#Dakota Diane Rook
wafflii · 4 years
OC Fighting Traits nr. 2.
I’ve made this one about Dakota, cause got tagged both by @nightwingshero​ and @ja-crispea​ . So let’s see this bright idiot of mine :D
Rules: bold - always, italics - sometimes, simple - rare, crossed out - never
Dakota Diane Rook
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Fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during /  go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance/attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly, apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement /fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds/ take a blow to protect another/ prefer a blade / prefer a gun / prefer a bow / prefer a shield /  prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly /  high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians/ strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy /wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death  / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
The picture of her was a commission from the amazing @naeviss​ ♥
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writinanon · 6 years
First Chapter, Last Chapter
  Dakota huffed as she looked at Mercy. She looked like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. Maybe it was because Mercy was an Ice Queen, literally. She was very adept at wielding Ice Magic and had been doing so to great effect.
 “You’re getting better.” Mercy hummed softly with a smile.
 “Yeah, yeah.” Dakota sighed. She managed to stop some of the snow balls that Mercy would throw at her but not all of them. She could stop single opponents with ease but multiple were a problem.
 “If I had to hazard a guess.” Merlin chimed in from the sidelines. “You’re focusing down a touch too much m’dear! The same rules apply but you need to ease your focus. Instead of locking on to one target try watching the general area.” The old wizard stroked his beard and nodded.
 “It’s worth a shot.” Dakota sighed and Mercy paused.
 “Do you want to quit for the day?” She asked softly. Dakota shook her head.
 “No. No. I just… I’m so frustrated with not getting it.”
 “Let’s stop for the day.” Mercy urged and she would have fought her on this when a Moogle flew into the room. “Oh? A new arrival?”
 “I’m not ready to stop just yet maybe I can train a little bit with Merlin?” Dakota asked and Mercy pursed her lips but Merlin grinned brightly and clasped her shoulders.
 “Splendid idea!” He cheered and pushed Mercy toward the door.
 “Fine.” Mercy followed the Moogle and Dakota grinned.
 “Now dear girl I believe we need to widen your focus.”
  Mercy looked at the man before her, he was roughly her height, which was on the short side for a man but he was well proportioned to it so she figured that it didn’t matter too much to his overall health. His eyes were wide and his pupils were dilated, indicating that he was panicking or was drugged.
 “Hello.” She calmly came closer to him to try and get his vitals. “My name is Mercy Stein, could you tell me your name?”
 “I’m Benjamin Robert Lee.” He muttered, looking at her as though she was insane. “What the hell is this place? What was that thing?”
 “It’s called a Moogle and it can understand English just fine.” She informed and offered her hand. “It’s nice to meet you Benjamin, may I call you Ben?”
 “Sure, sorry my Mom always told me to fully introduce myself.”
 “It’s fine. Now Ben can you tell me what your World was like?”
 “I’m… The world was swallowed by Darkness. Joseph was wrong about the way the world ended.” He gave a small hysterical laugh.
 “Where you a Deputy too?” She asked gently and he blinked frowning.
 “No, I’m sort of a consultant/counselor for the Sheriff’s department what do you mean…” He trailed off as she tugged her shirt collar down to reveal the tattoo. His eyes widened and he gaped at her a little, more panic setting into his feature.
 “Don’t freak out but I’m fairly certain if I wanted to, I could prove string theory.” That got another laugh out of him and she opened a small potion and took a drink before handing it over to him. He still eyed it with suspicion but she smiled and settled into the stool not too far from the bed with a shrug. “You don’t have to drink it if you still think it’s poisoned.” He sighed and then took a drink before blinking as his body gave a faint green glow before settling.
 “What is that?”
 “Plane potion restores a little energy and heals any minor physical ailments.”
 “Well that’s… Handy.” He sat up a little straighter on the bed. “I didn’t happen to land with a companion, did I? Woman a little shorter than me, dark brown hair, big blue eyes, always trying to get into trouble?”
 “Afraid not that I know over. She might have ended up at the other entrance though.” Mercy bit her lip. That had sounded a little bit like Dakota, save for the always looking for trouble part. Dakota was headstrong but had been slow to explore the world around her. The Shop door opened and Rebecca and Joe walked in chatting about something.
 “Oh, we have a new patient?” Joe asked and Mercy nodded, turning to face him only to be pulled behind Ben.
 “You stay back.” He tensed and Mercy sighed softly, grabbing Ben’s shoulder and pinning him to the bed easily. He looked shocked.
 “I know this will be hard to believe, it was hard for me too, but they aren’t the same Seeds you know.” He scowled at her for this.
 “You know what they’re capable of! You have it right there on your chest.”
 “I know what the Seeds from my World were capable of. These are not them. Here look. Joe take off your shirt.” Joe blushed and frowned.
 “This doesn’t seem like a good idea.” Mercy lifted the hem of his shirt from his pants and then shoved it up to his armpits.
 “See no scars, the only tattoo he has are the names of his wife and daughter. See?” She offered, pulling his shirt back down and showing his arm where the names Joanna and Tabitha sat in neat script.
 “Did you really need to do that?” Joe muttered and she gave an embarrassed smile.
 “Sorry but I figured it was the quickest way to get him to see that you’re not the other Joseph.” She glanced at the man seated on the bed as he looked pensive.
 “They’re not them.” He said finally and she nodded. He nodded almost to himself. “They’re not them.”
  Dakota stretched and headed toward the Shop, glad that Mercy had let her continue to practice with Merlin. She still didn’t really have a good grasp on not narrowing down her focus but she knew she’d get there. She’d thought that it was her fear of disappointing Mercy that was holding her back, that without her there it would fizzle away. But she still hadn’t be able to ‘release’ her focus as Merlin put it. There was a scream and Dakota rushed in the direction of it, she knew that the Patrol wouldn’t be in that section yet. She arrived and threw her hand out, stilling the three heartless around the downed figure.
 “Get over here!” She called and the women turned sharply. Dakota was too focused on keeping the monsters still to see her face. She scrambled over and Dakota pulled her gun and fired three shots, causing them to burst into dust. She grinned faintly. She’d done it. She had actually managed to do it. She turned around to look at the other woman and blinked in shock to find her own face staring back at her.
 “Who are you?!” They shouted at each other. Dakota heard more Heartless and grabbed the woman and dragged her to the safety of the First District. They could work this out in the safety of the Shop.
  Mercy finished her examination of Ben and had managed to explain mostly what they understood of what had happened.
 “So it’s unlikely that my Dakota landed here too?” He asked and she bit her lip.
 “It’s possible… But unlikely usually people land together when they end up here and the Patrol didn’t find anyone at the second gate. But it’s still possible that she landed on another World. We’ll ask Sora to keep a look out for her.” He didn’t look reassured but Mercy couldn’t blame him. She’d been wrecked with guilt even thought the Ryes tried to assure her there had been nothing she could do.
 “Mercy!” Dakota shouted and slammed the door open and was dragging in another woman that looked identical to her. “We have a problem!”
 “Dakota!” Ben shouted and the other woman pushed away from Dakota.
 “Ben!” She hugged him tightly and looked him over before glaring at Mercy, Dakota, and Joe. “What the hell is going on here? Why does she look like me? Who are you and why are you with him?”
 “You’re not lifting my shirt again.” Joe stated firmly and Mercy laughed shaking her head.
 “I’m sorry. I’ll buy you dinner to make up for it?” She offered and he huffed. “Okay I’ll stop smoking for a week.”
 “Two weeks.”
 “You’re not gonna let this go?”
 “Month. Or no deal.”
 “Alright I’ll quit smoking for a month.” He smiled victoriously and she rolled her eyes.
 “Um Mercy?” Dakota called and she nodded.
 “Look it appears that there is at least one other universe where you are born. For now though we need to figure out who to call what.”
 “I’m Dakota Diane Rook!” The new woman stated firmly and Dakota bristled faintly.
 “Are you implying I’m not?” Ben and Mercy let out similar sounding sighs. Joe opened his mouth but Mercy shot him a look and he closed it.
 “Well I mean where’s your Ben? Huh?”
 “In case you forgot I saved you when you were in danger.”
 “I’ve never seen those things before they got lucky!”
 “Dakota! You jumped into a fight without me again?” Ben frowned and she blushed with a bashful smile.
 “I was trying to find you! How was I supposed to know that those weird guys were enemies?”
 “Maybe because you shouldn’t pick fights with strangers?” Mercy whistled and both looked at her.
 “Well Ms. Rook, this Dakota has been here longer so I’d say she’s earned the right to be called Dakota. So is there something else you would prefer to be called?” The brunette looked ready to argue when Ben took her shoulder.
 “Kotie, we’re going to have to live with these people for a while. Maybe forever.”
 “So I just give up my first name?”
 “No.” Mercy said but pointed to her Dakota. “But when the two of you are in the same room we need to be able to talk to you freely. When you’re alone you can be called Dakota but when the pair of you are together she gets to be Dakota. Unless you want to be South Dakota and we’ll call her Nother Dakota.”
 “I’ll be Diane.” She frowned and Mercy gave a small grin.
 “Alrighty then. Diane Dakota, Dakota Diane. I’m Mercy Stein and that’s Joe Seed. He is not Joseph and no you can’t cut or shoot him to have him prove it.”
 “Well how else will he prove it?”
 “I am not the Joseph Seed you know.” He said firmly. “If there can be another version of you surely there could be another version of me.”
 “And there’s a whole World where you don’t even exist.” Mercy once again tugged the collar of her shirt down showing off the WRATH tattoo. Diane’s eyes widened and she blinked at Mercy in shock. “I get that it’s a big change and all we ask if that you don’t attack any of them. Okay? You don’t have to talk to the Seeds or interact but you do have to be civil.”
 “We can do that.” Ben assured and gripped Diane shoulder. “I promise.” She gave a hesitant nod.
 “Well then.” Joe smiled and motioned to the door. “Whose hungry? I believe they’re having fish tonight.”
 “They’re not gonna serve it with those weird not potatoes again, right?” Dakota asked and Mercy shrugged.
 “They don’t bother me.”
 “That’s not an answer.” Mercy held out her hand and Ben took it. He smiled gratefully at her and they herded the others out the door and to the bar. She could already tell it would be a long night.
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wafflii · 4 years
15 OC Associations
Got tagged by @dieguzguz​ @trialandseed​ @lobanhart​ , thank you darlings ♥ The gifs are not mine, found them on Google 
Laurie Evelynn Whitley
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ANIMALS: Cats of any kind, big and small, Deer
COLOURS: Green, Blue, Grey, Black
MONTH: March and October
Sia - Unstoppable
Alan Walker - Unity
Matisyahu - Live Like A Warrior
Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes
DAY OR NIGHT: Afternoon/Evening
PLANTS: Mountain Laurel, Lavender
SMELLS: Lavender, Peach, Cherry
GEMSTONE: Rhodonite
SEASON: Spring/Autumn
PLACES: Whitetail Mountains, Holland Valley mostly
FOODS: Junkfood, Chocolate, Grilled Food, Pastry
DRINKS: Beer, Whiskey when with a trusted friend group
Dakota Diane Rook
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ANIMALS: Bears, Dogs, Wolves and Moose
COLOURS: White, Blue, Grey, or anything colourful whenever she can
MONTH: January and November
The Script (feat. will.i.am) - Hall of Fame
Owl City (feat. Aloe Blacc) - Verge
Shakira - Try Everything
Prblm Chld & new.wav - Start It Up | All-Star 2019
DAY OR NIGHT: Doesn’t matter
PLANTS: Dahlia, Orchid, Lily
SMELLS: Sweet/Energetic smells like candy or syrup, tea
GEMSTONE: Rosequartz
SEASON: Summer/Winter
PLACES: Whitetail Mountains, Wolf’s Den, Holland Valley
FOODS: Anything sweet, Fries, Fruits, Fish
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wafflii · 4 years
OC Body Language
Got tagged by @dieguzguz​ and @trialandseed​ , thank you my dears ♥ Gifs are not mine, found them on Google or here.
Laurie Evelynn Whitley
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arms crossed on chest / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture/ curling of lip / baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off; cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows
arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows raising / lips pressing into a thin line / strict, unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / narrowed eyes
hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steepled hands / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel / wide eyes / standing akimbo
chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / biting lips / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “whew” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants whilst seated / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair /swaying / playing with pointer; marker; cane / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing or cracking fingers sporadically
short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales
Dakota Diane Rook
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arms crossed on chest / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture/ curling of lip / baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off; cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / pipe smoker gestures / putting hand to bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows
arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows raising / lips pressing into a thin line / strict, unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / narrowed eyes
hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steepled hands / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel / wide eyes / standing akimbo
chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / biting lips / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “whew” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants whilst seated / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair /swaying / playing with pointer; marker; cane / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing or cracking fingers sporadically
short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eye glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales
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wafflii · 4 years
Things your OC would say as a GFH
Rules: Post 10-15 phrases your OC would say if they were a gun for hire in FARCRY5! then tag someone that has an OC to do this!
Got tagged by @ja-crispea​, thank you dearie ♥
Laurie Evelynn Whitley
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Think we can get a beer after this outpost?
Nice shot! Wish my ex knew how to handle things properly...
Think we can bring Peaches too? I love that beautiful cat... She tears through Peggies like knife through butter.
One would think these guys are taught manners, and how to keep a beard in a proper shape.
If we get to John, can I get a jab at him before you do your thing with him? Pretty please?
(With Peaches) Oh hello darling! You looks so beautiful today! Is that blood on your face? Here, lemme help you with it. *Proceeds to wipe it off with her hands.*
(With Sharky) Sharky... please no more fire. I am giving you my gun, I don’t want to get accidentally burnt to a crisp...
(Deputy getting into a helicopter.) Yepp okay, I’ll meet you there.
A little help here? Think I’ve got a bullet in the thigh... Yepp, this is definitely blood!
Yeah about Jacob and the mountains... I’m watching your back, and you mine. I don’t want him anywhere near me.
Dakota Diane Rook
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I think I did okay! *Explosions in the background.*
All right, we escaped unhurt once! And... then we hurt ourselves on the way home...
(With Cheeseburger) Hello baby! Who’s the bestest around these mountains? Yes you are! *Kisses him on the nose.*
That bitch tried to blast me with his shotgun, so I showed him my knife! 
Fucking Peggies... Looking for trouble, even when you’ve kicked their asses like dozens of times.
Can we get back to the Den in like... Twenty minutes? Yeah I uh... Might have a date with Eli. I’m not sure, he said he wants to show me something near a waterwall and y’know he’s so handsome and cute and -- Okay, don’t look at me like this! A girl can dream!
Get me to the Veteran Centre, I’m kicking that old man Seed’s ass!
Just for the record, I didn't start this fight!
(With Sharky) Light it up, Boshaw!
I might be on the ground, bitch! But I can still bite your fucking ankle!
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wafflii · 4 years
OC Fears
I was tagged by @ja-crispea​ , thank you dear ♥
Rules: Bold=Definitely Italics=Sometimes Strikethrough- Never
Laurie Evelynn Whitley
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the dark ~ fire ~ open water ~ deep water ~ being alone ~ crowded spaces ~ confined spaces ~ change ~ failure ~ war ~ loss of control ~ powerlessness ~ prison ~ blood ~ drowning ~ suffocation ~ public speaking ~ natural animals ~ the supernatural ~ heights ~ death ~ dying ~ intimacy ~ rejection ~ abandonment ~ loss ~ the unknown ~ the future ~ not being good enough ~ scary stories ~ speaking to new people ~ poverty ~ loud noises ~ being touched ~ forgetting ~ being forgotten ~ hospitals
Dakota Diane Rook
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the dark ~ fire ~ open water ~ deep water ~ being alone ~ crowded spaces ~ confined spaces ~ change ~ failure ~ war ~ loss of control ~ powerlessness ~ prison ~ blood ~ drowning ~ suffocation ~ public speaking ~ natural animals ~ the supernatural ~ heights ~ death ~ dying ~ intimacy ~ rejection ~ abandonment ~ loss ~ the unknown ~ the future ~ not being good enough ~ scary stories ~ speaking to new people ~ poverty ~ loud noises ~ being touched ~ forgetting ~ being forgotten ~ hospitals
Dakota doesn’t really have a face claim, but her voice is Anna Kendrick, so there’s that :D None of these gifs are mine! Found them here or on the wild open net~
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wafflii · 5 years
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A gift for @writinanon and @yanderedad for being the two most kind, sweet and accepting friends in the first fandom I actively joined on tumblr. Dakota is still here only because they helped me nurture and grow and constantly change her. Helping me with aus and ideas, becoming the closest friends after a year. Seems like such a long time and I love you both so much, like Dakota loves Mercy and Ben. I don't know where my silly daughter and me would be without the two of you and your unending support. Thank you for always being here for me. ❤
Art was made by the awesome @bryborg who always helps my ideas come to life through his art.
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wafflii · 5 years
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It’s gonna be a long post so buckle up ♥
I can’t really express the love I feel for @yanderedad and @writinanon Honestly, I love both of them so much, if anyone ever dares telling me that internet friends are not valid or as important as real ones, I will fucking punch you!
Without this two amazing person, I am not so sure I would still be this active in the Far Cry 5 au. When I’ve made Dakota, she was some shy and antisocial litte thing, much like myself. I made her to be me. Then came this two dear person, and helped me form her into her current silly and headstrong self. The girl she is today, with her mere 26 years of experience and naive but strong personality, and always happy mood, making the life of her friends hard but also always ready to take a bullet or two for them. Starting fights, and dragging poor Ben and Mercy into fights otherwise could be avoidable, making situations more difficult but working hard to then get everyone out of it. Being the retarded ray of sunshine of Hope County.
I can still remember the day I tried making friends with @yanderedad and how hecking scared I was, yet they accepted and loved me just as I was and still am after a year. Being there for each other through thick and thin. It’s always a pleasure to commission them, or just talk or play together. I am proud and glad to call them my friend ♥
Then there’s my other half, my soul sister @writinanon. She messaged me first, and I was deadly affraid that “oh God, my first troll. I am sure they’ll have my head and I’ll never return to Tumblr ever again.”  But to my pleasant surprise, she was the sweetest and still is the most understanding and patient soul I’ve ever met. I know I can tell her anything and everything, and even if none of us are in the mood to talk about anything… we just chill out in silence, sending gifs and funny/cute stuff over chat here. 
I shared so many ideas for Dakota, or AUs with the kids. Too many to count. But the Winged AU was maybe my 2nd or 3rd AU I actively tried to make work and actually put some energy and effort into it. It quickly became my favourite, choosing the Bearded Vulture for my girl because it is one beautiful bird. And then I still remember how happy Yan and Writinanon were with my idea, letting me use their dear characters in this AU as well. 
Mercy and Ben… The two most important person in Dakota’s life. Her siblings, although not by blood.
Mercy, Dakota’s big sister. Always there to care for her damned fool of a little sister and her wounds, or ready to hold her back and tell her no. The only person beside Ben who can truly hold Dakota back, and Dakota will actually listen to her. Their bond starts out as a shaky one in this AU, but eventually they work through it and form an ubreakable bond.
Ben, Dakota’s dearest big brother. Helping the hotheaded and unruly self-adopted little sister of his the best he can. In turn, Dakota offers him moments of goofyness and headaches. Though the latter is involuntary, and Kotie tries her best to make up for them. Ben is Dakota’s other strongest foundation in the fight against the Cult. And just generally in life.
The picture itself speaks for itself. Mercy is the carer of the group, always happy to follow her “siblings”. Yet takes care of them, and often takes their goofyness in stride. Ben being the oldest, yet sometimes just as playful as Dakota. And Dakota… well she is Dakota. Her almost happy nature often brings colour into their dangerous life, full of guns and death. But even while patrolling on wings, she prefers to go silly near the end and fool around in the air, in this case to encourage her siblings to catch and chase her.
I just want to thank @writinanon and @yanderedad for being this amazing, and having patience to put with my random depressive days or weeks and even trying to help me. No one can ask for more better or dearest friends. 
I love you both with all my heart ♥
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Commission was drawn by the amazing @galoogamelady. Thank you so much Gabi, I love you too ♥
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wafflii · 6 years
Hearing Far Cry 5′s gentle intro music after New Dawn:
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“I’m home.”
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wafflii · 6 years
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Hello everyone~
Have some more Winged AU stuff ^^
I decided to upload both my pics because both of them were liked by my dearest friends. I wanted a groupshot with our dear children together, they needed it. Their dynamic perfectly showing imo. Poor dears on the left dealing most of my Dakota’s shit and pulling her out of trouble most of the time. While my dearest daughter enjoys chaos.
The last 2 pics are the result of some Disney song night. I’ve been listening to the Moana soundtrack aaand yep... A happy flying Dakota and a singing one ^^
Benjamin Robert Lee belongs to @yanderedad Mercy Stein belongs to @writinanon Dakota Diane Rook is mine ^^
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wafflii · 6 years
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Another Winged au Dakota for you all^^
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wafflii · 6 years
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Another happy Dakota for y’all ^^ I was on a roll yesterday, drawing my smol daughter :D
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wafflii · 6 years
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‘ey people
Don’t mind me just leaving my Dakota vent art right here, and I really should go to bed because it’s frickin 5:55 in the morning! But I wanted to finish this masterpiece :3 For once I like my own drawing...wow...
This picture though is supposed to symbolize how trapped Dakota truly feels, despite helping people. Each rose symbolises a Seed. White for Joseph, he doesn’t really do anything directly to Dakota he just... dragged her deeper and deeper into all this, suffocating her. Jacob’s is the red rose, his cat and mouse rivalmance with Dakota gives her most of her pain, both emotionally and physically leaving scars on her. Faith and her yellowish sick rose, even the thorns around her rose are dried up/dead ones. She might not be that big of a threat for Dakota but she made her lose people she cared about. And lastly, the blue rose for John. His rose is half open because he tries to get under Dakota’s skin so much, yet he tries to appear friendly with his vines creeping up her arm.
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wafflii · 6 years
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Hey everyone~ 
It’s been a week or so since I posted anything arts-y related and yesterday I was in Dakota/Mercy hype so I had to draw this two beautiful babe together ^^ This two has a sister-like relationship and would do anything for the other, and with the AU’s they are in and being generally in Far Cry 5 well...they could use each other :D 
Why the mug and all, well poor Mercy just returned from her little run with Dakota. It’s tiring to piss of Johnny-boy and she needs her coffee, but not before Dakota gets to hug and love her a bit :D
Mercy Stein belongs to @writinanon Dakota Diane Rook is still mine
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writinanon · 6 years
The Empire Of Hope
So this is based off a weird dream I had after my pain killers finally kicked in. I’m about to crash again but I though you guys might like this it’s a weird fantasy sort of AU thing.
Dakota and Diane belong to @wafflii
Ben belongs to @yanderedad
• The Empire of Hope consists of three separate Kingdoms combine together with their rulers working together and autonomously within their regions for the betterment of their people. • The Four Rulers are: o The Wise Emperor Benjamin Robert Lee, know amongst his people as the Compassionate King he looked to solve problems with words not just with other rulers but amongst his people. Trade flows from the small cities and towns that dot his lands and be it food or luxury items anyone can get anything within the Valley. Once the Empire is established he uses his wealth to expand the trade routes and to expand the education systems, often partnering with Queen Mercy to achieve a balanced system and bring in new teachers. o The Scholarly Empress Mercy Stein, known by all as the Warrior Queen, she took control of a very bloody and powerful kingdom that rarely hesitated to use force to solve its problems and things like trade and workers were becoming a problem. When Mercy took the throne, it was believed she would continue the tradition of conquest and take the Valley lands but instead after meeting with King Ben she agreed to become part of the Empire. With the boon to people and the release of tension on the armies she succeeds in finally brining actual peace to her Kingdom. She establishes medical codes and practices to be universal and works with King Ben to introduce sciences and arts to the Empire allowing not just her people the knowledge that they didn’t have to only be a farmer, merchant, or soldier. There have been a few attacks and rebellions but Mercy quickly smothered them, the only time she had to actually ride back into battle she had her fellow Empress-Queens beside her and the Emperor-King was holding the other Regions steady for them. They have had no other rebellions after that. o The Stone Empress Dakota Rook, so known for ruthlessly cutting down any threat to the Empire and its people. She is known fondly as the Common Queen by her people, and soon by the people of the Valley and the River, because she was easily found walking amongst her people without guards listening and learning. She makes it a point to travel to the other regions once they’re fully opened and the Empire is completely safe from internal struggle, finding herself deeply enamored by the South rather than the Valley as her younger twin is. It holds no candle to her beloved mountains but Dakota spends a fair amount of time in Mercy’s lands when she wants away. o The Benevolent Empress Diane Rook, while she is the most carefree and relaxed of the group, more likely to crack a joke or run off with to cause trouble with the bear gifted to her by the cousin of King Consort Sharky, she is usually the one seated on the single throne that the group has for informal meetings. She lives up to her title of Adventuring Princess as she traveled around and was the one to bond with Ben and suggest the merger of their Kingdoms without the need for marriage.  In formal meetings they all have their thrones with Ben and Mercy seated on the outside with Dakota next to Mercy and Diane next to Ben • The Whitetail Mountains, so named for the numerous deer within the region, belong to Queen Dakota Rook and her younger twin sister Princess Diane. • The River Lands and Floodplain belong to Queen Mercy Stein, she has the largest standing army as well as the most farm land. • The Valley belongs to King Benjamin Robert Lee, he has farm lands as well but more importantly he has access to the best trade routes. • Queen Dakota has strong hardy people that take defense of their lands very seriously but no standing army and no proper trade routes. She is the one to propose an alliance with Ben after Diane befriends him and spends much of her time in his Kingdom. • Ben agrees easily and happily but suggests that they try to bring the Warrior Queen of the South in, not only for protection from her legions but because they’d need her fields for food. • Luckily for them Mercy is the one to take the throne and not her brother Peter so she agrees to become a member of the Empire, not just for the trade routes but also to bring her people the easy peace that seems to permeate the lands of both Dakota and Ben. • They name the small town of Fall’s End their capital. • They decide to name their Empire Hope after what they want it to represent for them and their people. Hope for the future. • Since their regions had lived in relative harmony with each other the now fully open boarders are welcomed and this is how the fire fly pain in the neck that Mercy had confined to a small piece of land comes to meet a King and proceed to try, and somehow succeed, to woo him. • The Marriage of Charlemagne Victor Boshaw to King Benjamin Robert Lee is a spectacle of love and pyrotechnics. o Sharky argues that his title should be Emperor Consort not King Consort but Ben and Mercy remind him that Sharky holds no power in the other regions only Ben does. o It should be noted that Mercy and Sharky have a somewhat tense relationship because while she likes him and finds him funny she has to punish him for the fires he creates when they damage property or hurt people. Sharky’s marriage to Ben calms him down a little bit and Ben is able to keep Sharky from starting uncontrolled fires. • Everyone is at relative peace until a new religious movement starts. A Priest from a far away land brings his Brothers to the Empire of Hope and begins to preach his message. It isn’t long before he suddenly gains a sister (though the description of her changes until it settles on a blonde woman with blue eyes). • Dakota and Diane have to return to the North to deal with wildlife disappearing as well as some of the retired soldiers that had moved into the mountains once the Empire was established. • Mercy sends her master of information Wheaty with them as well as one of her generals Eli. Better safe than sorry as she and Ben work to figure out why so much land is being bought be a ‘peaceful’ religious group that already has a church and no plans to build a new one have been brought before the Courts.
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writinanon · 6 years
Search and Rescue
A small weird AU with Pokémon companions (hinted that there are teams but later on in life you tend to retire your team and only keep one or two with you at work)
Thanks to @yanderedad and @wafflii for both Ben and Dakota but also for Lysander and Spark!
And a special thanks to @azm0n for August and Emma!
  The station was a hub of activity, it was always this way when welcoming members into the fold. Ben felt Lysander nudge up against him and he smiled back at his Lucario. His companion helped him keep a level head and helped him sort through the profiles and applications with Whitehorse. This was the first time that he actually helped with the process and he was a little nervous. He hoped that his suggestions were listened to, that those he pushed forward and were hired based on his assessment they would be good fits for the county. Augustine Gutierrez and Dakota Rook were front and center for the small group, their companions easily following them. Gutierrez’s Flygon, Emma, and Rook’s Arcanine, Spark, were calmly following behind, enjoying the attention and looking at their future work partners as well. There was a small chuckle from beside him and Ben turned to see Mercy, cigarette between her lips and her Sylveon seated primly by her feet. Persephone gave a cheery greeting to Lysander and he returned it. The pair had seemingly bonded over being blue while their companions worked together being the oddballs of the sheriff’s department. As the lead search and rescue medical technician Mercy was in a strange place of working both for the hospital and for the sheriff. Ben likewise was a criminal psychiatrist who worked for the county as a criminalist and a psychiatrist deeming the few criminals of the county sane or insane as well as lending his profiling skills to the officers.
 “Not too sure about this new batch of yours. Half of ‘em have dragons and you hang out with the cutest dragon slayer of them all.” Percy purred softly and rubbed against Mercy’s leg. Ben ran a hand through his hair and took the offered cigarette when she knocked the carton toward him.
 “Eh true but we need a little variety around.” The county was made mostly of companions that were canine or ursine, with the rare feline in the mix. Which was fine but it meant that there were many people with similar views and temperaments. Change was good for the county. Mercy hummed thoughtfully and looked back over the group.
 “Any word on that freaky cult?” She asked softly, spotting John Seed, lawyer extraordinaire, and Joseph Seed, creepy religious leader, and their companions coming to greet the new deputies. John’s shiny Ninetales, Dinah, was sitting disdainfully off to the side with Joseph’s Mareep, Shiloh, was settled into its side like a fluffy burr.
 “They aren’t doing anything strange as of yet and Jacob Seed has finally actually entered into the Veteran’s Center instead of just hanging around.”
 “That Mightyena of his, Ezekiel, showing up with him?” She glanced over at the Seed’s companions and finally spotted Faith’s ball of pink Skitty next to the Mareep. Flora was a quiet Skitty, which was weird and it tended to look like it was seeing things when there was nothing around a person.
 “One or twice.” Ben confirmed settling something unnerved in Mercy’s gut. There was something not right about the way that the Mightyena would prowl around, seemingly always attempting to make itself bigger than those around him. She had seen him sizing Persephone up more than once, and while she wasn’t worried for her little gut in the slightest having one of the most powerful Pokémon in the County gave her that luxury, and never once did Jacob Seed attempt to reign his companion in. Both left her feeling threatened and she didn’t appreciate it.
 “You gonna head down and give profiles for the Center soon? Make sure they’ve all had their mental health checkup?”
 “You that worried?”
 “Mm we’re having more and more rescues in the mountains. The staff boost couldn’t have come at a better time, I’m stealing half of your deputies.”
 “You think they’re the ones behind it?”
 “Who else could it be? And don’t say Team Rocket. You and I both know a ten-year-old can beat them.” Back, long before they became adults, the pair had met on the fields of the Unova region. Both neck and neck to become the next Pokémon champion. The pair had squared off and it came to a tie. After parting ways, Mercy heading to Cinnabar Island for some relaxation and to be home for a bit, Ben had ended up going to school and becoming a psychologist. And then he decided to apply his learned skills to the police and protective departments. Mercy found her way to Hope shortly after Ben settled in, becoming a medic and rescue searcher with her beloved Persephone at her side once she had settled on a career path after becoming a Champion.
 “Maybe we’re umping the gun. The Sheriff doesn’t think anything is up and they technically haven’t done anything illegal. I mean preaching and having a following isn’t against the laws. Otherwise all those organizations would be arrested long before they have to face off against a competent ten-year-old.” They chuckled and nodded before they noticed that one of the new Deputies was heading their way. It was Deputy Rook, her Arcanine practically bouncing at the sight of Percy and Lysander. Mercy raised an eyebrow at the fire breed.
 “Hello! I’m Dakota Diane Rook!” She cheered and held out her hand. “You’re Dr. Lee, I don’t know if you remember but you interviewed me for this position.” Ben grinned and took her hand.
 “I remember.” He nodded and then motioned her to Mercy. “This is Medic Mercy she’s basically the head of search and rescue around here. If you’re ever in trouble you want her and Persephone to be looking for you.”
 “Oh wow.” Everyone was surprised when they saw Persephone’s coat, and always assumed he was a she.
 “He’s shiny but is he really that useful for search and rescue? He can’t fly.” A new voice asked and there was Deputy Gutierrez with her Flygon settled on her shoulders. Dragon and Fairy Pokémon looked at each other in acknowledgement.
 “Oh, my Percy is very good as finding things. He never misses a mark.” There was a tense moment before both women tossed their heads back and laughed.
 “This is Emma, my special guy. I’m August Gutierrez.” They shook hands.
 “Mercy Stein, search and rescue plus medical aid.”
 “I thought you were going to go introduce yourself to the other Deputies, the older ones in the department August?” Rook blinked and Gutierrez blushed glancing over at where Hudson and Pratt were talking to some of the new hired as well, introducing their companions and getting a feel for their new coworkers. “Your face got really red are you okay? Are you feeling sick?”
 “I’m fine it’s just a little hot out yeah?” She murmured looking a little panicked. Mercy watched as Percy carefully wrapped his ribbons around her wrist and sent calming feelings to her. She looked down and blinked before laughing nervously. “I’m um…”
 “Hudson can be a little intimidating on first glance but she’s really nice once you get to know her.” Ben smiled and patted Gutierrez lightly on the back. “So, what do you think of Hope County so far? Pretty different from the City, right?”
  August was sent to work in the Southern Sheriff’s department, but made sure to keep in contact with the others. Mercy had more and more disappearances on her hands, only finding a few of them normal. She remarked that the rest looked drugged but their blood didn’t come back with any known drugs or toxins. Ben helped Dakota settled in to the Central Sheriff’s department and the pair go to work trying to investigate who/what was drugging hikers heading through the southern mountain trails. His looming interview with the Veterans at the Center pushed to the back burning in the wake of all these strange events.
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