#DBD Doctor
slashthrashandcrash · 6 months
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mixed results
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mr-viwick · 11 months
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herman before the fog got him
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24kvlaks · 2 months
(Survivor X Male DBD characters.)
Imagine the killer taking interest in the reader. This is a variety of different situations and the reader acts different in each scenario.
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Trapper, if you had to be honest he was terrifying. The mask, the height, the damn traps. Worst of all his speed, it was just unnerving going up against him.
Or anyone to say the least, you didn't even know why you were there. You didn't have a crazy sob story, anything supernatural going on. You were an average joe.
Everyone else had these crazy abilities, and you just stood out of the way and did generators from a far distance.
So during your usual routine, doing a generator in the far distance you heard a snap in your left ear. The fuck? were your only thoughts as someone strong threw you over there shoulder.
And you thought you were completely fucked. You were so focused on generator rushing you didn't notice all your teammates had died, he had went past numerous of hooks.
You were hopeless and thought he was toying with you, but he stopped in front of a generator and let you waddle off of his shoulder.
You saw the hatch though you didn't dare go towards it and obeyed his wishes too finish the halfway done generator.
2 more gens to go, you sighed. Not daring to speak aloud in front of the beast.
Hot on your heels you led him to the next generator, and began working on it though you could hear him growl every time you accidentally popped it.
After what seemed like hours you moved towards the last one, thinking he was going to trick you and down you for his sick and twisted pleasure.
You were determined to escape, making sure to not fuck up like you usually did. He saw your sweat, watching how determined you were to limited freedom. Almost pissed you'd have to suffer at the hands of another killer.
Finishing the generator you sprinted yet quickly he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder once again, and letting you down.
He opened the door for you, and the entity whispered, dawned by his disobedience.
You've been in the trials for a while now. Though you always believed that the killers were still redeemable no matter how unaesthetically pleasing they were.
Especially "The wraith." There was just something about his little eyes that gained sympathy from you.
So here you were running from him, first aid in hand and not dropping pallets on him. Why? Because you refused to hurt him. Especially after you heard about his past, poor dude.
Confused by you he flinched every time you neared a pallet wondering why instead of fighting back you ran away.
Could this person possibly have empathy? To test that theory he cloaked and stalked you half the game, only gaining two kills which had been before he confronted you.
He thought you might've been a little dumb, he knew that his cloak was practically invisible though you could easily see it when he moved.
Eventually he revealed himself and chased you, just to figure you out, and to see if you'd attack if he seemed threatening enough.
Yet you didn't, you ran while you cried. Eventually the last generator got popped and they began opening the exits.
Wraith revealed himself once again and just stood there trying to at least indicate he meant no harm but was curious. Stepping out of the bush they opened the gate in front of wraith.
Gaining a sense of trust. You nodded and mumbled a tiny thank you.
Running back and forth to heal your teammates, unhook them and save them so they could generator rush towards a win. Once again hillbilly on your trail.
You were getting tired, and eventually slacked off almost ending your own life, luckily he only hit your mask.
The scratches that other killers had left on your face, then started to burn from the dust in the air. He watched you fall and heave from the pain. Honestly it was a disgusting sight to see.
Though it reminded him of the pain he felt internally from his deformity. Revving his chainsaw he ran after someone else. Thinking you had enough problems on your own.
Feeling bad almost, and hooking the first survivor he saw with an aid kit so you could heal your face up. Once you did he continued the trial like usually.
Taking it easy on you but not letting you get ahead of yourself.
You were your groups aid, you didn't fight or unhook because that wasn't your best suit.
Unbeknownst to you, you were being stalked. Every trial you had against the shape he had a close eye on you, yet didn't spare you pain. He'd hook you, and injure you.
Yet he wouldn't finish you off because he saw you as weak and had no interest in killing someone who didn't pose as a threat to him. Nor did he bow to the entity he did get here by himself after all.
He didn't care for looking for the hatch, he just cared for killing those who posed as strong or smart. You didn't, you had a brain it just didn't challenge his intellect.
Though you had your moments, stunning him. Out-thinking him from time to time. Though still, if he really tried he knew he'd kill you in an instant.
He'd camp your campfires and watch you have panic attacks after a trial or before one.
You weren't strong minded but determined to survive. Odd combo but it suited you, he knew not giving up was your strong suit.
Which is mainly why he kept an eye on you, not doing you lots of harm but hurting you when you got in his way.
Very first trial, you had no clue what happened you just woke up there. The other people didn't talk to you they didn't trust each other especially after the unknown had resembled a little like Dwight.
So as soon as you were thrown on some farm you ran towards the nearest person, he was huge with a chainsaw. But hey! He could've just been farming right?
"Hey uh what am I supposed to do?"
Taken back he just started swinging, scared and frightened he listened to the entity's command.
"No! I'm sorry, I just want to go home man I don't know where I am."
Confused he started roaring and mumbling, it was clear that he seemingly had a disorder or speech problem so you started to speak slowly in hopes of an understanding.
Yet you got no where and he was busy having a tiny panic attack, so you walked away and sat on some hay in hopes someone would help you out.
Hearing screaming your first thought was to help so immediately ran towards the sound. Laying on the ground had been someone from the camp bleeding out.
Though as soon as you went to grab them that same man had picked them up and threw them on a hook, a fucking hook.
You dropped to your knees and begged the man to stop, and God he was fucking confused so he stood waiting for the entities command yet nothing was heard so he continued standing.
You unhooked the person and thanked the man, he mumbled something but it wasn't comprehensive so you just went along with it. You ignored the screams as you began to have an idea of what was going on.
You continued to save others whilst avoiding any conflict with him.
the trial went by fast, his confusion with no guide became beckoning, so as the gates opened you called him over, he just stood there whining.
"I don't know your name man but whoever you were talking too, will be back. Though seemingly times running out, thank you for taking it easy uh leather face?” you threw him your cloak because it was a tad chilly and jogged to the exit."
Leaving him confused he thought of it like having two opposing masters too obey when all you did was be kind towards him.
You had been there for a while, and yet you've heard all this news about this new killer. You were curious and determined to beat him once you met him.
You weren't going to lose to someone who the survivors say looked like a pizza with the cheese wiped off.
Yet the more you kept thinking about him the more you kept having these odd dreams. A red boiler room and some claws.
You asked others about it yet they stayed silent not wanting to get involved.
One night you went to sleep on Dwight's leg as everyone slept around the campfire.
Opening your eyes you saw the same boiler room from those other nights, yet this time you walked towards a scraping sound.
Too your surprise you saw the dude everyone was talking about. "what the fuck is this?" You cursed at him hands up ready for a fight. “This a new trial?!”
"Feisty aren't ya!" You quickly caught on by the way he was speaking to you so obvious he was flirting with you. Gross.
"What do you want, this isn't a trial. This isn't possible. Just another fuckin' nightmare." You roared at him, hands in fist you charged at him.
Just to somehow end up falling with ya legs tied. "Oopsie." He laughed at you, fucking demon.
"God, wake up dumb ass, wake up." You yelled at yourself. "This is my world, pretty bitch." He said what? And you couldn't even get up to defend yourself. Pathetic position you were in.
"God you don't get it, I own this mind of yours-"
Before he could finish his sentence she grabbed his glove and stabbed herself. Immediately she woke up.
"Crazy, but God I'd fuck that." He spoke before ending the dream.
You woke up with blood on your hands, oh you’d beat his ass next trial.
He thought of everything as a game, he knew he couldn't die in this realm so he roamed freely.
So once you were added into these trials golly he got excited. He knew that the entity gave you permission other known as a (perk) to fight back.
So he tested it, chasing you and breaking the finale pallet leaving you in a corner. He swung, you dodged and kicked. God did it hurt, he was stunned. Sitting there for ten whole seconds.
Quickly he realized that was going to be a problem and wondered how he could've countered it.
Legion being Legion he quickly began collecting kills. Yet he kept seeing you, he was reckless but he wasn't stupid. Chasing you would've wasted time and all of your teammates.
Yet one fucking problem was you were everywhere, you were popping generators and unhooking.
So he knew he had to get rid of you, though it was looked down on Legion camped a body knowing you'd come to the rescue and yes you did.
You got the unhook but you were knocked, so when he hooked you he took it as a sweet and sour victory.
Though as soon as he threw your shoulder on the blade you let out a petrifying roar.
He turned to you and saw his big strong girl being a cry baby. God, she looked adorable. Covered in blood and as strong as a killer but here she was crying when she got hooked.
He started accidentally camping, he was just in such awe. He stood there for so long he got you into the second hook faze.
Realizing he didn't want you dead, at least yet. he hurriedly ran away. And to his satisfaction someone rescued you.
You healed yourself up as he went to slaughter the rest of your teammates. It was up to you to save them.
He had hooked the third teammate so immediately you unhooked them, hiding behind a huge rock as you crouched towards Dwight's hook and unhooked him as your teammate did with the other.
One generator left. You decided to go head on with the killer. Just to buy time even though you were the only one with a second hook stage.
Yet you couldn't find him. Almost as if he wasn't in the trial. Unbeknownst to you he was avoiding you. Knowing you had second stage.
So as the last generator popped and two teammates died, you and Laurie managed to escape.
There you were. The trial had just began and you already had a sick plan in your head.
You were going to sacrifice your teammates and find the hatch. Easy plan.
The trial begins. You had no sight of the killer so you just started on a generator. Absolutely oblivious until you felt shocks going through your body and you let out a petrifying scream.
You ran, quickly. Hoping that he didn’t notice you but oh how he did and he was hot on your trail.
Shit, this is not how you expected it to go. And your teammates were popping generators left and right.
Only 3 generators left, and he’s wasting his time trying to hook you and please the entity.
Though unbeknownst to him, you were just as much of a sick fuck as he was.
So you did what any bad teammate would do, and led him towards your other comrades. They were in shack, and you already had an escape plan.
You dropped shack palate cornering your teammates in a circle. Then hopped out the window as he went to slaughter them. You ran downstairs and opened the box.
To your amusement a first aid had been inside. You began wrapping up your wounds. The blood stopping making moving much ease.
The crazy fuck had hooked two of your teammates and the other one was on the rescue so you didn’t bother saving them.
You heard the doctor upstairs. His sick laughing feeling you with jealousy. How he got the pleasure of being a killer.
And you were stuck running.
The doctor saw what your little plan was, fishing it amusing to watch you jeopardize the life of the others just to win.
You snuck out of the basement and went to do a generator in the near corner. Both of your teammates unhooked and they got stuck in a tunneling chase.
You didn’t care. You just wanted to win. You wanted to make the entity amused and pleased.
Maybe that’s why they chose you.
Your sick and twisted mind.
You intrigued him. He wanted to dissect you, analyze your brain. Fix you, fix you with his electricity. Or kill you trying.
Your teammates got hooked again. 2 on the second phase and one on the first. Of course you weren’t going to save them.
You used the time to pop gens.
One generator left. And a teammate on a second hook phase. You rescued them, not because you cared but because you needed him to be distracted.
You heard him nearby.
You ran towards him to loop him towards your teammate he had a sickening smile on your face. He loved watching you play games with him.
You were his new favorite toy.
He shocked you just to hear you scream. It was music to his ears. Imagining you as his new test subject brought him joy.
Any joy he actually had left.
You led him to your teammate but he didn’t want to play by your rules. So he continued chasing you, he managed to hit you once.
Still hot on your trail as you barely had the strength to run. He downed you, throwing you over his broad shoulders.
He hooked you. God it was painful but nothing you’ve never felt before.
His sickening laugh filled your ears.
As your teammate came and saved the day. They downed themselves in the process, what a waste of a life.
You saw the hatch. But he saw you; and it was just a race for it. Both of you running for your life.
He hit you, you fell above the hatch.
He laughed and watched as you fell through.
Next time he would’ve made you scream for his very mercy.
He wanted to play with you, toy around with any sanity you had left.
You were a sick fuck. A sick fuck ready to be an experiment. He let you escape, he could’ve killed you if he tried. But what fun would that be if he killed you that easily?
And you both were looking for some fun next trial.
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myxineye · 9 days
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argo-nautical · 2 years
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some low effort redraw doodles because I’m too busy grinding the rank reset to actually draw
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fandom-go-round · 2 months
Maybe for trickster, the doctor and ghostface (seperetly) fem reader in a black wedding dress that matches their style) fluff to nsfw plz
Warnings: Sex, Sexual Situations, Oral Sex, Canonical Violence, Implied Death, Implied Character and Reader Death, Wedding Dress, Stalking, Chasing, Blood, Implied Blood Kink, Voyeurism, Photos During Sex, Humiliation Kink
The Doctor:
Herman has no idea where you’ve gotten the dress but thanks the Entity. The collar is high and made of lace that clings to your skin the more you run. He wants to peels it off as quickly as possible. The only downside is that the dress must make you faster, he only ever gets glimpses of the train disappearing around corners. It’s as frustrating as it is a turn on.
He doesn’t think a lot about how it’s black. The dress is perfect on you, no matter the color. He thinks it creates a nice contrast between the two of you but doesn’t spare more thoughts than that; he much prefers to imagine you without the dress on.
He takes his time once he catches you. Herman isn’t keen to rush this; you’re the last survivor left and he’s going to take his time. You try your best to squirm away but end up clinging to his shoulders as he eats you out. The laughter against your thighs isn’t a turn on per say but when he moans you can’t help but clamp your thighs around his head.
Herman fucks you slowly, your skirt bunched up in one hand as he leans over you. He wants to see your face as you cum, fucking you slow and hard. He won’t let you cum until you beg him and there’s something satisfied on his face as you cry out. He’s not far behind but that’s alright, he’s not going to be letting you go any time soon.
Danny is so hard that it’s tough to walk right. The first time he sees you, it’s like the outfit was made for him; the low v-cut and leg slit. He’s a little bummed it’s black and not white since he can’t ruin it as easily but he gets over it quickly. The veil takes the cake though; it’s to your mid back with little beads and he wants to yank your head back with it.
He doesn’t care who else is there; if you don’t want the others to see or hear, you had better last the longest. Ghostface is making it his mission to get to you and everyone else is second fiddle. Not to say that he’ll ignore them all; if anyone tries to distract him then its game over.
Once he has you, get ready. Nothing is going to be slow or gentle; Danny shoves you onto your knees and practically rips the dress off. The more you struggle and cry out the harder he thrusts; he doesn’t have to be inside of you to grind as close as he can get. Finally, he pushes into you and almost cums right there.
Your pleasure is secondary to his. If you get off that’s even better; he’s going to be taking a picture as you cum so he can keep it forever. One round isn’t going to be enough for him. Danny is a talker, telling you how good you feel and how big a slut you must be. It’s better to take what you can from him too, he’s not going to hesitate. Just pray that you don’t have the dress next time; your knees won’t be able to take it.
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randyzorra · 1 year
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DBD be upon ye
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billblock2013 · 1 month
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silly herman for @thatnomzguy
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rohguu-sketchbook · 6 months
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He was once my favourite killer for years
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zxid · 2 years
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i dont wanna finish these sketches so... take these evil gay dudes...
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xxxvoct · 4 months
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(maniacal laughter)
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mr-viwick · 5 months
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I liked the shirt he got in the mobile game
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slashersdaddy · 15 days
Types of boyfriend for dbd Chucky human form the doctor and trickster? Maybe Tiffany doesn’t exist or they broke up and she’s fine with it.
Maybe Chucky can turn into doll or human whenever he wants and scars the reader a lot?
Type of Boyfriend! I love this type of blurb! For sure! Human!Chucky: Chucky is an interesting boyfriend- he will scare you to get you to lean on him for comfort; but he will also kiss on you and treat you like royalty on his best days. However on his bad days chucky is less affectionate-outwardly at least, youll find little treats around your place, especially if you forget to eat alot; he wants to assure your eating, even if hes in a sour mood. If you are someone who sufferers from RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria) He will try to avoid talking to you harshly when hes mad. Will call you a bitch/aff He doesnt care that its an insult to most, its his affection for you. DBD Doctor: Hes at best obsessive- at worst a yandere. He likes you by his side, if something like his work pulls him away he will want you to remain at home, where he can check on you via a cat camera he has installed. He will run more ~spicy~ Experiments on you, VS his rather... morbid ones. Or he will run experiments to see how to make you need him, since he doesn't want you to leave. He will also bring you gifts, but his are often practical- in his mind. A scented candle to relax you, a soft blanket to make you feel safe. all of his gifts are to create a carefully crafted version of himself and your life together that makes you associate him with 'Safety' even if he hurts you on accident. DBD Trickster: He LOVES to spoil you, he'll sing lil songs to you and hold you while you cook, hes spoiled, and wants you to always give him the attention he craves, being a former K-Pop idol, but due to his sadistic nature he will also hurt you, little affectionate (but painful) bites, scratches anything to prove to others your HIS and no one elses. He will be affectionate if you really need it but otherwise he will tease and taunt you relentlessly
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myxineye · 5 days
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STATIC BLAST (aka the funny crop thing)
bonus alt version i really like too:
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argo-nautical · 2 years
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getting used to drawing with a stylus, so here’s the first few doodles from that feat. my favorite babygirls
(I promise I will actually draw herman. someday.)
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karolinevassalor · 2 months
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