ometeorbootlegw · 4 months
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elizabethplaid · 7 months
A Beginner's Guide to Breakcore, Drum & Bass, Jungle & Breakbeat Hardcore music -- by DXMTHL
Music genres can be confusing, especially as you get into the niche-ier sub-genres and specific movements that are separated by time and/or location. When it comes to electronic/techno-ish music, it gets -really- tough to casually parse the names. And thus, I was drawn to the title of this video.
Right off the bat, I have to admit that my listening style is "play video in a separate tab, don't really look at the visuals" when it comes to music/videos on YT. Just listening, it sounds like a great mix (about 16 minutes in). So feel free to casually listen without worry about voice-overs interrupting the flow.
As I click back to the tab now and then, I notice there's a -ton- of information being relayed in visual-text. They talk about some of the backgrounds of the genres, the different characteristics (like what types of beats or instrument is predominant), -AND- they show what songs are being sampled.
I think the text cycles - it will reappear a few times, after the other slides appear. I've seen the same paragraph appear a couple times, when randomly clicking back, with other info appearing on revisits in between. I assume this means you don't have to watch the whole thing for new info every moment; you can close your eyes now and then.
There are different sections for different sub-genres. I'm still in the "early 90s" section, so I don't have much to report about my comprehension of the variations. I think I'll have to watch some other videos that break down different elements of songs. Like, I can't off-hand recall what an 808 or 909 drum(beat?) sounds like.
Oooh, just switched over to the "mid-90s" section. Wow, I can really see the difference, with a faster beat and the high-pitched vocals. I imagine this is what some drugs feel like, that manic-chaotic pattern like your heart is about to beat out of your chest. Shit that's intense! (I was listening to "future garage/wave" and "dark ambient" music just before this, so it was far more of a sleepy vibe.)
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