selanpike · 1 year
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gangshuffle is an mspa au, so it can't be all serious all the time!!!
we stay silly
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gangshuffle · 1 year
The Mutinous Cabal
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Marvel Capital's crew of self-proclaimed watchdogs. They keep an eye out on whatever's brewing on the city's notorious criminal underbelly- with a little cut of the pie, of course. Gotta keep their heads above water, after all.
Posing as their figurehead is the ever charming and mysterious DEBONAIR DESPOT, an ex-soldier turned vigilante. He's a quiet, dedicated man with the energy of a restless cat. Of course, when you have the ability to see the future, wouldn't that make you restless as well?
The real boss hiding behind the curtain is SCRUTINOUS SCOURGE, the visionary behind Marvel Capital's creation. He's madly in love with his city, and rumor has it he's made a deal with a Terror to secure her flourishing in exchange for his sight. God complex? Seems pretty simple to him!
With their intel guy, COGENT DEALER- a former Dersite agent- and medic turned heavy muscle, HARMONIC BASTION, the Cabal keep the shadows in line and out of the light of day. It's their city.
Team Ace
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A gang of dishonorably discharged ex-coppers, teamed up with the goal of cleaning up Marvel Capital's dirty laundry. Little do they know, they've already passed their hero arc. Everyone else starts looking like a villain when you think you're the protagonist, after all.
Leading their rather suspicious charge from the shadows is the obstinate POLEMIC IMAGINEER. They say that cute face hides the wrath of God.
Functioning as the 'man in charge' is ACEPHALOUS DICTUM. But his friends, and his co-workers, and.. Well. Everyone calls him ACE DICK. Tired father of one girl and two grown-ass men.
And every ragtag group needs a poster boy, and for Team Ace that boy is the grown-ass man, PROSAIC STEWARD. He's. Uh. Been in a rough spot since a.. Particular even that happened before he was kicked from the Marvel Capital Police Department.
They seem at odds amongst themselves often with their goals- but when they pose as a threat? Shit just gets REAL.
The Flux
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The top yakuza syndicate in the Marvel Capital. Having taken over during a vulnerable time for the city, they've had their claws dug deep into the corner of every block in every district. No gang seems stand a chance against them and their wide array of magical abilities- utlizing Shadow and Temporal magic alike.
The Flux use number based aliases, with their real names mainly unbeknownst to the public. But two in particular send shudders down the spine of even the most notorious oyabun in the city's underworld.
Number Six, DEOR. The big boss himself. A reclusive man who stands firm in his ideals, hellbent on sucking Marvel Capital dry before running it into the ground. Some say he's got a powerful Terror pact- other's claim he's a naturally gifted Green Sun mage. No one's lived long enough to determine for sure which one's true.
Number Seven, YUSHA. Deor's personal lapdog. He's never seen without a smile, nor without his Crowbar. People who know him say he's got an odd air to him, as if he doesn't even know what's going on around him. Regardless, that doesn't stop him from swiftly fulfilling his orders with great efficiency.
This rainbow of thugs will stop at nothing to claim Marvel Capital as their own. It's their land.
City Officials
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Every city is only ever as good as the people in charge of it. Luckily for the Marvel Capital, capable hands work hard behind the scenes to keep the place livable for the average citizen- determined to keep the peace. Even if it means occasionally having to play by the Cabal's rules.
The former Mayor, WINDSWEPT VILLAGER, keeps a well trained eye on the city's archives. After an attempt on his life during that left him disabled, he's stepped down from his position. Nevertheless, he continues to work behind the scenes- playing as an informant and confidant for the current Mayor. PEACEKEEPING MAYOR is the current head honcho serving in office. Having been an ex-archagent like Villager, positions of great responsibility (and stress) are nothing new to her. She's a stubborn woman with a who will do anything for the city- going so far as to work with the Cabal to keep as eye on what goes on in the shadows. If the Mayor watches over the city, who watches the Mayor? That duty of course goes to ASSIDUOUS REGIMENT, the head of the City Council's security department. Having failed to protect Villager before, he's sworn to himself to not allow that to happen ever again. He's a stiff, stern figure, but below that tough exterior, he's got a good heart.
The three of them work day and night trying to maintain the balance of the city- but everyday it grows clearer it was made to be less of a home and more of a playground.
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ontdah · 1 year
[Was It Worth It?]
Gangshuffle AU Comic
(tw: blood, censored depiction of body part loss)
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Why don't we start we start from the beginning?
DD: I suppose there's no other way to start.
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DD: I used to be a soldier during the war. I was entirely dedicated to Derse, I followed all my orders- but I ended up exiled regardless of my loyalty. DD: I was an empty husk for months. No purpose, no hope, no goal. DD: I was simply waiting to die.
I'm sorry to hear that. That must've been awful.
DD: I wouldn't wish that despair on anyone. DD: Though, it did lead me to meeting someone.
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DD: He made me feel alive again.
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DD: Here was this man- a Prospitian who was young, and bright-eyed, and full of potential- exiled off to the same island as war criminals, and dissenters, and all manner of depressing lot. DD: His previously hopeful future had been thrown away, and he'd lost seemingly everything, and yet...
DD: He was still hopeful. DD: He still had dreams. DD: He had so much determination in him, he was even willing to drag a stranger along to help achieve his goals. You.
DD: Indeed. He saved me from my despair. DD: He became my hopes and my dreams, and my goal. From the moment he pulled me onto the shores of the new island, I swore I'd follow him anywhere. DD: And so I did.
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DD: Even when I shouldn't have.
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DD: I tore myself apart for this man. DD: I did everything I could to serve him and his goals no matter how much it hurt.
Do you regret it?
DD: ... Some days.
Was it worth it?
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DD: For him? DD: He was worth every last nerve ending.
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✅ Blindness
✅ Likes their blindness
✅ The Grin TM
✅ Blades
✅ Likes to weird people out
✅ Seer
✅ Specifically sees alternate timelines
✅ Potential for a kismesissitude with a blue-blooded eight-ball-themed huge 8itch but it’s not that simple
✅ Also something quite complicated up with a windy powers guy
✅ “Judge, jury and executioner”
I present to you…..
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ID: An edit of the talksprite gif for Terezi Pyrope in Alterniabound (Homestuck p.2792) now portraying Scrutinous Scourge — the version of Spades Slick in the Gangshuffle AU (link). He is a thin human with light orange-brown skin, narrow eyes with no visible irises&pupils, and long wavy brown hair with some thin yellow streaks, wearing a white shirt with an unbuttoned collar and rolled up sleeves and a grey kimono with a spade pattern that is let down from his shoulders. He has regular human teeth, but with noticeably sharp canines. Like Terezi with the original sprite, he is holding a cane with one hand and leaning on it with the other. In the gif, he is at first talking with a wide, teeth-showing green on his face, then talking with a frown, still showing just as much teeth, then laughing with his eyebrows raised, then there are two static expressions: what is probably a smirk (no teeth this time) and a >:? expression, in which his mouth is literally replaced with a horizontal question mark shape. /End ID
The last two separately:
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soltytears · 1 year
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“ you wouldn't know monsters of the night even if they looked you in the eyes during the day. ” || gangshuffle is @ontdah 's masterpiece :]
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dalekdi · 1 year
Third Line Street (Gangshuffle AU)
Third Line street was quiet and bright. For a second Cezar thought about putting out a phone to send sunbeams but changed his mind. He turned to an alley, towards the courtyard, glanced at dark-green trash cans, moved around the building and approached a low two-floor house, barely noticeable among these identical grey buildings. Knocked and stepped back, rolling from heels to toes. 
A man who opened the door stared at him with a confused grimace.
“Cezar?” The man looked down at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Just came to pick up a couple of things.” Cezar came inside, leaving the man standing at the doorstep. A woman appeared from the depth of the house, just as confused. Cezar looked at her, at the man, and wondered: 
“What about ‘Hello, come in, make yourself at home?’ Well, nevermind. How are you doing? Has Ming already graduated?” “Three years ago.” Said the woman.
“Did you, what, pierce your ear?” The man squinted, as if trying to cling to at least one feature in the guest’s appearance. 
Cezar walked to the kinchen, ignoring the gazes of two people following him. 
“Mmm, eclairs! I just got hungry.” He took a box of cakes out of the fridge and moved one into his mouth. What a performance. Then he fished out a plastic milk bottle, washed down the taste of chocolate cream and put the bottle on a table. “Aren’t you hungry?” He asked, turning his head to back.
To the quiet sound of voices Cezar took a cocoa can. Steadily, methodically diluting the drink with a thin stream of milk, he immersed himself into the smell and corners of his lips lifted in an involuntary smile. I wanted to drop you at the orphanage back then. “I know”, he replied. 
Cezar sat at the table putting the mug in front of him and took a pleasurable sip. The man and the woman sat before him, and the woman finally said:
“We missed you.” “Glad to hear that!” Cezar beamed. “I would miss someone who I could use as a punching bag because he can’t fight back, too.” “Don’t say that.” The man snorted immediately as his wife pursed her lips like she was about to cry. “And what should I say?” Cezar asked innocently, pulling the cookie out of the plate that the man moved to himself. Huh. He poured the cookie into the cocoa and waved it carelessly. “Are Ming coming?”
“Only in a week.” “Won’t see each other, then.” Cezar put the softened cookie into his mouth, chewed and wiped his lips with a hand. “It’s alright.”
Finishing the cocoa, Cezar said he will go pick up his things, and walked away. It looked like the house’s interior didn’t change at all - same drawers near the wall, same white doors, the floor is creaking in the same places. Cezar came upstairs, crossed the corridor to the further room and, leaving himself without any time to stop, walked in.
Who’s Ming? “She’s not my own,” Cezar replied, sitting down to the bed. He opened the drawers and began putting various items out of it. “Never liked me much.” 
The items were sorted into two piles: what has to be taken with him and what has to be left here. The second was bigger. Cezar pushed himself into sorting as deep as he could but all his efforts were not enough to close pictures rising in a memory from his shadow. Disgusting. Cezar didn’t answer but proceeded to sort pants, T-shirts, bracelets and torn notebooks into two piles. “You were the one who said about the performance”, he finally decided to remind, and suddenly his hand felt a dense fabric.
“Got it!” Cezar happily pulled out a green jacket with crooked red patches on its sleeves. You won’t wear it with Deor. “Not with Deor.” He agreed. 
Putting a jacket, two keychains and some more things into the bag, Cezar walked out of the room.
“I was happy to see you but it’s time to go.” He announced, coming downstairs. 
“Won’t you come here sometimes?” The woman asked, and Cezar shrugged. 
“We’ll see. I don’t have much of a free time at the moment, you know, grown-up life and all that jazz,” he waved his hands vaguely. “But it can be so nice to return home!” 
“Of course.” The woman agreed in relief. 
Finish these tricks, let’s move out.
“Have a nice day!” Cezar smiled radiantly, waved his hand as if nothing happened, and left the house, leaving it behind his back. Third Line street was as quiet and bright as it was an hour and as it was seven years ago.
A horrible tragedy happened this morning in the North Side of Dalenmachi: a couple with their adult daughter crashed into support columns of a gas station. Collapse of the structures made it impossible to extract the victims from the burning car…  ____________________________________________________________ See the official Gangshuffle AU blog here: https://gangshuffle.tumblr.com/
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selanpike · 1 year
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so in gangshuffle, steward has never gone sepulchritude. doesn't even have the ability yet. i'm working towards him sort of awakening to his Hero of Pulchritude self but will he ever get it together? will he make good use of it???? who knows
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selanpike · 1 year
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steward is currently on an adventure to fix his tectrix and it's basically just an isekai where he has to do chores for yokai.......... so now i present to you: the isekai light novel version
naka came up with the title, which is "That Time I Died At The Hands Of A Mafia Boss And Broke My Sword But God Gave Me A Second Chance I Don't Think I Deserve". I took some liberties on the translation, which is probably still fucked up
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selanpike · 1 year
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whoops salatik came up with a bunch of cool episode names for if @gangshuffle was a tv show and then we all started talking about what those episodes would be about and then i drew some of them
(the ones about steward because he's my blorbo)
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selanpike · 9 months
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oKAY one more drawing to commemorate my favorite rp blorbo of the year
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selanpike · 1 year
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I got a camera mount to record myself drawing and tested it out by drawing Deor!!! Who is @ontdah ‘s AU version of Die!!!! sometimes he likes to wear a kimono!!!!!!!
video of this will go up on my youtube on friday at 5!!! my username there is the same as here! look forward to it!
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selanpike · 2 years
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there’s a new AU in town and naka and percy have pulled me in
here’s prosaic steward, from the gangshuffle AU. he’s sleuth but with depression and no sense of self worth whatsoever
i like his hair hehe
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selanpike · 1 year
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talking about how the city in gangshuffle is more japanese-aesthetic made me take a csp background and make a very aesthetic pic with it
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ontdah · 2 years
[G A N G S H U F F L E]
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The Mutinous Cabal, a rogue group of vigilantes who are the sworn watchdogs for Marvel Capital
Their "Leader", Debonair Despot
Their true Leader, Scrutinous Scourge
The intel guy, Cogent Dealer
And the muscular medic, Harmonious Bastion
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Team Dick Ace, a ragtag gang of ex-coppers trying to redeem themselves by cleaning up crime in the city- who may or may not be part of the crime themselves..
Their brains, Polemic Imagineer
Their brawn, Acephalous Dictum
And their beauty, Prosaic Steward
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And the Flux (only a few pictured here), the mighty top-dog crime syndicate that rules over Marvel Capital with an iron grip
No one seems to know the names of any of their members, knowing them only by number.
Except of course, the fearsome Deor (6)
and his loyal little dog, Yusha (7)
Hohoho!! I have made an AU! GANGSHUFFLE!!
There is MUCH for me to blurb about them later but.. for now.. heres some of the main boys.. Hehe
Look out for more info on the AU later ;P
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selanpike · 1 year
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he’s supposed to be falling but...... eh............................ anyway yeah i just wanted to use a fancy border today
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selanpike · 2 years
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more of gangshuffle!
this PI is Polemic Imagineer, who looks cute but is actually an absolute bastard
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