#DMCC Company Set Up Cost
xlntsetup · 2 years
Things You Must Know Before Setting Up Your Business In The UAE!
The UAE is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. It's also a country where you can set up your business with ease and minimal fuss and at a low DMCC Company Set Up Cost. However, there are some essential things that you must know before setting up your business in the country. In this article, we've pulled together some of these things.
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The UAE is a rapidly expanding market.
The UAE is a rapidly expanding market. It has a large population and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. There are many opportunities for business growth here, especially if you're interested in selling your products or services directly to consumers rather than through an intermediary wholesaler.
In addition to offering great economic opportunities for entrepreneurs, several cultural factors make this country ideal for starting a new company.
It would be best if you had a local sponsor/agent, but they don't need to own part of your business.
It would be best if you had a local sponsor/agent, but they don't need to own part of your business. If you're planning on starting up an outdoor sports equipment store or fashion boutique with your partner, you'll need someone to help with paperwork (and possibly even pay off any fines). Your sponsor can also assist with getting licenses and permits necessary for opening up a company in the UAE; this makes it easier when dealing with bureaucracy because all paperwork is handled by one person instead than two people trying to do everything themselves!
Business setup in the UAE requires careful planning and pre-emptive actions best carried out by professionals.
Business setup in the UAE requires careful planning and pre-emptive actions best carried out by professionals. The UAE is a rapidly expanding market, with many free zones offering 100% ownership. However, if you want to set up your business in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or Sharjah, you must have a local sponsor/agent who can assist with setting up your company.
This person must understand how things work in their respective country and keep up with changes within their home country so they can help guide you through what will be required for building and running a successful business here.
A good credit rating aids the growth of your business.
Having a good credit rating is crucial for your business growth. It allows you to secure loans, partners, and investors for your business and new customers, employees, and suppliers.
A good credit rating can also help you get better deals on insurance policies and mortgages.
There are plenty of opportunities to do well in the UAE market.
The UAE is a growing business market. The country's population is expected to grow at around 2% annually for the next decade. With this growth comes opportunities for new businesses and existing ones looking to expand their operations in any way possible.
The UAE has many advantages when it comes to doing business with its people:
There are no income tax rates or capital gains taxes
There are no restrictions on foreign ownership of companies (except those that limit foreign ownership of banks)
In the end
The UAE has always been a place of opportunity and growth for businesses. Whether you're looking to start a business or expand one already in operation, the country has everything you need to succeed. With so many free zones offering 100% ownership options, there are no excuses not to invest here. If you'd like more information about getting started or want the best Company Formation Services, feel free to contact us.
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gtmmee · 19 days
Starting a Low Cost Business in Dubai: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding the Market
Dubai's market is diverse and dynamic, making it crucial to conduct thorough market research before starting a business. Identify a niche that aligns with current market demands and offers growth potential. Popular sectors for low-cost businesses include retail, food and beverage, Low Cost Business Setup In Dubai e-commerce, and services like cleaning, delivery, and freelance consulting.
Choosing the Right Business Structure
Dubai offers several business structures, each with its own cost implications:
Sole Proprietorship: Suitable for individual entrepreneurs. It is cost-effective but offers no liability protection.
Limited Liability Company (LLC): Requires a local partner owning 51% of the business. It offers liability protection but involves higher setup costs.
Free Zone Company: 100% foreign ownership allowed, no taxes, and simplified setup processes. Ideal for startups with minimal investment.
Free Zones: The Low-Cost Haven
Dubai's free zones are particularly attractive for low-cost business setups. They offer numerous benefits, including 100% ownership, tax exemptions, and simplified processes. Some popular free zones for budget-conscious entrepreneurs include:
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Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC): Ideal for trade and commodities businesses.
Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO): Focuses on technology and IT companies.
Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC): Suitable for financial services and consulting firms.
Essential Steps to Set Up
Business Plan: Develop a clear and concise business plan outlining your business model, target market, competitive analysis, and financial projections. This is crucial for attracting investors and securing loans.
Choose a Business Name: Ensure the name complies with Dubai's naming conventions and is unique. It should not contain offensive language or religious references.
Apply for a License: Depending on your business activity, apply for the appropriate license through the Department of Economic Development (DED) for mainland businesses or the respective free zone authority.
Register the Business: Complete the registration process by submitting the necessary documents, including your business plan, passport copies, and proof of address.
Rent Office Space: Free zones often provide flexible office solutions, Company Setup UAE including shared workspaces, which can significantly reduce costs.
Open a Bank Account: Establish a corporate bank account to handle your business finances. Ensure you meet the bank's requirements, which typically include a business license and registration documents.
Cost Considerations
Starting a low-cost business in Dubai requires careful financial planning. Here are some typical costs:
License Fees: Vary based on the type of license and business activity. Free zones usually offer competitive rates.
Office Space: Shared workspaces or virtual offices in free zones can significantly reduce rental costs.
Registration and Documentation: These include fees for legal documentation, registration, and visas.
Marketing: Budget for initial marketing efforts to build brand awareness and attract customers.
Tips for Success
Leverage Technology: Use digital marketing, e-commerce platforms, and online tools to reach a wider audience and streamline operations.
Network: Attend business events, join professional groups, and connect with other entrepreneurs to gain insights and opportunities.
Localize Your Offerings: Understand and cater to the local culture and preferences to build a loyal customer base.
Stay Compliant: Adhere to local regulations and ensure all licenses and permits are up to date to avoid penalties.
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quickventure · 2 months
Exploring Affordable Business Setup Options in Dubai, UAE
Dubai, with its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and business-friendly policies, has emerged as a global hub for entrepreneurs and corporations alike. Setting up a business in Dubai offers access to a dynamic market, tax benefits, and unparalleled opportunities for growth. However, the process of establishing a business can sometimes seem daunting, especially for those concerned about costs. In this guide, we'll delve into the various options available for affordable business setup in Dubai, UAE, including insights into free zone establishments.
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Understanding Business Setup in Dubai, UAE:
Before delving into the specifics of affordability, it's essential to understand the general process of setting up a business in Dubai, UAE. The UAE government offers several business structures, including mainland companies and free zone entities, each with its advantages and requirements.
1. Mainland Companies: Mainland businesses in Dubai are regulated by the Department of Economic Development (DED). While they allow for more flexibility in terms of operating locations and the ability to trade directly within the UAE market, they typically require local sponsorship and higher setup costs.
2. Free Zone Entities: Free zones in Dubai are designated areas that offer various incentives to businesses, including 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and simplified import-export procedures. Free zone establishments are popular among entrepreneurs seeking cost-effective solutions and streamlined processes.
Affordable Business Setup Options:
For entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to establish a presence in Dubai without breaking the bank, exploring free zone options can be highly advantageous. Here are some key considerations:
1. Cost-effective Licensing: Free zones often offer competitive pricing for business licenses, with packages tailored to suit different needs and budgets. Entrepreneurs can choose from a range of license types, including trading, consulting, and industrial licenses, depending on their business activities.
2. Flexible Office Solutions: Unlike mainland companies that may require physical office space, many free zones in Dubai offer flexible office solutions, including virtual offices and co-working spaces. These options allow businesses to maintain a professional presence without the overhead costs associated with traditional office leases.
3. Zero Corporate Tax: One of the most attractive features of free zone establishments is the exemption from corporate and income taxes for a specified period, typically ranging from 15 to 50 years. This tax-free environment enables businesses to reinvest their profits and accelerate growth without the burden of taxation.
Navigating Free Zone Options:
Dubai is home to over 30 free zones, each catering to specific industries and business activities. Some of the popular free zones include Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), Dubai Internet City (DIC), and Dubai South Free Zone. When choosing a free zone for your business, consider factors such as proximity to your target market, industry regulations, and available amenities.
Read more: Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring Ajman Free Zone for Business Setup in the UAE
Affordable business setup in Dubai, UAE is not only achievable but also offers a gateway to a world of opportunities. Whether you opt for a mainland company or a free zone entity, careful planning and research are essential to ensure a smooth and cost-effective establishment process. By leveraging the benefits of free zones, entrepreneurs can kickstart their ventures with minimal financial strain and maximize their potential for success in one of the world's most dynamic business landscapes.
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shuraalondon · 3 months
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ms-ca · 3 months
Navigating the New Era: How MSCA Empowers Your Business Success in DMCC & ADGM
The UAE's business landscape has undergone a significant shift with the introduction of corporate tax. While this may seem like uncharted territory, fear not! MSCA, your trusted advisors, stand ready to be your expert guide on this exciting journey, particularly if you're setting sail in the dynamic free zones of DMCC and ADGM.
Unlocking the Potential of DMCC & ADGM:
Each free zone presents a unique ecosystem of benefits, regulations, and tax considerations. MSCA empowers you by:
Decoding the complexities: Our team possesses an in-depth understanding of the specific tax frameworks, exemptions, and incentives that govern both DMCC and ADGM. We translate legalese into clear, actionable insights, ensuring your business seamlessly adheres to all legal requirements while maximizing the advantages these free zones offer.
Crafting personalized tax strategies: We delve deep into your unique business vision and financial standing within your chosen free zone. This allows us to tailor strategies that minimize your tax burden, optimize profitability, and leverage any special free zone benefits to your full advantage.
Ensuring stress-free compliance: From registration to filing returns, we take care of all the paperwork and liaise with the relevant authorities. Let us navigate the complexities of tax compliance in both DMCC and ADGM, allowing you to focus on what matters most – growing your business.
Beyond Tax Compliance: Building Your Business Foundation
MSCA offers a comprehensive suite of services that transcend mere tax compliance, empowering your journey within DMCC and ADGM:
Streamlined DMCC company formation: We guide you through the entire process of setting up your company in DMCC, ensuring a smooth and efficient start, saving you valuable time and resources.
Navigating licenses and permits: We handle all the necessary licenses and permits required for your specific business activity within the chosen free zone, ensuring hassle-free operations.
Facilitating visas and immigration: From visa applications to employee sponsorship, we simplify the visa and immigration process for both you and your employees, enabling seamless operations within the free zone.
Transparency through accounting and bookkeeping: We maintain accurate financial records and provide valuable insights for informed decision-making, giving you a clear picture of your financial health.
Risk management and peace of mind: We minimize risks and ensure financial transparency with our auditing and risk management services, offering you peace of mind and a solid foundation for growth.
Why Choose MSCA as Your Partner in the New Tax Era?
Proven track record: We have a long and successful history of helping businesses navigate the complexities of the UAE's business and tax landscape, ensuring your journey is smooth and successful.
Holistic expertise: Our team consists of experienced tax consultants, business advisors, and legal professionals, offering a one-stop solution for all your business needs in one convenient location.
Tailored approach: We believe in a personalized approach, tailoring our services to your specific requirements and goals, ensuring you receive the best possible guidance and support.
Proactive communication: We keep you informed every step of the way, addressing your concerns and providing clear, timely advice, so you can make informed decisions for your business.
Cost-effective solutions: We offer competitive rates and transparent pricing, ensuring you get the best value for your investment, allowing you to focus on your business growth without undue financial strain.
Charting Your Course with Confidence
Don't let the new corporate tax landscape deter you from pursuing your business goals in DMCC or ADGM. With MSCA as your trusted partner, you can navigate this new era with confidence, optimizing your tax strategy and maximizing your success.
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sonulohiaems · 5 months
Dubai's Gateway to Global Growth: DMCC Business Setup Made Easy
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Dubai, the City of Gold, glitters not just with precious metals but also with opportunities for ambitious entrepreneurs. At the heart of this vibrant ecosystem lies the DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre), a game-changer for those seeking to establish their presence in the Middle East. But what makes DMCC business setup so special?
Imagine this: You have a groundbreaking idea, a product with the potential to disrupt an industry. You want to tap into the vast markets of the Middle East and beyond. But navigating the complexities of setting up a business in a new country can be daunting.
**DMCC throws open its doors, offering a streamlined, efficient, and cost-effective solution for your DMCC business setup.
Here's why DMCC should be your launchpad for regional and global success:
1. A Business Paradise:
Tax haven: Brace yourself for this - 0% corporate and personal income tax. Yes, you read that right. This makes DMCC business setup a dream destination for maximizing profits.
100% foreign ownership: Unlike many other countries, DMCC allows you to own your business entirely. No need for local partners, just pure entrepreneurial freedom.
Repatriate your profits: No restrictions on sending your hard-earned money back home. It's all yours.
2. Speed and Simplicity:
3-step setup process: Get your business up and running in just three simple steps. Fill the application, submit documents, and voila! You're ready to conquer the market.
Remote setup: No need to physically be in Dubai. The entire DMCC business setup process can be completed online from anywhere in the world.
Pre-approved business activities: Choose from a wide range of pre-approved business activities, saving you valuable time and resources.
3. A Thriving Ecosystem:
Network with industry leaders: DMCC boasts a vibrant community of over 24,000 companies across diverse sectors. Connect, collaborate, and forge partnerships that propel your business forward.
Access to world-class infrastructure: Operate from state-of-the-art offices, co-working spaces, and business centers, all within DMCC's cutting-edge free zone.
Tailored business packages: DMCC offers various packages, from the Jump Start for startups to specialized solutions for Crypto, Gaming, and E-commerce. Find the perfect fit for your DMCC business setup needs.
4. Gateway to the World:
Strategic location: Dubai sits at the crossroads of East and West, offering unmatched connectivity to markets across Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Free trade agreements: Leverage DMCC's free trade agreements with over 80 countries, giving you a significant edge in international trade.
Visa options: Attract and retain top talent with various visa options, including residency visas for business owners and employees.
But don't just take our word for it. Here are some impressive facts and figures to solidify your decision for a DMCC business setup:
18,000+ new companies registered in DMCC in 2022, showcasing its increasing popularity.
Over AED 1 trillion (USD 272 billion) worth of trade was facilitated through DMCC in 2022, highlighting its economic impact.
Home to the world's largest diamond trading center and a leading hub for commodities like gold, coffee, and tea.
Ready to make your entrepreneurial dream a reality with a DMCC business setup?
Visit the DMCC website today and explore the wealth of resources available to you. From step-by-step guides to expert consultations, they're there to support you every step of the way.
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ananduvjayan · 6 months
Dubai free zone business setup cost
Understanding the Costs of Setting Up a Business in a Dubai Free Zone
Dubai, a city known for its opulence, innovation, and strategic location, has become a global hub for businesses seeking growth and prosperity. One of the key factors contributing to Dubai's appeal is its Free Zone business setup, which offers a conducive environment for entrepreneurs and companies to thrive. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of Dubai Free Zone business setup costs, providing valuable insights for those considering this pathway to business success.
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Understanding Dubai Free Zones:
Dubai's Free Zones are designated areas that offer unique business advantages, including 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and streamlined administrative processes. These zones cater to various industries, from technology and finance to logistics and manufacturing. Some well-known Free Zones in Dubai include Dubai Silicon Oasis, Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA), Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), and many more.
Initial Setup Costs:
Setting up a business in a Dubai Free Zone involves several initial costs that vary based on the chosen Free Zone, business activities, and the type of license required. The primary components of the initial setup costs include:
License Fees: Trade License: This is a basic requirement for conducting business activities in Dubai. The cost varies depending on the type of business and the Free Zone selected.
Registration Fees: Each Free Zone has its own registration fees, covering the administrative costs associated with establishing a business entity.
Office Space: Renting an office space is mandatory for most businesses in Dubai Free Zones. The cost depends on factors such as location, size, and facilities.
Visa Fees: Obtaining visas for business owners, employees, and dependents is an essential part of the setup process. Visa fees are calculated per person and may vary based on the Free Zone.
Ongoing Operational Costs:
Beyond the initial setup, businesses operating in Dubai Free Zones incur ongoing operational costs. These include:
Renewal Fees: Annual renewal fees for the trade license and other permits are standard operational costs.
Office Maintenance: Businesses must budget for office maintenance costs, including utilities and other related expenses.
Employee-related Expenses: Costs associated with employee salaries, benefits, and other HR-related expenses should be considered.
Benefits Outweigh the Costs:
While there are associated costs with setting up and operating a business in a Dubai Free Zone, the benefits often outweigh the initial investment. Some of the advantages include:
Tax Exemptions: Businesses in Free Zones enjoy complete or partial tax exemptions, providing significant financial advantages.
100% Foreign Ownership: Unlike in mainland Dubai, where a local sponsor is required, Free Zones allow 100% foreign ownership, giving entrepreneurs greater control over their ventures.
Strategic Location: Dubai's strategic location as a global business hub provides access to diverse markets and opportunities.
Dubai's Free Zones offer an enticing environment for businesses to thrive, with the advantages of tax exemptions, foreign ownership, and streamlined processes. While the initial setup costs may vary, the long-term benefits make Dubai Free Zone business setup a lucrative option for entrepreneurs seeking to establish a successful presence in the dynamic business landscape of the UAE. Understanding the costs involved is crucial for making informed decisions and navigating the path to business success in this vibrant city.
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businesssetupdmcc · 6 months
Expand Your Business with the Leading DMCC Trading License Provider
Are you planning to start a business in Dubai? Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) is an ideal place for entrepreneurs and investors who want to expand their business in the international market. However, the process of setting up a company or acquiring a DMCC trading license can be a daunting task. That’s where Immersion Group DMCC comes into play.
As one of the leading business setup consultants in DMCC, Immersion Group DMCC can help you with the incorporation process, trade license registration, visa processing, and everything related to company formation DMCC. The company offers a range of packages to choose from, depending on your business needs and budget.
A General Trading License in DMCC allows a company to import, export, and trade in a wide range of products. Immersion Group DMCC can assist you in obtaining a DMCC General Trading License, as well as offer you additional services such as document attestation, legal translation, and PRO services required during the licensing process.
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Stop Wasting Time Looking for the Right Office Leasing – Trust Immersion Group
Finding a suitable office leasing Dubai can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Immersion Group DMCC can help you with office leasing in DMCC, which is located in the heart of Dubai's business district. The company offers flexible leasing options for serviced offices, co-working spaces, and virtual offices, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to find an office that meets their needs.
PRO services are essential for the smooth running of any business in Dubai. Immersion Group DMCC provides a comprehensive range of best pro services in DMCC, including visa processing, bank account opening, document clearance, and more. The company has a team of experienced professionals who can handle all your pro service requirements efficiently and cost-effectively.
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theprivatewolf · 8 months
Taxes In UAE For Foreigners: Everything You Need To Know
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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is known for its dynamic business environment, luxurious lifestyle, and tax advantages. For foreigners looking to work, invest, or set up businesses in the UAE, understanding the country’s tax system is crucial. In this guide, we will explore the ins and outs of taxes in the UAE for foreigners.
Basic Overview of the UAE Tax System
The UAE operates on a territorial tax system, which means that taxes are imposed only on activities that occur within the country’s borders. This tax system has several key components:
No Personal Income Tax: Individuals in the UAE, including foreigners, are not subject to personal income tax. This is a significant advantage for expatriates.
No Capital Gains Tax: There is no tax on capital gains in the UAE, making it an attractive destination for investors.
No Inheritance Tax: The UAE does not impose inheritance tax on the transfer of assets upon a person’s demise.
Income Tax in UAE for Foreigners
As mentioned, there is no personal income tax for individuals in the UAE. This means that foreign workers can enjoy their earnings without the burden of income tax deductions, allowing them to save more of their income.
The UAE introduced Value Added Tax (VAT) in 2018. Currently set at 5%, VAT applies to most goods and services, but there are several exceptions, including essential food items, healthcare services, and education. Businesses with an annual turnover exceeding the mandatory threshold must register for VAT.
Other Indirect Taxes Foreigners Should Be Aware Of
In addition to VAT, the UAE imposes excise taxes on specific goods, such as tobacco products and sugary drinks. Understanding these taxes is essential, as they can significantly affect the cost of certain items.
Tax Obligations for Foreign Companies
Foreign companies operating in the UAE should be aware of the following tax obligations:
Corporate Income Tax: As of now, the UAE does not impose corporate income tax on businesses, which is advantageous for foreign companies operating in the country.
Withholding Tax: The UAE generally does not impose withholding tax on dividends, interest, or royalties, but it’s essential to review the specifics of tax treaties between the UAE and your home country.
Tax-Free Zones for Foreign Businesses
The UAE offers various free zones designed to attract foreign investment. Companies registered in these zones can benefit from 100% foreign ownership, no import or export duties, and no personal income tax for employees. Some of the popular free zones include Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA), and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM).
Navigating the UAE Tax Landscape
Navigating the UAE tax landscape can be complex, especially for foreign businesses and investors. It’s advisable to seek professional guidance from tax advisors and consultants who are well-versed in UAE tax regulations. This will help ensure that you comply with all obligations and take full advantage of the tax benefits the UAE has to offer.
In summary, the UAE’s tax system is highly favorable for foreigners. With no personal income tax, a reasonable VAT rate, and numerous tax-free zones, it’s a prime destination for expatriates, entrepreneurs, and investors looking to make the most of their earnings and business opportunities. However, staying informed about tax regulations and consulting experts is essential to make the most of the UAE’s tax advantages.
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dynamicserp · 1 year
Microsoft Dynamics Nav & Microsoft Navision In Dubai
 Microsoft Dynamics Nav
Square International Technology Consulting DMCC is an authorized Microsoft Dynamics service provider and Microsoft Certified partner based in Dubai. We are IT service provider and premier sales and implementation partner of microsoft navision. Our services include end-to-end business solution, enterprise resource planning, and business process management and SaaS offerings. We are focused on selling and implementing Microsoft Dynamics ERP with professional services.
Our purpose is to work in partnership with our clients towards unlocking their full commercial potential. We only sell, implement, modify and support microsoft navision and related integrations.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) is an navision software suite for midsize organizations. The software offers specialized functionality for retail, government, manufacturing, distribution and other industries. Microsoft Dynamics NAV suite offers applications for financial management, manufacturing, human resource management, project management, sales and marketing, international sites, service management, supply chain management, and business intelligence. The application is particularly designed for the manufacturing and distribution sector.
Microsoft Dynamics Customer Realtionship Management (CRM)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM an integrated and navision software that allow you to interact and do business with your customers. Dynamics CRM helps you maintain customer relationship, marketing, sales pipeline, forecasting, and sales leads. The solutions increase your profitability and streamline administrative processes in your sales and marketing and allow you to build and maintain customer relationships that matters.
Integrats with Dynamics 365 Business Central & Dynamics NAV
microsoft navision CRM solution is a mixed platform where your data is stored for developing, retaining and improving your customer relationships.
Without a strong integrated microsoft navision, you may miss growth opportunities and lose revenue because of not optimizing your processes and making the most of your CRM. 
Financial management and accounting
This module includes all the necessary functionality for setting up a company; General ledger, chart of Accounts, VAT facilities, recurring journals. Also includes:
Approval of sales and purchase documents
Reporting and Posting in your company’s base currency.
Facilities for internal and external reporting.
Set up sales and purchase documents archiving.
Transfer costs from the general ledger
Enter and post internal allocations directly in the Cost Accounting Cost journal.
Transfer cost budget and Create cost budgets entries to actual entries.
Supply Chain Management
Manage and track your stock, production, orders, and vendors.
Calculate Sales invoice discounts automatically and set up any number of invoice discount terms
Manage sales orders, sales quotes, and partial shipments. Create a pre-payment invoices for the sales order.
Set up items that you carry in your stock and specify their unit of costing method, unit price, and cost.
Create and manage bills of materials and calculate standard costs and production orders.
Automatic productions orders and purchase orders (PO)
Inventory and sales forecast extension to get deep insights of about overview of expected stock-outs and potential sales.
microsoft navision are Dynamics Nav upgrade to streamline the code, making the navision software function more efficiently and faster. It can take time for employees using the system who are not totally familiar with what’s new.  Hence it is imperative that you have a plan in place for updates. You need prior preparation to keep your navision software running smoothly and at optimal speed.
At SQIT consulting, we have through knowledge of implementation of Microsoft Dynamics for Dubai, UAE region. We help you upgrade and support of navision software – Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power BI, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and cloud transformation.
Need assistance post ERP implementation? SQIT consulting is here at your service. We provide support and technical assistance for microsoft navision. If you face any sort of issues while working Microsoft Dynamics, don’t hesitate to connect with us.
We provide complete support for your entire organization covering all your Microsoft technologies through call, by visiting or remotely accessing your system.
With years of experience in Dynamics NAV, our team can assist you with executing tasks of the organization with the help of implemented business solution. We deliver end user training for handling Dynamics NAV. We work with you to assess the requirements of your organization, recognize competencies and gaps to address agony focuses, and help you achieve your end objective.
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mypriority24 · 1 year
Microsoft Dynamics Nav & Microsoft Navision In Dubai
Microsoft Dynamics Nav & Microsoft Navision In Dubai
Square International Technology Consulting DMCC is an authorized Microsoft Dynamics service provider and Microsoft Certified partner based in Dubai. We are IT service provider and premier sales and implementation partner of microsoft navision. Our services include end-to-end business solution, enterprise resource planning, and business process management and SaaS offerings. We are focused on selling and implementing Microsoft Dynamics ERP with professional services.
Our purpose is to work in partnership with our clients towards unlocking their full commercial potential. We only sell, implement, modify and support microsoft navision and related integrations.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) is an navision software suite for midsize organizations. The software offers specialized functionality for retail, government, manufacturing, distribution and other industries. Microsoft Dynamics NAV suite offers applications for financial management, manufacturing, human resource management, project management, sales and marketing, international sites, service management, supply chain management, and business intelligence. The application is particularly designed for the manufacturing and distribution sector.
Microsoft Dynamics Customer Realtionship Management (CRM)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM an integrated and navision software that allow you to interact and do business with your customers. Dynamics CRM helps you maintain customer relationship, marketing, sales pipeline, forecasting, and sales leads. The solutions increase your profitability and streamline administrative processes in your sales and marketing and allow you to build and maintain customer relationships that matters.
Integrats with Dynamics 365 Business Central & Dynamics NAV
microsoft navision CRM solution is a mixed platform where your data is stored for developing, retaining and improving your customer relationships.
Without a strong integrated microsoft navision, you may miss growth opportunities and lose revenue because of not optimizing your processes and making the most of your CRM. 
Financial management and accounting
This module includes all the necessary functionality for setting up a company; General ledger, chart of Accounts, VAT facilities, recurring journals. Also includes:
Approval of sales and purchase documents
Reporting and Posting in your company’s base currency.
Facilities for internal and external reporting.
Set up sales and purchase documents archiving.
Transfer costs from the general ledger
Enter and post internal allocations directly in the Cost Accounting Cost journal.
Transfer cost budget and Create cost budgets entries to actual entries.
Supply Chain Management
Manage and track your stock, production, orders, and vendors.
Calculate Sales invoice discounts automatically and set up any number of invoice discount terms
Manage sales orders, sales quotes, and partial shipments. Create a pre-payment invoices for the sales order.
Set up items that you carry in your stock and specify their unit of costing method, unit price, and cost.
Create and manage bills of materials and calculate standard costs and production orders.
Automatic productions orders and purchase orders (PO)
Inventory and sales forecast extension to get deep insights of about overview of expected stock-outs and potential sales.
microsoft navision are Dynamics Nav upgrade to streamline the code, making the navision software function more efficiently and faster. It can take time for employees using the system who are not totally familiar with what’s new.  Hence it is imperative that you have a plan in place for updates. You need prior preparation to keep your navision software running smoothly and at optimal speed.
At SQIT consulting, we have through knowledge of implementation of Microsoft Dynamics for Dubai, UAE region. We help you upgrade and support of navision software – Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power BI, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and cloud transformation.
Need assistance post ERP implementation? SQIT consulting is here at your service. We provide support and technical assistance for microsoft navision. If you face any sort of issues while working Microsoft Dynamics, don’t hesitate to connect with us.
We provide complete support for your entire organization covering all your Microsoft technologies through call, by visiting or remotely accessing your system.
With years of experience in Dynamics NAV, our team can assist you with executing tasks of the organization with the help of implemented business solution. We deliver end user training for handling Dynamics NAV. We work with you to assess the requirements of your organization, recognize competencies and gaps to address agony focuses, and help you achieve your end objective.
If you need help with a particular feature let us know and we’ll propose a custom training program for your organization.
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Business setup in Dubai Free Zones
Business setup in Dubai Free Zones refers to the process of establishing a business entity within one of the designated free zones in Dubai. These free zones offer a range of benefits and incentives to attract foreign investors and promote economic growth.
Here is a detailed explanation of business setup in Dubai Free Zones:
Free Zone Selection: Dubai has several free zones, each catering to specific industries and sectors. Examples include Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA), Dubai Internet City (DIC), Dubai Media City (DMC), and Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC). Research and select the free zone that aligns with your business activity and requirements.
100% Foreign Ownership: One of the main advantages of setting up a business in Dubai Free Zones is that it allows 100% foreign ownership. Unlike mainland business setup, you are not required to have a local partner or sponsor. As a result, you have full control over your company's operations and can repatriate all profits.
Simplified Setup Process: Free zones offer a streamlined and efficient business setup process. They have dedicated authorities and one-stop-shop facilities that handle all registration and licensing requirements. This includes assistance with company registration, trade licenses, visas, permits, and other necessary documentation.
Tax Benefits: Companies established in Dubai Free Zones are typically exempt from corporate and income taxes for a specified period, usually ranging from 15 to 50 years. This provides significant cost savings and enhances the profitability of your business.
Customs and Import Duty Benefits: Free zones offer customs and import duty benefits, allowing businesses to import goods and materials without paying customs duties. This helps to reduce operational costs and improve competitiveness.
Infrastructure and Facilities: Dubai Free Zones provide state-of-the-art infrastructure and world-class facilities to support business operations. This includes modern office spaces, warehouses, logistics services, exhibition centers, and business support services. The free zones are equipped with advanced telecommunications, transportation, and utility infrastructure.
Networking and Business Support: Free zones foster a vibrant business community and offer networking opportunities through industry-specific events, seminars, and exhibitions. They also provide business support services such as legal, accounting, and consulting services to assist companies in their day-to-day operations.
Proximity to Airports and Seaports: Many Dubai Free Zones are strategically located near major airports and seaports, facilitating efficient import-export activities and logistics operations. This is advantageous for businesses engaged in international trade and commerce.
Flexibility in Office Space: Free zones offer flexibility in terms of office space options. Businesses can choose from various options such as executive offices, shared workspaces, flexi desks, or even operate virtually through a virtual office setup. This allows businesses to scale up or down based on their requirements.
Regulatory Framework: Each free zone has its own set of regulations and licensing requirements. While they offer a business-friendly environment, it is important to understand and comply with the specific regulations of the chosen free zone. This includes adhering to corporate governance practices, maintaining proper accounting records, and submitting annual financial statements.
Business setup in Dubai Free Zones provides an attractive opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors looking to establish a presence in the region. The benefits of 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, simplified setup processes, and access to world-class infrastructure make Dubai Free Zones an appealing choice for a wide range of industries. However, it is advisable to consult with experienced business setup consultants who can guide you through the specific requirements and procedures of the chosen free zone, ensuring a smooth and successful business setup process.
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bruthindi · 1 year
 Microsoft Dynamics Nav
 Microsoft Dynamics Nav
Square International Technology Consulting DMCC is an authorized Microsoft Dynamics service provider and Microsoft Certified partner based in Dubai. We are IT service provider and premier sales and implementation partner of microsoft navision. Our services include end-to-end business solution, enterprise resource planning, and business process management and SaaS offerings. We are focused on selling and implementing Microsoft Dynamics ERP with professional services.
Our purpose is to work in partnership with our clients towards unlocking their full commercial potential. We only sell, implement, modify and support microsoft navision and related integrations.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) is an navision software suite for midsize organizations. The software offers specialized functionality for retail, government, manufacturing, distribution and other industries. Microsoft Dynamics NAV suite offers applications for financial management, manufacturing, human resource management, project management, sales and marketing, international sites, service management, supply chain management, and business intelligence. The application is particularly designed for the manufacturing and distribution sector.
Microsoft Dynamics Customer Realtionship Management (CRM)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM an integrated and navision software that allow you to interact and do business with your customers. Dynamics CRM helps you maintain customer relationship, marketing, sales pipeline, forecasting, and sales leads. The solutions increase your profitability and streamline administrative processes in your sales and marketing and allow you to build and maintain customer relationships that matters.
Integrats with Dynamics 365 Business Central & Dynamics NAV
microsoft navision CRM solution is a mixed platform where your data is stored for developing, retaining and improving your customer relationships.
Without a strong integrated microsoft navision, you may miss growth opportunities and lose revenue because of not optimizing your processes and making the most of your CRM. 
Financial management and accounting
This module includes all the necessary functionality for setting up a company; General ledger, chart of Accounts, VAT facilities, recurring journals. Also includes:
Approval of sales and purchase documents
Reporting and Posting in your company’s base currency.
Facilities for internal and external reporting.
Set up sales and purchase documents archiving.
Transfer costs from the general ledger
Enter and post internal allocations directly in the Cost Accounting Cost journal.
Transfer cost budget and Create cost budgets entries to actual entries.
Supply Chain Management
Manage and track your stock, production, orders, and vendors.
Calculate Sales invoice discounts automatically and set up any number of invoice discount terms
Manage sales orders, sales quotes, and partial shipments. Create a pre-payment invoices for the sales order.
Set up items that you carry in your stock and specify their unit of costing method, unit price, and cost.
Create and manage bills of materials and calculate standard costs and production orders.
Automatic productions orders and purchase orders (PO)
Inventory and sales forecast extension to get deep insights of about overview of expected stock-outs and potential sales.
microsoft navision are Dynamics Nav upgrade to streamline the code, making the navision software function more efficiently and faster. It can take time for employees using the system who are not totally familiar with what’s new.  Hence it is imperative that you have a plan in place for updates. You need prior preparation to keep your navision software running smoothly and at optimal speed.
At SQIT consulting, we have through knowledge of implementation of Microsoft Dynamics for Dubai, UAE region. We help you upgrade and support of navision software – Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power BI, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and cloud transformation.
Need assistance post ERP implementation? SQIT consulting is here at your service. We provide support and technical assistance for microsoft navision. If you face any sort of issues while working Microsoft Dynamics, don’t hesitate to connect with us.
We provide complete support for your entire organization covering all your Microsoft technologies through call, by visiting or remotely accessing your system.
With years of experience in Dynamics NAV, our team can assist you with executing tasks of the organization with the help of implemented business solution. We deliver end user training for handling Dynamics NAV. We work with you to assess the requirements of your organization, recognize competencies and gaps to address agony focuses, and help you achieve your end objective.
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spectrumaccounts · 1 year
How company formation in Dubai is possible
It might be a terrific way to earn money and have fun to start a business in Dubai. Spectrum accounts Find a business opportunity in Dubai that best meets your interests and skill set. Start by submitting an application for a business license with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry. If you're launching a new enterprise You can freely practice your trade and run your firm with the help of the license.
You may also employ a business expert for a successful company formation in Dubai, who will handle all the headaches associated with the activities that necessitate following the regulations set out by the government.
You'll also need to join an entrepreneur group or come up with a company concept if you want to get started. These organizations can give advice, assistance, and suggestions on how to get started in the UAE business community.
It's time to start looking for supplies and equipment after you've submitted your application for a business license. You should seek locations that provide products and equipment at reasonable costs.
company formation in Dubai is possible:
Company formation in Dubai is possible through several legal structures, including:
Free Zone Company: This is a popular option for foreign investors, as it allows 100% foreign ownership and provides a range of benefits including tax exemptions and simplified customs procedures. Examples of free zones in Dubai include Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) and Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA).
Limited Liability Company (LLC): This is a common legal structure for businesses in Dubai, and requires a minimum of two shareholders, with at least one being a UAE national. This type of company can operate anywhere in Dubai, including outside of the free zones.
Branch Office: This is an option for foreign companies that want to establish a presence in Dubai, without the need to set up a separate legal entity. However, the branch office must be wholly owned by the foreign company and requires a local sponsor or service agent.
To set up a company in Dubai, investors are required to follow the legal procedures and obtain the necessary licenses and permits. It is advisable to seek the assistance of a local business setup consultant or a law firm to guide you through the process and ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.
In conclusion, Spectrum accounts starting a business in Dubai can be a rewarding experience if you find the right opportunity. Be sure to research your chosen business before diving in, as there are many scams out there waiting to take advantage of new arrivals. But with hard work and a bit of luck, you can make a great living in the city of gold. So what are you waiting for? Get started!
Contact us:
OFFICE: 305, Hamsah – A, Ansar Gallery, Al Karama
P.O OX: 379682
PHONE: +971 509866466 / +971 4 2699329EMAIL: [email protected]
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accountingfirms · 1 year
Microsoft Dynamics Nav & Microsoft Navision In Dubai
 Microsoft Dynamics Nav
Square International Technology Consulting DMCC is an authorized Microsoft Dynamics service provider and Microsoft Certified partner based in Dubai. We are IT service provider and premier sales and implementation partner of microsoft navision. Our services include end-to-end business solution, enterprise resource planning, and business process management and SaaS offerings. We are focused on selling and implementing Microsoft Dynamics ERP with professional services.
Our purpose is to work in partnership with our clients towards unlocking their full commercial potential. We only sell, implement, modify and support microsoft navision and related integrations.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) is an navision software suite for midsize organizations. The software offers specialized functionality for retail, government, manufacturing, distribution and other industries. Microsoft Dynamics NAV suite offers applications for financial management, manufacturing, human resource management, project management, sales and marketing, international sites, service management, supply chain management, and business intelligence. The application is particularly designed for the manufacturing and distribution sector.
Microsoft Dynamics Customer Realtionship Management (CRM)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM an integrated and navision software that allow you to interact and do business with your customers. Dynamics CRM helps you maintain customer relationship, marketing, sales pipeline, forecasting, and sales leads. The solutions increase your profitability and streamline administrative processes in your sales and marketing and allow you to build and maintain customer relationships that matters.
Integrats with Dynamics 365 Business Central & Dynamics NAV
microsoft navision CRM solution is a mixed platform where your data is stored for developing, retaining and improving your customer relationships.
Without a strong integrated microsoft navision, you may miss growth opportunities and lose revenue because of not optimizing your processes and making the most of your CRM. 
Financial management and accounting
This module includes all the necessary functionality for setting up a company; General ledger, chart of Accounts, VAT facilities, recurring journals. Also includes:
Approval of sales and purchase documents
Reporting and Posting in your company’s base currency.
Facilities for internal and external reporting.
Set up sales and purchase documents archiving.
Transfer costs from the general ledger
Enter and post internal allocations directly in the Cost Accounting Cost journal.
Transfer cost budget and Create cost budgets entries to actual entries.
Supply Chain Management
Manage and track your stock, production, orders, and vendors.
Calculate Sales invoice discounts automatically and set up any number of invoice discount terms
Manage sales orders, sales quotes, and partial shipments. Create a pre-payment invoices for the sales order.
Set up items that you carry in your stock and specify their unit of costing method, unit price, and cost.
Create and manage bills of materials and calculate standard costs and production orders.
Automatic productions orders and purchase orders (PO)
Inventory and sales forecast extension to get deep insights of about overview of expected stock-outs and potential sales.
microsoft navision are Dynamics Nav upgrade to streamline the code, making the navision software function more efficiently and faster. It can take time for employees using the system who are not totally familiar with what’s new.  Hence it is imperative that you have a plan in place for updates. You need prior preparation to keep your navision software running smoothly and at optimal speed.
At SQIT consulting, we have through knowledge of implementation of Microsoft Dynamics for Dubai, UAE region. We help you upgrade and support of navision software – Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power BI, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and cloud transformation.
Need assistance post ERP implementation? SQIT consulting is here at your service. We provide support and technical assistance for microsoft navision. If you face any sort of issues while working Microsoft Dynamics, don’t hesitate to connect with us.
We provide complete support for your entire organization covering all your Microsoft technologies through call, by visiting or remotely accessing your system.
With years of experience in Dynamics NAV, our team can assist you with executing tasks of the organization with the help of implemented business solution. We deliver end user training for handling Dynamics NAV. We work with you to assess the requirements of your organization, recognize competencies and gaps to address agony focuses, and help you achieve your end objective.
0 notes
marqueway · 1 year
Tumblr media
  Dubai is a city of opportunities, and it is no wonder that it has become one of the most attractive destinations for entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses. However, many people are intimidated by the idea of setting up a business in Dubai, assuming it is expensive and complicated. However, the reality is that a low-cost business setup in Dubai is possible and relatively easy, as long as you know what you are doing. In this article, we will explore how to set up a low-cost business in Dubai and the benefits of doing so.
The first thing to consider when setting up a business in Dubai is the type of business entity you want to establish. There are several options available, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and branches of foreign companies. Each entity has its pros and cons, and you need to choose the one that best suits your needs.
Once you have decided on the type of business entity you want to establish, the next step is to register your company with the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai. The registration process is straightforward and can be completed online. However, it is important to note that you will need to have a local sponsor or service agent register your company in Dubai. A local sponsor is a UAE national who acts as a local partner and holds a 51% stake in your company. However, there are ways to protect your interests as a foreign investor, such as setting up a side agreement that outlines the responsibilities and liabilities of both parties.
Another consideration when setting up a low-cost business in Dubai is the location of your business. While some areas in Dubai are more expensive than others, there are many affordable options available, especially in free zones. Free zones are designated areas in Dubai that offer special tax incentives and other benefits to businesses. There are over 30 free zones in Dubai, each with its unique set of rules and regulations. Some popular free zones include Dubai South, Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), and Dubai Silicon Oasis.
One of the most significant benefits of setting up a low-cost business in Dubai is the tax advantages. The UAE has a tax-friendly environment, with no corporate or income taxes. Additionally, businesses in free zones enjoy 100% foreign ownership, no currency restrictions, and no customs duties. These benefits make Dubai an attractive destination for entrepreneurs looking to set up a business without incurring high costs.
When setting up a low-cost business in Dubai, it is also important to consider the legal and regulatory requirements. While the UAE has a business-friendly environment, it also has strict laws and regulations that businesses must comply with. These include labor laws, immigration laws, and business regulations. It is essential to work with a reputable business setup service provider to ensure that you are complying with all the legal and regulatory requirements.
One such business setup service provider is Marqueway Business Setup Services. Marqueway Business Setup Services is a leading business setup service provider in Dubai, with a team of experienced professionals who can guide you through the entire process of setting up a low-cost business in Dubai. They offer a range of services, including company registration, visa processing, PRO services, and office space solutions. Their goal is to help entrepreneurs set up their businesses in Dubai quickly and efficiently, without incurring high costs.
In conclusion, a low-cost business setup in Dubai is possible and relatively easy, as long as you know what you are doing. The first step is to choose the right business entity and register your company with the DED. Next, consider the location of your business, and explore the benefits of setting up in a free zone. It is also important to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements and work with a reputable business setup service provider like Marqueway Business Setup Services.
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