If you had to end a life to save a friend, would you do it? If you got to choose the life ended, who would you choose?
“Yes. The only answer to that is that I would choose whoever is responsible for putting someone I care about’s life on the line.” 
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ourscoutharper-blog · 7 years
Secret Valentine's! A bouquet of pink tulips and verbanas by your doorstep 💕
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She almost stepped on the colorful flowers when she opened her door, but thankfully Harper didn’t and picked them up. “Did someone get the wrong bunk?” She looked very confused at the beautiful bunch of flowers in her hand. Or maybe..
Harper looked down the hall and screamed. “SORIN, IS THIS SOME WEIRD PRANK!!” 
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maevetuath-blog · 7 years
What is your most treasured possession?
That’s a little too personal, don’t you think?
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greta-grimm · 7 years
Has there been a toxic relationship you’ve been in? Is there something you love to show off? & Have you ever helped/rescued a wild animal in trouble?
Has there been a toxic relationship you’ve been in?
“In my later years of residency I was enamored by an older woman, one of my mentors actually. She drank her coffee black, preferred flats to sneakers, and she loathed her husband for his apparent and weak mind. I admired her greatly. She stood out among her peers and was respected for it. What began as a professional interest soon transpired into something more, for a moment or two, I let her eclipse all else: my dreams, my ambitions, my goals. I would have given her everything, and I nearly did. There were rumors, but there are always rumors, and neither of us cared. 
‘Let them speculate!’ She’d laugh, and we let them because it was easier not to care, better to shut out the world. It wasn’t until I caught her stealing my notes that I realized that even more than she desired me, she desired my research, my work, and she had every intention of calling it her own. She was established, feared even. At that point in my career I was still a nobody, I’d published a few journals, but nothing that had given me serious attention. This research would put me on the map, and she had no qualms with taking that from me, so instead, I took everything from her.
When I went to the Dean, I presented my findings and the irrefutable proof of her crimes. I witnessed first hand how quickly the world seeks to tear down women in power, she was ruined, and I was accountable. I know she never cared for me, at least, not in the way that I cared for her. 
But still.
There are moments, usually in the euphoria that follows a break through, when I find myself wishing there was someone to celebrate with. Someone to share a toast, a kiss, a familiar embrace, and I miss the part of myself that was foolish enough to fall in love. 
Is there something you love to show off?
“My sparkling personality.”
Have you ever helped/rescued a wild animal in trouble?
“No. I’m not a veterinarian. Unless you count magicks, of course.”
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crumbtube · 7 years
Can I get members to like this if they want FMKs in their inbox?
Like it crumbalumbs.
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emmareids-blog · 7 years
If Maeve and Aibell should fall, who do you think would be best suited to lead the Fae Alliance?
"Whoever they chose. I am not of a position to make such a choice. The courts are not mine... But you’re asking me who I think would be best suited... Perhaps Sun or Mateo. Both of them could defend themselves quite well and both are well trusted by Queen Aibell... I cannot say i terms of Unseelie. I don’t know many of them or the solitary fae... So I cannot include those I don’t know... Sorry.”
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micaela-vesna · 7 years
What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
“My greatest accomplishment? Being allowed to join the Bhatia Coven. I’d been turned away so many times, and I’m so glad that I finally have the resources and the right people around me so that I can learn more about this magick I have.”
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oscarxkam · 7 years
What is your life's purpose?
“Currently, it’s to love and learn how to be loved myself. My purpose is to spread pleasure, light, and destroy those that wish to taint it. My purpose is to rebuild a sense of family for those who were cheated of it either by time or circumstance. My purpose has nothing to do with politics, games, or this dreadful forest. No, it’s with those who have been gifted my affections. And the very best wine that I can find.”
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arainwisp-blog · 7 years
If you could be any other species, what would it be and why?
❝I would likely be a guardian. They are truly beautiful beings, amazing in so many ways, and I feel that their line of work is closest to my own.❞
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Is there anything you've wanted to tell Anthony, but have not?
“I miss my brother.”
“Please don’t make me choose.”
“Please, please don’t offer me a home because I’m not strong enough to say no. And I will then have created the monster you so believe Micah to be.”
“I’ve done my best to remain an open book with him. Anything he’d wish to know would be freely given, if it hasn’t been already, so no. There’s nothing more I have to say, other than the usual bits of awe and gratitude and disbelief and happiness.” 
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merdude-blog1 · 7 years
Would you like to patch things up with Noe?
Other than the bits of me I’ve literally had to patch up because of her? 
Absolutely. She deserves a voice as much as anyone in the colony. You have to listen to your friends and your enemies, though I’d hardly consider her the latter.
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kainanxrowe · 7 years
Would you ever get bored of immortality?
“I don’t see how I could. Look how far we’ve come in 50 years. What’s the world going to be like in another 50? 100? The people I care for will be there with me in one way or another, and Sorin is many things but never boring.”
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maevetuath-blog · 7 years
what situation do you fear would happen?
Well, mortality is always a dreary thing. I may be able to give life to the dead, but I would be incapable of helping myself if I were to die. Pathetically ironic.
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twinunhinged · 7 years
Worst nightmare?
❝I see it over and over again... I am standing in a place where it is too dark to see. There are no trees, no stars in the sky, only darkness. There is no one to either side of me and no one behind me, but in front of me stands my brother. I cannot feel my magick... I cry out, but there is no sound. My brother looks in my direction, but it seems more like he is looking through me. Then, he turns his back to me and walks away. I’m left alone in the darkness without anyone, without magick, and without meaning.❞
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greta-grimm · 7 years
What makes you laugh the most? || If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? || Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? || List two pet peeves. || Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
What makes you laugh the most?
“Rick & Morty.”
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
“I suppose I’d take a vacation, I could use one.”
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
"I was once involved with an American, she was fond of calling me Grits.”
List two pet peeves.
“Stupid questions and incompetence.”
Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
“My sight, even before my body modifications I had 20/15 vision.”
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crumbtube · 7 years
Under the cut, you’ll find this week’s ask meme as chosen by Betty Moretti. You are not limited to these questions by any means!
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Make 'Em Confess! [Questions Meme]
-Blush: What's something embarrassing you've done in front of a crush or -someone you were trying to impress? -Boo!: What startles you? -Oops!: What's something embarrassing you've done in public? -Gone: Ever thought of running away? If you did, where would you go? -Lie to Me: What's a time you've lied? -Broken: What's been your lowest point? -Wings: What's a fantasy or wish of yours? -Kick the Bucket: Name two things on your "bucket list." -Talent: Do you have any strange talents or skills you've learned but never really had a use for? -Sing It!: What's a song or song genre that you like but don't often tell people you do? -Red Handed: What's one of your guilty pleasures? -Psych!: How gullible are you? Have you ever been pranked or playfully fooled? -Scared?: What's an irrational fear or phobia of yours? -Scarred: What's a part of or about you that you're insecure about? -Squirm: What's a topic that always makes you feel awkward when it gets brought up? -Mirror Mirror: How have other people admitted to seeing you? What impression do others say that they have about you or when they first met you? -Story Time: Tell a story about something you did or something that has happened to you within the last 24 hours.
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