#Daniel Alejandro Sosa De Lima
harshkaushik · 2 years
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akkistager7 · 2 years
Daniel Alejandro Sosa De Lima is the son of Manuel Sosa. Born in the city of Lima, Peru on December 4th, 1990. Daniel has always had a passion for music. As a child, he was influenced by his father, a professional musician who taught him to play the guitar and sing. Eventually, he followed in his father's footsteps and joined a band that toured throughout South America and gained a lot of popularity.
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biographyzoom · 2 years
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anujkumar80 · 2 years
Daniel Alejandro Sosa | Age | Networth | life story
Daniel Alejandro Sosa’s parents are Shannon De Lima and Manuel Sosa. Born in the U.S. on Oct. 29, 2007. Daniel Alejandro Sosa’s father was a household name because to Hoy te Vi and Reina de Corazones. Shannon De Lima, his mom, became a beauty queen. Shannon, his mom, is in Living & Traveling. His father, Manuel Sosa, starred in La Mujer perfecta and Mi prima ciela (2011). Sofia is his younger half-sister, born in 2008.
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pescar-truta · 4 years
Definições para um continente
A América é um epicédio para uma musa grotesca
A América é um projeto
A América é o elogio simultâneo de milhares de poetas-menores à barbárie
A América é o tumor na garganta do trovador
A América é uma noite longa
A América é uma metáfora para algo que se perdeu
A América é um sintoma
A América é um paradigma para mensurarmos o tamanho da nossa dor
A América é uma festa para a qual ninguém foi convidado
A América é um grito atrás de uma porta trancada
A América é o orgasmo culpado de um estupro
A América é um delírio europeu esquecido
A América é um pesadelo febril
A América é Abdias Nascimento, Roque Dalton, Ronald Reagan, Sandino, Cruz e Souza, Malcolm X, Richard Nixon, Camilo Torres, Costa e Silva, Pablo Escobar, Sérgio Fleury, Nicanor Parra, Fernandinho Beira-mar, Marylin Monroe, John Dillinger, Fidel Castro, Touro Sentado, Garrincha, Luis Carlos Prestes, George Woodcock, Mercedes Sosa, Manuel Puig, Maya Deren, Líber Seregni, Bandido da Luz Vermelha, Guilhermo del Toro, Thoureau, Jesse James, Zé do Caixão, Robert De Niro, Chacrinha, João Goulart, Hugo Chávez, Carlos Castañeda, Marighella, Abimael Guzmán, Jacques Dussalines, Pichon Rivière, Robert Nesta, Jeanine Áñez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Pinochet, James Dean, Chico Mendes, Jair Bolsonaro, Frida Kahlo, Buckminster Fuller, Joseph McCarthy, Violeta Parra, Kenneth Anger, Al Capone, Frantz Fanon, Henry Murray, Brilhante Ustra, Maria da Penha, Ted Bundy, Bonnie Elizabeth Parker, Getúlio Vargas, Elvis Presley, Emile Griffith, Angela Davis, Jorge Rafael Videla, Leonard Cohen, Arminda Aberastury, Eduardo Galeano, Juan Guaidó, Zapata, Roberto Bolaño, Filinto Muller, Tarsila do Amaral, Os dez de Hollywood, Che Guevara, Jorge Ben Jor, Comandante Ramona, Fulgêncio Batista, James Baldwin, Benício del Toro, Subcomandante Marcos, Castelo Branco, Eva Peron, Georgia O’Keffe, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Caio Prado Jr, Evo Moralez, Madame Satã, Silvio Rodriguez, Sidney Portier, Camilo Cienfuegos, Anne Carson, Xuxa, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, Carlos Gardel, Rosa Parks, Papasquiaro, Victor Jara, Jack Kerouac, Dilma Roussef, Túpac Amaru, Plínio Salgado, Joan Baez, Cabo Anselmo, Roberto Marinho, Chu Ming Silveira, Manuel Marulanda, Jorge Luis Borges, Elizabeth Short, Simon Bolívar, Lezama Lima, Gabriela Mistral, Abraham Lincoln, Pablo Neruda, Mohammed Ali, Carlos Lamarca, Alejandro Jodorowky, Fujimori, Gaspar Dutra, Daniel Ortega, Anne Sexton, Tupac Shakur, Lionel Brizola, El Chapo, Maria Bonita, Roberto Bolaños, Ernesto Geisel, Ed Gein, Ana Cristina César, Mariel Mariscot, Peter Tosh, Somoza, Osman Lins, Sabotage, Maradona, William Alexander Morgan, Robert E. Lee, Ernesto Sábato, Susan Meiselas, Pelé, Raúl Castro, Huey Newton, Paulo Freire, Alfredo Stroessner, Chico Picadinho, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Clint Eastwood, Cristina Kirchner, Mazzaropi, Paul Schäfer, Allen Ginsberg e Zumbi dos Palmares.
A América é um modo de ser,
de tolerar
o fim
sem chorar.
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akkistager7 · 2 years
Daniel Alejandro Sosa De Lima is the son of Manuel Sosa. Manuel Sosa was a victim of human trafficking. Daniel was only three years old when his father was trafficked. His mother was left to take care of him and his younger brother, who is now 11 years old. At the time his father went missing, Daniel’s mother was pregnant with his older sister.
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