And then I reblogged every post I saw. Like a whore.
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morning bbys i forgot i wanted to post these 😘
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Tarot symbols and colors
I have been reading a lot into symbols and colors in the cards recently and that has definitely impacted my readings a lot and has helped add an extra layer of meaning and clarity to the cards and my readings and I feel more confident in my readings now. I figured that keeping my list of meanings would be selfish so here you go. Let me know if this helped and add onto it please! Note that these meanings are more geared towards how they relate to my deck so some meanings may not fit well with your deck.
Angel: guidance, help, someone watching out for you, praise, goodness
Arrows: path, direction, fruition, guidance
Balance: balance if balanced, things unchecked if not, priorities in line, good to go
Blood: life, divine, mortality, pain
Blue: emotions, collection, sadness, holding, clarity
Boat: travel, long distance, riding it out, just a passenger; not much influence, change in direction, use the “wind” given
Book: wisdom, knowledge, growth, education, learning
Branches: transformation, union, unity, divine, spirituality, liberation, femininity
Bridge: path, connection, unity, travel
Bull: anger, lashing out, acting out of emotion instead of logic, rushed plans, strength
Clouds: things hidden, new view, clouded view, overshadowed
Compass: path, direction, navigate
Couple: harmony, joint, togetherness, happiness
Cross: union, divinity, the world, life, center, victory
Crown: power, victory, honor, trials and triumph, righteousness
Diamonds: hard, strength, clarity, riches, wealth, if holding it suggests money you earned, if in the background it suggests money or fortune given
Dog: guidance, protection, loyalty, friendship, alertness, love, companionship, patience, reliable
Dove: peace, joy, divine, happiness, contentment
Eagle: divine, messages, power, honesty
Eye: seeing, new perspective, watching your back, untrusting, doubt, intuition, future
Fire: life, spontaneous actions, sudden events, energy, consumption, fight, inspiration, sudden urges and pushes, motivation
Green: money, fortune, luck, nature, good things
Heart: love, lust, emotions, desire, wisdom, central to your being, core issue, life
Horse: power, strength, adversity, pulling through, freedom, power, wisdom
Hourglass: time, mortality, pressure, deadlines, life and death, past and future
Infinity symbol: forever, loop, cycle, balance
Lantern: light, guide, path, future, hope, new things being known, finding information
Letter/envelope: message, unread, unopened, information
Lion: strength, power, feline, masculine or feminine energy depending on the gender, threat, danger
Lobster: power, discovery, protection, transformation, deep feelings, need to heal
Monkey: luck, playfulness, lighthearted, youth, curiosity, happiness
Moon: feminine energy, darkness and light, phases represent change and paths
Ox: heavy labor, hard work, strength, sowing the fields, preparing
Pink: feminine energy, delicate, emotions, softness, calm
Red: anger, frustration, energy, stimulus
Ribbon: tied up, constrained, held back
Rose: beautiful, cost, hidden danger, balance, promise, hope, defense, loss, pain
Runes: whatever the meaning of the rune shown
Skull: death, mortality, attachment, head, life, thoughts, transformation
Smoke: divine, soul, transition and transformation, change
Snake: fertility, creativity, life, energy, rebirth, transformation, healing, wisdom, guidance, treachery
Spider: patience, mystery, growth, power, danger
Spiderweb: trapped, capture, fear, containment, control
Stars: carried sorrow, background energy, purity, good luck and fortune, godly energy
Tears: sadness, pain, emptiness, movement, transition, growth
Tiger: masculinity, strength, contemplation, grace, force, fierce, courage, independence, vengeance
Trumpet: call, message, guidance, authority, strength, warfare
Water: fluidity, change, balance, calm, peace, love, imagination, intuition, mirror
Wings: faith, support, comfort, protection, guidance, healing, speed, ascension, rise, experience
Yellow: happiness, bliss, newness, positivity, enlightenment, clarity, energy, intellect, deceit
I would love to hear some symbols from your decks and their meanings. I didn’t include cups, coins, wands, or swords because those are my suits and each had their elemental connections and meanings seperat from them being used as symbols.
My deck is Tattoo Tarot: ink and intuition and I really love this deck and it’s use of symbols.
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