#Malicious Pride
snowwydaydreamr · 2 years
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Freaklet’s Father, the most Wretched villain of the last century, a man whose criminal background exceeded any villains' wildest dreams in Statua City. A Man who one day, stumbled upon ancient rituals performed by his ancestors by pilfering around in an old home he’d inherited from his grandparents. He found old rituals detailing the creation of old magic tools forged from the blood of magical beasts, an old near-powerless ring, and the aforementioned rituals which also detailed the summoning of the spirits of the beasts whose flesh became the tools man in ancient time used to conquer the world.
Summoning a Demon of Pride, he went on to massacre both friend and foe, leaving a horrific scene of ash and blood wherever he travelled. Doing it all for money and fun, the egotistical man was slain at the height of his reign of terror after the Demon he’d summoned gained enough sacrifice to become a Devil. She’d learn of his betrayal, and in violation of their original contract she killed him and remained dormant.
The news will have you believe the former Hero of Selflessness, now retired, had been responsible for ending the horrific duo. However, this is only partly true. As she sat, completely lost in her newly acquired mortality as a Devil feeling the once lost sense of a heartbeat that the spirits of old once mourned, a spear was plunged into her back and her damned soul was sent back to hell from which she originally began.
Returning to hell with her accomplishments made her one of the top matriarchs of the underworld. She grew to despise the disrespectful nature of other devils, instilling in her only child the kind of nature that would ultimately contradict her wishes later in their life. Raising a child that’d ultimately be very bad at being a villain. While she had high hopes for their own reign of terror, Malice grew to be a rather respectable youth and despite his mischief nobody ever came to be harmed by “The Freak”, or Freaklet as everyone knows them.
Malicious was raised by his mother to never disrespect her, but what she had not realized, was that she did not clarify that it was only her that they had to respect... Fortunately for Freaklet though, despite everything that happens, they end up finding contentedness, and happiness with their life. Being proud of what they’ve accomplished and protecting the people and the things they hold dear to them. Despite not becoming the Demon she’d hoped, Freaklet does become something that their mother ends up finding peace with. 
Because at the least, Freaklet will never be that man.
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gaystation4 · 2 months
fag flags mentioned 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇳🇴🏴‍☠️
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geek-22 · 3 months
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fuck the nhl and this bullshit prohibiting pride tape. seriously. fuck provorov too. fuck every fucking homophobe. "players are allowed to show their support off the ice". go fuck yourself. i hope players say fuck this shit and use pride tape anyways. i'd like to see the nhl infringing on their freedom and telling them they can't. put. fucking. tape. on. their. fucking. stick.
like how fucking stupid does that sound?
you aren't allowed to use tape.
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leafkidsblog · 3 months
Just a small reminder for folks who make Pride artwork, the white in the transgender pride flag created by Monica Helms has an important meaning. "The stripe in the middle is white, for those who are intersex, transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender."
It might seem like a small thing, but when you make your transgender art only pink and blue you're accidentally leaving some of us out.
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apollos-boyfriend · 3 months
my boyfriend was talking to some of his friends about me and when he mentioned i’m brazilian one of his friends went “and his parents were like, chill with that?” obviously referring to my gender/sexuality which is a WEIRD question but my boyfriend expertly parried with “yeah i mean they were a little surprised when he came out as brazilian but they’re cool with it” i need this man’s hand in marriage
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zoobus · 2 years
This ended up being super long so I decided not to harass OP's replies
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(this is about my opinion that Elliot the billionaire from Breaking Bad S1E5 "Grey Matter" was not a generous, kindly rich friend offering Walt a way out with no strings attached)
First, let me say this: I know most people don't notice or care about fashion but BrBa actually did put notable effort in their costume design and it's because characters like Skyler are consistently well-dressed that made this point so glaring
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When she's hosting, when she goes to the office, hell even her house robes are sophisticated, put together fits - I'm not sure how she affords those sumptuous silk kimonos she's always wearing but it hammers home Skye as an appearance-minded person, a woman who knows how to dress. Even with the shit camera quality, you can tell her hot pink baby shower dress was made for her.
And yet.
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Walt and Skye go to that party in complementing loud, harsh, ugly blues for what they learn is a beige party - the literal exact opposite of blue.
Now, it'd be one thing if they'd known and worn beige outfits that were shabby in comparison and Walt got in his feelings about it. Or if they'd truly "missed the memo" as Walt snarks and come in normal-wear that was out of dress code - yep could see Walt assuming it was intentional and throwing a fit.
But this poor couple attending a billionaire's party for some reason thought they should wear gaudy blue, with Skye's dress in particular highlighting exactly how cheap it is. It's almost as if they were under the impression they had to wear a color a domesticated adult would be unlikely to already own and rarely looks good on a budget, doubly so if you're 8 months pregnant. Skye would NEVER wear that shiny ass prom dress with the ruched center seam, scratchy 100% polyester raschel lace shawl, and sequined evening bag in public unless she thought it was her only choice. She never wears anything like this again, not even in the same season. The only rational explanation is someone lied to them. The more I explain this, the more I realize why most people missed it.
Now for the less special interest type reasons:
Walt asks (then later confirms) the invite said "no gifts." You might say oh, maybe Elliot was trying to spare Walt's pride but if so, why make a point of sharing it like he did? Why even invite your broke prideful friend to this kind of party, like you can't think of any other way to meet, chat, and ask if he'll work for you?
Additionally, how odd that Walt's was the only invite that didn't say this was a beige party.
Really can't downplay how hard it is to swallow they forgot to tell the Whites not to show up in clown uniforms.
Elliot's loudly showing off his gifts, with the last being an autographed Eric Clapton Stratocaster® which on the low end today is a $2000 electric guitar, but can go to the tens of thousands. Then he spots his friend's meager, teensy little thing, smaller than his hand and LITERALLY POINTS WALT OUT so everyone knows for damn sure who did this. Elliot unwraps it and does this full body sigh. Hands dropped. Your dad getting another tie for father's day type reaction. Young Good Ramen. No this is great man. You can get 10 for 1.99.
Sorry, no it WAS malicious. Listen to his voice. Feel how long he held that unpleasant silence before forcing a chuckle. Holding eye contact throughout while the crowd darts their eyes and smirks. This isn't Harry Potter - you can't emphasize how shitty something is then magically negate it like "and that's why I love it hahaha!" Elliot made it clear where he thinks Walt stands. Beneath him.
The whole party is like this, a humiliating horror show of socializing out of your social sphere. We don't even know what their relationship was like before. The implication is that Walt separated from this guy before for a reason and the reason was probably in line with what we saw today.
Elliot isn't stupid. He knows Walt. He knows Walt's character. He knows their financial disparities. He knows Walt is sick. Presumably he's well aware of Walt's pride. An intelligent and well-meaning friend doesn't accidentally combo-hit the exact weak points that caused you to drift apart in less than an hour before asking hey how would you like to literally owe me your life? How would you like the kind of debt that can't be repaid? :) You're a smart man.
If Elliot really cared about saving Walt, he wouldn't have gone about it the way he did. If, however, he wanted to antagonize and flex on Walt, make him as uncomfortable as possible, keep in his wife's good graces by offering him a job, and end the night with two possible outcomes - either he accepts and gets richer or he rejects and elliot can say "Welp honey, your former lover and ex-fiance Walter White said no for some weird reason. oh well, I tried! :)"
Idk, I guess it could be a projection but the way Elliot talked to Walt reminded me of old friends whom, in retrospect, didn't even try to hide their disdain for me. Like wow how did I miss that.
I think Gretchen had honest intentions. Her husband didn't. I don't know what his deal was exactly but I'd exhaust all other resources before accepting this dude who publicly embarrassed me as my savior, livelihood, and future employer.
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anghraine · 1 year
This passage is sometimes slightly misread, but I think it's significant:
As for myself [Darcy], it is many, many years since I first began to think of him [Wickham] in a very different manner. The vicious propensities, the want of principle, which he [Wickham] was careful to guard from the knowledge of his best friend [Darcy's father], could not escape the observation of a young man of nearly the same age with himself
That is, the "himself" in the last line is Wickham and the young man of nearly the same age with him is the now twenty-eight-year-old Darcy.
Every time I think of that detail in conjunction with Wickham preying on fifteen-year-old Georgiana and, a year later, sixteen-year-old Lydia ... whew. He'd be a shitheel anyway, but however he may present himself, he's in fact a nearly thirty-year-old shitheel who repeatedly targets girls in their mid-teens.
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girlbob-boypants · 3 months
Me when I cosplay as a straight cop for a pride event, openly say on my blog putting him in pride colors didn't look right, shout for fictional cop pride publicly at the event, people respond with "acab", and then get a bunch of defense posts and free art while the cop pride part conveniently gets left out of all the info defending me:
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bean-chinchilla · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month From The Mad Dogs And The Mud Dogs!
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moonlightsapphic · 1 year
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Yeah and so the movie was 75% finished before it was completely shut down. What a loss to the community, and I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must've been for Nate and all the people working on it. Nimona (2023), later picked up and adapted by Netflix, is a phoenix risen from the ashes and it had to fight to be here despite the book's (and She-ra's!) prior success.
Fuck Disney.
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snowwydaydreamr · 2 years
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Freaklet, or Malicious Pride does not actually realize that he has a father, in fact, they’re fully convinced that their mother single-handedly is responsible for their birth. Mal is also fully unconvinced that he is in any shape or form related to the Half-demon, Half-demon scourge known as Demetrius Cupiditas, or his real name which is just Demise. 
Freaklet’s Father, Cupiditas Senior, was the most vicious and cruel villain of the last century, had a huge kill streak but no body to chug jug with him in fortnite. He got no kills in tomato town. no swag, he is now maidenless and dead for his cringeworthy affairs.
Demise takes after his father, and is fully aware he has a father and that Malice is his half-brother, however, he refuses to acknowledge or say anything about his relation to Malice because he hates him so sincerely because Malice is always content whereas no matter how many people or how much wealth Demise “obtains” he is never happy with what he has. He is a genuine villain though, much like his father. 
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gaystation4 · 2 years
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Maurice ultrakill
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Maurice is friend-shaped!
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belladonnakimdracula · 4 months
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Happy Pride! Here’s some gay shit LMAO.
Based on a moment in a stupid gay thing I wrote where Link carries Tauro’s sick (bitch)ass to bed. That was based on a question someone asked a fic writer whether Link could carry Tauro with one hand (which yeah he could lol, I should draw that too).
Also the Pride rainbow in the BG is based on this dumb ass tweet lol.
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Shading only version.
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mossmad · 1 year
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