#DbD Jeff
bottleblondebeachbabe · 10 months
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ashrooms · 1 year
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My Dead by Daylight Cosmetic Contest Submissions! I had NO clue what killer skin I wanted to make... and they showed the Singularity and I had this idea!
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dead-by-mending · 2 months
Dbd as quotes from Russian Badger videos, part 3
Danny : Poor Joey, one of the few able to socialize with both killers and survivors, still cannot find a maiden
Caleb, after Susie begged him to : *shoots a survivor* Yeehaw, chucklefucks...
Ji-Woon : *starts a joke*
Jeff : Nah, nah, Ji-Woon, no, no, no sorry
Joey : Did you just cut his bit 2 words in ? Goddamn !
Ji-Woon : I am leaving
Joey : Are we vetoing bits now ??? Can we just do that ?
Jake : Oh he actually left
Frank : I hate this guy but how do you think someone's story is not funny like 25% of the way through and you cut it off ? You literally just say SHUT UP, you skip the whole dialogue
Joey : That shit was literally 2% and yall were like "nu-ah, cut his mic"
Jeff : Wait he actually left the whole realm ? Hold on I didn't want to hurt his feelings
Joey : *laughs uncontrolably*
Frank : Damn, Joey is the Scooby-Doo villain now
(Jesus that one was long)
Nea : It'd be cooler if the Entity was a Funko Pop or something
Survivor : *fumbles incredibly hard*
Frank : The council have reviewed your case and had granted you a single yike
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dat-is-i · 5 months
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a 1 year old and jeff the survivor
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deadbydangit · 8 months
Dancing with them: Yun-Jin, Leon, Jeff
Yun-Jin Lee
Can she dance?
That's a stupid question.
Of course the girl can dance.
She's spent time watching K-pop dancers rehearse.
You think she hasn't picked up a few moves?
Granted, she'll admit she's not as good as Ji-Woon.
But the girl has some skills.
Well, she only really knows K-pop dances.
But, that's more than most people.
"What, is that not good enough? If you want a show, go to Ji-Woon."
She doesn't mean that. Don't go to him.
She's always had quick reflexes, so she's very good at little fast movements.
She can slow dance, but she's always too impatient for it.
It takes too long.
And she's often ahead of the rhythm.
It's more of a question of her willingness to dance.
If she doesn't want to do something, she won't do it.
And she won't bend to anyone else's will.
Damn bratty K-pop stars.
She had enough of that in her lifetime.
But, if you beg her enough, she'll show you a couple moves.
She doesn't know a lot, but she knows enough to impress.
Not in public though.
She has a reputation for being serious and strong, and she isn't going to jeopardize that.
But, if you really beg her, she'll dance with you in private.
"But you better not tell anyone about this, got it?"
Leon S. Kennedy
This man has gone all over the world and participated in life-threatening dangerous missions to save the world.
He is highly skilled in combat and weaponry knowledge.
He's fought monsters and saved the world many times.
This is a man of many talents.
Dancing is not one of them.
Despite having a speed to dodge bullets and deflect knives, this man apparently has two left feet when it comes to dancing.
Like, you can give him specific instructions and he'll still fail.
He doesn't even know his left from his right anymore.
And he has no sense of rhythm.
But, for you, he'll try.
His best is mediocre.
But you can tell he's really giving it his all.
If this is something you're passionate about, he'll work to improve on it.
He'll even go as far to ask some other survivors for help.
Hell, he'll even ask Killers if that gets him anywhere.
Despite his shortcomings, he's a very fast learner.
And he cleans up enough to look the part.
He prefers slow dancing to any other kind.
It's much easier to focus when he can move slowly.
And he'll even embarrass himself in public.
"That, and I get to look at your beautiful face."
He'll say that every time.
It's corny, but you have to admit, it's pretty cute.
Jeff Johanson
He's been in mosh pits. Does that count?
He didn't think so. But he thought he'd ask just in case.
He would try and make that joke first to save himself the grace.
Because careful coordinated movements aren't his thing.
But, if it's something that makes you happy, he'll give it a shot.
He's going to need some help.
A lot of help.
If you're asking to slow dance with him, know that he's going to need help cleaning himself up.
The whole look: shaving, hair, etc.
And do you think he owns a suit?
Jeff will openly admit he hates the way he looks in a suit and try his hardest to avoid wearing one.
Second, he's just not graceful.
He knows that.
But he is a very determined person who isn't easily deterred.
And he's a great student if you would be so kind to teach him.
Jeff is pretty strong, so he's able to dip and move you around the dance floor with general ease.
And his smile could melt anyone's heart.
Even if he steps on your feet, you can't get mad at him when he gives you that sweet embarrassed smile.
This teddy bear of a man is really doing his best.
Make sure you let him know how much you appreciate it.
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zen-zen-v · 10 months
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Jeff in his 20s
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wouldtheyfuck · 4 months
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birdykane · 11 months
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I went nuts on his beard and chest hair… I'm in love with how I did it. (Full 🔞 on Patreon!!)
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crushing-dudepussy · 2 years
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myceliumspore · 1 year
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Dbd cosmetic contest entry for Jeff
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literally dying oh my GOD-
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bottleblondebeachbabe · 10 months
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yoitsgb · 1 year
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and last two requests!
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dead-by-mending · 3 months
Moar Dbd as Russian Badger quotes
Danny : I don't misinform. I just lie.
Aestri, hearing a terror radius : A great evil is coming...
Feng, who recognized the Twins' terror radius : That great evil is the damn French
Yun-Jin whenever Dwight tries to say anything : Yo, 7.25$ an hour, shut the fuck up
Joey, getting matched against Lisa : The purpose of this trial is to violate the Geneva convention
Ace : You are 36 games of blackjack away from being a billionaire
Jeff : I will eat bread and butter by the slice
Jonah : No you won't !
Jeff : I WILL !!!
Jonah : AAA- *DC's*
Ji-woon : *Plays the first note of Megalovania*
Every survivor in the trial : NO
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blot-squisher · 11 months
Have you done an alphabet for Jeff? Jeff is my baby <3333
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme for Surviving the Game Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Jeff is very quiet with his affection. He shows it best in private moments and in soft, genuine ways. Don't be surprised to find a small painting on your table one morning, quietly left for you to find.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Jeff prefers solitude, but if you're comfortable with long stretches of not speaking and allowing music to fill the silence, you'll quickly become good friends.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Jeff is often very touch averse. It's not that he doesn't like to hold his partner, but more that he's not comfortable feeling crowded. Stretching out together on the couch or on a blanket so he's got plenty of space is usually best.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Jeff is used to the bachelor lifestyle and the responsibilities that come with it. That being said, his house is usually covered in paint, art projects in progress, and a lot of empty take out containers. He's unintentionally drunk paint water more than a few times.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Privately, and without malice. Even if the relationship ends on poor terms, he's not one to cause more bad blood or start a fight. He's seen enough of that and has no time for it in his life anymore.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Although he would be willing to get married to the right person, it would be a very, very long road to get there. Jeff believes in taking his time, and a relationship as important as that shouldn't be rushed.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Usually very soft spoken, Jeff's hands are as gentle as his voice. He can and will fight if need be, but he'll always try to work things out without violence first.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Jeff will rarely instigate a hug and may even shy away from them if he's feeling overwhelmed. He's not a fan of crowds and dislikes the feeling of being mobbed. On the rare occasions he does hug, it's very easy to relax to the point of wanting to fall asleep.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) It'll take a while, but don't worry. It's not that he doesn't care or have feelings, he's just trying to find the right time and way to express himself.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Jeff expresses himself best through his art. Although he's not a terribly jealous person, when such feelings do arise he works it out through his favorite mediums. Art and music.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?) Jeff enjoys taking his time, kissing his partner all across their body. He isn't particular about where he's kissed, really, as he prefers to be the one offering touch.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Jeff isn't overly fond of children simply because they (usually) have no concept of personal space or volume. He doesn't dislike them and would actually make a fantastic father, but he prefers to avoid other peoples kids.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Sitting on the porch drinking coffee as the sun rises. Or, if you're in the Pocket, sitting on the porch drinking coffee and watching the swirling void sky. Hey, inspiration is inspiration.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Sitting on the porch, but drinking home brewed beer. If he's not on the porch, he'll either be in front of his drawing pad, computer, or other canvas.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Honestly, it'll probably be at least a couple of years before you even learn his middle name.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Jeff may put on a mean face at times to keep people away from him, but he's actually rather calm and collected.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) So used to solitude, it can take Jeff a while to start remembering things. He's not doing it to be hurtful, he just isn't used to taking that kind of care of another person.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?) The first time he told a joke and got a genuine laugh out of you. He wasn't expecting it, as he usually only told jokes to his dog. It's nice to get a positive reaction like that out of someone.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?) Jeff is very protective over his loved ones, and if words don't work, he's not afraid to get into the fray. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt on his behalf, so if you can talk down a situation (or at least try before jumping straight to violence) it'll go a very long way in his book.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) It'll really just depend on the occasion and how far ahead of time he remembers it's coming up. Chances are he'll do something small and private though, even if it is a little late.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Jeff will go hyper absorbed in his work and lose time. How long has he been sitting in front of his computer? Has he eaten today? Has he slept? The answer is probably not...
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) He's very picky about what kind of beard shampoo he uses, but other than that he's really not very concerned with his looks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partner?) Jeff is used to living alone, but if he lost someone that important to him, it would deeply and greatly affect him for a long time.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Jeff doesn't mind cats, but he greatly prefers dogs. Dogs don't tend to jump on tables, knock over paint water, or leave little paw prints all over drying canvas...
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Loud noisy people who don't respect personal space or alone time. He's not opposed to listening to his music at a slightly higher volume, but he still tries to keep it at a respectful level.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) What is sleep?
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deadbydangit · 11 months
Hey how's it going? I would like to request one where the survivors/killers comfort the chubby reader who is feeling insecure about their body. It could be with David, Jeff, Joey and Evan
Yes, I can do that. In the future, three characters max please. Please enjoy. I'm going to change it to just be insecure about their body so I have more to write.
With a Reader who is Insecure about their Body
David, Jeff, Joey (Legion), Trapper
David King
Body insecurity is something he has never understood.
Then again, insecurity is something he's never understood.
David is a very confident individual.
Not to mention he has the body of a god.
So, he's never had issues with his body image.
So when he hears how you've been feeling, he's very confused.
"What do ya mean you don't like the way you look? You're the sexiest thing on the damned planet."
Aside from not being able to make a tasteful compliment.
He really means it.
And seeing you hate yourself for something he finds so amazing hurts him so much.
Anytime he sees you looking in the mirror he'll go out of his way to compliment you.
Even if they aren't the most appropriate.
He's not always the best with words.
"Damn, that ass in those jeans. Can't get enough of it baby."
He'll even cat-call you from afar while others are listening.
It's really embarrassing.
But he won't stop unless you tell him to.
It's just his way of trying to make you feel better.
If you really want to better yourself, he will help you with the things he can do.
He may not know a whole lot about weight loss or building muscle, but he knows people who do.
And he will sit down for hours and pick their brain to come up with a safe and effective exercise plan to help you.
He'll also ask them a lot of dumb questions.
"So, what's a carb again?"
"Wait, so if fruits have sugar, aren't they bad?"
But eventually, he'll get all the information.
And he will go out of his way to help you.
He'll encourage you through the whole thing.
He'll even write down all your goals and help you keep track of them.
Make sure you write down your goals too, because you won't be able to read his handwriting.
He's so proud of you and he tells you every time you're done with a workout.
And he'll remind you everyday how beautiful you are.
Jeff Johanson
Believe it or not, Jeff is very insecure about himself as well.
He knows he's on the heavier side.
And the scar on his face adds to his lack of confidence.
So when you mention you're feeling self-conscious about your body, he won't tell you to forget those thoughts or tell you how silly you're acting.
He refuses to gloss over your feelings of sadness by simply giving you compliments that won't help.
He'll acknowledge them.
"Love, you are human, and that's normal."
He'll tell you all about his own insecurities and how he has battled with them.
He will then point to every part of your body and tell you why and how much he loves it.
He could spend hours doing this.
It's so sweet and poetic.
He might even start crying because he genuinely means every word he's saying.
But also because the thought of you hurting so badly and hating yourself makes him feel like a failure of a partner.
He wasn't there when you needed him.
He knows he's not in the best of shape, so, if you're really serious about this journey to better yourself, he's going on it with you.
If you're going on a diet, so is he.
He may not know a whole lot about weight loss, so he'll ask people who do.
And he will create a perfect diet and exercise regimen for you both.
And you won't ever feel discouraged.
Even when it feels like you aren't making progress, Jeff will be there to remind you how strong and brave you are.
And how proud he is of you.
If anyone dares make fun of you while you're working out, Jeff will confront them.
"You're making fun of s/o, but they're clearly trying to better themselves. And that's more than I can say about you right now. You should be ashamed of yourself."
And he'll leave it at that.
After, those same people will be cheering you on.
Every milestone you reach he's sure to tell you how impressed he is.
And he'll also tell you how much he loves you every time.
Joey (Legion)
Joey doesn't catch on to things very fast.
You could be eating less or looking at yourself in the mirror more and he won't really think much of it.
It's only one you make a verbal comment on how much you dislike your body does he spring into action.
The first time you said something hateful about yourself his eyes nearly bulged out of his head in shock.
Joey's never really had body image problems.
The mask is just part of his identity, not him hiding himself.
At least, that's what he's forced himself to think.
The more you talk poorly about yourself the harder it is for him to sit still.
So, in order to help boost your confidence, he'll take his mask off in public.
Yes, he does feel uncomfortable without it.
He also needs someone to teach him how to shave better.
But he is proving his point.
If he can be confident with his flaws, then so should you.
If you really want to better yourself, he will help.
He doesn't really think about asking somebody how to formulate a workout that works for you.
To him, you run and you lose weight, right?
That's not how it works.
Eventually someone more knowledgeable will step in and help you two out.
He'll work out with you, cheering you on every step of the way.
Seeing you getting better shape has inspired him to do the same.
It has also inspired the entire Legion to do the same.
So now all of you work out together.
Now that you are feeling more confident in yourself with your body, you can help him find somebody to teach him how to shave properly.
Evan is very observant.
He most definitely notices when you stop eating so much or when you look in the mirror more.
But he won't ask you unless he notices something serious.
He figures this is your private business.
And, even though you're in a relationship, you're still entitled to your own private thoughts.
It wasn't until you said something about yourself that he intervened.
He was so angry to hear you say such things that he will pick up whatever he's holding and slam it on the floor.
He isn't angry with you.
He's more upset with himself.
He should have said something sooner when he noticed.
He feels like a failure, that he wasn't there for you and your time of need.
But he will not let you talk about yourself like that.
Anytime you begin to speak that way of yourself he will stop you.
He will then proceed to aggressively compliment you.
It would almost be scary if he wasn't trying to make you feel better.
"You have the most amazing eyes, and I'll kill anyone who says otherwise."
Evan himself is not insecure about how he looks.
He sees the spikes through his body as more of an inconvenience than an insecurity.
And his mask as a tool to scare survivors.
Even so, he remembers a time when they did bother him that way.
And he had to deal with it all by himself.
He isn't going to let you deal with this on your own.
If you want to better yourself he will support you.
As long as you do so in a healthy way he doesn't care how it's done.
He just doesn't want to see you hurt yourself trying.
If you try anything like that he will stop you.
It's just because he loves you so much.
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