#Day6 reaction
blu-joons · 2 years
When He Sings You To Sleep ~ Day6 Reaction
The feeling of you shuffling made Sungjin turn too, immediately coming face to face with you. “You’re not still awake, are you?” He frowned, picking up on the fact that you’d been having a restless night.
Your head nodded as a pout formed in your expression, “I just wish there was something that would help me to sleep.”
“I could help,” Sungjin quickly suggested, an air of confidence in his voice. “What about if I sing to you for a little while? That always seems to help you fall asleep.”
“But you need to sleep too,” you retorted, only to quickly be shushed by Sungjin. The look in his eyes let you know how serious he was, desperate to try and help you sleep. “Only if you’re absolutely sure Sungjin.”
A faint hum came from him, “of course, you just close your eyes and let me do the rest.”
“You make it sound so easy,” you giggled as you made yourself comfortable once again, “sleeping isn’t quite that simple.”
“It is when I’m the one that’s singing to you Y/N.”
Young K:
Your eyes lit up as Younghyun agreed to sing for you as you made yourself comfortable in his lap. “The big decision now is what song you want me to sing for you,” he told you, not knowing your mind was already made up.
Your head turned so that you were looking up at Younghyun, “you know I love whenever you sing Fly Me To The Moon.”
“I knew you were going to say that,” he chuckled, reading you like a book. “Are you sure that you’re not bored of listening to me sing the same song to you over and over?”
“No way,” you smirked, popping each of the sounds whilst Younghyun placed his hand against your side. “There’s no way that I could ever get bored of listening to it, you and that song are the perfect combination.”
He couldn’t help but smile as Younghyun listened to you, “you need to close your eyes in that case.”
“I can do that,” you assured him, hurrying to close your eyes and make yourself comfy. “Now you need to start singing.”
“A singer needs time to warm up Y/N.”
A soft smile formed on your face as you were woken by the sound of singing, your eyes slowly opening and looking to your left. “I can’t sing you to sleep if you’re awake,” Wonpil scolded as he noticed you.
Your smile turned up even more as you stirred, “why would I want to sleep when I could listen to you singing instead?”
“I’m only singing if you sleep, because I know you’re tired,” Wonpil told you, poking his tongue out at the same time too. “If you don’t close your eyes, we can sit in silence.”
“Since when were you so mean to me?” You chuckled back across to Wonpil, your voice groggy from how sleepy you were. “Why can’t you just sing to me to make me close my eyes and want to fall asleep?”
Wonpil’s head reluctantly nodded back at you, “as long as you promise to try and get some rest.”
“I promise,” you agreed with him, “but you can’t stop singing just because you think I’m asleep, you have to be sure.”
“I’ll make sure that I check you’re definitely asleep.”
You looked dejectedly across at Dowoon as his head shook in rejection to your suggestion. “I’m not singing you to sleep, my singing voice is rubbish,” he protested, bringing a groan of frustration out of you.
You poked against his arm as his head started shaking, “I think you’ve got a great singing voice, no one else can hear us too.”
“What about if I hum?” Dowoon proposed instead, “or maybe I could just tap my hand against the side of the bed to give you a beat to fall asleep to instead?”
“I said I wanted you to sing me to sleep,” you swiftly reminded him, meeting his eyes with a firm gaze. “If I love your singing voice, what’s stopping you from singing? You know that I love listening to you too.”
Dowoon looked sceptically back to you, “you really think that it can help you to fall asleep?”
“I could not be surer,” you chimed, the smile on your face growing. “What do you say? Are you going to sing for me?”
“I guess seeing as you asked so nicely.”
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smileyyoungchan · 2 years
Older - K.Y.H.
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Young K x reader
Song: Older - 5 Seconds of Summer feat. Sierra Deaton
Genre: Angst? With some fluff in the end
Warning: none I guess, but let me know if I’ve missed something
Note: I love this man so much it physically hurts!! Help!!
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I couldn’t sleep. Again.
I missed some arms holding me during the night. I missed his arms.
We decided to take a break, and I couldn’t even remember why, I just know that I missed him to death, but my stupid pride wouldn’t let me call him.
I missed waking up every single morning and seizing his silly face beside me; I missed holding his hand, that was too big compared to mine; I missed creating some imaginary constellations with the moles in his face, tracing the lines with my fingers, and him melting into the touch; I missed him walking around the house and starting to sing some random songs; I missed him.
Maybe staying in bed and continue to think wasn’t good enough. I grabbed my phone and walked to the living room, where I turned on the tv and watched some random things. Didn’t even bothered to check the name of the program, I wasn’t really interested anyway.
It was 3am, and in four hours I had to wake up. That’s cool.
The bell rang and destroyed the calm night.
Who the hell came at my house at 3am?
With a mix of worry and fear I walked to the door, expecting nothing but the worst.
I opened the door and in front of me the only man I’ve ever loved in my entire life, was waiting with a hint of agitation in his face.
“YoungHyun” I whispered, catching his attention.
“Hey - he started- I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure you’re okay”
Why talking to him now kinda seemed off?
I wanted my YoungHyun back. The annoying boy who constantly teased me for everything, but also encouraged me to do all the things I was scared of; the boy who stole some food from my plate, cause he knew that would have made me mad; the boy I love.
“I’m okay” I simply said.
His hand was placed on the side of the door, and the other one was lazily laying o his side.
He was tired, I could have tell that.
“Are you okay?” I asked him.
I needed to know he was doing okay, even if it was a lie, I needed him to say those words.
“Yeah, I guess” he chuckled.
It was a sad chuckle, not the cute one he always made.
“Well, then… see you around” he said after some moments of silence we spent looking into each others eyes.
I had a teacher, once, who tried to be funny and said to one my classmates, who didn’t knew the answer to a question he just made “if we keep staring at each other we will fall in love”, I literally hated that teacher, but every time I locked eyes with YoungHyun I thought that, maybe, he was right, cause every time I looked at him I was dragged, once again, in the whole of love for him.
“See ya”
‘Please don’t go’ my mind was screaming.
But he was walking down the stairs, and I couldn’t help but look at him.
When he turned, following the stairs, and he faced me once again, he gave me a smile. God, I loved him so much.
I smiled back and once he disappeared I closed the door.
If my night was already sleepless now everything will be definitely worse.
Maybe some tea would have helped me calm my nerves.
I was about to walk to the kitchen when a serie of soft knocks from my door catch my attention.
It was him again.
“Sorry” he said as soon as I opened the door.
“Sorry? For what?”
‘I love you! You don’t have to be sorry for nothing!’ My mind wanted to scream to him.
“For what I’m going to saying, but I really need to take this out of my chest- he faced me and his eyes were kinda teary, and all I wanted to do was to hug him- Listen, I can’t continue like this. I need you, i seriously do. The boys all told me I don’t look the same, I can’t even sleep properly anymore. Even eating now kinda makes me sick, and you know how much I love to eat. Music is the only thing that makes me alive right now, but it’s just cause through my lyrics I can feel you again. You're my life, why can't I be yours?” With those final words he completely destroyed me.
Tears stared to run down my face, silently, and I knew it, but decided to ignore them. He was crying too, but when he noticed that I started as well, first, he dried some of my tears, using his thumb.
“that’s the problem, K - he smiled when I used his surname I always gave him - you are my life. I can’t even do anything without being reminded of you. I miss you so much and I can see that we have some things in common here, cause I can’t sleep either”
He reclutantly moved his hand to caress my face, and I didn’t tried to hold back.
“I’ve missed you to death” he whispered, coming closer.
Our eyes met and, as Pete Wentz once said, ‘totally back in love’.
“Can you, please, forgive me? I can’t do this without you anymore” he said, again, in a low tone.
I wasn’t able to form some words with a meaning, so I just nodded countless times.
“Please say it, I need to hear it”
“Yes, K, I forgive you”
He smiled and his face came closer to mine.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was a soft caress.
“I don’t know, can you?”
I couldn’t resist but laugh at his expression, cause he was just too cute.
“Of course you can”
He connected our lips and I could feel him smile.
“Now I have a request- I said, as soon as our lips parted - stay the night?” I held his hand, preventing him to go away.
He nodded and followed me inside the apartment we used to share.
I turned off the tv and we both walked to the bedroom.
“I missed this place” he said, laying flat on his back on the bed.
“This place missed you too” I sat beside him, just staring at his perfect face.
He noticed me staring and moved his hand to touch me, and let our hands interlock.
“I love you” he whispered.
“I love you too, K”
He smiled.
I lay down next to him, facing him for a brief moment.
When we both decided to sleep I turned around and turned off the light, making myself comfortable.
YoungHyun, behind me, shuffled and came closer to me, placing his arm on my waist.
He placed a couple of kisses on the back of my neck, tickling me.
His hand was caressing my waist, and then the little bastard put his hand - his cold freezing hand- directly on my skin, moving my t-shirt.
“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hand?”
“But I’m cold” he says in the babies tone ever.
“You’re lucky I love you” I joked, and he laughed.
How much I’ve missed all of this.
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brianskangs · 3 months
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chaer: *says something* yk: ???????? 😲😲😲
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briankang · 1 month
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drowsiest boy in the world captured live on camera
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staydays · 1 year
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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ishikawayukis · 1 year
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when they play you singing a cringe song and there's nothing you can do about it
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we-survive-endlessly · 5 months
If anyone needs me I’ll be crying over Dreaming Girl for the foreseeable future 😭
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dailywonpil · 11 months
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there you'll be || day6 [psj]
Warnings: major character death, heavy angst(?)
I won't control you, but MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: Park Sungjin/(F) Reader, implied past Yoon Dowoon/(F) Reader
Plot: What if you only have today to say goodbye?
Genre: Established Relationship
I keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am, there you'll be
This was written 8-9ish years ago, and re-written and posted on ao3 3 years ago.
This concept came from my sister's dream, and she asked me to write it, and probably the main reason why i decided to have an ao3 account lmao
This was originally written with a different fandom and pairing and was supposed to be a part of this fic universe i wrote (but didn't finish). Re-written so it can be better, I guess (hope)??? but the concept is still the same with some major changes tho
Reposted here because there is a tragic lack of day6/reader fics uwu
anyway, all readers are appreciated! luvluv
6:00 – 7:00 a.m.
Y/N woke up to an irritating sound. It was this shrill beeping sound that made her want to hurl the object at the wall.
When she opened her eyes, she reached for the alarm clock and turned it off. "Shut up," she said, exhausted, and looked at the time. 6:00 am.
For an ordinary Saturday morning, six am is way too early. After dropping out of the university from her second course and running away with Sungjin, Y/N's life has changed; from the simplest things like her sleeping pattern to the biggest ones like missing her family. She wouldn't say she regrets it, she just wishes the situation was different.
Her usual weekends start at nine, and she always wakes up before Sungjin does. She would often be the one to go down to make breakfast for the two of them.
Sometimes though, when struck with an ahem inspiration, she would wake him with a lazy hand job—or a blowie, whichever she prefers—until he slightly shifts position and fist the bed covers. Slowly peppering his hips with kisses until Sungjin groans in annoyance to whichever is rousing him from his beloved, peaceful sleep. Y/N has to stifle her laughter because she knows just how grumpy he is when woken up 'too early', but how he won't be able to stay mad at her. He'd smile down at her and say in that sexy just-woke-up voice of his that he'd go back to sleep so Y/N can go ahead with what shennanigans she was trying to do.
Today though, that was not the case. She has to get up early because the local high school she volunteers at made a weekend program for writing and music. Every second Saturday, she would be facilitating two classes; a writing workshop in the morning, and the music sessions in the afternoon. Sometimes, she would take Sungjin with her, and he would teach the students how to play the guitar.
After switching the alarm off, Y/N got up and stretched her legs and arms, loving the way her joints popped as sleep from her muscles fade.
It's also during this time of the day, however, that she can't help but think of her life before this.
It has been five years. Y/N is sure her children doesn't recognize her anymore. After running away with the boyfriend of her ex-husband's twin brother, she's sure Dowoon would never let her be a part of their children's lives anymore, no matter how much he used to love her. Betrayal would definitely kill people.
Y/N padded sleepily to the bathroom to take a quick shower.
After getting ready for the day, she went down to cook some breakfast for them. Before leaving the house, she decides to check on Sungjin and wake him up early for his doctor's appointment. He sleeps through the alarm, and might miss his appointment.
She opens the door to their room quietly and see Sungjin's still sleeping form on the bed. She gently shakes him, just enough to wake him up.
"Sungjin?" She shakes him again when he doesn't respond. "Babe? Wake up."
Sungjin hums, cracking an eye open. "I'd be going," she says with a soft smile.
"Hmf... don't you want me to go with you?" He asks sleepily as he rubs his eyes. Y/N shakes her head, running her fingers through his hair.
"It's fine. You have your appointment today with Dr. Park, remember? Wouldn't wanna miss that." Sungjin pouts, and she smiles. "I'll bring home that Kimchi stew you like."
"Yeah?" He smiles at her hopefully through bleary eyes.
"Yes. So get your lazy ass up now, or you'll have to rush again." She slaps his bum and kisses his lips before she stands up. "I'll be home early. Get up now, 'kay? Love you." She shuts the door to the bedroom just in time to hear the faint and almost muffled love you too from Sungjin.
She leaves the house minutes later, not helping the smile on her face. She thinks that at the end of the day, after all the heartbreaks and challenges they had to face, running away with him is always worth it.
9:40 am
Y/N gives the students their second writing exercise for the day. She walks around the room and smiles down at Charlie, one of her favorite students in the writing program. The kid is really talented in writing.
Y/N wonders fleetingly about her twins. She wonders if they will inherit their father's love for music books, or her love for long novels? She puts her arm around the other and smiles to herself. She wants to see her children badly and maybe, just maybe, have some with Sungjin in the future.
10:30 am
Y/N was just about to tell her students to take a 15-minute break when she heard a commotion outside. One of the teachers ran up to her classroom with panic in her eyes. Y/N immediately knew something was wrong.
"What is it?" she asked.
"There's someone with a gun!" It took Y/N a minute to fully get that. "He's in the building. Send your students out."
She didn't need to be told twice. "Class, I need you to leave everything behind and quickly exit the room." She tried to keep her voice even so as not to alarm them. She didn't want them panicking, even though she felt like throwing up.
"Now!" She hoped her students can forgive her for raising her voice (she never does), but now's not the right time to think about that. Both teachers looked out while the students filed out of the room hurriedly.
"Did someone call 911?" she asked as the last student got out of the room. The other teacher's answer was cut short by the sound of gunfire, followed by screaming.
"Go, go, go!" Y/N yelled at the students as they all ran towards the direction of the stairs.
Y/N was nearing the stairs when pain blooms in her shoulder. She didn't dare look back as a second one hits her back, then her leg. That's when she lost her balance, and crumple to the ground face down. She heard more screaming as students ran for their lives before she felt the bullet to her neck, and she's—
12:00 pm
Y/N raises her head from the table with a gasp.
Disoriented, she looks around and blinks. She doesn't know she had been snoozing. Had she been snoozing? It feels like she had only blinked.
She looks at the clock; 12:00 pm.
She hears the chatter of the students outside as she sees the essay exercises on her table. When she looks up, however, the classroom is a mess. The students' things are everywhere, and the chairs are all askew.
She remembers the panic and running, but nothing else. What happened after that?
She tries to recall as she flexes her head, pressing lightly at the pain in her neck. Not being able to come up with anything from her bizarre dream(?), she starts to clean up the mess.
1:08 pm
Y/N had successfully cleaned up the messy classroom by herself. She didn't notice that there were no students on the floor anymore. She slung her bag to her back and locked up the classroom.
It wasn't until she reached the second floor that she saw another soul. It was, however, a police officer.
What the...?
She walked towards the man, and called out to him.
"Excuse me?" He didn't seem to notice her. She called out to him again to no avail, the police turning his back on her.
"What the fuck?" Bothered, she continued down to the ground floor, where she saw more police officers.
She tried to talk to another police officer, but she was still ignored. She was getting frustrated and weirded out with each passing second. It's like they cannot see her. She didn't understand what's happening and felt her head spin, eyes prickling with tears of confusion.
She looked around, and finally, one person seemed to see her. The lady was looking straight at her. Relieved, Y/N walked towards her; she didn't know why, but she felt compelled to talk to her.
When she was close to the lady, she tripped a little on her own feet. She looked down and when she looked back up, the lady vanished.
"Looking for me?"
Y/N spun around to reveal the lady that had been staring at her.
"Yes..." Y/N said, torn between feeling embarrassed and confused. "But, you're there before. How...?"
The lady smiled at her. "You have more important questions to be answered, don't you think?" Y/N, who was dumbfounded, had just managed to nod.
"Come with me," the lady said. She turned around and started walking away, not waiting for Y/N to respond.
1:45 pm
Y/N cannot believe her eyes. She, or more accurately, her body, has been lying on a body bag in the quadrangle.
"B-but... h-how...?" She can only stammer in confusion.
This is just not possible. Y/N tries to breathe in and out to stop the spinning of her head, clutching her hands in each other.
She finally turns to the lady beside her, who is still staring at her lifeless body.
"You got killed," she answers Y/N's unspoken obvious question. "You're one of the last people he'd managed to kill before he was taken down by the police."
When the lady points at the bullet hole on her neck, a picture flashes through her mind.
Y/N remembers the pain through her shoulder, then her back and leg. Lastly, she remembers the blinding pain on her neck after falling to the ground.
After long minutes of disbelief, Y/N finds it in her to finally speak, her voice hoarse from the brimming emotions in her eyes. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"
She badly wants to believe that maybe she was really just dreaming. Maybe this is all just a practical joke. By whom, she doesn't know.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Her companion just shakes her head. "I'm so sorry."
That was the last straw for Y/N. Tears pour from her eyes as her world comes crashing down and her dreams shatter. She falls to her knees as she sobs her heart out.
She isn't ready to die yet.
Maybe this is payback for everything she did, for everyone she killed.
How is he supposed to move on? How is she supposed to move on?
"Sungjin." She sniffs. "Don't I even have the chance to say goodbye? I wanna say goodbye to him."
"You only have until before midnight," the lady says.
"Thank you," Y/N replies.
The lady just smiles at her sadly, her eyes telling her that she understands how she feels. She wonders briefly if they had been in the same situation. The lady vanishes right before her eyes, leaving Y/N with a broken heart.
2:50 pm
She looks for Sungjin at the clinic, but he was not there. She goes home and he was there, sleeping soundly on the sofa. His arm has a band-aid, for his tetanus jab.
Sungjin hates getting shots the most. Y/N knows he hates hospitals and injections, and has a big mistrust with the institution, and it makes her chest swell with love for him.
It makes her heart shatter, though. It's so hard to leave and say goodbye to someone you had forsaken your world for, especially when you're starting to think that everything is turning out fine. She was just starting to build her world with him, planning their future and thinking of having kids.
Sungjin looks so peaceful and beautiful, having no care in the world that Y/N just wants to frame this moment. She knows she can't, so she'll just watch over him for as long as she can. Maybe it will last longer than taking a picture, or maybe it can stop the time. If not, then she can at least keep this picture embedded in her mind before she disappears forever.
3:38 pm
Sungjin shifts from his position, rubbing his eyes and yawning on his hands. Y/N wipes her eyes with the back of her hand so he won't see the tears that had been steadily streaming down her face for the past hour. His eyes find her, and smiles that beautiful smile she fell in love with.
It sends her heart skidding on the floor, and to splinter a little more at the thought of leaving him. She bites her lip to keep the tears from falling further, and smiles back at him.
"Hey," she says, barely keeping her voice steady.
"Hey," Sungjin smiles at hear again, but his smile crumples when he takes in her bloodshot eyes and runny nose. He shoots up and engulfs her in a tight hug.
It was the wrong thing to do as Y/N loses it again, tears escaping down her cheeks. He rubs her back soothingly.
"What's wrong?" he asks. "Are you okay?"
"I love you. Please never ever forget that," is all she can say.
"And I love you more." Sungjin pulls away and cups her face into his hands. "Now tell me what's wrong—and don't you try to lie. I know you so well."
She debates telling him because he deserves the truth, but she can't find the right words to say. "I'm fine," she sniffs and shakes her head. "I'm okay."
"You're definitely not okay." He pulls away and holds her arms. He frowns when he notices her body's dropped temperature. "Where have you been? You're awfully cold!"
"I'm fine. School's let out early." Y/N sits up straight and smiles, wiping at her tears. "Did you—have you seen the news?"
Y/N is nervous to ask that, but she has to know. She knows he would be shattered when he knows that he's talking to a ghost. Technically, Sungjin can still touch her, but she's already a ghost.
She also can't forgive herself for breaking their promise of forever.
"Not yet," Sungjin says. "I was so tired and sleepy so I had to go straight home. But we can turn on the TV anyw—"
"No!" Y/N grips his hand, cutting him short of turning on the TV. She looks close to tears again that he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"No." Y/N composes herself with a fake smile to appease the surprised features on his face. "I'm just asking. I'm sorry for yelling."
"You're acting weird," Sungjin says.
Y/N puts on her best I'm-okay face and smiles at him. "I'm okay. I just had a snooze at work and I had a bad dream."
I wish this was all just a bad dream.
"I just want to make sure you don't forget I love you, you know? Despite everything that happened to us." She looks down and smiles sadly. "I'm sorry I made you worry for nothing."
Sungjin pouts, but pulls her into another hug. "It's fine, babe. I just love you more and more every second because you're the only person who loved me truly, and never left me."
Y/N's heart can't get any more broken.
5:55 pm
For the past few hours, Y/N and Sungjin were just curled up on the loveseat. They were watching a sappy romcom that seemed to mock her in the face as it was about leaving a loved one behind and coming back for them. On the other hand, it's a good reason for her to cry her eyes out without raising suspicion, safe and snug under Sungjin's arms.
Too bad, the peace doesn't last forever.
7:40 pm
Y/N is currently waiting for Sungjin to come back. She originally opposed to the idea because she has a bad feeling about it, but he said that he needs to get some food (since Y/N forgot to bring home some). It has already been an hour since he went out, and the store was only a 15-minute walk—five if you use a car.
What is taking him so long?
8:20 pm - 9:45 pm
Y/N was just about to go looking for Sungjin when the front door opens and shuts with a slam. Next came the heavy footsteps that sounded urgent and almost running.
Y/N stands up and was about to see if it was him (who else would it be?), when he comes running into the living room. He was panting and has a disheveled appearance, eyes puffy with the evident tear-stained tracks in his face.
"Sungjin...?" Y/N steps forward, but Sungjin steps backwards. "Babe...?"
"Who are you?" he asks as he tilts his head to the side, an incredulous, almost crazed look in his eyes.
"What?" she asks, knowing fully well what is going on. "It's me, Y/N! What kind of stupid sh—"
"You're NOT Y/N!" Sungjin almost yells. He walks towards her and shakes her by her shoulders. "Who are you? What did you do to her?"
"Babe, it's me!"
"No!" He lets go of her and walks to the other side of the room, his back against her. He turns around, and he has tears in his eyes. "You're not her."
"I am!" she cries out, but he refuses to listen. His mouth is curled in an angry sneer. "I know it sounds absurd, but I came back for you... to say goodbye."
"How can I believe that, huh?" he laughs, but there is no humor in his voice. "Ghosts are not real, whoever you are."
"How can you expect me to believe what you were saying?" he asks, but she can't give him an answer. "Answer me!" he screams when she stays silent.
Y/N suddenly feels tired. Heartbroken.
"I love you," she says instead. She looks down at her hands, and see that she is starting to fade as time passes by.
Sungjin laughs a ruthless laugh, not noticing the change in her, and it breaks her heart even more. She can't find it in herself to cry, mainly because she's already cried out as heck, and it's not like it will change anything.
"Just stay away from me," Sungjin says, face taut with anger. "Get the fuck out of my house."
Y/N can only nod. She debates reaching out to touch him, but backs out at the last second. She leaves her coat by the door, and gets out into the cold night.
She's already cold, anyway.
11:15 pm
Y/N begins to think about how her life has been and thinks how far she'd come. She's pretty proud of herself for coming this far.
She would want to say goodbye to her kids and to Dowoon as well, but it's not like that's in the cards right now.
She looks at her wristwatch, the one Sungjin gifted her for her birthday.
11:15 pm.
Right, 45 minutes left.
It's funny how she can't cry anymore, probably because she's past the sixth stage of grief. She thinks she had already accepted that she will be gone by midnight, and crying makes no sense at this point. It's not like it'll bring her back, or bring Sungjin back.
Speaking of which, she looks to her left and there Sungjin is at the other side of the park. She's pretty sure he hasn't seen her yet, so she stands up and keep her head down.
She walks toward a more secluded part of the park, not risking a glance back at him. She doesn't want to fight with him again. She'd rather go quietly without an affair, than have a big blow up with Sungjin. After all, this what she's good at; running away.
Ah, shit.
Y/N tries to walk faster without seeming like she was running away from him. If she runs away, he'll know she heard him. Y/N walks on, chanting a nopenopenope in her head.
Nope, indeed.
Nearly there.
"Y/N, please," Sungjin says, sounding out of breath and too near. "Wait."
Just keep yourself together.
"Y/N!" Sungjin grabs her wrist, spinning her around.
Her gaze lands on her wrist, and she sees that she was fading away fast. She pulls her hand back to her fast, careful not to draw attention to it. Too late though, because Sungjin's eyes are drawn to it.
She pulls the sweater's sleeve to cover her wrist and clear her throat. "Yeah." She laughs awkwardly. "Sorry 'bout that."
"It's true, then." Sungjin's face crumple. He looks younger, almost like a kid. "I was hoping it was just delirium from the shots."
She laughs quietly. "You don't get delirious from shots."
Y/N takes a deep breath, and smiles like her heart's not on fire. "I'll be going."
"Where?" he asks in a small voice.
She shrugs. "Hell, maybe?"
That turns out to be the wrong thing to say, because Sungjin bursts into tears a few moments later.
No, no, no.
"I'm sorry," she says as she takes a step towards him. She suddenly stops, him asking her to stay away still ringing in her ears.
"I'm sorry," even though she doesn't know if she's saying sorry for the joke or for ruining his life. "Sorry."
"I was hoping—" he says as he hiccups, wiping at his tears. "I was hoping this was all just a practical joke."
Y/N smiles sadly, still keeping her distance. She badly wants to pull him into a hug, but she can't.
"Do you regret it?" she asks him after a minute of silence. He looks at her and it breaks her heart, but she just can't bear not knowing before leaving. "Do you regret choosing me?"
"No," he insists, shaking his head. "Never."
She nods with a small smile. Me, too.
"Thank you," she says. "That's all I need to know."
She turns toward the other side of the park, but he walks in front of her and blocks her way.
"Don't go," he begs almost desperately. He kneels in front of her and hugs her legs, still crying like a kid. "Please just take me with you."
"Please," he cries harder. "Please please please."
Y/N unwraps his arms around her legs, and kneels with him, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Please don't leave me," he cries on her sweater. "You're all I have."
11:55 pm
Five minutes.
They spent the last almost-hour talking and crying. They reminisced about everything, and Y/N apologized, mostly. Everything she failed to say, and failed to make him feel. She spared nothing.
She looks at her wristwatch. 11:55 pm.
Her hands are almost transparent at this point.
"I'm sorry if I wasn't able to keep my promise" she says, taking Sungjin's hand in hers. "I mean it when I said I love you, and I want you to be happy—"
"—I can't be," Sungjin replies. At least he had stopped crying, but it looks like he was about to again.
Three minutes.
"Close your eyes, babe." He does, and she kisses his lips one last time.
"I'm gonna miss you," she says. "I'll wait for you, okay?"
"I won't take long." Sungjin's voice is quivering.
One minute.
"I love you." Her skin starts to glow while she was speaking, her body flowing like ashes in the wind and drifting upwards.
"I love you, too," Sungjin says.
When he opens his eyes, he was alone on the park bench.
He stays there for a long time, wishing she heard him.
She did, and she carried his love with her to the dark skies.
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day6source · 1 year
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🌙 230620 Kiss the Radio Have all the black short sleeves in the world Visual that you want to dedicate to Young D🦊 Today is totally sexy and explosive❗️ His expression is cute too‼️
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smileyyoungchan · 2 years
Callin’- P.S.J.
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SungJin x reader
Song for this one: Callin’ - Super Junior
Genre: Angst
Warning: none I think, but let me know if I missed something
Summary: SungJin falls out of love, or at least that’s what he thinks
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Two hours ago.
That’s when Sungjin walked out of your shared apartment.
Since that moment you sat on the couch, trying to call his phone- that he left on his bed table- while he was walking, walking and walking.
He didn’t even knew where he was heading to, he just felt the need to clear his mind, his thoughts.
‘Is it all over?’ It was the only question he had on his mind.
He then came to the conclusion it really was over, your relationship, but he just didn’t wanted to admit it cause he was just so used to stay beside you, that his life just didn’t made any sense without you in it.
But then again, why was he feeling like he really had to end everything?
When his watch showed ‘10pm’ and the lights on every single house was on, SungJin decided to come back home, with more questions in his head, and possibly any answer.
The door opened and you jumped up from the couch.
“SungJin!” You half screamed, ready to hug him.
He wasn’t a person who loved physical touch, and you learned to read his behaviour before he even said anything. And that’s why, that time, you understood he wasn’t in the mood for an hug.
You slowly retired your arms and watched as he took off his shoes and jacket.
“You stayed awake” he said then, facing you.
“Of course, I was worried about you”
Wasn’t it obvious?
He wouldn’t have done the same?
“I have to talk to you” he slowly said, his eyes fixed on yours.
You felt your stomach drop, cause his expression promised nothing good.
“O-okay” you said in a whisper, not really sure of your own words.
He lead you to the couch, where he sat down, and once you’ve done the same, he took your hand.
He stared at your connected hands for a while and chuckled.
“I like the way your hand fits in mine” his smile was bright, but his eyes- that he didn’t even dared to place on anything else if not your hands- were sad.
“SungJin, what’s the matter?” He surely didn’t want to talk about your hands size.
He looked up, and he wished he never did that.
How he was supposed to tell you everything, when you looked at him like he was your entire life?
SungJin wasn’t even able to find the right words.
Was he supposed to make it sweet for you to take?
Was he supposed to go straight to the point?
But the most question he had was: how he was supposed to react when you were going to cry?
Cause he hated seeing you crying, and he had always been ready to fight whatever made you sad, but this time the reason behind your sadness was going to be him.
He was never going to forgive himself for that.
“I don’t love you anymore” he said, quietly.
“What?” You asked, in disbelief.
SungJin was too good for you, that’s what you always thought, but you two worked out pretty well.
“I said-
“I don’t need you to say that again” you tried to break every contact your body had with his, but he didn’t let you take off your hand.
“Please listen to what I have to say” he begged.
His eyes were teary as well, but your were a complete mess.
“Leave me alone”
“No, I-
“SungJin, please, leave me alone” you asked again.
He understood. He woke up, went to grab his phone and then took another quick glance at you.
“I’m at YoungHyuns if you need me” he said.
That was the last time you saw him.
SungJin cared about you too much and always asked your friends how you were doing.
“Bad- Jae once said to him- but she’s trying to recovering”
That broke his heart.
He was too selfish, and for his own good he destroyed your relationships.
He wasn’t happy anymore, but now he made you unhappy.
How he wished to turn back time and fix everything, but it wasn’t possible, and he knew it too damn well.
He also knew you were stubborn- a side he always loved about you- but this time he wished you weren’t, cause he knew if he tries to talk to you, your stubbornness wouldn’t have let him.
SungJin always dreamed of you, how your hair glowed on a sunny day, how your smile always reaches your eyes, and the way they squinted, how your voice reminded him of his favorite melody, how your hand caressed his cheek when he was about to fall asleep, and you stared him like he was your favorite piece of art.
He still loved you, he just realised that too late.
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brianskangs · 3 months
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well, you did ask for it 😂
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
boy groups
monsta x
stray kids
wanna one
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kwanisms · 2 years
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please note that I am no longer actively writing for day6 and that by putting this groups in the 'archive' does not necessarily mean I will stop writing for them entirely. Any series originally planned for any members in these groups have either been put in the vault or recasted.
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
»» Creature Feature
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— oneshots
»» Creature Feature '20: The Summoning ♧ p.sungjin
➥ 7.4k; Sungjin is an incubus that hasn’t seen any action in years. So when Y/N summons him, thinking she can make a deal with him for power, Sungjin is more than willing to play her little game. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, Sungjin doesn’t make those kinds of deals. But that doesn’t mean summoning him will be a complete waste of time, right?
»» Creature Feature '20: Bad Moon Rising ♧ k.wonpil
➥ 11.2k; Being cursed a werecat, Wonpil often wishes he’d been bitten by a werewolf. Instead of turning into a fearsome half man, half beast every full moon, he turns into an eight pound black house cat. What will happen one night when he gets rescued by a witch named Y/N and taken to her cottage in the woods?
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me.
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astonmartingf · 5 months
— co-parenting with alonso has been smooth sailing, until he starts dropping hints that he wants to be with you again
amgf probably 2k words? almost 3k? idk but it's hurt/comfort! i did cry, and yes so... i'm emotional because it's ending but also... it's ENDING 😀🫵 DKXJSKDJZJ one more chapter yay!!! shout out to day6, what would this chapter be without your songs... enjoy 👍
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You weren't sure what to expect— despite your severe reaction the past week, you're now mellowed down and calm, you think back on your conversation with Seb a few months ago before his retirement.
You definitely have not moved on, and the mention of the upcoming season definitely felt like a band-aid ripped off a bleeding wound. And all the pain and resentment you felt was now revealed beneath the familial memories you built with Ales and Fernando.
Driving up to his gate, you're instantly filled with the comfort of his private home. The place you spent most of your time outside work, and even more than your own house, with Ales and Fernando. You rub away the headache slowly building in your head, getting out of your car and meeting Fernando who greeted you out of his home.
"Are you feeling better?"
You wince away, as you take a seat on the chair opposite of him. It would be much easier if he resented you the way you did. That you'd rather he treat you unfairly in the last few years, but he's Fernando. He's the father of your son, and the man you tenderly love, even to this day.
Which only hurts more, knowing you can never fully let go of the past, despite both growing since your separation but seeing him with Ales sparked the burning hope in you. Maybe this would be the time for you and Fernando, that this might be the future you've been longing for all along.
"I'm sorry, how I reacted last week... I thought I was okay with it, but I guess I still feel the same way." You rub your arms, looking elsewhere but Fernando's eyes, knowing well he's staring right through you. You were scared and vulnerable, all throughout the years you noticed your apprehension in communicating your feelings for the sake of your relationship. And it wasn't going well for you, or for Fernando, but this time it'd be different.
"And before you say anything, I just want to say that I'm proud of you. I'm glad you still race, and for the upcoming season. I understand if you think it's too selfish of me not to come, but Ales will, I just think I'm not ready for it yet."
You gulp down your nerves, raising your head, staring head on at Alonso who is still smiling. It breaks your heart, seeing him like this— if only he'd get up and say something about how unfair it is to him.
"I understand it. You don't have to worry, I won't force you." Silence.
The room was met with silence, until you hear the sniffles coming from Fernando, leaving you frozen in your seat. As much as you hate being vulnerable in front of him, you never thought he'd cry in front of you first.
You hear his laughter, seconds after as he wipes the tears falling from him eyes.
"Please, don't worry this is not your fault... I guess you could say I'm overwhelmed. I only ever thought about this moment, I kept thinking about when we can have this talk, but you were so focused on Ales. Rightfully so, he's our son and our priority, so even though I wanted to fix what has been broken before, maybe it wasn't the time. And when we talked last night, I kept blaming myself for rushing you, because it was my fault.
And now, you're telling me yourself, I'm happy you're here. I'm happy that you told me yourself, and every day I will prove myself to be better, not just as Ales' father but as someone who is worthy to be with you. I'm sorry if I'm being emotional, I just didn't think I would come close to this again. And with you, if you resent me, I won't blame you. I resent myself every day, after you left me, and this... this is more than enough for me right now."
It wasn't long before the tears began to fall from your eyes, you only ever thought of your pain. Choosing to leave with Ales, away from Fernando— away from the years you've been together. Away from the only man you ever loved.
Your only concern was licking the wounds of what was left from Fernando, what you didn't think was how he felt all those years.
"I'm sorry... How lonely it must've felt for you all those years. Away from Ales— I promise you, this time it will be different. One day, we will be together— I know it, because I don't think I'd have it any other way than you. I love you Fernando! I still do, even after all these years—"
Closing you eyes, your hands instinctively wrap around Fernando's neck wanting him closer, pulling him from more. Hands grabbing his face, feeling the tears fall down your fingers. Wiping them away, you kiss him once more before pulling each other in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you without—"
"Shhh..." You hush Fernando's worries, resting your head on his shoulder, hands trailing over his back, resting them on top of his thick hair.
"I'm happy we had this conversation as well. Thank you Fernando. Thank you for still seeing me in your future. I had so many worries, and questions— all this time, I was just a coward. A selfish coward you decided for the both of us."
Fernando shakes his head, tutting his lips, "I won't let you day those things to yourself you hear me? You are brave and courageous, understand? And I love you, even though I feel undeserving of your feeling, I will work hard to be the man who deserves it. What happened, I don't blame you. But we'll figure these things out as the time goes by, don't be a stranger?"
With blurry eyes, you remove your head from Fernando's shoulders nodding your head. "I think I need to rest for a bit, can I take a nap here for a bit?"
"You want me to pick up Ales from Lance's while you sleep?"
The mention of your son immediately brought the sparkle in your eyes, which wasn't missed by Fernando who only smiled as he tucked you in his bed. "You can rest for a while, and when you wake up, we will be here. Sleep well Amor."
You feel your eyes getting heavier as Fernando's voice begins to thin out, you feel him leave a small kiss on your forehead causing you to smile before dosing off to your sleep.
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liked by lancestroll, sebastianvettel, and 41 others
yourusername may the spark in your eye, and the fire in your heart burns brighter, lighting a flame to your path wherever you go.
★ YOU'VE BEEN ON MY MIND — @namgification @nebarious @minkyungseokie @viennakarma @lxclerc @booksandflowrs @c-losur3 @lichterfee @moonyzsworld @e-nonsense @vicurious28 @dannyriccsupremacy @thearchieves @welovediaaxx @vogueprincess @mael1pastry @khaylin27 @whydowesleepeachnight @iridescent-sol @celemilii @lozzamez3 @callsignwidow @hrts4scarr
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