#Daly bms
srikobatterie · 2 months
JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS: The Ultimate Solution for Your Battery Management Needs
In today's fast-paced world, reliable battery management systems (BMS) are essential. The JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS with 8S-16S 150A and 1A Balance current from Sriko Batteries stands out as a top choice. This article explores the features, benefits, and applications of this advanced BMS.
Why Choose JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS?
Superior Performance
The JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS offers superior performance with its 8S-16S configuration. It ensures efficient management of lithium-ion batteries, providing a balance current of 1A. This system maintains the health of your batteries, extending their lifespan and enhancing their performance.
Enhanced Safety
Safety is paramount when dealing with high-power batteries. The JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS is equipped with advanced safety features. These include overcharge protection, over-discharge protection, and short circuit protection. These features prevent damage to the batteries and ensure safe operation.
Versatile Applications
Residential Energy Storage
In residential settings, this BMS is perfect for solar energy storage systems. It efficiently manages the charge and discharge cycles, ensuring your home has a reliable power supply.
Electric Vehicles
For electric vehicles, the JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS offers reliable battery management, ensuring longer battery life and better performance. It helps maintain battery health, which is crucial for the optimal operation of electric vehicles.
Industrial Applications
In industrial applications, where power demand is high, this BMS ensures efficient energy management. It is ideal for use in large-scale energy storage systems, providing reliable and stable performance.
Key Features of JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS
High Current Handling
With a capacity of 150A, this BMS can handle high currents, making it suitable for high-power applications. It ensures efficient energy transfer and reduces energy loss.
Smart Balancing Technology
The smart balancing technology ensures all cells in the battery pack are balanced, preventing any single cell from overcharging or discharging. This balance improves the overall efficiency and lifespan of the battery pack.
User-Friendly Interface
The user-friendly interface allows for easy monitoring and management of the battery system. It provides real-time data on battery status, making it easy to manage and troubleshoot any issues.
Installation and Maintenance
Easy Installation
The JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS is designed for easy installation. Its compact design and clear instructions make it simple to integrate into your existing system.
Low Maintenance
This BMS requires minimal maintenance, saving you time and effort. Its robust design ensures long-term reliability and durability.
The JK Smart Active Balance Inverter BMS with 8S-16S 150A and 1A balance current from Sriko Batteries is an excellent choice for efficient and reliable battery management. Its superior performance, enhanced safety features, and versatile applications make it a top pick for residential, electric vehicle, and industrial use. Invest in this advanced BMS to ensure your batteries' longevity and optimal performance.
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quartz-components · 8 months
Daly Lifepo4 4S 12V 100A  Battery Management System Circuit is an 4 Cell in Series 12V circuit power tool mostly used for solar lighting. It is designed for lithium Batteries for charging, Protection from overcharge, and Over-discharge.
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aykutiltertr · 5 months
Gemilerde Talim Var (Recebim) - Beyaz ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (H...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/0fhzuL-AEQg ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Gemilerde Talim Var (Recebim) - Beyaz ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Hicaz 9/8 İstanbul Düğünü) GEMİLERDE TALİM VAR İSTANBUL   İlçesi- Köyü -   Kaynak Kişi SARI RECEP Derleyen MUZAFFER SARISÖZEN Notaya Alan MUZAFFER SARISÖZEN İcra Eden Makamsal Dizi HİCAZ Konusu - Türü Aşk Sevda Karar Sesi La Bitiş Sesi La Usül 9/8 Aksak En Pes Ses La En Tiz Ses Fa Ses Genişliği 6 Ses Bm               F#              Em           F#      Bm Gemilerde talim var, bahriyeli yarim var                   F#         Em                 F#   O da gitti sefere, ne talihsiz başım var Em                           F# Hani benim Receb'im Receb'im Em                       F#                  Em                    F# Sarı lira vereceğim almazsa karakola gideceğim     Bm               F#         Em        F#      Bm Gemi gelir yanaşır, içi dolu çamaşır                     F#         Em                 F#   İstanbul'un kızları, Recep diye ağlaşır Em                           F# Hani benim Receb'im Receb'im Em                       F#   ��              Em                    F# Sarı lira vereceğim almazsa karakola gideceğim   Bm                 F#         Em             F#      Bm Mavi giyme tanırlar, seni yolcu sanırlar                           F#             Em                    F#       Geçme kapım önünden, seni benden alırlar Em                           F# Hani benim Receb'im Receb'im Em                       F#                  Em                    F# Sarı lira vereceğim almazsa karakola gideceğim TÜRKÜNÜN SÖZLERİ GEMİLERDE TALİM VAR BAHRİYELİ YARİM VAR O DA GİTTİ SEFERE NE TALİHSİZ BAŞIM VAR Bağlantı: HANİ BENİM RECEB'İM RECEB'İM SARI LİRA VERECEĞİM ALMAZSA KARAKOLA GİDECEĞİM GEMİ GELİR YANAŞIR İÇİ DOLU ÇAMAŞIR İSTANBUL'UN KIZLARI RECEP DİYE AĞLAŞIR Bağlantı MAVİ GİYME TANIRLAR SENİ YOLCU SANIRLAR GEÇME KAPIM ÖNÜNDEN SENİ BENDEN ALIRLAR Bağlantı Hicaz Saz Eserleri Hicaz Hümayun Saz Semaisi (Ross Daly) Hicaz Hümayun Saz Semaisi (Veli Dede) Hicaz Mandıra Hicaz Oyun Havası (Haydar Tatlıyay) Hicaz Oyun Havası (Şükrü Tunar) Hicaz Peşrev (Refik Fersan) Hicaz Peşrev (Neyzen Salim Bey) Hicaz Saz Semaisi (Gazi Giray Han) Hicaz Saz Semaisi (Refik Talat Alpman) Hicaz Sirto (Sultan Abdülaziz) Hicaz Şarkılar Hicaz Fasıl Acaba şen misin kederin var mı Açık bırak pencereni, örtme perdeyi bu gece Açıl açıl gel efendim cihân bahâr olsun Açmazsan eğer kalbime sen yâre-i hicran Ada sahillerinde bekliyorum (Hicaz İstanbul Türküsü) Affeyle suçum ey gül-i ter başıma kakma Ağlamışım gülmüşüm kırılıp dökülmüşüm Ağlar gezerim sahili sanki benimlesin Ağyâr ile sen geşt-ü güzâr eyle çemende Ah nice bir uyursun uyanmaz mısın - Hicaz İlahi Ah nideyim sahn-ı çemen seyrini cânânım yok Ah yakıyor bağrımdaki ateş Akşam erdi yine sular karardı Aldattın beni seviyorum diye kalbimi yaktın Al goncayı deremedim Anladım ki daha dolmamış çilem Anladım sevmeyeceksin beni sen nazlı çiçek Anlatılmaz bin dert ile geçiyor çileli ömrüm Apansız uyanırsan gecenin bir yerinde Artık bu solan bahçede bülbüllere yer yok Aşıkım dağlara kurulu tahtım Âşıklarının hâline ey mâh acımazsın Aşık oldum yavrucağım yüzüne Aşkımız ne güzeldi bittiğinde anladım Aşkı seninle tattı, hicrânla yandı gönül Ateş-i sûzân-ı firkat yaktı cism ü cânımı Aynı çatı altında aşkımız bir yalanmış Ayrılık ateşten bir ok Ayrılık da zor değil, eğer hasret olmasa Bağlanıp zülfü hezârân tâbına Baharın zamanı geldi a canım Bak ne hâle koydu bu baht-ı siyâh Baktıkça hüsn-ü ânına hayrân olur âşıkların Ben bir garip kuşum, yurdum yuvam yok Bende hicrân yarasından da derin bir yara var Ben gamlı hazan sense bahar dinle de vazgeç Beni canımdan ayırdı gönlümü yıkdı temelden Beni kahreder bu kaçışların Benim yarim gelişinden bellidir (Hicaz Türkü) Beni sev rûhumu sar kalbime yaslan beni sev Bırakıp gittiğin akşam beni ey şûh-i şenim Bilmem niye bir bûseni sen çok görüyorsun Bilsem dönüp geleceksin göz yaşımı yol eylerim Bir ateşim yanarım külüm yok dumanım yok Bir bahar akşamı rastladım size Bir bakıp gözlerime her şeyi anlarsın ya Bir bir geçiyor sevgililer gözü yaşlı Bir çapkına yangınım (sarhoşum sarhoş) (Hicaz Tango) Bir dem bulsam da safâ bin cefâ bekler beni Bir dünya yarattım yalnız ikimiz için Bir gün karşılaşırsak ayrıldığımız yerde Bir kere sevdim diye bin pişmân etme beni Bir nigâh et ne olur
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visualproductions · 1 year
Visual Productions adds MA3 compatibility to CueCore and B-Station2
And to QuadCore, TimeCore, IoCore2 and DaliCore of course! So Visual Productions recently decided to add MA3 Templates to its lighting controllers targeted at architectural and system integration markets. Where more and more integrated solutions are being requested, with the MA Lighting-Visual Productions combo it is now possible to integrate control of stage lighting, venue- or building lighting, emergency lighting and even include a BMS (building management system).
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More specific, we have programmed templates and macros to interface and automate in both directions: from grandMA3 consoles to various Visual Productions controllers (using MA3 Macros and Executors) and from Visual Productions controllers to grandMA3 consoles (using Templates).  The OSC network protocol is used for this, as it is supported by both manufacturers.
We will make the MA3 Macros available through the Downloads section of the Visual Productions website. Templates for controlling a grandMA3 with Visual Productions' controllers will be included in upcoming firmware versions and can be selected from the Templates list which can be found on the Show Control page of each controller. Just like any other Template, selecting an MA3 Template in a Visual Productions controller will automatically create the Actions List with associated Actions, Triggers and Tasks.
For grandMA3, in general any button or cue can be assigned a macro which can be part of a preprogrammed show. The OSC command set will then trigger the associated task in a Visual Productions controller.
Below is an overview of all MA3 macros we prepared:
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We have developed templates and macros for grandMA3 working with CueCore3, CueCore2, QuadCore, IoCore2, B-Station2, DaliCore and TimeCore. The first Visual Productions product to include an MA3 Template is CueCore3, available with a new vManager release. Templates for other products will follow soon. See below for more detailed descriptions and applications with other Visual Productions controllers.
Remember to make sure you set the correct OSC Remote network configuration on the MA3 to match the Visual Productions settings. See the MA3 manual here.
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grandMA3 controlling CueCore3, CueCore2 and QuadCore
Template name: MA3->Playbacks
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Description: MA3 can jump to Cues in Playbacks and can release Playbacks
In MA3 import the Visual Productions macros. They appear in your Macro Pool. Simply push a button named "Core Playback 1 Jump 1” or "Core Playback 1 Release”.
A typical application would be: trigger house lights presets as part of the show lighting without patching and integrating any of the fixtures in the MA3 show.
B-Station2 controlling grandMA3
Template name: Buttons->MA3
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Description: use any of the 6 B-Station2 buttons to control an MA3 Executor’s Go command. Short press starts the Executor, long press releases the Executor. In B-Station2’s Show Control,  you can adapt the Executor to be controlled, or replace the Executor by any valid MA3 command. This is done in the Task menu.
Application: the B-Station2 can be used as a simplified and accessible remote control for a complex MA3 system.
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Feedback is provided by MA3: it switches the LED ring in B-Station2 on and off provided you have added our MA3 feedback macros to the Cues and Off-Cues in the Executors controlled.
grandMA3 controlling TimeCore
Template name: MA3->Timecode Description: MA3 can select which timecode source is to be used: internal, SMPTE, MTC, RTP-MIDI or Art-net. It can also control TimeCore's transport functions Start, Stop, Pause, Restart and Reset.
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grandMA3 controlling DaliCore
Template name: MA3->Scenes
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Description: MA3 can control DaliCore Scenes, containing both DMX fixtures and DALI devices.  Application: control DALI lights in bar, lounge etc. and select Scenes to adjust brightness and colour, matching mood or event.
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grandMA3 controlling IoCore2 
Template name: MA3->GPO Description: control the GPOs (General Purpose Outputs) of an IoCore2 by MA3 macros. Application: trigger any device with GPIs (General Purpose Inputs), for example broadcast from MA3. 
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IoCore2 controlling grandMA3
Template name: GPI->MA3 Description: use the General Purpose Inputs of an IoCore2 to control MA3 Executors. Application: add interactivity to rides, museums and other interactive installations.
This concludes the overview of Visual Productions-MA Lighting integration options.
Eternal thanks to Jeroen@Light Image BV!
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hunchoco · 6 years
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Black Mirror, 4x01 - USS Callister [2/13]
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sabasmartsystems · 4 years
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armidajoiner12 · 3 years
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Today, we need batteries that offer a lot of ability, sustainability, and a lifespan this is certainly used for a long duration. They are the best solutions to save today’s energy as a backup source.
This 48V Lithium-Ion Battery 200AH is a high-performing deep-cycling made by patented Lithium Iron Manganese Phosphate chemistry. Its LBP48V200Ah feature is built-in automatically by a battery management system called BMS. This function keeps your battery running at its peak performance for many years without its maintenance by maximizing cell cycle life.
Note: All lithium batteries must be charged with a lithium battery charger.
48V 200AH Lithium Ion Battery lasts for 3000+ cycles. They provide a nominal voltage of 48V having a capacity of 200AH. These 48V 200AH batteries have a standard charging current rate of 0.5C having a maximum charge rating of 1C and a maximum discharging rate of 2C. They provide a charging rate at 3.65V and a discharging rate at 2.5V.
It comes with four 12V cells connected in a single cell to make it useable at the peak voltage of 48V.
Features of 48V 200AH LITHIUM ION BATTERY:
These lithium batteries have greater than 4000 cycles at (80) % depth discharge. These batteries can be operated as series or parallel combinations. Moreover, these batteries have an automated cell balancing system that makes their performance much efficient and long-lasting. These batteries also have exceptional voltage stability and a rough mechanic design. These batteries are maintenance-free and require no hydrogen gas generation.
Benefits of 48V 200AH LITHIUM ION BATTERY:
These batteries save your space and are less weighted.
With regards to expenditure is included, Lithium metal people which can be phosphate loads cheaper which can make for a truly wide range of facets. For instance, the materials this is certainly natural making the products easily available, which will be the nice reason why it truly is less expensive in comparison to cobalt.
Additionally, it is safer to deal with these products. Eventually, the lifespan of these devices is certainly very long that makes them a much better option than Lead-Acid batteries. Therefore, it can save a lot of energy that will be useful for the future use.
They provide rapid charging and thus provide a longer run time through charges.
They do not allow you to replace your batteries again and again.
Provide you peace of mind by knowing that you are using the safest and latest option on the market.
Provides you unlimited charging and make no harm to your project.
Lithium-Ion batteries with Daly BMS utilizes the most advanced high-end chemistry and safety measures.
They are optimized for an enormous variety of uses such as solar, RV, and Marine.
They are built with LiFePO4 cells developed to provide superior performance.
48V Lithium-Ion prismatic deep cycling batteries for 200Ah are ideal and optimized for the following applications:
To store Solar/Wind power
To operate for Off-Grid Applications
They are used in RV, Marine, Golf carts, etc.,
They are used in modern Electric Vehicles
They provide efficient DIY Electric Storage
Lithium-Ion batteries are used for Handling Equipment
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srikobatterie · 2 months
Harness the Future of Battery Management: Exploring the JK Smart Active Balance BMS Board 3S-8S 200A
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Introduction to Advanced Battery Management
The JK Smart Active Balance BMS Board 3S-8S 200A represents a breakthrough in battery management. This advanced system ensures optimal performance and longevity for battery packs, making it an essential tool for tech enthusiasts and professionals alike. Its innovative features and robust design set a new standard in the industry.
Unparalleled Performance with 200A Capacity
The standout feature of the JK Smart Active Balance BMS Board is its impressive 200A capacity. This high current rating allows it to manage large battery packs efficiently, providing stability and reliability. Whether for electric vehicles or renewable energy systems, this BMS board delivers consistent power and safety.
Smart Active Balancing for Maximum Efficiency
One of the key advantages of this BMS board is its smart active balancing technology. This feature ensures that all cells within the battery pack are balanced, preventing overcharging and undercharging. By maintaining equal charge levels, the BMS board maximizes the battery's lifespan and performance.
Versatile Connectivity with UART/RS-485
The JK Smart Active Balance BMS Board offers versatile connectivity options, including UART and RS-485 interfaces. These communication protocols enable seamless integration with various systems, allowing users to monitor and control their battery packs remotely. This flexibility enhances the overall user experience and system efficiency.
Enhanced Safety Features
Safety is paramount when dealing with high-capacity battery packs. The JK Smart Active Balance BMS Board is equipped with multiple safety features to protect against overcurrent, overvoltage, and short circuits. These safeguards ensure that the battery pack operates within safe parameters, reducing the risk of damage and accidents.
Easy Installation and User-Friendly Design
Despite its advanced capabilities, the JK Smart Active Balance BMS Board is designed for easy installation and use. Its user-friendly interface and clear instructions make it accessible to both beginners and experienced users. This design philosophy ensures that more people can benefit from advanced battery management technology.
Applications and Use Cases
The JK Smart Active Balance BMS Board is versatile enough to be used in various applications. From electric vehicles to solar energy storage systems, this BMS board provides reliable and efficient battery management. Its adaptability makes it a valuable addition to any power management setup.
Conclusion: Embrace the Future of Battery Management
In conclusion, the JK Smart Active Balance BMS Board 3S-8S 200A is a game-changer in the realm of battery management. Its high capacity, smart balancing technology, versatile connectivity, and robust safety features make it an indispensable tool. Embrace this advanced BMS board and elevate your battery management system to new heights.
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idobi · 4 years
idobi News Flashes 01.14.21: Dolly, Dali, Armie, Cap, Crocs, Foo Fighters, JLo and Gaga
idobi News Flashes 01.14.21: Dolly, Dali, Armie, Cap, Crocs, Foo Fighters, JLo and Gaga
TL: Photo by Ana Caballosa TM: Photo by Ven. Tenzin Jamphel TR: Via InstagramM: Photo by Danny ClinchBL: Photo by David Brandon Geeting BM: Via MCU Capture BR: Photo By Peter Prato Oh boy there’s a lot going on today! Let’s not waste any time and check it out! . Post Malone Donates His Sold Out Crocs to Frontline Workers View this post on Instagram A post shared by Musicians On Call…
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aykutiltertr · 5 months
Cevizin Yaprağı Dal Arasında - Beyaz ✩ Ritim Karaoke (Anonim Uşşak Vahde...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/tM8qdGwIDz0 ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Cevizin Yaprağı Dal Arasında - Beyaz ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Uşşak Vahde Afyonkarahisar) ANONİM TÜRKÜ CEVİZİN YAPRAĞI DAL ARASINDA Yöresi- İli AFYON   İlçesi- Köyü Dinar   Kaynak Kişi NUREDDİN GÜLER Derleyen MUZAFFER SARISÖZEN Notaya Alan MUZAFFER SARISÖZEN İcra Eden Makamsal Dizi UŞŞAK Konusu - Türü Aşk Sevda Karar Sesi La Bitiş Sesi La Usül 4/4 En Pes Ses La En Tiz Ses Fa Ses Genişliği 6 Ses TÜRKÜNÜN SÖZLERİ Bm Cevizin Yaprağı Dal Arasında Am        D          C       Am        Bm Güzeli Severler Bağ Arasında Bağ Ararasında   2x Bm Üç Beş Güzel Bir Araya Gelmişler Am        D          C        Am       Bm Benim Sevdiceğim Yok Arasında Yok Arasında   2x Bm Evlerinin Önü Zerdali Dalı Am         D          C        Am      Bm Pencereden Gördüm Kınalı Eli O Nazlı Yari Bm Benim Sevdiceğim Tomurcuk Güldü Am          D        C         Am        Bm Sensiz Lokmaları Yiyemez Oldum Yiyemez Oldum Am        D        C         Am        Bm Sensiz Odalara Giremez Oldum Giremez Oldum CEVİZİN YAPRAĞI DAL ARASINDA GÜZELİ SEVERLER BAĞ ARASINDA ÜÇ BEŞ GÜZEL BİRARAYA GELMİŞLER BENİM SEVDİCEĞİM YOK ARASINDA SENSİZ LOKMALARI YİYEMEZ OLDUM (yutamaz oldum) SENSİZ ODALARA GİREMEZ OLDUM (yatamaz oldum) EVLERİNİN ÖNÜ ZERDALİ DALI PENCEREDEN GÖRDÜM KINALI ELİ (o nazlı yari) BENİM SEVDİCEĞİM DOMURCAK GÜLÜ SENSİZ LOKMALARI YİYEMEZ OLDUM (yutamaz oldum) SENSİZ ODALARA GİREMEZ OLDUM (yatamaz oldum) EVLERİNİN ÖNÜ BAHÇALIK BAĞLIK NE GÜZEL İŞLEMİŞ ELİNE SAĞLIK (koluna sağlık) YAR BANA YOLLAMIŞ BİR BEYAZ YAĞLIK BOYNUNA DOLASIN EYLENSİN DİYE (aldansın diye) YAĞLIK : Boyuna dolanan büyük mendil "Afyon türküleri" kategorisindeki sayfalar Bu kategoride yer alan toplam 35 sayfanın 35 adedi aşağıdadır. A A Gız Senin Adın Dudu Afiyon'un Ortasında Galesi Var Ahmet Ahmet Diye Al Fadimem Allı Gelin Taş Başını Yol Eder Arif Bey Geliyor Bakın Kastine B Ben Giderim Oduna C Cevizin Yaprağı Dal Arasında D Dam Başına Asa Goymuş Galbırı E Emirdağı Birbirine Ulalı Erzurum’dan Çevirdiler Yolumu F Feracem de Dört Duvarda H Hapisane İçinde Mermerden Direk Hatçam Çıkmış Gül Dalına Haydi Güzelim Kundurana Tek Tek Bas Hezin Hezin Gir Kapıdan K Kapı Ardına Asa Koymuş Eleği Kara Hüseyin Mavzerini Yağlıyor Karahisar Kalesi Yıkılır Gelir Karanfil Dallanır mı Kaçındasın Gelin Ümmü Kaçında Kırmızı Gülden Dal Kestim Kumalar Dağından Göç Katar Katar M Mahpushane Dedikleri Bir Derin Guyu Molla Ahmed N Nazilli'nin Hanları Y Yeşil Olur Sandıklı'nın Biberi Z Zalım Poyraz Gıcım Gıcım Gıcılar Ç Çay Kenarında İnadına Bitiyor Kestane Çemberim Dalda Kaldı Ö Öte Yakanın Buludu Ü Ümmüm Seni Hanaylardan Atarlar Üç Guşuduk Uçarıdık Havada İ İki De Derviş Gelir Posdu Posdundan İslamoğlu Kale Yapar Taşınan Afyonkarahisar Madde Tartışma Oku Değiştir Kaynağı değiştir Geçmişi gör Araçlar Koordinatlar: 38°45′29″K 30°32′19″D (Harita) Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi Bu sayfa Afyonkarahisar ilinin şehir merkezini anlatmaktadır. İl için Afyonkarahisar (il) sayfasına bakınız. Afyonkarahisar Şehir Türkiye üzerinde Afyonkarahisar Afyonkarahisar Afyon karahisar Ülke Türkiye Coğrafi bölge Ege Bölgesi İl Afyonkarahisar İdare • Belediye başkanı Burcu Köksal (CHP) Yüzölçümü • Toplam 1025 km² Rakım 1021 m Zaman dilimi UTC+03.00 (TSİ) Posta kodu 03030 Alan kodu 272 Plaka kodu 03 Resmî site Afyonkarahisar Belediyesi Afyonkarahisar veya eski ve halk arasındaki ismiyle Afyon, Afyonkarahisar ilinin merkezi olan şehirdir. Mermercilik ve gıda sektöründe Türkiye içinde ve dışında isim yapmıştır. Şehrin Afyon olan ismi, 2005 yılında Afyonkarahisar olarak değiştirilmiştir. Etimoloji Yerleşimin eski adı Karahisâr-ı Sâhib'dir. Karahisar ismi, şehrin ortasında yükselen koyu renkli volkanik kayaların renginden ve üstünde bulunan hisardan gelir. Sâhib adı ise, Anadolu Selçukluları'nın son devirlerinde yaşayan ve Moğol istilası sırasında buraya gelen Sâhib Ata Fahreddin Ali'nin unvanından gelmektedir. Günümüzde kullanılan Afyon adı da bölgede eskiden beri büyük alanda yapılan haşhaş ekimine dayanmaktadır. Tarihçe Kentin tarihi MÖ 3000 yılına kadar uzanmaktadır. MÖ 2000 ilk dönemlerinde Hattilerin egemenliğinde bulunan yerleşim, MÖ 2. bin yılın ortalarında Hititlerin denetimine geçmiştir. Hitit devleti yıkılınca MÖ 1000 yılı dolaylarında yerleşim Friglerin egemenliği altına girdi.
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Seven Emblem books and two others!
Two sort of emblematic books (A&B) and Seven(1-7) emblem books in contemporary or original bindings!
1)   Andres Alciati 1492 – 1550
V.C. Emblemata (Viri Clarissimi) Emblemata. Cum Claudij Minois ad eadam Commentariis & Notis Posterioribus. Quibus Emblematum omnium aperta origine, mens auctoris explicatur, & obscura omnia dubiáque illustrantur.
Lugduni (Lyon), Hæred. Gvlielmi Rovilii, 1600. 1600. Bound in coeval vellum with author and title on the spine in an early hand. Octavo ã8, e4, i8 A-Eee8, Eee*2 Fff8 Ggg4.
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The ultimate reference for this book is Daly’ Andres Alciatus Index Emblematicsus 1985; ; Landwehr, J. Romanic emblem books; 89 ; Adams, A. French emblem books; F.063; Emblem books at the Univ. of Illinois; A32; Green, H. Andrea Alciati and his books of emblems,; 127; Baudrier, 1895-1921, v. 9, p. 464-65;. Item #738G
The emblem book, which attained enormous popularity in continental Europe and Great Britain, while it is possible to trace it back before was certantly made most popular by Alciati. . Alciato’s emblems were first published in Augsburg in Germany (two editions in 1531 and one in 1534); from 1534 onwards publishing shifted to France and remained there for the next thirty years. Wechel, who printed the Paris editions (from 1534), are like those in Augsburg. He can be said to have set the standard for clear presentation of emblems, with each emblem beginning on a fresh page, featuring the motto or title, the pictura below that, and then the subscription/epigram or verse text the main focus of publication for emblems shifted more firmly to Lyons from the mid 1540s, The 1550 Latin edition by Rouille is the first to have 211 emblems (the whole corpus, apart from the so-called obscene emblem ‘Adversus naturam peccantes’) illustrated. This edition includes biography of Andrea Alciati (leaves i1-i8). These emblems depict Alciati’s concern for the eternal nature of man and its contradictions, the attentive ear to the popular speech, the unfolding of the personality, madness, the reflection on human existence, the relationship between man and the woman, the struggle between reason and passion, and to the satire of society and its rules and rulers.
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      A) CARTARI 343J  Vincenso Cartari.   1531–1569
Seconda novissima editione delle Imagini de gli dei delli antichi di Vicenzo Cartari …Ridotte da capo a piedi alle loro reali, & non più per l’adietro osseruate simiglianze. cauate da’marmi, bronzi, medaglie, gioie, & altre memorie antiche; con esquisito studio, & particolare dligenza da Lorenzo Pignoria … Aggionteui le annotationi del medismo sopra tutta l’opera, & vn discorso intorno le deità dell’Indie orientali, & occidentali, con le loro figure tratte da gl’originali, che si conseruano nelle Galleri de’principi, & ne’musei delle persone priuate. Con le allegorie sopra le imagini di Cesare Malfatti … Et vn catalogo di cento più famosi dei della gentilità. Con l’aggiunta d’vn’altro catalogo de gl’autori antichi, & moderni, che hanno trattato questa materia, ordinato & raccolto dal medesimo Pignoria che ha accresciute le annotationi & aggiunte molte imagini.
In Padova, Nella stamparia di Pietro Paolo Tozzi. 1626. Quarto, 9 1/4 x 6 1/2 in 224×162 mm.  Signatures:   ‡8 ≠≠1,a6, ‡‡4 [∏2 FOLDOUTS] A-Z8 ,AA-OO8  (38 pages, 589 pages illustrations, two  folded plates) [[38] pages, 589 pages illustrations, two  folded plates 24 cm]. 2 double-page woodcuts and 227 full-page and in-text woodcuts of the ancient gods by Cesare Malfatti.          *   *.   *
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  #1 Vincenzo Cartari, Images of the Gods of the Ancients: The First Italian Mythography, translated and annotated by John Mulryan. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies vol. 396. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2012.
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Praz 36; Cicognara 4686; Graesse II.56; Nagler XXII.15, ; Harvard 156.108; JCB Library catalogue; 2:198; Sabin 11104.;  BM. STC.(Ital.) 152.; ‘Choix 4280. See Also: Mortimer, Italian, 108 note. Caillet 2047 (French trans.) Brunet I,1601. Graesse II,56.Univ. Cat of Art, 287. Arntzen & Rainwater H35.Dekesel 16th, C11.                                                                                     And :
1)Sonia Maffei, ‘Le imagini de i Dei degli antichi di Vincenzo Cartari: Dalla poesia all’archeologia’ http://dinamico2.unibg.it/cartari/leimaginideiDei.html
2) Marco Urdapilleta Muñoz, ‘El bestiario medieval en las crónicas de Indias (siglos XV y XVI)’, Latino América, Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 58 (2014), 237-70. 5160.235500
3) Miguel A. Rojas Mix, América imaginaria (Barcelona, 1992) LB.31.b.10858
4) Rosa López Torrijos, La mitología en la pintura española del Siglo de Oro (Madrid, 1985). YV.1988.b.1010 María Jesús Lacarra, Juan Manuel Cacho Blecua, Lo imaginario en la conquista de América (Zaragoza, 1990). YA.1997.a.7376
5) Mercedes Aguirre at 11:59:11 in Americas , Collections , Latin America , Medieval history , Mexico , Rare books. BL.
6) Mexican Codex Vaticanus 3738. Item #743
This is the First Edition in which the antiquarian and egyptologist who was also  interested in the sciences, and a friend of Galileo. Lorenzo Pignoria added  his appendix Seconda Parte delle Imagini de gli Dei Indiani displays detailed illustrations of some archeological remains portraying Mexican, Egyptian, Indian and Japanese gods, seeking ‘a sort of unique visual language in pre-Christian religions.  It is bound in.
Price: $4,500.00
    B).  Cuper, Gisbert Cuper. 1644-1716
Gisb. Cuperi Harpocrates, Sive Explicatio imaguncluæ argenteæ perantiquæ; quæ in figuram Harpocratis formata representat Solem. Ejusdem Monumenta Antiqua Inedita. Multi Auctorum loci, multæ Inscriptiones, Marmora, Nummi, Gemmæ, varii ritus, & Antiquitates in utroque Opusculo emendantur & illustrantur. Accedit Stephani Le Moine Epistola de Melanophoris.
Utrecht: (Trajecti ad Rhenum) Apud Franciscum Halma, Acad. Typogr., 1687, Quarto. This copy is bound in 20th century quarter calf. .
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  ¶Harpocrates was adapted by the Greeks from the Egyptian child God Horus, who represented the newborn sun, rising each day at dawn. Harpocrates’s name was a Hellenization of the Egyptian Har-pa-khered or Heru-pa-khered, meaning “Horus the Child”. In the second century B.C., Egyptians connected Harpocrates with the mystic cult of the Egyptian goddess Isis. Harpocrates holds a finger to its lip for the Egyptians a symbolic gesture representing childhood.
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¶Yet the Greeks mistook for a hush for silence., misinterpreting Harpocrates as the personification of silence, and this particular work is a study of statues and other art from classical antiquity that depict these later figures of silence. And again, the Roman interpretation added strength to the Mystery of silence.
The frontispiece signed and dated in the plate: Joh. van der Avele invention and fecit. Title page in red and black. This edition is enhanced with a letter of Etienne Le Moyne; this text has a half-title and the second text: Monumenta Antiqua. Cuper’s research is a precursor to art history and Winckelmann.
Brunet 6, no. 22603; Cicognara 3212; Ebert 5512; Graesse 2,308 , Item #388J
Price: $1,800.00
  2). David, Jan David. 1545?-1613
Veridicus christianus: auctore P. Joanne David … Editio altera, auctior.
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Antverpiæ ex officina Plantiniana, M. DCVI. Second edition. This copy is bound in full contemporary blind stamped calf over wooden boards with two working clasps. Quarto ‡4, ‡‡4, A-Z4, a-z4, Aa-Ee4.+ 100 Numbered Plates. With a special engraved t.p. with allegorical depiction of Christ carrying the cross, surrounded by ten artists at easels painting scenes from his life (as well as a few questionable profane subjects). The vovelle : The centers of the engraving and the volvelle (through which a string passes) are reinforced with small paper roundels printed with the monograms of Christ. The numbers are keyed to an “Indiculus orbitae” that follows (Bb1r-Bb2r). There a number, having been selected, is provided with a phrase from various Latin authors (listed on Bb2v), and a reference to one of the hundred sections that comprise the main text. It is suggested in Bibliotheca Belgica that this game may have been intended as a pious alternative to such superstitious books as Thuys der fortvnen.
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Veridicus Christianus emphasizes the Society of Jesus’ investment in thinking in, though, and about visual images that exemplify the supreme mystery of God. Published as a tool of devotion and meditations, it features one hundred chapters that encompass a wide
range of topics for reflection. Each chapter incorporates an extensive commentary that interprets the emblematic image David too follows the order in which we apprehend things with our senses, beginning with a visual representation at the head of each chapter. Then comes the explication. The symboli explicatio was considered necessary because cultivated readers would be more susceptible to a reasoned argument than a
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picture. The text is divided into 100 chapters, each with an allegorical engraving incorporating letters keyed to the explanatory text and with marginal references. Each of the 100 numbered plates has a single line of Latin at the head giving the subject, with two-line explanatory verses below the allegorical engraving in Latin (roman letter), Dutch (civilité) and French (italic) First plate (following [2 daggers]4) is added title leaf for the ill., which were also published separately; see Bibliotheca Belgica. The added title reads: Icones ad Veridicvm Christianvm P. Ioannis David e Societate Iesv At the end is Device with compasses and the motto “constantia et labore” on Ee4r . This book is notoriously found defective in one way or another, this copy is perfect and complete. . Item #382J
De Backer-Sommervogel Vol.II col 1845 N. 5; Funck 302; Praz 313: EBIU D 17; Landwehr EFBLC 138; Landwehr FISP 253. Daly & Dimler CLE Jesuit Series Part one p160 #J.153.
Price: $5,500.00
    3) David, Joannes David 1546-1613.
Duodecim specula deum aliquando videre desideranti concinnata.
Antwerp: Antverpiae: Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum, 1610, 1610. Theodor. Galle fecit. First Edition? This copy is bound in a contemporary soft vellum, (recovery vellum with writing. Faded and on the the inside. ) Ex libris ms.
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First edition of this wonderfully illustrated work about 12 mirrors mankind uses to try and see God. David was born at Courtrai and entered the society of Jesuits in 1581. He was distinguished for his zealous fight against heresy. “Emblem number with caption,pictura with motifs flagged, then subscriptio,prose identification flagged motifs,facing page with number followed by a prose conversation between Anima and Desiderus.
Youth edition with engravings only, without text. Each plate bears, at the top, a serial number and an inscription indicating the subject represented in the bottom part a Latin couplet with a summary explanation. RRef. Landwehr 188, Funck p. 303, BCNI 5556, Bibl. Belg. D 157, Praz p. 313 “scarce”
DeBacker-Sommervogel vol. II col.1851 no.20 ; McGeary & Nash. Emblem books at the Unviersity of Illinois,; G2; Daly & Dimler corpus Librorun eblematun(CLE) J141; Praz, M. Studies in 17th century imagery,; vol. I p.192 vol.. II, p. 46; Landwehr, J. Dutch emblem books,; Funck p. 303, BCNI 5556, Bibl. Belg. D 157; see also The Jesuits and the Emblem Tradition: Selected Papers of the Leuven International Emblem Conference, 18-23 August, 1996.
. Item #409J
Price: $1,900.00
    4)  Izquierdo, Sebastian Izquierdo, Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Praxis exercitiorum spiritualium P.N.S. Ignatti. Auctore P. Sebastiano Izquierdo Alcarazense Societatis Jesu.
Rome: Romae : Typis Joannis Francisci Buagni, 1695, 1695. Octavo 7 X 4.75 inches A-G8,H4 This copy is very clean and bound in full contemporary vellum. Landwehr, Romanic, 412.Sommervogel, IV, 70 1#4 ; Palau 291230; Landwehr:Romantic 412.; Praz,p.382. Item #716
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The Jesuit Sebastián Izquierdo in his Práctica de los ejercicios espirituales, written in (Spanish in )1665 translated in to Italian the same year then in 1678 translated as here into Latin and later published in several translations and versions offers an illustrated guide to the Ignatian spiritual exercises. The illustrations, 12 of them, are the subject of image meditation which was a favorite method of the Jesuits who, beginning with the monumental Evangelicae Historiae Imagines (1593) of Jerónimo Nadal, actively took hold of religious iconography and adjusted and concentrated it for the teaching of the Societies ( and Ignatius’ ) vision. The images are not just simple depiction’s instead they are mnemonic devices. These images are points of departures and give the current 21st century reader a precious examples of images that inspire meditation, direct the reception of the teachings and anchor them in the memory. Particularly memorable is the Image of Hell on page 72, The lay-out shows the pedagogical intentions and possibilities of this little book: there are 12 parts consisting of 12 separate quires, numbered from ‘A’ to ‘M’ and paginated each from 1-12, each with its own full-page illustration , these could have been meant to be distributed separately – according to match the educational needs or level of the students. The Images are in high contrast, with plenty of Bloody and memorable images. The Puteus Abyssi depicts a poor man who is naked and sitting in a chair in some sort of oubliette. He has sevenswords, each with animal head handles, in him and each is strategically stuck in various parts of the body. The swords are labeled for the passions. Most interesting of these might be the sword marked ‘Vengeance’ it is hanging offer the mans head, the Idleness sword is stuck between his legs, Gluttony in his stomach, Lust … Envy in his back, Avarice between his Shoulders and Pride in his heart.Izquierdo was also the author of Pharus scientiarum, a treatise on a methodology to access knowledge,
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conceived as a single science. In this work, he assimilated Aristotelian and Baconian logic, and he expressed some original ideas on mathematics and logic that have earned their author a reputation as an outstanding mathematician. Not just like his Spanish contemporaries John Caramuel or Tomás Vicente Tosca , but also significant foreign mathematicians as Athanasius Kircher , Gaspar Knittel or Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , the latter, in particular, cited with, his Disputatio of Combinatione, in Combinatorial Art (1666).
Price: $1,800.00
  5) SCARLATINI, Ottavio Scarlatini
Homo et eius partes figuratus & symbolicus, anatomicus, rationalis, moralis, mysticus, politicus, & legalis, collectus et explicatus cum figuris
Augsburg & Dillingen, Johann Caspar Bencard, 1695. First and only Latin edition. Bound in a beautiful contemporary pig skin over wooden boards. Caillet 9948 (“unique in its genre”); Landwehr, German emblem books 530; Praz 490 note; R. Raybould, Emblemata 29. Item #734
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With 42 engraved emblems revolving around the human body and body parts. It describes and depicts the human body in its details and in its entirety in every aspect conceivable. The book also discusses magic, in the strict sense of the word, revealing many marvellous secrets, such as the occult properties of saliva, urine, sperm, etc.”The erudition demonstrated by the author is really quite extraordinary” (Raybould) including metoposcopy (the interpretation of facial wrinkles for divination!). . Book One studies individual organs: heart, etc. And Book Two the overall dignity of the whole and aspects of human life.An appendix adds short accounts of several subjects, including “hieroglyphia” and “androgyni”, along with short works by other authors: Lactantius Firmianus’s “De opificio Dei”, Coelius Rhodiginus on humanity, and a long “Ode” to humanity: “Considerationes patheticae de creatione, & dignitate hominis” based on Trismegistus, Plato, Coelius and other ancient sources.With a faint marginal water stain and a couple small rust spots in the paper, but
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otherwise in fine condition. The binding shows a few scratches, cuts and stains, small cracks at the head and foot of the hinges and 1 sewing support broken at the hinge, but is still in good condition. A fascinating emblem book for both text and imagery (some of it now also humorous), and an impressive piece of book production.
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Price: $5,500.00
    6). Sucquet, Anton Sucquet
Piæ considerationes ad declinandum à malo et faciendum bonum : cum iconibus Viae vitae aeternae R.P. Antonij Sucquet è Societate Iesu.
Viennæ Austriæ : Wien : [s.n.], 1672, 1672. Boetius a Bolswert and title by “I.M. Lerch sc. Viennae. Quarto,4 ¾ X 7 inches . ( no printed signatures) π 4 A-T4 V2. This copy is bound in original vellum. There is a really interesting modern bookplate on the pastedown. ¶ Praz, M. Studies in 17th cent. imagery (2nd ed.),; p. 506; Corpus librorum emblematum. Jesuit series,; J.1414; Landwehr, J. German emblem books,; 564; De Backer-Sommervogel,; VI, column 892, no. 2. Item #715
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There is an engraved emblematic title page signed “I.M. Lerch sc. Viennae;” The other 32 illustrations (numbered 1-32) are full-page emblems engraved by Boetius a Bolswert–See Landwehr. ¶The Illustrations are printed on the verso of leaf, recto is blank; accompanied by explanatory text on facing leaf. The text and illustrations are printed within ruled border. This popular emblematical work is arranged as a series of meditations, by the Jesuit Antoine Sucquet. Many religious emblem books were published during the 17th and 18th centuries, and of these, Sucquet’s work was one of the most popular. Because of its engravings by Boëtius a Bolswert , it was especially important for the development of the 17th-century Christian iconography. The counter-reformation produced a great number of emblematic meditation-books where text and illustrations are interwoven. Emblem books were therefore much favoured by the Jesuits for the purposes of teaching, as religious propaganda, and to provide subjects for meditation. The 17th-century Jesuit curriculum prescribed that emblems were composed in the schools. Members of the highest classes in the Flemish Jesuit colleges each composed an emblem, and the production of the entire class was collected in commemorative albums painted by professional artists and calligraphers. The meditation on the soul’s relation to Christ was precisely guided by provision of references in the engravings. The first religious catholic emblem book was published in 1571 and composed by Arias Montanus. In 1601 Jan David composed the first Jesuit emblem book, the “Veridicus Christianus”. Sucquet’s work is composed around the widely spread concept of the “homo viator in bivio”, the creature who during his life again and again arrives at the cross and has to make the good choice for the narrow and difficult path to his eternal destination. Sucquet made clear that vision is the most important sense of a human being. It had foundational importance for the Christian iconography of the seventeenth century. According to Brunet the work was very much searched after by the pious for its texts, by the curious minds for the 32 engravings by Boetius a Bolswert
Price: $1,900.00
  7) Venius, Otto van Veen
Theater moral de la vida humana, en cien emblemas; con el Enchiridion de Epicteto, y La tabla de Cebes, philosofo platonico.
Antwerp: Amberes,{Antwerp} Por Enrico y Cornelio Verdussen 1701, 1701. The Rubens master. third Edition.This large folio is bound in full contemporary vellum with gilt tooling. Snags repaired in the blank of the title page and on the folding Engraving , without damaging the text. Scattered freckles. Good copy. Landwehr, Dutch 240; Landwehr, Low Countries 678. (cfr. PRAZ, Studies in seventeenth-century imagery I pp.523-524 & Peeters Fontainas Bibliographie des impr. espagn. des Pays-Bas mérid. 1275;. Folio. 14 x 9 inches * 6, ** 4, *** 2, A-Z4, 2A-2C4 / a4, a-f4, g2. Item #97
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This Emblem book is made up of three Stoic works, beginning with Text from Horace in latin with 103 copper plates of engravings, That is a full page engraving of Vaenius by his daughter Gertrude van Veen engraved by Pontius.
These emblems also appeared in “Emblems from Horace, but not directly, these engravings represent both allegoric and general passages from Horace, these are in Spanish. The Horace is followed by
The Table of Cebes which has a large folding plate (16 x 13 inches) Cebes’ Tablet is an Ekphrastic work interpreting a probably mythical Tablet which symbolically represents “the whole Truth of Human life” Cebes is one of the characters in The Phædo of Plato. Xenophon tells us that Cebe was in the inner circle of Socrates’ friends. This is followed by The ENCHRIDION of Epictetus, in spanish. This manual is a ‘hands-on’philosophical collection of epigrams which promises to free the mind from Fear and enslavement to false Ideas.
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Price: $3,500.00
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Seven Emblem Books and Two others To see the web page which goes with this choose the link below. Seven Emblem books and two others!
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arianjjor · 5 years
Todo mundo já teve aquela alegria de ganhar um presente quando era criança , Aquele presente que o "Papai Noel trouxe" , mas por trás desse nome tem aqueles outros dois pela qual todos nós amamos e falamos , muitos falam como a primeira palavra da vida . São eles ( papai e mamãe) , a alegria de realizar um sonho , Aquele sentimento que você não tem forças pra segurar as lágrimas , acho que vocês estão me entendendo né?
Desde o dia 17/02/2020 Eu venho realizando meu sonho de fazer a faculdade de GASTRONOMIA e SIM tá sendo um sonho , venho trazendo esse sonho ano após anos e finalmente chegou o dia começar a botar em prática, ontem dia 28/02/2020 comecei a comprar meu primeiro material de cozinha, vocês têm noção disso ? , os primeiros utensílios da minha vida aaaaaaa , eu estou transbordando de felicidade .
Hoje 29/02/2020 fui comprar algumas coisas que ainda faltava e ao meu lado tavam eles dois pela qual falei anteriormente ( papai e mamãe) , eu pude ver o quanto sou grato a eles por tudo que fazem por mim , mds meu sonho já começou e a ficha só caiu hoje , tudo que eu faço é pensando neles e no meu futuro com o homem da minha vida do meu lado.
Meu namorado é um homem incrível e me ajuda demais mismii, me dar conselhos e sempre tá aqui do meu lado bem juntinho,sou louco de apaixonado por ele, sei que é com ele que quero construir tudo , Só quero poder fazer mais e mais por ele e pela minha família, quero dar pra todos tudo de bom e do melhor , pois sei que cada um merece.
É claro que eu não ia esquecer dela minha irmã que por mais que ela me perturbe diariamente , e sempre mande print , links , sites , mande eu fazer as coisas, sei que tudo isso é para meu bem , todas essas pessoas são muito importante pra mim , como sei que cada um de vocês têm pessoas assim como eu importantes também.
Aquela pessoa que eu vejo desde quando me conheço por gente e que parece eu de tanto estressado e bruto , meu vô , a pessoa que se acorda todos os dias 4h e pouco da manhã , muita das vezes pra ir até a BM pra comprar frutos do mar , pq é dali e te todos os mercantis que ele vai que sai o tão famoso ( Pão de cada dia ) , meu avô(Osmar) que faz comidas maravilhosas e que tem sua humilde marmitaria/restaurante, que por mais que seja simples é a melhor e mais saborosa que eu conheço, pode não ser chique nem ter comida cara , mas tem aquele tempero que todo mundo se apaixona e é com essa referência e alguns aprendizados , que levo pra minha vida toda o seu nome !!! OSMAR RODROGUES DE LIMA NETO !!!
OBRIGADO DEUS POR TUDO MESMO !!! , pela vida , por ter pessoas maravilhosas comigo, pela minhas família a que eu tenho desde que me tornei ser humano e a que eu tô começando agora com o homem da minha vida ❤🙌❤
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seattlemysterybooks · 6 years
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September 1928 issue
cover art by Fred Craft
~ Tom Curry, “Crooks in Arcady”, 13th of 23 with Macnamara (Mac), NYPD 1st grade dick, 27th of 39 stories in BM
~ Carroll John Daly, “The Last Chance”, 26th of 53, ‘Race Williams vs. The Hidden Hand; Pt. 4 of 5 loosely organized 5-pt. serial’, 38th of 71 appearances in BM
~ Erle Stanley Gardner, “The Devil’s Deputy”, 6th of 7 Black Barr; ‘Chinese, Wing Lee, is Deputy’, 34th of 99 stories in BM
~ Francis W. Hilton, “The Kid Wrangler”, author’s sole story in BM
~ Frederick L. Nebel, “Raw Law”, 1st of 37 with Captain Steve MacBride and local reporter Kennedy, with Jack Cardigan, 1st of the ‘Crimes of Richmond City’ sub-series, reprinted in Winter Kill: Complete Cases of MacBride & Kenney, v.1 (Altus, 2013), 13 of 67 stories in BM
~ Henry Wallace Phillips, “The Wooing of Shah-Layah”, 3rd Red Saunders with ‘Jack & Indian girl (Shah-Layah) who marry’, 5th of 12 stories in BM
~ Earl and Marion Scott, “An Hour Before Dawn”, ‘Escaped con, Bat Sladen; Flint Williams, detective’, 2nd of 17 stories in BM as a couple
~ Erika Zastrow, “A Moll and Her Man”, ‘billed as “A Drama of the Underworld”’, last of 3 stories in BM
©Seattle Mystery Bookshop
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hunchoco · 6 years
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Black Mirror, 4x01 - USS Callister [1/13]
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sabasmartsystems · 4 years
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rahimzubir76 · 2 years
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