mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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“There is much to do”
If I only would do it...
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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A page from my first artjournal I did a while ago...
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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Finished another page in  my art journal today. The colours are a bit odd on the photo, probably cause it was taken with indoor light.
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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is it?
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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Another page in my newer art journal I did few weeks ago but never found the time to post it (like so many else...).Nothing special and I don’t really like it to be honest. Perhaps I should remove that tag thingie... I don’t know XD
But I like the black gesso with the stencil. To me it looks like a skid mark.
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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The cover for november in my bullet journal.
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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“Storms don’t last forever”.
This is also a pretty good sentence to think of, if feeling overwhelmed by something. Although most of the times I think of “Everything will be ok!” Gonna make a page with it too someday I guess.
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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Here again, the left part of the spread I posted earlier so you can see the details.
“Don’t be afraid” is something I have to remind myself almost every day. And I guess I’m not the only person doing so, right?
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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Spread from  my art journal. I finished the left page today, the right one was finished few weeks ago.
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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This is spread I completely forgot about it. I found it today by chance while looking for another page. I don’t work my art journal in order, I pick a page I like to work on that day.
So I made this some weeks ago, trying out the new silks - acrylic glazings - they are quite nice to work with!
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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I finished making another soon to be art-journal. This time its a bit bigger than the previous two, 27x20 cm. The paper I used is mostly scetching paper - a bit thicker than normal paper, but nothing too fancy. I added few watercolor paper pages from an old pad I had lying around for ages (!). So I finally managed to finish that pad.
The cover is part of a reused page from an gig poster calender from 2016  (can’t throw anything away...). Oh and btw. the jacket is from an old book I found in one of those pubic bookcases. The rest of it will be used for future projects.
Can’t wait to start on this book!
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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means “wandering alone” which I always love to do.
For some years now I’ve always travelled alone. My destinations most often were places where I was almost alone too. Norden norway or the Lofoten (small islands on the coast of norway). Many ppl said to me that its a brave thing to go out alone on a camping trip but for me it’s just relaxing. I always feel like I am my true self when I’m alone.
That’s why when I stumbled across this word I had to a page. A pretty simple one, just like my journeys.
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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Started rusting few washers, paperclips and eyelets for the first time today. For some of the metal parts the vinegar/water bath wasn’t enough so I put them into saltwater after they had dried.
And now I’m waiting for the results....
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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“Es gibt überall Blumen für den der sie sehen will” Henri Matisse
“Flowers are everywhere, for those who want to see them”
But you have to look really hard!
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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“Trust in yourself”
Which isn’t as easy as it might sound...
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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I felt like doodling and looked for some inspirational videos on youtube. And of course I found lots!
I especially enjoyed the vids of “Peter Draws”. Doodling for myself while listening to his talking was soothing and funny. Also I like his drawing style very much :D
Sorry for the bad lightning on this photo, its almost 9:00 pm and dark outside so I had to use my (yellowish) room light... blerp.
inspired by: Cheyenne Barton, doodles by sarah, mille exquis, peter draws.
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mixed-media-sheeps · 7 years
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title page for october.
I’m on holiday, so I have time! I wonder how the title page for november will turn out when I’m back at work. Probably not that detailed. But I still have 1 and a half week to go though~ yay holiday!
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