#Davy Gamigin
hiddenfolk · 1 year
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Davy Gamigin • Rank 7
Bloodline ability: Flying Dutchman
Gamigins can create spectres, ranging from abstract balls of light to more humanoid ones. These spectres can possess and manipulate objects much like a poltergeist. At close-mid range, Gamigins have full control over the actions of the spectres, but at longer ranges the spectres can only follow very simple commands, given to them beforehand. Also, spectres cannot alter the physical properties of an object in any way; they can merely move it. They can however activate any intended functions of a tool.
The Gamigin family isn't a particularly prestigious or high class family, but they have built up a decent level of respect within their small corner of the world. The Gamigins live by one of the most brutal and dangerous seas in the demon realm, one too vast to be crossed by flying. They essentially function as guardians, helping ships navigate dangerous sea routes, rescuing drowning demons and manning the local lighthouse. It's quite a tough job, even for an aquatic demon, but the Gamigins take it with a quiet but resolute diligence that those around them have come to acknowledge.
Pretty much as said above. Davy spent his days on the high seas, fighting the elements and guiding ships through storms, slowly but surely building up a decent reputation within the circle of Lady Levy. At some point she invited him to become a teacher at her school; after all with his experience, he'd be able to provide the students with a lot of real-life survival knowledge.
Unfortunately for him, Gamigin REALLY didn't fit in at Levialon. His rough-around-the-edges personality and messy approach to life didn't exactly align with Levialon's focus on good manners and discipline, and the other teachers weren't exactly enthused with him. At some point he decided to move away, and transferred to Babyls. It's not 100% clear whether he moved because he was transferred or transferred because he moved.
Gamigin is the senior's Practicals teacher. Since he spends most of his time in the senior's buildings, he is not very well known to the younger classes.
Gamigin is a pretty quiet person who tends to keep to himself. Not necessarily out of shyness, more because he's vaguely out of it. To others he comes off kind of messy and disorganised, wandering away wherever the wind takes him and coming back whenever he pleases, usually mysteriously damp and smelling of seawater. However he is by no means incompetent. An incredibly practical, no frills person, Davy doesn't waste time on anything but the most important, integral survival skills and drills them in like a drill sergeant.
Simply put: Davy only expends his time and energy when it's something vitally important. However when that important moment comes, he is always the first to act. He's a quietly observant person, who pays a surprising amount of attention to others even if he doesn't show it.
Davy cares about other people, but doesn't necessarily know how to socialise. After all he spent years in the middle of nowhere, where the only interaction he had with others was making sure they didn't die. It matters to him that people have the ability to protect themselves in any situation, but he can't help but see others as living in a fundamentally different world from him. Two ships passing in the night, if you will. He doesn't really expect anyone to stick around long term, so he doesn't really put that much effort into forming a strong emotional attachment with them. He doesn't feel positively or negatively about this, it's just kind of a neutral fact of life. In practice though, that means he has no particular social skills and doesn't really put effort into learning any. He's kind of awkward.
•While he's away teaching, the sea/lighthouse isn't unmanned, don't worry- the rest of his family are still around and they're doing fine without him. In addition, the amount of ships navigating the area, and periods of bad weather are pretty seasonal, so there are definitely plenty of peaceful months in the year. Davy does still take time off to pitch in during the busiest seasons.
•Davy's room is on the bottom floor of the teacher's dorms because he sleeps in a giant water tank.
•Has a LOT of scars all over his body. He does deal with chronic pain from old injuries.
• Younger students are scared of him but the senior students tend to see him as kind of a pathetic mop. The kind of teacher who's pretty chill about being the butt of the joke.
• Water. Babyls is inland and therefore has much less access to bodies of water, so he will embrace every single opportunity to be in water. Has gotten in trouble with Dali about running up the dorm's water bill before.
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(ordem alfabética)
A- Abaddon (mitologia cristã) Abalam(mitologia cristã) Abezethibou (Testamento de Salomão) Abraxas/Abracas (Gnosticismo) Abyzou (mitologia judaica) Adrameleque (mitologia assíria, demonologia cristã) Aesma Daeva (zoroastrismo) Agaliarept (mitologia judaica) Agrat bat Mahlat (mitologia judaica) Agares (mitologia cristã) Agiel(mitologia judaica) Ahriman/Angra Mainyu (zoroastrismo) Aim/Haborym(mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Aka Manah/Akem Manah/Akoman/Akvan (zoroastrismo) Akira (mitologia bigottia) Ala(Mitologia eslava) Alal (mitologia caldeia) Alastor (mitologia cristã) Alloces/Allocer (mitologia cristã) Allu (mitologia acadiana) Alus Mabus (mitologia miliciana) Amaymon (mitologia cristã) Amdusias (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Amy/Amousias(mitologia cristã) Anameleque (mitologia assíria) Andhaka (Mitologia hindu) Andras (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Andrealfo (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Andromálio (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Anticristo(mitologia cristã) Armaros (mitologia judaica) Aariel (mitologia cristã, Ars Theurgia) Arconte (gnosticismo) Asag/Asakku (mitologia suméria) Asakku (mitologia babilônica) Asb'el (mitologia judaica) Asmodeus Astaroth Asura (mitologia hindu) Azazel / Azaz'el (mitologia judaica) Azi Dahaka/Dahak (zoroastrismo)
B- Baal/Bael (mitologia cristã) Balam (mitologia cristã) Barão (mitologia católica)[1] Balberith (mitologia judaica) Bali Raj (mitologia hindu) Banshee (mitologia irlandesa) Baphomet (folclore cristão Barbas (mitologia cristã) Barbatos (mitologia cristã) Bathin/Mathim/Bathym/Marthim(demonologia cristã) Beball (mitologia cristã) Belzebu (mitologia judaica, demonologia cristã) Behemoth (mitologia judaica) Belial (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã) Beleth (mitologia cristã) Belphegor(mitologia cristã) Berith/Beherit(mitologia fenícia, mitologia cristã) Bhoot/Bhūta (Sanskrit) Bifrons (mitologia cristã) Boruta (mitologia eslava) Botis (mitologia cristã) Buer(mitologia cristã) Bukavac (demonologia eslava) Bune (mitologia cristã) Buta Kala (mitologia indonésia) Bushyasta (zoroastrismo)
C- Caifaz Carabia / Decarabia (mitologia cristã) Carmelo (mitologia cristã) Cramunhão Charún (mitologia etrusca) Chemosh (moabita) Choronzon(Thelema) Cimejes / Kimaris / Cimeries(mitologia cristã) Corson (mitologia cristã) Crocell / Procell (mitologia cristã) Culsu (mitologia etrusca)[2] Cérbero (mitologia grega)
D- Daeva (mitologia zoroastra) Dagon (mitologia semita)[3] Dajjal (mitologia islâmica)[4] Dantalion (mitologia cristã)[5] Danjal (mitologia judaica) Davy Jones (folclore nâutico)[6] Decarabia (mitologia cristã) Demiurgo (Gnosticismo) Demogorgon (mitologia cristã)[5] Drekavac (mitologia cristã)
E- Eisheth (mitologia judaica) Eligos (mitologia cristã) Équidna (mitologia grega)
F- Focalor (mitologia cristã) Foras/Forcas/Forras/ (mitologia cristã) Forneus (mitologia cristã) Furcas/Forcas (mitologia cristã) Furfur (mitologia cristã)
G- Gosfe (mitología japonesa) Gader'el (mitologia judaica) Gaki (mitologia japonesa) Gamigin (mitologia cristã) Ghoul (Árabe e outras mitologias) Glasya-Labolas/Caacrinolaas/Caassimolar/Classyalabolas/Glassia-labolis (demonologia cristã). Gords- Demônio dos mil dedos (Demonologia popular) Górgona (mitologia grega) Gremory/Gomory (demonologia cristã) Grigori (mitologia judaica) Gualichu (mitologia mapuche) Guayota (Guanche) Gusion/Gusoin/Gusoyn
H- Haagenti (mitologia cristã) Halphas/Malthus (mitologia cristã) Hantu Raya (mitologia indonésia) Haures/Flauros/Flavros/Hauras/Havres (mitologia cristã)
I- Ifrit Íncubo Iblis Imp Ipos/Ipes (mitologia cristã)
J- Jinn (mitologia islâmica) Jikininki (mitologia japonesa)
K- Kabandha/Kabhanda (Hinduismo) Kali (Hinduismo) Karen (mitologia nórdica) Kasadya (mitologia judaica) Kokabiel (mitologia judaica) Kroni (mitologia Ayyavazhi) Kermani (mitologia nórdica)
L- Lâmia Legião (mitologia cristã) Lechies (mitologia eslava) Leyak (mitologia indonésia) Lempo (mitologia finlandesa) Leraje/Leraie (mitologia cristã) Leviatã (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã) Lili/Lilin/Lilim (mitologia judaica) Lilith (mitologia acádia, mitolofia suméria e folclore judaico) Lúcifer (mitologia cristã) Lucifuge Rofocale (mitologia cristã)
M- Malphas (mitologia cristã) Mammon (mitologia cristã) Mara (mitologia budista) Maricha (mitologia hindu)[7] Matin (mitologia das baleias) Marax/Morax/Foraii (mitologia cristã) Marchosias (mitologia cristã) Masih ad-Dajjal/Ad-Dajjal/Dajjal (escatologia islâmica)[8] Mastema (mitologia judaica) Medusa (mitologia grega) Mephistopheles (folclore cristão, folclore alemão) Merihem (mitologia cristã e judaica) Minotauro (mitologia grega) Moloch (mitologia cristã) Murmur (mitologia cristã) Morfeu (mitologia grega)
N- Naamah (mitologia judaica) Naberius/Cerbere/Naberus (mitologia cristã) Ninurta[9] Namtar
O- Onoskelis Orcus Orias/Oriax (mitologia cristã) Orobas (mitologia cristã) Ose (mitologia cristã) Ördög (mitologia húngara) O Tokata
P- Paimon (mitologia cristã) Pazuzu (mitologia babilônica) Pelesit (mitologia indonésia) Phenex (mitologia cristã) Penemue (mitologia cristã e judaica) Pithius (mitologia cristã) Pocong (mitologia indonésia) Pontianak Procrusto (mitologia grega) Pruflas (mitologia cristã) Puloman (Hindu demonology)
Q- Quimera (Mitologia Grega)
R- Rahab (folclore judaico) Raum (mitologia cristã) Ronove (mitologia cristã) Rusalka (mitologia eslava) Rakshasa (hinduísmo) Rangda (hinduísmo) Ravan (hinduísmo)
S- Sabnock (mitologia cristã) Saleos (mitologia cristã) Salpsan (mitologia cristã) - filho de Satã, de acordo com Evangelho de Bartolomeu. Samael (demonologia judaica) Seir (mitologia cristã) Semyaz (demonologia judaica) Shax/Chax (mitologia cristã) Shedim (folclore judaico) Sithis (mitologia nórdica) Sitri (mitologia cristã) Sthenno (mitologia grega) Stolas/Solas (mitologia cristã) Suanggi Súcubo (mitologia cristã, suméria) Surgat (mitologia cristã)
T- Tannin (mitologia judaica) Toyol
U- Ukobach (mitologia cristã)
V- Valac (mitologia cristã) Valefary/Malaphar/Malephar (mitologia cristã Vapula (mitologia cristã) Vassago (mitologia cristã) Vepar (mitologia cristã) Vine (mitologia cristã)
W- Wendigo (Algonquin)
X- Xaphan (mitologia cristã) Xezbeth
Y- Yeqon Yeter'el
Z- Zagan (mitologia cristã) Zepar (mitologia cristã) Ziminiar (mitologia cristã) Zozo (Ouija) Zulu Bangu (mitologia africana)
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
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Silly geese
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
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(A nap)
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
How do your ocs feel about each other and other teachers? Is there anyone they look up to a lot?
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Sorry i took so long to reply my only excuse is that im dumb asjfjg
Gamigin's kind of accidentally a recluse, so he has a really bad habit of not knowing who anyone is and being vaguely confused about it. He generally respects the other teachers though, especially the strong ones (because they're capable of protecting others.)
In terms of Decarabia, he does kind of have a crush ngl. On one hand he thinks he's cute, on the other he is not blind to the fact that Decarabia is an absolute fucking weirdo who is absolutely confusing to talk to lmao. Since they're both mainly in the senior building they tend to spend the most time together compared to the other teachers
Meanwhile Decarabia is kind of a huge nag towards Gamigin, getting annoyed his uniforms inside out and constantly reminding him to get paperwork done and stuff. He's kind of annoyed by it, but at the same time he does appreciate how much he cares about other aspects of his job lmao.
Lazuli is unfortunately capitalist-brained and obsessed with professionalism so he tends not to form any sort of negative opinions towards colleagues for the most part, and does have an appreciation for their good qualities, though it's in kind of an objective non-friendshippy way. He's also really interested in teachers with family status because he wants those connections, though he doesn't act on it because that would be inappropriate workplace conduct smh. When he was a newbie teacher, his mentor was Ipos, he thinks he's v cool.
He and Aion joined at the same time and frankly they're like. Inseparable. Since they were both super new to teaching and kind of insecure, they ended up turning to each other a lot and became super close. In their spare time they're like always lying on top of each other and cuddling. They also sleep in the same bed together relatively frequently. Surprisingly, this is entirely platonic.
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
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Idk its them hours
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
Gamigin and Decarabia's relationship is a Kerori/Gyari level mess and I'm fairly sure this stems from the fact that Decarabia unironically considers receiving cold hard cash a romantic gesture
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
I like to think Gamigin and Decarabia both have weird nonsense weights like some of the demons in mairuma where Gamigin is like 25 kilos lighter than youd expect and Decarabia is like 20 kilos heavier than youd expect lmao
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
me when I realize I can't turn on anon for some reason so (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
also I also have a clock OC with an clock tail, BUT YOUR TAKE ON THE HOUR HAND MINUTE HAND (I assume) IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN MINE RAAAA
AAAAA( is shook) thank u for asking omg,,
My browser freakin shut down while i was replying so i lost my first answer rip 😔 time to rewrite
Clock lady is Aion Ose! She's a former security devil turned teacher. Her bloodline ability is called Thirteenth hour, it gives her an extra hour of time in her day (looks like superspeed to others. Doesn't have to be used in one go). She's kinda elegant and princely but in a cat way. Has weirdly high personal standards and gets smad when she fails to live up to them. Her tails are pretty much always swinging and if she tries to stop swinging them, it WILL throw off her sense of time lmao. Despite her cool tm aura, she is unfortunately a math teacher.
Fish guy is Davy Gamigin! He used to work at Lady Levi's school but since they're all about being dignified and orderly and he is a mess they were not into his vibe at all smh. His bloodline ability is Will-o-wisp/Poltergeist (haven't settled on a name), he makes ghosts that can possess/manipulate objects basically. May or may not be covered in tattoos under his uniform (we do not know).
Also Chiyo looks so cool!!!! I had a look, but u should totally tell me more abt her 👀
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