#Dead rising 3 map collectible glitch
trustchurch · 2 years
Dead rising 3 map collectible glitch
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This glitch was fixed in Super Mario All-Stars. This can be achieved in Worlds 1-3 and 2-4 with a Boomerang Brother, or 5-7 with a Lakitu. When stomping on chains of enemies to get increased points and 1-Ups, if the fifth or later enemy is a Boomerang Brother or Lakitu, it will register as a 1-Up instead of the next point value (i.e. It should make the sound of when a Bob-omb explodes, and the background will flash pinkish as if the player collected the Magic Ball. Once the player sees the pipe, drop and hit the brick all the way to the left of the row of bricks above the Pipe. In World 5-6, the player should use a Magic Wing to fly right over the entire level. This works in the original and Super Mario All-Stars versions. Flying up, Mario will appear to be walking while flying up and back down. Afterward, he must touch the quicksand and jump right after. In a level with quicksand, Mario must run and fill the Power Meter, or be using the Magic Wing. The player must be Raccoon Mario or Tanooki Mario to perform this glitch. This means that the airship will be stuck and out of bounds. However, if the player goes to the second part of Sky Land, they can still see it. If they take the pipe, the player cannot see it. If the player loses a life in World 5-, the airship sometimes will move to the other side of Sky Land. NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all names are conjectural. 2.2 Hammer Brothers Continuous Movement.1.27 Infinite Whistles and Infinite Toad Houses/Spade Panels.1.24 Hitting a Block at the Bottom of the Screen.1.10 Death by Magic Wing on World 8- Jets.1.4 Boomerang Brothers/Lakitu 1-Up Glitch.
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mylesdiwm302 · 3 years
8 Videos About GTA 5 Online Money Generator That’ll Make You Cry
Various other individuals additionally reported having gotten the message upon logging in greater than once, however not getting any kind of extra money. Grand Theft AutoOnline is familiar with insects and glitches, yet thankfully most of them have actually tended to be less major than the two-headed skeletons which got here inGTA Online's equivalent, Red Dead Online.
In survival mode anywhere from a solitary player to 4 gamers should prevent 10 waves of opponents that come to be increasingly more powerful. In between waves gamers need to gather products as well as gear up for the next wave.
Still, there are reasons you'll intend to play them, particularly if you're new to the game. To access heists, you either need to join another gamer's heist, or get to level 12 in-game as well as host your very own. Most importantly, you'll want three other close friends to play the break-ins with (you can matchmake, yet it's perilous, and also playing all four break-ins with the very same team nets you a benefit payout). That with any luck won't be excessive of a difficulty if you know other individuals that have gotten the game for free and have half-decent PCs. When you begin GTA Online, you produce a character, do a tutorial as well as are unleashed right into Los Santos. Epic's free gift of GTA 5 features the Bad guy Business Beginner pack, a bumper choice of goodies to obtain you started in GTA Online.
Naturally, OneSync will certainly make it possible for brand-new, much better methods of doing specific points you carry out in your manuscripts, so you could want to make use of those when they're launched. We placed the neighborhood-- both players, web server proprietors, and the better GTA modding community-- initially. The PlayStation 3 and also Xbox 360 versions of Grand Burglary Automobile Online enable as much as 16 simultaneous gamers, while the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and also COMPUTER versions enable approximately 30 simultaneous players. Superstar announced in September 2015 that the PlayStation 3 and also Xbox 360 variations of the online setting will no longer obtain any brand-new GTA 5 Online Generator extra web content, due to constraint in the console capacity. A standalone variation of Grand Theft Automobile Online will certainly be released for PlayStation 5 and also Xbox Collection X in late 2021; it will certainly be free on the former for the first 3 months. Later, Lamar additionally employs the player for a few jobs, which primarily consist of undermining competing gangs to set the phase for his eventual rise to power.
Relocating special freight can obtain a bit tiresome, though the needs for picking up and also shipping it can change in substantial and also fascinating means each time, yet it does enable you to accumulate over $200k a hr if done successfully. Another vital idea for newbies is to knock senseless your everyday objectives whenever possible.
Gta 5 Pc Ranking Money Unlock All Fast Cheap.
Now, while the 16-crate-storing Convenience Store Lockup in Rancho for $250,000 is respectable service, I would certainly recommend the center of the range 42-crate Fridgit Annexe in La Puerta which will set you back $925,000. As Superstar remain to add new features to GTA V, we had a chat with a modder who's already light years ahead. As GTA Online finally brings among its greatest myths to life, we consider seven various other reasons we can't avoid of Rockstar's play area. As soon as you've understood the Pacific, Lester's multi-tiered End ofthe world Break-in ought to be your next port of call. Divide right into 3 acts, the most significant adjustment right here past its expanded range, is the fact you're only required to get one pal for assistance.
regrettable for the host, it was a map i had played before with my brother, so i understood just how to reach the tools, got there in a snap and also proceed to spawnkill the host til he leaves. i have actually been there a pair times, the last time was recently, i needed to play a DM for my day-to-day objectives, fast tasks send me straight right into among this death catches. The Center Heist Problem helps you to deceive the GTA system into thinking that you are acquiring both the preparations and the setups of a heist, despite the fact that you are just paying for the preparations. This problem does not straight give you any type of money yet it helps you to fast-track your break-ins to ensure that you can earn money faster in the gameplay. In a game like GTA, a hundred thousand bucks might not seem like a terribly huge quantity. However, if you obtain 100k every 3 minutes, after that it's most definitely not a poor deal. This glitch can be used to make fast cash so that you can afford to purchase a couple of autos that you have actually always had your eyes on.
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Gta 6 Competitor Ex.
Most importantly, greater online reputations will certainly likewise allow you to gain access to particular secured products like weapons or automobiles. In short, the greater you scale your track record, the much more interesting and enjoyable your game comes to be. The term Money drop mod is instead obvious, and indeed, it is precisely what it sounds like!
GTA 5 Online Generator works with all systems on which the game was released.
This way, you can buy whatever you desire or do whatever you desire with them.
It's not a surprise, then, that it needed to put on hold applications as over 4,000 people used.
For the full subtleties of this approach, examine our GTA 5 Stock Exchange and also Lester's Assassination Missions direct.
He additionally kept in mind periodic gameplay pacing problems as well as technical hiccoughs such as mid-mission server disconnection.
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The player-characters are made by a genetics-related procedure. Greater control is offered to the character's clothes and also hairdos. The lead character gets here in Los Santos by plane as well as is grabbed by Lamar Davis, that gives the character a gun and also a car. An hour-long tutorial introduces the gamer to the various game modes, driving, fighting, and also game development mechanics.
Added Material.
You additionally get an executive office, a gunrunning bunker and also a cyclist gang hideout, every one of which use various ways to make you even more money from the start. You can access activities in each of these places from the laptop computer you'll find inside each building. 7 -Do not kind anything associated about money declines or modding in-game conversation.
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riverboundao3ff · 4 years
Riverbound, Chapter 11
You are THE GUARDIAN, and you’re currently listening to the sound of your girlfriend murdering people.
Okay, so you’re not a judgy person, because that’s like, your thing. You’re the listening ear, the shoulder to cry on. You’re the bridge between tattered hearts and the friend that keeps them safe. You also know that Polypa kills people for a living. She’s an assassin, and that’s her thing.
None of that stops you from nearly passing out as you listen to the death rattle of some teenager.
The brief whine of psionics makes you taste metal. You brace for another series of wet gasps, but all you get is a dull thud of a body hitting the floor.
Fuck my life. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck--
You hear your alien moirail call your name, and it sounds like she’s talking to you underwater. Unthinkingly, you reach out, grab a fistful of space-time, and drag yourself a few meters downwards. Man, if Ultimate Dirk could see you right now he’d laugh until he shit himself.
Oh, hey, you’re falling now.
There’s a thump as another body hits the floor, except now it’s your body.
Something shoves your shoulder, and then rolls you over on your back. You look up into Polypa’s bemused face. There’s a bit of golden blood on her cheek.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
You try and say “Yeah,” but what comes out sounds more like “Unngh.”
“Okay. You can stay down there if you want.”
She flips you back over on your stomach, rifles around in the backpack, and pulls out a bomb and some papers you assume are the instructions. You guess she’s setting it, because you hear her messing around with the thing.
Come on, get back up. Come on.
You get one arm underneath you, then the other. Somehow you rise to both feet, force yourself to keep your eyes away from the bloody bodies tossed into the corner and aimed literally anywhere else. They end up settling on Polypa.
“Watch this.” She stomps on a tile a few times, making it flip up on one side. Carefully, like she’s setting down a piece of valuable art, she places the bomb underneath and lets the tile fall back into place. “This whole factory is probably older than the damn Grand Highblood. It’s like they’re asking to get infiltrated.”
She’s trying to distract you, which you appreciate even if it’s not working that well. “... Well, next time I see him I’ll ask.”
“You…” Polypa just stares at you for a moment before scrubbing her face with her hands. “Of course. I’m gonna go take care of the bodies. Be right back.”
“Yeah.” You check your watch. Has it really only been four minutes? This was going to be a lot quicker than you thought it was going to be. As long as no more people got hurt, everything was right on track.
You’re not looking, but you can hear Polypa shoving the dead goldbloods into the janitorial closest on the other side of the room. It won’t do anything to deter a troll from investigating the suspicious scene-- even you can pick up on the stench of death with your crappy human nose, but if something went to shit then it would hopefully buy the two of you a couple of extra seconds.
Polypa comes back, wiping her hands on her pants like she does this sort of thing every day, and hey, maybe she does. She reaches for your hand. You have to force yourself to take it without hesitation.
Mission now, feelings later.
“Ready?” you ask.
You concentrate hard on the map Tyzias showed you, and then on a spot with no other people around, and jump.
This time you get much luckier. The computer room the both of you appear in is abandoned, and the lights are off. Nobody’s been here for a while, which helps you feel a little better, but for the umpteenth time in the last few days you can barely see anything.
You sling off the backpack and pull out another bomb. “What time do we set them for?”
“Just let me do it. I know you can’t see.”
“But I haven’t even done anything yet on this mission!” You fumble around with the bomb and feel the timer buttons underneath your fingers. “What time?”
Quick as a flash, the explosive is swiped from your hands. “Nope.”
“Polypa! Come on.”
“With your luck you’ll just set the thing off.”
“What, no faith in your own moirail? That stings,” you huff. She’s right, though. You like to think yourself a bringer of good fortune and even greater shenanigans, but you can’t deny the occasional nightmare you have over a timeline gone wrong. It’s never the entire situation, which you’re grateful for, because you’ve already got enough trauma to last the rest of your possibly immortal life but it’s still enough to make you nervous about going to sleep. You don’t know if it’s good or bad that you don’t remember everything about the other “outcomes”.
Then you realize you’ve just been standing there, staring off into the darkness for who knows how long, so you huff and cross your arms to let Polypa know you’re still alive.
“Done. Also, there isn’t a timer for these things. Tagora has the detonator,” she tells you.
“Cool. I knew that.”
“Sure you did.”
You kick at the sound of her voice and miss horribly. She snickers, shoves your shoulder, almost knocking you over when you trip over something that feels like a cord.
All of the computers wake up in a blaze of light that nearly blinds you. You freeze in place, and Polypa covers her eyes with a hiss.
No alarms go off-- none that you can hear, anyways, but you’re not wasting any time. You lunge for your alien girlfriend and zap the both of you right the hell out of there.
The next place you appear in looks like some sort of basement. You’re still in the drone factory, because your space-time spidey sense says so. It’s damp and gross and you’re fairly certain your left shoe is in something nasty.
Neither you or Polypa move or make any noise for what feels like hours. You know it’s only like, thirty seconds, but goddamn if it doesn’t take forever to get the courage to take a step closer to your moirail.
“You good?”
“Yeah.” She smacks you upside the head.
“Ow! Hey, it wasn’t my fault! You pushed me!”
“Sometimes I wonder how you’ve survived for this long.”
“Yeah, dude, me too.”
You’re pretty sure that nobody else is around, so you peek out from behind a big furnace-looking thing to get a better view of your surroundings. There isn’t much to see-- dust bunnies, junk, more junk, pipes… hey, are those more computers?
“Hey, Polypa? Is it normal for a creepy old basement to have a whole computer lab?” you ask, trotting over to investigate.
“Uh, I mean, I’ve seen movies?” she offers, leaning over your shoulder to see what you’re looking at. Something in your gut is telling you that this particular point in space and time matters. Intuition rarely fails you, so you listen to what the universe has to say.
You tap on what you assume is the spacebar on a particularly fancy-looking monitor. The screen lights up, presenting a login bar alongside a shutdown option, with a background depicting some anime character Tegiri most likely would have been able to name.
“Pfft, okay, whose goofy weeb ass works here? I just wanna know,” you snort.
“Why is this important?”
“I just have a feeling. Any ideas as to what the password could be?”
“... Why would I know?”
“Boo, you’re no fun.”
By some miracle of the gods, or whatever higher power decided to watch over your crackhead self for the night, your eyes wander to a sticky note stuck on a folder that was half-buried under some paperwork. The writing on it is messy, but you’re able to make out six digits scrawled out in red ink.
Right. 413. That didn’t make your skin crawl in the slightest.
You type in the numbers and hit the enter key. Of course, it works.
“That’s weird,” Polypa mutters.
“Yeah, for real.”
“What are you looking for?”
“I have no idea.” You click on the Goregle icon, close out of it, draw a dick with the cursor on the desktop, and go into Settings and turn the volume down. Man, where was Mallek when you needed him? You wish he was here with you. He’d have a fuckin’ blast getting into this system, you just know it.
A dash of red catches your eye-- a desktop app shaped like the head of a drone. You click on it and are greeted with a spreadsheet full of dates and times, and next to every date is a location. There’s also notes on what trolls lived where, like Fangrash, which was predominantly rustblood, or Glitch, where a ton of goldbloods live.
It’s only when you see Outglut with today’s date beside it does it hit you. This isn’t just some company organizational bullshit.
These are plans for drone raids, and in three hours and however-many minutes Outglut was about to get carpet-bombed to hell.
“Polypa,” you whisper.
You feel her tense up beside you, hard as stone in a matter of seconds. “Oh, no. You don’t… oh, no. Yeah.”
She whips out her palmhusk and snaps a couple pictures. You stare down at your hands, forcing yourself to keep breathing. No, you are not going to have two panic attacks in one hour. You’re better than this. You’re the motherfucking First Guardian of the Universe, and you will keep your shit together--
You barely even notice Polypa kicking the third electro-bomb under the desk and throwing the carpet back over it until she’s right next to you.
“Let’s go.” She tugs at your sleeve, and you snap out of the haze you were falling into and throw yourself and your girlfriend through space and into another part of the factory.
The two of you don’t even bother putting the bombs close to the computer rooms anymore, not like it mattered in the first place. Tagora had said something about the radius of the electromagnetic explosion or whatever would be more than enough to encompass the whole factory, but you had tried to be precise anyways, because… you dunno, better safe than sorry. But that’s a luxury you no longer have. The bombs would wipe out all of the information the drones collected, but it wouldn’t be enough to stop an attack.
Polypa leaves the last bomb in an air vent, and you wish it a merry exploding-day before teleporting back to the hideout, scaring the shit out of Tagora when you land right behind him.
“Augh!” He stares at you, then at Polypa, and hisses. “Don’t do that-!”
“That was fast,” Lanque comments.
“We got a problem! Once the drones complete their maintenance and shit they’re gonna bomb Outglut!” you explain frantically. “Polypa and I found a schedule for when the raids happen.”
Tagora and Tyzias both stare at you, dumbfounded. Stelsa, who was doing her lipstick, fumbles with the tube and drops it on the floor. Lanque’s ears pin back and he slowly gets to his feet.
“Just look,” Polypa says, shoving her palmhusk at Tagora. Tagora takes it and zooms in on the picture. Somehow, his eyes grow even wider.
Tyzias groans and drops her head into her hands. “Well, fuck me right up, isn’t this just perfect. Please tell me that you guys got the bombs delivered.”
“We did.”
“The last recovery mission took three wipes to complete, and that was only one neighborhood. How the hell are we…” Lanque just shakes his head in dismay.
Your mind races, trying to figure out a possible solution.
Ask Azdaja to hack into everybody’s palmhusks and tell them to GTFO? No, you’re pretty sure that if it was that easy it would have already been done. Rally the whole neighborhood and try and take down the drones together? As if. You can’t stop your subconscious from playing back the memories of various raids you’d heard about or been near-- the explosions that seemed to shake the very planet, the screaming, the wail of the sirens that haunted you in your nightmares.
“The sirens,” you mutter.
Stelsa turns to you. “What?”
“The sirens! We find them and set them off early. I don’t know how much of a difference it’ll make, but maybe it could give everybody a head start,” you explain.
“That is… highly illegal. The sirens aren’t activated until a certain amount of hives have already been destroyed,” Tagora points out.
“It would be a shame if you were to find them. On the corner of Slimewash and Bryght Street,” he continues. “Of course, they’re usually set off remotely, but the system is actually quite simple. It wouldn’t take much to rewire it and trigger it manually.”
Despite everything you can’t help but smile a little. “Yeah, that would suck.”
Stelsa winces, looking almost fearful, before grabbing Tyzias’s hand. “Is this really worth the risk?”
“To save people’s lives? Yes. If you don’t want to come that’s fine, though,” you tell her, before remembering you know jack shit about rewiring things. “... Actually, it would be nice if somebody came along to tell me what wires go where or whatever.”
“If somebody sees you things could get bad real quick,” Polypa says quietly.
“Then I’ll come.”
“I’m coming, too.” Lanque smirks. “I’m not ready to go back to the caverns just yet.”
You see the hesitation in Tyzias’s eyes as she glances at Stelsa, then at you, and then back to her matesprit. She’s torn between safety and the rebellion she leads, and you don’t blame her at all.
“You should go home,” you tell her. “A tealblood in a lowblooded neighborhood is probably gonna get some looks. Besides, the less people who see you guys with me in public, the better.”
Both Stelsa and Tyzias give you grateful looks, and some of the tension leaves Tagora’s bony shoulders. The highbloods aren’t just risking their lives, you know; they’re risking their reputation and status, too. And reputation and status are something you guys are gonna need sooner or later.
You blow out a breath. The bombs won’t be set off for another three hours. You’re way ahead of schedule, which is way better than being behind schedule, but that still leaves you and your friends with way too much time to kill before you need to do more crime.
“Sooo…” you say, not meeting any of the troll’s eyes. “What do y’all wanna do now?”
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
call of duty black ops ii pc
call of duty black ops ii pc
Black Ops 2 cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Call of Duty: Black Ops II cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
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Official Title: Call of Duty: Black Ops II Also Known As: Black Ops 2: Call of Duty
Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter Developer: Treyarch Publisher: Activision ESRB Rating: Mature Release Date: November 13, 2012
Reveal Trailer For CoD:BO2
Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Call of Duty: Black Ops II yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Call of Duty: Black Ops II yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Atari Games Easter Egg
You can play Atari on the television that’s in the center of Nuketown. To do it,you have to go into a custom match mode, either by yourself or with friends. Whenthe match starts you have two minutes to shoot off every mannequin head. There areabout 20 of them, and every time you try, they will randomly spawn. Always lookoutside of the map too!
Black Ops 2 Zombies Easter Eggs
This cheat is only for zombies on nuke town black ops – black ops 2. When you first start you will need some points and open the blue house.You must open the upstairs door once that is done go to window, look down and you will see a like a sign that say ”welcome to nuke town” population. Aim your gun and jump right on top of it you can camp you snip or just shootthem without running or getting hurt it works for me on Xbox 360 and ps3 or pc.
Currently we have no glitches for Call of Duty: Black Ops II yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Call of Duty: Black Ops II yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
DLC Achievements: Apocalypse
All Your Base – In Origins, activate all generators without allowing one to stop. – 15
I’m on a Tank! – In Origins, ride the tank around the map without getting off. – 10
Kung Fu Grip – In Origins, free yourself and another from the Panzer Soldat’s claw in one game. – 15
Little Lost Girl – In Origins, release Samantha. – 75
Master of Disguise – In Origins, use Zombie Blood to revive three players and activate a generator in one game. – 15
Master Wizard – In Origins, wield all of the ultimate staffs in one game. – 40
Not a Gold Digger – In Origins, share a weapon you dug up. – 5
Overachiever – In Origins, complete all 4 Challenges in one game. – 25
Playing with Power – In Origins, build all elemental staffs in one game. – 30
Saving the Day.All Day – In Origins, revive another player four different ways in one game. – 20
DLC Achievements: The Uprising
A Burst of Flavor – In Mob of the Dead, kill 10 zombies at once with a new beverage. – 15
Acid Drip – In Mob of the Dead, convert a weapon using a kit. – 20
Feed the Beast – In Mob of the Dead, obtain Hell’s Retriever. – 10
Full Lockdown – In Mob of the Dead, Brutus completes his patrol. – 25
GG Bridge – In Mob of the Dead, survive an entire round on the bridge on round 15 or higher. – 30
Making the Rounds – In Mob of the Dead, complete the cycle 3 times. – 30
No One Escapes Alive – In Mob of the Dead, execute the escape plan. – 75
Paranormal Progress – In Mob of the Dead, open a door without spending points. – 5
Pop Goes the Weasel – In Mob of the Dead, break the cycle. – 25
Trapped in Time – In Mob of the Dead, use and upgrade all traps before round 10. – 15
DLC Achievements: Revolution
Facing the Dragon (10) – In Die Rise, face the dragon head-on before reaching round 2.
High Maintenance (75) – In Die Rise, be the architect of their instruction.
I See Live People (20) – In Diner Turned, kill the human while its decoy is in play in a Public Match.
I’m My Own Best Friend (10) – In Die Rise, revive yourself.
Mad Without Power (30) – In Die Rise, reach round 10 before turning on the power.
Monkey See, Monkey Doom (15) – In Diner Turned, retrieve a chained Cymbal Monkey in a Public Match.
Polyarmory (30) – In Diner Turned, get a kill with each primary weapon in a Public Match.
Shafted (35) – In Die Rise, use Pack-a-Punch and all perk machines in one game.
Slippery When Undead (15) – In Die Rise, kill 5 zombies with a single shot from the Sliquifier.
Vertigoner (10) – In Die Rise, fling 10 zombies in one game.
Achievement List
Art of War (25) – Successfully assassinate SDC Chairman Tian Zhao.
Back in Time (10) – Use a future weapon in the past.
Big Leagues (20) – Win 5 multiplayer League Play games after being placed in a division.
Black Ops II Master (15) – Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
Blind Date (15) – Successfully rescue HVI.
Dance On My Grave (5) – In Green Run, acquire your Tombstone.
Dead or Alive (15) – Jailor or executioner.
Death from Above (50) – Stop Menendez once and for all.
Deep Cover (20) – Capture Menendez.
Defender (15) – Successfully defend FOB Spectre from incursion.
Desert Storm (15) – Successfully escort the VIPs to safety.
Dirty Business (15) – Listen and think before you shoot.
Don’t Fire Until You See (30) – In TranZit, have all doors opened without being set on fire.
Driven by Rage (20) – Take down Menendez and his operation.
False Profit (20) – Capture Manuel Noriega and bring him to justice.
Family Reunion (10) – There are two futures.
Fuel Efficient (10) – In TranZit, use an alternative mode of transportation.
Futurist (50) – Complete all future levels in veteran.
Gathering Storm (20) – Investigate the jungle facility.
Giant Accomplishment (50) – Complete all challenges in Black Ops II.
Good Karma (20) – Crack the celerium worm.
Gun Nut (10) – Complete a level with customized loadout.
Happy Hour (10) – In TranZit, buy 2 different perks before turning on the power.
Hey Good Looking (10) – Plastic surgery avoided
High IQ (20) – Collect all intel.
I Don’t Think They Exist (10) – In TranZit, kill one of the denizens of the forest while it is latched onto you.
Just Gettin’ Started (10) – Complete 1 challenge in any level.
Late for the Prom (20) – Escort the president to the secure location in downtown LA.
Man of the People (15) – Stop the brutality inflicted by the PDF.
Mission Complete (10) – Complete all challenges in a level.
No Man Left Behind (20) – Rescue Woods.
Old Fashioned (50) – Complete “Pyrrhic Victory”, “Old Wounds”, “Time And Fate”, and “Suffer With Me” in Veteran.
Party Animal (10) – Win 10 multiplayer games while playing in Party Games playlists.
Shifting Sands (20) – Gather intel on Raul Menendez from Mullah Rahmaan.
Ship Shape (10) – Reinforcements on the way.
Showdown (15) – A duel between rivals
Singapore Sling (15) – Successfully neutralize the SDC freighter at Keppel Terminal.
Sinking Star (20) – Interrogate Menendez.
Standard Equipment May Vary (25) – In TranZit, acquire 4 different equippable items in 1 game.
Ten K (15) – Minimum score 10k in every mission
The Lights Of Their Eyes (5) – In Green Run, pacify at least 10 zombies with 1 EMP.
Tower of Babble (75) – In TranZit, obey the voices.
Trained Up (10) – Win 10 multiplayer games while playing in Combat Training playlists.
Ultimate Sacrifice (15) – Only one can survive.
Undead Man’s Party Bus (15) – In TranZit, complete all additions to the bus in 1 game.
Waterlogged (20) – Gather information on Raul Menendez’ suspected terrorist plot.
Welcome to the Club (10) – Reach Sergeant (Level 10) in multiplayer Public Match.
Welcome to the Penthouse (50) – Prestige once in multiplayer Public Match.
What Happens in Colossus. (20) – Find the Karma weapon.
You Have No Power Over Me (15) – You Have No Power Over Me
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