#DAMN babygirl im going to get under your skin on purpose!
atozfic · 3 years
legit all i want is one angst fic with an UNHAPPY ENDING so i can cry bUT nO when i search up angst fics THEYRE ALL FLUFF WITH "a small bit of angst" LIKE PLEASE I JSUT WANT A FIC THAT WILL MAKE ME CRY SHDLSFK - 🥢
also u know what else annoys me. WHEN LONG FICS DON'T HAVE THE KEEP READING CUT. like they write 10k words n theres no cut so u have to scroll through the whole thing,, like what if someone doesn't want to read the 10k smut someone wrote then they have to scroll through the whole thing like PLEASE if ur gonna write a long ass fic PUT A KEEP READING CUT. -- 🥢 (this legit annoys me sfm)
ALSO, WHEN THEY MAKE THE READER BLUSH "their cheeks turned pink" OR WHATEVER,, and it honestly makes me not wanna read the fic bcus like if ur gonna make the reader blush might as well just make a light-skinned oc instead, bcus its not like everyone can blush. also when they make them skinny, specific eye color, rlly rlly short. like i know its just fics, but if ur gonna put "reader" atleast try to not make it seem like the said reader is this skinny white girl. - 🥢
ok and one last thing, i know its hard but like sometimes ppl put gender neutral reader, but then put things in the fic like "babygirl/ mommy", or "babyboy/daddy", or even just like "princess" or smthn. like i know its hard to come up w gender neutral terms but yknow its just,, idk. IM SORRY FOR RANTING IN UR INBOX THESE THINGS JUST BOTHER ME SM - 🥢
okay so, originally i was gonna wait a while to reply because i was on a roll with my writing but, due to some of the issues your asks have raised, i kind of want to go on a tangent(?). don’t worry, it’s nothing negative. i’m simply gonna reply to everything you said in order though, so it doesn’t become confusing.
my reply to this is pretty basic because, while i do enjoy a good bit of angst, i personally don’t enjoy an angsty ending. maybe it’s just me but life is full of bad endings and unresolved issues, which leaves me not wanting to experience the same things when i read any form of fiction. no matter how well written it is, nor how amazing the story is, it leaves me feeling unsatisfied and questioning what would happen from there. i do get your frustrations though, especially if you’re in the mood to read something heart-wrenching and all you find is fluff.
i 100% agree with the read more thing. all of my stories come with a read more tag before any of the story actually begins, no matter if its 100 or 20k words because, most of the time, my stories carry warnings on them. in my opinion, if you’re adding warnings to your story and NOT adding a read more tag, your warnings become useless. what is the point on giving a content warning if you’re not going to facilitate people avoiding being exposed to that warning? even more so if your fic is the length of the mf bible, like damn. seeing your monster fic without a read more cut isn’t going to make me want to read it, it’s going to make me block you to avoid having to see your content again. in conclusion: use read more cuts, they’re free and help you not turn people off from reading your work.
this one i’m going to maybe say something people won’t like? if so, i genuinely apologise in advance, i’m not trying to offend or hurt anyone. i’m not sure if i’ve been guilty of doing this in the past but i can say this: when i write, i do not have a vision of what the reader looks like. they are a blank entity in the story. with the blush thing, i try my best to explain the feeling of blood rushing to one’s face rather than the effect that has (aka blushing on people who have fair skin), because everyone can experience blood rush, even if it doesn’t make them blush. this is where maybe some people might not appreciate what i’m about to say... i don’t think this is something writers do on purpose. while i understand it hurts to feel excluded, i don’t think any writer who writes under the “x reader” tag is going out of their way to make people feel that way. the problem is, in writing, there is an incredible emphasis on showing and not telling. this becomes difficult to do when you’re constricted under what you can say to avoid excluding anyone, which is why i think writers sometimes slip up. it’s nothing hateful or purposeful (this is most cases, i obviously can’t speak for everyone), it’s just something that accidentally slips their minds, no matter how hard they try to make their stories accessible for everyone. i’ll finish this off by just saying, if someone ever reads one of my stories and feels the reader isn’t inclusive to them (despite being tagged that way), please tell me politely. don’t treat me like your enemy, because i guarantee it’s not something i ever want to make you feel.
the section above also applies to this part. there’s no need to apologise for ranting in my inbox, i’m completely fine with it so long as you- and anyone else who does it- is fine with receiving a response.
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