badbanaynas · 1 year
i will alaso say that i do NOT care about h00k not ONE BIT. idk why he's been able to hold this yaoi title for so long , like i also don't get how it doesn't make him look absolutely LAME to everyone. liKE J*NGLEBOY IS RIGHT that belt is literally just given to him cause he's a nepo baby.
AND YES! jack is also a nepo baby but your dad being an actor that was famous for about 5-6 ish years , then had to act again to support his kids..is VERY DIFFERENT from your dad LITERALLY being a wrestling veteran in ww3 nOIDMOISMFIOSF.. LIKE CMON
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pocmuzings · 7 years
alrright everyone lets dish real quick
@cameeluh omg OK so,  the cruise was incredible it was honestly so so so much fun, and on like the 3rd night i was there - i met this guy named corey, and i thought he was really cute, but he didnt talk to me so i was like WHATEVER
then the next night, he comes over and buys me a drink and sits with me all night bc my brother left early and i was still drinking.
we both ended up sitting in the library together that night, at 4am, drinking wine and playing never have i ever, and it was just ... so much fun. and ok yes we totally hooked up
so then, from basically the 4th day onward, we had a routine of him calling my room every morning to just be like ‘hey, how are you feeling? do you wanna get breakfast?’ and we’d spend almost the entire day together, like just wlking around or DRINKING and EVERYONE thought we were dating and had come on the cruise together which was obvs not true
but sjkfsjkn he was just such a fuck boy, but like, a DEVELOPED fuck boy, bc he was rlly nice at times, and he was just so SEX YYHJDFKJ. 
anyways anyways, tldr; we spent almost every single night together, up until 3-4am, running around the cruise ship, drinking, and breaking into the pool to make out.
then on the second last night, me and him got into this mini argument, rlly small and dumb, and i left to the bar. fast forward an hour and he comes in with his arm around this girl and i was like FUCK THAT and strted talking to this random other cute guy ,, and me and corey just didnt speak to each other after that, like at all, because i was a bit emo about him flirting with this other girl
and then last night, i see him at the club, and the club is so dead theres only like 3 ppl there bc its the last night, we have to get up early .. u feel? but im like ILL BE THE BIGGER PERSON HERE AND COME SAY BYE TO HIM so i walked on over, and i was like ‘hi. just wanted to say bye, before the end of the cruise’ and corey just looked at me, and it honestly was like.. the coldest look i ever recieved that i almost cried lmao, and he just said ‘bye’.
SO FAST FORWARD this morning, i was so emo, i didnt want to leave the cruise, but i was upset that corey was such a fucking asshole. so i arrive at the airport and our flight gets delayed a lil, so i decide to mssg corey and im like ‘hey, that goodbye sucked’ and he immediately replied being like ‘yeah. i know. im sorry. i was an idiot’ and im literally about to start crying in the airport, im pmsing so badly .. but then, i feel a tap on my shoulder and i hear someone say ‘is this seat taken?’ and i look over and its fucking COR EY. and he was like ‘we should do a proper goodbye’ and im like yes yesy eS but i dont wanna seem too eager, so i just nod, and smile, and we hug, and then... thats kinda it ?? like its still a fucking lame goodbye
so i go to the bar, lmao, and have like 4 mimosas and i message him again being like ‘i really wish you had kissed me goodbye’ and he was like ‘i know , im sorry, i was so distracted’ and im so petty n drunk im like, ‘u were distracted thinking about that GIRL u were hooking up with the other night.’ and hes like ‘oh. fuck. yeah. im sorry. i just saw you with that guy and i got mad’ and im like ???? ur such an ASSHOLE at least i didnt KISS anyone else, and he’s like ‘true. but you kissed better then she did’ and im like ‘kiss me right now, i board in ten minutes’ and he mssgs back saying ‘where are you’
and we literally SPRINT down the hallways, past security, and i was so emotional, and i finally FIND him just outside my gate, and we kinda stop in front of each other and im like ‘i have to go’ and hes like ‘ i know’ and then... we kiss goodbye.
and thats it. i have him on fb, but like .. he lives so far, nd we’ll never see each other again! rip !
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
our love becomes a funeral pire.  and it is a meaningful statement got tons of scrutiny and by his son who got it right away due to the mire...we are mired down.   and he said it over and over.  and he listened and they said that and did.  and he fought them off with tons of stuff used up huge weapons caches.  and felt good then he heard you need much moreas Thor said you felt good. and that is all. and i heard it said this no more mr nice guy. and filled tem up and they were on scene fast tons were ate them alive the forg cant believe it yeh they saw why.  ate them alive. tons do now. huge fat faggot tards got all beat up.   and we get all beat up so and your bad caa jenna you idiot, you messed w me so much i live like you dorks.  stuck bored poor.  hopeless situation due to your threats...get it oprresion and you oppress more than the Empire and it is disordinate and not coordinated and based on cannibalism and more sh i found to tryi to get ou off me be reasonable..nope you wont have it and be nice and shit when your mean as hell meaner than any other group...they want a war strted with you and your doing that as your leaders do...so what is it do you hv free strawbrry pies with all added sugar...i mean really can you not tell your over the boundary...flipped my lid on you and yours and used my power...and you say theyi put me there most in there are not tards and here.   so your not listening huh dont have intel Zues we do it says your a liar jenna so what it is what you want to see and hear Zues we need real reports jenna how deep bg Zues very and i will tell bg lots see it ok  you rat on you. they compete. Zues we know and her she too competes and we hear it over what and dont see it jenna wait till it raises. for the show Zues and i get it go try and what. mostdie. and we delviered all the gold to it and such. that is some pig shit ok piiiiig shiiit jenna and you think i would not get back toyou threats of death fag Zues oh i see fag and we see it too and we die ok. and a demon eats us. tons of times and we see him eating us jenna ok so your an idiot fag with no intel Zues and we get it we are  dumb jenna look.  you proclaim ignorance but are in hte cave with y our fattass out of joes mouth one of joes after nukes really big ones for what sweety ignoramice.ok talk now Zues fine we  get it cant read signs and it is like europe and so on we want our lives back jenna you cunts let us take it and fed it to us and cork thought just dropone in after years and then it is ours as we are satiated..he doesnt know how it goes there nor hat we got it as he ws not there..mostly went on isle came back a new man Zues what are you sayhing ou own the world jenna wow that is some tard coffee table shit Zues and you listen and copy and we fallfor our crap jenna evil man i am and you try to creep qm has you in he sights youll die soon Zues oh no why. jenna you dont know anything i see but pester me like you get free gold bars each time.  so it is only mild curisity Zues and we feel it hate jennna hou did a good job whiped out years of work in seconds.  over and over.  Zues whiped out and tommy a says yes and others.  why am i always in trouble.  and it is her an d she is manipulatvieso im scott free jenna look ass your an annoying person your picky and a nurse cratchet and you shoudl pay for your crimes here which are many vs your own, and inciting me and claiming ignornacne for what.   a piece of shit ride. Zues i see that we are dead why. jenna go ask bg im sure youll have  a shoot out Zues and our language and your sharp and we hit too jenna i hit all of you now thtt you decided i do ok punk Zues and you do right. always have ppl do it who are..yours and you say it.  and youstole iron manyour desing  jenna all has been said your a little asshole who doesnt takeno and insisitant on coming here to harrass you came by today in  a blue sedan and they foollowed you and you shook them and we got you. now you are held up by us and wnat out we dot releaseyou anohter is here already. we grab her.   Zues already grabbed where am i jenna under the house Zues funny and you do that to us jenna i want out ten miles below Zues oh no you are for real jenna i take youi now askmine to the prison you wanted me in, the stupid one you assfucks had me in and my dad puleld meout of and it ws part of the pentagon...that i  had hit. and you want it child as our dumb.  i have ou incarcerted lori waits for you.  in it. it is in its roud weheel spoke config and justin is there another awaits it. and it ws decided without me and they are my friends and my wife headed it up and asked she is nice to me .  and i appreciate it.   it is fun to go thereyousay ok why Zues not fun and it is deep they will never know... jenna wrong they looknow about a trillion. they  usuaully cant find a cherry in a cherry tree field. most couldnot in dc Zues your right your vulgar with your intelligence. jenna i reinforced the side hit to preserve the building for today stole it using the incident. Zues oh no you are te one jenna so says bja fine im out of this nuthouse jenna hahahahaha lo no you go o the big nuthouse run by Orc eh mikey Zues dont call me that ok if i die tonight call me mic Zues ok mic  you talk a lot and did today and tried to hook me so you pay. pack up  your bags only certain clothign allowed. and it is part of the prison as you know. or dod hmm Zues part dod. and yous houdl know. and i see.   Hera and Hera runs Bolge so pls ask her for your special diet and extra fatass...and ps we feed you your kids. Zues gross ok we stop now ok no but gross jenna lots of kids. and it gets worse if you are misbehaving as yo were telling Father and God bless her Hera, how can i repay her your so vulgar adn crass ou asshole i use my power you suffer means just that you twit Zues and i say htis you warned us and did so several times. we did not listen and it ws true we were afraid and you said it here you wont let m e live or die or leave.  out or else we did not listen we suck. and that is that. it is flroida and we sucked but not as bad as tommy th mummy oh good and he sucks now and why as he is in charge a perv and moron or what pscye asses.  tons of young ones waiting to intervew you and we have them all lined up too you will see who, there were tons threatening us. jenna Zues Thor
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