hurt you? I’m so sorry...
Azura: I’m all right. I’ll be all right. 
Sakura and Elise run up, both casting healing spells on Corrin.
Sakura: It still doesn’t work... Why doesn’t it work! 
Corrin: Sakura, it’s all right. I’m already dead - there’s nothing your magic can do to heal that. I’m just glad to die with my memories intact...
Elise: But I missed you so much! We all did! 
Sakura: You can’t just...we can’t say goodbye, so soon!
Corrin: I’m happy to have this much. I never got to say goodbye to anyone, before...
Mikoto: Corrin!
Mikoto runs up with Lilith. The other siblings follow.
Corrin: Mother? You’re safe! You’re...still alive. I’m sorry, Mother, I’m so sorry. I brought that sword right to you...got so many other Hoshidans killed...
Mikoto: Please, my child, don’t apologize for something you did not understand. You never would have, had you known. I would have gladly sacrificed my life to save yours.
Corrin: I don’t know how I could have lived with myself had you done so... Ha. I guess you were right, Takumi, not to trust me after all.
Takumi: Don’t. I...I’m sorry.
Corrin: I know. I’m sorry, Takumi, for everything, and that we didn’t have much time together as a family.
Hinoka: I wanted to be glad for that little time...but it hurts so much worse now.
Corrin: Please don’t let it hurt more. I’m happy to call you my sister. I’m happy to see you one last time. All of you... My little brother looking so grown up. I’m so proud of you, Leo. I don’t know that I said that enough.
Leo: I know. You don’t have to worry about saying it. I know. We know.
Corrin: Still. I want to say it.
Camilla: Then I have to say it too. I love you, Corrin, and I’ve said I love you every day and it will never be enough. There weren’t enough days together to say it.
Corrin: I love you too, Camilla. Keep saying it to all the others, now. I’m sure they’ll all be as glad as I was to know that you’re...looking out...for...me...
Lilith: Corrin? Corrin!
Corrin: I’m...still here... Lilith, why are you...why did you come here? If...he...sees you here...
Lilith: It doesn’t matter. After everything he’s done to you, I have to help. I have to face him, for you.
Corrin: Please don’t die for me, Lilith. I would never...want that... I’m so happy to have you as my... All of you...my...family... And I’m so happy to see you all...together... My whole family, fighting...on the same side...
Ryoma: It’s because of you. You still brought us together - you’ve brought Hoshido and Nohr together. Without you...
Corrin: It wasn’t just me. It was...all of you...working together. And if anyone can bring peace...and keep the peace...between Hoshido and Nohr, I know...I know my big brothers can.
Xander: Yes. We’ll put an end to Anankos and his war, and once Father is freed from his control, then surely—
Corrin: I’m...sorry. Our father is...just like me...tethered to life just by...Anankos’ power. We’re both just...empty husks...
Xander: You don’t mean—
Corrin: For...as long as I’ve known him...our father...is...
Elise: What? No! No way!
Ryoma: All this time - since Corrin was taken and our father was murdered, all this time, Garon was under Anankos’ control?
Camilla: That can’t be - Father can’t already be dead! And for so long... 
Leo: It would explain why he changed, but... Damn it! How many more people will Anankos take from us—
Corrin: You have to stop...him...for Nohr’s sake...for everyone’s... I know...you can. And I know...everything will...be okay...after... I trust...you all...to...
Xander: Don’t worry, little prince/ss. I will take care of the people of Nohr and keep the peace with Hoshido. I promise.
Corrin: You’ll...be a good king, Xander. I always...thought...so....
Corrin head falls back and their body begins to dissolve into drops of water.
Mikoto: Corrin! No, please! Just - a little longer, please, stay just a little longer...!
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fatesdeepdive · 1 year
Entry 117: The Elevator Level
Revelation Chapter 25: Blades Drawn
While traveling through the maselike halls of Anankos’s palace, the gang decides to split up. Because they are dumb. While Corrin is completely separated from their eighty-man-strong army, Anankos monologues about how cool he is and sentences Corrin to death. Corrin is knocked out by an unseen enemy, who leaves them alive for some reason.
Gunter finds Corrin and wakes them up. Corrin speculates their attacker also killed Scarlet because they said the same monologue. Except, that was Anankos monologuing through a possessed minion, meaning that there’s no reason to think it was the same person. It was, but the logic is shaky. Gunter says that the attacker must have been part of the team, because they knew Corrin was separated from the rest of the group. Corrin says that Scarlet wouldn’t want them to distrust each other, and Gunter for some reason mentions that he saw Scarlet pin a flower to her chest before jumping.
Corrin and Gunter run into Azura and Gunter accuses her of being evil. Corrin refuses to believe it, because this route is about trust, but also Corrin keeps trusting people who betray them, and the whole message is really muddled and dumb. Then enemies attack because we need gameplay.
The boss in this chapter is the hooded swordsman from all the way back in Chapter 5. The one who killed Mikoto. He pulls off his hood to reveal that he is actually Sumeragi, the father of the Hoshidans. Sumeragi smiles at the idea of fighting his children and the battle begins.
Not sure how Sumeragi ended up possessed by Anankos, now that I think about it. Or Mikoto, for that matter. Takumi, Scarlet, and Arete actually came into contact with Anankos in Valla, and Garon contacted Anankos through dark magic. How did Sumeragi’s body end up in Valla? I guess Garon could have carried it there, but in that case how did Mikoto’s body end up in Valla? Can Anankos turn any dead person anywhere into a minion?
This is the infamous elevator map. The map is split into different chunks, with elevators moving between them. In practice, this forces you to sit around for half of your turns waiting for an elevator to show up. Sumeragi only has dialogue with Ryoma and Corrin, because fuck Takumi, Sakura, and Hinoka. He urges Corrin to rely on their innate power rather than their sword. He calls Ryoma his pride and challenges him to a glorious battle.
After being defeated, Sumeragi praises his children for being so strong. Then he dies. This is the third time we’ve seen this scene, so it doesn’t really have any impact. Sumeragi saying he’s proud of everyone and apologizing to Corrin for not protecting them is nice I guess.
Hey, how come the Hoshidans get two scenes mourning their parents and the Nohrians get none? Like, Garon isn’t even fought in this route. Why can’t there be a chapter where Garon is fought and his good side is revealed as he dies? It would be better than three different Arete fights.
Support: Niles/Subaki
C: Niles says Subaki's face looks punchable. Suabki tells him to go ahead, because it won't hurt. Niles challenges him to a duel to the death at midnight. Subaki says he has things to do in the morning. Niles threatens to torture him in hundreds of minor ways, so Subaki calls says he has so much free time because he's useless.
B: Niles sneaks up on Subaki, planning to non-lethaly stab him in the back to make him suffer. Subaki asks what his deal is. Niles dodges the question and asks if Subaki's parents didn't pay attention to him. Subaki says his childhood was perfect and Niles says he wants to destroy his smile. Subaki says he's evil. Niles says he isn't (he is) and says, unlike Subaki, at least he doesn't hide his flaws. Subaki says he'll never fail.
A: Subaki looks sad and Niles asks if he can help. Subaki says he's jealous of Niles and wishes he didn't care what others think. He says the weight of perfection is exhausting. Niles asks Subaki to give him a bit of his burden, metaphorically. This somehow works.
Review: Niles and Subaki have a great back-and-forth and the A-Rank actually gives some good depth to Subaki. A surprisingly good Support.
Support: Effie/Hayato
C: Effie helps Hayato carry heavy stuff. Hayato is embarrassed that he's so weak. Effie offers to train him.
B: Effie makes Hayato do hundreds of squats as a warmup. Hayato is unable to do this, because no shit. Effie says she's jealous, because Hayato will have raw physical power and magic once trained, while she'll just have brute strength. Hayato says the brain is a muscle and offers to train Effie.
A: Effie continues training Hayato. Hayato makes Effie play war games.
S: Hayato completes Effie's training with ease. He says he likes Effie, shocking her so much she crushes a steel gauntlet with her bare hands. She says she loves him too.
Review: Effie's mind training is underdeveloped, but I do like a good Effie trains someone until they crave death Support.
Support: Hayato/Nyx
C: Hayato asks if Nyx can keep a secret, but chickens out of telling her.
B: Hayato admits he is afraid of the dark and asks Nyx to fix this problem with magic. Nyx says that all young boys are scared of something, annoying Hayato, who assumes they're the same age.
A: Nyx casts her spell, but Hayato is still scared, because he hasn't let go of his fear.
S: Hayato says he loves Nyx. She explains her curse. He says he'll break it. She says she'll be an older lady then, but he doesn't care about age. Nyx admits she didn't use magic to cure Hayato's fear of the dark, causing him to suddenly panic.
Review: Alright, but I wanted more. Hayato wants to be older and Nyx is forced to be young; that could have been a good bonding opportunity, but instead it's Hayato acting like a scared little kid.
Support: Mana/Mitama
C: Kana says he doesn't like poetry. Mitama decides to teach him how to write poetry.
B: Kana struggles to write a poem and instead does a word game about what the different letters of Mitama's name stand for. Mitama calls that dumb and shows Kana a moving poem Azama wrote to her when she was a child.
A: Kana writes a poem about how Mitama is great. Mitama isn't impressed, but says Kana is improving. She says he needs to write a genuinely moving piece from a place of love.
S: Kana writes a poem about how he wants Mitama to be his friend.
Review: This one was fine.
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