dsmroleplay · 3 years
#WorldUnderSeige #DSM #DC #RP Part One
Written by @KillinFiends & @themyscirabride
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Bruce: -It had seemed to pop up overnight and with China trying to contain the outbreak keeping it secret it was a silent wave that swept over the world. By the time governments became aware of the virus it was too late. Determined to find out what was really going on Bruce arrived at the airstrip waiting for Diana. They were flying into China, Wayne enterprises had greased the pockets of the dictator and promised to help with containment. Variants were emerging and the world was trying to catch up. He hadn't slept well since this began and there is nothing like standing there watching people breathe their last breath and not being able to help. So he was throwing everything he had in to get to the bottom of this. His faith in the government at this point wasn't much. More was at play here and he was going to find out what it was and find a way to beat this.-
Diana: I met Bruce on the airstrip where the plan waits for us a I step out of my dressed like a princess for the weather as I ask if Bruce have you not been sleeping well I ask as I suggest he try's to get some on the flight to China as I know we promised to help the government I look at everything as we travel to China to help find a cure for the pandemic that is quickly spreading and hopefully Bruce can feel rested and relaxed along the way I greet and meet the director that we promised to help as I meet and greet the people of Wayne enterprises as I look around as me and my bodyguards make our way to the airstrip to greet Bruce I bring in reinforcements from Themyscira and then go and meet Bruce and hope he can finally catch up on his sleep
Bruce: -He dozed a time or two but he was busy reading the files that Alfred had sent him. This biohazard lab some interesting connections to the U.S. and that pissed him off badly. They were paying for these people's research on biohazard weapons. He wondered if humanity had any real chance when all they could do was find a way to impose their reign upon one another. Getting off the plane he offered his arm to Diana out of politeness and escorted her to the waiting limo.-
Diana: I accept Bruce's arm as I walk with him to the waiting limo and as people wonder if we're a couple as I get off the plan and says do u have a plan and how are we gonna find where this all started as she smiled and blushed a little and walked with Bruce
Bruce: We're going to meet with labs director and see what we can shake loose. -Helping her into the limo he sat beside her all business.-
Diana: I get into the limo and says sounds like a wonderful idea as I sit next to Bruce in the limo as we talk stragey
Bruce: -Looking over at her.- What do you think of all this? Just gives me a bad feeling in my gut.
Diana: * Looks over at him * I get that same bad feeling you do as I tell Bruce how I feel about the situation at hand
Bruce: -As they arrived at the companies headquarters they were shown up to the directors office. Taking a seat he waited to see what the man had to say.-
Diana: I walk up to the directors office with Bruce and sits down as we wait for some answers from the director
Bruce: -The man behind the desk looked nervous and scared, Bruce pulled a cube from his pocket and sat it on the desk pushing in on the side. It opened and two plastic coated antennas stuck out. He looked at the director.- It's the latest tech, if your office is bugged or someone is attempting to listen in this will prevent that. Please speak freely.
Diana: I sit and watch as the director and Bruce talk about the situation at hand as the director asks what am I hear for as I look at Bruce as I ask anything that can help us with our task at Hand
Bruce: -Once the conversation was over Bruce sat there he was beyond pissed it as all true this has been a bio weapon that had escaped the lab. People were such idiots. Even if they could get to the samples the damage had been done and the virus was all over the world. They spoke for awhile about the best way to help. And different possibilities for vaccination came up but at the moment they didn’t have enough data to find a better way.-
Diana: I look at bruce worried and says are u ok as I give him a hug hopping it will calm him down as we think of the best solution to help everyone and stop the virus as a vaccine can take a long time to make I explain to everyone in the room
Bruce: -Pat's Diana on the back then moves away pocketing his hands in his slacks. As they left the room he looks over.- Clark might be able to help with this, his Kryptonian archives might be able to find a way. They are far advanced above human medicines etc.
Diana: True but we will need to talk to Clark first as I wrap my heads in thoughts as we need to come up with a plan
Bruce: I agree, you know where to find him? -Getting into the limo undoing his suit button thinking on the problem at hand. If Superman's technology could turn this around millions would be saved.-
Diana: I blush a little as I say Clark is not that easy to find I might have to ask for caitlin snow help on this one as I get into the limo as well
Bruce: That’s a good idea. -As the limo drove away he looked over at her and smiled.- I hope things work out. The world could use a reprieve.
Diana: I smile at Bruce cutely as I say that so agreed the world needs to be purged of this virus and how do we keep our selves safe from not catching it
Bruce: I'm not sure you'd have to worry about it Diana, you're immune system is not like a mere humans. Alfred had improved on the N95 masks and intergraded it into my gear. I've never spent much time with
@snowxxbitchxx , do you have a relationship with her?
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boywebbed · 7 years
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                   can't you just be a friendly neighborhood spider-man?
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