#Darrion Williams
kley-blog · 2 years
Well, nothing like channeling Christmas a little early . . .
Gets it all over and done with . . .
A frightfully post-post modern Christmas it is too . . .
So many twists and references . . .
I suppose I would have to watch it frequently for several decades and really do my homework to catch them all . . .
But . . .
That’s Hollywood . . .
Particularly during Christmas madness . . .
Enjoy . . .
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todaysdocument · 3 years
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Treaty Between the the United States and the Iowa Indians and the Sauk and Fox Indians of the Missouri (Residing West of the State of Missouri) Signed at Fort Leavenworth, 9/17/1836
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 211: Iowa and Sauk and Fox of the Missouri (West of Missouri) - Fort Leavenworth, September 17, 1836, 1789 - 1869
Series: Indian Treaties, 1789 - 1869
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government, 1778 - 2006
Articles of a Treaty made and concluded at Fort Leavenworth,
on the Missouri River, between William Clark, superintendent of
Indian Affairs, on the part of the United States, of the one part,
and the undersigned Chiefs, Warriors, and Councillors of the
Ioway Tribe and the Band of Sacks and Foxes of the Missouri,
(residing west of the State of Missouri) in behalf of their respective
tribes, of the other part:
Article 1. By the first article of the Treaty of Prairie Du Chien
held the fifteenth day of July eighteen hundred and thirty, with
the confederated tribes of Sacs, Foxes, Ioways, Omahaws, Missorias,
Ottoes, and Sioux, the country ceded to the United States by that
Treaty, is to be assigned and allotted under the direction of the Pres-
ident of the United States to the tribes living thereon, or to such
other tribes as the President may locate thereon for hunting and
other purposes.- and where as it is further represented to us the
Chiefs, Warriors, and Counsellors of the Ioways and Sack and Fox
Band aforesaid, to be desirable that the Lands lying between the
State of Missouri and the Missouri River, should be attached
to, and become a part of said State, and the Indian title thereto be
entirely extinguished; but that, notwithstanding, as these lands compose
a part of the Country embraced by the provisions of said first Article
of the Treaty aforesaid. The stipulations thereof will be strictly obs-
erved until the assent of the Indians interested is given to the
proposed measure.
       Now we the Chiefs, Warriors, and Counsellors of the Ioways,
and Missouri Band of Sacks and Foxes, fully understanding
the subject, and well satisfied from the local position of the
lands in question, that they never can be made available for
Indian purposes, and that an attempt to place and Indian pop-
ulation on them, must inevitably lead to Collisions with the
Citizens of the United States, and further believing that the
extension of the State line in the directions indicated; would
have a happy effect by presenting a natural Boundary between
the Whites and Indians; and willing, more over, to give the
United States a renewed evidence of our attachment and friend-
ship, do hereby for ourselves, and on behalf of our respective tribes,
(having full power and authority to this effect) forever cede, relinquish,
and quit Claim, to the United States, all our right, title and interest
of whatsoever nature in, and to, the lands lying between the State
of Missouri and the Missouri River; and do freely and fully
exonerate the United States from any guarantee; Condition or
?Limitation, expressed or implied, under the Treaty of Prairie
Du Chien aforesaid, or otherwise, as to the entire and absolute
disposition of the said lands, fully authorizing the United States
to do with the same whatever shall seen expedient or nec-
       As a proof of the continued friendship and liberality
of the United States towards the Ioway and Band of Sacks
and Foxes of the Missouri, and as an evidence of the sense
entertained for the good will manifested by said tribes to the
Citizens and Government of the United States, as coined in the
[page 2] 
[two page layout]
[left page]
Preceding cession or relinquishment, the undersigned, William
Clark, agrees on behalf of the United States, to pay as a present to
the said Ioways and Band of Sacks and Foxes, seven thousand
five hundred dollars in Money, the receipt of which they hereby ac=
        Article 2. As the said tribes of Ioways and Sacks and
Foxes, have applied for a small piece of land, south of the Missouri,
for a permanent home, on which they can settle, and request the
assistance of the Government of the United States to place them on this
land in a situation at least equal to that they now enjoy on
the land ceded by them: Therefore I, William Clark, superinten-
dent of Indian Affairs, do further agree on behalf of the United
States. As assign to the Ioway tribe, and Missouri Band of Sacks
and Foxes, the small strip of land on the south side of the Miss-
ouri River, lying between the Kickapoo northern boundary line and
the Grand Nemahar River, and extending from the Missouri
Sack and westwardly with the said Kickapoo line and the
Grand Nemahar, making four hundred sections; to the divided
between the said Ioways and Missouri Band of Sacks and Foxes,
the lower half to the Sacks and Foxes, the upper half to
the Ioways.
       Article 3. The Ioways and Missouri Band of Sacks and
Foxes further agree, that they will move and settle in the lands
assigned them in the above article, as soon as arrangements can
be made by them; and the undersigned William Clark, in behalf
of the United States, agrees, that as soon as the above tribes have
selected a site for their villages, and places for their fields, and
moved to them, to erect for the Ioways five comfortable houses,
to enclose and break up for them two hundred acres of Ground;
to furnish them with a Farmer, a Blacksmith, school master,
and interpreter, as long as, the President of the United States
may deem proper; to furnish them with such agricultural
Implements as may be necessary, for five years; to furnish them
with Rations for one year, commencing at the time of their arriv-
al at their new homes; To furnish them with one Ferry Boat;
to furnish them with one hundred Cows and Calves and five
Bulls, and one hundred stock hogs when they require them;
To furnish them with a Mill, and assist in removing them,
to the extent of five hundred Dollars. And to erect for the
Sacks and Foxes three comfortable Houses; to enclose and break
up for them two hundred acres of Ground; to furnish them with
a Farmer, Blacksmith, School Master, and Interpreter, as long as
the President of the United States may deem proper: to furnish them
with such Agricultural Implements as many be necessary, for five
years; to furnish them with Rations for one year, commencing
at the time of their arrival at their new home: to furnish them
with one Ferry Boat; to furnish them with one hundred Cows and
Calves and five Bulls, one hundred stock Hogs when they require
them; to furnish them with a mill; and to assist in removing
them, to the extent of four hundred Dollars.        [blue circular stamp] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [/blue circular stamp]
[right page]
       Article 4. This Treaty shall be obligatory on the Tribes, Parties
hereto, from and after the date hereof, and on the United States from and
after its ratification by the Government there of.
      Done and signed and sealed at Fort Leavenworth, on the
Missouri, this seventeenth day of September, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty six, and of the Independence of the United States
the sixty first.              
[left column]
[signed]  S. W. Kearny
      Col. 1st Reg. Drags.
[signed]  Jno Daugherty Ind. Agt.
[signed]  Andrew S. Hughes  Sub Agent
[signed]  George R. H. Clark
[signed]  William Duncan Indian farmer
[signed]  Jos V Hamilton Sutler Dragoons
[signed]  H Robedou Jr
[signed]  Wm Bowman Sargt. Maj 1. Drgs.
[signed]  Jeffery Dorion his x mark, Sworn interpreter
[signed]  Peter Cadue his x mark, Sworn interpreter
[signed]  Jacques White Interpreter U. S.
[signed]  Louis M. Darrion
[right column]
[signed]  Wm. Clark Su In Afr         Seal
Mo-hos-ca  (or white Cloud)      his mark x    seal
Nau-che-ning  (or No heart)      his mark x    seal
Wa-che-mo-ne  (or the Orator)       his mark x    seal
Ne-o-mo-ne  (or Raining Cloud)      his mark x    seal
Mau-o-mo-ne  (or Pumpkin)      his mark x    seal
Congu   (or Plumb)      his mark x    seal
Wau-thaw-ca-be-chu  (one that eats raw)      his mark x    seal
Ne-wau-thaw-chu  (Hair Shedder)      his mark x    seal
Mau-hau-ka (Bunch of Arrows)      his mark x    seal
Cha-tau-the-nu  (Big Bull)      his mark x    seal
Cha-tea-thau (Buffalo Bull)      his mark x    seal
Cha-ta-ha-ra-wa-re (foreign Buffalo)      his mark x    seal
Sacs & Foxes
Cau-a-car-mack  (Rock Bass)      his mark x    seal
Sea-sa-ho  (Sturgeon)      his mark x    seal
Pe-a-chin-car-mack (Bald head Eagle)      his mark x    seal
Pe-a-chin-car-mack Jr. (Bald head Eagle)      his mark x    seal
Ca-ha-qua  (Red Fox)      his mark x    seal
Pe-shaw-ca  (Bear)      his mark x    seal
Po-cau-ma  (Deer)      his mark x    seal
Ne-bosh-ca-wa  (Wolf)      his mark x    seal
Ne-squi-in-a  (Deer)      his mark x    seal
Ne-sa-au-qua  (Bear)      his mark x    seal
Qua-co-ou-si  (Wolf)      his mark x    seal
Se-quil-la  (Deer)      his mark x    seal
As-ke-pa-ke-ka-as-a  (Green Lake)      his mark x    seal
Wa-pa-se     (Swan)      his mark x    seal
No-cha-taw-wa-ta-sa   (Star)      his mark x    seal
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thedoubleextrapoint · 5 years
Nebraska Football: Five Players Who Need to Emerge for the Cornhuskers
Nebraska Football: Five Players Who Need to Emerge for the Cornhuskers
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As the calendar has turned to July, excitement about the 2019 Nebraska football season is turning to a fever pitch. Multiple national outlets are predicting Nebraska to win the B1G West and be a dark-horse College Football Playoff contender, even coming off consecutive 4-8 seasons.
There’s plenty of reasons for that optimism, of course. Head coach Scott Frost has a proven track record of…
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lurkeresq · 4 years
“The Washington Post keeps track of all the victims of police shootings. Let’s look at some of the tragedies of the last 3 years.
In 2017, Police shot and killed 223 black men.
Most of the victims were armed. 131 had a gun. 35 had a knife. 21 were unarmed.
Many of the victims were fleeing the scene of the crime, on foot or by car.
Let’s focus on the most brutal cases, where police killed an unarmed victim who was not fleeing the scene of a crime.
There were 9 unarmed people who were shot. You can Google the names of each one to see what happened.
The first name on that list was Jean Pedro Pierre. You can watch the video of the encounter here:
In short, Jean punches one cop, gets tased ineffectively, drags the cop around by his feet for about a minute, charges towards a second cop, then gets shot.
The second is Brian Easley, who took hostages in a bank:
The 3rd is Dejuan Guillory. Circumstances are unclear, it sounds like he got in a verbal and then physical altercation with a cop, then walked away, then the cop got him on the ground and shot him. At some point, Dejuan’s girlfriend jumped on the cop’s back and bit his neck. This one’s totally not obvious to me, the victim was needlessly aggressive, but it could also be that the cop lost his temper and murdered Dejuan, in which case the cop should definitely be in jail.
4th, Marc Brandon Davis, I can’t find enough information to comment on.
5th is Ricco Devante Holden. Sounds like he was drunk, got in a fight with a cop, got tased, fought his way into a police car, and then got shot.
6th is Jordan Edwards, a 15 year old victim. You can watch the video here:
It’s kind of chaotic — the cops are breaking up a party, someone starts firing gunshots outside, people are fleeing, one car ignores multiple police demands to stop and keeps driving, one officer shoots. He says that he was worried that the car would hit him or his partner, it looks like he made the wrong call. The officer got a 15 year sentence for the shooting.
7th is Alteria Woods, a 21 year old pregnant woman hit in the crossfire during a SWAT raid. Cops claim that her boyfriend used her as a human shield. There are not a lot of other details available:
GIFFORD, Fla. - A 21-year-old pregnant woman was killed during a Sunday morning shootout amid a SWAT raid at Florida…www.cbsnews.com
8th is Nana Adomako, who went into a Verizon store, grabbed a phone from an employee, hit him, and threatened to kill him. The officer found Nana outside, got into a fight with him, couldn’t win the fight even with the help of his police dog, and shot the suspect:
FREMONT, Calif. (KGO) -- The brother of a man Fremont Police shot and killed last week is talking with ABC7 News about…abc7news.com
9th is Darrion Barnhill. Officers approached him after being called for someone beating on a door, they found he had multiple outstanding warrants for assault (and his girlfriend had filed for protection from him). He assaulted the officers, threw one on the ground. Officers tazed him and shot him, it’s not clear whether they could have simply tazed him.
CLOSE A 23-year-old man was shot and killed Tuesday night by Henderson County deputies after officers responded to a…www.commercialappeal.com
These are just the unarmed victims of 2017.
Maybe I just picked a bad year?
In 2019, the number of similar victims (unarmed, not fleeing from a crime) dropped to 4.
We have Atatiana Jefferson, who died from some very bad police work, the cop acted like a prowler outside her house, and then shot her through her window:
But we also have Channara Tom Pheap, who assaulted a cop. He choked the cop, grabbed the cop’s taser, and used it on him:
Knoxville Police Department Officer Dylan Williams was justified in fatally shooting Channara "Philly" Pheap in August…www.knoxnews.com
We have Melvin Watkins, who came to a party, had a few drinks and got into a fight. Other partygoers called the cops, hoping they could escort him away. For unclear reasons, the officer shot Melvin instead. This looks like an unnecessary homicide:
BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - The wife of a man killed by an East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office (EBRSO) deputy Saturday…www.wafb.com
And we have Kevin Bruce Mason, who threatened to kill a cop and later got shot. He’d shot a cop earlier in his life.
A man was found dead inside a Northwest Baltimore home after a Baltimore police officer fired shots at him during an…www.baltimoresun.com
When we talk about lots of unarmed black victims, murdered by police, it’s rare. It’s often people that are assaulting cops. It is sometimes cops that have lost control of a violent situation, after having already tried using a taser.
It’s not always George Floyd or Philando Castile or the other, most tragic events you see on the news. These tragedies do happen. Innocent black men are killed by the police. Several people get killed for holding a toy weapon, every year. Those cases are fucking tragic, as well. But the average black man killed by police is armed with a gun, fleeing the scene of a crime, or assaulting an officer.
Are you surprised by this? Does this sound different than the news you read?
As riots begin to sweep the nation, NPR writes about police brutality.
They give examples of how black people have died:
We wanted to learn more about each person’s final moments before the police ended their lives. Here’s some of what we learned:
Eric Garner had just broken up a fight, according to witness testimony.
Walter Scott was going to an auto-parts store.
Philando Castile was driving home from dinner with his girlfriend.
Eric Reason was pulling into a parking spot at a local chicken and fish shop.
Dominique Clayton was sleeping in her bed.
Breonna Taylor was also asleep in her bed.
I recognized some of the names. Eric Garner. Philando Castile. Breonna Taylor.
And I didn’t recognize some of the other names.
“Dominique Clayton was sleeping in her bed.”
That sounds horrible. A cop murdered a woman sleeping in her own bed. Why would a cop do that? Google the name:
A Mississippi officer has been taken into custody for the murder of a 32-year-old woman who was reportedly his…meaww.com
The cop was having an affair with the murdered woman. But he didn’t want his wife to find out. NPR is billing it as racist police brutality, when it’s a love affair between a white man and a black woman. He’d bought her a car and was buying her a house. I don’t know what to call it. A tragedy? Domestic violence? Not police brutality. It appears that he’s still under trial for her murder.
Or, NPR says,
“Eric Reason was pulling into a parking spot at a local chicken and fish shop.”
You can watch the video of what happened:
VALLEJO - The city of Vallejo has released four videos showing a resident pulling a gun on an off-duty cop as the two…www.mercurynews.com
Eric Reason and an off duty cop got in a fight over a parking spot. Eric went to his car, got a gun and shows it to the cop, threatening him. The cop got his own gun out and killed the man. The cop shot him as he was running away. A fucked up incident in many ways! Also, both men are black!
A lot of the cases are ambiguous. Walter Scott got stopped in traffic, ran from a cop, got in a fight, got tased, kept running. Cop shot him in the back. Pretty awful, sounds like incorrect police behavior. But NPR only reports that Scott was driving to the store.
NPR gives the impression that if you’re black, you’re not even safe in your own bed. You can’t even pull into a parking lot safely.
The reality is that you’re usually safe, as long as you do not wave a gun at cops or assault them.
The number of unarmed police shooting victims has declined since 2015:
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The news publicizes the shit out of the worst cases, because that’s what gets clicks. And it has consequences. The riots right now are one consequence. And people are dying.
As of June 2, 2020, eleven deaths have been confirmed during the George Floyd demonstrations.
In today’s social media dystopia, you can watch the people dying. Here’s one black man who was killed by looters.
And violence has generally risen in some cities. In Chicago, shootings soared over the weekend, 92 people were shot, 27 were killed:
27 people were killed and at least 92 were wounded by gun violence in Chicago’s most violent weekend of the year so…www.wifr.com
And, if you’ve forgotten, we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. People of color have been disproportionately represented among the 100,000 Americans that have died so far. We’ll have to wait and see if these mass gatherings accelerate the spread of the virus.
The sad reality in all this is that blacks in America really are struggling. But police brutality is only one of their worries. Black people are unemployed and impoverished at high rates. Many live in violent communities. The murder rate in Black America is 6 times what it is in White America. About 8,000 black lives are lost to murder every year, mostly young black men in big cities shooting each other.
And the murder rate has gone up, as of late. After 2 decades of declining, America’s murder rate went up in 2015 and 2016:
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Some people think the increase in murders is because of less policing that started after the Ferguson protests. Others say that it’s because black people are afraid to call the police, because they think that the police will murder them, now more than ever.
Regardless of the cause, black people need safer communities.
This is not a struggle between good guys (BLM, antifa, white liberals) and bad guys (cops, Republicans, the alt right). But I see people on Facebook saying that, every day.
This is a very complicated discussion about how to make black neighborhoods safer, how to reduce criminal behavior in black neighborhoods, how to help with poverty, how to help with mental health, and how to improve policing.
Let me be clear. None of these protests will help black communities. People have lost lives. They have lost apartment buildings that have been burned down. They have lost the stores they need to shop at and work at.
This will trigger even more white flight to the suburbs, leaving poorly funded, segregated schools, and less jobs and opportunities for the people left behind.
And this will likely empower the Republicans. If the Democratic mayors and governors can’t provide law and order, voters will turn to the alternative.
I don’t have the answers to fixing our world. I think this event is ultimately driven by high unemployment and inequality. It’s driven by tribalism and dehumanizing the other side. I think police brutality is just the catalyst. Once this is over, I think we’ll have to work on improving all of these things. But, at the moment, all I can say is:
Stop the fucking riots.
Keep the protests peaceful. It’s the only way to win.
The Gift Of Fire”
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49ersgermany · 3 years
Position-by-Position Breakdown des 49ers 2021 53er Rosters
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Auch die San Francisco 49ers haben es geschafft und gestern die dritte Runde der Roster Cuts zum finalen 53er Roster absolviert. Head Coach Kyle Shanahan und General Manager John Lynch warteten mit der ein oder anderen kleinen Überraschung auf. Die Wide Receiver Jalen Hurd uns Jauan Jennings schafften beide das Roster, während Quarterback Nate Sudfeld und Tight End MyCole Pruitt entlassen wurden. Aber eines ist sicher: Das 53er Roster wird schon zum ersten Spieltag bei den Detroit Lions anders aussehen. Alle Rookies schaffen es aufs 53er Roster Bei den San Francisco 49ers haben es alle Rookies der Draftklasse 2021 aufs 53er Roster geschafft. Angeführt von Quarterback Trey Lance haben es auch die beiden Running Backs Trey Sermon und Elijah Mitchell sowie Offensive Liner Aaron Banks geschafft. In der Defense wurden die beiden Cornerbacks Ambry Thomas und Deommodore Lenoir sowie auch Safety Talanoa Hufanga aus Roster berufen. Von den Undrafted Rookie Free Agent dieser Klasse hat es allerdings kein Spieler geschafft. Tight End Josh Pederson musste das Team bereits während des Camps verlassen und von Wide Receiver Austin Watkins trennte man sich mit einem Injury Settlement. Die Linebacker Elijah Sullivan und Justin Hilliard schafften den Cut nicht, aber beide sind Kandidaten für die 16er Practice Squad. Ebenfalls nicht den Sprung auf das initiale Roster schaffte Alfredo Gutierrez. Der mexikanische Offensive Liner kam über das International Pathway Programm zum Team. Sollte er den Waiver überstehen, kann er als 17. Spieler auf die Practice Squad der 49ers zurückkehren. Neu ist zu dieser Spielzeit, dass die Spieler aus dem Pathway Programm dann trotzdem während der Saison aufs aktive Roster befördert und eingesetzt werden können.    https://twitter.com/49ers/status/1432831605404360706 Quarterbacks (2) - Jimmy Garoppolo - Trey Lance In den vergangenen zwei Spielzeiten starteten die 49ers mit drei Quarterbacks nach den Roster Cuts. Dabei handelte es sich um Jimmy Garoppolo, C.J. Beathard und Nick Mullins. 2017 ging man mit Brian Hoyer und C.J. Beathard und 2018 mit Jimmy Garoppolo und C.J. Beathard in die Saison. In beiden Spielzeiten begann Nick Mullens auf der Practice Squad. Dort dürfte in diesem Jahr ein dritter Quarterback bei den 49ers landen. Die 49ers entließen Nate Sudfeld trotz der Garantien in seinem Vertrag. Sudfeld ist der wahrscheinlichste Kandidat für die Practice Squad der Niners. C.J. Beathard ist als Backup von Trevor Lawrence bei den Jacksonville Jaguars eingeplant und Josh Rosen schaffte es aufs 53er Roster der Atlanta Falcons. Nick Mullens wurde zwar von den Philadelphia Eagles entlassen, kam aber direkt bei den Cleveland Browns unter.    Running Backs (5) - JaMycal Hasty - Kyle Juszczyk - Elijah Mitchell - Raheem Mostert - Trey Sermon Vier Running Backs und ein Fullback war die erwartete Anzahl von Spielern auf dem 53er Roster in dieser Positionsgruppe. Raheem Mostert geht als Nummer eins vor Rookie Trey Sermon in die Saison. Die Entlassung von Veteran Wayne Gallman war eine kleine Überraschung, gerade weil er der stärkste Pass Blocker unter den Running Backs der 49ers war. Der Coaching Staff entschied sich aber mit Elijah Mitchell und JaMycal Hasty für die junge Wilden. Hasty zeigte eine starke Preseason und spielt mit einer harten Mentalität, die ungewöhnlich ist für einen Spieler seiner Größe. Mitchell galt schon beim Draft in der sechsten Runde als Steal. Im letzten Preseason Game deutete er an, dass er der Kick Returner der 49ers werden könnte. Auch ansonsten sah er in den Special Teams gut aus. Fullback Kyle Juszcyk ist der Beste seines Fachs und für das System von Shanahan unverzichtbar. Josh Hokit schaffte zwar nicht das Roster, aber er sollte einen Platz auf der Practice Squad bekommen. Wide Receivers (6) - Brandon Aiyuk - Jalen Hurd - Jauan Jennings - Deebo Samuel - Mohamed Sanu - Trent Sherfield Bei den Wide Receivern entschieden sich die 49ers für Talent und zum Teil gegen Erfahrung. Die 49ers gehen mit Jalen Hurd, Jauan Jennings und Mohamed Sanu in die Season. Alle drei sind große und körperlich starke Receiver – womöglich auch ein Grund, warum die 49ers nur drei Tight Ends mit aufs Roster genommen haben. Trent Sherfield spielte sich im Camp und den Preseason Begegnungen in den Vordergrund. Sherfield hat sich als Nummer drei Receiver etabliert und sollte auch aufgrund seiner Schnelligkeit und Big Play Ability als erster Backup von Deebo Samuel und Brandon Aiyuk zum Einsatz kommen. Sowohl Jauan Jennings als auch Jalen Hurd kämpften immer wieder mit Verletzungen – Hurd wartet seit zwei Jahren auf sein NFL-Debüt. Es könnte also durchaus sein, dass einer der beiden auf der Injured Reserve List landet und das Team auf dem Waiver aktiv wird.   Tight Ends (3) - Ross Dwelley - George Kittle - Charlie Woerner Nur drei Tight Ends sind eine Überraschung. Die Entlassung von MyCole Pruitt kommt aufgrund der Garantien in seinem Vertrag eine Überraschung. Aber er fiel verletzungsbedingt im Camp aus und konnte auch in den letzten Wochen kaum positiv auf sich aufmerksam. Der umgeschulte Wide Receiver Jordan Matthews ist sicher ein Kandidat für die Practice Squad. Offensive Linemen (8) - Aaron Banks - Daniel Brunskill - Tom Compton - Alex Mack - Mike McGlinchey - Jaylon Moore - Laken Tomlinson - Trent Williams Acht Offensive Linemen nehmen die 49ers zu Beginn mit in die Saison. Rookie Aaron Banks könnte zu Saisonbeginn noch auf der Injured Reserve List landen, aber die 49ers möchten ihm so viele Snaps im Training wie nur möglich geben. Die Entlassung vom letztjährigen Fünftrundenpick Colton McKivitz kommt ein wenig überraschend, aber er lieferte gegenüber Tom Compton (gerade auf Tackle) wenig Argumente für einen Verbleib beim Team. Es scheint als planen die 49ers mit Tom Compton als Swing Tackle, bis Aaron Banks sich den Starter Posten auf Right Guard von Daniel Brunskill schnappt. Brunskill wäre dann der erste Backup für mehr oder weniger jede Position der Offensive Line. Defensive Linemen (11) - Arik Armstead - Nick Bosa - Samson Ebukam - Dee Ford - Kevin Givens - Maurice Hurst - D.J. Jones - Zach Kerr - Arden Key - Javon Kinlaw - Kentavius Street Gleich elf Defensive Linemen beriefen die Coaches auf das 53er Roster. Das anspruchsvolle und intensive Scheme von Defensive Line Coach Kris Kocurek bracht viele und starke einsatzbereite Lineman. Maurice Hurst konnte aufgrund seiner Knöchelverletzung auf die Short-term Injured Reserve List gesetzt werden. Damit könnten die Niners Platz schaffen für einen weiteren Tight End oder Offensive Liner. Alex Barett und Eddie Yarbrough waren die am besten bewerteten Defensive Liner des Teams in der Preseason und sollten für die Practice Squad zurückkehren. Auch Darrion Daniels ist dafür ein Kandidat. Mit Jordan Willis, der die ersten sechs Spiele für die Saison 2021 gesperrt ist, haben die 49ers einen weiteren Edge Rusher in der Hinterhand. In der Preseason zeigte sich der ehemalige Drittrundenpick stark verbessert zum Vorjahr. https://twitter.com/49ers/status/1432832794376376321 Linebackers (5) - Azeez Al-Shaair - Demetrius Flannigan-Fowles - Dre Greenlaw - Marcell Harris - Fred Warner Keine Überraschung bei den Linebackern. Marcell Harris schaffte erfolgreich den Wechsel von Strong Safety auf Strong Side Linebacker. Der Trade von Jonas Griffith zu den Broncos räumte das einzige Fragezeichen aus dem Weg. Mit Mychal Kendricks mussten die 49ers eine mögliche Alternative bereits vor den Cuts auf die Injured Reserve List setzen und damit seine Saison beenden. Cornerbacks (6) - Davontae Harris - Deommodore Lenoir - Emmanuel Moseley - Ambry Thomas - Jason Verrett - K'Waun Williams Mit Davontae Harris anstatt Dontae Johnson wartet hier die vielleicht größte Überraschung. Harris scheint die Coaches im Joint Practice mit den Los Angeles Chargers überzeugt zu haben. Johnson ist der erste Kandidat, den die 49ers zum Team bringen, sollte ein Notfall eintreten. Johnson kam aus seiner stärksten Saison in der NFL und spielte insbesondere in den Special Teams stark. Die 49ers werden nur so stark in der Defense sein wie ihr schwächster Cornerback. Mit Jason Verrett und Emmanuel Moseley sowie K’Waun Williams im Slot haben die Niners eine starke Gruppe zusammen, aber wenn einer der drei verletzungsbedingt ausfällt, wird sich schnell zeigen, ob die guten Leistungen von Deommodore Lenoir im Camp auf NFL-Niveau standhalten. Und auch bei Ambry Thomas, der in der vergangenen Saison bei der University of Michigan den Opt-Out gewählt hatte, schwankt die Waage in Sachen Konstanz noch sehr.    Safeties (4) - Talanoa Hufanga - Jaquiski Tartt - Jimmie Ward - Tavon Wilson Strong Safety Jaquiski Tartt hat den Sprung aufs 53er Roster trotz seines langen verletzungsbedingten Ausfalls geschafft. Mit Jimmie Ward bildete er in den vergangenen Spielzeiten ein starken Safety-Duo, welches immer unter dem Radar flog. Ward lobte zuletzt Talanoa Hufanga, der deutlich schneller sei als er beim 40-Yard-Dash gemessen wurde. Rookie Hufanga könnte eine gewisse Playmaker Ability in diese Gruppe bringen. Die 49ers entschieden sich letztendlich für Tavon Wilson und entließen Ha Ha Clinton-Dix. Dies dürfte eine 50/50 Entscheidung gewesen sein. Wilson war die komplette Offseason beim Team – dies konnte den Ausschlag gegeben haben. Clinton-Dix wäre ein guter Kandidat für die Practice Squad. Dies gilt auch für Jared Mayden. Specialists (3) - Robbie Gould - Taybor Pepper - Mitch Wishnowsky Keine Überraschung bei den Specialists. Mit Kontinuität und Eingespieltheit sollten die 49ers keine Probleme beim Kicking und Punting bekommen. Gerade Mitch Wishnowsky präsentierte sich in der Preseason in ausgezeichneter Form.   Read the full article
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thehouseofjohndeaf · 6 years
To support the Blue Lives Matter movement is to express to the world around you that you have no idea what Black Lives Matter even means, and to suggest that authority is more important than personal freedoms or happiness.
Let’s say someone in support of Blue Lives Matter is a centrist and not fully aware of what the two sides truly stand for.  Here’s your cheat sheet. 
History of Black Lives Matter:
2013: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi respond to the acquittal of George Zimmerman by kickstarting the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and movement.
2014: Police kill 1,039 people including Dontre Hamilton, Eric Garner, John Crawford III, Michael Brown, Ezell Ford, Laquan McDonald, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, Antonio Martin, Jerame Reid
2014 July: Eric Garner dies in New York City, after a New York City Police Department officer put him in a chokehold while arresting him.
2014 August: Mike Brown is murdered in Ferguson by police officer Darren Wilson; Darnell Moore and Patrisse Cullors organize a national ride during Labor Day weekend in protest.
2014 November: A New York City Police Department officer shoots and kills Akai Gurley, a 28-year-old African-American man.  
2014 November: Alicia Garza organizes a response to the grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson for the death of Mike Brown; fourteen Black Lives Matter activists are arrested.
2014 November: Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old African-American boy is shot and killed by a Cleveland police officer.
2014 December: 2,000–3,000 people gather at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota to protest the killings of unarmed black men by police.  At least twenty members of the protest are arrested.
2014 December: In Wisconsin, BLM protests the police shooting of Dontre Hamilton, who died in April.
2014 December: Black Lives Matter protests the shooting of John Crawford III.
2014 December: The shooting of Renisha McBride is protested by Black Lives Matter.
2014 December: In response to the decision by the grand jury not to indict Darren Wilson on any charges related to the death of Michael Brown, a protest march was held in Berkeley, California.
2015: Police kill 1,134 people including Charley Leundeu Keunang, Tony Robinson, Anthony Hill, Meagan Hockaday, Eric Harris, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, William Chapman, Jonathan Sanders, Sandra Bland, Samuel DuBose, Jeremy McDole, Corey Jones, and Jamar Clark as well as the killing of The Charleston Nine.
2015 March: BLM protests at Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office, demanding reforms within the Chicago Police Department.
2015 March: Charley Leundeu Keunang, a 43-year-old Cameroonian national, is fatally shot by Los Angeles Police Department officers. The LAPD arrests fourteen following BLM demonstrations.
2015 April: Black Lives Matter across the United States protests over the death of Freddie Gray which includes the 2015 Baltimore protests.
2015 April: After the shooting of Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina, Black Lives Matter protests Scott's death and calls for citizen oversight of police.
2015 May: A nationwide protest, Say Her Name, decries the police killing of black women and girls, which includes the deaths of Meagan Hockaday, Aiyana Jones, Rekia Boyd, and others.
2015 May: In Cleveland, Ohio, an officer is acquitted at trial in the shooting of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams.
2015 May: In Madison, Wisconsin BLM protests after the officer was not charged in the shooting of Tony Robinson.
2015 June: Dylann Roof's shooting in a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina.
2015 June: A video is released showing an officer pinning a girl—at a pool party in McKinney, Texas—to the ground with his knees.
2015 July: Sandra Bland, an African-American woman, is allegedly found hanged in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas.
2015 July: Samuel DuBose is shot and killed by a University of Cincinnati police officer.
2015 July: Jonathan Sanders dies while being arrested by police in Mississippi.
2015 August: In Charlotte, North Carolina, a judge declares a mistrial in the trial of a white Charlotte police officer who killed an unarmed black man, Jonathan Ferrell.
2015 September: BLM protests the shooting of Jeremy McDole.
2015 October: Black Lives Matters activists are arrested during a protest of a police chiefs conference in Chicago.
2015 November: Jamar Clark is shot by Minneapolis Police Department.
2015 November: A group of men carrying firearms and body armor confront a BLM march, and begin calling the protesters racial slurs.  After protesters ask the armed men to leave, the men open fire, shooting five protesters.
2016: Police kill 963 people including Bruce Kelley Jr., Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Joseph Mann, Abdirahman Abdi, Paul O'Neal, Korryn Gaines, Sylville Smith, Terence Crutcher, Keith Lamont Scott, Alfred Olango, and Deborah Danner.
2016 January: Mario Woods is shot by San Francisco Police officers
2016 January: Bruce Kelley Jr. is shot after fatally stabbing a police dog while trying to escape from police.
2016 February: Abdullahi Omar Mohamed, a 17-year-old Somali refugee, is shot and injured by Salt Lake City, Utah police.
2016 June: Conviction and sentencing of Jasmine Richards for a 2015 incident in which she attempted to stop a police officer from arresting another woman
2016 July 5: Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old black man, is shot several times at point-blank range while pinned to the ground by two white Baton Rouge Police Department officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
2016 July 6: Philando Castile is fatally shot by Jeronimo Yanez, a St. Anthony, Minnesota police officer, after being pulled over in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul. Castile was driving a car with his girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter as passengers when he was pulled over by Yanez and another officer.  A video of the shooting is instantly uploaded and shared via social media.
2016 July 8: More than 100 people are arrested at Black Lives Matter protests across the United States.
2016 July 28: Chicago Police Department officers shoot Paul O'Neal in the back and kill him following a car chase.
2016 August 1: In Randallstown, Maryland police officers shoot and kill Korryn Gaines, a 23-year-old African-American woman, also shooting and injuring her five-year-old son.
2016 August: Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers kneels during the national anthem, as opposed to the tradition of standing, before his team's third preseason game.  During a post-game interview he explains his position stating, "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."
2016 September: Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma is shot to death by police officers
2016 September: Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina is shot to death by police officers.
2017: Police kill 987 people
2017 January: Hector Navarrete, a 31-year-old Hispanic man, is shot in a vehicle in Northglenn, Colo. after police falsely accused Navarrete of kidnapping his girlfriend.  The police stated Navarrete tried to ram their vehicle, but the girlfriend and witness to the encounter stated this was a false accusation.
2017 January 10: Darrion Barnhill, an unarmed 23-year-old black man, is shocked with a stun gun and shot in Reagan, Tenn. when police broke into his home for outstanding warrants.  Although unarmed, the police opened fire.
2017 February: A month-long "Black Lives Matter" art exhibition is organized by three Richmond, Virginia artists at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond in the Byrd Park area of the city. The show features more than 30 diverse multicultural artists on a theme exploring racial equality and justice.
2017 February 5: Nana Adomako, an unarmed 45-year-old black man, is shot in Fremont, Calif.  Captain Sean Washington, tasked with investigating the murder stated, "My observations of the video it was such a sudden and violent attack that I think Officer Taylor did a fantastic job trying to survive that particular situation by going through and considering the tools that he had available for him at the time," 
2017 February 8: Chad Robertson, an unarmed 25-year-old black man, is shot in Chicago, Ill. by an Amtrak officer with only 18 months on the job.  He shot Robertson in the back as he was fleeing under the suspected possession of marijuana.  The officer’s lawyer claimed he "really believed he was about to be shot," and stated Robertson reached into his pocket while charging at the officer.  Yet, none of the six witnesses in the 300 block area saw Robertson turn or gesture toward the officer.  Following the shooting, Robertson’s heartbroken sister stated, "He had dreams and aspirations. I'm devastated. I'm devastated that his life was taken."
2017 February: Virginia Commonwealth University's James Branch Cabell Library focuses on a month-long schedule of events relating to Black history and showed photos from the church's "Black Lives Matter" exhibition on its outdoor screen.  The VCU schedule of events also includes: the Real Life Film Series The Angry Heart: The Impact of Racism on Heart Disease among African-Americans; Keith Knight presented the 14th Annual VCU Libraries Black History Month lecture; Lawrence Ross, author of the book Blackballed: The Black and White Politics of Race on America's Campuses talked about how his book related to the "Black Lives Matter" movement; and Velma P. Scantlebury, M.D., the first black female transplant surgeon in the United States, discussed "Health Equity in Kidney Transplantation: Experiences from a surgeon's perspective."
2017 February 10: Jocques Clemmons is shot in Nashville, Tennessee, and incites a BLM protest.
2017 March 19: Alteria Woods, an pregnant unarmed 21-year-old black woman, is shot in her home in Gifford, Fla.
2017 April 29: Jordan Edwards, an unarmed 15-year-old black male, is shot in Balch Springs, Tex. during a routine traffic stop following a report to police that there may have been a party in the area where underaged drinking may have occurred.  Edwards was in the passenger seat of his 16-year-old brother’s car when the officer fired through the passenger window.  False claims were made by police through the following days that Edward’s car was backing up towards the officer, but later admitted the car was pulling forward.  The officer’s life was not in any danger, but he decided rather than allow car of young boys to pull away from a traffic stop he would rather discharge his weapon.
2017 May: The district attorney of Davidson County decides not to prosecute police officer Joshua Lippert, the officer who shot and killed Daniel Hambrick during a chase, shooting the unarmed man in the back.
2017 June 2: Marc Brandon Davis, an unarmed 34-year-old black man, is shot in Petal, Miss. after a car accident.  When officers arrived an alleged “altercation” broke out between Davis, who was just in a car accident, and one of the officers who remains unnamed. The family of the deceased soon sued the city claiming excessive force, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment and battery and assault in the death of 34-year-old Marc Brandon Davis.  Petal Mayor, Hal Marx, refutes the lawsuit saying he's confident the officer "did nothing wrong."
2017 June 8: David Jones, an unarmed 30-year-old black man, is shocked with a stun gun and shot in Philadelphia, Pa. after fleeing a traffic stop.  Jones purposefully ditched his legally owned weapon and was shot in the back nearly 25-feet from where the gun dropped.  Jones was in a populated area as the officer fired in the direction of traffic.
2017 June 29: Aaron Bailey, an unarmed 45-year-old black man, is shot in his vehicle in Indianapolis, Ind. during a routine traffic stop.  Driving on a suspended license, Bailey fled the scene and crashed his car.  The officer fired his weapon 11 times, 4 bullets striking Bailey in the back of the head.
2017 July 6: Dejuan Guillory, an unarmed 27-year-old black man, is shot in Mamou, La. when an Evangeline Parish sheriff's deputy started a physical confrontation with both Guillory and his girlfriend.  The deputy first shot Guillory in his back while Guillory was face down, then fired several more times.
2017 July 7: Brian Easley, an unarmed 33-year-old black man and a former lance corporal in the Marine Corps is shot in Marietta, Ga.  Easley was living in a $25-a-night hotel, scraping by on a small monthly disability check from the Department of Veterans Affairs.  After returning from his 2005 tours of Kuwait and Iraq he found himself honorably discharged and returning home suffering from both physically ailments and mental illness.  In the summer of 2017 his usual disability check from the VA had mysteriously failed to materialize, and rent was due. If he couldn’t cover it, he’d be on the street, and the thought terrified him. On July 7 at around 9:30 a.m, the Marine veteran entered the Wells Fargo branch and claimed that the backpack slung over his shoulder contained C-4 explosive. He allowed several employees and customers to exit and then began making calls, dialing 911 to let the authorities know what was happening, and a local news station, WSB-TV, to explain his predicament. “They took everything,” he told the assignment editor who picked up the phone. “With my last little bit of money I got I’ve been able to hold up at a hotel, but I’m going to be out on the street and I’m going to have nothing. I’m not going to have any money for food or anything. I’m just going to be homeless, and I’m going to starve.” He continued to speak to the editor on the phone, “I already told them if I detonate this bomb, I’ll let them go first,” he promised. “These ladies are very nice, and they’ve been very helpful and supportive.”  He allowed the editor to speak with the hostages. One described her captor as “very respectful.”  Around 12:15 p.m. a single shot rang out, adding Easley’s name to the list of 236 mentally ill people killed by police in 2017.  As the hostages were whisked to safety, a robot entered the bank and retrieved Easley’s backpack, placing it in a “total containment vessel.” It was eventually deemed harmless, and inside investigators found a Bible, some papers, and other incidentals.  On his body they found a wallet and a broken cross pendant.
2017 July 19: Farhad Jabbari, an unarmed 38-year-old man, is shot in Saginaw, Mich. after he is pulled over for drunk driving.  Dash cam footage shows a clear picture of the encounter. “You just blew a 0.61, legal limit is .08, you are double the legal limit,” the officer tells Jabbari.  Jabbari is placed in handcuffs and placed in the back of the police cruiser.  “So I'm going to jail now?” Jabbari asks. “Yep, we will do the test right there,” the officer replies.  “I'm not going to jail,” Jabbari says.  Seconds later, Jabbari is able to slip out of one handcuff.  “What are you doing, uh uh, keep them on,” the officer says.  “I'm committing suicide,” Jabbari responds.  The officer opens the back seat of the car and is pulled in by Jabbari.  The officer fires five gunshots, killing Jabbari.
2017 September 27: At the College of William & Mary, students associated with Black Lives Matter protested an ACLU event because the ACLU had fought for the right of Unite the Right rally to be held in Charlottesville, Virginia.  William & Mary's president Taylor Reveley responded with a statement defending the college's commitment to open debate.
2017 October 19: Dewboy Lister, an unarmed 55-year-old black man, is shot in Corpus Christi, Tex. Lister spent the last years of his life mentoring the youth in his community.  He helped young men in Corpus Christi get jobs, he instilled in them respect for others and encouraged them to help after Hurricane Harvey struck the area.  He was shot in the torso during a traffic stop.  About him, Listers friends said, "He was a great man. He’s always a phone call away when families are in need.  He helped a lot of men around my age [21] land jobs at the local docks and ports.  He would constantly tell us to obey but know our rights. He was all about family and helping.”
2017 November 13: Calvin Toney, an unarmed 24-year-old black man, is shot in an apartment building in Baton Rouge, La. during a routine DCF meeting with an officer escort.  The footage was never released and Toney’s family was never given closure.  Toney was pronounced dead after a bullet wound to the chest, but paramedics found Toney’s body in handcuffs.  The official statement is that Toney was handcuffed after being shot, but without the body cam footage there is no corroborating evidence to this statement.  The family has been left without answers as to why their son was murdered.
2017 November 18: Lawrence Hawkins, an unarmed 56-year-old black man, is shot in Prichard, Ala.  Lakeisha Williams witnessed the event and stated a Prichard officer followed Hawkins closely all the way to his driveway without the patrol lights turned on.  Williams said, "It was ridiculous how he did that. He didn't turn on no lights until after that man was shot over there (the driveway)." Williams said Hawkins ran a stop light but didn't deserve to get shot.  She said, "He just got out of his truck and reaching out to get his cell phone." Williams continued, "The police was saying something and then all I heard was pow, pow, pow."
2017 December 1: Keita O'Neil, an unarmed 42-year-old black man, is shot on a street in San Francisco, Calif. by an officer on his fourth day on the job.  Body camera footage shows the officer drawing his pistol from the passenger seat while the cruiser is still moving. The video then shows him opening the side door and firing a single shot through the window as O’Neil, who was unarmed, runs by in the opposite direction.  O’Neil was later pronounced dead at San Francisco General Hospital.
2017 December 6: Jean Pedro Pierre, an unarmed 42-year-old black man, with a history of medical problems, including mental illness, is shot in Lauderdale Lakes, Fla.  Pierre’s family states the cops’ video footage misrepresents the man, who was a father of five, an entrepreneur and former political candidate in Haiti.  “They didn’t have to kill him at all,” said Ralph Fenelon, Pierre’s son.  “They had tasers, they had other weapons. They didn’t have to shoot him.”
2018: Police kill 1,165 people
History of Blue Lives Matter:
2014: The FBI reports 51 law enforcement officers were 'feloniously' killed in the line of duty.
2014 December: The homicides of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in Brooklyn, New York kickstart a counter movement to Black Lives Matter, which the authorities believe to be “anti-police”.
2015: National statistics Report 42 police officers were shot and killed.
2016: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund reports 64 officers were killed in firearm-related incidents.
2016 July 7: A BLM protest was held in Dallas, Texas that was organized to protest the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. At the end of the peaceful protest, Micah Xavier Johnson opened fire in an ambush, killing five police officers and wounding seven others and two civilians. The gunman was then killed by a robot-delivered bomb. Before he died, according to police, Johnson said that "he was upset about Black Lives Matter", and that "he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers."
2017: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund reports 44 officers killed in fire-arm related incidents.
2018: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund reports 52 officers killed in fire-arm related incidents.
Homicide Comparisons:
According to the FBI, which publishes the data in the Uniform Crime Reports, from 1980–2014, an average of 64 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed per year.
Updated estimates from the Bureau of Justice Statistics released in 2015 estimate the number of killings by police officers to be around 930 per year, or 1,240 if assuming that non-reporting local agencies kill people at the same rate as reporting agencies.
The numbers show why support for Blue Lives Matter is a disingenuous cause. Especially as most of those in favor of Blue Lives Matter are police officers themselves showing support for their “boys in blue.”  A police officer who is in support of Blue Lives Matter, and flaunts the Blues Lives Matter flag and merchandise, overall dismisses the deaths of the very citizens they’ve vowed to protect.
The initial response of centrists to the statement “Black Lives Matter” was “All Lives Matter”.  However, this is how disenfranchisement works.  Similar tactics are used against feminism, stating that feminists are anti-men.  As bell hooks stated in her collection of essays Feminism is for Everyone, “Conservative mass media constantly represented feminist women as man-haters. And when there was an anti-male faction or sentiment in the movement, they highlighted it as a way of discrediting feminism. Embedded in the portrayal of feminists as man-hating was the assumption that all feminists were lesbians. Appealing to homophobia, mass media intensified anti-feminist sentiment among men.”  We see this tactic being used today by groups like Blue Lives Matter to hijack a movement and portray it as chaotic and violent.
Black Lives Matter was never about the prospect that one life is more important than another.  Rather, it aims to highlight the most affected and yet least represented group of people.  The movement portrays the sentiment that no one is free while others are oppressed.  Or as Audre Lorde said, “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.”
0 notes
erikismybitch · 6 years
Number 9 : The last chapter.
Tumblr media
“Pregnant ?” Darrion choked on his mimosa, he slowly put the flute down . He repeated the word you just said to him . “Is that why you not drinking right now !”
“Can you fucking believe it, me, pregnant “ you laughed and took a huge helping of pancakes into your mouth . The two of you were out enjoying breakfast .
“But wait, are you really pregnant though?” He asked . Not totally believing you .
“I went to the doctor to get a pap, they told me I was three months pregnant. My period has always been irregular so I thought nothing of it ” you stuffed more pancakes in .
“Did you tell Michael?”
“No, not yet. I found out yesterday and I’ll see him tonight “
“I’m going to be his gay uncle , oh my god” you laughed . “This baby is going to have all the fashions” he said excitedly .
“I thought I would be scared, but I’m content with it . I’m not that young , I think I’ll be an okay mom” you replied . You weighed your options all night . Whether Michael wanted the child or not, you would be okay .
“You’re gonna’ be one of those super moms. The kind that drives a mini van and wears Lula Lemon every day” he joked .
“Don’t play me Darrion!” You playfully slapped him on his arm .
“But no, in all seriousness , any kid that comes out of you is lucky to have you as a mom”
You became a little teary eyed “Really, Darrion?”
“I promise “
“Did you know that doctors can give you an estimate of the date you got pregnant?” You asked Michael . He was fiddling on his laptop , looking at new properties to invest in. It was later in the evening, you were in the kitchen cooking dinner for the two of you .
“Nah, that’s cool” he said, not totally listening to what you were saying .
“Remember , after that stuff that happened with William a couple months back” you said softly .
“Why would you bring that up?”
“After that , You didn’t have impulses for some time .” You were inching close to your conclusion .
“Yeah, but they came back . What are you even talking about right now ?” He was growing irritated with the questions . He closed his laptop and set it on the coffee table .
“In that short time period, we made a baby . You and I” you smiled uneasily , hoping to get the reaction you wanted .
“So what are you saying ?” His eyes lightened, he walked over to where you were standing .
“I’m saying , you are going to be my baby daddy ”
“Aww babe “ he said gently, his eyes trailed to your stomach . It was a little bit more pudgy than usual.
“There’s a fucking baby in me Michael” you laughed and placed your hand on your stomach . You honestly thought you were bloated all this time. You literally had no signs of early pregnancy .
“I put a fucking baby in you” he wrapped around you and gave you a kiss on the lips . He was happy to know that the baby was conceived while he was fully present . “Fuck, I put a fucking baby in you” his tone changed to worry, be backed off .
“What’s wrong?” You asked , noticing the sudden shift in his reaction .
“I’m going to have to get myself under control” he thought about the dangers of Erik , he couldn’t trust himself around the baby . “I’m going to call Dr.Zewinski, I might have to give the Electroconvulsive Therapy a try”
“I thought you didn’t want to do it” you said, he told you that after his first meeting with the Doctors .
“I didn’t, but now, it might be worth a chance” you could tell he was afraid .
“I’ll stand behind any decision you make . If you want to go through with this treatment , I’ll be with you every step of the way . If you want to say fuck it and we figure out how to do this another way , I’m behind that too “ you told him .
“The thing is , it’s always all about me . Now, it’s on you . We have another life we need to worry about “
“So what are you saying ?”
“I’m saying , what do you want me to do , Y/N? Whatever you want , I’ll do it”
You stood there for a moment, weighing the pros and cons . The thing was, there were no pros without proper treatment . Sure, Erik was fun , but could you trust him with a child . Absolutely not, you thought.
“I think you should go through with treatment “ you said sternly .
“I’ll call the doctor now, and let him know”
The morning came fast. Dr.Klein had a spot available for Michael, as soon as today . He wanted to treat him as soon as possible . Dr.Zewinski was In fear of Michael displaying iratic behavior and arranged for a psychiatric van , accompanied with guards to take him to the facility . You thought it was unnecessary, but he had seen it happen before . He thought his impulse would spark up, knowing it would be getting treatment .
You accompanied him, they didn’t want you to . You were labeled as a trigger , they informed you that he wouldn’t be able to contact you for the duration of his stay also.
Michael seemed calm as the two of you walked into the facility . It was large and gated, almost like a prison . You started to feel uneasy , you began to regret making him come . He held your hand .
“I love you” he kissed it .
“We love you too” you told him, placing his hand on your tummy .
The two of you were buzzed in by one of the many guards, they let you know that this was your end point. Only patients were allowed any further . Michael walked behind a set of glass doors. Two more guards entered the room. You watched them place a blue straitjacket on his body . You began to panic “Wait! You guys didn’t say anything about this , he’s not a fucking animal !” You screamed as your fist pounded on the glass doors. A security officer rushed to hold you back . “Take it off of him, I changed my mind , I don’t want do to this !” Tears streamed down your face . The guard went to unstrap Michael, but he shook his head .
“I’ll be okay I’m doing this for the baby!” You heard his muffled voice through the glass . He reminded you that it was something that needed to be done. You began to self sooth by taking deep breaths, eventually you calmed down .
Dr Klein stepped into the room. You watched him mouth things to Michael, but you couldn’t hear him. Michael kept his eyes fixated on you . Moments passed as the two of you gazed at eachother through the glass. He smiled slyly at you, not really listening to the doctor. All you could offer him was a look of remorse . They began to take him away through another set of doors . This would be the last time you’d see him, for god knows how long. You just wanted one last goodbye . Quickly, you knocked on the glass .
“You guys take care of him! I love you!” You yelled . He looked back , and suddenly , his eyes shifted . His menacing glare began to pierce right through you, just as it always did when Erik was fully present . He winked .
This is the END.
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kayakingcrazy · 6 years
CB Nick Watkins plans to transfer to UH from Notre Dame
Notre Dame cornerback Nick Watkins plans to graduate transfer to the University of Houston and will be eligible to play immediately this season.
Watkins is expected to compete for a starting job in preseason camp for the Cougars, who were in search of cornerback depth after the departure of Jeremy Winchester in the spring.
After missing the entire 2016 season with an arm injury, Watkins played in 12 games for the Irish last season, recording eight pass breakups and one interception.
A former four-star recruit from Dallas Bishop Dunne, Watkins was rated the No. 17 cornerback in the class of 2014 by 247Sports. He had offers from several major schools, including Alabama, Ohio State, Oklahoma, LSU and Florida State.
Watkins joins a growing list of graduate transfers to join the Cougars, among them running back Terence Williams (Baylor), linebacker Darrion Owens (Miami), quarterback Quinten Dormady (Tennessee) and wide receiver Raelon Singleton (Utah). Two other transfers – safety Deontay Anderson (Ole Miss) and defensive end Isaiah Chambers (TCU) – also are expected to start for UH this season.
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Learn More At: http://www.kayakingcrazy.com/cb-nick-watkins-plans-to-transfer-to-uh-from-notre-dame/
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thedoubleextrapoint · 5 years
Nebraska Football: Position-by-Position Breakdown of the Spring Game
Nebraska Football: Position-by-Position Breakdown of the Spring Game
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On Saturday, Nebraska had its final practice of the spring, and over 85,000 people happened to show up and watch. The Spring Game, won by the Red squad 24-13, gave Nebraska fans a booster shot of football to get them through the long hot summer before South Alabama Week arrives.
Sure, it looked like a game and it sounded like a game. But remember, it’s just practice, and just one practice at…
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susancingari · 7 years
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It's #fight day, #MMA fans! Check out the #Bellator195 main card now 👀⠀ ⠀ ➡️ Darrion Caldwell @thewolfmma vs. Leandro Higo @leandrohigomma⠀ ➡️ Joe Warren @joewarrenmma vs. Joe Taimanglo⠀ ➡️ Emily Ducote @emducote1 vs. Kristina Williams @warhorsemma ⠀ ⠀ Who do you think will win? Let me know in the comment and don't forget to like ❤️ and follow for all the latest MMA news! 🌟 Every fighter 🥊 has a story 💫⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 🎥 Bellator 195 airs tonight at 09:00 PM ET⠀ ⠀ Are you a fighter? If you want to be interviewed by Susan Cingari visit MustLoveMMA.com and fill out the contact form! 💪⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ #Bellator #BellatorMMA #CaldwellvsHigo #HigovsCaldwell #MixedMartialArts #MLMMA #MustLoveMMA #SusanCingari #MartialArts #CombatSports #Combat #Boxing #Kickboxing #BJJ #Wrestling #BellatorNews #ParamountNetwork #ScottCoker #fighter #twitter http://ift.tt/2oD6LuN
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csenews · 7 years
3rd Quarter Awards Day at Lincoln Elementary School
Lincoln Elementary School held their awards program on March 30th. Below is a list of the students who received awards.
M. Wilson Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Keyomonte’ Beard
 Savarean Beasley
 Javion El-Amin
 Elijah Hays
 Boston McClatcher
 Christian Williams
Principal’s List
 Alysha Grigsby
 Mariyah Love
 J’hace Mays
 Amaya McKinnie
 Michael Mosbey
 Kemarion Rogers
Perfect Attendance
 Christian Williams
 Sa’Riyah Rutherford
 Tavaris Taylor
Most Improved
 Savarean Beasley
 J’hace Mays
Slayton Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Adrian Austin
 Jamarion Beasley
 Kevion Fentress
 De’Andre Kinnie
 Alyse Person
 Traeveon Reeves
 Laniya Williams
Principal’s List
 Saniyah Lewis
 Laniya McCory
 Kennedy Murphy
 Chariyana Tyus
 Kamora Watkins
 Makal Williams
Perfect Attendance
 Kennedy Murphy
 Joshua Crews
 Presli Price
 Makal Williams
Most Improved
 Joshua Crews
 Presli Price
 Jeremiah Weathers
 Ashunna White
Coleman Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Jamarious Brawner
 Antwan Grant
 La’Tasia Harrison
 Kentan Pledge
 Joshua Shaw
 Caleb Williams
Principal’s List
 Nekiya Douglas
 Caleah Hudson
 Steve Hunter
 Zakiyah Love
 Jocelyn Lyons
 Mi’Anthony Williams
Perfect Attendance
 Jah’Mari Murphy
Most Improved
 Ny’zheir Lampkins
 Lovell Williams
Welch Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Yazmine Long
 Imani Love
 Lionel Randle
 Jaquarius Reid
Principal’s List
 Chassidy Blalark
 Darrion Brown
 Camarri James
 Marlon Jones
 Tyonna Richardson
 Aubrielle Tyson
Perfect Attendance
 Lionel Randle
 Tyonna Richardson
Most Improved
 Jayden Lockhart
 Imani Love
Pearson Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Joyrdan Mays
 Ahrmaud Morrow
 Thomasena Willingham
Principal’s List
 Jermicah Doss
 Shelby Hardy
 Mariah Morrow
Perfect Attendance
 Tyler Ellison
 Mary’Yanna Bommer
 Mariah Morrow
Most Improved
 Kelsey Rosser
 Dakota Williams
Hollomon Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Laila Anderson
 Davonte Jones
 Jamelia Wilkes
Principal’s List
 Caden Boucher
 Aerial Henderson
 Nyla Lampkins
 Amelia Sykes
 Sanai Taylor
 Javion Williams
Perfect Attendance
 Aerial Henderson
 Nyla Lampkins
 Caden Boucher
 Areanna Weathers
Most Improved
 Randy Bradford
 Aerial Henderson
Adams Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Olivia Clark
 Deana Henley
 Sa’Riyah Love
 Kamedra Staples
 Jahrielle Tyson
Principal’s List
 Promise Jefferson
 Darion Taylor
 Dashawn Taylor
Perfect Attendance
 Trinity Reed
 Jahrielle Tyson
 Kamedra Staples
 Tarvell Williams
Most Improved
 Tarvell Williams
Doyle Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Jayla Anderson
 Madison Clifton
 Juda Hays
 Madison Thomas
Principal’s List
 Landon Braswell
 Caleb Jones
Perfect Attendance
 Jayla Anderson
 Caleb Boucher
 Samaya Bates
Most Improved
Trull Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Andrea Bond
 Randarius Bradford
 Jaydan Clark
 Sha’Mya Ellison
 Lamiya Miller
 Jeremiah Murray
 Kayden Petty
 Jaden Robertson
 Quimya Robinson
 Madison Smith
 Darius Turnbow
 Braydon Weldon
Principal’s List
Perfect Attendance
Most Improved
3rd Grade Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Vera Mosbey
Principal’s List
Perfect Attendance
 Darris Berry
 Vera Mosbey
 Anthony Pruitt
 Tramieh Miliken
 Tramille Miliken
 Damarcus Taylor
Most Improved
 Paris Adams
 Javeon Merriweather
4 th Grade Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Ka’Leiya Brown
 Alston Clark
 La’Yah Fuller
 Alaysia Hill
 Antasia Moore
 Keylan Powell
 Layla Taylor
 Raquel Williams
 Christopher Woodson
Principal’s List
Perfect Attendance
 Alaysia Hill
 Fernando Lampkins
 Ja’Rara Rice Swan
 Diamond Douglas
 Harmony Johnson
 Alexander Krambs
 Deashia Murray
 Centana Thaxter
Most Improved
 Shamyah Beasley
 Robert Euwing
 Jakiyah McClatcher
 A’Kiyah Reid
 Morgan Smith
5 th Grade Awards Master List
Honor Roll:
 Banes, Briana
 Boucher, Coner
 Cole, Jayla
 Croom, Alyssa
 Fason, Evelynn
 Jeanes, Deshaundon
 Jones, Ja’Marion
 Jones, Sha-Lique
 Owens, Joseph
 Sinclair, Devon
 Staples, Kedra
 Williams, Keshawn
Principal’s List
 Miliken, Trianna
 Price, Demparion
 Smith, Keveontae
Perfect Attendance
 Cooper, Taliyah
 Davis, Shania
 Jones, Ja’Marion
 Cole, Jayla
 Hall, Kai’ya
Most Improved
 Jones, Brianna
 Williams, Keshawn
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thedoubleextrapoint · 6 years
Nebraska Football: Spring Football Preview
Nebraska Football: Spring Football Preview
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On Monday, Nebraska started spring practice in its second year under head coach Scott Frost. Unseasonably frigid temperatures kept work inside as the squad opened preparation for the Spring Game on April 13.
This is now Nebraska’s second straight season without a bowl game, meaning a second long winter of waiting for Nebraska football. So spring practice should bring a welcome relief for…
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