#Darigan Gruslen
feeeshy · 11 months
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got a cute lil sroom chia, decided she's a witch
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neoitem · 6 days
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embraquil · 8 months
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WIP for something else ive been working on :3
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fluma · 1 year
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I really like the darigan gruslen so here is a quick fanart!
Go team purple!
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barkers-art · 2 years
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So recently, I decided to re-join Neopets with a brand new account for a fresh start. I currently have six pets on there, four of which were pound rescues (I definitely plan on adopting more if I find a way to buy some Neocash in order to get more pet slots), and I decided to draw the oldest out of my pets: Runawaydino the Darigan Grarrl!
I found this guy via a fansite called The Lost and Pound, which is basically a directory for pets that are currently in the Neopian Pound. I was looking for a Grarrl to adopt on there and this guy really stuck out to me. Not because he had a fancy paint brush color or anything (in fact, this guy was originally plain old green before I painted him), but because of his age. The site said that he was created all the way back in Y8 (aka 2006), which made him a particularly old pet. His original owner created him back when the Neopets site was very different than it is today, over a year before the Customization era started. Because of that, I thought it would be fun to draw him in one of those old circle backdrops that the site's pets had at the time. I also had to include his pet Gruslen Cheyenne in there because she's super cute. This was my first time drawing both a Grarrl and a Gruslen and I think both turned out pretty nice.
Side note: I was watching Pixar's Onward when I started sketching this and because of that I now picture Runawaydino sounding like Barley Lightfoot. 😀
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tigris-types · 1 year
So I'm glad I pick Jhudora's festival due to the darigan gruslen I'll get at the end, but it is annoying Illusen's staff is a prize.
But today, I'm really glad I picked team Jhurdoa because Illusen suggests solar enegery to the Monty, and I get that he is supposed to be an oil tycoon (obsidian tycoon is the neopet version i guess) and energy is often seen as fossil fuels vs solar, but it doesn't make sense in the context of Neopia!
It was dumb to have Illusen suggest solar because Moltara is an underground society, they don't have access to solar!!!! What they do have is lava and their whole society is based on metal working and mining! They should be using geothermal energy and that is what Illusen should have suggested!
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the-wolf-lady · 2 months
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All my neopets! Info below
Left to right: Adora_Rainbowfist Species and Color: Royal girl Cybunny Nostalgic token applied: Royal girl cybunny Named After: Adora from She-Ra Petpet: Swift Wind the Rainbow Alabriss Petpetpet: Vernax
Blue_Yaiden91 Species and Color: Stealthy Lupe Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: Blue from Wolf's Rain Petpet: Pops the Elderly Juma Petpetpet: Bumbluz Bluey_Heeler91 Species and Color: Baby Lupe Nostalgic token applied: Baby Lupe Named After: Bluey Heeler from Bluey Petpet: Bingo the Mutant Bearog Petpetpet: Larnikin Catra_Apple_MeowMeow Species and Color: Tyrannian Kougra Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: Catra from She-Ra Petpet: Melog the Darigan Gruslen Petpetpet: Unidentified Petpetpet Other Info: Will be Nostalgic Tyrannian once those are released Edalyn_Clawthorne Species and Color: Christmas Vandagyre Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: Eda from The Owl House Petpet: Owlbert the Horus Petpetpet: Beelzebug Jack_Skellington91 Species and Color: Halloween Zafara Nostalgic token applied: Halloween Zafara Named After: Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas Petpet: Zero the Ghost Warf Petpetpet: Mozito Kayla_Clawthorne
Species and Color: Pirate Zafara Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: Myself Petpet: Blue the Talpidat Petpetpet: Mootix King_Clawthorne
Species and Color: Shadow Bori Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: King from The Owl House Petpet: Francois the Tainted Minion Petpetpet: Pinchit Korra_Sato91
Species and Color: Blue Lutari Nostalgic token applied: Blue Lutari Named After: Korra + Asami from The Legend of Korra Petpet: Naga the Mutant Polarchuck Petpetpet: Aboogala Lily_Clawthorne
Species and Color: Faerie Lenny Nostalgic token applied: Faerie Lenny Named After: Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House Petpet: Mike Socks the White Weewoo Petpetpet: Springabee Luna_Clawthorne
Species and Color: Royal Girl Lupe Nostalgic token applied: Royal Girl Lupe Named After: My OC Petpet: Pepper the Black Doglefox Petpetpet: Scriblet Other Info: Petpet named after my dog. Royal Girl lupe was my dreamy before conversion
Species and Color: Halloween Lupe Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: Mebh from Wolfwalkers Petpet: Moll the Tyrannian Werhond Petpetpet: Lady Blurg Muffin_Heeler
Species and Color: Elderly Girl Lupe Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: Muffin from Bluey Petpet: Socks the Sparky Petpetpet: Jermite Rainestorm_Whispers
Species and Color: Tyrannian Krawk Nostalgic token applied: Tyrannian Krawk Named After: Raine Whispers (more specifically Eda's nickname for them) from the Owl House Petpet: Tyrannian Anubis Petpetpet: Ditrey Rhaenys_Velaryon
Species and Color: Darigan Draik Nostalgic token applied: Darigan Draik Named After: Princess Rhaenys from House of the Dragon Petpet: Meleys the Tuffala Petpetpet: Strale Robyn_Goodfellowe
Species and Color: Faerie Lupe Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: Robyn Goodfellowe from Wolfwalkers Petpet: Merlyn the Pirate Kateil Petpetpet: Moach Terezi_Pyrope91
Species and Color: Grey Draik Nostalgic token applied: Grey Draik Named After: Terezi Pyrope from Homestuck Petpet: Pyralspite the Ukali Petpetpet: Rainblug Toboe91
Species and Color: Plushie Lupe Nostalgic token applied: Plushie Lupe Named After: Toboe from Wolf's Rain Petpet: Toboe the Brown Puppblew Petpetpet: Jiggybug Undyne_Dreemurr
Species and Color: Maraquan Jetsam Nostalgic token applied: None Named After: Undyne from Undertale Petpet: Alphys the Yellow Krawk Petpetpet: Pebble Vriska_Serket91
Species and Color: MSP Poogle Nostalgic token applied: MSP Poogle Named After: Vriska from Homestuck Petpet: Mindfang the Rainbow spyder Petpetpet: Cooty Other Info: Battledome neopet
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blobikins · 11 months
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hi heres a look at my EPIC PETS on og neopets!!! a summery of what they are all about:
BigBluebell is my baby, precious butch daughter, i imagine her as a quaint farmer who likes living out in the country, shes painted christmas only for the brown fur and gold horns lol, shes the one i have read all the books
DarlingDaydream was created on the latest poogle day and painted pastel with one of the 4(!) FFQs i got from the faerie festival that just ended, i wanna customize her really pretty but im still planning that so shes just got the gay pride stuff on her lol
DustyDetective, as you can see from his age there, was made less than 2 days ago for me to spend another one of my FFQs on (i even shelled out some irl money for the first time to buy more pet slots orz) ive had a custom idea saved for forever on the fan site dress to impress for a steampunk uni and now im slowly working on gathering all the items for it (a few of them were part of the pool of new quest items TNT added to the faerie fest so they all suddenly jumped in price)
Flub_S2 (i call him flub season 2 for no reason) was adopted from a kind stranger here off of tumblr, he came with a zapped yellow dogglefox which looks to good together with him. right now i have him dressed like a slob bc ive imagined him as a spencer-from-icarly type weirdo artist whos just at home hanging out in his boxers with his dog painting all day lol
LordTheseus was a pound find and I loved the name so much i adopted him and made him a cunty gay guy. I painted him faerie with one of the FFQs before i realized the prize shop was basically giving away faerie pbs lol i also recently dropped like 3mil on buying him the darigan gruslen from the FF bc i missed logging in a day or two and couldnt get the prize myself ;;
SoftSybil was the first pet I made! I kinda imagine her as like the extrovert sister to the introvert Bluebell, so I painted her disco a while back and just kinda left it at that, but idk i might mix it up and totally redo her eventually i just dont know what i want with her lol
TurboFritz is also a pound find and my current lab ray pet, she started as a zafara and my goal was to zap her to robot, which is still my current goal, but for a while she was a ghost shoyru and looked pretty cool, but i still keep zapping her to try and get something cooler
im saving my remaining 4 pet slots until i really know what i want to do with them, so thats it for now!
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lightnersdream · 1 month
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i have a gruslen petpet but idk what color i want to paint it.. i like the darigan one A LOT OBVIOUSLY but i dont like the tusk shape as much. black purple and cloud are all good but idk (i have a cloud brush rn) . blue is also a nice shade
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rel-bis · 11 months
overview of the faerie festival:
I got 4 FFQs (technically 5 with a grey faerie, but since I already had a fountain dip waiting it was a waste :D)
Got like 3 expensive items from the Recycling Capsule (also I got two prizes from the Illusen prize shop from the capsules so now I'm wondering if it was a crazy coincidence or not lol)
And a faerie petpet pb that I actually really wanted for one of my petpets!
overall was a pretty nice event, despite the soul-crushing lag LOL tho im sad I missed the background bc I missed ONE story day. And I really wanted the darigan gruslen but I figured the Illusen prize shop would have more stuff that fits my pets(my spooky pet customs are mostly done)
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tigren · 8 years
im going to do the 30 day neopet challenge but im going to do it in one post under a readmore bc i will almost certainly forget it within the first week if i do it the proper way, i don’t think anyone is going to care about my responses in particular and i don’t want to spam people daily, and most importantly: im super bored right now
Day 01: When did you start playing Neopets and how old is your current account?
my first account got purged but i saved the date that i created it. i had my 14 year neopets anniversary last month WOW!!! my current account will turn 11 in may.
Day 02: How did you find out about Neopets?
i think my brother made a neopets account when he was like 10ish, he didn’t get super into it but my dad also made an account and got really involved with the site!! i was like 6 or 7 and i just really liked poogle solitaire (rip). i don’t think i actually knew how to play but it amused me and my dad let me continue playing because he got stuff for it. but eventually i guess he got sick of me being on my account and made one for me. my first username was bleubaby_72, which is named after a doll i had as a much younger child (Blue Baby, misspelled) and i don’t think the 72 means anything. my first pet was a yellow aisha whose name i don’t remember... my dream pet was a desert aisha (would still die for a UC desert aisha, i wouldn’t say theyre my fave but THE SENTIMENTAL VALUE.......)
Day 03: Favourite Neopets species?
i love boris! and yurbles recently shot up my list of fave pets, but i don’t like a lot of their colors. i generally prefer neopets that are mammalian (but not as a rule necessarily) and have features of real animals but can’t necessarily be pinpointed as a certain real species. like, aishas and wockies are cats, gelerts and lupes are dogs, grarrls are tyrannosaurus rex, elephantes are duh. and thats fine and good i still like a lot of those species! but yurbles for example have that hedgehog/bear thing going on but they also have their weird spiral ears and neck ruff. and thats my favorite thing. 
i also really like unis because i’ve been a horse girl since childhood n never grew out of it, and they have great colors. and aishas were my first fave and will always be one of my favorites. so i can appreciate pets that can more easily be represented by 1 animal. 
Day 04: How many pets do you own and which is your favourite?
ummmmmm 14 i think? there might be a few other pets rotting on sides that i kinda forgot about, i’m too lazy to check. Abbur is my favorite, he’s my pink bori baby boy and i just care about him with all my heart. i really like his customization and none of my pets have any real “stories” or anything but most of them have vague personalities and histories and his is more developed than any of my other pets. Alabryss is another fave, i’ve had him for FOREVER and he’s always been a uni but he’s gone thru a billion color changes. he’s royal now and will almost definitely be royal for the rest of his life. his name is a misspelling of the petpet Alabriss (i think i made him 1 day after they were released) which i didn’t totally do on purpose.. like obviously i got the name from the petpet but i didn’t realize until a while later that i had subconsciously used it. anyway i’m not complaining, i still love him and he has an alabriss petpet named yuni
Day 05: Favourite Paint Brush colour?
OHH HBOY that’s hard!!! off the top of my head w/o looking through colors or anything i like royal and desert bc they’re generally more Elaborate w/ the clothes options and stuff. but i also have a big appreciation for cheap colors like cloud and ghost.. they look good on almost every pet imo. i like starry a lot too, big obnoxious iconic neopets stars. i especially like when starry pets have orange accents.
Day 06: Favourite Labray only colour?
is robot labray only? robot is cool. i guess there’s the robot zapper thing from the dr sloth plot forever ago but does that count?? i think chocolate would be my next choice. i can’t even remember all the labray only colors
Day 07: Favourite Petpet species?
this is so hard!!! i’ve always loved petpets SOO much. i’ve recently started to have a big appreciation for the super like.. generic, classic petpets.. like the kinds youd find in the neopia central petpet shop. they have a certain charm to them and i love them. i’ve always liked crokabeks a lot, theyre sooooo square shaped!! square crows! gruslen & doglefox were my faves as a kid. 
Day 08: Favourite Petpet colour?
birthday is rly cute
Day 09: Favourite Petpetpet species?
uhhhhh i don’t know all the petpetpets and never had THAT much of an interest in them. what’s the one that looks like a praying mantis??? i’ve always liked those
ok wait i just looked up a list and petpetpets can be p cute actually. i still like the praying mantis dude, moach, but i also love: cooty, fleaf, lightmite, and zytch. i don’t tend to like art of petpetpets in games and stuff but they’re cute in their regular images.. theyre so small......
Day 10: Favorite Neopian world?
UHHHHHHH since i was a kid i’ve always liked: faerieland, lost desert, and mystery island.
Day 11: Which team do you pick for the Altador Cup and why?
always darigan citadel. i don’t really know why i picked it my first year... i was never like an Edgy Goth Kid or anything. they got 2nd place the first year and i thought that was awesome, and i had also gotten involved with a really fun DC chat group so i joined them again the next year. then they won and that was awesome!! other people in the chat group started joining other teams and there was no reason it needed to be a DC only group (it was called the 30 trillionaires... our “goal” every year was to collectively make it to 30 trillion goals during the season. which is impossible but idk that was what made it kind of fun i guess.. it was just casual yooyuball grinding and chatting with friends lol) so i wasn’t “stuck” with the team but even after they stopped doing so well i stuck with them out of loyalty. i used to be SUPER into the altador cup but i lost touch w/ the chat group and never got into it again
Day 12: Favourite Avatar?
ANOTHER HARD QUESTION!! i’ve always LOVED the bon appetite kelp one.. which i still don’t have. generally i prefer the “older” style of avatars where they were simpler, mostly animated but in a simple way and a lot of the time w/ pixel art elements. i feel like a lot of newer avatars have a way heavier focus on animation, like theyre just lil gifs, they lost a lot of that simplicity. i also tend to be biased toward avatars that have odd shapes rather than just being squares. like gloomy and jazzmosis and taelia. even the circle ones that still have regular borders are pleasing to me
Day 13: Which chat boards do you usually chat in?
i don’t use the boards much... i lurk newbie chat a lot and sometimes try to get involved and talk w/ people but i never keep it up. i was an avatar chat girl as a kid and that’s still the place i feel the most comfortable i guess.
Day 14: Are you in a guild?
nope! i LOOOOOVED guilds and 10 year old me would be so upset to find out that i’m not involved in the Guild Life anyway. imo it’d be really cool if guilds got a rehaul.
Day 15: Favourite Faerie?
mira is my girl.. i like the battle faerie a lot too but i can’t remember her name. 
Day 16: Do you have a gallery and does it have a theme?
i have one created but i don’t even know what’s in there, i don’t pay much attention to it. i think i just have a few plushies and petpets and random items i thought were cute or charming. i like the idea of one day having a guild with a cool theme.
Day 17: Do you use the Battledome?
not really. i have my dad’s old account now with a super super powerful battle pet (he was Famous in the BD and i think for a while his pet was one of the most powerful pets on the whole site) so i guess i should take advantage of that but i don’t
Day 18: Do you use the NC Mall?
nah... i use the free NC when i get it, usually. i think i have some accrued on a few different accounts that i just don’t use. it’s kind of a pain in the ass to worry about NC items in customizations on diff side accounts. 
Day 19: Favourite shop to shop at?
i rarely even look at neopets shops lol. when i was younger i really liked the faerieland petpet shop. that’s all i got for u
Day 20: Favourite game?
i feel obligated to say spinacles bc it’s my blog title but i don’t even like spinacles, i’m just good at it and there were a good few months when i got a good number of people who aren’t normally super into neopets obsessed w/ beating my score and it Amused me. i’m not even like a spinacles Master but i do know how to get gold Very easily. anyway uhhh i think let it slide is fun and i’m fairly good at it but i hate playing it for np because it feels like it takes forever and it gets boring. i feel the same way about assignment 51 which i also like the Aesthetic of a lot. i have a love/hate relationship with ultimate bullseye II
Day 21: How many items are currently in your Safety Deposit Box?
Items: 1,900 | Qty: 2,828
Day 22: Whats the most amount of Neopoints you’ve ever had at one time?
i hit 8mil recently and then spent some of it on a royal pb. i had planned on going for 10mil before spending any (so i can get that sweet bank account upgrade) but i got impatient. 
Day 23: Do you use the Stock Market?
occasionally. i don’t check it every day but i have a decent portfolio
Day 24: Favourite Daily (ex. Coltzan’s Shrine, Tombola, etc.)?
i kinda like the discarded blue grundo plushie or w/e in faerieland. i don’t know his whole stupid name but i remember when he was just a tiny pixel in faerieland that didn’t do anything, so it’s cute that he’s a daily now and gets visited by people more often. 
Day 25: Do you decorate your Neohome(s)?
not at all
Day 26: What is a Paint Brush colour TNT should release next?
honestly why dont they just make pet pb colors out of colors that are currently petpet exclusive? birthday and valentine? fuckin.. picnic might be harder to execute but it’s out there and it’s a fun one. 
Day 27: Favourite hero? Favourite Villian?
i’m not as educated about neopets lore as i’d like to be i think..... i like nabile, shes a hero right?? and i’ve always like balthazar. he’s a piece of shit. 
Day 28: Favourite plot or site event?
my biggest regret is not being more involved in plots as a kid :( i read the comics but didnt participate. i really liked the LDP comic and wish i’d been part of the actual puzzles and stuff. 
Day 29: Are there certain items you collect?
i kind of collect cute petpets, i love them and don’t usually get rid of them once i acquire them. same with cute plushies. also i like the poorly drawn items from the “artists day off” days, smelly jelly is one of my faves i think
Day 30: Why do you like Neopets?
there’s... so much to do!!!! like yeah the site is dying and jumpstart is digging its own grave and sooo many parts of the site are dead or broken or whatever but there’s still just, always a new goal to strive toward and a new thing to get into and i think that’s cool.
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tax-beast · 8 years
Hey guys, looking for some avatar lends. I still need:
Items: Codestones, Robo, Usuki, ZDAP, BGC, MSPP, Number 6
Petpets: Slorg, Gruslen, Harris, Huggy, Snicklebeast, Quadrupus, Mummy Ruki
Pets: Werelupe, Krawk, Darigan Tonu*
I have all my transfers open this month, just message me if you can!
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