#Cutman: How about we stop talking for a while
scatterpatter · 1 month
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All the angst I've been writing made me sad so I WANTED TO DOODLE THEM BEING CUTE TO OFFSET THAT. LOOK AT MY IDIOTS.
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 42 Review.
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I spy Navis from the N-1 such as Blues, Elecman, Bombman, Whaleman and Shiningman. I also see some viruses, one of the robot operators that nearly killed Netto and Commander Beef, and Shadowman and Cutman? How do these people know about them?!
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And that’s the Gospel truth...
We open the episode at some noodle shop where Madoi talks about how she is bored with her life, and Coloredman tells her how she used to shine back when the WWW was still active. Madoi then gets a bowl of noodles that she didn’t order.
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I wonder who that could be?
Madoi’s mystery order comes with a little note with the seal of Gospel asking her to join them. The mysterious customer then reveals himself to her.
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I think Madoi just slapped him after he said that. Can’t have a Madoi episode without someone making fun of her makeup.
After the title card, we see Madoi in her new secretary outfit at Maha ichiban where she breaks the news to the other Ex-WWW members that she is gonna quit to go work for Gospel.
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Count Elec and Hinouken don’t like this and yell at Madoi calling her a traitor and such. Mahajarama on the other hand, is cool with Madoi leaving and gives her farewell gift.
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Friendship? What would bad guys know about friendship? We know they all stick around together because they have nothing better to do.
Madoi takes the gift and runs out of the shop causing a car crash into it and destroying Mahajarama’s life size statue.
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AHHHHH! Mahajarama has eyes!
We then cut to a family retaurant where Netto is in a “secret” meeting with the Net Agents, where he makes a scene after the news they tell him about Gospel.
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“Hello, police? There are three terrible cosplayers and a kid talking about the Net mafia out loud at a family restaurant”
They are telling him about a Gospel leader hosting a secret meeting in Japan. Since the cover up for the meeting is a costume party for rich people, the Commader wants Netto to ask Yaito to help them get in, right before this second waitress complements his costume.
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This girl has obviously never seen the N-1 Grand Prix.
Anyway, the Commander insists in having Netto talk to Yaito about the party, but that is no longer necessary since Yaito, along with Dekao and Meiru, overheard their conversation.
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After this we cut to Madoi enjoying her new job at Gospel resting by the pool, when Gauss appears and asks her to follow him into a skipped scene from the dub. Brace yourself.
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The correct question here is, who would buy a toilet with Wily’s face on it?!
Yes, Gauss reveals that he is a super Wily otaku or fan girl, whatever you want to call him. He even shows her a talking life size statue of Wily in a little scene that was kept in the dub.
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I would be more impress if you had him saying: “The fact that you keep losing to Rockman is exactly why I’m mad!” (Actual quote from episode 9)
One of the reasons Gauss decided to hire Madoi is that she could share with him her memories of Dr. Wily, reminding us that either Wily is dead or just M.I.A.
Back at the Curry shop, Hinouken and Count Elec are still mad/sad about Madoi leaving them.
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Is this an opening for a Count Elec and Madoi shipping? I guess nearly falling to your deaths together in a cold mountain range while hand gliding makes you developt feelings.
That night, we see the cover up party at a mansion by the sea, with Gauss as the host. We see people dressed up as Navis and viruses among other things, but the best costumes are the ones Netto and his friends are wearing.
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*Okay, if you’re confused about Netto’s name, scroll down to the end of this review to see the full story behind their group costume. BTW, Miyuki and Saloma are the horse.
Netto and Dekao inmediately start embarrasing Meiru by eating like the animals they are.
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 Yaito doesn’t help either because she starts blinding people with her forehead for some reason.
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Yes, in fact, this scene was so pointless that it was skipped in the dub.
It is now time for the Net Agents to start their investigation, with style.
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If I know my costumes, that must’ve hurt Saloma a lot.
The Net Agents sneak around Gauss’s mansion and come across a hallway with a laser security system, they need to disable the lasers from the cyberworld, and Netto, who suddenly appears next to them, volunteers.
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We get a different design for the plug-in animation as Netto sends Rockman into the security system. The Guard Navis attack, but Rockman is so bad ass that he doesn’t need any chips to knock them all out.
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Either that or they’re just really weak.
Netto complaines to them about being left behind, and since Commander Beef knows well that he won’t get rid of Netto that easily, he allows him to tag along.
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Son Netto, master in the art of convincing!
We then cut to Madoi reminding Gauss about the secret meeting and they both leave the party. During their walk, Gauss tells Madoi that Gospel is nothing like the World Three, hinting that something really bad is about to happend.
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Let me get this straight. You’re a fan of wily, but you’re not a fan of the World Three, the organization he created in order to terrorized people, the thing that made everyone realized that he is evil, THE VERY THING THAT MADE HIM FAMOUS IN THE FIRST PLACE!
The Net Agents along with their Navis disable every security system they find as they move on. Before commercials though, Gauss reveals that the Net Agents are heading for a trap. So much for the surprise.
They finally arrive at the meeting room filled with a bunch of covered up guys who look a lot like the disguises used by Bombman and Stoneman’s fake operators from the N-1.
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What kind of guns are those? Laser guns? I’m getting ahead of myself, but in Axess we see characters using real guns, so this now seems kinda childish.
Gauss appears before them with madoi wearing masks, because apparently Higure never told Netto that his investor from episode 34 was Gauss Magnets. XP
Gauss reveals to them that the meeting was a trap for the Net Agents and the members take off their disguises, turns out they were all robots, and I am not surprised.
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They ARE laser guns! If they were human, then what were they planning to do?Taze them or threaten to cook them alive?
Saloma and Miyuki shoot at the robots with their space era guns, and even Netto tries join in the action by attacking some of the robots.
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You are not the monkey king and you are not Rockman either! That would be until Axess. X(
The Commander saves him and Netto then challenges Gauss to a Net Battle because that’s how you defeat the villains in the Battle Network universe.
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That... That didn’t work? Am I finally watching a competent shonen anime? O-O
Gauss tells them that his plan was to kill the Net Agents, and luckily for him, they brought Netto so he can kill him too. The room begins to flood, and Madoi apparently has standards because hearing Gauss wanting to kill Netto makes her uncomfortable and talks to him about it after they exit the room.
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“Directly” is the key word here. World Three were actually cowards who liked to injured people indirectly by making their Navis set homes on fire, try to crash a train full of people and nearly polluting the water of an entire city. What are you trying to say here, Madoi?
As the room keeps filling up with water, the commander gets a cramp and Rockman tells Netto that there must be a computer from where he can stop the water, and Netto remembers that he saw a jack-in port like two minutes ago with a flashback.
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In cased you missed that the first time.
Netto dives and plugs in Rockman underwater because everything is water proof in this world. Gauss discovers this and decides to change his waredrobe to fight Rockman.
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I’m starting to think Wily fan girl is the best description for him right now.
Rockman is attacked by Magnetman, Netto tries to send him battle chips to fight, but he is having trouble holding his breath under water.
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Magnetman keeps attacking Rockman as Netto swims back to the surface where Commander Beef still has a cramp for another breath of air, but its so deep that he can’t hold his breath long enough to focus on the battle. 
We then see Madoi talking to the life size statue of Wily about how it feels wrong to be working for Gospel, but then she remembers the gift Mahajarama gave her.
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Magnetman summons his twin and gets ready for the N-S tackle to finish off Rockman. The two spheres head towards Rockman until they are intercepted by Coloredman’s ball that also breaks a giant faucet that apparently was the program flooding the room and the dreinage system is activated somehow.
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Madoi tells Gauss that she is gonna quit Gospel because it is trash compared to the World Three, why? Because, according to her, the World Three... had... Love?.
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See? Even Coloredman doesn’t understand her nonsense!
The Magnetmen attack Coloredman again and Rockman protects him with a barrier. Right after that, the Net agents and Netto suddenly appear in the organ room where Gauss and Madoi are, and I like how Netto called Gauss cross dresser. XD
Netto tells Gauss it’s payback time and activates the Elec Brother Style. Unsurprisingly by now, Madoi knows about the Elec Brother’s ability and passes an extension chip to Netto so he can download Coloredman’s data into Rockman. And if you’re a football/soccer fan you’ll like this little scene.
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Rockman finishes Magnetman with his Terra Volt and Gauss whines about it like a girl before escaping on his weird flying machine he activates in front of everyone.
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At least this time we don’t get to see the whole room remodeling and airship building scene.
Netto thanks Madoi for helping them, Madoi says she only did it for herself and then gives Netto the curry coupon before leaving.
And we end the episode with the Ex-WWW discovering a life size Wily statue in front of their restaurant with Madoi eating curry inside, just happy with being where she is.
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My thoughts?
This was a Madoi episode so we get to learn more about her character. I don’t blame Madoi for wanting to do something better with her life, she knows that she has no future working at a curry restaurant in a sad attemp of reviving World Three. You already know that I am not a fan of these guys, but I was actually happy for her since she showed some real character development.
Another thing that I like about Madoi in this episode is that she is not really a bad person, she doesn’t like to be directly involve with hurting people and she saw the World Three as her family. Maybe she came from a broken home, maybe her real family sucks and she found comfort in joining the WWW. Sure, they did bad things, but Madoi never did what she did with evil intentions, she did it so Wily would praise her for her efforts and get a laugh out of the misfortune of others, could it be a daddy issue or something?
The animation was okay, the story too, and I’m glad they cut that scene with Gauss’s Wily collection because it was just too weird and it compleately makes Dr. Wily, the main villain of the classic Megaman/Rockman series, look like a joke.
*Now, let me explain about Netto’s group costume in case you didn’t get it, this will be long.
First, It may be confusing to hear the name Son Goku because the first thing that comes to mind is the Dragon Ball series. Well, let me tell you that Dragon Ball was loosely based on the classic Chinese novel “Journey to the West” with the famous Monkey king as one of the main characters. Goku was actually based on the monkey king, hence the monkey tail he had, his growing staff, the flying cloud, and because of his name. In China, the Monkey king’s name was Sun Wo Kung, but in Japan he is knowen as Son Goku, I dont know if this is a different name or it’s just how they pronounce it Japan.
Second, if you are familiar with the original story of Journey to the west, you’ll notice that Yaito and Meiru’s costumes are out of place. Since they called themselves the “Saiyuki” group I imagine that it had to do do with cultural differences since Saiyuki is how Journey to the west is knowen in Japan.
After doing some research I came to the conclution that perhaps this is a reference to a video game that came out in 2001 named “Saiyuki: Journey west”, since it features a female version of Sanzo, the monk and main character of the story.
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I believe that was Meiru’s character, and Yaito was crossplaying as Sha wujing because it was suppoused to be a bald demon.
Netto, Dekao and Yaito were the three demon disciples of Meiru’s character, Saloma and Miyuki were the dragon that shapeshifts into a horse(long story), and the Commander was one of the many enemies that the group would encounter on their journey. 
That’s my theory, but I still dont know why would there be a reference to this game if it wasn’t developt by Capcom? Either Capcom helped with the release of this game somehow, or the anime was just making fun of their competion.
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 38 Review.
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And yet you always say bad things about Netto, you hypocrite!
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What’s strange is that Cutman has brothers.
We start the episode with... An old japanese film about samurais?
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Oh boy, we’re in for a good old dose of Japanese culture in this episode, aren’t we?
An old man talks for the two characters with Rockman portrayed as a Tsujigiri, which is a Japanese term for a practice that involves a samurai killing an inocent passer-by in a crossroad in order to try out a new sword. An evil samurai, I guess?
Rockman plays the part of the tsujigiri, strangely well.
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This was obviously cutted from the dub because only God knows if kids are stupid enough to try this at home.
The tsujigiri Rockman challenges the passerby who is non other than Cutman, they stare down at eachother until Rockman does the cowardly thing of throwing sand at Cutman’s face.
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Tsujigiri Rockman uses Sand Attack! Cutman’s accuracy fell.
This gives Rockman the opportunity to slash Cutman, but turns out it was all just a little play with paper cut outs, staged by an old looking Cutman for an audience of young Cutman looking Navis.
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Liar! That’s not how it went down!
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It was the Elec Brother Styled Rockman, in the Okuden dam computer with a Thunder Woody Tower! Where did you even get the Aqua Sword idea? Plus, Cutman wasn’t deleted, he clearly logged out.
Apperantly these are all Cutman’s relatives, the old cutman tells the young Cutmen that Rockman mercilessly deleted their older brother and they come to the conclusion that Rockman is evil and that he is gonna take over the world or something, I guess no one told them the Cutman was with Gospel for starters.
The Cutman brothers are all fired up and ready to avenge their brother, leaving their old Japanese styled home in pieces.
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We soon discover that the elder Cutman was working for Shadowman who is hoping to use Cutman’s little brothers to weaken Rockman.
Right after this we see that the Cutman brothers infiltraded Netto’s alarm clock, (because of couse it has internet conection) where they cut off the alarm. Netto is panicking over this because he was suppoused to get up early to meet up with his friends.
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Why does Meiru have three horns and Yaito only has one?
Netto is afraid that his friends will get mad at him for arriving late, and it seems his imagination isn’t far off because we then see Meiru and the others wearing yugioh eye liner.
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Yeah, this is another thing that was cutted from the dub, Dekao and Tohru do this little play where they put on a Netto mask quoting everything he said.
I guess it is an old form of Japanese theatre, but there are so many that I can’t tell which exactly. Through this they explain that they were all planning to go eat some special steamed meatbuns. What even is that?
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Oh, THOSE things. Aren’t they called dumplings?
These things are actually chinese, and that’s why they’re going to Densan city’s Chinatown district to get them, however, there is a reason why they had to wake up early.
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Meiru is talking about a little brown monster that is the mascot of japanese broadcasting service? O.O WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO HERE SUB?!
Netto stops at a public phone to plug-in Rockman so he can go ahead and tell them why he is late before he gets on the subway.
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You mean it would be 200 hours of tickling instead of 100?
Rockman is traveling though the network to Internet city’s Chinatown when the Cutman brothers do something that transports him to an old Japanese setting.
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“Unless Japan took over China at some point, I dont believe this is Internet City’s version of Chinatown.”
I’m no expert on Japanese history, but based on my research for this episode, I deduced that this setting is based off Japan during the Edo period since it was the period where the paper cutting art knowen as Kamikiri was born. Why am I saying this? Because Rockman is about to be attacked by a traditional paper cut out of a samurai.
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I like how the samurai cut out shifts as it runs, that’s a cool effect. Rockman takes out the samurai with his Rock Buster, but then is attacked by four ninja cut outs (I only took screenshots of three btw).
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Ahh, paper shurikens! They are worse than normal shurikens because they are made out of paper! Paper cuts!
Rockman manages to defeat the ninjas and finds out that they were all made of paper.
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They still believe that they are in Internet city’s chinatown so Rockman runs to find his friends thinking that they are in trouble.
Speaking of their friends, they are all at Chinatown where they discover that all the dumplings are sold out, so that means that the store is closed too. Since they are all starving, a creepy looking man appears and offers to take them to another restaurant.
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We cut to the old Japan setting where a paper villager is hitting a paper bell and the other paper villagers begin to chase Rockman with paper lanterns. Paper!
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This scene reminds me of Inuyasha for some reason.
The villagers attack Rockman with explosive lanterns before we see the Cutman brothers at a japanese palace where they are making more paper cut outs.
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Why were these shots of them making the paper figures cutted out from the dub? This is pretty interesting, we even see fatty Cutman finish the giant paper fish that will attack Rockman in the next scene. 
The moon hides behind the clouds as Rockman crosses a bridge, when the giant paper fish leaps out of the not paper water to attack him.
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Paper doesn’t dissolve in water in the cyberworld, but then again, Rockman’s buster sets it on fire .-.- Cyber physics!
I like the idea of Rockman having an ability to lock on to objects for shooting, no wonder his aim is perfect.
Soon after, the villagers attack Rockman with hooks, binding him with rope.
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Okay, NOW I’m reminded of Inuyasha.
Rockman is inmobilized, and just then, the palace gates in front of him open up to show what looks like his friends only for the moon to reappear and reveal that they are actually paper cut outs.
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Looks like the Cutman brothers did their homework on Rockman because they know the Navis he hangs out with AND their attacks.
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Netto, aren’t you paying attention?! He can’t move!
After comercials, Rockman pulls the villagers holding him to block the incoming attack.
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Nice aim, Rockman, you shot fake Iceman right in the mouth. XD
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That was Rockman’s pissed face.
 Netto keeps him from seeking revenge by telling him that he can’t win with just his buster, so he decides to runaway from the palace. 
The Cutman brothers don’t like this, so bangs cutman literally cuts the comunication between Rockman and Netto.
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How did he know which one to cut? What are those other cables for? How can he even do that? Why do I have so many questions for this episode?!
With Netto out of the way, the Cutman brothers proceed to attack Rockman on a giant paper dragon.
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I couldn’t help noticing that the Cutmen look flat as paper in these shots since they are riding the paper dragon. Can’t have 3D looking characters riding a 2D looking object in this 2D animated series.
We cut to Netto’s friends eating at the creepy stranger’s own ramen place that is actually named “The Worst Noodles”, where they complain about how bad the ramen is, yet they keep eating it with their Yugioh eyeliner on since they are still mad at Netto for being late.
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Yaito is rich, why haven’t she used her stupidly rich status to eat at the fancy chinese restaurant next door?! Because this is followed by Enzan leaving said chinese restaurant. 
After critizicing the food he just ate, Enzan spots Netto’s friends eating at the ramen place and decides to casually walk in front of it.
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What were you planning to do? Insult Netto from behind just to say hi?
Netto finally arrives at the Chinatown district where he plugs into a public phone only to discover that Rockman is not in Internet city’s chinatown. With Rockman still under attack, Netto desperately runs around until he crashes into Enzan.
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Cutest miserable look I’ve ever seen. X)
Netto explained to Enzan what happend, they wonder where Rockman might be until super plot convinience kicks in.
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Say no more! Rockman is inside that computer, isn’t he?
They just so happend to hear these guys yell about their problem, so naturally, they decide to plug-in.
Blues appears from above to destroy the paper dragon with a Fire Sword.
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How can you mess up Blues’s hand color in the last panel?!
The Cutmen confront Blues, but Blues asks for an introduction before he reveals he was talking to a hidden Shadowman.
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Blues chases Shadowman away while Rockman reconnects with Netto to activate the Style Change.
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Rockman’s power overwhelms the Cutman brothers, meanwhile, Blues and Shadowman are having a chinese movie showdown on the rooftops that ends with Blues craking part of Shadowman’s helmet.
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Ouch! This forces Shadowman to retreat.
The Cutmen decide to use their ultimate attack against Rockman, but the Heat Guts style sends it back to them with full power.
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No, Netto, Rock-man breaks scissors. XD
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Rockman then power ups his fist to destroy the entire Japanese setting, revealing the real Chinatown version of Internet City. I have no idea how that worked.
Enzan and Netto leave the store where they encounter Netto’s friends who he then begs for mercy.
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And the episode ends with everyone laughing at Netto’s misfortune... In the dub.
 THIS is how the episode really ends.
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The episode ends with the cut out puppet show announcing Rockman’s victory over the Cutman brothers, where after the curtains are pulled, eyebrows Cutman promises they will return, with the little cutman ending the episode.
I have no idea why was this skipped in the dub.
What do I think?
Just like the title, this episode was strange. They never explained why or how can Cutman have relatives. My theory is that they are all special navis that work at a specific area of the net, with one of the Cutmen going rogue and joining Gospel.
Cutman’s younger brothers all have names, eyebrows cutman is called Jiiro, bangs Cutman, who I first thought was a girl, is Saburo, the tall Cutman is Shiro, the fat one is Goro and the little one is Rokuro. The dub changed their names to Vinny, Sunny, Jerry, Joey and Nicky. XP
This episode was interesting since it presented old japanese culture references, starting off with the old samurai movie at the begining, and the whole paper puppet show that I’m sure has a name, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. The closest thing I found was called Kamikiri.
Kamikiri is an old form of entertainment that involves a person cutting a figure on paper in front of a live audience. This requires skills to create a figure anytime of anything that the audience can request, the paper figures can also be used as puppets to tell stories like in a shadow puppet show. Because the Cutmen are all about scissors, it’s no wonder  that they are masters in the art of kamikiri, making them “strangely strong” in this episode. By trapping Rockman inside their very own cyberworld where they can create living paper figures they had an advantage over him.
I also have to point out that the creepy ramen guy returns a couple of time in later seasons of the anime. And unfortunately, this isn’t the last time we see the Cutman brothers.
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 36 Review.
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This new comercial bumper is the cutest I’ve seen!
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Isn’t Japan like in the north?
We open the episode with Netto dying from the heat in the middle of a hot day when a robotic penguin walks in to cool him down.
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It was just Meiru trying to brag about her newest toy, an “Adelin-kun” penguin, named after the Adélie species of penguins.
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Not a 100% identical, but pretty close.
Apparently, having these penguins is the newest trend in Densan city, especially during the summer. After getting a few shots of people walking around the city with their own penguin coolers, we go to something that looks like a freezer somewhere in Internet city where we see today’s navified robot master, Freezeman.EXE.
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I honestly don’t know why he is like that, I inicially thought he was hibernating or something.
We cut to Midorikawa talking about the newest trend of having a robot penguin slave following you around 24/7.
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There is no way that this thing is gonna end up gathering dust in a closet during the winter.
We then cut to the Ex-World Three that finally decided to open a curry restaurant named Number One Curry aka Maha Ichiban, where Madoi and Count Elec are complaining about the heat. Luckily for them, they still get a customer who seems to be more interested in the fact that they don’t own one of those penguins.
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I wonder if this guy will have an important role in the future.
Netto and friends are heading over to Yaito’s mansion who decided to build a pool because of the heat, figures. We see Yaito waiting for them in her bathing suit as she decides to go for a swim with her personal army of Penguins behind her.
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As always, nothing is too excesive for the rich.
Meanwhile, at the Net agents HQ, Saloma and Miyuki are inspecting an Adelin-kun where they discover a strange chip with Gospel’s logo on it.
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Why would they start doing this now when the penguins have already been release to the public? There are like hundreds all over the city!
Of course this is the perfect time for Gospel to put their plan in motion. For some reason there is a display of giant penguins in Internet City that Freezeman turn into a super ice tower that begins to emit electronic waves.
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Seriously, why is there a display of giant penguins?
This somehow affects the weather in the real world making it suddenly snow in Densan. The robot penguins are shown to be feezing the entire city, Netto and the others try to escape the cold with Meiru forgetting her penguin, but Dekao and Tohru are mysteriously frozen.
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Hmm... Iceman’s operator has been frozen... Isn’t that ironic in some way?
Looks like Meiru’s penguin doesn’t like being left behind a second time and ends up freezing her. The penguin plans to do the same with Netto but he gives it the slip on his ice skates, yes, ice skates.
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Why is Netto packing ice skates in the middle of summer? Plot convinience!
At the Net Agents HQ, Commander Beef tries to warn Saloma and Miyuki but they are all surprised by a penguin that came in after the Commander.
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See? This is what happens when you inspect it late.
The whole city is covered in snow and the tempetures are decreasing fast, as told by Midorikawa who ends up frozen by some penguins that snuck up behind her.
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As Netto is skating trying to figure out what is going on, unaware that Meiru’s penguin is following him, Rockman tells him that the network is cold too and that maybe it has something to do with what’s going on in the real world.
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Funny, when Iceman froze the Water Works computer back in episode 6 you didn’t mention anything about it being cold. Can Navis even feel cold?
Netto decides to go to Yaito’s mansion to plug-in, but we interrupt this Rockman.EXE episode to bring you an evil robot penguin drama that was cutted from the dub.
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RIP, Penshirou.
Yeah, for some reason Maha Ichiban is the only place in the entire city that isn’t frozen because something is keeping the penguins from getting closer. I don’t know why they cut this from the dub, maybe it was to avoid making kids feel bad for the evil penguins?
Netto arrives at Yaito’s mansion where he finds everything frozen, including Yaito. He also discovers that the penguins are the ones freezing the city.
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I’m glad Yaito got what she deserved for being super materialistic and excesive, but as we’ve seen before, she is probably not gonna learn anything from this.
After the new cute comercial break animation, we see that Netto managed to escape from Yaito’s army of penguins and is now walking through the blizzard finding somewhere else to plug in. Unfortunately, Netto discovers that he dropped his PET somewhere and goes back to try and find it.
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“I was wondering why you were suddenly so quiet”
After this, we cut to another report from Midorikawa, wait, what?
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Weren’t you frozen by the penguins earlier?! How many times do you have to perish in this episode?
We then cut to Maha Ichiban where they all seem to be talking about something that will help stop Gospel’s plan, so Mahajarama, Madoi, Count Elec and the customer from earlier run out of the shop, but they all slip on the ice causing the man to drop a strange PET that is melting the snow around it.
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They are suddenly surrounded by the penguins who freeze them all together.
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It’s nice to know that Penshirou was avenged.
Netto keeps looking for his PET in the snow, luckily, Rockman calls out to him and is found.
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Netto! Do you kiss you’re useless mother with that mouth?!
Netto digs Rockman out of the snow, but is too tire to stay awake, he falls on the snow with the blizzard starting to bury him alive. Rockman tries to wake him up with no avail, Meiru’s penguin appears and tries to freeze him before he is buried until Rockman yells his cyber lungs out to finally wake him up causing the penguin to fall off.
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In the dub, Megaman notices the penguin, but I think the original gag was that the penguin was trying to freeze Netto the whole episode, but was never noticed until the end.
After successfully waking him up, Rockman reminds Netto that they have to find somewhere to plug-in. Coincidentally, Netto discovers the unfrozen Maha Ichiban and goes inside where he finds a connection behind the counter. Netto plugs-in Rockman and he finds this.
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I think that is suppoused to be the gate to Internet city, but wouldn’t that mean that the whole Net is frozen? Or is it just that part?
Anyway, Rockman blasts it with his buster and enters Internet City where all the Navis are frozen too. He sees the giant Ice tower and figures that it is emitting strange waves, Rockman is suddenly surrounded by viruses, but its nothing a few cutted buster shots can’t handle. Oh hey, a Ice Bear virus, long time no see.
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Rockman races to the ice tower where he comes across a blue dragon virus, he manages to the avoid its blizzard attacks, but his buster shots are inefficient. Thankfully, the battle chip rule doesn’t include instant win programs, so Rockman activates the Style change and uses the Wood Shield style to defeat the blue dragon.
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Now Rockman faces the ice tower, but Freezeman finally makes himself known.
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Butt shot! XD
Freezeman introduces himself as a commander for Gospel, he says he wants to test Rockman’s power and creates an ice stage that allows them to use Battle chips in Internet City.
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Well, about that, Rockman defeated Shadowman quickly because Yaito passed Netto a bunch of rare chips, and with Cutman they used the Elec Brother Style combined with Woodman’s power, so I doubt you’re gonna get any of that in this battle.
The battle begins and Rockman is having trouble to get near Freezeman, the animation for this battle is pretty good. Something I want to point out is that the art style for this episode is knowen for showing shots where you can appreciate Rockman’s muscular body (and some butt shots), thats why I call this style “bulky Rockman”.
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It is no surprise that I learned to draw bodies from watching Rockman. Also, guys have anime girls with mini skirts and jiggly boobs, we girls have moderately muscular anime boys in spandex.
Freezeman immobilizes Rockman with some ice spears and begins to freeze him slowly, while Netto is just watching from the real world waiting for Meiru’s penguin to freeze him.
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Seriously, Netto, what are you waiting for? Did you ran out of chips?
However, Freezeman is interrupted by a new fire Navi named Heatman.EXE.
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Heatman attacks Freezeman causing him to drop Rockman, and the penguin to break down somehow. The fire left by Heatman’s attack melts the ice covering Rockman allowing him to regain conscieness while the two Navis battle.
As a final attack, Heatman summons an insanely giant flame tower that melts all the ice in both Internet city and in the real world. Netto protects Rockman from the giant flame tower by sending him a Barrier chip.
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New butt shot! This art style does not dissapoint in the butt shot deliveries.
After everything goes back to normal, Freezeman has escaped and Heatman tells Rockman that they will be enemies the next time they see eachother.
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“No, I’m Rockman”
Netto remembers that the Navi’s name is Heatman and leaves the curry shop after noticing Meiru’s dead penguin behind him.
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Finally, now Meiru’s penguin can join Penshirou in evil penguin heaven.
And the episode ends with the revelation of Heatman being Hinouken’s new Navi as he delivers Curry to some random house.
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My thoughts?
Before you say anything about the title joke, the title actually alludes to the fact that penguins only live in the southern hemisphere of the planet. 
We spend the mayority of the episode following Netto around the frozen city, along with shots of the penguins and the World Three’s restaurant with their mysterious customer, but the animation for Rockman’s battles against Freezeman and the viruses was the best part.
The scene where Penshirou breakes down when getting glose to the curry restaurant was skipped in the dub, along with the shot of the girl penguin avenging him after freezing the World Three. I’m still not sure why, the scene contributed to the plot because it let us know that the curry shop was unfrozen because the penguins where afraid of getting near, it wasn’t explained why, but at least we knew there was reason why it was the only place not covered in ice.
The Curry Restaurant is called Maha Ichiban and it translates to Maha Number one, in the dub, it is changed to Number One Curry since Mahajarama’s name was changed to Yahoot. 
This episode introduces Freezeman, a Gospel comander who, just like in the game, covers the net with ice. The mysterious customer is also an important character, but I will talk about him later.
Heatman is Hinouken’s Navi in the second game, we never learned what happend to Fireman during that time, but something tells me that we are finally gonna get the answer to that and many other questions in the next episode.
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