#Cupiditas Senior
snowwydaydreamr · 2 years
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Freaklet’s Father, the most Wretched villain of the last century, a man whose criminal background exceeded any villains' wildest dreams in Statua City. A Man who one day, stumbled upon ancient rituals performed by his ancestors by pilfering around in an old home he’d inherited from his grandparents. He found old rituals detailing the creation of old magic tools forged from the blood of magical beasts, an old near-powerless ring, and the aforementioned rituals which also detailed the summoning of the spirits of the beasts whose flesh became the tools man in ancient time used to conquer the world.
Summoning a Demon of Pride, he went on to massacre both friend and foe, leaving a horrific scene of ash and blood wherever he travelled. Doing it all for money and fun, the egotistical man was slain at the height of his reign of terror after the Demon he’d summoned gained enough sacrifice to become a Devil. She’d learn of his betrayal, and in violation of their original contract she killed him and remained dormant.
The news will have you believe the former Hero of Selflessness, now retired, had been responsible for ending the horrific duo. However, this is only partly true. As she sat, completely lost in her newly acquired mortality as a Devil feeling the once lost sense of a heartbeat that the spirits of old once mourned, a spear was plunged into her back and her damned soul was sent back to hell from which she originally began.
Returning to hell with her accomplishments made her one of the top matriarchs of the underworld. She grew to despise the disrespectful nature of other devils, instilling in her only child the kind of nature that would ultimately contradict her wishes later in their life. Raising a child that’d ultimately be very bad at being a villain. While she had high hopes for their own reign of terror, Malice grew to be a rather respectable youth and despite his mischief nobody ever came to be harmed by “The Freak”, or Freaklet as everyone knows them.
Malicious was raised by his mother to never disrespect her, but what she had not realized, was that she did not clarify that it was only her that they had to respect... Fortunately for Freaklet though, despite everything that happens, they end up finding contentedness, and happiness with their life. Being proud of what they’ve accomplished and protecting the people and the things they hold dear to them. Despite not becoming the Demon she’d hoped, Freaklet does become something that their mother ends up finding peace with. 
Because at the least, Freaklet will never be that man.
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snowwydaydreamr · 2 years
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Freaklet, or Malicious Pride does not actually realize that he has a father, in fact, they’re fully convinced that their mother single-handedly is responsible for their birth. Mal is also fully unconvinced that he is in any shape or form related to the Half-demon, Half-demon scourge known as Demetrius Cupiditas, or his real name which is just Demise. 
Freaklet’s Father, Cupiditas Senior, was the most vicious and cruel villain of the last century, had a huge kill streak but no body to chug jug with him in fortnite. He got no kills in tomato town. no swag, he is now maidenless and dead for his cringeworthy affairs.
Demise takes after his father, and is fully aware he has a father and that Malice is his half-brother, however, he refuses to acknowledge or say anything about his relation to Malice because he hates him so sincerely because Malice is always content whereas no matter how many people or how much wealth Demise “obtains” he is never happy with what he has. He is a genuine villain though, much like his father. 
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