#Dave is American and so is his sister [the Heathcliff mom]
fostopia · 2 years
hi resident dave fan here. can i hear about dave and sarah 👁👁
Hello there dear resident Dave fan, here’s your silly content of our favorite uncle and this time— his niece.
Starting off with them as a duo!
Dave met Sarah a few years before Mark’s death when she was two (1991). He was utterly clueless about her even existing due to having gone low contact with the Heathcliff adults [who are not great parents here] after Mark had been shipped off to another side of Mandela by them to live with extended family [due to their inability to provide him the help he needed with his PTSD] before he later emancipating himself (he was 16, going off of Google for some emancipation shtuff). He only learns about her through him and man, was he excited about another child in the family.
Dave was also not told about Sarah due to the Heathcliff wanting to avoid him ‘corrupting’ her as he ‘had with Mark’ religious transphobia yk yk
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The two bonded immediately, but after Mark’s passing that relationship grows stronger. They both missed him, and having one another to share that grief helped them both. Sarah needed a parental figure to provide support to her and Dave took that role with open arms.
Sarah ends up in Dave’s care when she turns 14 due to an issue with her parents [she would’ve tried to emancipate herself, but Dave stepped forward and offered a place to call home] and he raises her from there on teaching her how to care for herself for when she moves out as well. He meets Jonah and Adam during this time too. She moves out at 18 but stays in Bythorne, and often visits him in her free time. He taught her most of what she knows and although they’ve never viewed their connection as a father/daughter one, Sarah gives Dave more credit as her father than her bio one.
On their own, Dave’s story aligns with his canon one, however instead of ending up going to see "O’Brien" for the church job offer, he ends up sticking with his own work. Much to Gabriel’s dismay but, what can ya do? He’s semi-active in Sarah’s life but tries to avoid most public interaction due to the whole deal with BPS— both to avoid her and the other two being arrested and himself due to affiliation. Dave does not have contact with his sister and her husband anymore, refusing to acknowledge them as family after all their insensitivity and Asshole behavior. He blames them for Mark’s death, they don’t seem to care that he does either.
Real quick character information as I had done in my first post.
[Dave- he/him - ASD - American ; Dave is 49 in this au but looks mid 30’s at most, takes decent care of himself.]
Sarah’s information is on the first post ab Tethered but for here-
Sarah’s freshly four when Mark and Cesar die, and so she doesn’t remember much of it at the time but as she grows the memories get clearer and man, does she mourn hard; Dave provides many stories about Mark that make her all but wish he were back so she could experience him as a proper older brother. She moves in with Dave at 13 and creates BPS when she’s a freshman, and it started as a school club; she meets Jonah and Adam while she’s a sophomore and the two join BPS. She graduates at 17 [early graduation due to summer courses and other things; unlike the other two who drop out] and her focus turns to primarily BPS as things get a lot more heated and— well, illegal. She doesn’t need to get a proper job as her biological parents end up paying for her house and most commodities she needs; trying to buy her love [she acts like it’s working, in reality could give a rats ass about them]
She manages to keep herself off the FBI and police radar due to not doing the physical work herself— sticking to the online work although she had been involved in the theft of the GPS and other banned items. The two boys constantly use her house as a safe haven when they get the chance, and Sarah keeps an eye on the police to give them warnings on when they need to be on the move. She views them both as [annoying] younger brothers, commonly mirroring Jonah’s energy while simultaneously being just as fiery and irritable as Adam. When she first meets Cesar and Mark against she flips her shit over two genuine ghosts before realizing who they were and promptly crying. She missed them okay?
Oh, dumb fun fact, Sarah took in Mark’s old cat, Soup, when he passed. Soup’s and old, fat orange tabby that wobbles around and likes everybody but Adam.
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