#DR Congo NT
olvaheiner · 8 months
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THE OSWALD HANCLIES COLUMN (July 22nd 2019 edition)
‘Ernest’ Warns Investors… Need for ‘Mass Tourism Education’ in Salone
 April 13, 2013.
On the 3rd  of April, 2013, the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma, issued a stern warning to ‘investors’ that would be granted land  leases by government  to spawn some marketable investment – from tourism to mining – but, would fail to utilize such lands for legally agreed purposes; he said that government reserves the right to repossess such lands, because it is obvious those who have not developed these lands lack the “technical and financial capacity to do so”.  This was during the launching of Sweet Salone’s The Place luxury resort on the idyllic Tokeh beachfront in the Freetown peninsular.  President Koroma praised Sweet Salone for being “the first serious investor in tourism” from 2007 – during his first term in office – to the present.  The President’s blend of praise and tough talk was ‘fallamakata-ed’ (emulated) by his land/environment minister, Musa Tarawally.  The latter said that Sierra Leone is determined to give every encouragement to foreign investors;  and  issued a caustic warning to not only questionable foreign investors, but, also citizens who are like cancerous cells on the environment -  “land grabbers and squatters”.  Minister Tarawaly said  that government would ensure “healthy and proper use of land”, so that “meaningful investment …won’t be strangled”.
 Construction of Mansions above the ‘Green Line’ – with Impunity!!
 Last week, I went to one of my paternal villages, Gloucester (my father, Ethelbert Hanciles. was born in Bonthe; but, my grandfather, V. Hanciles, was born and bred in Gloucester, and went to work in Bonthe in the early 20th Century, where he died and was buried).  Gloucester is  one of the first mountain villages where slaves freed in the Americas, bundled  to Britain, repatriated to ‘Freetown’, settled in… at the end of the Protracted Holocaust of the Atlantic Slave Trade in the late 18th Century.   My nephew resident in Gloucester, Frederick Hanciles, guided me as I directed video recording with a Freetown-based film company, Studio J (owned by French Jew, Charles Ostrov).   Environmental degradation in Gloucester is chilling, and criminal.  There is an ‘environmental law’ in Sierra Leone which forbids any development – for building or farming – on the mountains above the ‘green line’. (That is just about the middle of the mountain from the bottom).   But, in Goderich, on nearly all the mountain ranges, developers and farmers have gone way  above the ‘green line’ – in some areas, right to the peak of these mountains, wantonly destroying the rich tropical forests, exposing the bare rocks underneath them.
What these land grabbers are doing in Creole villages like Gloucester (and, the ‘collective village’ of all Sierra Leoneans) would be deemed by deep thinkers as  worse than what the white man in America/Europe did when they enslaved the fore-parents of these Creoles in the Americas for over three hundred years.  The land grabbers are simply putting fire on the forests to clear the land.  The loss of invaluable biological life that results would make ardent environmentalists wail nonstop for ten years at the magnitude of   such loss unfolding.   Sierra Leone has lost over 95 percent of  its virgin tropical rainforests.  The tropical rainforests in these Creole villages are the few remaining  with largely intact tropical rainforests.   About 60 percent of plant and animal life remaining on earth can be found in such tropical rainforests.  Over 65% of the ‘raw materials’ for the billions of dollar global pharmaceutical industries  are found in such forests.   Even locally, a large number of herbalists depend on these forests as the only ones remaining in Sierra Leone from which they can extract herbs from.   These forests have been saved from being ravaged by subsistence farmers with their slash-and-burn farming methods, and by mineral companies in their rapacious drive for profit, because they are on  treacherously  mountainous terrain.   No more. The rich land grabbers, lured by the scenic beauty of having their mansions on these mountainous areas, are defying all odds, spending three times more money to build their mansions on these mountains than if it were on flat ground, and causing irreversible and miasmic damage to the Creole (and national) heritage.
 The Alarming Bio-Diversity Loss
Last week, I led youth from the Coalition of University Students’ Activists, and Youth Arise!!!, to get edification from Dr. Sheka Kamara of the Biological Sciences Department of Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, on the Western Area  Peninsular Forest Reserve (WAPFoR).  WAPFoR, occupying the centre of the peninsula, covers about 17,000 hectares of closed forest.  WAPFoR hosts a range of hills with a highest peak at 971 meters.   There is alarming ecological degradation ongoing in the WAPFoR.
Dr. Kamara told us that “biodiversity loss apart”,  these forests serve as “water catchment” areas for nearly all the about 2 million people living in the Freetown peninsular.    In simple words, the water that flows into dams, and small rivers, where most people get their water from to drink and cook food with, and wash clothes, etc.  come from these forests.  You destroy the forests in these mountains and you starve people of water in nearly all of Freetown.  Already, in most of Freetown, there is severe  already water shortage.  This results not only in serious dehydration, but, most of the common diseases in Freetown today – cholera and typhoid – are contracted through unmoving   almost-dried-up streams, or, people coming from toilet and not having water to wash their hands.
 In the  survey costing $40,000, Dr.  Sheka Kamara’s university team  just last year tried to measure the quantum and quality of plant and animal life in just  two percent of  land area of the WAPFoR.  They discovered 128 species of trees; and 58 species of undergrowth.   The highest number of these families  are called ‘legumimosae’.   The Kent village forest has the lowest numbers of species – whilst the forest around No 2 River has the highest number of species.  The forest in the Kossoh Town area has the highest species diversity.   Regent village area – where the new United States embassy is located; and, which is the ‘in place’ for the burgeoning elite – has an alarming single species that is endemic to it: that compares with NINE SPECIES endemic to No 2 River, where the elite have not started building their houses yet.   They were able to discover 160 species of birds – with 120 of these species ‘resident species’.  (While some were ‘migratory birds’, coming from distant Europe).    There is good news: most of the forests are still in the Guinea Congo Biome stage – a reason why there are  still much appreciable diversity of birds.
 Biologist, G. D. Field, carried out work in the 1960s and early 1970s and recorded 316 species of birds.  In 1990, Ausden and Wood recorded 186 species over a period of three months. A total of 374 species, including occasional vagrants and migrants that visit water bodies within the forest, were recorded.
 Before the ‘rebel war’ of the 1990s, before the elite in Freetown started rushing to construct their mansions on the mountains of Freetown as if there was a ‘gold rush’, one could easily bump into many species of mammals in the forests of Freetown. Authoritative studies done twenty years ago revealed that these mountains harbour over 50 species of mammals, of which seven species are primates, five of which were threatened even then  – Western chimpanzee (En), Red Colobus monkey (Vu), Black-and-White Colobus Monkey, Sooty Mangabey (NT) and Diana monkey (Vu). Other threatened mammals include Leopard (Vu), Jentink’s Duiker (Vu), Black Duiker (NT) and Maxwell Duiker (NT). An endemic toad Cardioglosus aureolli could also be found.  Dr. Sheka Kamara’s survey  in 2012 could only identify 7 mammals – monkeys, squirrels, etc.
 Management of the forests is now ‘National Security’ Matter
 The management of the forest reserve is the mandate of the Forestry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS). The reserve was declared in 1916 and ‘gazetted’ as a non-hunting forest reserve in 1973.  The conservation of WAPFoR has been identified as an issue of National Security by H.E.  Ernest Bai Koroma, President of Sierra Leone. In 2011, President Koroma’s government   approved a revised demarcation line and protection mechanism of WAPFoR.  The APC-majority   Parliament is considering the declaration of “Nature Park Western Area”.   Before his first term ended, President Koroma ordered the establishment of a Presidential Task Force to ensure long-standing environmental protection of the Reserve. This consisted  of MAFFS, Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and Environment ministry (MLPCE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-SL) and Ministry of Electricity and Power (MEP), Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Office of National Security (ONS).    There are debates ongoing for the establishment of a Forest Protected Area Authority.  The touristic and cultural assets of the Western Area Peninsula are managed by the department of  culture in the tourism ministry; and the National Tourist Board; and  the villages in the reserve area.  All this appears to be mere semantics, given the flagrant land grabbing perpetuated today in these mountains.  So much so that the forest guards last month  told the German-born Manager of the WAPFoR that there is absolute need for military assistance.
 Tourism Potential will be Destroyed if we don’t Conserve the Forests
 Last week, the Deputy Minister of tourism/culture, Kadie Sesay, along with NASSIT Director-General, Sam Bangura, National Tourist Board’s Cecil Williams, apparently taking a cue from the President’s warning at Tokeh Beach, went to inspect hotels being constructed under the aegis of world’s leading hotel chains – Cape Sierra (Hilton) and Mamie Yoko (Redisson Blu).  (Details on this in subsequent articles).   One thing that is clear to me is that there must be massive sensitization of all the citizenry, especially in Freetown, to develop a ‘Tourism Culture’ here.   Destroy the forests in WAPFoR and all the millions of dollars being spent to construct five star hotels – and the opportunities for yearly billions of dollars income; and thousands of jobs being created -  would come to go up in smoke.
Oswald Hanciles, Freetown
- See more at: http://www.sierraexpressmedia.com/?p=55746#sthash.nB8LHRsq.dpuf
 (The article above was first published in 2013.  I republish it now, July, 2019.  The issues I raise are still relevant for the Bio Administration.  There is another message also: I was media adviser to former President Ernest Bai Koroma, with my office at State House, when the piece above was written.  Too many of the educated elite and governing elite who were probably out of Sierra Leone, or, were not reading newspapers, work on the wild assumption that all senior government officials at State House were engaged only in propaganda.  Over 97% of my published articles during my six years at State House were NOT praising the President, or, the APC; but, rather, focused on Development Communications – highlighting developmental areas that should be enhanced, or, problems to be solved. I would always laud, and thank, the former President for giving me the free hand to write and publish in THE OSWALD HANCILES COLUMN what I wanted to write – absolutely uncensored; never once with a reprimand from him, even when I would critique the former President’s words, and policies).
☝🏾President Maada Bio: Attention ‼‼‼🇸🇱🇸🇱🇸🇱
 My dear "The Guru"! It did occur to some of us then players in the environment arena that establishing IMATT at and re-relocating the USA Embassy to the Regent/Leicester axis and thereby massively increasing the attraction and value of the mountainous land for urban development would rapidly destroy the pristine and serene environment that we knew and loved as students of Fourah Bay College. I was actually offered land around the present location of Limkong Win University- almost free - by a friend who worked at the Ministry for Lands and the Environment using these attractions as reason to compel to buy but I refused his offer. When during the One Party era of President Momoh we campaigned to elect a colleague from the Department of Chemistry - Wiltshire Johnson - to Parliament our key promise was to convert the entire Mountain forest into an orchard to be supplying mangoes, oranges, avocados, and other fruits to Freetown- in addition to the vegetable gardens that the area was already famous for. Sadly we were in the minority and our voices weren't heard. So greed and love of money of unscrupulous Agencies in the Land Ministries with the connivance of your uncles/aunts and invaders from the North have converted that environmental beauty that the mountain range of forests was into an urban "concrete jungle". Real sad!
 ☝🏾Prof. Tom Yormah, Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Standards Board Bureau (former Head of the Science Faculty at FBC, University of Sierra Leone) responds to an article in THE OSWALD HANCILES COLUMN... in Bondsu Politico Forum; July 22, 2019
 Prof. Tom Yormah:
 Your words undeline my charge for Reparations from the government of the United States for the construction of their embassy at Regent around 2009: "It did occur to some of us then players in the environment arena establishing IMMAT at and re-relocating the USA Embassy to the Regent/Leicester axis and thereby massively increasing the attraction and value of the mountainous land for urban development would rapidly destroy the pristine and serene environment that we knew and loved as students of Fourah Bay College (University of Sierra Leone)".
 Sad. Dangerous. Challenging: environmental degradation must be to all Sierra Leoneans, especially the enlightened educated elite.  
 We can't afford to be apathetic, or, even lukewarm about the issues of alarming environmental degradation; global warming; man-made Climate Change.
 At the global level, the African has contributed just
3 percent of the noxious gases pumped into the atmosphere to cause global warming and man-made Climate Change  - but the African will be worst hit by it, credible scientific institutions and scientists around the globe have predicted.  Those who are 97% responsible for man-made Climate Change - the West; lately joined by China and India - plan on a devilish 'Climate Change Apartheid', we recently learned from reputable media in the West.  The world helped to overcome Afrikaan-legalised Apartheid in South Africa; Africans must energize themselves to overcome the global Financial and Economic Apartheid that could now graduate into a Climate Change Apartheid.
 Environmental degradation as we both have pinpointed on the Freetown Peninsula have been caused, or, catalyzed, by a few myopic, and greedy, and insensitive bureaucratic and political elite: but ALL of us within Freetown, indeed, all Sierra Leoneans, would  be victims of the ramifications  of their pecuniary crudity - ranging from loss of clean drinking water, increased joblessness of youth and increased communicable diseases because of worsened scarcity of water ...to armed conflict.  
 Intensity!! Passionate intensity.   Relentless proactive actions.  Belligerent reactions.  
 As the Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Standards Board Bureau, Prof.  Tom Yormah, you can help tremendously in bringing issues of environmentalism closer home to people  - by showing how environmental degradation negatively affects what they consume daily. No? I can help with that, please.
 May the best in life gravitate towards you  - robust health and longevity and wealth and wisdom and happiness.
 I pause,
Oswald Hanciles, The Guru.  
July 22, 2019
08:33 hours in Freetown, Sierra Leone
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Egypt fans help tidy up stadium after African Cup of Nations win over Zimbabwe
Egypt defeated Zimbabwe at the opening of the African Cup of Nations group stage
The supporters stayed behind to clean up the Cairo International Stadium
James Ayles for Mailonline
| African Cup of Dozens of supporters were left behind to collect litter in crates long Zimbabwe 1-0 at the Cairo International Stadium, but it was their fans who won the most praise in the aftermath. after the last whistle went into the game.
The competition was attended by a full crowd of 70,000, with many queues in line for 12 hours before the kick-off, but volunteers ensured that the ground remained behind afterwards.
<img id = "i-d030e6287705f016" src = "https://dailym.ai/2J80e4P -7175499-image-a-31_1561386586517.jpg "height =" 634 "width =" 634 "alt =" Egyptian supporters were seen picking up trash from the stands after the victory over Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Egyptian supporters were seen picking up trash from the stands after the victory over Zimbabwe
<img id = "i-50612b45e1c74de1" src = "https: //i.dailymail .co.uk / 1s / 2019/06/24/15 / 15187856-7175499-image-a-32_1561386616763.jpg "height =" 634 "width =" 634 "alt =" The fans collected several boxes of waste and stayed for a long time after the last whistle
The fans collected several boxes of waste and remained long after the last whistle
One supporter b eerde: & # 39; This is the real Egypt … this is the beautiful moral bravo. & # 39;
Another said that he & # 39; total respect for them & # 39; had.
Egypt is looking for one to go better than their defeat to Cameroon in the final of the Cup of Nations 2017, Nicolas Nkoulou and Vincent Aboubakar scrape the opener of Mohamed Elneny.
<img id = "i-cfeb9e8d6290955c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2X0FlSI" height = " 344 "width =" 634 "alt ="
Trezeguet scored the only goal of the match in Egypt, narrowly defeating Zimbabwe with 1-0 "
<img id =" i-cfeb9e8d6290955c "src =" https: // i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/06/21/22/15101726-7168803-image-a-95_1561153202533.jpg "height =" 344 "width =" 634 "alt =" Trezeguet scored the sole goal of the match when Egypt narrowly defeated Zimbabwe with 1-0 "
Trezeguet scored the only goal of the match as Egypt narrowly defeated Zimbabwe with 1-0
Mahmoud Hassan, known as Trezeguet, hit the first half of the strike to make sure they got full points from hu n first game, with group matches against Uganda and DR Congo at
With Premier League stars Elneny and Mohamed Salah in their side, plus Aston Villa & Ahmed Elmohamady and Ahmed Hegazi from West Brom, the Pharoahs Confidant are nt of success.
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Group B standings
Ghana (7 points)
Mali (4 points)
DR Congo (3 points)
Niger (1 point)
and that sees Ghana and Mali through to the quarter finals!
Ghana will play Cape Verde and Mali will play South Africa
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henrikhmkhitaryan · 13 years
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olvaheiner · 8 months
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il fallait bien au moins un but gag dans cette CAN et COMME PAR HASARD ça tombe sur la RDC mdr
RD Congo 1 x 1 Zambie - 23' Kings Kangwa
CAN 2023 - 17/01/2024 - Groupe F - 1ère Journée
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olvaheiner · 8 months
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olvaheiner · 8 months
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DR Congo 1-1 Mali
an early penalty for Congo, and Mali did just enough to come back and see themselves through to the knockout stages
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Today's matches:
1) Ghana v. Niger
a win or a draw will see Ghana through, while Niger need a win to progress
2) DR Congo v. Mali
likewise DR Congo need a win, but Mali could go through with a win or a draw- unless Niger defeat Ghana
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Niger 0-0 DR Congo
even when the match isn't vibrant, the fans always are
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Today's matches:
1) Ghana v. Mali
West African derby, with lots of talent so it should be a good match
2) Niger v. DR Congo
Niger looking for their first afcon point
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Ghana 2-2 DR Congo, the black stars fail to hold onto a two point lead
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Today's matches:
1) Ghana v. DR Congo
Ghana have lost some of their star players recently, but are still full of talents
2) Mali v. Niger
According to Fifa world rankings, Mali are ranked at an impressive 25th place while Niger sit at 105
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henrikhmkhitaryan · 13 years
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