#DD: I'll never be able to feel the warmth of his flesh against my own ever again.
ontdah · 1 year
[Was It Worth It?]
Gangshuffle AU Comic
(tw: blood, censored depiction of body part loss)
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Why don't we start we start from the beginning?
DD: I suppose there's no other way to start.
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DD: I used to be a soldier during the war. I was entirely dedicated to Derse, I followed all my orders- but I ended up exiled regardless of my loyalty. DD: I was an empty husk for months. No purpose, no hope, no goal. DD: I was simply waiting to die.
I'm sorry to hear that. That must've been awful.
DD: I wouldn't wish that despair on anyone. DD: Though, it did lead me to meeting someone.
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DD: He made me feel alive again.
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DD: Here was this man- a Prospitian who was young, and bright-eyed, and full of potential- exiled off to the same island as war criminals, and dissenters, and all manner of depressing lot. DD: His previously hopeful future had been thrown away, and he'd lost seemingly everything, and yet...
DD: He was still hopeful. DD: He still had dreams. DD: He had so much determination in him, he was even willing to drag a stranger along to help achieve his goals. You.
DD: Indeed. He saved me from my despair. DD: He became my hopes and my dreams, and my goal. From the moment he pulled me onto the shores of the new island, I swore I'd follow him anywhere. DD: And so I did.
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DD: Even when I shouldn't have.
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DD: I tore myself apart for this man. DD: I did everything I could to serve him and his goals no matter how much it hurt.
Do you regret it?
DD: ... Some days.
Was it worth it?
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DD: For him? DD: He was worth every last nerve ending.
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