newyoungjustice · 3 years
“  i wish i could hate you.  ” Suren and Mara?
Ooh! Enjoy!!!! Set before they start dating
He really cannot get rid of her can he? The girl he has know since he was thirteen and had nearly killed him. What could she possibly want in the middle of the night?
Suren had been covering for Damian on patrol. It was a slow night until she had showed up. Bracing himself, he readies himself to fight. He knows those familiar footsteps. Recognizes her silhouette.
"You really can't leave me alone can you?" He throws a magic blast at her which she quickly dodges.
"Why do you hate me?!" He screams, barely seeing her in the dark, foggy Gotham night.
 "I wish I could hate you." She says calmly. Suren jerks back as she moves forward, ready to attack. "Relax. I don't want to fight."
"I do." He says angrily. Suren moves to strike, dealing a sharp kick to her stomach. She blocks his next punch and pushes him against the side of the wall nearest them.
"Suren. Stop." She says frankly.
"STOP BOTHERING ME." He struggles, Mara still pinning him back.
"JUST LET ME TALK!" She yells.
She lets him go, both of them staring at the other.
"I don't want to hurt you, Suren." She keeps eye contact with him.
"Then why do you keep hurting me and my team?"
"I haven't had a choice. I have to do whatever the League tells me or I get punished." Her expression tenses.
"What's so different now?" He asks unenthusiastically.
"I left. Ran away." It was only now that Suren noticed the large backpack and dirty clothes she had on.
"Oh." He says quietly, feeling worse about the fighting and yelling from earlier.
"You ran away. What do I do?" She asks, Mara now looking desperate like he had never seen before.
"It was different for me, Mara." The sixteen-year old looks down at her.
"Suren, I need your help. I don't know what to do on my own." She holds back tears, not wanting to look weak.
He pauses for a moment. The girl who loved to torment and bother him and his team asking him for help seemed out of the ordinary. What if she was just trying to trick her?
He thought about his teammates. What would they do in this situation. He thinks that they would give her the benefit of the doubt, would trust her.
He pulls out a pen and paper from his utility belt and writes and address. "Here." He hands her the paper. "You can stay her until you are able to find other housing. It will likely rain so you should get off the streets."
"Thank you, Suren." She quietly replies, firmly shaking his hand afterwards before running off
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newyoungjustice · 4 years
Headcannons about what the NYJ+ kids are like?
Yeah sure!! So I’m currently TBD about who Irey, Colin, and Milagro end up with, so idk about them, but here is everyone else:
Also here are their ages: Echo (8) Coro (6) Mai (5) Apollina (5) Zara (3) Leo and Thea (2) Ayko (1), Luna (1), Astra (0)
Lian x Jai
They have fraternal twins named Leo and Thea, who are both speedsters.
They have them around 2 years after they’re married, and they’re a surprise.
They are a chaotic duo and take after the other two sets of speedster twins, and they also know archery which makes them ever more all over the place
Leo is more into archery while Thea does more knife throwing type stuff.
They both are heroes and want to follow in their parents footsteps.
Maps x Damian
They have a girl and a boy, Zara and Ayko.
Zara is Robin for a little while and then has her own mantle (unsure on what that other mantle is)
She’s all over the place and doesn’t like things to be the same too much.
She loves to travel with her family and friends (which they do a lot)
Ayko does some hero stuff, but mostly likes to make tech/do computer and undercover work.
He is a bit more grounded, but also is 100% sarcasm.
Kathy and Maya
Apollina has invisibility powers and was training to be an assassin, but her caretaker/trainer dies when she’s 4 or 5, so when Kathy and Maya meet her on a mission, they know they have to adopt her.
She is clever and snarky and stubborn and very headstrong too.
She decides to become a hero as a way to show that she isn’t what she came from and that she is her own person and can do good.
Luna is Kathy’s bio daughter and has her powers, she also works in the field and is an absolute sweetheart.
Both the girls love nature and being outside, and like animals and playing outdoor sports.
Mar’i and Jon
They have 2 abopted kids who are half siblings on their moms side, Astra and Coro, who are 6 and 4 when they are adopted
They had an accident when they were 0 and 2 which gave them powers and the rest of their lives they were hunted for them and on the run.
Astra doesn’t do really any hero work just bc it’s not something she wants to. She can control objects
She is a sweet kid, but also likes to cause some trouble. She is very curious and always on the move lol
Coro asks questions every chance he gets, he is very high energy, but also enjoys to just sit and read or draw sometimes too. He does become a hero, and can manipulate elements
Astra is very all over the place, she is very sweet, but also very sarcastic and questions and debates everything, she has a bit of both her parents powers, she can fly and has super senses and can make starbolts and has more emotional based powers, she becomes a hero too.
Tai and Sin
They have a daughter named Mai.
She is a 3rd generation green lantern.
This girl is very on top of things until she forgets exactly what it is she’s doing. She is very optimistic and a great conversationalist.
Suren and Mara don’t really want kids
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newyoungjustice · 4 years
Can you do some basic headcannons for all the couples (age they start dating, the teams reaction, how they got together etc.)
Yeah definitely!!
They start dating when they’re sixteen the summer going in to junior year.
Maps kinda just tells him pretty upfront that she likes him and then he kisses her right after she tells him.
The wait like a few dates before they tell anyone. (Just until they are officially boyfriend-girlfriend and they know that they are gonna last)
Everyone was a little surprised bc they didn’t actually think that they would get together despite them liking each other.
They live in the same city, so it’s pretty common for them to visit each other during the week unlike some of the other couples.
Superstar (Jon x Mar’i):
They start dating at the very end of Jon’s freshman year when they’re 14/15.
He kinda panicks bc he likes her but has no clue how to tell her.
Kathy helps him a little by full on locking them in a room together until he blurts it out.
He tells her and she pulls him in for a kiss while everyone else watches on the comms.
They all cheer afterwards lol.
She honestly comes to visit NYJ to “go over reports” or “to strategize” far too often just so she can see him.
But the both can fly pretty quickly so they’ll visit each other too.
Start dating right after Kathy’s 16th b-day when Maya’s 17.
Kathy likes her (like a lot) and she knows that Maya likes her too (empathy can come in handy), so she just cuts to the chase and tells her very abruptly after a mission that she likes her.
They don’t kiss right then, but they do that next night at the tower when they’re talking.
Kathy tells Jon immediately, and they tell the rest of the team like at the end of that next weekend.
Everyone was definitely suprised because they could barely stand to work together just a few years ago.
But NYJ did think it was a bit funny because they know that their younger selfs would say that they’re crazy for saying they’re dating.
Speeding Arrow (Lian x Jai)
They started dating right before Jai turned 16 (like literally a week before lol). Making Lian 16 and a half ish.
They told each other that they liked each other right after a really bad mission before they even got back to the tower.
They kissed and just held each other for a minute before they went back.
They never really told the team, they just kissed in the hallway and cuddled and stuff until someone saw them and called a house meeting (that’s what they do whenever there is an emergency/someone’s being annoying/they learn shocking information)
They were really good friends before, but no one in a million years thought they would ever date, so NYJ was VERY shocked.
Jai’s powers make it way easier for them to see each other a lot.
DarGhul (Suren x Mara, ship name a WIP)
I have a drabble about how they confessed their feelings: here
Start dating @ 17.
Let me tell you NYJ was SHOCKED.
They waited like 2.5 months to tell anyone and everyone just thought that Suren was pranking them
Especially as teens, they don’t see each other a ton because they are both traveling a ton, but they try to call/text/facetime a lot.
Tai x Sin (need a ship name)
In to each other legit from they day they meet.
They are convinced the other doesn’t feel the same way, so for the first two years on the team, they just are friends with huge crushes on each other.
Eventually their team just gives up on trying to tell them that the other has a crush on them bc they don’t believe it.
When they’re 14, Tai just straight up  decides to tell her bc he can’t deal with it anymore.
He just kinda stutters through something that she definitely can’t understand, so he just gives her a peck on the lips and then kinda just stairs at her.
She kisses him back, and the rest is history.
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newyoungjustice · 4 years
5. Who is most likely to blush when complimented? All ships?
ooh okay!!
Damimaps: It’s definitely Damian fight me. Maps doesn’t blush but she smiles super wide and giggles.
Superstar: Probably Mar’i I would guess, but Jon will sometimes blush too.
Kathaya: Definitely Kathy, but not all the time, Maya just doesn’t blush much ever unless she’s embarrassed.
Speeding Arrow: Jai would probably blush more often obviously, but it definitely happens to Lian too, she just hides it.
DarGhul: It’s Suren. He blushes literally everytime he talks about her/see’s her lol
Tai x Sin: I’m gonna say Sin. She didn’t get many compliments for a long time, so she definitely stutters and blushes a lot when Tai compliments her now.
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newyoungjustice · 4 years
Will you do some headcannons about all of the ships’ future kids? (only if u want!)
I’ve done a bunch here but heres a few other things:
Tai and Sin have a daughter named Mai Kim Dinah Pham.
Suren and Mara adopt a boy named Mathew (bc neither of them really want a heir for their family and they wanted to adopt)
A lot of them have kids somewhat young.
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newyoungjustice · 4 years
Maybe could you do some sweet Suren and Mara headcannons?
yes for sure💛💛💛
So for starters I think at first they both have a whole lot of trouble showing and expressing how they feel about each other. Like they have a lot of trouble with any type of affection just bc neither of them really have any experience with it.
They eventually get used to it though, and are very cuddly and sweet.
Suren will legit go pick her flowers and stuff like that.
They also don’t really go on a lot of real dates when they start dating, it’s more of them just meeting up.
Mara will write him notes/letters.
They are both pretty connected with their arabic heritage, so they will make a lot of Arabic food like dolma.
Suren and her both kinda bounce around places a lot, so if they are in each other’s area they will crash with each other/hang out.
Mara eventually comes to the tower once everyone comes around on her dating Suren
They try a lot of stuff that wasn’t allowed in their childhoods together.
They both have really awful nightmares, so when one of them has one the other will hold them until they fall back asleep.
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newyoungjustice · 4 years
Hey y’all! so i’m working on the writing i promise, but i probably won’t do anymore tonight! If you want to ask me anything or request some hcs or something feel free and i’ll get to it tonight or tomorrow! love all of you and hope you’ve had a great day!!
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newyoungjustice · 4 years
8) “Do you really think I agreed to do this willingly,” Suren and Mara?
Yes ofc! I want to write more with them so enjoy!
Undercover missions can be fun, but they weren’t really Surens thing. Like ever. Unless it’s a whole team mission, he would be working on other things, and even with the whole team being a reserve member and all that, he definitely didn’t find himself on many of these missions. Which made this a whole lot more stressful.
Suren looked around at the ballroom. The interior was decorated rather nicely, and everyone was dressed in black tie. To be honest, the fancy clothes weren’t much to his liking. Most modern outfits weren’t though so not much he can do about it. He needed to have a date to this event, which is why Mara al Ghul currently stood next to him.
Hero work wasn’t her thing. At all. If he didn’t enjoy undercover mission, he can’t begin to understand how little she must be enjoying this, but it was nice to get to spend some time with his girlfriend, even if he had to worry about her killing one of the rich assholes at the party.
“Why are we here again?” She laughs slightly.
“To gather information.” He looked at her. She was wearing a stunning green dress with dangling golden earrings. She was really the only thing getting him through this.
“Sounds boring.” She said, grabbing some food from one of the plates. He brilliant green eyes looked at his darker ones. “But I bet we can make this a little more fun.” She grins.
“Mara,” He says disaprovingly, “you know we have a job to do right?”
“C’mon you really think I came to do information gathering willingly?” She snarked.
“Wow. I can tell you want to be here just as much as I do...” He remarked.
“Yeah, this place sucks, but I want to spend time with you,” looking up at him, she smiles, “and I’ll make it more fun.” She grabs his hand.
“Shall we dance?” She teases.
“Sure, just this once though.” He said, smiling down at her.
“Of course,” she says, voice laced with sarcasm, “just the one.”
With Mara looking more beautiful then he has ever seen her before, and her face against his shoulder while they swayed to the music, he realized that tonight probably isn’t going as bad as he thought.
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