#DJ Morph
ccoocckk · 9 months
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lil-tachyon · 1 year
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For the last couple weeks I've been drawing logos / designs for local-ish (mostly NJ, some PA and NY) bands as warmups in the morning. Here's what I've come up with! Massive post below the break explaining each logo + where to find each band and listen to their music.
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Teenage Halloween- a staple of New Jersey basements for probably about a decade now and finally getting wider recognition in the last couple years. Pop punk / power pop with a killer horn section. First time I saw them was in New Brunswick playing with Walter Etc. and Blowout. They played a killer cover "Build Me Up Buttercup" and my wife got a black eye in the pit. Recommended tracks: "Brain Song," "666," "Clarity." Their first EP is on a separate bandcamp page btw, check it out here it's great.
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Sweet Pill - They will call themselves a Philly band but in my heart they'll always be from Glassboro. Definitely one of the more recognizable names on this list. Emo revival - early stuff is more twinkly, more recent stuff is heavier. All of it's great. Recommended tracks "Nephew," "High Hopes."
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Shark Club - Central Jersey's finest. I'm very biased because I actually know these dudes and they did the music for my wedding. Some of the best pop punk you'll hear and the nicest people you'll meet. Recommended tracks: "Game Theory," "Bill Murray," "Heavens to Betsy."
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Rest Ashore - My favorite band for the last (oh God I'm old now) eight years. From gut-wrenching emo ballads to virtuoso math-rock instrumentals they do it all. One time I got to sing vocals on "Lucy's Theme" at a house show- thank you Erica! Recommended tracks: "Hjarta," "Chinese Opera," "Devotion," "Soyuz Sweetheart." Too many bangers to name honestly, just deep dive their discography.
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Morus Alba - First band I ever went to see at a house show and still one of my absolute favorites. Their music feels like the bridge between the best pitchfork, /mu/ alt rock bands and high energy basement emo. I mean that as a compliment and I hope it comes off as one lol. I should note that since 2019 Morus Alba has morphed from a band into an experimental hip-hop project so later releases sound radically different and basically disconnected from the earlier stuff. Also my favorite release from them, Live at Isabelle's, has been scrubbed from the internet but if you'd like the files just email me. Recommended tracks: "Skyscraper," "Human Resources," "The Goodnight Waltz."
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Have a Good Season - another Jersey mainstay that's still going strong. Emo revival in their earlier releases, now with more 70s power pop influences in their newer stuff. See them live, they put on a fantastic show and usually play some great covers in addition to their original music. HaGS guys if you're reading this, please put your version of "Since You've Been Gone" online, I'm begging you. Recommended tracks: "Joseph / Shel Silverstein," (you have to listen to them together for the drop, so good) , "Gum, "Gleaux / Scab." Also, frontman Nic Palermo interviewed me once.
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Elephant Jake - If you see any of these bands live make it EJ, they put on such a damn good show. Electrifying indie punk from the Empire State. Recommended tracks: "F.D.C." "Sarah Moyer," "Goodness to Honest," and of course you gotta learn "Sebastien Bauer" for the singalongs.
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Blind Lion - Sadly one of the greats that we lost along the way. Defunct since about 2017. I only got to see them once but it was a great performance. Alongside their own stuff they played some killer covers of "Bad Moon Rising" and "Moonage Daydream." I had trouble doing a logo design for them because I actually really like the composition, if not the "Ed Hardy-ness," of their existing logo so what you see here are two separate attempts, neither of which feels entirely satisfying to me. Frontperson Larry Flately currently plays in Nematode and also handled production of Bradley Gardens joke hiphop group The Breakfast Boiz under the moniker "DJ Ova EZ." Recommended tracks: "Brumous," "Dinner."
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Fighting Seasons - A band that I sadly found out about too late (via a sticker under the bridge in my town which has since been painted over). 2010s pop punk that packs a helluva punch, especially considering that I'm pretty sure the members were high schoolers for most of the band's existence. I think some members may have gone on to form Sawce (FFO Chon, Polyphia, that type of music) but I can't remember where I read/heard that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Recommended tracks: "Fighting Seasons," "Oil on Canvas"
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Milkmen- Another fallen giant, officially disbanded in 2019. Like Morus Alba, they played the very first house show I attended and their few releases remain on constant rotation in my home. Used to put on a great show and were one of the bands I always thought would make it big until suddenly they weren't around anymore. Frontman Ben Thieberger contributed guitar and vocals to Covid quarantine project Kin if you're looking for a bit of an extra fix but beyond that I don't know what these guys are up to these days, sadly. Recommended tracks: "Ramus," "Johnny Dangerously," "how sieves catch breeze," "K.O.T.H."
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Stand and Wave - New York (now Philly) pop punkers delivering instant dopamine hits with every track. Another great live act, see them with EJ if you can! They often play shows together. Recommended tracks: "Convos," "Mrs. Dash," "Splashton Kutcher," "Michael Collins."
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My Chemical Romance - You know who they are. While I was drawing all these other logos I ran a poll on Patreon to decide which famous New Jersey band should also be graced with a drawing from me. MCR won the poll by a hefty margin so unfortunately you won't get to see me do an illegible black metal take on Hoboken's Yo La Tengo. I ended up doing two versions: the one with the halo is the first, the one with the bats was the second. I tried to do something kind of thin and elegant with the first one and I don't think it's terrible but I also wasn't quite satisfied with it. For the 2nd attempt I tried to lean into the kind of pulpy, almost horror punk aesthetic of early MCR and I think that one looks better even if it's less original.
Anyway if you took the time to read through all this, thank you very much! And please support these bands! Also If any of the links aren't working please let me know.
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eqt-95 · 4 months
I'm here to bring fluff and happiness back with this ♥️
ok so get this: my phone showed your ask as a red heart. so here I was, typing away about deep-throating popsicles and fingering milkshakes when I opened your ask on my laptop and saw a... white heart?! absolute witchcraft!
and since now i don't know what's right-side up from upside down, i offer a mash up: ❤️+🤍 or 'first kiss / realization' + 'kiss at the wedding / milestone'
p.s. thanks for the fluff and happiness injection. i needed it
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Kara loved going to weddings. What wasn’t there to love? There were flowers, delicious foods, endless dancing, and, best of all, that excuse to confess your deepest feelings in front of friends and family to the love of your life. 
She’d watched her sister and Kelly share their vows, commit to each other, and look darn good while doing it. She danced with Nia and Brainy to Bye-Bye-Bye which was technically of Alex’s no-play list, but Nia bribed the DJ. She stuffed her face with cake alongside Esme who was stubbornly fighting off the sleepies. She even had the most amazing pep-talk slash hug slash reveal with Lena.
The very best kind.
The kind that left her warm and seen and cherished.
The kind that left her wanting that same feeling for forever. 
The kind that felt like a Red Sun: held and understood and home. 
So why did she feel so… heavy and twisted inside?
Stumped. She was stumped. She was also in a slump. Her lower lip was quite close to a grump. But how to overcome this hump?
She shook her head. Now was definitely not the time for Dr. Seuss rhymes. Though silently she argued there was always time for Dr. Seuss rhymes.
Serious Kara won out. So instead of rhymes she stewed. She stewed and brewed and searched for a clue(d) -
“What’s up homie?” Nia asked, sliding across the bench and tipsily colliding into Kara’s side. “You missed REO Speedwagon. Even J’onn gave it his all; might’ve thrown out his back though. Poor guy. I am parched.”
Kara bit her lip and scowled and really really wanted a rhyme scheme to get her through this. “You love Brainy, right?”
“Woa, left field there swinger,” Nia smirked. Her attention was on the array of glasses with colorful drinks littering the table behind them. “Sure do.”
Kara slouched and let her chin find the palm of her hand. “So how did-”
“You think this is sour raspberry?” Nia interrupted, a cup of bright blue liquid appearing under Kara’s nose. “Or tropical punch,” she said.
Kara sniffed the cup. “Tropical punch.”
“Bonus,” Nia exclaimed and took a long drag. “You were saying?”
“Um,” Kara began without an ounce of heroic chutzpah. “How did you know?”
The question made the ‘heavy’ feeling morph into butterflies. It did nothing for the twisting. In fact, it exacerbated the twisting. It wrangled around her heart and made her breaths shallow with nerves. Definitely no chutzpah.
“Easy: He’s my person. My ride or die. To infinity and beyond. The Clyde to my Bonnie.”
“Are you sure that’s who you want to compare-”
“Look, it doesn’t matter. They went out with a bang,” Nia scoffed. “But fine, point taken,” Nia conceded then pulled another deep swig. “He’s the Orpheus to my Persephone.”
“I think you mean Eurydice.”
“Sure.” Her lips were now a faint shade of blue.
“But also, didn’t Orpheus fail-?”
“He did no such thing!” Nia proclaimed with rather unfounded enthusiasm. Juice sloshed onto the grass. “He went to the depths of hell for the woman he loved. He descended through souls and ghouls and fools-”
Kara wondered if this was the rhyme she needed. Maybe it was, because it propelled her up and across the lawn and so focused was she that Nia’s parting words of ‘Go get her, champ!’ fell of deaf ears.
She stumbled over lawn darts and accidentally destroyed a life-size jenga game. She nearly walked straight through the barn wall and into a decorative trough. She walked straight past the cake without grabbing a slice. 
Kara Zor El was on a mission.
And that mission was less than ten feet away, laughing and radiating like the sun rose and shone only for her. Her nose scrunched as the smile spread wider when Kara approached. It faded only slightly when the palpable look of fear on Kara’s face was noticed.
“Kara? Is everything ok?” she asked, stepping away from the group and brushing a reassuring thumb over Kara’s arm.
They stepped more steps until the steps led them to crickets and tree frogs and only the white noise of people. And ever the Pulitzer winning wordsmith, these were the words that managed to trip out of her mouth:
“I want to be your Orpheus.”
Lena’s mouth parted and eyes narrowed. “You… what?”
“I want to… shoot, no I mean…”
“You want to trap me in hell?” Lena asked. And bless the straight face she was trying to keep, but between Kara’s fish mouthing and absolutely butchering of whatever heartfelt words she had hoped would appear out of thin air, Lena’s face was doing some serious gymnastics to keep from smirking.
“He didn’t fail! He… he…”
Straws. Those were the things Kara was grasping for. Humiliatingly limp, paper straws.
“I want to fight off souls and ghouls and fools for you. I want the chance. I want you and the world to know that you are the person I’d move heaven and hell for you, because you make me feel whole. You make me feel seen and wanted and loved and I just… I just want you. And I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to realize it but I-”
Soft lips.
Soft lips and deep sighs and the flutter of long dark hair tickling her cheeks.
And then a sigh.
And then a ‘wowzers’.
And then a laugh.
And then again.
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ask game
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Today, on August 24th, 1975 – Queen Story!
Queen starts recording ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ at Rockfield studio’s in Galles.
- Ultimate Classic Rock, August 24, 2015
by Eduardo Rivadavia
If you were to write a history of the recording studio and, specifically, its usefulness as a laboratory for musicians' most ambitious creations, then an entire chapter might well be devoted to "Bohemian Rhapsody." The members of Queen began recording the song on Aug. 24, 1975, redefining the known limits of popular music in the process.
Suffice to say that, whatever Chuck Berry had in mind when he asked Beethoven to roll over, "Bohemian Rhapsody"'s jaw-dropping pastiche of rock and opera sure wasn't it. But then, Queen's flamboyant and unpredictable brand of art rock had been simultaneously stumping and amazing all those who'd heard it well before "Bohemian Rhapsody" came along. It continually morphed over the first three albums of the group's career, until 1974's Sheer Heart Attack started connecting all the dots.
During the first months of 1975, Queen toured the U.S. as headliners for the first time (alternately supported by Styx and Kansas), making their first trip to Japan (where they received a Beatlemania-type reception), and, in singer Freddie Mercury's case, receiving the prestigious Ivor Novello Award for his work on "Killer Queen."
All of these accomplishments no doubt boosted the band's confidence (and courage) as they started working on new material, both in unison and individually, for the album they would soon name A Night at the Opera. This was to be produced by their engineer Roy Thomas Baker, and it's safe to say neither band nor producer could have guessed what Mercury had up his sleeve as he started cobbling together both new ideas and spare song parts he'd been lugging around for years in the privacy of his Kensington apartment.
According to Baker, in an interview with Sound on Sound, his first inkling of what was in store only came when he visited Queen's singer at his home, and Mercury first played him "Bohemian Rhapsody"'s initial ballad section, concluding it by casually quipping, "And this is where the opera section comes in!" Mercury, Taylor and the other members of Queen -- guitarist Brian May, bassist John Deacon and drummer Roger Taylor -- then entered the studio following three weeks of rehearsal to help bring Freddie's madcap magnum opus to life.
Together, the foursome and their studio hands spent as much time arranging, re-arranging, adding, subtracting, and adding some more to "Bohemian Rhapsody"'s bulk as most bands of the time spent on entire albums. In the end, Mercury's central ballad wound up preceded by one of Queen's patented, multi-tracked a capella choirs and was followed by a tasteful solo from May, a minute-long opera section, then a heavy metal instrumental passage and finally a reprise of the core melody, fading gently back into wherever it came from.
All these years later, it's the song's operatic climax that remains its most stunning, almost superhuman, accomplishment, as it required them to clock as 10-to-12 hour days over a three-week period. They reportedly needed nearly 200 vocal overdubs in order to flesh out an entire choir. And then, when they were finally done, their label EMI was, to put it mildly, quite unimpressed.
Although, to be fair, the suits' reasons were typically business-oriented, as "Bohemian Rhapsody's" edged close to the six-minute mark, well beyond the limit favored by commercial radio. Instead, the label suggested they release Deacon's excellent "You're My Best Friend" as first single from A Night at the Opera, but Queen wouldn't hear of it, and it only took a moment for the immediate support of DJs across Britain to prove EMI wrong.
Released in the U.K. on Oct. 31, 1975, "Bohemian Rhapsody" would be No. 1 by Christmas and then hold the spot for nine weeks. Its commercial fortunes were undoubtedly helped by the pioneering music video shot by Queen to stand in for them on Top of the Pops while they were already back on tour by the time they were invited to appear. Meanwhile, their single was also on its way to No. 1 in Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Belgium, earning Top 10 honors in multiple other countries and peaking at No. 9 in America, where it eventually became a million-seller.
"Bohemian Rhapsody" stands as one of the best-selling songs in rock history, prone to repeat visits to global charts anytime it is revived for a movie, commercial or other event, and frankly unique as nothing since has come close to matching its sheer heights of excess, bravura, and, oh yeah, inspiration.
(Source ↘️ https://ultimateclassicrock.com/queen-bohemian-rhapsody/)
📸 Pic: 1975 - Recording 'A Night At The Opera' album with co- producer Roy Thomas Baker
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kennysboxergf · 1 year
Can you please write a smutty imagine with Niko. You and Niko are exes and you happen to be at the same party, and you’re dancing with other guys (could be sharky idm) to make him jealous and then you guys end up arguing and doing it 🤪
Better than him ~ Niko Omilana
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You said Sharky but I went with Kenny hope u don’t mind girlie 😘 and sorry for the wait I hope it’s worth it 🫶🫶 this did end up being 2.5k I think
⚠️smut warning⚠️
You adjusted the strap of your black skin-tight dress. You had chosen this one specifically to fuck with one person at this party. Niko.
Damn bastard flirted with you, called you his girlfriend and fucked you good and then broke the relationship off 4 months in? Without giving you a single reason?
The worst part in all of this was that you were still friends with his friends so when Kenny extended an invitation to come party with him and the Beta Squad + extended team you accepted. You liked them all well enough, all of them except him.
You walked through the gates and heard the party was already in full roar, you had arrived 45 minutes-ish late, to keep the man guessing. You had figured he already knew you were coming, so it didn’t really matter when you showed up the night would go the same way. You would talk to and maybe dance with a few of his friends while he talked and danced with a few of his and the two of you stayed out of each other's ways.
So that’s what you did. 
Upon entering you walked straight up Darkest and asked him where you could get drinks. He smiled at you and led you to the makeshift bar. You poured yourself a quick soda and stood there, drinking and analysing the scene looking for a familiar face.
You noticed Chunkz and Sharky off to one side talking to Filly who was over exaggerating something or the other. You found AJ and Kenny in the middle of the room dancing their asses off to some random pop song and you noticed him with George on the sofas talking about something.
He hadn’t seemed to notice you yet, so you decided to make him. You chugged the rest of your drink and took a breath before walking up to the dance floor to join AJ and Kenny. AJ’s head was pointed to the floor as he did some rendition of an Irish jog or something similar but Kenny’s head popped up as he saw you approaching.
You extended a hand in his direction and he gladly grabbed onto it. You thought somewhere in the back of your mind that Kenny had always had something for you but you pushed it away as he pulled you in.
You tread carefully so as to not stumble over your own heels as you got closer to him. He said something along the lines of “Y/n! You’re here!” So you grinned and nodded in response.
The music was pumping loud so you had to get real close to the man to hear anything he was saying, and you might as well, because of course there was no one here who would get jealous right?
As his memory flooded into your mind you looked over in his direction to see him still chatting to George. You huffed in annoyance before putting your hand up and yelling, “DJ! Put on something sexy!” 
You rolled your hips as you said the last word and saw Kenny’s eyes trail down your body. This dress really did do wonders for your curves. 
You cheered as “Pillowtalk” by Zayn floated over the room. You sneaked a glance at Niko to see him finally looking back at you. Perfect.
You grabbed onto Kenny’s shoulders and leant in, “dance with me” you whisper yelled into his ear. You had never seen a man nod back so vigorously as his hands travelled onto your hips.
The two of you moved in sync with the beat. The innocent dancing quickly morphed into more and his hips came up to meet yours. You relented and at this point the two of you were borderline grinding on each other in the middle of this party. 
You looked over at Niko once more and saw him sitting there, clutching the sofa. His knuckles were turning white with the pressure and his face was set in a glare of jealousy. You caught his eye and winked and that ended up being the final straw.
You watched as he pushed himself off the chair and into the dance floor. You felt his hands on your arm and felt the chill as Kenny’s fell off your hips. You heard some shouts and threats but the anger boiling inside you was enough to muffle them.
This absolute scumbag! How dare he break up with you and then try to claim you like you were still his? You felt his hands burning into your wrist and pushed him off. While you had been too immersed in your thoughts he had dragged the two of you up the stairs and into his room.
The familiarity of the room only served to raise your anger and you yelled, “what the fuck?” at him. 
He huffed and you could see the same fire you felt flow through you burning behind his eyes. “You come here.” He starts, taking a step towards you, “and you decide you’re going to start acting like you’re some kind of-“
He trails off mid sentence but you’re not going to let him go with that. You take a step towards him now.
“Some kind of what?” You ask, pointing a finger in anger, “I’m a what, Niko?” 
He turned away from you, “nothing” he murmured.
You lean forward to grab his arm and turn him back around. His head was bent down to look at the floor. 
“Complete your fucking sentence, Omilana” you threaten as you bent over to meet his eyes.
As you entered his line of vision he popped his head back up. Avoiding any eye contacts
“Nothing, ok, y/n! It was a slip up, let it go!” He yelled, throwing his hands in the air and walking forward so he was behind you and didn’t have to look at your face anymore.
“I am not letting this just go” you say, emphasising your point with your hands, “first you drag me from the party, which by the way I was enjoying, and then you come up here and call me names?” 
“Yeah, I saw the way you were ‘enjoying’ the party” he muttered, his back still turned towards you.
You reached one arm up to grip at his shoulder and turn him around. He resisted your efforts so you went around him. The only space in front of him was on the bed so you climbed on. At this point you were on your knees on the bed to face him.
“Excuse you?” You say once you’re settled.
He turned his head to meet your eyes, “I saw the way Kenny was enjoying his night too” he spoke.
You gasped in offence, he really thought he had some sort of claim over you after your break up?
“I’m allowed to dance with people, Mr. possessive” 
“But like that?” He practically whined.
You narrowed your eyes in his direction. “You don’t own me.” 
“Look, yeah, I know that but-“ he trailed off.
“But what Niko?”
By now you had seen the elephant in the room. He wasn’t trying to get you to stop dancing with Kenny, he was trying to get you to dance with him again. And maybe, you were kind of into that idea but he wasn't earning that right back by just pulling you aside and starting an argument.
You adjusted yourself so you were leaning back on your hands on the bed, chest in full display in this already revealing dress.
You saw and heard him gulp as you did. His hands come up to meet each other as he starts fidgeting with his fingers. 
“But. What.” You repeat to get it through his horny mind right now.
You eyed his crotch and saw his dick already hardening in his pants.
“Fuck, you’re such a slut” he whispers, looking up at the ceiling.
“Excuse me?” You ask, that was not the answer you expected to come out of his mouth.
He pounced onto the bed, taking you down as his weight crashed down. The breath was pulled out of your lungs as you landed on your back with him on top of you, his hands on either side of your head.
He leaned down to kiss you, and you reciprocated begrudgingly. When he pulls away for breath you push your body up to get next to his ear.
“Better fuck me out like a slut to prove your point” you whisper into his ear.
Niko was never one to bow down from a challenge. 
He lets out a gasp at the words and pulls you into a sitting position to tug at your dress straps.
You raise an eyebrow, “why don’t you just lift it up?” 
He looks into your eyes with lust blown pupils, “wanna see you, all of you” 
You smile at his need but relented, reaching down to grab the end of your dress and pull it over your head. You watched as Niko’s eyes darted over your body, his mouth open in awe. The decision to skip the bra today was really pulling through for you.
“Are you gonna fuck me today or do I need to go to Kenny for that too?” You tease when he doesn’t move for a minute.
You see his eyes darken at the mention and he springs forward, knocking you back onto the bed (for the second time this night). You laugh at how easy it was to rile him up, the laughter only contributed to his anger as his hands worked double time at his belt.
Just as soon as you heard the whip of the belt as it flew off of him, his pants were down along with his boxers. You felt his hands grab onto your arms as he raised you up to the bed frame.
He holds up his belt in an unasked question but just as quickly discards it when you shake your head. You weren’t about to just let him have all the control after the shit he pulled today.
His hands grabbed onto the outsides of your thighs and made their way up to where the waist of your underwear lay. He slips two fingers into the waistband and tugs them down your legs, his movements are more gentle now as he slides them all the way off.
You watch as he leans towards your core but veers off towards your left knee. He leaves kisses up the inside of your thigh, skipping over the main event as he continues down your right thigh. You groan which eggs him on to continue. He repeats the same process once more.
The third time he starts at your left knee you’re prepared, as he’s passing over your cunt you reach forward to push his head down. He’s shocked at the action but stops himself before you get any more satisfaction.
You look down at him to see him grinning up at you from his position. The two of you hold eye contact for a minute before he goes back in between your legs. Your head falls back as he licks between your folds. Your back arches up to meet him as he licks at your pussy.
You feel the tip of his tongue at your clit and as he starts to kitten lick an overwhelming dose of pleasure to surges through your body. You moan Niko's name to which he chuckles adding extra sensation into you.
He pulls away when the chuckles evolve into laughter. 
You pout at the loss of sensation but mostly at whatever you did to send Niko into hysterics in the middle of eating you out.
When his laughter stops you ask, “why are you laughing?”
The smile is still present on his face but he leans in to kiss you, “just the noises you were making”
You look at him with furrowed brows.
He stumbled over his words to correct himself, “just the fact that I gotta be kinda good at this to get you moaning my name like that” 
You narrowed your eyes and leaned in to kiss him, “I could make you moan my name like that”
“I’d like to see you try” came the reply.
It was on.
You pointed towards the headboard and he held his hands up and moved there. Once he was situated with his back up against the headboard you climbed up and onto his lap.
With a hand on his chest you started to kiss him, his hands coming up around your waist. The two of you kissed on the bed for a good few minutes. When you felt he had somewhat let his guard down you made your move. 
Moving quickly, you positioned your hips over his dick. The man barely had time to process what was going on before you were sinking in. He let out a loud grunt at the movement and his hands tightened around your waist, you gasped at the pressure but continued until you were flush with his skin.
You build up slowly, starting with small hip circles and building up to almost bouncing off his cock with every move. The slow building of your rhythm mimicked the slow building of Niko’s noise level.
He was also increasingly more and more distraught as you bounced on his dick. His head was thrown back and his hands were clutching on tight to the bedsheets. You could tell that he was close to his climax which was just as well as you felt the pressure build in you.
He still hadn’t moaned your name the way you said he would and you wouldn’t stand for that.
You slowed your pace slightly, earning a whine from your ex as he pulled his head back to face you. You cupped his cheek and leaned into his ears to whisper “fuck me.” 
His whine turned into a moan of your name as he got the message. In urgency, he lifted you up and threw you down onto the bed, with you on your back he crawled over your wasting no time to slip himself back in.
It was less jarring this time around but you still gasped as his length filled you up. He continued the same pace you had set when you were riding him as he pounded you into the mattress. Your legs were pulled up to grant him better access.
He was ruthless as he chased both of your climaxes. You felt your walls tighten around him as you got closer and closer, a fact that drew deep grunts out of him. You came first with a loud moan which was the melody that ended it for him.
He pulled out of you and quickly jerked himself to the end onto your torso. You lay there recovering your breath and you felt the bed dip as he fell next to you. Sweat glistened on both of your bodies and you felt the warmth of his cum drying on your stomach but neither of you were in the mood to get up and clean just this instant.
“Got you to moan my name” you whispered through deep breaths.
“Fucked you better than Kenny ever could” he whispered back.
The two of you erupted into breathy laughter as the tension from earlier tonight dissipated into the darkness.
And if Kenny got a few bruises or a black eye or if the guys had noticed that the two of you got closer again you never heard about it.
as always requests are open and please come by and say hi <3
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meatexe · 3 months
dj devotional wants u crying n morphing urself into something unrecognizable in the name of love on this beat. club remix of leonard cohens im ur man starts playing
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dystopicjumpsuit · 10 months
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 15
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Here We Go
Rating: M - Minors DNI
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings and tags: fluff; bonding; SO MUCH SMUT; literally half of this chapter is smut, and I don't know what I was on when I wrote it, but I'd like some more, because it is filthy; fingering; oral sex; unprotected PIV; dirty talk (possibly light degradation/dumbification kink if you squint); voice kink; biting; marking; cum play; excessive use of the c-word; DJ is unwell about Riyo Chuchi and so is Echo
Suggested Listening:
Summary: The team deals with Nemec's inhibitor chip; Echo and Riyo stop sneaking around.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings and "Do It Again," but all three fics can be read as stand-alones.
Start here | Previous chapter | Next chapter | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list | Read on AO3
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Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
When Echo and Rex returned to the common area, Cerra was in the kitchen speaking quietly to Gregor. His eyes flicked toward Rex, then back to Cerra, and he nodded.
“Thanks, Gregor,” Echo heard Cerra say in a low tone. “I’m sorry.”
He gave her a reassuring smile, then turned back to his task. Cerra then crossed to Nemec and drew him aside, speaking quickly. His expression went from curious to concerned, but he followed her without protest into the small area they’d sectioned off to use as a med bay. Echo felt slightly guilty that he hadn’t even attempted to smooth over Rex and Cerra’s disagreement, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it, as Riyo and one of her guards arrived within minutes.
“Hello,” she smiled, and Echo nearly forgot how to breathe.
“Riyo,” he greeted her, not entirely able to conceal the warmth in his tone. 
“Right on time,” Gregor called as he began plating the meal. “No table, so you’ll just have to take a seat wherever you can find one.”
“This looks amazing,” Riyo said as he began to pass the plates around.
Her guard looked surprised when Gregor handed him a plate, but he nodded his thanks and examined the food curiously. Echo led Riyo to a crate and helped her up onto it, then hopped up to sit next to her. Rex had disappeared, Force alone knew where.
“Where’s the trooper you extracted?” she asked.
“He’s with Cerra, having his chip removed now,” Echo said. “Hopefully it won’t take long.”
The rest of the group drifted to any available seats and settled in to eat. A few scattered conversations around the room soon morphed into quiet grunts of appreciation, followed by silence. When Riyo tasted her first bite, her eyes lit with delight.
“Gregor, this is delicious!” she exclaimed. “Where did you learn to cook like that?”
“Abafar,” he said with a pleased grin.
“I’ve never heard of it,” she said.
“You should count yourself lucky,” he chuckled. 
“I feel a little foolish that I was bringing soup when you’re such a brilliant cook,” she admitted.
“No need to feel foolish,” Gregor said. “I was away on a mission, so I wasn’t here to cook that day anyway. Besides, every cook knows that the best tasting meals are the ones someone else cooked. Unless that someone is Cerra. Never ask her to cook for you.”
Riyo laughed. “It can’t possibly be that bad!”
“You wouldn’t say that if you’d tasted her food,” Gregor giggled.
“What were you doing on Abafar?” Fireball asked curiously, and Echo remembered that the young clone had never gotten his promised explanation.
“Crash landing,” Gregor replied. “I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“Is that why—” Fireball started to ask before stopping himself, apparently regaining some measure of tact.
“The voice?” Gregor asked. “No, that came after I got blown up in a rhydonium explosion. I only lost my memories in the crash.”
Fireball’s eyes went wide. “How are you still alive?”
“That’s not all,” Echo said. “I watched him take two blaster bolts to the chest and walk it off. Gregor’s made of strong stuff.”
“He’s not the only one,” Riyo said quietly, gazing at Echo with an expression of transparent admiration.
“You got that right,” Gregor chuckled. “Echo and I should start a club for clones who got blown up and survived.
“There might be more of us than you realize,” Echo replied. “But first, we have to get them away from the Empire.”
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“Fireball said the procedure wasn’t too bad,” Nemec said uncertainly.
“It should be pretty quick and painless,” Cerra replied. “But I’ll need to shave your hair—at least a patch of it.”
“Might as well take it all off,” he said with a grunt.
“You sure?” she asked. “People might start mistaking you for me.”
He laughed. “I doubt that.”
“How about I just take off enough for the procedure, and when you wake up, you can decide what you want to do.”
He nodded. “Let’s get it over with."
She shaved a small patch of his hair, then had him lie down on the surgical pod bed as she administered a sedative, fastening the restraints around him after it took effect. Once Nemec was inside the surgical pod, Cerra kept a close eye on the screen, tuning out the noise of the group outside. She had only watched the procedure before, never performed it herself, and she didn’t want to risk getting something wrong. The operation itself was relatively quick—considering it was brain surgery—but according to Rex, recovery times could vary significantly. Fireball had woken up about ten minutes after having his chip removed, but Rex had told her that one of the enhanced clones he’d helped on Bracca had taken much longer.
The pod beeped as the level five atomic scan located the chip, and Cerra entered the removal command. The machine hummed to life. Nemec’s fingers twitched, but the pod’s restraints held him steady as the automated procedure commenced. Cerra reached out and took his hand in hers, holding it as much for her own comfort as anything else. His fingers tightened briefly around hers, and she knew it was just a reflexive response, but it reassured her anyway. So absorbed was she in her task that she didn’t hear the door hiss open or the footsteps approach behind her.
Cerra flinched and pulled her hand away. “Kriff me, Rex, you scared the shit out of me.”
“Sorry,” Rex said with a half smile as he handed her a cup of caf. “Didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
She took a sip and knew immediately that Gregor had made it. Some day she’d have to ask him what he did to make his caf better than anyone else’s.
“Everything seems fine, aside from the small detail of someone who is very much not a medical professional performing brain surgery,” she said.
“You got this,” he said. “Want some company while you wait?”
“Don’t you have Gregor’s fancy dinner to eat?” she asked.
“He’s feeding the rest of the group first. He said he’d wait to cook ours until Nemec is recovered enough to eat,” Rex shrugged.
Her heart gave a little twist. Of course, Gregor would find a way to make sure everyone was taken care of. She should have known.
Rex stood next to her, strong and reassuring, and Cerra felt her anxiety drop to a mere simmer in the face of his unflappable calm. The pod control panel indicated that the surgery was proceeding normally, and she gradually relaxed.
“Pretty decent ship you and Gregor got for Balmorra,” she observed. 
“It’ll need some modifications—engine and weapons upgrades. Think you can handle it?” he asked.
She snorted. “Obviously. It would go faster if Trace were here to help out, though. Any chance she’ll be back sometime soon?”
Rex shook his head. “There’s still too much heat on Coruscant for either of the Martez sisters to risk coming back for now. Echo is good with a hydrospanner, though.”
“Good point,” Cerra said. “I’ll ask if he has time to help.”
“What else would he be doing?” Rex asked.
Cerra raised her eyebrows. Was it possible that Rex had missed the way Echo and Riyo looked at each other? They could hardly be more obvious if they were kriffing on the roof of 500 Republica for the entire planet to see.
“You never know,” she said with a shrug, allowing Rex to keep his innocence for the moment. It was really none of her business anyway.
Cerra wasn’t sure when it had happened, but Echo had been noticeably less grumpy for the past week or so, and if she had any credits, she would have bet every last one that Riyo was the reason for his newly cheerful outlook.
The surgical pod hummed and whirred as it worked, and within half an hour or so, it beeped an alert that the procedure was complete. Cerra double-checked Nemec’s life-signs, which were all normal, then settled in to wait for him to wake up. Rex started to clean his DC-17s, which was a sure sign that he was bored and looking for something to do with his hands. Cerra stretched and flopped back in her chair while she waited. Their makeshift med bay was not remotely soundproof, and snatches of conversation and laughter drifted in occasionally.
Kriff, she was tired. Sometimes she thought she could sleep until the heat death of the universe and still need a nap afterward. She rubbed the grit out of her eyes with her fist, drawing Rex’s attention.
“Why don’t you go join the others?” he asked. “I’ll stay with Nemec.”
“Nah, it sounds like they’re having a good time. Wouldn’t want to bring everyone down.”
“It looked like you were having fun earlier,” Rex observed. “Almost reminded me of the way things used to be.”
She snorted. “We raised some hell, didn’t we?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said in a dignified tone.
“Really?” she asked. “You don’t remember that Cody used to have a framed holo of you, me, and Fives dancing on the bartop at 79’s?”
“I remember Fives and Jesse doing body shots off of you and the three of you almost getting arrested for public indecency.”
“Oh, yeah, that was a fun night,” she grinned. “I’d never seen Tup so mortified. Poor kid didn’t know where to look.”
They reminisced quietly for some time. Nemec’s vitals were stable, but he took longer than anticipated to wake up, and eventually, the sounds of laughter and conversation from the garage faded as the night dragged on. Someone knocked on the door, and Fireball poked his head inside to check on Nemec’s progress, and then Gregor joined them, carrying a sabacc deck.
“Where’s everyone else?” Rex asked as Gregor dealt.
“They all headed back to the embassy,” Fireball said. “Echo said he’d be back in the morning.” 
Rex looked startled, and Gregor and Cerra exchanged wordless, amused glances. A warm glow spread over her. She’d missed Gregor badly since he’d been avoiding her, and she hoped things would get back to normal now that she was safely home from Raada.
The surgical pod beeped, and she hopped up immediately to check on it, Fireball following close behind. Nemec’s eyes opened slowly.
“Welcome back, brother,” Fireball said.
“Did it work?” Nemec rasped.
“All readings are normal,” Cerra said with a smile. “Looks like we have another successful mission, boys.”
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“Do you know, I’ve never had a bath before,” Echo said, stroking his fingers down the soft, damp skin of Riyo’s arm.
He gazed out the transparisteel wall at the vast expanse of Coruscant’s upper levels, the lights of the towers and spires resplendent against the darkness. Inside Riyo’s luxurious ensuite refresher, the lights were low, glistening off the water droplets that scattered across her lovely, smooth skin like stars in the night sky as she sat between his legs, her back leaning against his front, soaking in the warm, fragrant bath.
“Never?” she asked, tilting her face up to look at him from where she reclined on his chest.
“Mmm,” he replied, pressing his lips into her hair. “Not unless you count bacta tanks.”
He felt the slow, hypnotic movement of her hands tracing up his thighs beneath the warm, fragrant water as she nestled between his legs.
“How do you like it?” she asked.
“It’s perfect,” he said. “Never been so happy my prosthetics are waterproof.”
He kissed her again, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear, and then lower on her neck as she tilted her head to give him better access. He slipped his hand around the front of her body to cup her breast gently, rolling her nipple with his thumb as she exhaled a luxurious sigh. Shifting slightly, he bent his leg and nudged her thighs apart with his foot. She complied immediately, her body softening and opening for him as he trailed his fingertips down her abdomen.
Her hips shifted, brushing her ass against his cock, and his breath caught at the sensation of her plush curves teasing him. He rested his hand over her pussy and drew her body backward through the water, grinding slowly against her.
“Do you feel what you do to me?” he whispered in her ear. “Do you feel how fucking hard I am for you?”
She gasped at his filthy words, and her body arched against him. “Yes, Maker, yes.”
He circled her clit languidly, keeping his pressure light. She slid her hands further up his hips to hold his body closer to hers, moaning quietly. His mouth dropped lower, his tongue dragging across the sensitive junction of her neck and shoulder, his teeth scraping lightly over her flesh.
“Echo…” she whispered.
“Tell me,” he murmured, wrapping his scomp arm across the front of her chest and pulling her shoulders firmly against him. “Tell me what you like.”
“I like everything you’re doing, and—Oh!” she gasped as he grazed a particularly sensitive spot.
“Tell me,” he repeated, his voice deep and rough.
He rocked his cock against her ass again, and she let out a broken whimper. “That—oh, kriff—I like that—I love feeling how hard you are. I love knowing that I did that to you—gods, Echo…”
Gradually, he increased the pressure and speed of his fingers on her clit, rocking his cock against her ass as he lavished kisses over her shoulder, neck, and jaw. He could feel her legs beginning to tremble as her hips moved rhythmically against him. The water rippled and splashed around them, and Riyo slipped on the floor of the bathtub as her legs gave out, but Echo held her securely, pulling her in and kissing her deeply as she came apart in his hand.
Her soft cries reverberated off the hard floors and walls of the refresher, and pleasure coursed down his spine at the sound of them. Kriff, she was so beautiful, so responsive. He loved the way her body felt as she writhed in his arms. He worked her through her orgasm with his fingers, and when at last she collapsed against him, breathless and spent, he held her close, breathing in her scent.
She dropped her head back to rest against his shoulder as her eyes closed and an expression of utter bliss settled across her features. He reflexively lifted his arm off her chest to stroke her face but stopped as he realized he’d reached for her with his right arm, the scomp hovering inches from her delicate skin. She opened her eyes as she sensed the tension in his body.
“It doesn’t bother me,” she said softly. “It’s part of you, and I like all of you.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he demurred.
“You won’t.”
Cautiously, he closed the distance, trailing the scomp across her cheekbone. 
“What does it feel like?” he asked, curious if the sensation felt different to her than it did to him.
“Cold,” she replied. “It doesn’t hurt.”
“Does it feel strange?” he asked.
She shook her head. “It just feels like you.”
She tilted her face closer to him and brushed her lips over his jawline, working her way back toward his ear and down the side of his neck. The soft, light touches sent sparks of arousal dancing across his skin, and he rumbled deep in his chest as she twisted around in his arms to continue her progress downward. He felt her hand close around his cock beneath the warm water, dragging over him in unhurried strokes.
She knelt between his knees, gently teasing his balls and the insides of his thighs with her free hand as she worked his cock, and Echo knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. He closed his hand around her wrist, stopping her movements as she glanced uncertainly up at him.
“Bed,” he rasped. “Now.”
She sucked in an audible breath, her eyes wide as she nodded. They climbed out of the bath and toweled off in record time, and then they were stumbling toward the bedroom, and Riyo’s lips were on his, and her hands were roaming over his body, until at last he picked her up and tossed her onto the mattress, following immediately as he pinned her to the bed and began to devour her entire body with kisses. 
He plunged his tongue into her cunt and tasted her tangy, sweet arousal, and he was so kriffing hard he ached to bury himself in her. She kept making those soft, lovely whimpering sounds that drove him to the absolute brink of his control, and as much as he wanted to give her a second orgasm before he fucked her, he thought he might actually die if he had to wait much longer. 
His finger met absolutely no resistance as it glided into her silken, slick warmth. He traced down until he found the soft, ridged spot he was looking for, and then he began to stroke in tiny circles. At the first press of his fingertip, she let out an abrupt cry as her hips arched up off the mattress, and he smiled against her cunt as he continued to tease her clit with his lips and tongue. He braced his scomp arm across the top of her pelvis and pressed her down into the mattress to hold her in place as he relentlessly moved inside her until she shattered with a frantic scream.
“There it is,” he whispered, working her through her climax with his fingers and tongue. “There’s that gorgeous sound. Fuck, I love to hear you come, little one. Prettiest karkin’ voice in the galaxy.”
She gasped for air as she writhed beneath him. He drew out her orgasm, his eyes drifting closed as he listened to those soft, desperate moans that slowly became incoherent begging.
“P—please, please…” she whimpered. “Echo—I need—”
“What is it, darling?” he asked, circling his thumb over her clit and enjoying the way her body jerked in response. “What do you need?”
“You!” she gasped. “Please, I need you.”
Fuck. When she begged him like that, there was nothing he could deny her. He began to kiss his way up her abdomen, over her sternum, between her breasts, along her throat, and at last, as he reached her mouth, he sank into her soft, slick warmth. His lips captured her sigh as his cock pressed into her cunt.
“Kriff, Riyo, you feel perfect,” he said. “Never felt such a perfect fuckin’ pussy.”
She shuddered and wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him deeper into her. She gazed up at him with lust-glazed eyes, her lips falling open as he took her hard and fast, her breath punching out of her with each thrust. 
He brushed her hair back from her face as he murmured, “Let me see those beautiful eyes. Not a thought inside that pretty head, is there?”
She shook her head. “Only you.”
He kissed her deeply as the pleasure built in his body. He felt her clenching around him, and he knew she had another to give him. He broke away from her kiss, tucking his face next to her ear as he began to whisper absolute filth.
“You like that, little one? You like it when I fuck all the thoughts out of that brilliant, gorgeous brain of yours? When I make you forget about everything except my cock? Tell me,” he growled.
“Yes,” she choked. “Gods, yes.”
“Tell me what you like,” he ordered.
“Fuck! Gods, I like—I—”
“What’s the matter, love?” he asked wickedly. “Can’t string together a few words?”
Her brows drew together in an expression of intense concentration, and he knew she was close. He kissed her neck, raking his teeth across her skin. 
“Do you want to come, Riyo?” he demanded.
She nodded her head.
“Say it.” His hand shook with the effort of holding back his orgasm.
“Yes! Please, Echo, please!”
“Then be a good little doll and come for me,” he ordered. “Now.”
Her legs clamped around his hips, her cunt tightening around his cock as she cried out. It was too much. He thrust deeply into her and came so hard his vision whited out. His entire body pulsed as he emptied himself, and as he slowly regained awareness, he realized he’d sunk his teeth deeply into her shoulder. He released her and licked the bite mark gently.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, kissing the bruise.
“No,” she gasped. “I liked it—I loved it. Did you leave a mark?”
“I did,” he confessed. “Sorry.”
She shook her head. “That’s not—I love that. Being marked by you. I want to be able to see it for days.”
Holy kriff. Could she be more perfect?
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he murmured. 
He drew out of her slowly and rolled over onto his side, curling his body around hers. His hand drifted down between her thighs, and he began to play with the cum that pooled on her skin, drawing his fingers through it in soft, teasing motions, then gathering it up and pressing it back inside her.
She sighed happily and cuddled closer to him. “I can’t believe I just had a bath, and I already need to shower again.”
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Next chapter
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qpenpals · 8 months
tubbo is now trying to get us all to dress up for the qsmp in suits and dresses and then tag him on twitter! unfortunately i dj t have twitter therefore i will instead be morphing into an indescribable mockery of human flesh to demonstrate my sadness!
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twelvegrimmyplace · 10 months
Nick Grimshaw on kindness, queerness and life lessons as a grown-up.
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Gay Times Honours Issue 2023
Friendly media mogul Nick Grimshaw, aka Grimmy, has done it all. He’s introduced his parents to Lady Gaga and, recently, even had tea with Harry Styles. Now, however, the former Radio 1 DJ is getting acquainted with something else – growing up. 
Getting older, no doubt, is terrifying. Carefree late nights with mates at sticky, flooded gigs are suddenly swapped for questions revolving around major milestones: partners, career, and, of course, kids. Close friends are no longer egging you on to ditch work and hangout or checking in to see if you’ve actually drank water. Instead, you’re trying to squeeze in a meetup between deadlines, dates and an ever-growing to-do list of life admin. And Grimmy is no different. Booze-driven afterparties have morphed into nourishing Sunday roast dinners with Mesh, his fiancé. Girl dinner Quaver packets have matured to conversations – on his glitzy new foodie podcast Dish co-hosted by Michelin-star chef Angela Hartnett – with Miriam Margolyes on how she likes her mashed potatoes. 
Having the big four-zero on the radar prompted a new perspective for the presenter. What was once maligned (“I felt like growing older was the end of something or deeply depressing,” Grimshaw admits) has been, mostly, embraced. It’s less coming of age but, rather, coming to age. Still, new digits doesn’t need to mean the fun is over. In fact, just last night, Grimshaw partied late with celebs Jake Shears, Amanda Lepore, Jodie Harsh, and Mutya Buena in Soho. Here in Holborn, however, things are much more mild. Sure, there’s some tasteful framed nude art to our right and Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ crackling over studio speakers but nothing beats a good old-fashioned launch party, or a karaoke b-day bash taking place later this evening in central London. 
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Nursing a non-alcoholic beer, Grimshaw scoots across a black leather couch, arriving fresh from a photoshoot, something he describes as his “Naomi Campbell moment”. Comfortably clothed in a light-wash denim shirt and distressed jeans, he kicks off the conversation as if reuniting with an old friend. “I've never taken stock before. I'd never sat down and thought about myself, ever, and I don't think people do,” he says. Since his early twenties, Grimshaw’s image has been inextricably tied to two things: big names and his infamous towering quiff haircut. At some point, he acknowledges, you will have heard his quick-fire Mancunian comedy soundtracking your early mornings. Whether he was making jokes with Taylor Swift or having the early hours crashed by Charli XCX, the presenter became a known face at the Beeb. In his autobiographical book, Soft Lad, Grimshaw reminisces on the pull the small screen had on him as a young child. Armed with a love for glamour and theatrics, the events he saw on the telly called to a younger Grimshaw who dreamed of moving out of Manchester to take on London. 
Onboarding, in 2012, at Radio 1 to cover The Breakfast Show was something the podcaster remembers clearly; “There was a lot of pressure”. His days of spinning songs and connecting with artists over music became more than a vocation, but a specialism. While he does admit, sheepishly, that there were days his hangover ran over into work hours, he’s since taken time to reassess his habits and lifestyle. “When I was 23 I was getting absolutely wasted and doing it like a Geordie Shore night out,” he says. Now, Grimshaw is more conscious of being selectively sober in certain environments. “It can be really hard to go out and connect with people who are drunk and you're not drinking. But, sometimes, you have the best nights ever. I went out last night and went to a really fun party up until 1.30 am and had really good chats with loads of people.” He’s taking stock of the bigger moments around him, particularly ones that bring him closer to friends and family – “It's about learning. It's about growth,” he says earnestly. 
At 39, Grimshaw’s longevity has something to do with his candour and bonhomie. The most common compliment doled out about the presenter is his warmth. As a child, he recalls, the label “soft lad” was stuck to him, presenting his sensitivity as something to be ashamed of. But, years later, it’s become something – like his favourite Maison Margiela knit sweaters – that he wears openly. “At school, I always felt on edge that I was going to get beaten up or laughed at. When you've had that, you learn empathy and you think about how people might feel or what they're going through,” he explains. 
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Realisng he was gay, as a child, filled Grimshaw with dread as he feared what it would mean. With limited queer culture references growing up (just Elton John and Lily Savage) his feelings were fully realised, aged 11, when he developed a crush on a poster of England footballer David Beckham pinned up on his bedroom wall. “You know what’s funny, not that I’m doing Miriam Margolyes press, but I saw her yesterday. I'd never met her and I went into her dressing room. Before I could say hello, she pointed and exclaimed: ‘You’re gay!’ and continued with ‘So, my dear, nice to meet you.’ As I got into bed last night, I thought about how that would’ve killed me if I was a teenager, but it was a really lovely bonding moment.” 
Though being a presenter and DJ took up most of Grimshaw’s early adolescent years, his move to writing has allowed him the space to trawl through his past years without expectation. From reassessing his comfort with queerness to realising the strength found in the LGBTQIA+ community outside of his town in Greater Manchester, Grimshaw is grateful for the relationships he’s built with those around him. “I learn constantly from the queer community. It’s that notion of being yourself and leaning into yourself which can be hard to do if you're queer, especially if you've had that knocked out of you when you're a kid,” he says. “The community are essential in helping everyone, and me, support one another.”
Soft Lad and Dish capture different versions of Grimshaw; the quirky characteristics of a presenter that couldn’t surface in a music hotbed. In his new roles, the presenter-meets-podcaster chats to hot-shot talent while unravelling stories centred around food, famous friends and frenzied stories. His book is an homage to his parents (“I realised how important they were shaping me – I love them contractually, but also really love them) and to his English and Irish roots. Bookended between stories of queer curiosity and his loathing for football, tales of community and camaraderie at Radio 1 surface. “I loved it when we had a great guest from the queer community. I had great times with Sam Smith, they would be a riot and would really gossip with us when the records were on and tell us stories that we couldn't have on the radio. Troye Sivan was a great time as well,” he recalls. 
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Another memorable moment was his run-in with an early-era Lady Gaga, in Notting Hill, before she became Mother Monster as we now know her. “I did my first interview with Gaga years ago, for the telly, and it was when she was brand new. ‘Just Dance’ had just come out in America and she was making a bra out of gaffer tape on a dressing room floor,” he says, laughing. “I brought mum and dad along because they were in town so they met her right at the beginning of her career. Ever since then, whenever she'd come onto the radio show, she’d ask about my mum and dad.”
Grimshaw’s stories of famous crossovers are, understandably, endless – even if they’re ones he’s told plenty of times before. Up until recently, he’s remained embroiled in an ecosystem of music promoting a “product” but, now, he feels like his new projects allow for authentic conversations about people and their interests. His mantra, nowadays, is this: “Living in the full, truest form of yourself, without fear and judgement.” For a young Grimshaw, this unbridled queer joy took the form of “glamorous” drag shows where he dressed up as Cher for his family. Today, it’s about cooking in a kitchen packed with too many guests (and remembering to drink water). Turning 40, at one point, felt like a frightening due date. Now it’s a milestone Grimshaw is ready to take on.
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victorluvsalice · 29 days
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Hello all -- it's New Sims 4 Build Day here on Victor Luvs Alice this Wednesday! And I am showing off a build that I've been working on in some form or another for a good while, and which I'm rather proud of -- my new Ministry Of Joy Nightclub! Which, as you might guess, was inspired by The Smiler roller coaster over in Alton Towers. XD Specifically, this thing started life as an attempt to build what I thought like the Ministry Of Joy would look like in the Valicer In The Dark universe, but ended up morphing into this after I thought it would be fun to make it into a nightclub Sims could visit. Let me take you on a little tour:
-->The exterior of the build is based off the basic shape of the actual The Smiler coaster's station (which was SURPRISINGLY hard to find to find pictures of -- fortunately I found some videos on YouTube of the old The Smiler mobile game that had a virtual recreation of the coaster and its station that I could look at to get an idea of the shape) -- though I did change the color scheme, as the actual building is gray for some reason instead of black. It does have pipes like that on the front though! I went with a fancy Art Deco front door because it had one of the best black-and-yellow color schemes, and of course I had to slap a yellow security camera above it. XD I also put that weird spire thing atop it just because I liked it -- it felt right, is all I can say!
-->The first floor is mostly taken up by a big old dance floor (which I sized up a little bit just so it would properly take up the space), with a bar area near the front of the building; a big five-stall bathroom at the back to the left, behind the stairs to the second level; and a "chill-out" space in the weird extra room attached to the back right corner. As you can see, things are aggressively yellow and black in here. XD Though I did make sure to put some extra color in with various paintings and neon lights and such! Anything that was bold and bright and interesting. :) For a few more specific notes:
A) The area behind the DJ booth is a little dark because I was trying to use lights that wouldn't completely wash out the neon lights on the walls over there -- it's a little brighter when the laser light shows are going in Live Mode!
B) The bathroom is so big because I originally had a little side area in it for a diaper-changing station and a toddler potty, complete with its own sink -- I eventually decided that it wasn't particularly likely you would have such things in a nightclub and got rid of it, which allowed me to fit in two extra stalls. Hey, at least your Sims will never have to wait for a bathroom in this build!
C) The "chill-out" room was originally the "worship" room when I was building this as the home of the Valicer In The Dark Advocates (there was one of those weird twisty modern art statues in there with a bunch of chairs around it to represent Mar-Mal), but after I changed the theme of the place, I decided that I wanted it to play host to a couple of bubble blowers. Because the Advocates seem like bubble blower people. XD I ended up adding incense and a couple of meditation poofs for more things to do in here, and because they fit the vibe of this being a place where Sims can chill if they need to. Also, the yellow stripes in this room are the glowing Spa Day walls, because I really wanted to use them SOMEWHERE, and this seemed like the best place. XD Same with the glowing tiles underneath the statues in the corners of the room.
D) Oh, and almost all the interior lights are sized-down rec center lights from Growing Together because they looked vaguely spiraly. Gotta keep on-brand!
-->Up on the second floor, we have an arcade room and a karaoke room, because I like giving my Sims things to do at community lots and those seemed like fun rooms to have! Though, given the lack of actual arcade machines in unmodded Sims 4, I ended up making the arcade a bit more of a general "games room," with a foosball table and a table games table to fill out the area along with the big games machine and the virtual reality gaming mat. The karaoke room also ended up getting a popcorn maker because I really wanted it to have some snacks available, and popcorn seemed like the best bet.
-->And as for the roof surrounding the second floor...well, I took a look at all that empty space and went "I need to do something with this." So I turned the little "balcony" at the front into a hang-out space with spiral-themed loungers, a drinks tray, and a telescope, scattered some benches and a chess table around the place --
And set up a whole hot tub party area in the back above the chill-out room! Because who doesn't like a cool hot tub party area? Especially one with loungers, another drinks tray, an ice cream machine, and a busking area? Oh, and the most fun outdoor lights on a string that I could find? :p Advocates never do party time by halves, after all!
-->As for lot traits, I went with Party Place (because look at it, this place was made for parties), Convivial (because of course the Advocates would want everyone to feel like they can get along with everyone else), and University Student Hang Out (...because I honestly wasn't sure what else to put on the lot and this way the drinks are cheaper XD).
So there you have it -- the Ministry of Joy, ready to help your Sims on the path to happiness! It's up on the Gallery if you would care to check it out, under my user ID AliceNVictor -- you can also find it under "#thesmiler" if you prefer to search by hashtag. It is one of my patented "uses fifty million packs" builds, but hopefully it can find a home in your game anyway. :P Enjoy -- next week, robots!
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presumeddeaddie · 2 months
peer pressure challenge with @eddiesfagstache night 9!!!!! excitement!!!
For the past twenty minutes, Buck's been trying to get them off the dancefloor and over to the photo booth he's been eager to hop into with Eddie. It's not Eddie's fault that they haven't been there yet, though. It's his. In his defense, every time he grabs Eddie's hand to lead him out of the crowd of wasted, jovial reception goers, the DJ plays another jam that the uninhibited Buck absolutely cannot ignore. He's sweating up a storm after back-to-back dancing and belting the lyrics to the songs, the latest having been Shout by The Isley Brothers, but the energy seems endless. And Eddie—beautiful, glowing, smiling Eddie—seems so content to go with the flow. Buck would go as far as to say that Eddie's having a good time, too, and that is more important to him than anything else tonight. Eddie needs this, and truthfully, so does he. Buck is smiling breathlessly at Eddie, ready to make another attempt for the photo booth when he hears a familiar tune that has him gasping for the umpteenth time that night. "Oh, this is a classic! Okay, we have to stay for this one." Eddie looks poised to tease him about "staying for this one" when they've stayed for "this one" about six times already, but his face instead shows a look of recognition that morphs into surprise. Buck's hips are already going, though, and he's locked in on the song, belting immediately. "Para bailar La Bamba, para bailar La Bamba se necesita una poca de gracia." Eddie's gaze is steady on him. He beams at Buck with a look in his gorgeous brown eyes that makes Buck's stomach clench tightly from the intensity and practically throws him off the lyrics. "Come on, Eddie, I know you know this song," Buck says, hoping it will break the spell that Eddie has him locked under.
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cosmica-galaxy · 11 months
WOOO ASK BOX OPEN AGAIN!! I've been DYING to ask this one!!
However it happens, your characters end up cornering a lone toilet with no chance of escape for it. Instead of getting aggressive and snappy, however, it... starts to panic. It backs itself up against the wall, staring up at the Alliance agents with wide, teary eyes. As it shakes in terror and rapidly shakes its head, it can barely bring itself to sing its kind's horrible shrieking anthem, but it forces words past its mouth anyway, and its 'dop nee' slowly morphs into 'nee do' until all it's repeating are quiet, quivering pleas of "no".
How do they react? What do they even do then?
Camron would probably feel a bit of sympathy for it. It's a war after all and everyone is suffering on all sides. No matter how much he tries to pick up the gun and blast it...his finger can't seem to pull the trigger. He can't shake the visual that those wide scared eyes reminds him of what the human looked like when they popped out of that trap. He can only sigh and sign for the skibidi to get out of there...and do something else. Then, he would leave it. DJ would probably feel pity for the lone toilet, but would still hold a grudge for what they did to their titan. He would be a similar situation to Camron, in which he'll keep trying to force himself to kill it. But would constantly faulter. He can't help it. There's just something sad about killing something that's not even willing to fight back. Even unarmed toilets are trying to bite and rip heads off of units...so what's up with this one. He'll just fire a warning shot nearby the toilet before leaving. Vee would become incredibly intimidating to the toilet. He wants to make sure that this abomination knows that TV units are to be fears. He could make it kill itself for his own amusement if he wanted to. He would stand there as menacing as possible, before laughing at it. It's a little pathetic to see such creatures floundering around. Especially this one that's not even willing to try and bite him. He won't lie, it's unusual. The sad fear in it's eyes reminds him of someone...to a point where he simply teleports away. It's just a skibidi. If he doesn't kill it, some basic unit will. Why get his hands dirty? The mimic group would probably all behave the same. Buddy would kill it because it's a threat to the human. Pal would try to give it mercy killing that's quick and painless. Fiend would have a strict no mercy policy for skibidis.
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 01/03/2024
Thank You, Everybody!
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: FINAL BOUT ~ SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Original Soundtrack VOL. 3
Ripped by Expensive Dispenser
Requested by Alex Worm! (Request Form)
God, man. King for Another Day was magical, in so many ways. And I know, I know, that's something I've repeated over and over on here, to where you could almost argue my coverage of KFAD on here is a bit oversaturated - Sunday Morning, September, Here Comes A Thought, Lifelike Waterway...the event was simply overflowing with incredible performances from SiIvaGunner's entire team. Obviously the most exciting part of it all was the finale, and I discussed perhaps the loudest part of that in NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2). Yet, when the dust had settled on that final battle, there was still things to be done. A battle between the tournament's two finalists, yes, but more importantly: A thank you to be given.
It's difficult to grasp just how gargantuan the event was unless you were there to see it all unfold piece by piece, and it's all made yet more jawdropping when you remember that SiIvaGunner still operates entirely as a non-profit, hobbyist endeavor. Back in 2016, the channel had started out as nothing but a pool of pure self-expression, an extended running joke left driven by impulse and commitment to the bit; yet four years in, it had morphed into an entity with continuity, with lore, with running jokes and ongoing storylines...and a devoted group of fans eagerly loving it all. The original King for a Day Tournament back in Season 3 was a rather sharp left turn for the channel's trajectory up to that point, and was only conceived as a way to give the channel something to do during an agonizing copyright strike - yet it wound up being a surprise highlight of the entire year for many of those devoted fans. To have the status quo of the channel's proceedings shaken by a random one-off event, and thus in a way change just what those same fans would expect from the channel in its years going forward...I imagine there must have been a lot of pressure on the SiIvaGunner team in developing the second tournament as a result. In a way, it's sort of felt to me like one of the first ever projects on the SiIvaGunner channel developed specifically to satiate our expectations, rather than subvert them.
What I'm getting at with all this is, that the King for Another Day Tournament was a one-of-a-kind project, one that kept one-upping itself with every step along the way, to the point where several commenters were noting just how insanely high-effort of a project this had turned into - if, for no other reason, than to surpass our expectations. With each MOJO post, each huge-in-scale arrangement, each twist in the tournament's proceedings, it felt more and more like we truly didn't deserve what we were getting. One part that I'm still in awe over was what I covered back in Fall Breaks: as the tournament's two finalists in Mariya Takeuchi and DJ Professor K were about to face off, we were treated to FOUR incredible collaborative arrangements between the two. We were, throughout the entire event, *spoiled* in so many ways, and the excitement through it all was absolutely palpable.
Yet, mere hours before the Grand Finals results were announced, on Christmas Eve of 2019 - we received Thank You, Everybody!
I remember it all clear as day, as one of the first SiIvaGunner rips to make me emotional within just the first few seconds; no, I'd say before I even clicked play. Here was this team of hobbyists, arrangers, composers, musicians of all kinds of trades from all over the world, putting together a project of this scale with no reason but for the love for the medium...And after a project of this scale, they were thanking us. US! The viewers, the fans, who hadn't contributed a single cent, who had no right to demand, no right to expect anything from what the team was to deliver with this tournament. At first glance, it felt completely backwards - until I clicked the video itself and was reminded of what SiIvaGunner truly is. A community.
The team were thanking us for everything else we had done to push them along this crazy ride. For our commitment to following this silly idea for a YouTube channel, for being so vocal about our excitement in so many fields, for speculating and engaging and spreading the word of the tournament throughout the year, and for - in the process of all of that - helping turn SiIvaGunner into a full-on community, scattered as it may at times feel. Yet check the comments on the YouTube upload yourself, and you'll see a community that was - for once - wholly united. Three hundred and nintety-two comments, all of which express the same sentiment, a unified thank-you sent right back for the team for the event they had put together for us.
These feelings are what immediately come to mind when I think of Thank You, Everybody!, but it of course helps that the rip itself is absolutely fantastic at amplifying those feelings. It's not a triumphant, bombastic credits theme - the final results were still to come, after all! - but rather plays to the strengths of Mariya Takeuchi's patented City Pop style for a lo-fi melody cruise. Primarily building on Tyler, the Creator's GONE, GONE / THANK YOU, it implements sprinkles and stylistic flairs of Hideki Naganuma music such as that featured in Jet Set Radio, little hips and hops and record scratches to always remind you which two characters the rip is build upon, yet with a tone that makes it sound as if the battle has just wrapped up.
Its an amazing listen in so many ways, be it with the sappy context given in mind, or just as a fantastic piece of music that shows just why these two were the ones to make it to the tournament's final round to begin with. In both Takeuchi's city pop and Naganuma's sample-funk, we the audience found a kind of sound that was otherwise missing from the channel, we formed a connection with these characters, with the people behind them and their rips. And regardless of who the winner would be revealed to be just hours late, Thank You, Everybody! would remain a beautiful end to the tournament's proceedings, and in its title alone a perfect reflection of our sentiments toward the SiIvaGunner team itself. Thank you. Everybody.
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chocolix76 · 6 months
A little self-indulgent one-shot about Ruin!
You find yourself feeling that Ruin needs a bit of pampering and a reminder that he is loved
Word count: 1,635
The borderline overwhelming sounds of arcade machines in attraction mode blended with the pounding of electronic music blaring through the speakers of the Fazcade hit you like a truck as you stepped inside. You had been in here plenty of times before, but you didn’t think you could ever get used to the barrage of multiple varying sounds hitting you from every possible direction. Despite the sensory chaos, you had one animatronic on your mind: Ruin.
You held two shopping bags precariously on both arms, teetering slightly with every step despite the fact that the bags weren’t terribly heavy. Peeking into DJ Music Man’s portion of the arcade, you weren’t terribly surprised to see that Ruin wasn’t there, the animatronic most likely residing among the swarm of arcade machines on the second floor. That was if he was in the Fazcade at all. If he wasn’t, you were fully prepared to fool around with the functioning arcade machines for as long as it took for Ruin to return, not fond of the idea of lugging two bags back to the daycare.
Walking up to the second floor, you called out Ruin’s name, making your way deeper into the maze of arcade machines. It was hard to tell where the opening of the metaphorical maze began and where it ended, peering through large gaps between arcade machines that were big enough for Ruin to squeeze through. A few feet away, you spotted a familiar nightcap surrounded by the bright yellow of sun rays.
“Ruin!” You called, running up to him. 
The animatronic flinched as he was brought out of a trance, his grin growing wider as he saw you running towards him, not quite getting the hint of what he was supposed to do. Instead of being swept up in his arms as you had hoped, you ended up colliding with the animatronic, falling on top of him as he lost his footing and fell backwards.
“A-Are you alright, my dear?” Ruin stammered, scrambling to pull himself into a sitting position, inspecting you for any kind of injury. His concerned expression morphed into confusion as you burst into laughter, his rays slowly popping in and out. “Why are you laughing?”
“You were supposed to pick me up, silly!” You teased, Ruin’s rays partially retracting at the statement.
“Oh! Do you suggest that we start over so I can get it right this time?” Ruin asked, his rays gradually returning to their normal position. He eyed the now partially crumpled bags you still held in your arms. “I would suggest putting those down though, dear Sunshine. You might get hurt-”
You dismissed his worries with a wave of your hand, sliding the bags off your arms and placing them neatly on the ground where you both sat. “We’re not doing that over again, but I expect that you’ll catch me next time or there will be consequences. Don’t give me that look, I’m joking!”
At the word ‘consequences,’ Ruin had made a staticy sound deep in his voice box, similar to someone gulping. To ease his anxiety that he had done something wrong, you pressed your index finger to the tip of his nose with a smile before placing one of the bags on your lap and looking at him with a mischievous grin.
“Anyway, I thought I could make today a you day! You’ve been holing yourself in here fixing arcade machines day in and day out for god knows how long and I think it’s time you take a break and get treated like a king for a bit. I’m going to give you a spa day that will make Roxy jealous!” You exclaim, Ruin tilting his head with confusion, his spinning rays betraying what could either be interpreted as anxiety or excitement.
“I appreciate the sentiment, but that really isn’t necessary, love,” Ruin replied, taking your hands in his own. His yellow and blue hands were much larger than your own, the coolness of his metal hands causing you to shiver ever so slightly. “If I ever find myself in need of a spa day I shall let you know. I really should get back to work…n-not that I do not appreciate you!”
You normally would have laughed at Ruin’s rambling, but instead you allowed your face to fall into a more serious expression. “From looking at you, I can tell you’re in need of a spa day. Besides, I’m not lugging these bags back here again, so you’re gonna take a break and like it. You don’t have to work yourself to the bone like Moon and Solar to be accepted as part of this family, you know. There’s absolutely no shame in being pampered from time to time.”
“I-If you insist,” Ruin said with a sigh, watching as you rummaged through the bag you placed on your lap and produced a handful of multicolored hair bows similar to the one he wore on his back. 
However, these bows were the perfect size for him to wear on his rays or clip to his hat. His mismatched eyes lit up at the bows of nearly every style and shape, glancing from where they were held in your hands to the bright smile you wore on his face. His yellow hand reached out to take a bow from you before stopping midway and recoiling with a soft jingle from the bells he wore around his wrists. 
“What’s the matter?” You questioned. “Do you not like it? I can always go get different kinds if you want!”
“N-No, that’s not it! I love them, I really do!” Ruin cried, grabbing onto your wrist as you made a move to put the bows back in the bag. A silence passed between the two of you as you waited for Ruin to explain himself. His voice grew softer when he spoke again and you found yourself having to strain to hear him properly. “I do not think I deserve such nice gifts.”
The confession was startling, your heart twisting painfully at his words. Wordlessly, you took the bow he had reached for first, tying it skillfully around one of Ruin’s rays. “You deserve all the nice gifts in the world and one day you’ll realize that. Until then, I’m going to pamper you, okay? That bow looks wonderful on you, Ruin.” 
Rummaging through your pocket, you pulled out your phone and put it on selfie mode, handing it to Ruin who took the phone with extreme care. He tilted his head to the side, getting a better view of the blue bow that contrasted perfectly with the bright yellow of his rays. To you, it made him look even cuter than normal, if that was possible. Gently taking the phone from his hand, you leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, listening to the whirring sound that came from deep within his chassis.
“You’re such a special person, Ruin. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” you said softly, smiling as Ruin fidgeted with his fingers, barely making eye contact. The whirring sound coming from his chassis only grew louder. “Not Moon, not Solar, not anyone. You’re wonderful in every way and I’ll kiss you and put bows on your rays for as long as I need to until you realize that.” 
Ruin made a staticy sound that you assumed was supposed to be a word, your statement, your promise, leaving him at a loss for words. With a mischievous smile, you pressed another kiss to his forehead and secured another bow to his ray with careful precision. With each bow you attached to his rays, you made a sincere comment about how wonderful he looked. He looked beautiful without the bows, but each bow you added only made him cuter in your eyes.
“I have another surprise for you!” You chirped, reaching into your second bag and pulling out an outfit that you knew would fit Ruin perfectly. It was a dress that looked similar to the pants he wore, blue with white stripes that fell just above his ankles. The pattern transitioned into a deep red with crimson stars round the waist with a large blue bow pinned against the back of the dress.
“O-Oh dear, you really went all out with this, didn’t you?” Ruin stammered, his eyes sparkling as you held the dress out. “It looks wonderful, my dear. I-I don’t know if I could accept this, I mean- It’s far too nice for someone like me.”
You shushed Ruin’s rambling by pressing a finger to the animatronic’s mouth, causing him to immediately fall silent. “You don’t have to put this on now if you don’t want to, but I want you to have it. Something gives me a feeling you might like it if you give it a try.”
You paused as your phone buzzed in your pocket, pulling it out to see that your alarm was going off, signaling that your break was over. “I’m so sorry, Ruin, but duty calls. I promise I’ll be back after my shift to continue pampering you!”
“And I’ll be sure to pick you up like you wanted when you get back, my dear Sunshine,” Ruin chirped, though he appeared upset that you were leaving him so soon. “Have a great rest of your shift.”
You planted a kiss on his cheek before practically skipping out of the Fazcade, looking forward to the end of the day more than you were before. You couldn’t wait to see how cute Ruin looked in that dress, but most of all you hoped that your little pampering had made him feel a bit better about himself and let him know that he belonged. Even if the celestial family didn’t welcome him, you knew you always would.
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mrxcreepypastamadness · 6 months
Friday Night Funkin: Sugar Rush Madness V2
Ultra G concepts!
1st Concept:
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Ultra G (Prototype)
Concept for: All-Stars (Sugar Rush Mix)
2nd Concept:
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Ultra G (Formerly known as Ultimate V)
Concept for: All-Stars (Sugar Rush Mix)
3rd Concept:
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Ultra G (Final Concept)
Final Concept for: All-Stars (Sugar Rush Mix)
Bonus Concept:
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Serial Designation G (Aka Glitch)
Full name: Glitch Von Disassembly
Other names:
• G
• Glitch
• Glitchy
• Genivive's trusty assistant
• Genivive's drone
Owner: Genivive (A name based on a real life version of Vanellope from the Wreck-It-Ralph Real Life (Known as The Wreck-It-Ralph Theory.) pasta written by Djpwn3)
Fact: In the alternate universe after the events of The Wreck-It-Ralph Theory, and before the events of Friday Night Funkin' Sugar Rush Madness; both Genivive and Serial Designation G (aka Glitch) are true business partners, until one day some corrupt/jealous businessworkers decided to get rid of both of them by bio-fusing both of them into one abomination to kill not only Genivive herself, but deactivating and dismantling Glitch too first before they can kill her off to bio-fuse her before banishing her and her creations, then they cover-up their classified crimes and the whole entire evidence without any witnesses.
Fact Trivia (Update): Ultra G is an amalgamation fusion of not only Genivive and Glitch themselves but all of the characters including; Rambo (Rancis varient of Omega), IHY Taffyta, Toy Springtrap (From the "Five Nights at Sugar Rush" series from DeviantArt), King Virtual (Mr. Virtual version of King Kandy from Hasbro's classic game; Candy Land), Coronation Day Crumbilina, Abandoned Adorabeezle, GV (GB varient of Vanellope), JB-BX (MX varient of Jubileena Bing-Bing), Horror Wanda & Lollipup.EXE, Ms. L (Mr. L version of Lolli Muttonfudge), DJ Snowannaboo, Secret History Vanellope, Vanellope Von Murder (Retake), Beta Candle (Known as Beta Candlehead), Mrs. XOR, Shelley, King Willy Apparition, & Minturmoil Sakura which can explain the mimicked voices behind the voices itself.
• Ultra G is most likely just Horror Vanellope (or Insane Vanellope which is originally based off from) fused with the other characters because they all belong to her, comparing the way she morphs to "how gems from Steven Universe do so."
• None of the other Sugar Rush characters in the fusion die, but they're still slaves to Vanellope Von Schweetz herself.
• It is not known if the Sugar Rush characters not present in All-Stars (Sugar Rush Mix) are also part of Ultra G, but it's most likely that they are.
(Concepts of Horror Vanellope soon.)
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
do you want too hear about my hazbin hotel/helluva boss oc..........
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anyways this is zan...... she's a dj and a sniper and shes ZUP3R 4W3S0M3!!! XD
her ability is basically she can morph her limbs into whatever she wants (from the stitches down and from the knees down only).....
shes awesome and a raver and she's a sinner who died in like 2013 around that time when emos were cool.. she was like 17 when she died (i also dont really know what animal she is she's just some sort of alien ig) oh and also her glasses are a screen that just have the eye display which is kinda cool
she knew husk back when he was an overlord cause she used to go to the same casino and they bonded over drinks, and then she got recruited to join the battle against the angels cause like. she's a sniper and she's ZUP3R 4W3S0M3 so like yeah
-vii :3
She totally has that 2012-2013 vibes with that hair 😍 She looks so plush and squishable~ I would like to squeeze her cheeks pls
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