#DON'T @ me about lighter fluid we don't have any lmao
blujayonthewing · 8 months
well I WAS! thinking that when I'm done pruning all the bullshit I'd go ahead and set as much of it as possible on fire while the weather is still Unseasonable but now the aforementioned Unseasonable Weather is thunderstorming lmao
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unhingedselfships · 2 years
this one for daigo: castle, drive, roman holiday (aside from mine) and i walk the line
You're a darling <3
Castle - How well would you and your F/O handle being in the public eye? What kind of scrutiny would you be under?
Daigo isn't exactly a public figure per se, but he doesn't have the obscurity most people get to have. I don't handle crowds or attention very well. So if ever he has to be public for some reason, I either stay home, stay in the back, or he has a handful of people between me and everyone else, with at least one I'm close to, for comfort.
Scrutiny wise? Uhh. Our relationship beginnings and age gap is something a lot of people side eye haha. Nothing untoward happened at all, or is happening, but people will form their own opinions and don't typically care to listen when told otherwise.
Drive - Did you dive right in, or spend awhile dancing around each other? Was there any resistance on either side? Denial?
Ha. So. I've jokingly said we're a "slow burn someone got impatient with and threw lighter fluid on". We denied there was anything romantic between us for. Well technically about 3 months. Before that I don't think either of us even considered the option. Then we met in person and had that "oh. oh." moment and then both promptly smothered that as deeply as possible. But it was there. And when we (cough I cough) broke, we really just. Took off. We had years of building the emotional connection and getting to know each other so we were able to 'skip' a lot of that.
Roman Holiday - Was anyone against your relationship? Did you hide it from anyone?
On my end, a lot of my extended fam, and some of the nuclear, def had protests. Buuuut in the end, when it comes to me, Mama has always had final say in how the fam is/isn't allowed to respond. She had one question, and one warning. "Does he make you happy?" and "If he ever hits you, I'll kill him." After that, she basically said "it doesn't matter what I think, I know you, I was the same way, you're gonna do what you're gonna do and be with who you're gonna be with. The best thing I can do is support you no matter what happens." My bio father had more to say but. I've been ignoring his opnions since I was like 9 so. 🤷‍♀️
For Daigo, he didn't really actively go out of the way to hide it exactly, (except from his mother 😂). He just also very specifically didn't say anything, for quite awhile. This was more a safety concern, and because I have. Issues. With people lmao. And he wanted me to be able to settle in the big changes and feel comfortable and safe before springing the whole Tojo thing on me in a far more direct and personal way than it was before. I always knew, but now I was going to be involved and that is a whole other ballgame.
I Walk The Line - How far would you go for your F/O and vice versa? Is there a limit?
Oof this one. Gonna make me be honest. I have a hard time thinking of myself as a good person because morally... To use D&D terms I am very much "chaotic neutral". I kind of work in... Rings? Mind you when I say like "nuclear family" I don't mean the way most people use it. Its my chosen family. But I prioritize essentially, nuclear, then extended, everyone else, myself, then people I don't like. And while I never in a position to test it, in theory, there is very little I will not do to protect mine. I don't really do actively/aggressively malicious, but defensive? I can get downright cruel.
Daigo definitely has his principles and hardline 'nos' but he's also the sort that well. Look at where he came from, and the lengths he's gone to historically. He'll do what he thinks needs done, and doesn't really ever apoloize for it.
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Cells at Work!/Cells at Work!!/Cells at Work Black
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(Don't mind me reviewing technically three shows at once!)
Hmm, 2018, when I sorta fell off the seasonal anime binge. Anyway, I DID watch Cells at Work when it came out in 2018...just...like four eps tho. It was cute, it was educational, and I just had so much other shit going on at the time. The manga for Cells at Work Black which sounded a lot cooler was going on and I heard about it and was like “well if that gets an anime I’ll be sure to watch.” Well it got its anime! And Cells at Work got it’s second season! I’m so behind.
I actually spent a good chunk of the end of 2020 watching Grey's Anatomy thanks to my fiancee’s mother watching it while I was visiting. So, somehow I sorta learned a lot about medicine and health. My mother was a medical transcriptionist for about ten years, so I absorbed some info from her-- anyway, I’m not into the sciences as hardcore as some of my friends. While I will continue to call this Osmosis Jones the anime, I mean it in the most endearing way, because it is very cute. It’s not a new concept, but it’s a good execution of a tried and true concept of “the inner workings of the human body.” I mean, I grew up on School House Rock as well, so sometimes I just sing the Body Machine song (among others from Science House Rock) to myself Just Because.
What I want to do here is compare the two series. Both go places, and for sure from the get-go of Cells at Work Black, you KNOW it’s going bad places. So it depends: do you want something light hearted, slice of life with a little sprinkling of education? Cells at Work is great.
If you don’t know the story already just by the title and my brief, unoriginal joke, it follows the story of a new Red Blood Cell throughout the body, introducing the viewer to different cells and functions of the human body, showing off the immune system, cardiovascular system, and much much more, all while the body deals with threats of the viral, bacterial, and even external injuries and such. The first Cells at Work and it’s sequel Cells at Work!! (the 2 exclamation points= two) focus on one body, while Cells at Work Black focuses on another body which is doing significantly worse health-wise.
We all get sick, there are constantly bacteria and viruses going through the human body which is what your immune system fights, but the body in the first cells at work? Aside from maybe being a little allergen-ridden and maybe suffering from some immunodeficiencies, is much healthier than the body featured in Cells at Work Black. That body is dealing with smoking, insomnia, just, any bad thing you can think of, it’s happening to them. Also the Black is Cells at Work Black is in reference to “Black Factories” in Japan, which are factories/companies with such shitty work ethic and such they literally work their employees to death. This could refer to the state of the body as a whole, or maybe the person’s body is in this sort of situation where they’re being so overworked their body and health are suffering because of it.
I suppose sometimes I wish that the show would show outside of the body, but that would be no fun. It is fun, with what limited medical knowledge I have, trying to guess the solution to each situation. I.E. the body loses a ton of blood and I’m just yelling “BLOOD TRANSFUSION” at the screen and then bam, blood transfusion, or in another case, severe dehydration “FLUIDS!” and fluids.
Unrelated I was super sick at the beginning of last year and went to the ER and knew for a fact I just needed fluids. Well they had to rule everything else out so I got dragged from test to test and I was like PLEASE JUST FILL ME WITH THE HYDRATION JUICE. Anyway my nurse said “oops” as she was putting in my IV (something a medical professional should never say) and I glanced over and got to see my own blood and fainted, which I never do lmao. Take care of your body! It’s already been proven these shows have made people really want to take care of their bodies.
Whether you want it lighter or darker, both anime are pretty enjoyable and so episodic, you can enjoy them whenever and in no particular order, just know that Cells at Work Black is a LOT darker and more depressing. Either way, please give either of these shows a try for yourself!
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