ilikec47s · 5 years
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moskafleurart · 6 years
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midoriya-yeet-blog · 5 years
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My friend wanted me to draw rat king junkrat w black cat d.va so here we are-
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kuroii-fox-blog · 7 years
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She loves his gift <3
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isosduke · 6 years
Getting the writing juices flowing!
Got some updates for those amazing people that follow me for my writing!
I am working on my Junkbunny, All Heroes Fall Sometimes, outline again to get more chapters out to you!
Junkbunny AND Cyborgbunny fans, expect to see more little shorts in the near future! I've been finding some amazing writing prompts to try out with them and if you have any prompts you would like to see me write, just send an Ask or message! Please note, I do have the write to choose to not write any prompt I receive without notice.
I will also be sharing some writing for some of my OCs! I have so many OCs under my belt and some have compelling stories that I would love to share outside of my RP community so I hope you all come to love them!
Last but not least I really hope to organize my Tumblr a bit more so my fanfic stuff is easier to find (you know links and stuff). I've been trying with no luck so far (this site confuses me) so feel free to send any help or advice for this!
Thanks for your support <3
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spitefulpumpkin · 7 years
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Overwatch OTPs & matching skins (3/?)
Junker (D.Varat) Classic
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niebohater · 7 years
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Stop Jamison 2k17
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@ blizzard, make this tattoo canon
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You can't stop me
Junkrat x dva is canon until proven other wise.
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blackcatforce · 7 years
stupid coupley thing that D.Va and Junkrat do that everyone hates: shout each other’s voicelines when ulting
D.Va launches her mech on to the point after adressing Junkrat like “What’s it you always say? Oh right!” and you just hear her sweet voice yelling FIRE IN THE HOLE 
Later on Junkrat decides to match her and sends his Riptire through and shouts NERF THIS in his thick Australian accent and its like what are you DOING Junkrat this has nothing to do with gaming but D.Va can’t stop giggling 
they think its hilarious but everyone else is just like “why do you kids feel the need to do this ffs”
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memm-drawings-blog · 7 years
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His way of getting  attention
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ilikec47s · 7 years
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I made a phone background for you lovelies :D
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branchofcinnamon · 7 years
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i finally got the officer D.va skin and i was so happy but then i reALIZED 
…. !!!!! Junkrat’s jailbird skin!!! D.va’s officer skin!!!! an indirect match!!! *fangirl noises*
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z-dex · 7 years
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Fuente (@yulkypearl)
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kuroii-fox-blog · 7 years
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wispyatomica · 7 years
Kay, here's a prompt for Dvarat: Hana is forced to introduce Junkrat to one (or both) overbearing parents, and she's super nervous until Junkrat charms her mom with some random thing and he's instantly accepted into the Song fam.
Hoooo BOI this is gonna be a toughie, but here we go!
Meeting the Song Family (A D.Va/Junkrat Short)
Hana paced nervously back and forth in her quarters at the Overwatch base in Watchpoint Gibraltar. She had been working exclusively with Overwatch since their resurgance in light of the potential second Omnic Crisis and as such had spent a long time away from her parents. The previous night, she was given a chance to break away from the missions that Morrison and Reyes had planned out. It was during one of her nightly calls with her parents that she was invited to come back home to Busan, South Korea for a visit. She was nervous to say the least, as this time they insisted that she bring her boyfriend along with her. That was bad. Hana had told them about meeting somebody that she truly liked, but she had yet to tell them that he was the international criminal known as Jamison Fawkes, AKA Junkrat.
She had spoken with Junkrat about the meeting several times, her almost attempting to make him refuse to go with her, but every time she inquired he was 100% going to go with her. It was in times like that she really hated his stubborn attitude. Her parents would not be used to the dirt and soot that he was always covered in, something she had a strange fondness to, so she requested for him to actually clean up. All she could hope was that he actually wore a shirt. Her pacing and thought recollection was interrupted as the knock of a metallic hand hit her door. Her heart skipping a beat as she dared to move towards it and see if Jamie had truly cleaned up, and to her utter surprise, he had.
In front of the open door stood Junkrat as clean as a whistle. The permadirt that was already embedded into his skin was hardly noticeable as the grime and soot that normally covered it was cleaned away. His hair was slicked back as best as he could with the balding spots and to Hana’s surprise was not on fire. She was awestruck more by his clothes, as he wore a nice pair of tan capri khaki’s and a burnt orange button up shirt. She hardly noticed that her jaw was gaping as Junkrat struck a pose in front of her, waving his prosthetic limb in front of her face.
“Whaddya think, ‘Bun?”
“I think I could get used to this.” Hana responded with a cheeky grin, stepping out of her room and into the light of the hall way. “But I still prefer the old one.”
Junkrat responded with a sly grin, wrapping an arm around her waist and bringing his lips to her nose for a delicate kiss. With her approval of his own attire, he turned his amber eyes to her attire, having yet to compliment her was quite unusual for him. She was wearing a pink sundress and shawl combination that he and Mako had found for her on a shopping trip recently. Strange thought it was, Jamison Fawkes the stealing international criminal, shopping like a normal citizen.
“Ya look beautiful darl’!” He moved his hands around her upper torso, lifting her from the ground in a light spin. Hana chuckled at his amusement and normal overreaction to her appearance, but the showering of his affections was one of the things that she loved about him so much. “Come on Jagiya, the shuttle is waiting for us!” Once she was placed back on the ground, she took hold of his prosthetic limb, flesh digits delicately intertwining with his mechanical ones as she lead him through the Gibraltar base towards the launch bay for their ships. They passed several other Overwatch members, including Angela and Jack. The former bid the two a wonderful trip whilst the latter merely crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. Jack still found himself unapproving of the couple, and this grunt of annoyance was met with a firm smack on the shoulder by Mercy.
“Let them be happy, Jack. She’s not in any danger with him.”
“I know, she just…she reminds me of what I could have had…” Morrison lowered his head, standing from his seat as he patted Mercy on the shoulder before heading back to his own quarters for some rest.
The flight from Gibraltar to Busan, South Korea was surprisingly short in Overwatch’s state of the art ships. Junkrat and Hana were latched together the entire flight, one of her arms weaved through his so that she could play on her handheld gaming pad while Junkrat watched. His favorite thing about her was quite possibly how passionate she was about video games just as he was passionate about his own explosive tendencies. Once the ship had landed, the couple grabbed a cab to Hana’s home. It was on the ritzy side of Busan, where most of the aristocrat types of the modern age lived, and the farther they got into the neighborhood the more nervous Junkrat got.
“This place is a bit posh for me, darl’. Ya sure yer parents are gonna like me?”
“Of course they will, Jamie. They know that I’m happy with you.”
Jamison smiled in response to that, bringing his normal hand to her cheek and pulling her head towards hers in a kiss as the cab approached the Song residence. Waiting outside the door of the house was a couple standing side by side. The woman was dressed similar to Hana, a semi-formal flower printed dress with long brown wavy hair falling down her chest. The man next to her was dressed in a white button up shirt and gray vest combination with slick black pants. Seeing their figures in the distance made Junkrat even more nervous, and Hana could sense that as the grip he had on her hand tightened. She gripped his hand back, offering him a reassuring smile as she opened the door to her cab.
“Eomma! Appa!”
Hana exclaimed with excitement as she darted up the stairs and into the open embrace of both of her parents. The two hugged their little girl tight, happy to finally see her after so many months on the Overwatch base, until the two of them remembered the guest that she brought with them. Hana’s father was the first to let go of his daughter, followed by her mother who both turned to see the blonde haired Australian as he awkwardly exited the cab. His posture was slightly slouched over and he was no doubt visibly nervous. The Songs looked at him curiously as Hana left their side to approach her significant other.
“I recognize him from the news, dear. He’s that wanted criminal.”
“She didn’t tell us that.” Her father responded in hushed Korean as Hana led Jamison up the stairs of the Song residence. She held onto his normal hand tightly, she could feel the clamy sweat of his palms and knew that he was nervous.
“Eomma, Appa. This is Jamison Fawkes. He’s my boyfriend.”  Hana was slightly nervous to introduce her parents to him, but she spoke with a pride that made Junkrat feel a bit more reassured.
Jamie nervously waved his prosthetic limb to both of them, before remembering what Hana had mentioned before about bowing in their culture. He lowered his head for a moment, wild blond hair tips fizzing with embers in the shade of the building. Hana smiled to this gesture, happy that he remembered something about her culture and how important it was to show respect to family. She then leaned her head in, it was time that she hoped her teaching skills paid off. She gave Junkrat an encouraging look, much to the Australian’s discourse as he raised his head back up to look at both parents.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The words were spoken in an awkward but not unintelligble Korean language, though the accent did humor both of Hana’s parents. Their postures changed as both laughed slightly before motioning for the two to come inside. Hana pulled Junkrat up the stairs as he was still in shock that they for the time being seemed to be tolerating him, perhaps Hana was right after all. Maybe they could come to like him despite his worldwide known history with crime.
The family sat down in the living room, noticing a lot of memorabilia in their home dedicated to Hana and the work that she had done as part of the Korean Military. It was rather impressive to say the least, and daunting on him that he was even in this situation to begin with, from the perspective that he sat at, she was way out of his league. Once Junkrat was sat down in the living room, both parents urged Hana in Korean to come help them prepare some tea for the visit. She felt a nervous tingle ride up her spine as Junkrat looked over from the couch with a bushy brow raised.
“Hana Song you did not tell us that you were dating an international criminal!”
“This is rather unorthodox sweetheart, how did you even meet him.
Hana crossed her arms, the parents were overbearing as per the usual, had she been blessed with a sibling, perhaps some of this attention would have been diverted.
“He’s not dangerous, Mom. We met because of Overwatch, I really do love him!”
“Sweetheart, what if he’s just trying to trick you to steal something of ours?”
“He’s not like that mom!”
“He better not have laid hands on you.” Her father spoke in such a stern voice, no doubt referring to the fact that she was legally an adult.
“I’m not a little girl anymore, Dad! And he wouldn’t hurt me!”
The argument was faded to Jamison’s ears, but he could no doubt hear the dispute in the foreign language that he was hardly associated with aside from that beginning statement. He bit his lip for a moment, tapping his peg leg on the carpet a few times before he hopped to his feet and moved into the kitchen. Hana’s mom had been preparing a pot of tea the entire dispute, her father on the other hand was opposite of the island in the kitchen and giving his daughter a stern lecture. It was when Jamison entered the room that focus shifted to them, and Hana felt even more nervous than before her parents had called her aside.
“Jagiya, what are yo-”
“Mrs. S, I almos’ forgot I got ya a lil’ somethin’ as a gift.” Junkrat pulled a small box out of his pocket, extending the box in his prosthetic limb. Her mother was hesitant, before she took the box from his hand and looked it over carefully. Hana herself was perplexed by the box, he had never mentioned that he bought her mother a gift. She shot him a questionable look, to which he shrugged his shoulders and gave her a quizzical and amused facial response.
Mrs. Song was careful to open the box, but when she did she saw a beautiful pendant and matching earring set. The charm of the necklace was a rose carefully crafted and bent out of the finest silver metal and the earrings matched the studs. Hana was shocked and appalled as she got a closer look to the jewelry set.
“Jamie, did you make this yourself?”
“Sure did, darl!”
Mr. Song inspected the jewelry for a moment himself, stepping closer to his wife as she turned around with a shocked but humbled smile on her face. She responded to him in crystal clear English, “Thank you, Mr. Fawkes. They are lovely.”
“No need ta thank me, Mrs. S. They’ll look splendid on ya!”
Mrs. Song smiled in response to his comment as Junkrat stepped closer to Hana and wrapped an arm around her waist. The nervous energy she had felt melted away now with the positive reception of Junkrat’s surprise gift to her mom. “You should have told me you had a present for them, you dummy.”
“Well then it wouldn’t a’ been a surprise!”
“Idiot.” She responded in a giggle as Junkrat traced a metal digit along her chin before bringing his head down to her height and connecting their lips in a tender kiss. Hana’s father was a little uncomfortable with the situation, seeing his daughter in such intimacy with a wanted international criminal still did not sit well with her, but it was only when his wife turned to him now wearing the delicate jewelry that his posture changed. He smiled softly, chuckling as he joined his wife’s side. He looked over to Junkrat, noticing how firmly his hand was placed on her side and how calm his daughter seemed to be in his arms. It was not just that, however, it was her overall glow in his embrace that he noticed. He could see that truly she was happy, and for him that was all it took.
Hana’s mother was the first to extend her arms open towards the couple,
“Welcome to the Song family, Jamison.”
Hana’s eyes drifted to her mom as she stepped forward and embraced the two of them. It took Hana’s father a few more moments, he was still skeptical of Junkrat’s past, but that happiness in his daughter was undeniable.
“Welcome to the family, son.” His words resonated with Junkrat, and he beamed a proud smile to both of Hana’s parents. He easily stood over all three of them in height as he stood straight up, and the size difference alone made the trio of Songs laugh heartily. The remainder of their visit was pleasant, as Hana and Junkrat both got to share their experiences with Overwatch, and for Junkrat it was nice to finally be accepted again. The Outback in his childhood was unforgiving, but here he was in his adult years and he finally found somebody that he wanted to spend the rest of his days with, and a family that was now his.
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minimoosey · 7 years
New Junker voice lines: Roadhog: “She’ll be right.” Junkrat: “Too right!” … someone please explain this
((UPDATE: I understand now. Replies to the post tell me it's Australian slang for "Everything is alright / okay." Thank you all for enlightening me, I legitimately had never heard the terms before. Props to Blizzard for including something like this to help teach dumb Americans like me about other cultures.))
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