#Darna Mims
viktory-arts · 4 years
But It’s a Really Long Song Chapter 6: The New Mims in Town
Analyn, Darna, and Rosamie Mims were new to Johnathan High, coming in from a small town appropriately named Village Central. Rosamie was a freshmen, Analyn a sophomore, and Darna a junior. They were all fairly close when it came to sisters. Darna was pretty protective of her younger sisters, especially Rosamie, of whom is very gullible and looks at the world with wide-eyes, seeing the good in everything. Analyn was much more grounded in reality, a calm spirit against Rosamie’s childlike energy and Darna’s short fuse. 
It was no surprise that when the three sisters entered the red brick building of Johnathan High Rosamie ran off to find her locker, not waiting a second for her sisters that were trailing behind her.
“I’ll see you guys later! I gotta get my stuff to my locker and get to class!” Rosamie’s brown hair, tied tight into a high bun, bounced just as energetically as Rosamie herself. Analyn rolled her eyes a bit in amusement, soon waving a quick goodbye to Darna before strolling to her locker as well, with much less enthusiasm than the youngest.
Darna made her way to her locker, pausing for a second to see a girls basketball sign-up sheet pinned to the wall about four or five lockers down from her new locker. The junior put her bag away and grabbed one of her notebooks and tore a page out. She went over to the pinboard and looked at the information splayed before her.
Johnathan High Girls Basketball
Coached by James Seaburg
Admission Fee: $145 (But can be arranged for monetary issues, or for family plans)
First Practice: October 28th, 4:30-6:30pm; First Game: November 29th, 6:00.
For other additional information, contact the Johnathan High Athletic Board:
Hope to see you there, girls!
Darna smiled and wrote down the information and the number in her chicken scratch handwriting. She’d have to tell Rosamie and Analyn about this, they’d all finally be able to play together! 
As Darna daydreamed about this as she stuffed the note into her jean’s pocket, a light tap on her shoulder broke her from her wondering. 
The girl she turned to had deep brown skin and even darker, large, chocolate eyes. Her hair was weaved intricately with golden ribbons down the lengths of the black braids. Her smile was crooked, her teeth having a gap in between them, making her look involuntarily younger than she probably was. She had on a white muscle shirt with the Nike swoosh on it, and a black sports bra. Her legs were covered with tight black joggers and she had on bright red converse. 
The girl’s golden hoop earrings swished through the air slightly as she held out a hand to Darna, who shook it with a little confusion. Why was she…?
“Hi, my name’s Jaqueline.” She nodded to the sheet of paper behind Darna. “You plan on playin’ basketball here? I saw ya writin’ stuff down.” Darna nodded and Jaqueline smiled brightly, and crossed her arms casually.
“Awesome, man! What position do you play?” Darna relaxed at the question, finally easing herself into the sudden conversation with a soon-to-be teammate.
“I played post.” Jaqueline nodded and looked her up and down, obviously sizing her up.
Darna wasn’t a very “post-looking” player. She was tall, sure, but she was skinny and looked like she could be blown over with a slight wind. 
“I play better than I look like I would.” She said and Jaqueline startled a little bit and Darna gave a little huff. Jaqueline scratched behind her head, embarrassment obvious at being found out what she had been thinking of.
“Sorry, it’s just yer so skinny! For a post at least.” She said and sighed, smiling. “‘Course, you prob’ly get that all the time.” Darna shrugged and smiled at Jaqueline. She was an honest one, which Darna liked.
“My sister, Analyn, plays a good point. My sister Rosamie’s shot is off the charts, at least when she’s confident.” Darna bragged and Jaqueline grinned and slapped Darna’s back, surprising the bragging girl a little.
“I’ll bet so! Well, I better get to class, so I’ll see ya around…?” Jaqueline trailed off, waiting for Darna to finish her sentence as Jaqueline started to skadaddle down the hall.
“Darna Mims,” she smiled, all teeth, “and yeah, I’ll see ya around Jaqueline!” Darna waved as Jaqueline did and the girl with the weave turned around and began to weave herself through the hallway that was flushed full with students.
Reinvigorated to remember not to forget to tell her sisters and parents about basketball, Darna made her way down the hall.
As Darna skillfully dodged rushing teenagers down the confusing halls of Johnathan High, she saw her sister Rosamie talking to a girl with frizzy black-hair. Her sister was probably chatting the girl’s ear off, judging by the slightly annoyed light that lit the girl’s dark blue eyes. Rosamie didn’t notice (or didn’t care) and kept rambling about something or other, pushing her black-framed glasses back up with a tan finger when her motions got too sporadic for them to stay still.
Seems like she’s already making friends, Darna thought with a gentle turn-up of her lips. It was an age-old truth that with Rosamie, you could put her into a room full of strangers and at least walk out with three new friends.
Rosamie must’ve said something funny as the bitter-looking pale girl smirked at something her sister had said, before quickly schooling her expression back into it’s aloof look. Darna smiled at this and made her way towards her first class, Political Science.
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aalbertosousa · 3 years
Revivo Revivo nas voltas e voltas De um torto ponteiro que me faz viver Revivo na lembrança presente Que não me deixa esquecer Revivo presentes passados futuros Revivo desejos insanos e impuros Continua no Blog
Revivo Revivo nas voltas e voltasDe um torto ponteiro que me faz viverRevivo na lembrança presenteQue não me deixa esquecerRevivo presentes passados futurosRevivo desejos insanos e impurosRevalido o meu querer no reflexoQue me imponho ao me verRevivo na entrega que façoNo amor com que me entregoA mim no tempo e no espaçoRevivo em mim para me darNa luz da alma que emanoSou eu que me dou não é…
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viktory-arts · 4 years
But It’s a Really Long Song  Chapter 7: Lacie Hart and Evelyn Huffman: Confessions in a Small Red Car
Lacie Hart was best friends with Evelyn Huffman. They did everything together! Even if one of them didn’t like whatever they did, they did it together nonetheless.
Lacie didn’t particularly care for soccer, but she played it for Evelyn, Evelyn didn’t really like track and field per se, but she did it for Lacie. That was just how their friendship was. If one of them did something, the other was soon to follow in their footsteps.
Luckily, both of them enjoyed basketball, so when the time finally came for the first practice, they both got into Lacie’s small red car and sang at the top of their lungs together as they sped down the road towards Johnathan High.
“You ‘cited Evie?” Lacie asked with a knowing glint to her grin as the song faded out. Evelyn turned the aux down, and smiled brightly at Lacie.
“Yeah! I wonder who all will be there.” Evelyn pushed back a lock of warm brown hair and tucked it behind her ear. Lacie seemed to be in thought for a moment, eyes still carefully trained on the road as she did so.
“Well, Mayu and Jaqueline, obviously.” Lacie started and Evelyn nodded her assent. Yeah, you couldn’t go to Johnathan High and not know that those two were on the basketball team. Those two loved basketball with their entire heart. It was both intimidating and admirable to see them get so invested into something. It oftentimes inspired Evelyn and Lacie to work harder.
“Yeah, Charlotte, Idris, Karla, and I think Anthony’s sister are playing this year.” Evelyn said and Lacie quirked a shapely dark brown eyebrow.
“Anthony’s sister? What’s her name again? Sarah, right?” Lacie asked and Evelyn snorted, to which Lacie took a moment to shove her shoulder for laughing at her. That just made Evelyn laugh harder, doing her little pig snort that everyone else found annoying, but Lacie found downright adorable. Everything about Evelyn was adorable to her.
With that thought, Lacie was blushing a little bit, and didn’t hear whatever Evelyn had said. The brunette noticed this and poked her best friend with her finger. Lacie jolted, and Evelyn snorted again.
“Did you even hear what I just said?” Evelyn asked, already knowing the answer. Lacie blushed, it even showing through her tan skin, which just made Evelyn laugh again. At least she was laughing, even if it is at me, Lacie thought.
“Shut up! I was listening! You were talking about, uh, Sarah…” Lacie trailed off and Evelyn rolled her eyes. She huffed a breath, obviously amused.
“Solvo. Her name is Solvo.” She said simply and Lacie scoffed.
“Oh come off of it, I knew that. For sure.” Evelyn shook her head, smiling creeping its way onto her pale face. Evelyn pushed her gold-rimmed glasses up her nose and grinned at Lacie, who saw it out of the corner of her eye, as she was watching the road like a good lil’ driver.
“Anyways,” Lacie continued and Evelyn rolled her eyes amusedly. “Is Solvo any good you think?” Lacie asked.
“What’re you on about? Of course she’s good! We watched one of her eighth-grade games last year together! Don’t you remember?” Lacie tried to remember and eventually found the memory, as that was the game they went to where Solvo drove to the hoop through three defenders. It was very impressive.
“Yeah, I remember. She was the one that drove through all those people, yeah?” Evelyn nodded and Lacie grinned.
“Yeah, she’ll probably be a secondary starter for that. Her speed’s off the charts.” Lacie said and Evelyn nodded.
“I heard there’s gonna be a couple of new players besides them.” Evelyn drummed her fingers on the dashboard, to which made Lacie glance at those perfectly delicate hands, making her face heat up again at the thought. She was a downright mess, huh?
“Oh yeah? Who all is new?” Evelyn stopped drumming her fingers and she put up her right hand, presumably to count off the new players. 
“Well, there’s these girls, sisters. The Mims, I think their last names are. Three of ‘em, a freshmen, a sophomore, and a junior. I know the oldests name’s Darna, I don’t know about the others.” Evelyn paused, seemingly in thought about something before continuing. “I heard Jaq talking about her. She’s apparently real skinny, but she plays post.” Lacie turned on her turn signal, and as she rounded around the corner.
“Hmm… I think I have Darna in my math and Spanish class.” Evelyn’s eyebrows raised a tad.
“Oh really? She smart?” Lacie shrugged.
“I dunno, I’m not exactly the brightest, that’s why I’m in the slower-learning classes. She could just be there ‘cause she’s new and I’ve heard all the smart-kid classes have been really full this year.” Evelyn made an affronted noise and Lacie turned her head to her in confusion.
“You’re pretty damn smart, Lacie. Don’t say shit like that. ‘I’m not exactly the brightest’, my ass.” Evelyn huffed and Lacie’s face lit up red once again. Evelyn was too nice, Lacie thought as she pulled into the school parking lot. She looked at the time, which said 3:30.
“Oops, we got here earlier than I thought.” Lacie said, trying to change the subject so her heart could calm down. Evelyn noticed this and she waved off the topic, as she hated seeing her best friend even the tiniest bit uncomfortable. But not before saying her final piece.
“You are smart, Lacie. Just ‘cause the teachers and your family don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s true. You’re the damn brightest one in this whole shitty school, got it?” Lacie’s heart screamed in her chest at those words and the gentle tilt of Evelyn’s lips.
“Evie I-” Lacie coughed into her first. Was she really going to do this? Now? Right before practice? What if she messed everything up?! What if-
“What is it, Lacie?” Evelyn asked gently as she unbuckled her seatbelt and turned her attention towards the panicking girl, trying to calm her down with just her voice. 
“I- I don’t wanna mess this up…” Lacie was breathing a little heavier than normal, and Evelyn’s eyes widened, and she put a warm hand on her shoulder, and cupped another to Lacie’s face, her brown eyes tearing up.
“Shh, shh… What’s got you all worked up, Lacie?” Evelyn asked, and Lacie leaned her face into Evelyn’s delicate touch.
“I, I don’t want you to hate me…” Lacie said, her voice cracking at the end, tears running their way down Evelyn’s pale hand. Evelyn’s eyes widened, and she grabbed Lacie’s face with both hands, making her face her. Lacie gently gripped her hands, her brown eyes wide with fear and wonder.
“Now you listen here, Lacie Hart. I could never hate you. I don’t know what gave you even the slightest notion that I could hate you, but I could never hate you. Do you understand?” Evelyn said gently, but with a force behind her words that made Lacie startle, as she had never heard that kind of seriousness in her best friend’s voice before.
“Now, what is it that you want to tell me?” Evelyn’s bright blue eyes looked into Lacie’s brown ones, eyes twinkling in the afternoon light, sun shining through Lacie’s shitty small red car, making golden light shine onto Evelyn’s pale face and warm brown hair. Lacie’s hands clenched so hard she thought her nails were going to cut open her palms. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like she was going to have a heart attack.
But she had to do this. Evelyn had to know just how much Lacie cared for Evelyn.
How much Lacie loved Evelyn.
“I- I love you, Evie.” Lacie whispered softly into the air and shut her eyes, too afraid to open them and see a potentially disgusted face on her best friend’s face. Evelyn made a confused noise, oblivious to what Lacie was so worked up about.
“I love you too? Is that what you were so worked up about?” Evelyn sounded so confused that it hurt Lacie to have to say it again, have to clarify what she meant.
“N-No, you don’t understand. I love you.” Lacie said and gentle grabbed Evelyn’s head and pushed it towards hers. She made the movements slow enough that if Evelyn was truly disgusted with what Lacie was doing, she could move away at any moment. Lacie’s eyes were closed, so she couldn’t see that Evelyn’s eyes were widening with understanding, but she was still with shock.
When their lips met, Lacie felt like the entire world closed in around them, like nothing else existed besides them and Evelyn’s soft lips against hers. Evelyn didn’t move, and Lacie didn’t wait to see if she would. Lacie pulled away slowly, trying to savor the taste and feeling of her best friend’s lips against hers, the warm that she had felt with no other before.
“Oh,” was all Evelyn said, and the moment was broken for Lacie and her panic came back full force. Evelyn didn’t look disgusted or mad, her face completely emotionless. She was processing.
“Y-yeah. Oh.” Lacie said, if only to break the silence that had settled over the two in the small red car in the school parking lot, forty-five minutes away from their first basketball practice together. 
“That’s what you were so worked up about?” Evelyn’s facial expression finally softened and Lacie made a confused noise. What was she talking about? Was she not mad? What-
Lacie didn’t even see it coming, the quick, snake-like movement as Evelyn wrapped Lacie in her arms awkwardly over the middle of the car. Lacie was thoroughly confused, hugging her best friend back.
“Shut up, stupid. C’mere.” Before Lacie could respond, the soft lips were back on Lacie’s. Lacie’s mouth was still against Evelyn’s before the shock wore off and they became pliant against hers. 
Lacie wasn’t even ashamed when Evelyn pulled away and she made a whimpering noise after the warmth against her lips was gone.
“I love you too, dumbass.” Evelyn cupped Lacie’s face in her soft, warm hands again and Lacie leaned into her touch once again.
“I-I’m so happy, I-I-” Lacie was making whimpering and happy little noises as her happiness drowned out her intelligence to speak.
“Yeah, me too Lacie. I’m so so happy that you told me.” Evelyn cuddled as well as she could against Lacie before her eyes met the clock.
“4:00?!” Evelyn yelled and Lacie startled against her chest, then she processed what Evelyn had said and she jumped up, her face a little red from being squished against Evelyn’s body.
“Oh shit, I-I’m sorry, we gotta go! Oh my God-” Evelyn laughed at her best friend as she completely forgot what had just transpired and leapt out of her car, forgetting her keys as she locked it, leaving both them and Evelyn in the small red car. Evelyn was cackling as she heard Lacie’s frustrated scream when she couldn’t open her trunk, and another when she couldn’t find her keys. 
“Evelyn stop laughing and help me find my keys! We’ll be late, hurry up!” Evelyn laughed and smiled so brightly, looking at her best friend with her hands on her hips as she was scowling at the laughing girl inside the car before she spotted her keys and began screaming at Evelyn to “Get off your lazy ass and give me my keys! Do you want to run laps, huh?!”
Yeah, everything was perfect, Evelyn thought as she grabbed Lacie’s keys and opened the door. Nothing could be better than being together with her best friend, about to do something they love together, and just being together just in general.
“I love you,” Evelyn whispered into Lacie’s ear and she blushed red to the tips of her ears, making Evelyn pig-snort again. 
“Hey, y’all better hurry up! Coach Seaburg ain’t gonna wait up for y’all just because it’s the first practice!” Jaqueline yelled and Evelyn waved at her while Lacie rebooted.
“Hey, c’mon, let’s go, Lacie.” Evelyn said and held out her hand when they both had their bags and the car was locked without Lacie’s keys in it.
Lacie looked at her hand, then back at Evelyn, and then back at the hand before taking it in hers gently.
Yeah, this was perfect, the pair of best friends thought in tandem as they made their way towards the school.
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viktory-arts · 4 years
But It’s a Really Long Song Chapter 8: The Mims: The First Practice
When Rosamie walked into Johnathan High’s gym, she didn’t expect to see Lizzy Phenton standing there, looking awkward as she held the ball with unsure hands. Her frizzy black hair was tied tight into a ponytail, making a massive mane of hair explode from the back of her head. She was either looking at the floor or at the ball, never seeming to decide which one was better. 
Her sisters, Analyn and Darna, noticed where she was looking and Darna smiled knowingly.
“‘S that your new friend, Rosie?” Darna asked and the littlest sister shrugged a bit, shifting her gym bag from one shoulder to the other. Analyn watched Lizzy with careful eyes, analytical.
“She’s not my friend per se, but I think we’re almost there!” Rosamie whispered excitedly and Darna ruffled her sister’s hair with affection. Analyn stopped watching Lizzy to turn her attention towards her sisters, a tired smile on her face.
“Come on, we gotta get ready, practice starts in about twenty.” Analyn began to make her way towards the doors that led to the girls’ locker room. Soon though, her sisters shoved her out of the way, to which Analyn made an affronted noise.
“What the hell, you two!” She yelled, but her sisters weren’t listening. They were racing, presumably. Rosamie was a little quicker than Darna, but Darna had the advantage of just fucking throwing her bag right at Rosamie’s back oh my God-
“You two, behave!” Analyn yelled, stomping over to help Rosamie up, and glared at Darna who just scratched her head sheepishly. Analyn just sighed, wondering why she had to be the voice of reason between them. She wasn’t the oldest, it was supposed to be Darna’s job dammit!
“Let’s go get ready. Calmly.” Analyn glared and her two sisters nodded, Rosamie picked her tossed back off the ground, same as Darna. 
As they were passing by, a tall Hispanic girl walked by the sisters, head down, feet shuffling across the wooden gym floor. She was fiddling with her hands and muttering to herself, probably trying to self-soothe herself.
Poor girl, Analyn thought as she opened the door to the girls’ locker room. When she opened the door, she was met with loud voices and laughing. Rosamie had no second thoughts before rounding the corner of the locker room, and smiled brightly at the prospect of meeting her new teammates.
Before the girls in the locker room noticed the sisters, the sisters took in the room and the girls themselves. One tall girl of asian descent was talking with an equally tall, but much more bulky girl that Darna recognized as Jaqueline. They seemed to be talking about basketball, go figure.
 In the corner of the room, two girls were getting changed together, and talking as they did so. The girl with dark brown hair must’ve said something funny, as the girl with the short-cut brown hair stopped pulling up her shorts to ugly-snort at whatever she had just said. The girl who said the joke pointed and laughed the girl, a twinkle of fondness in her deep brown eyes.
In the other corner, there was an African-American girl talking with three other people, one of them of Hispanic, judging by her soft accent when she spoke in kind to the others. A skinny, tan girl with gold-rimmed glasses shoved the Hispanic girl with a hand, laughing as she did so. The blond-haired girl tied her hair up, revealing hearing aids that adjourned her small pink-tinted ears.
 A very tall girl with a high, strawberry-blonde bun that sat atop her head walked towards where the three sisters were standing, bumped into Darna on accident as she had been fiddling with her water bottle and a toy in her hand.
Darna, thankfully, took it in stride and asked if the girl was okay. The tall girl looked a little fearfully at the sisters, before her eyes darted away from all of their gazes, refusing to meet any of theirs. 
“Y-yes. I am okay. S-sorry for bumping into you.” She quickly made her exit, eyes trained towards the floor, shoulders high and tight. Darna tried to reach out, but Analyn gripped her reaching hand and shook her head.
“I don’t think she’d like being touched.” Analyn said simply and Darna nodded, not quite getting it, but she knew her sister was usually right about these kinds of things, so she listened without argument. 
Rosamie took this opportunity to run off without either of her sisters knowing, skirting away quickly to throw on her practice clothes and tie up her short, dark brown hair. When her sisters noticed this, they quickly followed suit and got ready, leaving before any of the other girls in the locker room noticed them.
When the sisters walked out and began their way towards the ball cart, Analyn noticed that the really tall girl was talking quietly to the girl with the black hair, which sort of surprised the middle sibling, as she expected both of them to stick to themselves. Maybe they knew each other?
Rosamie, once again, ran ahead and grabbed a ball and dribbled confidently towards the two quietly conversing girls, too fast for Analyn to gain control of her; to tell her that they were talking and that she shouldn’t interrupt.
The youngest Mims sister, unsurprisingly, interrupted the two girls, leading to the tall girl to turn away and play with her toy as Lizzy looked a little lost at the sudden interruption.
“Hey, Lizzy! Who’s your friend?” Rosamie nodded her head towards the girl not facing them, obviously not picking up on the girl’s discomfort.
“Their name’s Nova.” Lizzy answered and Rosamie nodded and ran around to try and meet the tall girl’s, now known as Nova, gaze. Nova turned away again, and Rosamie, still not picking up on Nova’s discomfort, tried again. 
She was stopped when Lizzy grabbed her arm and yanked her away from Nova and back to her side. Rosamie looked confusedly at Lizzy, and the black-haired girl huffed a breath and set her slightly-annoyed expression on her freckled face.
“They’re autistic, they don’t like being forced to look at someone, or talk for that matter. They’re nervous.” Lizzy explained matter-of-factly and Nova turned around to look at Lizzy with a slightly concerned expression on Nova’s face.
“I-I’m not nervous…” They trailed off, and Lizzy shook her head and took Nova’s hand gently, surprising the tall girl.
“You’re allowed to be nervous, isn't that what Markus tells you all the time?” Lizzy said and Rosamie remembered slightly of the other Phenton twin, Markus Phenton. Rosamie thought that she was intruding on a special, tender moment between the two girls and finally left the two girls alone.
When she went back to her sisters, Darna cuffed her on the back of the head. Rosamie whined and rubbed her head, while Analyn shook her head and looked at the youngest with a knowing glare.
“You should know better than to bother people that don’t want to talk, Ros.” Analyn shook her head and Rosamie properly bowed her head in shame.
A few minutes later, all the girls from the locker room filed their way into the slightly-too-cold gym, each grabbing a ball and beginning to shoot or practice moves. Rosamie, Analyn, and Darna began to play a quick game of pig.
The entire gym was interrupted from their lazy goofing-off when the gym doors were opened and a man with crutches walked in.
“Hello, girls. Baseline!” The coach yelled and every girl went to put their ball back, some sprinting, some taking a leisurely jog to the ball cart. 
When all of the girls were lined up, some shaking with excitement, others with nervousness, and some with apathetic expressions on their face, the coach made his way to the middle of the floor and Rosamie could see that he was missing part of his left leg.
“My name’s Coach Seaburg.” He looked at the girls and smiled a little ferally. “Seems like we got a couple of new faces.” He pointed right at Lizzy and said with a small smirk, taking in her small frame and unsure posture
 “What’s your name, shorty?”
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