#David Mengual
diyeipetea · 2 years
Jean Toussaint JT4 (Festival de Jazz Zubipean 2022 Jazz Jaialdia. Puente la Reina - Gares, Navarra) Por Sera Martín [INSTANTZZ]
Jean Toussaint JT4 (Festival de Jazz Zubipean 2022 Jazz Jaialdia. Puente la Reina – Gares, Navarra) Por Sera Martín [INSTANTZZ]
Festival de Jazz Zubipean 2022 Jazz Jaialdia Festival de Jazz Zubipean 2022 Jazz Jaialdia Fecha: sábado 20 de agosto de 2022. 20:00. Lugar: Puente Románico, Puente La Reina – Gares, Navarra. Grupo: Jean Toussaint JT4 Jean Toussaint, saxo tenor Antonio Mazzei, piano David Mengual, contrabajo Marc Miralta, batería Tomajazz. Fotografías: © Sera Martín, 2022 Más información sobre Jean…
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santyjazz · 6 years
La Montaña Rusa #488. Alice Coltrane. Wolfgang Muthspiel. Jamie Saft. Andy Sheppard Quartet. Brad Mehldau.
La Montaña Rusa #488. Alice Coltrane. Wolfgang Muthspiel. Jamie Saft. Andy Sheppard Quartet. Brad Mehldau.
Vamos con otra entrega de La Montaña Rusa, en este caso la 488 que la empezamos con nuestro clásico de la semana, A Monastic Trio, ese brillante primer trabajo de la pianista, arpista y compositora Alice Coltrane, compuesto casi un año después de la muerte de su marido, John Coltrane, a cuya memoria musical y espiritual está dedicado el trabajo. Una joyita publicada en 1968.
En nuestra sección de…
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roundaboutmidnight · 3 years
“Onde as palavras falham, a música fala”. – Hans Christian Andersen.
A música é linda, Sophisticated Lady.                                                            
Quem canta é Andrea Motis, com Joan Chamorro e a Simfonica del Valles, Sob Direção de Rubens Gimeno, ao vivo no Palau de la Música Catalana. Com eles, estão: Andrea Motis voz, Joan Chamorro sax tenor, Ignasi Terraza piano, Josep Traver guitarra, David Mengual contrabajo, Esteve Pi bateria.
Andrea Motis (Barcelona, 9 de maio de 1995) é uma cantora e trompetista de jazz e bossa nova que canta em catalão, inglês e português. A partir dos 7 anos de idade Andrea começou a estudar música na Escola Municipal de Música Sant Andreu, tornando-se a vocalista principal, e depois saxofonista, na escola. Em 2007, com 12 anos de idade, passou a colaborar com a Sant Andreu Jazz Band, conduzida pelo professor e músico Joan Chamorro. Em 2010, com 15 anos de idade, ela gravou um album de jazz standards, Joan Chamorro Presents Andrea Motis.
Joan Chamorro (24 de setembro de 1962) é um músico espanhol. Estudou a carreira clássica de saxofone no Conservatório de Barcelona com o professor Adolf Ventas. Paralelamente aos seus estudos no conservatório, obteve um bacharelado do Taller de Músics em Barcelona. Atualmente lidera um quinteto, (Andrea Motis &Joan Chamorro Quintet) e é o fundador e diretor da Sant Andreu Jazz Band.
"Sophisticated Lady" é um standard de jazz, composto em 1932 por Duke Ellington Crédito adicional é dado ao editor Irving Mills quando a letra foi adicionada à canção por Mitchell Parish.
Cara, música linda, numa apresentação fenomenal!...
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riffsstrides · 7 years
Dani Pérez - guitarra David Mengual - contrabaix David Xirgu - bateria www.underpool.org
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tmartiniz-blog · 6 years
“24 horas” de Rne
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“24 horas” de Rne es un programa sobre noticias, presentado y dirigido por Antonio Delgado, se emite de Lunes a Viernes de 20 a 24 horas. Informa de lo que sucede en el día con noticias, análisis y reportajes sobre la actualidad de España, Europa y el mundo. A partir de las 22h, un equipo de expertos sobre política, economía y relaciones internacionales comentan los asuntos más destacados, además hay una selección diaria de cultura con reportajes de diferentes artes.
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Hablaremos del programa del viernes 12 de octubre de 20 a 21h. Lo primero que escuchamos es una introducción musical al programa seguido de la presentación de Antonio Delgado. El presentador da paso al programa co un breve resumen de las noticias que se comentarán a continuación.
Habla sobre la Fiesta Nacional del 12 de Octubre, de fondo podemos escuchar el desfile, con las trompetas, los aviones… Sigue con la visita de los Reyes a Sant Llorenç tras las devastadoras riadas, por otro lado los inmigrantes que están llegando a las costas andaluzas y el cincuenta aniversario de Guinea Ecuatorial por su independencia.
El programa continúa con la presentación de Andrea Oca y Laura Villalba que son las encargadas de los titulares. Se van intercalando entre ella para dar las noticias dichas anteriormente y alguna más como la puesta en libertad en Turquía de pastor evangelista que ya se empezaba a convertir en un asunto de estado y la gran festividad de la Virgen del Pilar. Seguido de esto nos presentan a Chema Adam el encargado de los deportes.
Según avanza el programa comienza una introducción al tiempo de nuevo con Andrea Oca y seguida de Sandra Urdín que nos habla de política y nos presenta a los que nos acompañarán a partir de las 10:15, además a las 11 se presentará un nuevo proyecto de Rne en África.
De nuevo la música de introducción acompañada de publicidad sobre la radio. Antonio Delgado da paso a Lucia Yeste que seguirá con las noticias y Araceli Sánchez nos contará cómo se encuentra la política en España, seguida del locutor Alex Cabrera que se encuentra en el desfile del 12 de octubre y entrevista alguno de los asistentes. Continúa Maria Mengual que se encuentra en Sant Llorenç, y nos deja el testimonio del Rey Felipe que se encuentra allí también.
A continuación volvemos a escuchar la introducción del programa, Antonio Delgado introduce las noticias y presenta a Elena Crespi encargada de la política, Cristina Ganuza que nos hablará de temas relacionados con la economía en España, Sergio Fernández nos habla de la bolsa de España respecto a la del mundo, Cora García nos habla sobre los inmigrantes llegados a nuestro país, Ainhoa Caballero nos hace un estudio sobre la despoblación de las zonas rurales en España e Isidro Oliván nos hablará sobre las ofrendas de flores a la Virgen del Pilar.
Al acabar las noticias de España se da paso al resto del mundo, Mario Borrego habla de la liberación de Andrew Bruson. A continuación el enviado especial Luis Pérez a Guinea Ecuatorial nos hace un reportaje sobre su 50 aniversario  por la independencia.
Se da paso a la selección diaria de cultura, se llama por teléfono a Daniel Innerarity, catedrático de la filosofía política para que hable de su libro “Política para perplejos” aborda diversos temas del comportamiento de todos los líderes políticos, como la democracia en la era de Trum hasta la influencia de twitter ya que hay un conjunto de gente insatisfecha en este mundo de las redes sociales y la inmediatez. El libro sobre todo estudia el personaje de Trump y las circunstancias que se han dado para llegar donde ha llegado.
Siguen las noticias, David Vidueiro nos habla del nuevo etiquetado de las gasolineras y Begoña Sanz sobre el caso en España de la Ameba comecerebros. A continuación, Conchita Casanovas enviada especial al Festival de Cine y termina el programa hablando Olga Baeza sobre la inauguración del Ballet Del Ring en el teatro real de Madrid.
Programa viernes 12 de octubre de 20 a 21h:
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Seguimos con el programa del viernes 12 de octubre de 23 a 24 horas. Como hemos dicho antes en Rne a partir de las 22 horas se tratan temas de política, economía y relaciones internacionales. 
“La maleta Amarilla” hace un viaje por Senegal con Ángel Carmona, de Radio 3 y Antonio Vicente y la ONG Leaozinho para dar clases de radio y enseñar en ese país el material técnico de este, junto con Santiago Echeverría del equipo de las españas, Luis Montero Fernández y la redactora Eva Baja Media.
Abren conexión con Gandiol, describen donde se encuentran como todo detalle, explica la idea que pretenden con “La maleta amarilla” y la llevarán a cabo lunes y martes.
A continuación , habla de Joan una localidad en la que conviven en armonía cristianos y musulmanes y cómo se complementan sin problemas en este mundo que hay tantos choques debido a la religión. Hacen una entrevista a dos personas, que lo explican todo.
Oímos una música tradicional de allí que da paso a otra sección en la que un periodista espero en el yihadismo va a profundizar sobre ese tema.
Al colgar da paso a otro tema relacionado con la filosofía de la yihad con Dardo Scavino, filósofo argentino, que gana el Premio Anagrama de Ensayo con 'El sueño de los mártires’ que escribió tras oír a sus alumnos sobre los atentados de atocha. Estudia como inmigrantes musulmanes nacidos en España se mueven por la yihad y cómo evitar que se siga matando por ella.
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Al acabar vuelven a repasar los titulares del 12 de octubre, con Laura Villalba, empieza hablando de los abucheos a Pedro Sánchez en el desfile y como se a desarrollado este con total normalidad y la gran influencia de la mujer en este, seguido de las manifestaciones de Barcelona y la búsqueda por el niño desaparecido por la riada.
Música que da paso a “ En algún lugar del tiempo” con Luis Zaragoza, que nos habla del descubrimiento de América, a lo que vamos asistir en directo, nos habla como nació el docudrama con la CBS entre 1947 y 1950 con el programa “Usted está allí” escuchamos todo tipo piezas de hechos históricos importantes desde la segunda guerra mundial hasta el momento que el hombre pisó la luna entre otras, acaba com una pieza musical.
De nuevo Laura Villalba nos hace una introducción de las noticias de actualidad en España. A continuación, Sandra Urdín habla de las portadas de sábado y de las noticias del mundo. Sigue Octavio Asensio con los deportes.
Por último y para despedir el programa de “24 horas” hacen un viaje por la jornada de informativos gracias al montaje sonoro de César Diez, donde se recogen todas las noticias del día.
Programa viernes 12 de octubre de 23 a 24h
Análisis de la información (0:48:00- final)
En algún lugar del tiempo 
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Valoración general:
En mi opinión es un programa muy completo aunque probablemente se repiten mucho las noticias ya que primero hay una introducción de las noticias más relevantes y más tarde se vuelven a describir. Por otra parte la gran cantidad de locutores esta muy bien ya que al cambiar tanto es más fácil seguir el hilo de las noticias, en ocasiones, se hacen entrevistas a la gente sobre la noticia que se está informando y también nos dejan fragmentos de noticias en las que oímos discursos o información que acompaña a la noticia, lo que hace aún más ameno para el oyente.
A partir de las 22h da un gran giro al programa, se empieza a convertir un programa más dinámico. En este programa del viernes 12 de octubre se ha iniciado un nuevo proyecto llamado “La maleta amarilla” que se ha llevado la radio a África para que países más pobres se puedan aprovechar de ella, en mi opinión es una gran idea ya que oímos la opinión de la gente de allí que nos cuentan cómo viven y cómo es su convivencia entre diferentes religiones, podemos oír la opinión de dos de ellos.
A continuación hay una tertulia de dos profesionales sobre los temas tratados en “La maleta amarilla” además nos dan a conocer alguno de sus libros, el locutor Antonio Delgado les hace preguntas.
Al acabar estas tertulias de nuevo hay recopilatorio  de noticias, las mismas que han mencionado un par de horas antes, lo que puede llegar a ser un tanto repetitivo.
Para acabar se intercalan las noticias, discursos, sonidos entre otras cosas más relevantes acompañadas de música, es como un pequeño resumen.
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gwendolynlerman · 6 years
Exspaining Spain
Sports are very important in Spain. The country has hosted international sports events such as the 1992 Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona, the 1982 FIFA World Cup, and the 2018 of the FIBA Women’s World Cup.
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Soccer is the most popular sport in Spain. La Liga or Primera División (the Spanish League) is the top professional soccer league. Clubs such as Athletic Bilbao, Atlético Madrid, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Sevilla FC, and Valencia CF take part in this league. Real Madrid and Barcelona (or Barça) followers have an intense rivalry.
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The Spanish national soccer team was quite successful in the last decade, winning the World Cup in 2010 and the UEFA Euro in 1964, 2008, and 2012.
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Spanish basketball teams like FC Barcelona Bàsquet, Joventut Badalona, and Real Madrid Baloncesto have won several international championships. A number of Spanish players such as Juancho Hernángomez, Marc Gasol, Pau Gasol, Ricky Rubio, and Willy Hernángomez currently play in the NBA.
The Spanish men’s national basketball team won the gold medal at EuroBasket 2011 and 2015, silver at the 2012 Summer Olympics, and bronze at the 2016 Summer Olympics. The women’s national team was a silver medalist at the 2014 FIBA Women’s Basketball World Cup and 2016 Olympics and a gold medalist at the 2017 EuroBasket Women.
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Rafael Nadal is considered the greatest Spanish tennis player. Thanks to him and other players like Arantxa Sánchez Vicario, Carlos Alcaraz, David Ferrer, and Garbiñe Muguruza, Spain has won the Davis Cup and the Fed Cup several times each. Other titles Spanish players have won include the Australian Open, the French Open, the Roland Garros tournament, the US Open, and the Wimbledon trophy.
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Spain hosts one of the most important cycling events in the world, the Vuelta a España (Tour of Spain). Some of the most successful cyclists include Alberto Contador, Pedro Delgado, and Miguel Induráin.
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Spain has hosted six Grand Prix racing events. Notable Spanish motorcycling riders include Dani Pedrosa, Jorge Lorenzo, Marc Márquez, and Àlex Crivillé.
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Spanish Formula One racers include Fernando Alonso and Carlos Sainz.
Artistic swimming
Spain has never been very good at swimming, but there have been exceptional athletes in artistic swimming, such as Gemma Mengual with sixty-six medals. Other notable swimmers are Pau Ribes and Tina Fuentes.
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Rhythmic gymnastics
The Spanish national rhythmic gymnastics team has had a lot of success since its creation in 1974. Spain hosted the VII, XII, XVII, XXII and XXIV World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships and will host the XXXIX in 2023. The athletes with the most medals are Alejandra Quereda and Sandra Aguilar.
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Bullfighting is not really a sport, but it is an activity that Spain is sadly famous for. It has experienced a decrease in popularity in recent years, but it is still practiced all around the country.
In a corrida, three bullfighters fight two bulls each, killing them at the end after a prolonged suffering in which bulls are stabbed in the back with swords.
Another famous activity involving bulls is the encierro, in which people run in front of a small group of cattle that have been let loose on the street. The most famous event is held during the nine-day festival of Sanfermines in Pamplona.
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lelapin · 4 years
Saved on Spotify "Que nadie sepa mi sufrir" by Gonzalo del Val, Albert Pla, Benet Palet, David Mengual, Marco Mezquida https://ift.tt/3luVwzO
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itslucycarter-blog · 4 years
Absolutt spansk mesterskap FEFF 2015 (resultater)
Resultater av Absolutt spansk mesterskap FEFF 2015 , arrangement avholdt 30. og 31. oktober samt 1. november i Cartagena (Murcia).
Absolutte FEFF spanske mesterskap 2015 Resultater
Bodybuilding Master +50 til 80 kg
1. Manuel Valbuena (Madrid) (1)
2. Rafael Vera (Andalusia) (44)
3. John Davi (Valencia) (4)
Bodybuilding Master +50, +80 kg
1. Anselmo Cortado (Catalonia) (7)
2. Mintxo Lasaosa (Madrid) (2)
3. Rafael Martínez Manzana (Murcia) (3)
4. Benigno Garcísománchez (Murcia) (9)
5. Antonio Lucas Martínez (Murcia) (10)
6. Juan Juárez Ramírez (Valencia) (562)
. Ángel Rafael Fernández (Kanarioyene) (6)
. Eduardo Busquier Maestre (Valencia) (555)
. Jorge Luis Huelga (Kanarioyene) (5)
. Manuel Pérez Mora (Valencia) (556)
Bodybuilding Master +40, opptil 70 kg
1. Miguel Ángel López (Extremadura) (26)
2. Antonio Villamediana Bolado (Madrid) (27)
3. José Manuel Pons (Valencia) (73)
4. Hermes García Ribas (Valencia) (68)
5. Rosendo Duarte (Castilla La Mancha) (49)
6. Adolfo López Barrilado (Andalucia) (8)
Bodybuilding Master +40, opptil 80 kg
1. Rodrigo Andrés Rojas Sanhueza (Madrid) (12)
2. Oscar Márquez Cayuela (Asturias) (14)
3. Ahmed Massou (Valencia) (37)
4. Manuel Uncala Muñiz (Andalucia) (48)
5. Bartolomé Perales (Euskadi) (50)
6. José Luis Girones Carrión (Valencia) (45)
. Iván Castillo (Catalonia) (15)
. Juan Diego Trinidad (Extremadura) (24)
. Marcos Herrera (Kanarioyene) (28)
. Rafael Priego Marques (Valencia) (20)
. Roberto Baeza Veracruz (Valencia) (38)
. Salvador Palazón (Murcia) (13)
. Sergio Ochando Barber (Valencia) (29)
Bodybuilding Master +40, opptil 90 kg
1. Francisco Serra (Baleares) (31)
2. Manuel Hernández (Catalonia) (18)
3. Bernardo Busquet (Baleares) (11)
4. Alex Rodríguez (Catalonia) (47)
5. Luis Alberto Hernández (Kanarioyene) (42)
6. Emilio Martínez (Valencia) (46)
. Antonio Pérez Piñero (Murcia) (19)
. Antonio Tejera (Kanarioyene) (30)
. Joaquín Carrilero (Murcia) (39)
. Jorge Tardío Borrego (Andalucía) (22)
. Juan Adrover Planiol (Baleares) (23)
. Juan Manuel Mengual Benítez (Valencia) (51)
Bodybuilding Master +40, mer enn 90 kg
1. Francisco Ávila López (Valencia) (21)
2. Juan Alberto Machado Gutiérrez (Andalucia) (16)
3. Lorenzo Fernández (Catalonia) (34)
4. Roberto Herranz del Amo (Madrid) (40)
5. Xavier Gracia (Catalonia) (43)
6. Mario Dávila Martínez (Melilla) (25)
. Jojjer Lemor (Valencia) (33)
. José Ángel González Martínez (Murcia) (41)
. Julio Cesar Macias (Kanarioyene) (36)
Klassisk kroppsbyggermester
1. Mario Leal (Catalonia) (207)
2. Germán Villarroya (Catalonia) (202)
3. Eduardo Reduello Bollo (Madrid) (72)
4. Antonio Parra (Murcia) (206)
5. Antonio Llovet Ternero (Valencia) (71)
6. Martín España Derivi (Andalucía) (214)
. Alberto Garcíen Román (Andalucia) (74)
. Antonio Torres Vallejo (Andalucia) (75)
. Ernesto Vega (Euskadi) (210)
. Jesús Manuel Delgado Villalba (Andalucia) (218)
. Joan Nogue Mateu (Catalonia) (70)
. Juan Antonio González Feliz (Euskadi) (69)
. Omar Raissouni (Andalucia) (67)
. Sebastián Jajuga (Castilla la Mancha) (219)
Absolutt mester mester
Miguel Ángel López (Extremadura) (26)
Junior kroppsbygging opp til 75 kg
1. Daniel Delgado del Amo (Madrid) (64)
2. José López Jiménez (Valencia) (58)
3. Fernando Arboledas Aragón (Andalucia) (59)
4. Oscar Vives (Baleares) (65)
5. Eduardo García (Murcia) (57)
Junior kroppsbygging over 75 kg
1. Pablo Llopis (Valencia) (56)
2. Adrián Lacarcel Sánchez (Madrid) (62)
3. Gnién Sospedra Gijón (Valencia) (63)
4. Hilario Gómez Sanz (Madrid) (54)
5. Gabriel Reig Abela (Valencia) (66)
Absolutt juniormester
Daniel Delgado del Amo (Madrid) (64)
menn´s Physique Junior
1. Aitor Chousa (Euskadi) (80)
2. Juan Pedro Moya (Murcia) (85)
3. Jesús Manuel Muño Bernal (Andalucia) (82)
4. Adrián García Romero (Madrid) (100)
5. Cristian Moran Blanco (Castilla y León) (99)
6. Alberto Felices Embi (Andalucia) (89)
. Alejandro Cerrejón Torrano (Murcia) (96)
. Carlos Abarca Millán (Valencia) (77)
. Jaime Casado Soler (Madrid) (92)
. Javier Rodríguez (Catalonia) (87)
. José Antonio Valverde Luque (Valencia) (97)
. Manuel Robles Sola (Andalucia) (83)
. Miguel Ángel Tarin (Valencia) (88)
. Pablo Gutiérrez Arroyo (Madrid) (81)
. Roberto Vázquez Rivera (Galicia) (76)
Areskay Hernández (Kanarioyene) (79)
Erik Jiménez Santana (Kanarioyene) (98)
Francisco Zamora Nieto (Murcia) (86)
Iván Moreno Gallardo (Catalonia) (84)
Iván Pastor Martínez (Valencia) (78)
Marcos Montesinos Corral (Murcia) (93)
menn´s Fysisk kropp opp til 170
1. Miguel Ángel Angulo Conejo (Andalucia) (131)
2. Diego Lizarraga Domínguez (Castilla León) (141)
3. Jesús Manuel González Romo (Euskadi) (161)
4. Antonio Barranco Guirado (Andalucia) (145)
5. Francisco Javier Sánchez Azorín (Murcia) (184)
6. Javier Suárez Trujillo (Andalucia) (183)
. Aitor Rodríguez Fernández (Madrid) (133)
. Borja Diz Camarero (Euskadi) (170)
. Javier Xicola Hidalgo (Madrid) (125)
. Jesús Corchuelo (Extremadura) (200)
. Jesús Cosa Aznar (Valencia) (168)
. Jorge Santiago (Extremadura) (185)
. Oscar Moreno de Federico (Madrid) (120)
. Roddy Henry Abatte Pelay (La Rioja) (198)
. Xavier Sierra (Catalonia) (107)
Alberto Pérez Vargas (Andalucía) (130)
Francisco Rus García (Baleares) (175)
Iru González Tejera (Kanarioyene) (137)
Israel López Pérez (Andalucia) (193)
José Antonio Fernández (Valencia) (195)
José Manuel Gómez Navarro (Andalucia) (101)
Rafael Martín Plaza (Andalucia) (148)
Savo Jacovich (Catalonia) (167)
menn´s Fysikk frem til 178
1. Ignacio Rodríguez Belvis (Extremadura) (129)
2. Jonathan Bueno (Catalonia) (163)
3. Isaac Garcíen Rodríguez (Asturias) (124)
4. Claudio Imedio (Kanarioyene) (147)
5. Iván Martín Pacheco (Madrid) (169)
6. Lucas Parrón Barcelona (Andalucia) (182)
. Adrián Pérez López (Andalucia) (154)
. Domingo Márquez Ortus (Baleares) (159)
. Enrique Gutiérrez Caro (Madrid) (187)
. Jesús pastor Soriano (Euskadi) (126)
. Juan Ramírez Florín (Andalucía) (128)
. Manuel Mari pastor (Valencia) (149)
. Mario Hernández (Extremadura) (194)
. Pedro Abreu Palomino (Catalonia) (109)
. Víctor Martínez Hita (Catalonia) (155)
Antonio Cremades Nieto (Murcia) (144)
Bruno de León Suárez (Kanarioyene) (158)
Iván Mondejas Nieto (Murcia) (178)
Jesús Díaz García (Extremadura) (115)
José Antonio Luna García (Andalucia) (153)
Juan Manuel Mangas (Extremadura) (143)
Matteísom Torres Prieto (Valencia) (117)
Saleh Gratian Moid (Castilla León) (196)
menn´s Fysikk mer enn 178
1. Víctor Manuel Gálvez Caballero (Madrid) (174)
2. Daniel Lorente (Murcia) (160)
3. Jesús Pérez Álvarez (Madrid) (152)
4. Raúl Ardíl Navarro (Valencia) (118)
5. Joaquín Rodríguez Rincón (Andalucía) (108)
6. Cristian Triano Cantero (Andalucia) (177)
. Alberto Soler Romero (Andalucia) (179)
. Antonio Cruz Hernández (Andalucia) (171)
. Anyelo Requena sepín Campusano (Andalucía) (176)
. Diego Soler Romero (Andalucia) (192)
. José Luis Casas Velasco (Madrid) (111)
. José Olmedo Moreno (Madrid) (135)
. Manuel Megísom Marín (Andalucia) (150)
. Oscar Alexander Vargas (Valencia) (140)
. Sergio González (Catalonia) (201)
Aimar Montero (Catalonia) (186)
Antonio José Pérez (Kanarioyene) (113)
Carles Catalá Murillo (Valencia) (138)
David Gracia Toledo (Catalonia) (191)
Diego Galera Vicente (Andalusia) (190)
Eduardo Medina Campos (Madrid) (164)
Francisco Bravo Botella (Valencia) (173)
Iván Moreno Castell (Valencia) (139)
Javier Garulo Arias (La Rioja) (103)
Jesús Ortín Gómez (Murcia) (188)
Juan Antonio Ferrer Pico (Baleares) (180)
Sergio García Rellano (Madrid) (172)
Absolutt mester menn´s Fysikk
Aitor Chousa (Euskadi) (80)
Klassisk kroppsbygging opp til 170
1. Pedro Ortega (Andalucia) (288)
2. José Antonio Martínez (Valencia) (284)
3. Manuel Luque (Andalucia) (277)
4. Gonzalo Durán (Madrid) (220)
5. Eduardo Martínez (Asturias) (254)
6. Ángel Javier Cañón (Castilla y León) (257)
. Antonio Cervantes (Andalucia) (293)
. David López (Valencia) (231)
. Francisco Moyano (Andalucía) (242)
. Jorge Serrano (Valencia) (279)
. José Francisco Tornel (Murcia) (235)
. Juan Sebastián Romero (Kanarioyene) (274)
. Luis González (Madrid) (303)
. Raúl Palma Palma (Andalucia) (212)
. Víctor Manuel Delgado (Kanarioyene) (304)
Klassisk kroppsbygging opp til 175
1. Sergio de Juan (La Rioja) (282)
2. Juan Francisco Herrero (Murcia) (240)
3. Francisco Antonio Pérez (Baleares) (253)
4. Adrián Aparicio (Madrid) (238)
5. Esteban Jeanvier (Euskadi) (259)
6. Iker Villamor (Euskadi) (299)
. Adrián Díaz (Madrid) (229)
. Álvaro Sauca (Euskadi) (285)
. Antonio Jesús Sánchez (Andalucia) (216)
. Emilio Sainz (Catalonia) (260)
. Ezequiel Sobrado (La Rioja) (268)
. Ignacio López (Valencia) (211)
. Luis Miguel Sogort (Valencia) (205)
. Nicolae Florin (Andalucía) (247)
. Vladimir Alexis (Kanarioyene) (289)
Álvaro Navarro (Valencia)
Antonio Manuel Sanmillán (Andalucia) (296)
Jonathan Parra (Extremadura) (233)
Gnién Senra (Castilla y León) (252)
Klassisk kroppsbygging opp til 180
1. Antonio de la Torre (Andalucia) (203)
2. Carlos Radillo (Madrid) (272)
3. Ramón Piqueras (Catalonia) (256)
4. Daniel Redondo (Galicia) (270)
5. Arsenio Martínez (Murcia) (239)
6. Juan Ignacio Martínez (Andalucía) (213)
. Antonio Jesús Albarracin (Melilla) (292)
. Braulio Murillo (Andalucia) (234)
. Ekaitz Reguera (Euskadi) (297)
. José maría Solomando (Baleares) (248)
. Luis Guillermo Mejias (Madrid) (208)
. moisés López (Andalucia) (276)
. Oliver Redondo (Extremadura) (280)
. Omar Pellejero (Castilla y León) (224)
. Vicente Martínez (Murcia) (275)
Ángel Delfa Torres (Andalucia) (222)
Cristian Rosauro (Murcia) (301)
Gregorio Martínez (Murcia) (258)
Guillermo Javier Sánchez (Valencia) (204)
Javier Fernández (Madrid) (225)
Miguel Ángel Barceló (Valencia) (232)
Roberto Casado (Madrid) (221)
Gnién Millán (Andalucia) (217)
Klassisk kroppsbygging over 180
1. Antonio Valero (Valencia) (287)
2. Francisco José galván (Valencia) (273)
3. Adrián Alonso (Kanarioyene) (286)
4. Samuel Zapata (Valencia) (266)
5. Santiago Sabater (Valencia) (267)
6. Carlos Pérez (Kanarioyene) (245)
. Santiago Pájaro (Galicia) (241)
Absolutt Champion Classic Bodybuilding
Antonio de la Torre (Andalucia) (203)
kvinner´s Fysikk
1. Alicia Zayas Cienfuegos (Andalucia) (307)
2. Rocío Gil Hidalgo (Andalusia) (306)
3. Yessenia García (Catalonia) (311)
4. Katlen Xavier (Kanarioyene) (305)
5. Maria del Mar Ortega Palao (Valencia) (310)
6. Asunción Merino Guiu (Valencia) (309)
Bodyfitness Master
1. Eva Crespo (Euskadi) (320)
2. Timea Zovakova (Kanarioyene) (323)
3. Norita Caetano Neves (Asturias) (317)
4. Sonia Pérez Heredia (Andalucía) (314)
5. Mariana Celeri (Kanarioyene) (316)
6. Pilar Montejo (Catalonia) (325)
. Cristina Ramírez (Andalucía) (322)
. Delmira Pastor (Kanarioyene) (315)
. Helena Castro Román (Andalucia) (324)
. Meire Alves Da Silva (Catalonia) (318)
. Raquel Quevedo (Kanarioyene) (319)
. Sticky Vicky Pereira (Valencia) (312)
Kroppsvitne frem til 158
1. Maria Ignacio Mas Delgado (Baleares) (335)
2. Maríen Encarnación Bordera (Valencia) (341)
3. Vanesa Blesa (Catalonia) (352)
4. Elena Moncada Dorado (Castilla y León) (322)
5. Nuria Sánchez Martínez (Madrid) (336)
6. Pilar Rojas Martínez (Andalucía) (347)
. Bárbara Sedes Dobarro (Galicia) (350)
. Tinka Dencheva Stoykova (Baleares) (338)
Bodyfitness fram til 163
1. Laura Guillén Serrano (Valencia) (345)
2. Zaira Serrano Alama (Andalucia) (351)
3. Paula Daniele Souza Santo (Andalucia) (331)
4. Miriam Quevedo (Kanarioyene) (334)
5. Marta Verónica Sánchez Zapata (Catalonia) (340)
6. Dovile Meilunaite (Valencia) (330)
. Charlene Arango (Catalonia) (349)
. Cintia Gonzalo (Catalonia) (360)
. Helena Muñoz (Valencia) (354)
. Ulastelig Pelegrin Hernández (Madrid) (342)
. Mia Fernández Cardo (Baleares) (344)
Bodyfitness over 163
1. Maríen García Herraz (Valencia) (359)
2. Laura Veiguela Justo (Galicia) (333)
3. Mihaela Loredana Caiuteanu (Madrid) (358)
4. Rocío Hernández Gómez (Madrid) (343)
5. Mónica García Bastidas (Andalucia) (353)
6. Tatiana Romanenko (La Rioja) (355)
. Judith Álvarez Soler (Melilla) (346)
. Olaya Marrero (Kanarioyene) (327)
. Rebeca Hidalgo Barriga (Madrid) (326)
. Silvia Díaz Martín (Baleares) (339)
. Sonia Trapero Burgos (La Rioja) (337)
. Tatiana Okladnikova (Kanarioyene) (348)
Absolutt Bodyfitness Champion
Laura Guillén Serrano (Valencia) (345)
Junior Fitness Bikini
1. Silvia Martínez Rodrigo (Madrid) (368)
2. Aremoga Santana (Kanarioyene) (356)
3. Tamara Torres (Catalonia) (362)
4. Elena Álamo Sánchez (Andalucia) (364)
5. Maríen Helena Fernández Butron (Andalucia) (367)
6. Nuria Segura Ferraniz (Valencia) (361)
. Cristina Mellado (Valencia) (363)
. Elizaveta Kuzminyykh (Catalonia) (366)
. Laura Ortiz de Mendivil (Euskadi) (365)
. Manuela Medina Oliver (Baleares) (370)
. Paola María Canales Puerto (Madrid) (369)
Bikini Fitness Master
1. Ana Lia Hernández (Kanarioyene) (376)
2. Sara Díaz (Extremadura) (373)
3. Miriam Gea Carrillo (Catalonia) (374)
4. Teresa Barrera Cillero (Madrid) (383)
5. Valeria Britos (Catalonia) (371)
6. Zoraima Marrero (Kanarioyene) (375)
. Opplyste Jiménez Corzo (Valencia) (382)
. Irene Gutiérrez García (Andalucia) (381)
. Larissa Guzmán (Catalonia) (380)
. Lorena Lara Molina (Andalucia) (378)
. Margarita Capo Rebassa (Baleares) (377)
. maría Sabina Valades Padilla (Andalucia) (379)
. Noemí Roca (Valencia) (384)
. Vanesa Sánchez Alfonsin (Madrid) (372)
. Veronica Estiguin (Valencia) (357)
Bikini Fitness Senior fram til 158
1. Adriana Rico Sempere (Valencia) (431)
2. Yodisley Navarro (Kanarioyene) (397)
3. Leyri Blanco Echevarria (Euskadi) (437)
4. Paula Trandafir (Euskadi) (438)
5. Esther Castro (Kanarioyene) (433)
6. Virginia Blanco García (Castilla y León) (412)
. Alona Svintsitska (Andalucia) (385)
. Andrea Vidaurre Armero (Valencia) (419)
. Carol Cobo (Catalonia) (393)
. Cristina Santos Luque (Catalonia) (456)
. Karen Jiménez (Baleares) (415)
. Merxe Sanmartín Mogort (Madrid) (455)
. Natalia Juárez (Murcia) (414)
. Nuria Lorenzo López (Andalucia) (453)
. Paloma Martínez Rinardo (Valencia) (392)
. Sandra de Palma (Catalonia) (444)
. Verónica Esteguin García (Valencia) (394)
Bikini Fitness Senior fram til 163
1. Cristobalina Pajares Torres (Andalucía) (441)
2. Rocío López Corchero (Valencia) (387)
3. Antonia Rosello (Baleares) (408)
4. Candela Figueroa (Madrid) (411)
5. Giorgina Pedros Calvet (Catalonia) (418)
6. Isabel Pérez Gil (Valencia) (442)
. Elena Ordóñez Méndez (Madrid) (406)
. Estefanía Fernández (Extremadura) (445)
. Feriel Rabai Ladaira (Baleares) (423)
. Katerina Amendoeira Vicente (Baleares) (452)
. Laura Rodríguez Sevillano (Catalonia) (389)
. Marina Cabalga Ruiz (Andalucia) (391)
. Monica Santos Molano (Madrid) (407)
. Natalia Roman Marmy (Baleares) (430)
. Noelia Ballesteros (Catalonia) (448)
. Sonia Muñoz Ovejero (Madrid) (398)
Bikini Fitness Senior fram til 169
1. Unnga Breide (Andalusia) (424)
2. Anna Ewa Malys (Valencia) (402)
3. Rocío Egeda Roda (Baleares) (432)
4. Ana Albaladejo Gómez (Madrid) (429)
5. Mirian Navarro Pérez (Valencia) (403)
6. Laila Boussaid (Euskadi) (439)
. Acosaida Santana (Kanarioyene) (400)
. Camelia Preda (Madrid) (421)
. Ekaterina Heleznyakova (Valencia) (458)
. Marta Almendros (Catalonia) (417)
. Nuria Serrano Ramírez (Valencia) (446)
Bikini Fitness Senior over 169
1. Mónica Bernaus (Catalonia) (410)
2. Jagienka Kamiska (Catalonia) (404)
3. Soraya Álvarez Peñuelas (Asturias) (434)
4. Melani Moreno García (Catalonia) (413)
5. Jennifer Fernández Fernández (Andalucía) (396)
6. Giancarla Vázquez Frías (Madrid) (451)
. Cristina Almansa Pérez (Andalucía) (401)
. Davinia Rodas Lozano (Andalucia) (409)
. Gema Granados Aguirre (Madrid) (420)
. Minerva Almeida (Kanarioyene) (426)
. Miriam Calderón Bayona (Madrid) (450)
. Nerea Pérez Peruarena (Andalucia) (428)
Absolutt Champion Bikini Fitness
Cristobalina Pajares Torres (Andalucía) (441)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 65
1. Daniel Barragán Santos (Valencia) (518)
2. Stephane Bris (Valencia) (515)
3. José Miguel López Vázquez (Galicia) (543)
4. José Luis Casado (Madrid) (551)
5. José Luis Legazpi Sánchez (Madrid) (548)
6. Alberto Jiménez (Catalonia) (527)
. Alejandro Requena (Baleares) (486)
. Álvaro Gallardo Gil (Melilla) (514)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 70
1. Manuel Alejandro Cabañen Álvarez (Andalucía) (525)
2. Jonay Mesa (Kanarioyene) (500)
3. Pablo Techera Sosa (Madrid) (494)
4. Daniel Salgado Barea (Catalonia) (469)
5. Darwin Vivicio Salazar (Valencia) (461)
6. Carlos Ferreira (Catalonia) (12)
. José Javier Rosique Barba (Murcia) (476)
. Juan Manuel Sánchez Trigo (Madrid) (466)
. Mario Augusto Hernández (Madrid) (477)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 75
1. David Saborido (Galicia) (465)
2. Maxi Rodríguez (Valencia) (495)
3. Daniel Santos Rodríguez (Kanarioyene) (480)
4. Jaime Aguilera Liieron (Madrid) (460)
5. Josep Furió Montell (Valencia) (530)
6. Acorán Alemán Martín (Madrid) (493)
. Amador Campiñez (Valencia) (523)
. David Sánchez Pintado (Madrid) (462)
. Francisco Tasa Fernández (Valencia) (521)
. Oscar Bascuñana Medina (Andalucia) (547)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 80
1. Julio Portet Mas (Valencia) (513)
2. Jorge Fernández (Catalonia) (484)
3. José maríen Jiménez Morales (Andalucía) (485)
4. Antonio Pastor Beigveder (Andalucia) (529)
5. Manuel Gómez Hernández (Melilla) (511)
6. Gustavo Peris Aparicio (Valencia) (546)
. Miguel Ángel Serrano Ramos (Melilla) (532)
. Víctor Sánchez Mateo (Madrid) (536)
. Yassin Laatiki (Catalonia) (472)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 85
1. Sento Olombrada (Valencia) (510)
2. Juan Francisco Martín Muñoz (Andalucia) (463)
3. Sergio Dufort de la Fuente (Madrid) (533)
4. Edward Alejandro López (Melilla) (539)
5. Oliver Martín Martel (Kanarioyene) (475)
6. Oscar Ferriols Lloret (Madrid) (544)
. Adrián García (Andalucia) (540)
. Arturo Casasola Morón (Madrid) (506)
. Francisco Javier Gómez (Catalonia) (531)
. Francisco Javier López-Maroto Moreno (Madrid) (468)
. José Luis Álvaro Guerra (Madrid) (516)
. Luis Losada López (Madrid) (508)
. Ricardo Vera Moya (Andalucia) (519)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 90
1. David Cámara la Fuente (Valencia) (504)
2. José Gamaza Fernández (Andalucia) (522)
3. Juan de Dios Romero Nadal (Andalucia) (535)
4. Ovidio González Herrera (Kanarioyene) (483)
5. Adrián de la Rosa Padilla (Andalucia) (534)
6. Juan José Cortijo (Catalonia) (490)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 100
1. José RAMón Fontenla (Kanarioyene) (499)
2. David Boix (Valencia) (489)
3. David Possi (Catalonia) (482)
4. Oriol Asensio (Catalonia) (487)
5. Miguel Ángel García Gonzáles (Madrid) (528)
6. Pedro Redin (Euskadi) (512)
. Alexandre Gri (Catalonia) (507)
. Antonio Gómez Gómez (Madrid) (503)
. David Mora Segado (Madrid) (498)
. Enrique García Consuegra (Valencia) (481)
. José maríen García González (Andalucia) (502)
. Juan de las Heras de las Heras (Madrid) (549)
. Manuel Moreno Malia (Valencia) (496)
. Xabier Cantalejo (La Rioja) (501)
Senior kroppsbygging over 100
1. Carlos Blanco (Galicia) (467)
2. Luis Garcíen Martínez (Madrid) (545)
3. Gregory Bellot (Murcia) (474)
4. Israel Budia Gómez (Madrid) (488)
5. David Martínez Campos (Valencia) (473)
Xabier Cantalejo og Sonia Trapero (La Rioja) (501)
Beste plakat
Oriol Asensio (Catalonia) (487)
Bodybuilding absolutt mester
José RAMón Fontenla (Kanarioyene) (499)
1. Valencia
2. Madrid
3. Andalucia
Absolutt spansk mesterskap FEFF 2015 (resultater)
Resultater av Absolutt spansk mesterskap FEFF 2015 , arrangement avholdt 30. og 31. oktober samt 1. november i Cartagena (Murcia).
Absolutte FEFF spanske mesterskap 2015 Resultater
Bodybuilding Master +50 til 80 kg
1. Manuel Valbuena (Madrid) (1)
2. Rafael Vera (Andalusia) (44)
3. John Davi (Valencia) (4)
Bodybuilding Master +50, +80 kg
1. Anselmo Cortado (Catalonia) (7)
2. Mintxo Lasaosa (Madrid) (2)
3. Rafael Martínez Manzana (Murcia) (3)
4. Benigno Garcísománchez (Murcia) (9)
5. Antonio Lucas Martínez (Murcia) (10)
6. Juan Juárez Ramírez (Valencia) (562)
. Ángel Rafael Fernández (Kanarioyene) (6)
. Eduardo Busquier Maestre (Valencia) (555)
. Jorge Luis Huelga (Kanarioyene) (5)
. Manuel Pérez Mora (Valencia) (556)
Bodybuilding Master +40, opptil 70 kg
1. Miguel Ángel López (Extremadura) (26)
2. Antonio Villamediana Bolado (Madrid) (27)
3. José Manuel Pons (Valencia) (73)
4. Hermes García Ribas (Valencia) (68)
5. Rosendo Duarte (Castilla La Mancha) (49)
6. Adolfo López Barrilado (Andalucia) (8)
Bodybuilding Master +40, opptil 80 kg
1. Rodrigo Andrés Rojas Sanhueza (Madrid) (12)
2. Oscar Márquez Cayuela (Asturias) (14)
3. Ahmed Massou (Valencia) (37)
4. Manuel Uncala Muñiz (Andalucia) (48)
5. Bartolomé Perales (Euskadi) (50)
6. José Luis Girones Carrión (Valencia) (45)
. Iván Castillo (Catalonia) (15)
. Juan Diego Trinidad (Extremadura) (24)
. Marcos Herrera (Kanarioyene) (28)
. Rafael Priego Marques (Valencia) (20)
. Roberto Baeza Veracruz (Valencia) (38)
. Salvador Palazón (Murcia) (13)
. Sergio Ochando Barber (Valencia) (29)
Bodybuilding Master +40, opptil 90 kg
1. Francisco Serra (Baleares) (31)
2. Manuel Hernández (Catalonia) (18)
3. Bernardo Busquet (Baleares) (11)
4. Alex Rodríguez (Catalonia) (47)
5. Luis Alberto Hernández (Kanarioyene) (42)
6. Emilio Martínez (Valencia) (46)
. Antonio Pérez Piñero (Murcia) (19)
. Antonio Tejera (Kanarioyene) (30)
. Joaquín Carrilero (Murcia) (39)
. Jorge Tardío Borrego (Andalucía) (22)
. Juan Adrover Planiol (Baleares) (23)
. Juan Manuel Mengual Benítez (Valencia) (51)
Bodybuilding Master +40, mer enn 90 kg
1. Francisco Ávila López (Valencia) (21)
2. Juan Alberto Machado Gutiérrez (Andalucia) (16)
3. Lorenzo Fernández (Catalonia) (34)
4. Roberto Herranz del Amo (Madrid) (40)
5. Xavier Gracia (Catalonia) (43)
6. Mario Dávila Martínez (Melilla) (25)
. Jojjer Lemor (Valencia) (33)
. José Ángel González Martínez (Murcia) (41)
. Julio Cesar Macias (Kanarioyene) (36)
Klassisk kroppsbyggermester
1. Mario Leal (Catalonia) (207)
2. Germán Villarroya (Catalonia) (202)
3. Eduardo Reduello Bollo (Madrid) (72)
4. Antonio Parra (Murcia) (206)
5. Antonio Llovet Ternero (Valencia) (71)
6. Martín España Derivi (Andalucía) (214)
. Alberto Garcíen Román (Andalucia) (74)
. Antonio Torres Vallejo (Andalucia) (75)
. Ernesto Vega (Euskadi) (210)
. Jesús Manuel Delgado Villalba (Andalucia) (218)
. Joan Nogue Mateu (Catalonia) (70)
. Juan Antonio González Feliz (Euskadi) (69)
. Omar Raissouni (Andalucia) (67)
. Sebastián Jajuga (Castilla la Mancha) (219)
Absolutt mester mester
Miguel Ángel López (Extremadura) (26)
Junior kroppsbygging opp til 75 kg
1. Daniel Delgado del Amo (Madrid) (64)
2. José López Jiménez (Valencia) (58)
3. Fernando Arboledas Aragón (Andalucia) (59)
4. Oscar Vives (Baleares) (65)
5. Eduardo García (Murcia) (57)
Junior kroppsbygging over 75 kg
1. Pablo Llopis (Valencia) (56)
2. Adrián Lacarcel Sánchez (Madrid) (62)
3. Gnién Sospedra Gijón (Valencia) (63)
4. Hilario Gómez Sanz (Madrid) (54)
5. Gabriel Reig Abela (Valencia) (66)
Absolutt juniormester
Daniel Delgado del Amo (Madrid) (64)
menn´s Physique Junior
1. Aitor Chousa (Euskadi) (80)
2. Juan Pedro Moya (Murcia) (85)
3. Jesús Manuel Muño Bernal (Andalucia) (82)
4. Adrián García Romero (Madrid) (100)
5. Cristian Moran Blanco (Castilla y León) (99)
6. Alberto Felices Embi (Andalucia) (89)
. Alejandro Cerrejón Torrano (Murcia) (96)
. Carlos Abarca Millán (Valencia) (77)
. Jaime Casado Soler (Madrid) (92)
. Javier Rodríguez (Catalonia) (87)
. José Antonio Valverde Luque (Valencia) (97)
. Manuel Robles Sola (Andalucia) (83)
. Miguel Ángel Tarin (Valencia) (88)
. Pablo Gutiérrez Arroyo (Madrid) (81)
. Roberto Vázquez Rivera (Galicia) (76)
Areskay Hernández (Kanarioyene) (79)
Erik Jiménez Santana (Kanarioyene) (98)
Francisco Zamora Nieto (Murcia) (86)
Iván Moreno Gallardo (Catalonia) (84)
Iván Pastor Martínez (Valencia) (78)
Marcos Montesinos Corral (Murcia) (93)
menn´s Fysisk kropp opp til 170
1. Miguel Ángel Angulo Conejo (Andalucia) (131)
2. Diego Lizarraga Domínguez (Castilla León) (141)
3. Jesús Manuel González Romo (Euskadi) (161)
4. Antonio Barranco Guirado (Andalucia) (145)
5. Francisco Javier Sánchez Azorín (Murcia) (184)
6. Javier Suárez Trujillo (Andalucia) (183)
. Aitor Rodríguez Fernández (Madrid) (133)
. Borja Diz Camarero (Euskadi) (170)
. Javier Xicola Hidalgo (Madrid) (125)
. Jesús Corchuelo (Extremadura) (200)
. Jesús Cosa Aznar (Valencia) (168)
. Jorge Santiago (Extremadura) (185)
. Oscar Moreno de Federico (Madrid) (120)
. Roddy Henry Abatte Pelay (La Rioja) (198)
. Xavier Sierra (Catalonia) (107)
Alberto Pérez Vargas (Andalucía) (130)
Francisco Rus García (Baleares) (175)
Iru González Tejera (Kanarioyene) (137)
Israel López Pérez (Andalucia) (193)
José Antonio Fernández (Valencia) (195)
José Manuel Gómez Navarro (Andalucia) (101)
Rafael Martín Plaza (Andalucia) (148)
Savo Jacovich (Catalonia) (167)
menn´s Fysikk frem til 178
1. Ignacio Rodríguez Belvis (Extremadura) (129)
2. Jonathan Bueno (Catalonia) (163)
3. Isaac Garcíen Rodríguez (Asturias) (124)
4. Claudio Imedio (Kanarioyene) (147)
5. Iván Martín Pacheco (Madrid) (169)
6. Lucas Parrón Barcelona (Andalucia) (182)
. Adrián Pérez López (Andalucia) (154)
. Domingo Márquez Ortus (Baleares) (159)
. Enrique Gutiérrez Caro (Madrid) (187)
. Jesús pastor Soriano (Euskadi) (126)
. Juan Ramírez Florín (Andalucía) (128)
. Manuel Mari pastor (Valencia) (149)
. Mario Hernández (Extremadura) (194)
. Pedro Abreu Palomino (Catalonia) (109)
. Víctor Martínez Hita (Catalonia) (155)
Antonio Cremades Nieto (Murcia) (144)
Bruno de León Suárez (Kanarioyene) (158)
Iván Mondejas Nieto (Murcia) (178)
Jesús Díaz García (Extremadura) (115)
José Antonio Luna García (Andalucia) (153)
Juan Manuel Mangas (Extremadura) (143)
Matteísom Torres Prieto (Valencia) (117)
Saleh Gratian Moid (Castilla León) (196)
menn´s Fysikk mer enn 178
1. Víctor Manuel Gálvez Caballero (Madrid) (174)
2. Daniel Lorente (Murcia) (160)
3. Jesús Pérez Álvarez (Madrid) (152)
4. Raúl Ardíl Navarro (Valencia) (118)
5. Joaquín Rodríguez Rincón (Andalucía) (108)
6. Cristian Triano Cantero (Andalucia) (177)
. Alberto Soler Romero (Andalucia) (179)
. Antonio Cruz Hernández (Andalucia) (171)
. Anyelo Requena sepín Campusano (Andalucía) (176)
. Diego Soler Romero (Andalucia) (192)
. José Luis Casas Velasco (Madrid) (111)
. José Olmedo Moreno (Madrid) (135)
. Manuel Megísom Marín (Andalucia) (150)
. Oscar Alexander Vargas (Valencia) (140)
. Sergio González (Catalonia) (201)
Aimar Montero (Catalonia) (186)
Antonio José Pérez (Kanarioyene) (113)
Carles Catalá Murillo (Valencia) (138)
David Gracia Toledo (Catalonia) (191)
Diego Galera Vicente (Andalusia) (190)
Eduardo Medina Campos (Madrid) (164)
Francisco Bravo Botella (Valencia) (173)
Iván Moreno Castell (Valencia) (139)
Javier Garulo Arias (La Rioja) (103)
Jesús Ortín Gómez (Murcia) (188)
Juan Antonio Ferrer Pico (Baleares) (180)
Sergio García Rellano (Madrid) (172)
Absolutt mester menn´s Fysikk
Aitor Chousa (Euskadi) (80)
Klassisk kroppsbygging opp til 170
1. Pedro Ortega (Andalucia) (288)
2. José Antonio Martínez (Valencia) (284)
3. Manuel Luque (Andalucia) (277)
4. Gonzalo Durán (Madrid) (220)
5. Eduardo Martínez (Asturias) (254)
6. Ángel Javier Cañón (Castilla y León) (257)
. Antonio Cervantes (Andalucia) (293)
. David López (Valencia) (231)
. Francisco Moyano (Andalucía) (242)
. Jorge Serrano (Valencia) (279)
. José Francisco Tornel (Murcia) (235)
. Juan Sebastián Romero (Kanarioyene) (274)
. Luis González (Madrid) (303)
. Raúl Palma Palma (Andalucia) (212)
. Víctor Manuel Delgado (Kanarioyene) (304)
Klassisk kroppsbygging opp til 175
1. Sergio de Juan (La Rioja) (282)
2. Juan Francisco Herrero (Murcia) (240)
3. Francisco Antonio Pérez (Baleares) (253)
4. Adrián Aparicio (Madrid) (238)
5. Esteban Jeanvier (Euskadi) (259)
6. Iker Villamor (Euskadi) (299)
. Adrián Díaz (Madrid) (229)
. Álvaro Sauca (Euskadi) (285)
. Antonio Jesús Sánchez (Andalucia) (216)
. Emilio Sainz (Catalonia) (260)
. Ezequiel Sobrado (La Rioja) (268)
. Ignacio López (Valencia) (211)
. Luis Miguel Sogort (Valencia) (205)
. Nicolae Florin (Andalucía) (247)
. Vladimir Alexis (Kanarioyene) (289)
Álvaro Navarro (Valencia)
Antonio Manuel Sanmillán (Andalucia) (296)
Jonathan Parra (Extremadura) (233)
Gnién Senra (Castilla y León) (252)
Klassisk kroppsbygging opp til 180
1. Antonio de la Torre (Andalucia) (203)
2. Carlos Radillo (Madrid) (272)
3. Ramón Piqueras (Catalonia) (256)
4. Daniel Redondo (Galicia) (270)
5. Arsenio Martínez (Murcia) (239)
6. Juan Ignacio Martínez (Andalucía) (213)
. Antonio Jesús Albarracin (Melilla) (292)
. Braulio Murillo (Andalucia) (234)
. Ekaitz Reguera (Euskadi) (297)
. José maría Solomando (Baleares) (248)
. Luis Guillermo Mejias (Madrid) (208)
. moisés López (Andalucia) (276)
. Oliver Redondo (Extremadura) (280)
. Omar Pellejero (Castilla y León) (224)
. Vicente Martínez (Murcia) (275)
Ángel Delfa Torres (Andalucia) (222)
Cristian Rosauro (Murcia) (301)
Gregorio Martínez (Murcia) (258)
Guillermo Javier Sánchez (Valencia) (204)
Javier Fernández (Madrid) (225)
Miguel Ángel Barceló (Valencia) (232)
Roberto Casado (Madrid) (221)
Gnién Millán (Andalucia) (217)
Klassisk kroppsbygging over 180
1. Antonio Valero (Valencia) (287)
2. Francisco José galván (Valencia) (273)
3. Adrián Alonso (Kanarioyene) (286)
4. Samuel Zapata (Valencia) (266)
5. Santiago Sabater (Valencia) (267)
6. Carlos Pérez (Kanarioyene) (245)
. Santiago Pájaro (Galicia) (241)
Absolutt Champion Classic Bodybuilding
Antonio de la Torre (Andalucia) (203)
kvinner´s Fysikk
1. Alicia Zayas Cienfuegos (Andalucia) (307)
2. Rocío Gil Hidalgo (Andalusia) (306)
3. Yessenia García (Catalonia) (311)
4. Katlen Xavier (Kanarioyene) (305)
5. Maria del Mar Ortega Palao (Valencia) (310)
6. Asunción Merino Guiu (Valencia) (309)
Bodyfitness Master
1. Eva Crespo (Euskadi) (320)
2. Timea Zovakova (Kanarioyene) (323)
3. Norita Caetano Neves (Asturias) (317)
4. Sonia Pérez Heredia (Andalucía) (314)
5. Mariana Celeri (Kanarioyene) (316)
6. Pilar Montejo (Catalonia) (325)
. Cristina Ramírez (Andalucía) (322)
. Delmira Pastor (Kanarioyene) (315)
. Helena Castro Román (Andalucia) (324)
. Meire Alves Da Silva (Catalonia) (318)
. Raquel Quevedo (Kanarioyene) (319)
. Sticky Vicky Pereira (Valencia) (312)
Kroppsvitne frem til 158
1. Maria Ignacio Mas Delgado (Baleares) (335)
2. Maríen Encarnación Bordera (Valencia) (341)
3. Vanesa Blesa (Catalonia) (352)
4. Elena Moncada Dorado (Castilla y León) (322)
5. Nuria Sánchez Martínez (Madrid) (336)
6. Pilar Rojas Martínez (Andalucía) (347)
. Bárbara Sedes Dobarro (Galicia) (350)
. Tinka Dencheva Stoykova (Baleares) (338)
Bodyfitness fram til 163
1. Laura Guillén Serrano (Valencia) (345)
2. Zaira Serrano Alama (Andalucia) (351)
3. Paula Daniele Souza Santo (Andalucia) (331)
4. Miriam Quevedo (Kanarioyene) (334)
5. Marta Verónica Sánchez Zapata (Catalonia) (340)
6. Dovile Meilunaite (Valencia) (330)
. Charlene Arango (Catalonia) (349)
. Cintia Gonzalo (Catalonia) (360)
. Helena Muñoz (Valencia) (354)
. Ulastelig Pelegrin Hernández (Madrid) (342)
. Mia Fernández Cardo (Baleares) (344)
Bodyfitness over 163
1. Maríen García Herraz (Valencia) (359)
2. Laura Veiguela Justo (Galicia) (333)
3. Mihaela Loredana Caiuteanu (Madrid) (358)
4. Rocío Hernández Gómez (Madrid) (343)
5. Mónica García Bastidas (Andalucia) (353)
6. Tatiana Romanenko (La Rioja) (355)
. Judith Álvarez Soler (Melilla) (346)
. Olaya Marrero (Kanarioyene) (327)
. Rebeca Hidalgo Barriga (Madrid) (326)
. Silvia Díaz Martín (Baleares) (339)
. Sonia Trapero Burgos (La Rioja) (337)
. Tatiana Okladnikova (Kanarioyene) (348)
Absolutt Bodyfitness Champion
Laura Guillén Serrano (Valencia) (345)
Junior Fitness Bikini
1. Silvia Martínez Rodrigo (Madrid) (368)
2. Aremoga Santana (Kanarioyene) (356)
3. Tamara Torres (Catalonia) (362)
4. Elena Álamo Sánchez (Andalucia) (364)
5. Maríen Helena Fernández Butron (Andalucia) (367)
6. Nuria Segura Ferraniz (Valencia) (361)
. Cristina Mellado (Valencia) (363)
. Elizaveta Kuzminyykh (Catalonia) (366)
. Laura Ortiz de Mendivil (Euskadi) (365)
. Manuela Medina Oliver (Baleares) (370)
. Paola María Canales Puerto (Madrid) (369)
Bikini Fitness Master
1. Ana Lia Hernández (Kanarioyene) (376)
2. Sara Díaz (Extremadura) (373)
3. Miriam Gea Carrillo (Catalonia) (374)
4. Teresa Barrera Cillero (Madrid) (383)
5. Valeria Britos (Catalonia) (371)
6. Zoraima Marrero (Kanarioyene) (375)
. Opplyste Jiménez Corzo (Valencia) (382)
. Irene Gutiérrez García (Andalucia) (381)
. Larissa Guzmán (Catalonia) (380)
. Lorena Lara Molina (Andalucia) (378)
. Margarita Capo Rebassa (Baleares) (377)
. maría Sabina Valades Padilla (Andalucia) (379)
. Noemí Roca (Valencia) (384)
. Vanesa Sánchez Alfonsin (Madrid) (372)
. Veronica Estiguin (Valencia) (357)
Bikini Fitness Senior fram til 158
1. Adriana Rico Sempere (Valencia) (431)
2. Yodisley Navarro (Kanarioyene) (397)
3. Leyri Blanco Echevarria (Euskadi) (437)
4. Paula Trandafir (Euskadi) (438)
5. Esther Castro (Kanarioyene) (433)
6. Virginia Blanco García (Castilla y León) (412)
. Alona Svintsitska (Andalucia) (385)
. Andrea Vidaurre Armero (Valencia) (419)
. Carol Cobo (Catalonia) (393)
. Cristina Santos Luque (Catalonia) (456)
. Karen Jiménez (Baleares) (415)
. Merxe Sanmartín Mogort (Madrid) (455)
. Natalia Juárez (Murcia) (414)
. Nuria Lorenzo López (Andalucia) (453)
. Paloma Martínez Rinardo (Valencia) (392)
. Sandra de Palma (Catalonia) (444)
. Verónica Esteguin García (Valencia) (394)
Bikini Fitness Senior fram til 163
1. Cristobalina Pajares Torres (Andalucía) (441)
2. Rocío López Corchero (Valencia) (387)
3. Antonia Rosello (Baleares) (408)
4. Candela Figueroa (Madrid) (411)
5. Giorgina Pedros Calvet (Catalonia) (418)
6. Isabel Pérez Gil (Valencia) (442)
. Elena Ordóñez Méndez (Madrid) (406)
. Estefanía Fernández (Extremadura) (445)
. Feriel Rabai Ladaira (Baleares) (423)
. Katerina Amendoeira Vicente (Baleares) (452)
. Laura Rodríguez Sevillano (Catalonia) (389)
. Marina Cabalga Ruiz (Andalucia) (391)
. Monica Santos Molano (Madrid) (407)
. Natalia Roman Marmy (Baleares) (430)
. Noelia Ballesteros (Catalonia) (448)
. Sonia Muñoz Ovejero (Madrid) (398)
Bikini Fitness Senior fram til 169
1. Unnga Breide (Andalusia) (424)
2. Anna Ewa Malys (Valencia) (402)
3. Rocío Egeda Roda (Baleares) (432)
4. Ana Albaladejo Gómez (Madrid) (429)
5. Mirian Navarro Pérez (Valencia) (403)
6. Laila Boussaid (Euskadi) (439)
. Acosaida Santana (Kanarioyene) (400)
. Camelia Preda (Madrid) (421)
. Ekaterina Heleznyakova (Valencia) (458)
. Marta Almendros (Catalonia) (417)
. Nuria Serrano Ramírez (Valencia) (446)
Bikini Fitness Senior over 169
1. Mónica Bernaus (Catalonia) (410)
2. Jagienka Kamiska (Catalonia) (404)
3. Soraya Álvarez Peñuelas (Asturias) (434)
4. Melani Moreno García (Catalonia) (413)
5. Jennifer Fernández Fernández (Andalucía) (396)
6. Giancarla Vázquez Frías (Madrid) (451)
. Cristina Almansa Pérez (Andalucía) (401)
. Davinia Rodas Lozano (Andalucia) (409)
. Gema Granados Aguirre (Madrid) (420)
. Minerva Almeida (Kanarioyene) (426)
. Miriam Calderón Bayona (Madrid) (450)
. Nerea Pérez Peruarena (Andalucia) (428)
Absolutt Champion Bikini Fitness
Cristobalina Pajares Torres (Andalucía) (441)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 65
1. Daniel Barragán Santos (Valencia) (518)
2. Stephane Bris (Valencia) (515)
3. José Miguel López Vázquez (Galicia) (543)
4. José Luis Casado (Madrid) (551)
5. José Luis Legazpi Sánchez (Madrid) (548)
6. Alberto Jiménez (Catalonia) (527)
. Alejandro Requena (Baleares) (486)
. Álvaro Gallardo Gil (Melilla) (514)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 70
1. Manuel Alejandro Cabañen Álvarez (Andalucía) (525)
2. Jonay Mesa (Kanarioyene) (500)
3. Pablo Techera Sosa (Madrid) (494)
4. Daniel Salgado Barea (Catalonia) (469)
5. Darwin Vivicio Salazar (Valencia) (461)
6. Carlos Ferreira (Catalonia) (12)
. José Javier Rosique Barba (Murcia) (476)
. Juan Manuel Sánchez Trigo (Madrid) (466)
. Mario Augusto Hernández (Madrid) (477)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 75
1. David Saborido (Galicia) (465)
2. Maxi Rodríguez (Valencia) (495)
3. Daniel Santos Rodríguez (Kanarioyene) (480)
4. Jaime Aguilera Liieron (Madrid) (460)
5. Josep Furió Montell (Valencia) (530)
6. Acorán Alemán Martín (Madrid) (493)
. Amador Campiñez (Valencia) (523)
. David Sánchez Pintado (Madrid) (462)
. Francisco Tasa Fernández (Valencia) (521)
. Oscar Bascuñana Medina (Andalucia) (547)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 80
1. Julio Portet Mas (Valencia) (513)
2. Jorge Fernández (Catalonia) (484)
3. José maríen Jiménez Morales (Andalucía) (485)
4. Antonio Pastor Beigveder (Andalucia) (529)
5. Manuel Gómez Hernández (Melilla) (511)
6. Gustavo Peris Aparicio (Valencia) (546)
. Miguel Ángel Serrano Ramos (Melilla) (532)
. Víctor Sánchez Mateo (Madrid) (536)
. Yassin Laatiki (Catalonia) (472)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 85
1. Sento Olombrada (Valencia) (510)
2. Juan Francisco Martín Muñoz (Andalucia) (463)
3. Sergio Dufort de la Fuente (Madrid) (533)
4. Edward Alejandro López (Melilla) (539)
5. Oliver Martín Martel (Kanarioyene) (475)
6. Oscar Ferriols Lloret (Madrid) (544)
. Adrián García (Andalucia) (540)
. Arturo Casasola Morón (Madrid) (506)
. Francisco Javier Gómez (Catalonia) (531)
. Francisco Javier López-Maroto Moreno (Madrid) (468)
. José Luis Álvaro Guerra (Madrid) (516)
. Luis Losada López (Madrid) (508)
. Ricardo Vera Moya (Andalucia) (519)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 90
1. David Cámara la Fuente (Valencia) (504)
2. José Gamaza Fernández (Andalucia) (522)
3. Juan de Dios Romero Nadal (Andalucia) (535)
4. Ovidio González Herrera (Kanarioyene) (483)
5. Adrián de la Rosa Padilla (Andalucia) (534)
6. Juan José Cortijo (Catalonia) (490)
Senior kroppsbygging opp til 100
1. José RAMón Fontenla (Kanarioyene) (499)
2. David Boix (Valencia) (489)
3. David Possi (Catalonia) (482)
4. Oriol Asensio (Catalonia) (487)
5. Miguel Ángel García Gonzáles (Madrid) (528)
6. Pedro Redin (Euskadi) (512)
. Alexandre Gri (Catalonia) (507)
. Antonio Gómez Gómez (Madrid) (503)
. David Mora Segado (Madrid) (498)
. Enrique García Consuegra (Valencia) (481)
. José maríen García González (Andalucia) (502)
. Juan de las Heras de las Heras (Madrid) (549)
. Manuel Moreno Malia (Valencia) (496)
. Xabier Cantalejo (La Rioja) (501)
Senior kroppsbygging over 100
1. Carlos Blanco (Galicia) (467)
2. Luis Garcíen Martínez (Madrid) (545)
3. Gregory Bellot (Murcia) (474)
4. Israel Budia Gómez (Madrid) (488)
5. David Martínez Campos (Valencia) (473)
Xabier Cantalejo og Sonia Trapero (La Rioja) (501)
Beste plakat
Oriol Asensio (Catalonia) (487)
Bodybuilding absolutt mester
José RAMón Fontenla (Kanarioyene) (499)
1. Valencia
2. Madrid
3. Andalucia
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Vox presents nominations for local elections has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/04/23/vox-presents-nominations-for-local-elections/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/04/23/vox-presents-nominations-for-local-elections/
Vox presents nominations for local elections
The Ultra-right party Vox might be a relatively newcomer to the local political scene but little seems to change as former Air Force General, 67 year old Manuel Mestre Barea, the number one candidate on the party list of nominations to Congress, has upset local activists by relegating Asunción Aniorte to number two on the Orihuela Municipal list and replacing her with his nephew, José Manuel García Escolano. “Nepotism in it’s pure state,” according to one follower, although there would seem to have been no response from Aniorte herself. [caption id="attachment_30421" align="aligncenter" width="1440"] Vox presents nominations for local elections[/caption] But General Barea has long flirted controversy himself, having been responsible for an episode in which a Hercules C-130 plane, from the Zaragoza Air Base, was used in 2006 to take 23 civil waiters to Madrid, where they served a meal to the Chief of the General Air Staff. Despite the socialist minister José Bono ordering his arrest it was never carried out and Mestre Barea was subsequently appointed the Chief of Staff of the NATO Joint Command However the decision to nominate a nephew is said to have surprised many local Vox groupings in the province who’s discomfort was expressed at a recent partly gathering. The ultras have also registered candidatures in Torrevieja with Carolina Vigara as head of the list; in Albatera with Irene Mompeán; and in Pilar de la Horadada with Cristóbal Pozo. But, have not been been able to complete municipal lists neither in Callosa de Segura nor in Cox. The battle of the Vega Baja shows the disparity between the Alicante team and the team of General Mestre Barea, a dispute which can be buried at the moment by the electoral campaign but which will no doubt be argued with some vigour once the elections are over. In Elche, the municipal candidate will be Amparo Cerdà followed by Aurora Rodil, Juan Antonio Alberdi, Pedro Linero and Matilde Garcia. In Santa Pola, the number one will be Mireia Moya while in Marina Baixa, the Benidorm bid will be led by David Pérez Brigido with Diego del Castillo in second place. Antonio Paño, Elisa Isabel Alonso and Juana Vera Aznar complete the list of the top five positions. In l'Alfàs del Pi, number one will be Juan Manuel Ramos Mengual with Amelia Maeso at number two.
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juarezesdeporte · 6 years
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El Atlante termina con el Invicto del FC Juárez tras derrotar a domicilio a la escuadra fronteriza con cartones finales de 3-2, en cotejo realizado en el estadio Olípimpico Bento Juárez de esta frontera
Los Potros del Atlante consiguieron irse al frente en los primeros minutos y marcaron el ritmo del partido para así imponerse al líder, FC Juárez, y terminar con su Torneo invicto.
En duelo de la Jornada 14 del Apertura 2018 del ASCENSO Bancomer MX, los de Gabriel Pereyra regresaron al camino de la victoria para hacerse del segundo sitio de la Tabla General.
Goles: Fernando Fernández al 8, Gerardo Ruíz al 44 y Lizandro Echeverría al 49 por los Potros; Leandro Carrijo al 13 y Gabriel Hachen al 64 para los Bravos.
El Partido:
Duelo de dos equipos clasificados y en busca mantener la mejor racha de cara a la fiesta Grande. Atlante, tras una semana de descanso y dos derrotas en fila, intentaba regresar a la senda del triunfo, ello frente a los líderes generales y únicos invictos, Bravos de FC Juárez de Gabriel Caballero.
El partido inició con un ida y vuelta intenso en el que el favorecido fue la visita, David Salazar recortó por la banda derecha, metió un servicio que fue cerrando para que con la punta del pie Fernando Fernández tocara lo suficiente para mandar el esférico a las redes.
Cinco minutos después los de la Frontera respondieron. Mauro Fernández controló un balón elevado, realizó una diagonal, jaló marca y aguantó el movimiento de Leandro Carrijo que entró al área y fusiló a Gerardo Ruíz, quien rechazó, pero el balón quedó para que barrido llegara el 9 Juarense, empate en el marcador.
Luego de las anotaciones el partido se trabó en la media cancha hasta que con base en disparos de larga distancia ambos equipos abrieron las defensas. La táctica fija se volvió clave de cara al descanso. 
Tiro de esquina por la punta derecha de los Azulgranas, el balón quedó rechazado en el corazón del área, Elio Castro se barrió, despejó, pero en el movimiento se llevó a Andrés Mengual; se señaló la pena máxima y el defensor local se fue expulsado.
Desde los 11 pasos Gerardo Ruíz se perfiló de pierna derecha y con efecto pegó el balón al poste, concretando el cobro, lo que significó el cuarto gol del certamen para el cancerbero Atlantista.
Con la ventaja numérica y en el marcador Atlante intentó sentenciar el partido en el arranque del complemento al refrescar la delantera con el ingreso de Lizandro Echeverría. 
El cambio se manifestó de inmediato con balón al área por parte de Salazar, remate de Jairo Vélez y desvío de Enrique Palos para que el dorsal 24 empujara el rechace y marcara el 1-3.
A partir de ese momento la iniciativa fue para los de casa que a pesar de tener diez hombres se crearon oportunidades.
Un error en la salida le dio el balón a Carrijo que amplió a Edy Brambila, cedió a la entrada de Kevin Gutiérrez que de primera disparó, el balón fue desviado y tras un amague, Hachen mandó la definición al ángulo. El partido estaba para cualquiera.
Entrado el minuto 80 un empujón de Ezequiel Esperón sobre Gabriel Hachen le dio un penal a los de casa, el cual fue volado por el goleador de Bravos.
Pese a los últimos embates de los dirigidos por Gabriel Caballero, los Azulgranas consiguieron bajar la cortina y mantener la ventaja con la que terminaron con el torneo invicto de FC Juárez, que permanecerá en el liderato con 32 puntos. 
Los Potros llegan a 27 unidades y a espera del partido de Mineros, son segundos de la Tabla General.
En la última fecha del certamen los Bravos se medirán a Cafetaleros en Tapachula y se dará un duelo equino en Cancún, Potros del Atlante recibirán a los Potros de la U.A.E.M.
(Por: juanpabloaguila/ascensomx.net)
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diyeipetea · 2 years
Jean Toussaint JT4 (Festival de Jazz Zubipean 2022 Jazz Jaialdia. Puente la Reina - Gares, Navarra) Por Pachi Tapiz y Sera Martín [Concierto de jazz]
Jean Toussaint JT4 (Festival de Jazz Zubipean 2022 Jazz Jaialdia. Puente la Reina – Gares, Navarra) Por Pachi Tapiz y Sera Martín [Concierto de jazz]
Festival de Jazz Zubipean 2022 Jazz Jaialdia Festival de Jazz Zubipean 2022 Jazz Jaialdia Fecha: sábado 20 de agosto de 2022. 20:00. Lugar: Puente Románico, Puente La Reina – Gares, Navarra. Grupo: Jean Toussaint JT4 Jean Toussaint, saxo tenor Antonio Mazzei, piano David Mengual, contrabajo Marc Miralta, batería El segundo concierto de la edición de 2022 de Jazz Zubipean estuvo protagonizado…
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mundonoticias-blog1 · 6 years
Últimos días: Incrementan las colas para el Censo Nacional de Transporte y Carnet de la Patria en Zulia
Últimos días: Incrementan las colas para el Censo Nacional de Transporte y Carnet de la Patria en Zulia
  agosto 15, 2018 – 2:30 pm
Foto: David Moreno
Como parte de la segunda fase para el Censo Nacional de Transporte, el Gobierno nacional habilitó nuevamente otros 20 puntos en Maracaibo para registrarse en este proceso y para sacarse el Carnet de la Patria.
La información la dio a conocer Lisleidi Mengual, secretaria de Somos Venezuela en Zulia, quien destacó que el registro es para cualquier…
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estudiodedecoracion · 6 years
Odosdesign. Agencia de diseño integral, de producto y estrategia visual.
Odosdesign es una Agencia de Diseño especializada en proyectos de diseño (generando nuevos productos), comunicación y estrategia visual (introduciéndolos en el mercado) y dirección de arte (creando su identidad de marca).
Odosdesign, que tiene su base en Valencia, fue fundada en 2005 por Ana Segovia, diseñadora de producto de formación y directora de arte por vocación; por María Mengual, diseñadora gráfica, y por Luis Calabuig, diseñador multidisciplinar que compagina la construcción de imágenes y objetos con su labor docente en la Universidad.
Los tres se licenciaron en Diseño Industrial por la UPV de Valencia en 2001, después de lo cual trabajaron para varios estudios de diseño nacionales e internacionales.
Otros miembros de la Agencia son la ingeniera Paloma Inda, project manager; Luis Iranzo, diseñador digital, experto en animación y video; Rosalía Sebastián, diseñadora polivalente, y Marta Andrés, arquitecta de formación y diseñadora por convicción.
La suma de todas estas distintas personalidades les permite llegar a un final común siempre creativo.
“Nuestro trabajo se basa en una búsqueda común de nuevos fundamentos y en la combinación de funcionalidad, creatividad y estética“.
Por este motivo, Odosdesign destaca por su carácter multidisciplinar y su capacidad de realizar y desarrollar proyectos integrales para empresas e instituciones, abarcando todas sus necesidades de diseño de producto, diseño gráfico, dirección de arte, branding, video o diseño web.
En Odosdesign entienden el diseño como la herramienta necesaria en toda estrategia empresarial que pretenda comunicar y transmitir productos, servicios o ideas.
“Saber diseñar productos nos ayuda a saber comunicarlos, por eso basamos la comunicación en el diseño gráfico y la dirección artística para conseguir una unidad y una perfecta identidad para el producto“.
Odosdesign ha trabajado para  empresas como Gandia Blasco, Bancaja, Sancal, Mobenia, Cambrass, do + ce, Babidu, Koo-International.
Para Odosdesign el diseño aporta una diferenciación que aplican desde todas sus vertientes:
Entienden el diseño industrial o de producto como una fusión entre tradición y renovación, con un enfoque experimental en sus materiales y técnicas productivas.
“Desarrollamos productos duraderos que están más allá de la moda. Para alcanzar estos altos estándares, es importante estar involucrado en todos los procesos, desde el concepto inicial hasta el desarrollo de productos y la comunicación, incluyendo el diseño gráfico y la dirección artística“.
Así por ejemplo, su parasol “Ensombra” para la firma Gandia Blasco les dio a conocer y desde entonces ya han diseñado casi cincuenta productos diferentes para marcas como Sancal; GAN; Punt; Arlex; Viccarbe; MUJI; Mobenia, o incluso su propia vajilla inspirada en la comida rápida.
“Consideramos el diseño de nuevos productos como una reflexión sobre los diferentes estilos de vida y sus necesidades… Observamos todo a nuestro alrededor y analizamos cómo reaccionamos ante esas cosas, ya que nuestros futuros diseños también estarán a nuestro alrededor y se convertirán en parte de nuestra realidad“.
Para la comunicación visual de las empresas desarrollan proyectos integrales de comunicación gráfica porque no sólo se trata de crear marcas diferenciadas, capaces de transmitir los valores de la empresa que representan, sino también de trazar estrategias a largo plazo que les permita incorporar esas marcas -en sus distintos soportes- de manera eficiente.
Para la mayoría de las empresas el diseño editorial sigue siendo su carta de presentación presencial. Por eso en Odosdesign cuidan al máximo los catálogos, los libros, las libretas o incluso la gráfica aplicada a envases o espacios. En los últimos años han desarrollado los catálogos de Gandia Blasco; GAN; Punt; Actiu; Levantina, o Inbani.
En Odosdesign también desarrollan proyectos de comunicación digital, imprescindible en la sociedad actual, que se unifican perfectamente con el resto de comunicación empresarial, tanto offline como online, desarrollando proyectos web para empresas como Punt; Babidu; Gandia Blasco; Cala Bandida, y muchas más.
Odosdesign han recibido varios premios, entre ellos el Primer premio INJUVE 05 a la mejor trayectoria profesional; el Grand Design Award 2007 (Londres); el Delta Selection 2007 a producto exterior, y el Premio Gioia Casa 2007, también a producto exterior; la Medalla de Plata de la Asociación de Diseñadores de la Comunidad Valenciana (ADCV) por el equipamiento urbano o de uso público.
También han resultado ganadores, en la Categoría de Edición, del Concurso Igloo Festival 2010 por Torraspapel, y consiguieron el LAUS de bronce 2013 por la dirección de arte para GAN.
Sus productos han sido expuestos en muchas ciudades del mundo, como Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Tokio, Nueva York, París, Helsinki, Miami, Milán y Copenhague; y sus proyectos han sido publicados en numerosas revistas especializadas de ámbito nacional e internacional.
Odosdesign (pág. web).
Odosdesign, compuesto entre otros por los 3 co-fundadores de la Agencia: María Mengual, Luis Calabuig y Ana Segovia. A la derecha, galán de noche “Easel” (2015) para Arlex.
Achille Castiglioni
Adolf Loos
Alessandro Mendini
Alfredo Häberli
Alvar Aalto
Andrea Branzi
Andrée Putman
Andreu Carulla
Andy Martin
Antonio Citterio
Arend Groosman
Arik Levy
Arne Jacobsen
Atelier Oï
Benjamin Graindorge
Benjamin Hubert
Bertjan Pot
Boca do Lobo
Carlo Alessi
Carlo Mollino
Carlos Tíscar
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Charles y Ray Eames
Claesson Koivisto Rune
Claudio Colucci
David Adjaye
Dieter Rams
Doriana y Massimiliano Fuksas
Doshi Levien
Edward van Vliet
Eero Aarnio
Eero Saarinen
Eileen Gray
Elena Manferdini
Elisabeth Garouste
Enzo Mari
Ettore Sottsass
Fabio Novembre
Fernando Mastrangelo
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Francesco Rota
François Bauchet
Frank Gehry
Frank Lloyd Wright
Fredrikson Stallard
Gabriella Crespi
Gae Aulenti
Gaetano Pesce
Geoffrey Harcourt
George Nelson
George Sowden
Gerrit Rietveld
Gio Ponti
Goula Figuera
Greg Lynn
Hans J. Wegner
Héctor Serrano
Hella Jongerius
Hermanos Campana
Hervé Van der Straeten
Ico Parisi
India Mahdavi
Inga Sempé
Jaime Hayón
Jasper Morrison
Jean Prouvé
Jean Royère
Jean-Louis Deniot
Jean-Marie Massaud
Jean-Michel Frank
Jens Risom
Joaquim Tenreiro
Joe Colombo
Johan Lindstén
Jonathan Adler
Joost Van Bleiswijk
Jörg Schellmann
Josef Hoffmann
Jurgen Bey
Kaare Klint
Karim Rashid
Kelly Wearstler
Kenya Hara
Kiki Van Eijk
Konstantin Grcic
Le Corbusier
Lex Pott
Lievore Altherr
Lindsey Adelman
Lucas Muñoz Muñoz
Ludovica y Roberto Palomba
Lukas Peet
Maarten Baas
Maarten Van Severen
Marc Newson
Marc Thorpe
Marcel Breuer
Marcel Wanders
Marco Acerbis
Marianne Brandt
Marie Christophe
Mario Bellini
Martin Szekely
Matali Crasset
Matteo Thun
Mattia Bonetti
Max Lamb
Michael Anastassiades.
Michele de Lucchi
Mies van Der Rohe
Miguel Milá
Nacho Carbonell
Naoto Fukasawa
Nigel Coates
Nika Zupanc
Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance
Olivier Mourgue
Ora Ïto
OS and OOS
Paola Navone
Paolo Lomazzi
Patricia Urquiola
Patrick Jouin
Patrick Naggar
Patrick Norguet
Pedro Friedeberg
Peter Ghyczy
Peter Marino
Philip Michael Wolfson
Philippe Starck
Piero Fornasetti
Pierre Charpin
Pierre Paulin
Piet Hein Eek
Poul Kjaerholm
Quentin de Coster
Ricardo Fasanello
Richard Hutten
Richard Sapper
Rick Owens
Rodolfo Bonetto
Rodolfo Dordoni
Ron Arad
Ron Gilad
Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
Ross Lovegrove
Sacha Lakic
Satyendra Pakhalé
Scholten & Baijings
Serge Mouille
Sérgio Rodrigues
Seung-Yong Song
Shiro Kuramata
Simone Simonelli
Sori Yanagi
Sou Fujimoto
Stefan Diez
Stefano Giovannoni
Studio Job
Studio Kaksikko
Tapio Wirkkala
Tejo Remy
Thomas Sandell
Tobia Scarpa
Tokujin Yoshioka
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Tord Boontje
Ueli y Susi Berger
Verner Panton
Vico Magistretti
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Vincenzo de Cotiis
Vladimir Kagan
Von Pelt
Warren Platner
William Plunkett
William Sawaya
Xavier Lust
Xavier Mañosa
Yrjo Kukkapuro
Yves Béhar
Zaha Hadid
from https://decorador.online/disenadores-destacados/odosdesign/
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riffsstrides · 7 years
Dani Pérez Trio
Underpool Records, 2016
Dani Pérez, guitar
David Mengual, bass
David Xirgu, drums
Siempre es interesante la tarea de escuchar un disco de jazz enfocado en la guitarra. Varios motivos sustentan la afirmación. No suele ser un instrumento recurrente en la imaginería popular intrínseca al género. De igual modo, al margen de melómanos experimentados, pocos neófitos mencionan tres guitarristas de jazz. Tal vez sea por la falta de carisma de los guitarristas de la vieja escuela. Tal vez Miles Davis parezca más interesante que Kenny Burrell. Para gustos se hicieron colores, después de todo.
Empero, el comienzo de Resumen con “Blues Tres” insta a dejar de escribir para escuchar con atención. Los primeros cinco segundos son decisivos. Dani Pérez pasa lista a las tropas con un punteo inicial. David Xirgú a la batería espera acoplarse al tempo de la composición. David Mengual aguarda con ansia cinco rigurosos segundos para seguir el fraseo con su instrumento. Recuerda a ritual de local de ensayo. No se concibe mejor arranque para un recital de cincuenta minutos por parte de estos tres grandes músicos. Meros detalles de esa magia que desprenden los directos.
Los mencionados Pérez, Xirgú y Mengual firman las siete piezas que erigen Resumen. Constituye el tercer disco del guitarrista argentino. No obstante, el sabor es puramente europeo. Su base rítmica acentúa este sabor. Xirgú acumula la experiencia propia del reputado intérprete de jazz. Acompañó, entre otros, al guitarrista John Abercrombie. Mengual no se queda atrás. Un peso pesado de la escena catalana. No en vano, la calidad de su trazo al contrabajo le precede. El diálogo entre batería y bajo en Resumen es a ratos acalorado. A ratos tenue y pausado. Recuerda a una charla entre amigos. Eso sí, muy buenos amigos.
Examinar las aptitudes de un profesional de las seis cuerdas presenta un cometido muy entretenido. No puede escribirse otra cosa que la enhorabuena por su matrícula de honor al señor Dani Pérez. Tras el exitoso calentamiento del trío con “Blues Tres”, suena el tema homónimo de Resumen. A caballo entre la pentatónica menor de la bemol y la escala de si mayor transcurre esta segunda toma de contacto. Pérez recuerda a ratos al McLaughlin más académico. Si se bajan las revoluciones, a un ralentizado Larry Coryell.
“Nunca solo” es una buena excusa para juguetear en torno a un acorde de do con intervalo en séptima mayor. Doce minutos, a pesar de parecer lo contrario, es poco tiempo para improvisar por los vastos territorios del jazz. Pérez y compañía coquetean con el blues a través de tímidos fraseos en re menor. La diversión entre músicos es correspondida con aplausos. Desde luego, parecen disfrutar. Nunca solos. Un buen título.
“Folk Song” parece alejarse del quejío jazzístico. Una bonita progresión en clave de sol. Actúa como perfecto interludio en el devenir de la reproducción de Resumen. Prosigue “1:38” con un toque más post-bop. No así como el posterior “Juan’s Blues”, uno de los mejores temas del álbum. El despliegue de potencial, aunado en un imaginativo ejercicio en mi menor para blues, eleva la composición a la categoria de standard del pasado 2016. No se confunda esto con zalamería. Nadie puede resistirse al tono empapado en overdrive de la guitarra de Dani poco más allá del minuto 3:30. Como si de un híbrido de Pat Metheny y Jimi Hendrix se tratase.
Como término final, concluye el disco con una pieza de corte más tradicional. “Gusman” podría haber salido de los dedos de Tal Farlow hace sesenta años. Quiso el destino que no fuese así. Y mejor. Mayor calidad y méritos para los músicos que conciernen al Dani Pérez Trio. Mengual ejecuta a la perfección la labor de complemento al instrumento principal.
Los músicos concluyen la actuación tras un redoble de batería. Se detiene el disco. No necesitamos más. Resumen se antoja como el disco necesario para reivindicar la labor de los guitarristas en el jazz español. Que fuese de otro modo sería, cuanto menos, erróneo en el diagnóstico. ¡Más guitarras y menos trompetitas!
in tomajazz.com
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veonoticia · 6 years
Terrible semana para el Zulia: Seis inocentes muertos en siete días
Estos últimos siete días se tornaron sombríos y horrorizantes tras registrarse seis casos de inocentes muertos. Dos de ellos fueron por asesinato y violación, dos de forma accidental,y otros dospor suicidio.
Fuente: NAD
El primer suceso de la semana salió a la luz el pasado jueves 7 de diciembre en el Barrio Encantado, sector San Ramón del municipio San Francisco, donde la pequeña Naibeli Joseli González Quevedo, de tan solo un año y siete meses, fue asesinada a golpes por su madre y padrastro, Lignarys Michel Quevedo Parra, de 27 años y Oswaldo Antonio Sosa Torrealba, de 35.
La autopsia de ley reveló que la pequeña Naibeli murió a causa de un trauma abdominal que le produjo un shock hipovolémico, desprendimiento de hígado y hemorragia interna. Además de esto, la menor presentó una floración anal antigua, es decir, que días anteriores fue víctima de violación.
Cristián Polo
Seguidamente, el pasado viernes 8 de diciembre se registró otro caso similar, esta vez se trató de Cristián José Polo Torrealba, de un año y medio, quien fue golpeado y abusado por su padrastro, Engelberth de Jesús Ruiz Torres, de 21 años, en el barrio La Pradera, parroquia Francisco Eugenio Bustamante del municipio Maracaibo.
El aberrante hecho ocurrió cuando supuestamente la progenitora del pequeño, llamada Arianna, salió a un abasto a comprar un kilo de arroz. Posteriormente, Cristian fue ingresado a la Emergencia del Materno de Cuatricentenario sin vida, donde los médicos de guardia detallaron que el pequeño presentaba hematomas en diferentes partes del cuerpo. Según la autopsia realizada al menor, este tenía desprendimiento de hígado, de un riñón y fractura craneal.
Igualmente, los galenos también detallaron una irritación en sus partes íntimas e infección bucal severa, lo que activo la alarma de abuso sexual. Según los análisis realizados al pequeño cadáver, estos signos de violación parecen haber sido causados en días anteriores al asesinato, lo que hace presumir que Engelberth habría abusado de él con el consentimiento de la mujer.
Haziel Jiménez
En otras circunstancias, este domingo 10 de diciembre una niña de 2 años y ocho meses de edad, llamada Haziel Isabel Jiménez Molina, murió tras ser aplastada por un motor de carro en la vía que conduce a Perijá, en el municipio San Francisco.
Familiares de la menor manifestaron que este hecho ocurrió en el barrio Santa Inés, en el kilómetro 8 y medio, parroquia Domitila Flores, cuando la niña jugaba con un vecinito cerca del motor, que se encontraba en una mesa de plástico.
Al parecer las patas de la mesa se abrieron y el motor le cayó encima a Haziel, quien se encontraba cerca, mientras que el otro niño resultó ileso. Enseguida fue auxiliada y trasladada al CDI del Caujaro, pero murió a los pocos minutos de su ingreso.
Asimismo este domingo falleció en el Hospital Dr. Adolfo Pons el pequeño Armando David Bello del Villar, de apenas un año de edad,quien luchó por su vida durante varios días,luego de caer a un pozo séptico.
Autoridades policiales señalaron que ese hecho ocurrió en el barrio Teotiste de Gallego, diagonal a la iglesia San Ramón Neonato, cuando en un descuido de los padres el pequeño se perdió y cayó al pozo, siendo rescatado a los minutos. Este hecho ocurrió el pasado 23 de noviembre.
Se suicidaron
Otros dos casos de suicidios de menores se registraron en los últimos días. La joven María Gabriela Rodríguez Matheus, de 15 años, ingirió una gran cantidad de pastillas para la depresión el pasado sábado, por razones aún desconocidas, y falleció la mañana del domingo a causa de complicaciones.
Este hecho se registró en la casa 5, calle Ramos del sector San Ramón, en el sector Américo Araujo del municipio Valmore Rodríguez, en la Costa Oriental del Lago.
Asimismo el pequeño Kleiber José Rodríguez Mengual, de 11 años, decidió acabar con su vida ahorcándose con su correa en el interior de su residencia, ubicada en la calle 83 del barrio Casiano Lossada.
Al parecer el joven decidió tomar esta decisión tras recibir un regaño de su padre. Se encerró en el baño y se guindó del tubo de la regadera. Su madre lo encontró y lo llevó al Materno Raúl Leoni, donde ingresó sin vida.
El Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (CICPC) indicó que las averiguaciones se encuentran en marcha para dar respuestas a estos casos de inocentes muertos, y por supuesto hacer pagar a los culpables de los casos de asesinato.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2C514Lo via IFTTT
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barcastat · 7 years
Andrés Iniesta - Top of the World
Andrés waited until everyone else in Johannesburg was asleep. He has always been able to find a silent space to listen to his own body, and now finally off of Raúl's treatment table, that is exactly what he wanted to do. He carefully opened the door of his hotel room and he began to run. He began to run as if he was running for his life, from one end of the hallway of the team's South Africa hotel to the other. He was satisfying an irresistible urge to carry out his own personal fitness test, with no one watching, and even though there was no ball at his feet. He was a long way from the pitch, but this was enough to know that he was cured. It was enough to convince him. He wanted to shout: “I'm ready, the torment is over.”  At long last, Iniesta could run, he could play, all the way to the World Cup final. Those damned muscles injured months ago had finally been fixed as if by magic. After so many setbacks, they were once again synchronized like the hands of a Swiss watch. They had been made good again thanks to the precise care of Raúl Martinez and the advice of Emili Ricart, two men separated by thousands of kilometres but joined together by the common link of Iniesta. “l was not there with Andrés. Nor do I know when it was that he started running. He did not tell me. Sometimes certain injuries have no real scientific explanation. I never fully understood this one. After various tests we found a part of the muscle fibre, that we had previously ignored, which seemed to be provoking a sort of disorganization in the leg. I thought that could be the crux of the problem.” Raúl said. Raúl unblocked the leg and Emili cleared the head with a video that Andrés watched every night before going to bed, as if he was reciting the 'Lord’s Prayer’ as a small boy in Fuentealbilla. Pep Guardiola loved the subject of motivation and just as with the Gladiator video he showed his Barcelona players before the Champions League final in Rome in 2009, he also prepared, along with Emili and Santi Pedro, a TV3 journalist, a video to inspire Barca to a second-leg comeback against José Mourinho's Inter in the Champions League semi-final of 2010. That tape recounted various big defeats and then some very big victories; moments of huge frustration and of great euphoria experienced by Sporting figures such as Roger Federer, Fernando Alonso, synchronized swimmer Gemma Mengual, the Spain basketball team and the Spanish handball team. It also included the 'Iniestazo’ as Iniesta's semi-final goal against Chelsea in 2009 had become known and that Rome final with some opera from Bocelli to accompany Leo Messi’s famous header and the image of him hanging from the sky of the Olympic Stadium as he scored the second goal of the 2-0 win that night. The film started with the euphoria, the embraces, the high-fives, the unity in victory. But the glorious colour of the opening frames then gave way to the black and white images of defeat, of sportsmen free-falling towards failure. There were around 30 seconds of the suffering of finishing second of Puyol and Estiarte lamenting Essien's brilliant goal from the main stand of Stamford Bridge in London in 2009 as Laporta nervously ran his hand over the top of his hair, imagining the worst. Then the colour returned as defeat was turned into victory once more, until the last image of Barça, together in a circle, celebrating the club’s third European Cup in Rome. It was a great way to visualize beating Mourinho's team. Guardiola, however, never let his players see that DVD in the Camp Nou dressing-room before the game against Inter. The coach sensed a degree of over-excitement in the journey to the stadium when the team bus came down from the hotel on the Tibidabo mountain through a sea of expectant Barcelona fans lining the streets. He decided he did not want to crank up his players' level of adrenaline any higher and so that video of four minutes and four seconds stayed in the hands of Emili. At least that was the case until he decided to give it to Iniesta at the 2010 World Cup. Emili exchanged messages with Andrés every day, so he knew that it was working for him as soon as he found out about that solitary run down the hallway of Spain's team hotel. Raúl did not even need to speak to Andrés. The player gave the game away with that deliriously happy look of illumination on his face. Now used to playing with pain, he felt free at last and anxious to reach the boat in Johannesburg’s Soccer City the light that waited for him on the other side of those Soweto suburbs. “You would struggle to find anyone as honest, dedicated and so willing, to work as Emili.” Andrés says. “I never knew him personally until Guardiola brought him with him to the first team. Since then we have become practically inseparable. I can identify with him, with his way of thinking and his way of working. He is very special to me.” says Andrés, who also feels much the same way about Raúl. “I knew that Raúl was a phenomenon in his field. And he showed that during the World Cup. I can honestly say that, in sporting terms, he saved my life. He knows my body and how it works as if he had given birth to me. He has become indispensable.” One is ‘special' and the other ‘indispensable’. Both are there to help Andrés. They understand the doubts and concerns of a player who needed to test his fitness in private; who needed to listen to his body and hear that everything was now in the right place. “Yes!” resounded in the hotel hallway from the mouth of Iniesta whose World Cup started at that very moment. “On 13 April 2010, I injured my right hamstring training at Barcelona’s Ciudad Deportiva. It really felt that I had torn it and there was only a little over a month before Del Bosque  would name the squad for the World Cup. Time was very tight and I really believed that l was not going to make it.” said Iniesta. That moment of pain is still remembered at Barcelona’s training ground at Sant Joan Despí. Everyone was shocked to see Andrés abandon the session in tears accompanied by Emili, and eventually also by Carles Puyol as soon as he realized just how serious the injury was. “Cheer up, Andrés, everything will be fine.” The defender whispered in his ear as they left the training pitch together. Andrés heard nothing as they took the long walk back to the dressing-room. He was paralyzed by the fear that he was now back in the abyss, one that he was convinced he had left behind for good. All he could hear was his own sobbing. I told him: "Don't worry, Andrés. You are going to be the best player at the World Cup. But he was crying so much I don’t think he heard me.” says Paco Seirulo, the fitness coach at Barcelona whose words had been almost lost in the sound of the falling water from the shower. “Of course I heard Paco. But I could not bring myself to respond.” Iniesta says, remembering the scene inside the dressing-room moments before Puyol, captain, friend and confidant, would open the door to the solution to his problem: “You have to talk to Raúl, okay? Everything will be fine but you must speak to Raúl.” “My heart and my morale were on the floor. I had suffered with injuries for a year, but it seemed I was in the clear and full of excitement for the World Cup. But now I was back on the brink of missing the tournament.” says Andrés. “And yes I spoke to Raúl.” It may have appeared that Andrés had not been listening, but he was soon surrounded by the best specialists, and they were determined to put the boy from Fuentealbilla right once again. “The first thing Raúl told me was: ‘Don't worry, you will make the World Cup! And once you are there, we will do everything we can to make sure you get back to normal.’” ‘Normal?’ Such a low-key word for such a desperate situation. A footballer on the verge of missing a World Cup finals. “It is one of the most difficult moments that l have had to go through. But life has shown me not to give up, ever.” Andrés wrote at the time. There were now less than two months before Spain's first game in Durban. “Before the tournament began we had a month of spending every evening together. After dinner, it would be ‘time for Rail’ and I would lay down on the treatment table and put my body in his hands.” says Andrés. “What did I do to him?” Raúl still takes a few seconds to answer the question he has set himself. How did he change Andrés’ body? The video from Emili got him through the night but it was the magic hands of Raúl that helped him survive the day-to-day struggle to get his muscles right to play again. Both men knew that something was not right with Andrés. Something that not even the calm transmitted by Vicente del Bosque could remedy. “Don’t worry, I will wait for you right until the end.”  Del Bosque had told him. The man from Salamanca, fair and sensitive as ever, a man of his word, was showing his usual common sense. The patience of the coach was as decisive as the work of the two physiotherapists and the work and attitude of Iniesta himself. One week before his World Cup debut against Switzerland, Spain played their final friendly, in Murcia against Poland. Andrés was back. The midfielder picked up the ball on the left wing, whereas a right-footer he had always been so comfortable finding space and then bringing the ball inside. This particular move lasted 16 seconds and took him to the edge of Kuszczak area. He had swapped passes with Xavi and Silva before receiving the ball again with his back to the Polish goal. He controlled with his left foot, stepped on it with his right and turned to face the five Polish defenders between him and the goal. With the Murcia public on the edge of their seats, he flicked the ball up and over the Polish wall and played in Xavi who squared for Silva to score. Now you see it, now you don't, and all in the blink of an eye. “There we saw a magician inventing a pass, inventing a space, Xavi arriving from deep, the assist, the finish from David, real team play.” That was Andoni Zubizarreta version of the goal. He was an analyst at the time and only later become sporting director for Barcelona. It was another expression of a long-held admiration and one that told him what would happen as soon as the ball left the right boot of Iniesta. The game was no more than 14 minutes old and Raúl and Emili, the former sat on the bench of the Nueva Condomina stadium and the latter preparing a holiday to the Dominican Republic, were smiling broadly, accomplices in the happiness of Andrés who after setting up Villa with that right-footed pass for the first goal, had now played in Xavi for the second. There was euphoria in the stands and in the squad as everyone celebrated Iniesta's recovery. Until he came over to the bench and asked Del Bosque to take him off. “I have to learn from my experiences.” argues the player, wise enough to know that if he feels even the slightest pain he should ask to be replaced as he did in Murcia. Del Bosque was concerned and the team doctors were worried because this was minute 39 of a game being played on 8 June, just one week before Spain's Opening World Cup match. “We took him off because he felt some discomfort in the back of his thigh.” Spain doctor Oscar Celada told journalists after the game. “lt is not a tear and it has not deteriorated since. It was at the start of the game and he felt the discomfort so we made the change. It is a minor injury, we will do some tests but initially we can rule out anything serious. We just need to be cautious.” He was speaking for the press but also for Andrés who was now unsettled once more, trapped between the contrasting feelings of positivity for the way he had played and negativity because of the new setback. The right thigh was broken, almost. According to tests carried out in Barcelona there was a slight hamstring strain and the inflammation would require patience if it was to heal. “There is some small swelling in a muscle in the back of the right thigh. Initially the prognosis is good because there are no torn muscle fibres. We are not ruling him out for the Switzerland game.” said Juan Cota, another of the team’s doctors. The initial prognosis was good. But that word ‘initial’ had been cruel on Andrés in the past. He had suffered other injuries that had an ‘initially’ favourable diagnosis and turned out to be much worse, none more so than the torn thigh and the groin problem that blighted his season at Barcelona. The World Cup was about to start and Del Bosque was even more worried because he knew the subtleties of Spain's best football came from Iniesta. The player himself felt suffocated, annoyed at himself for having suffered so many injuries, too many. Iniesta did make it back for the game against the Swiss at the start of the World Cup but he injured himself again. This time after an hour of play, when he was brought, down by the right-back Lichtsteiner. He took his time getting back to his feet, obsessed with avoiding another major setback, he spent the next minute or so touching the back of his right thigh. That was the root of all his muscle problems. He was so worried he was unable to remember if, as nearly always, it had been Pedro who had gone on to replace him. The ritual repeated itself regardless of the opponent and even at a World Cup. Del Bosque would start with Iniesta, he would get injured, and Pedro would come on to replace him. And it seemed the better he was playing, the more likely it seemed he would pick up an injury. Andrés had played two passes inside the Swiss central defenders that had left a team-mate alone in the area. One found Piqué who had become an auxiliary centre-forward as Spain searched for a goal. Then he played a magical back-heel in another of Spain's best moves. He was on good form as he showed with a curling shot from the edge of the area from almost the same spot on the pitch from where he found the back of the net at Stamford Bridge. Then came the foul from Lichtsteiner. The injury appeared more serious this time. For a split second it seemed Andrés wanted to be swallowed up by the South African turf, something that did not pass without Canal+ commentator Michael Robinson noticing: “l don’t like the look on Iniesta’s face.” the ex-Liverpool forward told co-commentator Carlos Martínez: it was going to be necessary to revive the routine of messages from Emili and massages from Raúl. The psychological and physical therapy would be needed again and the blind faith that one day Iniesta would not have these relapses. “I came on and saw him touching the back of his thigh and said: ‘It seems like a blow to the back of the leg! Andrés.’ ‘No, no doctor, it's cramp at the back of the muscle.’ he said, which sounded the alarm bells. ‘Madre Mía! Let's walk very carefully off the pitch without hurrying, Andrés, okay?’ I said as we left the Durban pitch.” The coaching staff assumed that he would not be fit to play Honduras in five days time, but they trusted in him being ready for the last and potentially decisive group game against Chile. The Spain manager, a man of profound convictions, now had to face the criticism for the 1-0 defeat to Switzerland.“We are not going to lose perspective, we will be true to our style.” said Del Bosque. “lt was a mishap that is difficult to explain.” said Xavi. It was double frustration for Andrés with the defeat and the old injury now behaving slightly differently in South Africa from how it was in Barcelona. The situation was so delicate that they decided not to carry out tests on the injury and the doctors assured everyone that it was just a knock that would not become anything more. They didn’t want to take it any further. Convinced that if they showed Andrés one more image of the affected area, it could be the end of his World Cup. “You can’t treat a player by just showing him scans.” says Raúl “Sometimes you anticipate, or you take a risk, or you use your intuition with the aim of making sure he does not begin to obsess over his injury.” “Between the Switzerland game and the Honduras match, I had a very bad time of it.” remembers Andrés, immersed in a rehabilitation programme which naturally involved falling asleep at night to Emili video and, of course, Raúl's treatment table. And it was there in that player's confessional where a sportsman must lay himself bare and give up all his physical secrets to the perceptive hands of the physiotherapist, that he noticed the most subtle of changes, a change that would then need to be tested in the hallway of the Johannesburg hotel on the eve of the game against Honduras. “Raúl had hit the right spot, I just knew it.” he remembers. “It was not easy getting a handle on him; he's difficult to understand and sometimes I think l still don't.” says Raul. “But once you do, you see what an enigma he is. He lives in his own world, you never know what he is thinking, as if he is a little disconnected, and at first not overly-trusting it's hard to get inside his head. And when he is injured, it’s worse because he is anxious.” Raúl did get through to him though; the pair did strike up an understanding: “He is like a Swiss watch: in as much as we both know how he works, what he responds to, and we have learned what makes him tick.” he says. “He is as sensitive as he is mechanical. We had to harmonize his body again. And that is what we did.” But if what was happening in South Africa pointed to him returning in time for the Honduras game, another message was coming to him from Barcelona. It was a phrase that he had heard so many times before that it echoed around his head. “Andrés, you have to respect your body clock. You must always do that.” Emili never abandoned that one message - the time frames had to be respected. And so it was nine days later, on 25 June, when Andrés was able to celebrate a double victory after the defeat to Switzerland and his injury. Spain beat Chile and he scored the goal from a Villa assist - the world back to front, but who cared? He finished the game smiling like a schoolboy who had just got away with something, or at least one who had witnessed something turn out just as he had predicted. Andrés loves nothing more than that feeling as he heads back up the tunnel of being completely exhausted but wholly fulfilled by a well earned win, and even more so if one of his famous pre-match predictions has come true: “Victor, today I will score and I will dedicate it to you.” he had muttered to the team-mate on the seat next to him on the coach to Pretoria. The best victories always make fertile ground for the more intimate of anecdotes. “You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.” remembers Del Bosque whose team were fully aware that they were playing for their very survival at the World Cup. There was a tense silence barely broken by the occasional whisper, such as Iniesta’s murmured promise to Victor Valdés, the boy who protected him in La Masia, the player who was justly given the opportunity to play for Spain precisely because of the influence of Barça on Del Bosque. The goal was started and finished by Iniesta. He won possession and he combined with Torres and Villa before hitting the back of the Chilean net shot with his right foot, his good foot, now completely cured, unstoppable even for Claudio Bravo, one of the best goalkeepers around who would later become his club team-mate at the Camp Nou. It was not just any goal either, because he had only scored one another in 42 games for Barcelona in that dramatic 2009-10 season in which he finished up playing just five minutes of the last match, as Guardiola's team beat Valladolid to win the league at the Camp Nou. Andrés had stopped touching the back of his leg and was now looking at his boots instead. He was no longer thinking about the games he had played, and was instead focused on the matches to come. There was no longer any trace of that pain in the right leg so well cared for by Rail. “A lot of the problems I have had with the hamstring derive from the injury I sustained playing the Rome Champions League final.” Andrés confesses. He might not be a doctor but he knows his own body as if he were a fusion of Raúl and Emili. “There were so many months of difficulties but when Raúl got to the root of the problem and liberated that area of the muscle everything started to work properly again.” says Andrés who always expresses himself best, not with words or gestures, but with his feet. When his body is right, stable and in perfect harmony, that’s when he can let the ball do the talking. “If I feel good, then everything else just flows.” There is no middle ground with Andrés, he is indestructible when he is fully fit, and fragile when he is injured; even slightly fatalistic. “Why did this have to happen now, just at the moment when l was feeling so good?” he would ask after every setback, not differentiating between small or big injuries and demanding so much from his body. But he felt good again now; good on that journey from the last group game in Pretoria to the final in Johannesburg. The muscle had healed and so had the memory of it in Cape Town in the last 16, the front pages had told of victory over Portugal and Ronaldo taking the defeat badly. ln Johannesburg in the quarter-final against Paraguay, Casillas had saved a decisive penalty with a little help from reserve goalkeeper Pepe Reina who had previously faced spot-kicks from Oscar Cardozo and told him which way to dive. And the semi-final against Germany was a happy return to the scene of all the uncertainties from the first match of the finals it had been in Durban on 16 june when he picked up the injury against Switzerland. But it would also be in Durban on 7 July when he was able to enjoy the moment Puyol threw open the doors to the World Cup final. “Please Xavi, the next corner, put it there for me, okay?” came the request from the Barcelona captain Puyol to his club team-mate. “But why would I put it right in the centre for you? Can't you see how big the Germans are?” Xavi responded. “For fuck sake, Pelopo. You just put it there on the penalty spot for me, can’t you see they are like statues?” came back the response. “Okay, okay! Like it’s that easy!” said Xavi, or ‘Pelopo’, the nickname he has had since his days at La Masia (a body hair reference, explain his teammates whenever asked.) “lf you don't put it there, I’m not coming, up for any more corners.” shouted back Puyol. Television cameras captured this heated discussion at half-time as both players walked off with the score at 0-0, Xavi repeating the phrase to himself. “Like it’s that easy!” It certainly was not easy, especially with the Jabulani, the glorified beach ball that despite having a life of its own had become the official World Cup match ball. Any doubt that Xavi could deliver lasted only until Spain won their first second-half corner. More convinced of his own ability than ever, he trotted across to the corner to the right of Neuer’s goal. “Right now, you are going to get it, Puyi.” Alongside him was Iniesta, no more than five or six metres away. Although Iniesta did not know it at the time, his job was one of distraction: operation Xavi and Puyol needed a decoy. Xavi wanted the German defenders to think that Spain would play the kick short, as they were tending to do, trying to draw the German giants out of their area. The short corner was straight out of the Barça and Spain textbook but the textbook was torn up in favour of the stubborn belief of Puyol and the complicity of Xavi. The Jabulani obeyed the maestro's right foot and flew directly over the penalty spot where it was met by Puyol's head. The Catalan centre back rose a split second before and jumped a centimetre higher than any of the eight German defenders marking the five Spain players in the area. it is no secret that the football of both Spain and Barcelona is precisely a question of time and space in which one centimetre and one second can make all the difference. Players have to think quickly and arrive before their opponents and even their team-mates. Puyol got to the ball ahead of Piqué. “I was going to head it but right at that moment, he got in front of me, I thought it was a plane.” joked Gerard Piqué afterwards Puyol’s header was as powerful as it was accurate and was only ever going to end up in one place. It took just two seconds to score such a historic goal from Xavi's boot into the back of Neuer’s net. lt was a set-piece made in Barcelona and one which had already been successful against Real Madrid in the famous 6-2 Clasico win in 2009. Spain had not scored a goal from a set-piece before in a World Cup and they have not done so since. It had been the most important goal in Spain's history. “What have you done to my country? Why? What have we ever done to you. Eh?” The question did not sound friendly or tongue-in-cheek. It was more rude and unpleasant; uttered by a disgruntled passer-by towards the table where Puyol, his brother Josep and friend Javi, Iniesta and the players’ agent Ramon Sostres, were sitting. The five of them lifted their gaze towards the arrogant-sounding German voice that had addressed the captain of Barcelona. It was Lothar Matthéus, a proud Bavarian whose intimidating curriculum included no less than five World Cups and a winner’s medal from Italia ‘90. “I haven’t done anything. Just a little header.” responded Puyol, smiling through that mop of curly hair. His reactions had been as quick as for the goal itself. “Relax, relax! I hope you have a lot of luck in the final!” said the German. Matthéius smiled and walked away and everyone else smiled too, their conversation having been interrupted by what at first seemed like a provocation but had then turned into light-hearted congratulations once the Latinos had decoded the German humour. “Do you realize what you have done, Carles? You have scored the most important goal in the history of Spanish football and everyone knows it.” said his companions at the table. “Let’s hope only until Sunday.” said the goalscorer. “Only until Sunday.” “Relax, Carles, I will take care of that. Don't you worry.” Suddenly all eyes were on Andrés. Everyone was surprised by the forcefulness of the statement he had just made, and filled with hope too because whenever he made such bold predictions it was usually because he had seen what was about to happen. When everything seems straightforward, his is the voice that warns against complacency; and when everything seems difficult, his is the voice that announces the arrival of a better future. “Do you believe in destiny, Andrés?” came the question from the table. “Destiny is a very complex word. l was certainly in the right place at the right time.’ And if he was in South Africa it certainly was not by coincidence. The relief at being there after thinking his chance may have gone explained his relaxed mood leading up to the final; one that allowed him to intervene in these post-match discussions, to enjoy Emili's therapy video every night and to raise a glass to Ram's treatment table. Soccer City, 11 july 2010, the day of the World Cup final, and the minutes leading up to a game the whole planet would stop to watch. A planet intrigued by a Holland side who now played like one of the fierce Spain teams of old, up against a Spain team that now more than ever before resembled the classic Dutch masters whose Total Football may have lost the World Cup to Franz Beckenbauer's Germans in 1974 but won over the whole of Football. Roles had been reversed since the arrival of Luis Aragonés and Del Bosque, who both encouraged teams that looked to control matches through possession who were built around the talented ball-playing Spanish midfielder, and therefore. naturally, around Iniesta. With Aragonés, Spain won Euro 2008, their first title in 44 years; now two years later, they were 90 minutes away from a first-ever World Cup. Andrés reached the dressing-room and went deeper and deeper into his own world, only coming to the surface for a moment to speak with Hugo Camarero. He had something to say to one of Spain's assistants, a member of the backroom physio team, one who has hands of silk that calm the most tired and pained of muscles, Hugo was in the dressing-room when he heard Iniesta. “Hey Hugo, please..” Hugo, consumed by the usual pre-match hustle and bustle, and even more so because this was a World Cup final, stopped what he was doing to attend to Andrés. “First, Jesús Navas sent for me to arrange to dedicate a shirt, then Andrés came to see me. He was working with Raúl at the time. I don’t know if he had seen what I had done for Jésus in the dressing-room before a game so many things happen, so imagine before a World Cup final: treatments, bandages, massages." Andrés came over: “Hey, Hugo, make me a shirt for Jarque, please.” “What size do you want it? Big, small, short-sleeved, long-sleeved, a vest? Short-sleeved, okay don’t worry, when you come back from the warm-up we will have it ready.” Andrés continued: “Please put: ‘Dani Jarque, always with us.’ and make sure it's written large on the front.” “Don’t worry, when you come back in it will be there for you.’ Andrés went out to warm up. Hugo also had to go out onto the pitch at Soccer City to accompany and help the physical trainer Javi Mihano take the session. But before that he now had something to do. “As fast as I could, I went to look for Joaquin who is one of the kit men with the Spain team.” recalls Hugo. “Here you go, Hugo, the vest you wanted!’ But who gave him the marker pen? “That was also Joaquin. They always have them for the corners and free-kick sheets that are given to the players before every match. But Joaquin, and don't ask me why, already suspected something. ‘Don’t use too much ink. We are going to need that marker pen. You will see why.’ he said to me.” With every letter he wrote, with a sort of accelerated patience, he could feel the stare of Joaquin on the back of his neck. Would there be enough ink? “I am very meticulous and I was pressing down hard on each letter, using more ink than Joaquin wanted me to. Why? Because I wanted people to be able to read the words. I wanted it to look perfect.” Hugo was acting with an unshakeable faith that this shirt would be seen by the whole world. Andrés was still out on the pitch warming up and Minano was missing Hugo, but Hugo had still not finished. “Come on, Hugo-come on.” Between the pressure he was being put under by Joaquin and the pressure he was under anyway, he finished as quickly as he could. “Perhaps six or seven minutes. Not much more.” When Andrés returned, the shirt was waiting for him. “I don't think he said anything to me.” remembers Hugo. “Maybe he raised his hand. You  know what he's like. He says more with a gesture or a look than with words.” Hugo returned to the quiet of the dressing room after the warm-up had finished. Andrés had withdrawn into his own silent space. It was the calm before the storm a very delicate mix of subtle gestures, looks and whispers ahead of the game they all knew was the biggest of their lives. Nobody saw him put on that second layer beneath his red and blue Spain shirt. Nor did anyone notice that Andrés, superstitious and never comfortable with long sleeves had cut the sleeves on his shirt. “I remember that the tunnel from the dressing-room to the pitch was so long and steep.”  Andrés says. “When you saw the light at the end of it, it gave you the feeling of entering a Colosseum. You didn't see the stands until you were right in the mouth of the tunnel.” In that tunnel, Andrés, with the sleeveless white tee shirt carrying Hugo’s handiwork on the front of it, under his own Spain number 6, begins to feel something inside. It isn't fear or anxiety. Is it nerves? A little insecurity, perhaps? He walks down that tunnel, on edge. “When I see that photograph, it still makes my hair stand on end.” says  Hugo. “So imagine what it was like for him! I see that message and my mind is swamped by a thousand flashbacks. And I think about all that he went through at that World Cup. Did he suffer? Yes, he did. He suffered a lot.” says Hugo. “It was fifty five days, including the preparation leading up to the tournament. Days and nights of treatment, sometimes until four in the morning. Look what happened in Murcia before the trip to South Africa. He was home free but the injury caught up with him. Look what happened against the Swiss. He was so nearly a hundred percent right again, but he had to start all over again. Every morning the same routine, the same scene. Let’s see now, the good morning greeting you get from Andrés. How does it go? We didn't really need words by the end. I think he ended up having more training sessions with me than with the rest of the team. If he gave you a smile, then that was enough. With a simple gesture, it was enough. There were nights when I spent more time praying than sleeping. Praying that the following morning, his good morning smile would be a reassuring one.” The kit men for the Spain team worked with the utmost care to make sure Andrés wanted for nothing. Before going to South Africa, the Spanish Football Federation even set up a gymnasium at the team’s training ground at Las Rozas with machines especially suited to his needs. “We brought the same machines that Xavi and Iniesta used in Barcelona” said Hugo. “And then we pressured them to take similar machines to the World Cup including the same running machine for Ramos. Andrés is very superstitious. But then many players are.” One day when Hugo was at training with Spain defender Raúl Albiol, the team doctor rushed on to the pitch shouting at Hugo: “You need to be with Andrés so you can do the same exercises with him as always now please and then you can come back to work with Albiol.” The patient was sure that with the same exercise routine every day, the body would end up synchronizing. That is why Hugo left everything he was doing and marched off for his meeting with Andrés Iniesta's legs. The routine could not be broken. “We had to manage the process very well with Andrés.” says Hugo. “The tests that we gave him, the information that we gave him, everything had to be really positive. I remember Raúl always repeating the same message to him so there were no doubts: ‘Relax, Andrés everything's going well. Relax.’ In fact, everything was not going well. It was going badly. But no matter how badly, we had to be positive.” Hugo was thinking about so many of these tiny details experienced during those 55 days as he made the long walk down the Soccer City tunnel. He was happy because Andrés had found exactly what he had asked for when he got back to his locker in the dressing-room. Everything was as it should be as he walked on to the pitch passing -without looking at it the World Cup he hoped he would end up kissing that night. “We got no idea what happened to that marker pen. I was a little bit annoyed when I gave it back that much I do remember.” says Hugo. There was a message on Jesús Navas' shirt that night too. The same one, written instead for Antonio Puerta, who had died tragically on the pitch when playing for Sevilla. The shirts were different too. The one used by Jesus was short-sleeved and blue and the one used by Andres, as the a whole world saw, was white and sleeveless. Both were the handiwork of Hugo Camarero. “Why did I never think of it before? I don't know. I don’t think too much about things. Perhaps it was inspiration from somewhere.” says Andrés. In the build-up to the final; Iniesta was occupied with more domestic affairs. He was making sure that his closest friends Jordi, Joel, Sesi and Alexis reached Johannesburg in time to see the final. “I didn’t need to think about the shirt when I scored the goal. It is something instinctive. You score and you immediately take off your shirt. lf I had thought about it too much, then maybe it would not have worked out so well. It went perfectly, it never got caught up, I took it off cleanly. It never fell to the ground. I never fell to the ground. It was incredible.” Hugo's handwritten message had ceased to be hidden beneath Andrés' Spain shirt. The message stirred millions of hearts, shaken by the unforgettable goal that had preceded it. ‘Dani Jarque, always with us.’ “I saw the goal in a different way to everyone else.” Andrés says. What is it like to score the goal that wins a World Cup and buries the footballing frustrations of an entire nation with one shot? “When I received the ball, I couldn’t hear a thing.” he says. “It feels as though when l controlled the ball the whole world stopped. It is difficult to explain. I didn’t feel anything in that moment, there was just silence. The ball, the goal, and  me. It is true that just before the ball is passed to me, I take a step back just to be sure I'm not offside. I knew that I wasn't, it was something instinctive. It's something your body does on autopilot. And then, then came the silence.” The ball arrived and sat up sweetly for Iniesta to control it and strike it “You have to hold back for just a moment, just so that you catch it perfectly. You're in charge. You and only you. The ball was Newton’s apple. And so that made me Newton. I just needed to wait for gravity to take its course. You control the situation. You decide the height the ball is at when you hit it, how hard you hit it, and where you send it. In that moment of silence, it's just you and the ball. My intention was to 'shoot as far into the corner as I could so that the goalkeeper could not get to it, but it ends up going in more centrally. But I hit it hard, that’s for sure. The truth is I don’t like to think too much about the process. When you think you lose a tenth of a second, and if you think too much you can miss.”The ball, struck a little more centrally than planned, bent back the right hand of Stekelenburg. With the Dutch keeper now on his knees beaten by the shot, Andrés turned towards the linesman hoping he had not committed the monumental injustice of raising his flag, because he had been onside. He also looked back towards the centre of the pitch remembering something else: “I participated in the entire move for the goal.”He speaks with pride about the way he had helped knit together the move that went from Sergio Ramos' zone at right back, to the centre-forward position,formerly the home of Fernando Torres before he injured himself in that second period of extra time, the backheel to Navas, the movement into space, the pause; all of it necessary for the move to go down in Spanish football history. Andrés is there in all those details. The player who says he doesn’t like to think too much. He did not suffer in those agonizing final minutes despite the nervous moments in the Spain area. “When I saw Robben coming in on Casillas, I was expectant. Nothing more than that. In the end you trust the goalkeeper, it's as simple as that. Now, after watching replays of the chance many times, I think Robben had enough pitch to dribble around Iker. But, luckily, he hit the shot and met with an immense Casillas. That save was so vital. What is more, the more minutes that were played the better I was feeling. I had the feeling we were going to win. The team was getting stronger, I was getting stronger. It is something you can feel. You can see it in the way you are receiving the ball and I wanted to play an important part. I wanted to take responsibility and I had the energy levels to do so. l felt no fear with the ball at my feet! I was empowered. And I'm not saying that just because of the goal, because that was just one of the many moves we put together. Before the goal I remember one chance when l controlled the ball well but just could not finish: There was the move when Heitinga was sent off and two or three other chances. I had the feeling I was going to have to dig even deeper than the rest for us to win that final. Don’t ask me why, that is just the way I felt.” says Andrés. What is more, it was not an easy final and not just for purely football reasons or because it had gone into extra time. Andrés knew right from the first kick that he was playing a thousand mini-matches in one massive game. This felt like something that had started four years earlier in 2006. “Of course I remember the challenges from Van Bommel. How could I forget them! He stepped on me on purpose and then committed two fouls against me that could have both been straight reds. And to think I was almost the one sent off! Imagine if I had been shown the red card. That was when I stuck my hip out and he went down as if I had killed him. I was furious when he had deliberately stepped on me to hurt me. I know in that moment I could have been the one receiving the red card, so..” He can't even bring himself to finish the sentence. But then the memories come flooding back of that moment when he became unrecognizable even to himself. “They kicked us all over the place in the final: the foul from De Jong on Xabi Alonso, the ones on me. And it’s true that I don’t usually lose my cool.” But he did lose his cool to the point where for a moment, caught up in that conflict with Van Bommel. Andrés was no longer himself. Rather than talk about what almost happened, he prefers to talk about what did happen. The goal. “It is not the goal the people see on the television.” he says. “It resembles it but it was not quite like that. Through my eyes, the perspective changes. The feeling I had on the pitch is something I can’t put into words. It was just very much my goal and I know I have never scored a goal like it. I don't know how to explain it, I don’t know how to do it justice.Everything around me froze for a few seconds, I heard the silence. That sounds like a contradiction but I can't think of a better way of describing it: an audible silence.” And then the ball hits the net, Andrés removes his Spain shirt and the world sees that message and remembers Dani Jarque. That white sleeveless t-shirt written on by Hugo, is in Daniel Jarque's spiritual home - Espanyol’s Cornellà-El Prat stadium. There where the crowd applaud their former captain in minute 21 -his shirt number of every single game. The game plays on but the supporters forget the football for a moment and give Dani, Andrés' friend, a minute's ovation, match after match, season after season. The blue Spain shirt with the sleeves hurriedly cut in the Soccer Qty dressing room is another football artefact and that is not in Andrés’ possession either. Who has it? “That particular treasure is in very safe hands.” he says. Emili still can't believe the gift that Andrés gave him when he came back from South Africa, a blue Spain shirt with something very special written on it: “Our secret worked, we became Champions! Thanks for being by my side! With affection. A. Iniesta 6.” This time it was the hand, not of Hugo but of Andrés, dedicating the shirt that still did not have the star above the badge reserved for teams who have won the World Cup but would be here forever more. Everyone remembers the goal. No one will ever forget it. But few remember that Andrés played six of the seven games at the World Cup and in three of them was voted man of the match; including the final of course.
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