#mitsu review
ecargmura · 24 days
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 9 Review - The Sports Festival Or-deer-al
I can’t believe that this episode actually doesn’t have segments and that the entire episode revolves around one big event, that being the Sports Festival. I guess this is to make up for the lack of the DeerColle that they missed out back in Episode 7.
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I always find it amusing how Koshitan is pretty much a misfortune magnet. Nothing ever comes her way positively. She plans everything out for the sports festival? Not happening. Wants the Sports Festival to run smoothly? Not with Nokotan around. Not only is Koshitan the butt of misfortune, the other characters that get picked on get their fair share of misfortune like Neko and Yoshiharu.
I think Nokotan was at her funniest here. She’s just crashing Koshitan’s expectations of the school festival into the drain. My favorite part was when Koshitan was participating in the obstacle race and noticed that there was an antler bomb. Nokotan showing up behind her in her muscular, Jojo-like appearance was super hilarious. Megumi Han’s experience of voicing young boys really paid off here as she makes her voice boyish and deep for the gag.
Additional small details I liked are Chiharu being the biggest Nokotan simp and taking photos of her a world-record speed, Mitsu being in the family members race, and Neko protecting Tsucchi. Now that Koshitan’s former delinquent self has been exposed but having positive reactions to it, Koshi might age ten more years after this—maybe twenty. Her existential crisis of wondering why she was hiding her true self all along was hilarious. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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JPN Movie Quick Review
12 SUICIDAL TEENS (2019) |  RATING: 8/10
Stellar cast, interesting characters, and a story that leaves you with a reminder in life. Check out my twitter thread here for more shenanigans and a quick thought on some of my favorite characters in the movie.
MITSU NO AWARE (2016) |  RATING: 7.5/10
Based on a 1959 novel of the same title by Saisei Muro. An old writer with his days limited gets consumed by his fantasies. The flow of the story bends your mind and makes you wonder which is real & which is fantasy. 
It’s always a pleasure to watch Fumi Nikaido no matter what the plot is. I wont deny it that I watched this all because of her. I made a mini thread for this movie here.
RIVER’S EDGE (2018) |  RATING: 8/10
Original story (manga) is written by the same writer behind Helter Skelter (2012). River’s Edge takes you down the unsightly path of young souls trying to live the way they want in a restless world. I made a thread where I compiled excerpts from the original work (manga) which may help to immerse yourself more in the story as the movie tend to be more vague while the manga is more direct.
KASANE (2018) |  RATING: 10/10 LOVE THIS!
Based on a manga of the same title. Kasane is a suspense fantasy which intertwines beauty, talent, and ambition in one beautiful dark story. My favorite performance from Tsuchiya Tao as of date (Nov 2022). I say read the manga after watching because it definitely has more in store. I hope they also make a live action of the remaining story in the manga as it will answer a lot of questions that were left by the movie. Likewise, I have a mini thread here for this gem.
>>>Check this tag for the jp movies and this one for the jp dramas.
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obsessivelooter · 2 years
𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐌𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚
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Recently there was a large book fair in my city, this year with a much wider assortment of manga (last year I saw like 6 series tops). So I decided to pick one out, there were very few first volumes and most I wasn't interested in but this one stuck out to me from its cover alone.
Actual book talk:
The book follows a kid named Theo Fumis, a good egg, who adores books, but in his hometown of Amun is discriminated against on the account of his mixed race so isn’t allowed in the local public library. Theo dreams of one day visiting Aftzaak, City of books, where he could read all the books he wants.
I’m not gonna say the plot is exceptionally special, I'm sure something similar already exists but, I really like it. I enjoy seeing how the most disenfranchised members of society are treated, it really helps set up a good groundwork for any further worldbuilding.
Hell, let's talk more about the worldbuilding. The fact that it’s based on Arabia and the folklore of Arabian nights is really refreshing, and it works really well in the context of the story, considering the importance of the Islamic golden age in the history of literature and libraries. The Islamic culture of giving alms is covered briefly as well, and the possible reason why Theo hasn't received any deepens the world nicely. Plus the astatic is just 😙👌. 
Not to say the text rests on its laurels, it has some really nice worldbuilding unique to it. For example, the one that really impressed me was how the sea in this world has become virtually unnavigable due to the heavy fog, and thus the most popular book series is about a pirate captain mapping the world to claim it as its own(in a chill way). According to the VERY nice worldbuilding section at the back of the volume, it's also pushed by the central library to promote cultural tolerance among its readers, which is very cool of them 👍! The central library and its librarians seem very interesting as well, can't wait to learn more about them in their offices in further volumes. the magic system has some potential but at least in this volume it's not heavily explored, but I would love to learn more about spirits that can apparently enchant books.
[pretty pictures]
before continue I'd love to share some of this books incredible art!
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I especially liked this page-turning pair of two-page spreads
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and this is that worldbuilding section I talked about
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All the characters were very interesting with the exception of the townsfolk who understandably didn't get many lines. 
Theo is the quintessential kid protagonist, staying very nice and polite even through all the racism he goes through on the daily basis. That’s not saying he’s some kind of saint, he loathes his long ears, pale complexion, and blonde hair, that differentiate him from the townsfolk, wishing he wasn't shunned. He also feels guilty for making his sister have to provide for him and his education.
Tifa, is an especially hard working and caring sister to Theo, working dawn to dusk to put him through school and give him opportunities that she never had because she can’t read. My hope is that she isn’t relegated just to flashbacks after Theo leaves town.
The Kafans (librarians)
from all the librarians has to be Pipiri, a rowdy pixie like creature, the primary representative of the restoration office, her off the cuff and silly yet knowledgeable personality with her expressive movement quickly endured me to her. I especially liked her interactions with her junior and protogyny Nanako, where she is often the butt of the joke.
Nanako herself is a grate character. She’s fairly reserved but not shy and highly skilled for her age and experience. her mild nature plays perfectly off  Pipiri’s hot and brash nature; even though she seems somewhat demining in their interactions it’s obvious Nanako admirers if mothing Pipiri’s skills as a  restorer, a position with Nanako is dedicated mind and soul.
Sedona despite being the Kafan we spend the most time with didn't feel especially interesting. Only after I had some time to reflect, I realized that she was the only person we saw using magic,  I assumed magic was not that rare among Kafans but it's possible it's rare and mostly concentrated in the members of the Protection office.
Lastly, there’s Anzu, the head of the expedition and an experienced member of the liaisons office. Let's get this out of the way first she's a MILF with a hard M, she's a mother of six with what has to be a very dedicated husband. She's by far the most experienced and knowledgeable in the group. I liked her a lot!
[Final thoughts]
Overall I really liked My Magus of the Library! The story is fairly simple and straightforward, but the characters and worldbuilding make it a unique and enjoyable take on the fantasy genre. It's got a lot of potential and I'm looking forward to the next volume (actually in the time it took me to write this I already bought the next volume, but haven't touched it yet).
If you like good worldbuilding and appreciate libraries this is a manga for you
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booksandwords · 2 years
Magus of the Library, Vol. 4 by Mitsu Izumi. Translated by Stephen Kohler
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Read time: <1 Day Rating: 5/5
The quote: Libraries amassers of memory galleries dedicated to history's thread and monuments to all life across time.
I finally got my hands on this volume of Magus of the Library, I was so excited when I saw that it was being transferred from the previous reader. This volume gets serious and by the end, everything changes. Essentially, no one is what you think. It's an intriguing ending that I guess I didn't see coming but I should have. The plot of this volume is fairly simple it is Theo trying to find his place in the system he is now in. And realising what he has to do excel and work in the library. The art is still lovely and the plot moves along and a decent place. It does start with a seemingly unrelated side story in which we meet the rather funny Kaz Blak. I'm not going to say while I like him that would ruin the fun. One thing that I do see in it is a great explanation of one underrated aspect of librarianship.
As with the previous volume the intervals between the chapters are all linked. They introduce Theo's classmates. These people, primarily women, are introduced in groups. These groups are done under titles The Banded Few, The Seaborn Souls, The Power of Smile, The Unyielding Majesty, The Harried Handlers, The Ends of the Spectrum, The Markedly Conspicuous and The Guiding Hands. Theo is in the The Banded Few with the only other two male trainees. Each one of these pages has a picture of the trainee and a brief rundown of them. The basic traits of them I mean. It will be very useful later I think. While the characters are distinct on the page, at least individual enough, there are a lot of them and their traits are going to be important.
Among these classmates are some familiar faces and plenty of new ones. I'm so happy that Alv is back. I really like him. He is so easily underestimated and I like his attitude. There is one classmate we haven't met yet "The 27th trainee of this incoming class. A girl yet to bet revealed for reasons that will eventually become clear." I can't think of any obvious reasons why we wouldn't have met her yet. Reasons that she would remain hidden. There is one very, very familiar name among the trainees and it wasn't until I was writing this review that I remembered why. The name is Sophie Schwimm, at 35 and she is the oldest of the trainees. The reason the name is familiar... Sophie Schwimm wrote Kafna of the Wind, the text Magnus of the Library is based on. That is just really interesting to me, this is lore within lore. Sophie survives the trials, training and exams being faced by the class now. I think it gives an idea of where she ends up after graduation too, either Archives or Personnel. I Sophie, I like her attitude and what she represents. Libraries are often a second career for their staff.
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marina41trench · 8 months
Izumi Iori - IDOL STAR LIVE 2023 RabbiChat
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Iori: Nikaidou-san, there is something I want to tell you.
Iori: Reply when you are free.
Yamato: Done with work
Yamato: Done with the shooting and in the dressing room right now
Yamato: Did something happen at the dorm? Are you alright?
Iori: Yesterday, you’re loitering around without your loungewear after taking a bath again.
Iori: I received a tipoff from Nii-san.
Yamato: W-whaaaaaaaat!!
Yamato: So that was it!! That scared me. I thought something happened there!
Yamato: I’m glad!
Iori: What do you mean, “what”!!
It’s a huge incident!
Iori: Nii-san has warned you many times not to loiter around while looking like that! (angry) (angry)
Yamato: Like wearing only my underpants? (laugh)
Yamato: Yesterday, I forgot to bring it with me to the bathroom. I’ll be more careful next time!
Iori: Do you mean it?
Iori: I’ll tell Nii-san that I’ve reminded you.
Yamato: Sure. Tell Mitsu I’m sorry!
Iori: I’m saying that it’ll be troubling if you feel chilly and then catch a cold.
You’re our leader.
Yamato: Eeeeeeh Ichi you’re so kind!
Yamato: You’re worried about me. Thanks!
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Iori: Please stop using that stamp!
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Iori: Since the first day of the group's formation, you’ve shown us that you’re very approachable. I’ve understood how the group is united.
Iori: However. As the group’s leader, I’m giving you advice.
Yamato: Ichi
Iori: Yes
Yamato: You really have it all together aside from the surprising fact that you’re looking after us…
Iori: W-what are you implying now all of a sudden…
Yamato: I heard from Manager that you gave a lot of advice on our princely outfits, right?
She said that it’ll show off IDOLiSH7’s individuality.
Iori: That’s
Iori: Since idol-like princes are a common theme, I believe that the members’ individuality should be strongly shown.
Yamato: That’s really awesome. It’s like you’re giving advice on my outfit
Iori: I agree. We talked about how to bring out your adult charm, so we should make it simpler compared to the other members.
Also changing your signature glasses will surely change someone’s perception of you.
Iori: You prefer simple things too, don’t you?
Yamato: Ichi, tell me anything you want.
Iori: What now?!
Yamato: Well I used to wear a lot of cute outfits…
I get it if it’s Mitsu or Riku…
Yamato: I was deeply moved that someone else understands me…
Iori: Well, I agree that it fits Nii-san and Nanase-san the most.
Iori: Next time your next outfit will be on the cute side.
Yamato: Ichi~! 😭
Iori: It’s a joke. I do think it fits you as well.
Yamato: Are you praising me?
Iori: No, it’s an objective analysis.
Yamato: Analysis, huh~
Yamato: You’re checking on their outfit too, not just mine…
Your exam is coming, right? Wouldn’t that be a burden?
Iori: It’s not going to be a problem as I study regularly.
Iori: Thanks to you-know-who, it became a review for me as well.
Yamato: You-know-who (laugh)
Yamato: Alright. This nii-san will eagerly make tomorrow's chara-ben for the hardworking students
Iori: Thank you.
Iori: I can always tell your eagerness in making the bento for us.
Yamato: Whoa, this is kinda embarrassing (laugh)
Iori: I’ll look forward to it.
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maiji · 1 year
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At long last! Thanks to the magic of libraries I have finally read this Tale of Genji historical fanfic I had on my list since 2018!!
Hamamatsu Chunagon Monogatagari (“Tale of the Hamamatsu Middle Counselor”), or Mitsu no Hamamatsu ("Waiting/by the Pines on Mitsu Beach") is a very special work. Not only does it exhibit many clearly recognizable characteristics common to what we in fandom today would call an AU fic (reimagining/transplanting familiar characters and events into parallel or equivalent events), and not only is it the oldest of the works I had on my radar when I first started looking into Tale of Genji historical fanfics, it is also generally believed to have been written by the earliest documented Tale of Genji fan! 
Back in 2018 I wrote: “Hamamatsu Chunagon Monogatari/Mitsu no Hamamatsu - 11th century story purportedly written by the first Tale of Genji fan ever documented (Sugawara no Takasue no Musume/Lady Sarashinai - I mentioned her in my Ukifune illustration). I’ve read some summaries/reviews of it, but haven’t read an actual translation yet. It’s kind of a reimagining of the Kaoru and Ukifune story, but the Kaoru character is more successful. Reincarnation and the Chinese imperial court are also involved.”
As you can see, I went in with a general sense of it in broad brushstrokes, but it’s always a different experience reading it directly (or more directly, through a translation). Wikipedia has a high level summary, and critiques, of it here.
Honestly... it’s very clear that Tale of Genji is the more sophisticated work by a significant distance, and some of the things in this story I found ridiculous. However, it is absolutely delightful to see the various ways the author attempts to right the wrongs done to those who seem to be this universe’s version of their favourite characters, and realign events or tragedies from the original work with a different, preferred outcome through the Hamamatsu Chunagon’s adventures. 
I summarized some of my personal favourite retakes, compared with the original on my Pillowfort!
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shori · 1 year
2022.09.29 Endless SHOCK @ Hakataza Theater in Fukuoka
Posting on my Tumblr so I can delete the thread on my Twitter and it looks better here than a series of 10+ tweets haha. I'm sad I didn't hit for SHOCK 2023 so time to relive seeing it last year. I got lucky and decided to just YOLO by applying for the self guided tour visa before borders opened back up officially like two weeks later lmao. I HAD TO GO since I'm a KinKi and Kisumai fan!
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Koichi Zachou is really an oujisama 😍 Loved red hair Mitsu as rival. Wish I could have seen more shows because there's so much happening in all the scenes. Glad I got close seats in the 2nd floor especially to see Koichi's flying scenes in the second act 😭
9/29 13:00 show
I was so focused on Koichi at the beginning and I'm so used to Kochan's stage voice so when Mitsu first spoke I was like who omg it's HIROMITSU
I was very impressed with Mitsu's stage acting and singing just like many fans reported! His singing is very clear & smooth 💯
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Matsuzaki & HIROMITSU are too cute as buddies. Zaki telling Mitsu to put his arms around Rika at the rooftop🙈 A few scenes I just laughed at their buddy bro dynamic.
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Mitsu in the ❤️ patterned suit is cute 🥰 when he comes in with the bouquet & dances with Rika during It's a Wonderful Day. Man got guts to wear that heart patterned suit. Haha he's so charai just like how he is as idol... watch Kisumai Busaiku! 🤣
I think HIROMITSU is the happy go lucky charai rival that is more on KOICHI's level. He doesn't seem to get angry and is more sly and calculated.
I laughed at the Everybody Go lines 😂 I love the little references/adlibs. For my show since it was the day of Travis Japan's "world debut" announcement. After the rooftop scene they are crossing the stage~
Matsuzaki: There's a group making a world debut!
Mitsu on roller skates: Ehh Tora Tora..! 🐯🐯
Overall HIROMITSU gets along with everyone and have fun in the Company.
The solo for the rival, MOVE ON is such a good fitting song. I felt Shori had the cool youngster brash charisma in the performance. So it's nice to see how Mitsu's version has a different aura that was his own... he totally owned the stage. Dancing & charisma. 💯💯
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I need to review the previous rivals and watch more closely but I can definitely see how others say Mitsu's version is different. I felt his version was more calm, diligent, and mature and more of KOICHI's equal. He didn't crumble emotionally and descend into darkness/violence or acted brashly right away...
It was a slowburn but when he finds out, KOICHI is really dead... After the Shakespearean act, HIROMITSU is lying on the floor distraught. The piano melody for Don't Look Back 〜戻れない日々 plays (love this song composed by Koichi! could we get a new OST version with Shori and Mitsu as vocals *biased*). This part always gets me with the rival, KOICHI, and the owner singing. here is where I first started to get sobby/cry a bit. I also cried at the end of Yori no Umi, then and there's HIROMITSU and the cast... The flashbacks of memories with KOICHI is shown...
Shimada Kaho who Koichi worked with in Knights' Tale played the Owner for the first time. She's a lovely lady and has such a elegant presence 😍 she has a softer speaking voice than Maeda Bibari-san but a powerful beautiful singing voice.
As always the second act is just amazing with the Japanese dance and flying scenes.
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And the end is just 😭😭😭
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Doesn't HIROMITSU look so intense!
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Even knowing the general story with the acts and various performances... I understand why people still want to see it every year even tho the general story is the same but how the script changes with the different rival and how it evolves... There's a different atmosphere with each new rival/cast. For me, seeing the cast ensemble makes it interesting to watch with the chairman leading. I really hope to see Endless SHOCK again one day.
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Scans by me from digital Weekly TV Guide & TV Guide Alpha
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kierrasreads · 1 year
Magus of the Library, Volumes 3&4, by Mitsu Izumi Review
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Volume 3: Group Admission
Theo has completed the first part of the grueling exam to become a kafna, but he's not in the clear yet—there are two more trials he must face. Even if he makes it through the second test, an intense face-to-face oral examination, the last challenge is a practical demonstration of his abilities as a librarian. Theo has been studying his whole life for this moment, but there's one kind of test that no amount of studying could have prepared him for: a group project.
Volume 4: A Student Among Masters
Theo has returned to Aftzaak, the magisterial City of Books. Passing the exams to become a kafna was hard enough. Now he has to compete against his fellow trainees—fighters and geniuses one and all—to prove that he has what it takes to achieve his dreams and ascend to the Central Library's elite. Under the watchful eyes of his wise seniors and teachers, including his youthful mentor Sedona, Theo begins to awaken to the sublime fate and impossible challenges that history has prepared for him…
I love, love, love this series and I highly recommend that you give this series a try! This series is a love letter to bibliophiles and the fact that libraries are so, so important to society.
The art is gorgeous and the diversity of characters is perfect- each character is distinctive. The world and culture building in this series are absolutely phenomenal (you can definitely tell that the series drew heavy inspiration from the Middle East- the writing in the books reminded me of Arabic. Plus, the clothes, setting, and languages used in the book).
I can't wait to see Theo really grow into his role as kafna. I think he's going to get into the top of the 12 offices available. I also think that he's going to get training on how to use his manna- whether from "Granny" or Sedona (maybe she'll be the villain? Volume 4 left us on a cliffhanger!).
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shipcestuous · 2 years
Hi! I don't think it was mentioned (sorry if I'm wrong) but it should be, in my opinion. Japanese drama Mitsu no aji (A taste of honey) has an amazing example of uncle/niece canon incest. I know these are rare, that's why I was so happy to find this series. It's dramatic AND romantic AND realistic AND shippable as hell. The best that I've seen about u/n, sorry to Daemyra haha (well, I can't say I'm an expert so don't eat me if you know a better canon ship in this category). The plot starts with a girl named Naoko who applies to medical university in Tokyo. We learn right away that she does it because she's in love with her uncle Masato who works there, and she wants to be closer to him. (Funny that she calls him "brother Masato" since he's only 9 years older than her and growing up she saw him more as an older brother. Before she fell in love with him, that is). She gets admitted and comes to Tokyo, only to find out her uncle has a girlfriend Aya and is planning to marry her. So that's how it begins. I'm not gonna describe the whole plot, but I will do a summary. (I would be thrilled if someone did a full review, though)
Aya guesses that Naoko is in love with Masato and is very jealous, she tries to do everything to keep them apart. Naoko can't stand Aya knowing about her love for Masato when he doesn't know, so she tells him she loves him. He is surprised, doesn't answer anything and marries Aya anyway. However, he slowly discovers they are not compatible, while falling for Naoko. Masato and Naoko kiss, but then he goes to USA. 8 years later, Naoko now works at the same university in Tokyo. When Masato comes back, their feelings for each other revive. But she now has a boyfriend who's her ex-classmate and also works there, while Masato is still legally married to Aya, and latter holds the hope to get him back. And, obviously, everyone is ready to remind them that it's wrong to be in love with your uncle or niece. But, tadada! In the end, they do get together (Aya gives Masato a divorce when she realizes she was wrong for trying to stop them). I wouldn't call this exactly a happy ending because they pay a heavy price for being able to be together. They lose their job, their home, their planned future and even their family because no one approves the relationship. The message is clear that they will only have each other now, as the whole world is against them. But they do not care: their love comes above all for them. I love this couple so much!
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This sounds too good to be true!
I am going to have to track this down. I have such a soft spot for uncle/niece and it's so rare. Incredible that they end up together, even after he marries someone else.
Thank you so much for the recommendation!!!
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ecargmura · 3 days
My Deer Friend Nokotan Episode 12 Review + Final Thoughts - It's Over Now, Deer.
The stinger from the previous episode gets discarded for crazy final episode shenanigans! Why? I don’t know! Hey, narrator says to not think too much into it so that’s what I’ll do. It’s what all anime finales do, right?
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Anyways, this is basically an overarching plot of Nokotan supposedly being targeted by an organization called Deer’s Den and it’s apparently where Nokotan is from. Assassins from all over the nation are after Nokotan, but they apparently are mascots. So, Nokotan has to fend off all the mascots coming her way so she won’t get deported back. Her challenges range from dance competitions to mind reading games to MMA fights.
My favorite part was the match with Sento-kun. It went from a pseudo MMA fight to Nokotan showing off why she got stuck in the power lines in episode 1 by revealing her trump card—the ability to fly via helicopter power. Her antler bombs also make a return. I seriously loved how maniacal she sounded as she was flying and throwing bombs around.
Other than that, the finale is just bringing in all the characters from the story as one last go around before it ends. The only thing that got resolved is that Nokotan’s not getting deported and Koshitan finally calls Nokotan as Nokotan and not Shikanoko.
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Final Thoughts
In all honesty, I think My Deer Friend Nokotan was very overhyped. It’s definitely due to the crazy trailer and the fact that WIT Studio of all animation studios animated this nonsensical brain rot anime. The anime itself does get a little stale in terms of gags and comedy, but there are also parts that are hilarious. I think Episode 3 was the best by far followed by Episode 9.
Though, I do give props to the show for using unique references for gags. For example, Episode 3 referenced the Spider Man dance. There was also a reference to Bambi before Koshitan interrupted to protect the anime from getting a copyright lawsuit. There’s also a Smash Bros reference in Episode 8. Episode 11 had Kumatori recite the Rifleman’s Creed in English. I think these unique choices help make the comedy stand out from the usual toilet humor and sexual harassment jokes that a lot of comedy animes tend to do.
Aside from the comedy, the voice actors helped bring the show to life. It’s not every day you see Kana Arima and Hatsune Miku’s voice actresses team up to bring deer chaos. Heck, even other big names like Kosuke Toriumi and Takuya Eguchi come in as the narrator and Yoshiharu to help enhance the comedy; Kikuko Inoue most definitely had a blast voicing Ukai-sensei and Granny Mitsu. I think the standout performance was Anko’s voice actress Risa Tanabe. Her performance in Episode 2 was definitely phenomenal with the yandere menhera siscon act and how the intensity of her craziness changes with each outburst. They all did a great job nonetheless.
The music is pretty catchy. The opening is meme-worthy and I especially love the constant usage of “SHIKA” whenever something dramatic happens. I also like Koshitan’s songs whenever they’re used like in Episode 3 and the finale.
Overall, if you want to watch a comedy anime that takes the gags up a notch, Nokotan is your deer. Other than that, don’t think too much while watching this anime. It’s just something you’d watch when you’re bored but it is still entertaining. I’d recommend it as a must-watch comedy anime, in all honesty. What are your thoughts on the anime as a whole?
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jan-hen · 2 years
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Stream Drawings (2022-12-23)
Here are some sketches and doodles I did on stream.
These were all requested live on Twitch.
Futaba Sakura/Ann Tamaki Head Swap (Persona)
Aoi/Ahmara Head Swap (Franktonius)
Philip/Noire Head Swap (Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemist Knight)
Bel'Veth Transformation (League of Legends)
Max/Maxine Head Swap (MaxFloof)
Kobeni (Chainsaw Man)/Mitsue (Interspecies Reviewers) Head Swap
Himbo Arven Mousepad Transformation (Pokémon)
Trevor/Arezu Head Swap (Pokémon)
Big Buff Mercedes (Fire Emblem)
Téa Gardner/Ishizu Ishtar Transformation (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Denki (My Hero Academia)/Yor (Spy x Family) Head Swap
Whitey/Mrs. Selman Head Swap
Santa Donkey Kong
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atthequillsmercy · 11 months
Lenni Reviews: "Mieruko-chan" Vol. 6, by Tomoki Izumi
(Image Source) *This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review. Mieruko returns to that creepy shrine with Shindou and Mitsue to do something about the creatures haunting her best friend, Hana. This volume was crazy, finally facing such a huge spirit and it’s genuinely terrifying. This series had fantastic creature design but still can handle being cute when it has time to be around…
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timnhanh · 1 year
Giá vé Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu và review Hồ Mây Park có gì?
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Có rất nhiều du khách khi đến du lịch Vũng Tàu đều không thể bỏ qua khu du lịch Hồ Mây. Nơi đây được ví như ‘chốn bồng lai tiên cảnh’ của thành phố biển xinh đẹp Vũng Tàu. Với rất nhiều cảnh đẹp, những hoạt động vui chơi hấp dẫn được đầu tư rất kỹ lưỡng, Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu được du khách đánh giá rất cao. Hãy theo chân du lịch cùng Timnhanh.com.vn tìm hiểu ngay khu du lịch ‘siêu hot’ này nhé! 1. Giá vé Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu 2022 Thời gian hoạt động:7h30 đến 23h tất cả các ngày trong tuần. Giá vé khu du lịch Hồ Mây Giá vé Người lớn Trẻ em (1-1m3) Dưới 1m4 Tham quan trọn gói 400.000 VNĐ 200.000 VNĐ Miễn phí Tour du lịch đặc biệt 200.000 VNĐ/người/tour khám phá nét văn hóa Việt (áp dụng sau 18h). 500.000 VNĐ/5 gói trò chơi team building. 150.000 VNĐ/người cắm trại qua đêm tại rừng thông Carbie. 100.000 VNĐ Lưu ý, giá vé Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu 2022 trên đây chưa bao gồm các chi phí ăn uống, mua sắm và các tour du lịch khác. 2. Địa chỉ khu du lịch Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu ở đâu? Hồ Mây có diện tích 50ha, nằm ở độ cao 210m so với mực nước biển. Nơi đây luôn có khí hậu mát mẻ, bầu không khí trong lành, đem đến cảm giác khoan khoái, dễ chịu cho du khách. Khu du lịch Hồ Mây tọa lạc tại số 1A Trần Phú, phường 1, Vũng Tàu, Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu. Khu du lịch Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu được du khách ví như phiên bản Bà Nà Hills thu nhỏ. Khu du lịch này gây ấn tượng sâu sắc với khách du lịch bởi khung cảnh nên thơ hữu tình giữa núi non và biển lớn. Ảnh: Báo Người lao động 3. Hướng dẫn đường lên Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu Du khách có thể di chuyển đến khu du lịch Hồ Mây với nhiều phương tiện khác nhau. Nếu xuất phát từ Sài Gòn bạn có thể đi xe máy theo đường bộ, đi tàu cánh ngầm hoặc bắt xe khách từ bến xe miền đông xuống Vũng Tàu. Sau khi đến nơi, bạn cần đi cáp treo Vũng Tàu để đến khu du lịch. Với hệ thống cáp treo hiện đại, bạn chỉ cần 5-10 phút là đã có thể tới khu du lịch Hồ Mây. Ảnh: i am hoang mai 4. Review Khu du lịch Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu có gì hấp dẫn? Du lịch Hồ Mây luôn là điểm đến hàng đầu khi đến với Vũng Tàu. Đến đây, du khách không chỉ được tận hưởng không khí trong lành, ngắm nhìn cảnh sắc tươi đẹp. Đặc biệt, những hoạt động vui chơi giải trí tại Hồ Mây cũng là một điểm thu hút du khách. Đến với Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu, du khách có thể thưởng thức những món ăn ngon, tìm hiểu những nét đặc sắc trong tín ngưỡng, văn hóa dân gian Việt Nam. Hồ Mây hầu như hội tủ đủ tất cả những yếu tố của một khu du lịch hàng đầu. Nơi đây là một điểm du lịch ở Vũng Tàu phức hợp. Với đa dạng các loại hình du lịch khác nhau như du lịch sinh thái, khu nghỉ dưỡng, công viên Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu, khu văn hóa tín ngưỡng, khu văn hóa dân gian, di tích lịch sử…Điểm nhấn nổi bật của khu du lịch Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu là giữ kỷ lục hồ nước nhân tạo trên đỉnh núi đầu tiên và duy nhất ở Việt Nam. Ảnh: Flicker Ảnh: Du lịch Nhật Bản Mitsu 5. Các trò chơi ở Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu Hồ Mây là địa điểm vui chơi dành cho mọi lứa tuổi. Du khách nên mua bản đồ khu du lịch Hồ Mây để khám phá hết những khu vui chơi cũng như những điểm đến hấp dẫn tại đây. Cùng Halo khám phá ngay đến Hồ Mây có thể chơi gì nhé! 5.1. Khu vui chơi dành cho trẻ em Đây là khu vực tổ hợp các trò chơi dành cho thiếu nhi vô cùng hấp dẫn. Chắc chắn các bé sẽ rất thích khi được bước vào vương quốc dành riêng cho mình với những trò chơi như: máy bay, ngựa quay, nhà banh, xe điện đụng…Ba mẹ cũng sẽ rất yên tâm khi cho con em mình vui chơi tại Hồ Mây park Vũng Tàu. Mỗi một trò chơi đều có từ 3 – 4 nhân viên phụ trách bảo vệ các bé tránh những tai nạn không đáng có. Gần đây, Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu ngày càng có nhiều trò chơi thú vị, hấp dẫn hơn. Đăc biệt là Zipline Coaster là một trò chơi mới ra đời trong năm 2018 tại khu du lịch này. Zipline Coaster là một hành trình đu dây mạo hiểm, chỉ dành riêng cho những người trên 18 tuổi, có sức khỏe tốt. Thế nhưng ở Hồ Mây đã thiết kế trò chơi thú vị này dành cho các bé từ 4 – 10 tuổi ở độ cao thấp hơn. Ảnh: Vietnamexpress 5.2. Những trò chơi nhẹ nhàng, thư giãn tại Hồ Mây Các trò chơi nhẹ nhàng tại Hồ Mây rất thích hợp với những du khách lớn tuổi hoặc những ai yêu thích sự lãng mạn. Đến với khu vui chơi nhẹ nhàng, khách du lịch sẽ được trải nghiệm cảm giác du ngoạn bằng xe ngựa, đạp vịt, bơi thuyền hay câu cá Hải Tượng khổng lồ trên Hồ Mây… Ngoài ra, du khách còn có thể xem phim ngay tại rạp của khu du lịch. Từ hình ảnh, âm thanh, ánh sáng cho đến ghế ngồi. Tất cả đều vô cùng hiện đại, tạo cảm giác thoải mái cho du khách. Khách hàng có thể cảm nhận được từng thước phim rất chân thật, như đang xảy ra trước mắt vậy. Ảnh: mytour.vn 5.3. Những trò chơi cảm giác mạnh tại Hồ Mây Park Vũng Tàu Khu trò chơi cảm giác mạnh chính là điểm đến lý tưởng dành cho những du khách năng động, yêu thích các hoạt động ngoài trời. Tại đây, du khách sẽ được trải nghiệm những hoạt động vui chơi cảm giác mạnh như: thám hiểm rừng nguyên sinh, cưỡi ngựa, vòng đu trên cao. Đặc biệt là trò chơi đua xe thể thức một, trò chơi xe trượt dốc,công viên nước… Du khách sẽ có những trải nghiệm cực kì mới lạ, thích thú. Với tiêu chí an toàn là trên hết. Du khách có thể hoàn toàn yên tâm vì sẽ không có những tai nạn, sự cố đáng tiếc xảy ra bởi hệ thống bảo hộ chất lượng, đội ngũ bảo vệ nghiêm ngặt Công viên nước Hồ Mây cũng là một điểm vui chơi không thể bỏ qua. Nơi đây có một trong những trò chơi cảm giác mạnh được rất nhiều khách du lịch yêu thích. Cảm giác được trượt từ trên cao xuống với máng trượt nước siêu tốc, hòa mình vào làn nước mát lạnh tại bể bơi giữa thời tiết nóng bức thì còn gì tuyệt hơn. Ảnh: Du lịch Việt Nam Ảnh: Hồ Mây Park 6. Khám phá khu văn hóa – tín ngưỡng – dân gian – sinh thái tại Hồ Mây Park Khu du lịch văn hóa tín ngưỡng – dân gian Hồ Mây là điểm đến mà bạn cũng nên ghé qua. Đến đây, bạn sẽ biết rõ hơn về con người, đất nước, lịch sử, văn hóa Việt Nam qua lời kể của hướng dẫn viên, những đền thợ các vị tướng tài trong lịch sử. 6.1. Khu du lịch văn hóa – tín ngưỡng Bạn cũng có thể tìm thấy những phút giây thư thái, sự tĩnh lặng trong tâm hồn khi đến với các khu đền thờ: đền thờ Phật Giáo với La Hán Đường, Phật tích Động, hang đá Balem, đền thờ các vị anh hùng lịch sử. Đặc biệt, ở đây có bức tượng phật Di Lặc cao đến 30m, với gam màu trắng nổi bật trên nền xanh của cây cỏ, đất trời. Ảnh: Hồ Mây Park 6.2. Khu du lịch văn hóa – dân gian Thêm một trải nghiệm thú vị nữa tại khu du lịch Hồ Mây đó là du khách có thể tìm hiểu cũng như tham gia vào các trò chơi dân gian như đá gà, tò he…Tham quan các không gian văn hóa dân gian gắn liền với nhiều câu chuyện cổ tích như: chú cuội ngồi gốc cây đa, Thạch Sanh chém chằn tinh, cô Tấm thảo hiền,… Những câu chuyện, trò chơi tưởng chừng như rất đơn giản ấy lại giúp du khách như tìm lại một vé quay về tuổi thơ của mình. Ảnh: Du lịch Việt Nam 6.3 Khu du lịch sinh thái Hồ Mây Park Vũng Tàu Khu du lịch sinh thái Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu thu hút du khách bởi không khí trong lành, mát mẻ. Nơi đây có hệ động thực vật phong phú đa dạng như: rừng thông Caribbe, vườn hoa anh đào Nhật, vườn phong lan, vườn hoa Bác Hồ. Hay khu rừng bằng lăng, vườn động vật có công, hươu, nai, heo rừng, ngựa…Và nhiều động thực vật quý hiếm khác. Núi Tiên là một trong những ngọn núi đẹp nhất ở núi Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu. Núi Tiên cao 270m so với mực nước biển. Đúng như cái tên của nó, núi Tiên có cảnh sắc của chốn bồng lai tiên cảnh, được ví là nơi giao thoa giữa đất và trời. Trên núi có khu nhà gỗ, là khoảng không gian riêng dành cho du khách ngồi thiền hay tập yoga. Ảnh: Ve5s Gần Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu cũng có rất nhiều địa điểm du lịch hấp dẫn mà bạn có thể kết hợp tham quan như: - Bạch Dinh – cách 87m - Bãi Trước – cách 1.8km - Bãi Sau – cách 3.3km - Ngọn hải đăng Vũng Tàu – cách 4.4km - Tượng chúa Kito – cách 4.5km - Mũi Nghinh Phong – cách 4.5km Hồ Mây quả thực là ‘viên ngọc quý’ của thành phố Vũng Tàu. Sẽ là thiếu sót lắm nếu như bỏ qua địa điểm này trong danh sách những điểm đến hấp dẫn nhất. Hãy xách balo lên và đến ngay khu du lịch Hồ Mây Vũng Tàu này bạn nhé! Tổng hợp từ: Halo Travel Read the full article
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ladzwriting · 2 years
Manga Review: MIERUKO-CHAN Vol. 6 by Tomoki Izumi (2022)
Manga Review: MIERUKO-CHAN Vol. 6 by Tomoki Izumi (2022)
Genre: Slice-of-Life HorrorYear Release in English: 2022Source: BOOK☆Walker ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. Content warnings: Ghosts, body horror, disturbing imagery Miko goes to the temple hidden by a forbidden barrier with Mitsue and Rom, despite Mitsue warning them both about trying to put those spirits to rest. The young woman might be the key to putting the disturbance to rest, however. This…
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wI think this is the anime that had most of the spotlight for the winter 2020 season. Rightfully so, it sorta catered to everyone, given its fluffy romance and great comedy, but did Horimiya live up to the hype?
Our story follows a group of third year high schoolers, mainly, Kyoko Hori, and Izumi Miyamura, as they go through their final year of high school, and come out of their shells and learn more about their friends and romances blossom, it’s your typical coming of age/high school romance.
The cool thing about Horimiya, I think, is the themes of the two different selves, the way someone presents in one public setting vs the way they present in private. Kyoko seems like a popular girl, but she’s busy at home with chores and childcare, and Izumi is shy and reserved for Reasons, and thought to be an otaku shut-in, but is really just a kind and accommodating person who just needs someone to see past his barriers he’s put up to protect himself.
This anime covers some heavy themes about bullying and relationships, both romantic and platonic, but is mostly a very funny, silly, cute time. There were many moments that made me laugh out loud, and many moments that made my chest hurt. To me it felt like a slightly more serious Tsurezure Children, and I’m gonna be a little controversial here: I think I liked Tsurezure Children more. Comedy wise, but also romantically, because once the B plot of other characters took center stage and Kyoko and Izumi became more of background characters, I lost a lot of interest. I did finish it, and any time they were in the spotlight again, I loved it. I think I’m just mad that the side plots just didn’t leave me satisfied. I was REALLY annoyed by Yuki’s character, and frustrated that some relationships didn’t get solidified or developed as much. I don’t know where exactly the manga left off, but to my knowledge it is over.
Also some of Izumi and Kyoko’s relationship dynamics were….questionable. This is coming from someone who had no real right to speak given the kinda shit I’m into, but idk, seeing them try this weird pseudo abusive but not really, but sorta S&M relationship with how uncomfortable it made Izumi? It was a little weird and I could have done without it. It's just not portrayed in a romantic or healthy way and just makes both characters more awkward and uncomfortable. Everyone's into something different, but it just hit me in all the wrong places...
The anime itself is pretty and polished, the character designs are interesting enough given its contemporary setting, and they were abundant. Plus the opening song and animation are amazing and I love them. Aside from the one annoying me, I liked everyone's personality and dynamics. Was a little confused by the whole Iura thing since his personality switch comes out of seemingly nowhere, but it is sort of addressed and does add to the whole two faces situation.
Overall it was a good time. Perfect? Nah, tonally it seemed just a hair skewed, but it did what it set out to do and was enjoyable for the most part. If you’re looking for recommendations after watching this one, if you want more comedy romance, watch Tsurezure Children, if you want more drama, angst and pain, watch Orange or One Week Friends. Orange I think covers the bullying and depression aspects better (as it's played as very important in Horimiya but only brought up in maybe two entire episodes as the main plot? Maybe more idk), and One Week Friends I think had a more age appropriate relationship dynamic, plus it's little Gimmick there to break your heart. I hope Horimiya is remembered fondly, but as I get further away from its end date, I'm starting to see the cracks showing.
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