#Sarah and Mark’s dad is Filipino
fostopia · 2 years
hi resident dave fan here. can i hear about dave and sarah 👁👁
Hello there dear resident Dave fan, here’s your silly content of our favorite uncle and this time— his niece.
Starting off with them as a duo!
Dave met Sarah a few years before Mark’s death when she was two (1991). He was utterly clueless about her even existing due to having gone low contact with the Heathcliff adults [who are not great parents here] after Mark had been shipped off to another side of Mandela by them to live with extended family [due to their inability to provide him the help he needed with his PTSD] before he later emancipating himself (he was 16, going off of Google for some emancipation shtuff). He only learns about her through him and man, was he excited about another child in the family.
Dave was also not told about Sarah due to the Heathcliff wanting to avoid him ‘corrupting’ her as he ‘had with Mark’ religious transphobia yk yk
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The two bonded immediately, but after Mark’s passing that relationship grows stronger. They both missed him, and having one another to share that grief helped them both. Sarah needed a parental figure to provide support to her and Dave took that role with open arms.
Sarah ends up in Dave’s care when she turns 14 due to an issue with her parents [she would’ve tried to emancipate herself, but Dave stepped forward and offered a place to call home] and he raises her from there on teaching her how to care for herself for when she moves out as well. He meets Jonah and Adam during this time too. She moves out at 18 but stays in Bythorne, and often visits him in her free time. He taught her most of what she knows and although they’ve never viewed their connection as a father/daughter one, Sarah gives Dave more credit as her father than her bio one.
On their own, Dave’s story aligns with his canon one, however instead of ending up going to see "O’Brien" for the church job offer, he ends up sticking with his own work. Much to Gabriel’s dismay but, what can ya do? He’s semi-active in Sarah’s life but tries to avoid most public interaction due to the whole deal with BPS— both to avoid her and the other two being arrested and himself due to affiliation. Dave does not have contact with his sister and her husband anymore, refusing to acknowledge them as family after all their insensitivity and Asshole behavior. He blames them for Mark’s death, they don’t seem to care that he does either.
Real quick character information as I had done in my first post.
[Dave- he/him - ASD - American ; Dave is 49 in this au but looks mid 30’s at most, takes decent care of himself.]
Sarah’s information is on the first post ab Tethered but for here-
Sarah’s freshly four when Mark and Cesar die, and so she doesn’t remember much of it at the time but as she grows the memories get clearer and man, does she mourn hard; Dave provides many stories about Mark that make her all but wish he were back so she could experience him as a proper older brother. She moves in with Dave at 13 and creates BPS when she’s a freshman, and it started as a school club; she meets Jonah and Adam while she’s a sophomore and the two join BPS. She graduates at 17 [early graduation due to summer courses and other things; unlike the other two who drop out] and her focus turns to primarily BPS as things get a lot more heated and— well, illegal. She doesn’t need to get a proper job as her biological parents end up paying for her house and most commodities she needs; trying to buy her love [she acts like it’s working, in reality could give a rats ass about them]
She manages to keep herself off the FBI and police radar due to not doing the physical work herself— sticking to the online work although she had been involved in the theft of the GPS and other banned items. The two boys constantly use her house as a safe haven when they get the chance, and Sarah keeps an eye on the police to give them warnings on when they need to be on the move. She views them both as [annoying] younger brothers, commonly mirroring Jonah’s energy while simultaneously being just as fiery and irritable as Adam. When she first meets Cesar and Mark against she flips her shit over two genuine ghosts before realizing who they were and promptly crying. She missed them okay?
Oh, dumb fun fact, Sarah took in Mark’s old cat, Soup, when he passed. Soup’s and old, fat orange tabby that wobbles around and likes everybody but Adam.
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moviesmakememile · 4 years
(SCINEAP FINALS) A Take on Vice Ganda’s Gender Comedy and LGBTQ+ Acceptance in the Philippines.
This Post revolves around Vice Ganda’s unique approach to Gender Comedy, The films I will be referencing are her films, “Super Parental Guardians” and “Girl, Boy, Bakla, Tomboy”. These original Vice Ganda starring films share a common theme of Gender/Sexuality acceptance, along with being filipino comedies. Vice Ganda shines in her starring role(s) in these films, making many references to filipino culture and their views and treatment of gay (bakla) or trans people. With her jokes, Vice Ganda gives viewers a taste of local humor and trends, as well as the pop culture that is referenced often when Filipinos make jokes or tease each other/ themselves. Personally, Her approach to the tolerance of LGBTQ+ community’s personalities, traits and general public view is appreciated, which has not been popular in many films until recently. 
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In the Film “Super Parental Guardians” Vice Ganda, playing Arci, the overzealous stylist assistant of a famous designer who is also the wife to the chief of Police, and Coco Martin, playing Paco, a gang leader in the slums. When introduced to the film, the viewers can see a general tolerance of gay/transexual people from the people around them. The discrimination is limited to the jokes of being “bakla” or “ugly”, with no actual hate towards them, often listened to and popular among the different social classes. 
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They become a dysfunctional Mom and Dad troupe after being left the two children of the sister of Paco as well as Arci’s BFF, Sarah. Acting out, failing grades, and other mischief, the kids are in need of guidance and structure. Arci’s boss leaves for Europe with the promise of sending her to Korea at the end of the year if all goes well, tasking Arci with watching over her wealthy home. After Arci tries to take the children Megan and Ernie, claiming her GodParent status during Sarah’s funeral, Paco casts her away, claiming his relationship to the children as the Uncle. Arci slinks away with her bakla berkada back home. Paco and the kid’s living situation is compromised in the slums, so Paco seeks Arci to help house the family. Without telling them the real situation, Arci houses them in her boss’ home posing it as her own home for the time being, where they learn how to deal with each other.
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The two kids, Megan and Ernie, have to face the problems most children face when losing their parents as well as bullying. Megan, the older son of Sarah, a flamboyant young boy who is outspoken, smart and independent. He Loves his brother, even ignoring insults of his bullies, until they mess with Ernie, where he comes to his defence. He wishes to be called Megan and has a feminine personality, this is never questioned or denied, simply accepted by the adults in the film. 
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During the family day scene, Arci dresses as both the father and mother of the children, participating as both parents during the events as an act of defiance towards the children’s bully’s family. The film makes many jokes on intense situations such as gun violence and syndicate murders, as the main issue. The Family, with the ghost of Sarah’s advice, finds both the father of Sarah’s children and the leaders of the murdering syndicate who killed her. Working together they defeat the leader after they kidnap the children. And become a happy family. At this point in the film, even the reluctant Paco embraces and fully loves Arci for who she is, and end up deciding to take care of the kids themselves. 
In the Film “Girl, Boy, Bakla, Tomboy” Quadruplets, Girlie (Girl), Peter (boy), Mark Jill (bakla), and Panying (tomboy), played by Vice Ganda, Doubles the effect of the similar hollywood film “Jack and Jill” played by Adam Sandler. Vice Ganda plays each quadruplet who have different sexual and gender preferences. As the title states, there is 1 girl, 1 boy, 1 bakla, and 1 tomboy, again this shows how ABS-CBN and the film production’s tolerance of the LGBTQ+ community, can also influence the viewers to be more tolerant of the different choices people make in life. 
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The quadruplets are separated as babies, their Grandmother’s scheme was to put 2 of the kids (Mark and Panying) to be raised on a farm in the province with their mother who adopted many other children, and kept the other 2 (Girlie and Peter) living a lavish life in the USA with their father. They Grow up with different values and morals, Where the 2 who stayed became spoiled, and the 2 who left became hard working.
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Peter suffers from Hepatitis C, and is in need of a liver donor, Their father reveals that the twins are actually quadruplets and set on a mission to go to the philippines to find their siblings and mother.  Panying has to return to Manila to treat her Anemia. The 4 finally meet and actually show no qualms about the other 2 being gay/trans and simply are more weirded out that there are 4 of them, rather than 2.
Their initial meet is rough as they didn’t get along well, The only person compatible to give Peter a liver is Mark, But he would need convincing. Breaking the 4th wall is a common joke in this film, interacting with the camera and script on screen. Mark makes his entitled siblings live on the farm they grew up in, asking Girlie to do a lot of labor or else Mark will not go through with the Transplant. The rest of the family try to help the siblings get along by giving advice on accepting the other sibling and loving them for who they are, but that’s easier said than done. Girlie plans on making Mark suffer the way she did on the farm, and starts scheming to make him jealous with his crush Harry. There is also no mention of Harry’s apparent bisexual orientation. The parents of the Quadruplets seem to have rekindled their love, but their father's new girlfriend is waiting in the USA, though he seems to have made his choice.
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Mark is suspicious of their intentions and suspects they will abandon the family after their brother’s recovery, and even warns her mother about the situation. Girlie’s plot almost works when she gets Harry in a room alone and tries to seduce him, but is caught by Mark. In this part Girlie starts throwing insults towards the fact mark would rather be a woman and calling him bakla, but no one reacts to the insults in a positive manner. They go back and forth and mark leaves in a huff, Their parents now decide to help them reconcile. They set them up with a surprise family outing for their birthday, which works as even Peter and panying ask the 2 to reconcile. They end up a happy family, until their father’s girlfriend comes for a visit, asking about the divorce papers. Girlie tries (and fails) to put her down gently, and the girlfriend insists on seeing their father. 
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They arrive home and the parents are getting sweet with each other. Girlie then pulls her father aside and tells him his girlfriend Marie is there and she had accidentally given her the address. The family meet Marie, who then reveals that their father came to ask their mother to sign divorce papers so they could get married, causing drama in the family. Hurt by their betrayal, the filipino raised family cast them out and the US family returned to America. The family seems to miss each other and have their own hurts and regrets. The Quadruplets make up and find a way for their parents to make up and become a happy family again, and after almost killing Mark in a bad plan, succeed. They reiterate the power of accepting someone for who they are. 
In the end, Vice can portray a very good stigma for Gay and Trans people in the philippines in her attempt to normalise and teach others how to accept each other’s differences.
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