sparkbyexamples · 3 years
Pandas Convert Column to Int in DataFrame
Pandas Convert Column to Int in DataFrame
Use pandas DataFrame.astype(int) and DataFrame.apply() methods to convert a column to int (float/string to integer/int64/int32 dtype) data type. If you are converting float, I believe you would know float is bigger than int type, and converting into int would lose any value after the decimal. Note that while converting a float to int, it doesn’t do any rounding and flooring and it just truncates…
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theresawelchy · 6 years
Make Python Pandas go fast
Some Background
Suppose you have a Data Analysis batch job that runs every hour on a dedicated machine. As the weeks go by, you notice that the inputs are getting larger and the time taken to run it gets longer, slowly nearing the one hour mark. You worry that subsequent executions might begin to ‘run into’ each other and cause your business pipelines to misbehave. Or perhaps you’re under SLA to deliver results for a batch of information within a given time constraint, and with the batch size slowly increasing in production, you’re approaching the maximum allotted time.
This sounds like you might have a streaming problem! But – you say – other parts of the analytics pipeline are owned by other teams, and getting everyone on board with migrating to a streaming architecture will take time and a lot of effort. By the time that happens, your particular piece of the pipeline might get completely clogged up. Wallaroo, while originally desinged for streaming and event data, can also be used to reliably parallelize many workloads not normally thought of as streaming, with little effort.
Let’s make our pandas go faster! We’ll use an ad-hoc cluster to parallelize a batch job and reduce its run-time by ¾ on one machine. The cluster will consist of several Wallaroo workers on one machine, and can be shut down after the job is done.
With this structure in place, we can easily scale out horizontally onto multiple machines, if needed. This means that we can roll out a little piece of streaming architecture in our own backyard, and have a story ready when the time comes to move other parts of the stack into the evented streaming world.
The Existing Pipeline
# file: old_pipeline.py df = pd.read_csv(infile, index_col=0, dtype=unicode, engine='python') fancy_ml_black_box.classify_df(df) df.to_csv(outfile, header=False)
The bottleneck lies in fancy_ml_black_box.classify_df. This function runs a classifier, written by our Data Analysts, on each row of the pandas dataframe. Since the results of classifying a particular row are independent of classifying any other row, it seems like a good candidate for parallelization.
A note on the fancy black box classifier
If you look inside the classifier source code, you’ll find that it calls dataframe.apply with a rather meaningless computation. We’ve chosen something that burns CPU cycles in order to simulate an expensive machine learning classification process and showcase the gains to be had from parallelizing it.
Here’s how we can do it with Wallaroo:
ab = wallaroo.ApplicationBuilder("Parallel Pandas Classifier with Wallaroo") ab.new_pipeline("Classifier", wallaroo.TCPSourceConfig(in_host, in_port, decode)) ab.to_stateful(batch_rows, RowBuffer, "CSV rows + global header state") ab.to_parallel(classify) ab.to_sink(wallaroo.TCPSinkConfig(out_host, out_port, encode))
The idea is to ingest the csv rows using our TCP source, batch them up into small dataframes, and run the classification algorithm in parallel.
We’ll preserve the input and output formats of our section of the pipeline, maintaining compatibility with upstream and downstream systems, but hopefully see significant speed increases by leveraging all the cores on our server.
Baseline Measurements
Let’s get some baseline measurements for our application. Here are the run-times for input files of varying sizes:
input size time taken (AWS c5.4xlarge) 1000 rows 3.7s 10,000 rows 35s 100,000 rows 5m 53s 1,000,000 rows 58m 21s
These numbers make it clear that we’re dealing with an algorithm of linear run-time complexity – the time taken to perform the task is linearly dependent on the size of the input. We can estimate that our pipeline will be in trouble if the rate of data coming in exceeds ~270 rows/second, on average.
This means that if the hourly job inputs start to approach 1 million rows, new jobs may start ‘running into’ old jobs that haven’t yet finished.
Parallelizing Pandas with Wallaroo
Let’s see if we can improve these numbers a bit, by splitting all the work among the available CPU cores (8 of them) on this machine. First, we’ll need some scaffolding to set up input and output for Wallaroo.
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Step 1: Sending the CSV file to Wallaroo
We’ll use a Python script to read all the lines in our input csv file and send them to our Wallaroo TCP Source. We’ll need to frame each line so that they can be decoded properly in the Wallaroo source:
try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() sock.sendall(struct.pack(">I",len(line))+line) finally: sock.sendall(struct.pack(">I",len(EOT))+EOT) print('Done sending {}'.format(filename)) sock.close()
sock.sendall(struct.pack(">I",len(line))+line) means: encode the length of the line as a 4-byte, big-endian integer (I), then send both that integer, and the full line of text, down the TCP socket.
In the finally clause, we also encode and send down a single ASCII EOT byte, to signal that this is the end our our input.
This TCP input is received by our decoder:
@wallaroo.decoder(header_length=4, length_fmt=">I") def decode(bs): if bs == "\x04": return EndOfInput() else: return bs
As you can see, if our data is the EOT byte (\x04), we’ll create an object that makes the “End Of Input” meaning explicit. Otherwise, we’ll take the data as-is.
Step 2: Batching the CSV Rows
The next step in the pipeline is where we batch input rows into chunks of 100.
@wallaroo.state_computation(name='Batch rows of csv, emit DataFrames') def batch_rows(row, row_buffer): return (row_buffer.update_with(row), True)
The RowBuffer state object will take the first row it sees and save that internally as a header. Then it will accept incoming rows until it stores a certain amount (100 rows in our app). The .update_with(row) method will return None if the row was added but there’s still room in the buffer. If the update fills the buffer, it will zero out internally and emit a BatchedRows object with 2 fields: a header and rows. This object will get passed down to the next computation, while the RowBuffer will start collecting another batch.
A note on serialization efficiency
Why go through the exercise of batching, when we can simply send each entry in the CSV file as a single-row dataframe to our classifier? The answer is: for speed. Every transfer of data between computation steps in Wallaroo can potentially entail coding and decoding the data on the wire, and the creation of dataframe objects is not without its own cost.
Step 3: Classifying mini-dataframes in parallel
This is the part of the pipeline where we can bring Wallaroo’s built-in distribution mechanism down to bear on our problem:
@wallaroo.computation(name="Classify") def classify(batched_rows): df = build_dataframe(batched_rows) fancy_ml_black_box.classify_df(df) return df
There is some massaging involved in getting a BatchedRows object converted into a dataframe:
def build_dataframe(br): buf = StringIO(br.header + "\n" + ("\n".join(br.rows))) return pd.read_csv(buf, index_col=0, dtype=unicode, engine='python')
Essentially, we glue the BatchedRows.header to the BatchedRows.rows to simulate a stand-alone csv file, which we then pass to pandas.read_csv in the form of a StringIO buffer. We can now pass the resulting enriched dataframe to the fancy_ml_black_box.classify_df() function.
All of the above work, including marshalling the data into a dataframe, happens in parallel, with every Wallaroo worker in the cluster getting a different instance of BufferedRows.
Step 4: Encoding back to a file
The dataframe output by classify(), above, gets serialized and framed by the encode step. By now you should be somewhat familiar with the simple TCP framing used throughout this project:
def encode(df): s = dataframe_to_csv(df) return struct.pack('>I',len(s)) + s
With the helper function dataframe_to_csv defined as:
def dataframe_to_csv(df): buf = StringIO() df.to_csv(buf, header=False) s = buf.getvalue().strip() buf.close() return s
This representation is read by the Wallaroo tool data_receiver, which is told to listen for --framed data:
nohup data_receiver \ --framed --listen "$LEADER":"$SINK_PORT" \ --ponynopin \ > "$OUTPUT" 2>&1 &
Which is great, because that’s what it’s going to get. The output will be written to a file, specified by the environment variable OUTPUT.
The Effects on Run-Time
First, let’s verify that the new code produces the same output as the old code:
$ /usr/bin/time make run-old INPUT=input/1000.csv ./old_pipeline.py input/1000.csv "output/old_1000.csv" 3.85user 0.47system 0:03.70elapsed 116%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 54260maxresident)k 176inputs+288outputs (0major+17423minor)pagefaults 0swaps $ /usr/bin/time make run-new N_WORKERS=1 INPUT=input/1000.csv INPUT=input/1000.csv OUTPUT="output/new_1000.csv" N_WORKERS=1 ./run_machida.sh (..) 4.48user 0.90system 0:04.13elapsed 130%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 63808maxresident)k 0inputs+352outputs (0major+989180minor)pagefaults 0swaps $ diff output/new_1000.csv output/old_1000.csv $ echo $? 0
Yay! The results match, and the run-time is only 1 second slower, which is not that bad, considering we’re launching 3 separate processes (sender, wallaroo, and receiver) and sending all the data over the network twice.
Now, let’s see the gains to be had on bigger inputs. First, the 10,000-line file:
original code 1 worker 4 workers 8 workers 35s 39s 20s 11s
Now, with the 100,000-line file:
original code 1 worker 4 workers 8 workers 5m48s 6m28s 3m16s 1m41s
And with the million-line file:
original code 1 worker 4 workers 8 workers 58m21s 1h03m46s 32m12s 16m33s
Why didn’t you test on 2 workers?
Due to the single-threaded constraints of Python’s execution model, the initializer in a wallaroo cluster will often aggressively undertake its share of a parallel workload before sending out work to the rest of the cluster.
This means that running a parallel job on 2 workers will not yield speed benefits. We recommend running clusters of at least 4 workers in order to leverage Wallaroo’s scaling capabilities.
As you can see above (and verify for yourself by cloning this example project), we were able to cut the million-line processing time down to sixteen minutes. Moreover, if the input datasets become too large for our single-machine, eight-worker cluster, we can very easily add more machines and leverage the extra parallelism, without changing a single line of code in our Wallaroo application.
This gives us considerable capacity to weather the storm of increasing load, while we design a more mature streaming architecture for the system as a whole.
What’s Next?
Hopefully I’ve made the case above that Wallaroo can be used as an ad-hoc method for adapting your existing pandas-based analytics pipelines to handle increased load. Next time, I’ll show you how to spin up Wallaroo clusters on-demand, to handle those truly enormous jobs that will not fit on one machine.
Putting your analytics pipelines in a streaming framework opens up not only possibilities for scaling your data science, but also for real-time insights. Once you’re ready to take the plunge into a true evented model, all you have to do is send your data directly to Wallaroo, bypassing the CSV stage completely. The actual Wallaroo pipeline doesn’t need to change! With a little up-front investment, you’ve unlocked a broad range of possibilities to productionize your Python analytics code.
If you’d like to find out more how Wallaroo can help out with scaling Python analytics, please reach out to [email protected]. We’re always happy to chat!
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additivebloodcurse · 5 years
Tom Augspurger, one of the maintainers of Python’s Pandas library for data analysis, has an awesome series of blog posts on writing idiomatic Pandas code. In fact you should probably leave this site now and go read one of those blog posts, they’re really good.
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sparkbyexamples · 3 years
Pandas Filter Rows by Condition(s)
Pandas Filter Rows by Condition(s)
You can select the Rows from Pandas DataFrame based on column values or based on multiple conditions either using DataFrame.loc[] attribute, DataFrame.query() or DataFrame.apply() method to use lambda function. In this article, I will explain how to select rows based on single or multiple column values (values from the list) and also how to select rows that have no None or Nan…
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sparkbyexamples · 3 years
Pandas Filter by Column Value
Pandas Filter by Column Value
pandas support several ways to filter rows by column value, DataFrame.query() method is used to filter the rows based on the expression (single or multiple column conditions) provided and returns a new DataFrame after applying the column filter. In case you wanted to update the existing or referring DataFrame use inplace=True argument. In this article, I will explain the syntax of the Pandas…
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sparkbyexamples · 3 years
Pandas apply() with Lambda Examples
Pandas apply() with Lambda Examples
pandas.DataFrame.apply() can be used with python lambda to execute expression. A lambda function in python is a small anonymous function that can take any number of arguments and execute an expression. In this article I will explain how to use a pandas DataFrame.apply() with lambda by examples. lambda expressions are utilized to construct anonymous functions. You can create one by using…
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sparkbyexamples · 3 years
Pandas Concatenate Two Columns
Pandas Concatenate Two Columns
When working with data we often would be required to concatenate two or multiple columns of text/string in pandas DataFrame, you can do this in several ways. In this article, I will cover the most used ways in my real-time projects to concatenate two or multiple columns of string/text type. While concat based on your need, you may be required to add a separator hence, I will explain examples with…
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