#DMBE DigitalMarketing
mfriday86 · 5 years
Mastery Journal Digital Marketing
 My goal was to get more insights on the digital marketing world and what exactly it consist of. To get a better understanding of what methods are used and how to use digital marketing for my specific business type. 
 The course did meet my goal by describing a better understanding of two marketing strategies which are traditional and digital. They both are ways to grab and get your audience attention. Traditional marketing deals with billboards, flyers, television, and or radio advertisements or campaigning. Digital marketing relates to the use of electronic technology to promotion your product or service. These are two very important ways to express or introduce your business and it’s product and service. 
The things I learned from this course is to know what your goal is and to whom and what you are trying to relay your message too. Analysis is important for your business it will help build and grow your business. It forces on any audience that may stop by your sites for exploration. Tracking your activity will help you work on your flaws and recreate the structure toward your specific group as it relates to your audience. Setting your KPIs will increase your goal performance and direct your attention to focus on the objectives and why. As you are trying to maintain your customer value, traffic within your sites, social media, and such will measure positive and negative factors. 
  The skills inquired will help with my business needs. Finding a strategy that works will increase and maintain the success within the campaign. Figuring out the proper KPIs and using analytics to help the business reach positive feedback will definitely be useful especially through digital marketing. The business will be targeted toward teenagers so both traditional and digital marketing will increase awareness. Following these tactics are keys for improvement and growth. Social media platforms are great for brand building. The course helped me understand how to configure and track activities that will boost awareness for the business. 
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