tirstyspngirl · 4 years
Dean Winchester Hates Witches Take 2
Febuwhump Day 4: Impalement 
Fandom: Supernatural
TW: None that I can think of
Work Count: 1497 Tags: whump, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, de-aging, de-aged Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester takes care of Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester is Sam Winchester’s parent, 
Dean sent the bullet flying into the witch. As soon as he confirmed her dead, he turned to his little brother. Last he’d seen, his brother had been laying in a heap on the floor. But Sam’s massive body wasn’t there anymore. In his place lay a small child in a man’s clothes.
Dean crept closer, making sure his gun was still handy in case this was a trick. Dean nudged the small child onto its back and let out a gasp. The child was Sam, but he looked to be about 5 years old. 
“Oh shit.” 
Little Sam began to stir at that moment. He twitched his eyes open and glanced up at Dean before scrambling back, terror on his little face. Sam’s little body got tangled up in the massive clothes. Dean raised his hands up, trying to show Sam he meant no harm. Sam shrieked and Dean looked up at his hands realizing his gun was still in his hand. He quickly threw the firearm into his waistband and raised his arms up once again.
“Easy, Sammy. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Who are you? How do you know my name?”
“Well, uh.” Dean rubbed the back of his neck. “I know this is gonna sound weird Sammy, but uh, I’m your brother, Dean.”
“You’re not Dean. You’re old, Dean is 9.” 
“I know Sammy, I know it seems that way. But I really am Dean. Something happened to you, bud. You’re supposed to be an adult, like me.”
“How do I know you’re really Dean?”
Dean paused, wracking his brain for anything he could think of to prove his identity. His first thought was the amulet, but at age 5, Sam hadn’t given it to him yet. Finally, a spark of inspiration hit him. 
“Your first day of kindergarten, I walked you to your classroom. You didn’t want to let go of my hand, but I told you I would be waiting for you right outside the door as soon as the bell rang in the afternoon. And I was. On the way home, you told me all about your new teacher and the friend you made who had the same name as me. You thought it was so cool you made a friend who’s name was Dean,”
Upon hearing the tale, Sam jumped up and began running towards Dean. The pants were so big that he ran right out of them and the shirt fell off one shoulder. Dean squatted down, letting Sam run into his arms. 
"Hey, Sammy. I know this is scary, but we'll figure it out."
"I know you will Dean. You always protect me."
Dean felt a rush of warmth spread in his chest at Sam's words. "And I always will Sammy."
Dean wished he could've called Bobby. The man would have called them idgits for getting themselves into a situation like this, but he'd help them with research and would be able to guide Dean on where he should look. But Bobby was dead now, so Dean was on his own. So instead of calling Bobby, he tried to think about where to look to find a reversal. 
On the way back to the motel, Dean stopped at a local thrift store. He needed to find clothes that were designed for a 5 year old instead of a sasquatch. A few concerned glances were thrown toward the kid drowning in nothing but a t-shirt, but Dean tried to ignore them and get done with the shopping. Dean felt much better as soon as they stepped through the door of the motel and away from any prying eyes. 
"Alright, Sammy. I gotta do some research. Why don't you watch some TV or something while I do that?" Dean said as handed the remote to Little Sam. 
Sam looked hesitant, but took the remote from Dean anyway. "Are you sure it's ok? Daddy doesn't like when the TV is on when he's doing research."
"I'm not dad, squirt. I don't mind if the TV is on. If I did I wouldn't have suggested it."
Sam thought about it for a second, but then smiled brightly at Dean before plopping on a bed and clicking the TV on. Dean couldn't help but notice that Sammy automatically went to the furthest bed from the door. 
Sam clicked through several channels before settling on the Disney Channel. Sam was mesmerized as a movie called Frozen came on. The picture was so clear compared to the cartoons he was used to. He instantly became absorbed in the storyline. 
Dean focused on his research. He started with John’s journal, but when that proved unhelpful, he turned to a tome on witchcraft that the boys actually kept in the car for such times as these. He was just starting to find something that might be useful for their situation when he heard a fearful cry from his actually Little brother. Dean’s head snaps up and he finds a distraught Sam.
“What’s wrong Sammy?” He asks as he makes his way over to the bed and sits down beside Sam. Sam launches himself into Dean’s arms and begins to cry.
“That snowman was just impaled.” 
Dean was confused. He knew Sam had been a sensitive child, but he doubted a kids movie on the Disney channel had shown a graphic scene such as impalement. And also, how did a 5 year old even know what that meant?
“How do you know what impalement is Sam?”
“Daddy came home bleeding one night and I heard him say he’d been impaled.”
“When did you hear that?”
“He thought I was sleeping. But I was just faking. I wanted to see daddy when he got home, but when he got home he looked really angry, so I just pretended to sleep.”
Dean thought he remembered the specific incident that Sam was talking about, but he couldn’t be 100% sure. After all, their dad had come home many times injured. Either way it was upsetting Sammy, so he had to do something. He glanced up at the screen and saw a little snowman talking to a man and woman. 
“Look Sammy, the snowman is fine, see?!”
Sam looked up and saw the snowman talking to Anna and Kristoff and he felt a little better. “Isn’t he in pain though?”
“It doesn’t look like it.”
“But Daddy was. He kept making ugly faces and saying bad words.”
“Well, do normal snowmen talk Sam?”
“Why does this snowman talk?”
“He’s a magic snowman. Elsa made him with her ice powers.”
“So he probably doesn’t feel any owies because of the magic.”
“Oh, ok.” 
“And even though dad did feel his owie, he got better right?”
“Well so did the magic snowman.”
Dean moved to stand up, but Sam clung to him. Sam seemed to have accepted Dean’s magic explanation, but he was obviously still feeling somewhat distressed. 
“Will you sit and finish the movie with me Dean?”
“I really need to get this research done Sammy.”
Instead of using words to argue with Dean, Sam simply looked up at him and gave him the widest, pleading eyes he could muster. Dean didn’t remember him using his puppy dog eyes that young, but clearly he could and they were lethal.
“Damn, Sammy. Those should seriously be illegal.”
“Hmm?” “Nothing, nevermind kiddo. Fine. I will watch the rest of the movie with you. But then I need to go back to work ok?” “Ok.” Sam said, clearly happy he got what he wanted. He snuggled further into Dean. Dean would never admit it out loud, but it felt nice having his little brother all cuddled up with him. Without even realizing he was even doing it, Dean reached down and began carding his fingers through Sam’s floppy hair. Within 20 minutes, the kid was passed out. Dean had promised he’d finish the movie with Sam, so even though Sam slept through the end, Dean sat with Sam cuddled up in his lap and ran his fingers gently over his scalp until the credits rolled.
Once the movie was over, Dean gently laid Sam down on the bed and returned to his research. It took another few hours, but Dean finally determined that there was nothing he could do to reverse the spell, they would just have to wait it out. The book said that most de-aging spells lasted 3 to 5 days, but if the witch was powerful enough it could last up to 8 or 9. The witch has been doing pretty minor level stuff when they caught onto her, so he didn’t think Sam would be stuck like this for more than 5 days.  
Dean sighed and began a mental list of things he would need for Little Sam until Big Sam returned to him. For now, all Dean could do was enjoy the cuddles and hope that Big Sam didn’t remember anything when he aged up.
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tirstyspngirl · 4 years
The Family Business and Soccer
Febuwhump day 5: “Take me instead” Fandom: Supernatural TW: some verbal abuse
Word Count:
Tags: emotionally hurt Sam Winchester, hurt Dean Winchester, protective Dean, Dean takes care of Sam, John Winchester is an asshole
As Dean grew up, he learned how to read his dad’s moods. He knew when he could ask questions, he knew when Dad wanted to be left alone, and he certainly knew when he was about to explode on anything that stepped in his pathway. Dean learned how to read these moods so that he could keep his inquisitive brother, who didn’t know when to keep his mouth shut, as far from their father as possible. Unfortunately, Dean wasn’t fast enough this time. 
“But dad, you said we could stay til winter break. I still have a few soccer games before the semester ends.” 
“You think your soccer games are important Sam? Hmm? You think soccer is more important than people’s lives?”
“No, that’s not what I meant.”
“Well it’s what I’m hearing. In fact I think you need to appreciate what we do a little more Sam. You’re coming with me on this hunt tonight?”
“Tonight?!” Sam squeaked. It was a school night. Dad had never taken him on a school night before. In fact Sam had only been on 2 hunts ever. Both were salt and burn cases for regular old vengeful spirits. According to Dean those were milk runs. 
“You heard me. Go get ready, we leave in 10.”
“Yes, sir” Sam squeaked as he ran to the room he and Dean shared in the house they were renting. He needed to calm himself down before getting into that car with his father.
“Dad, wait. Take me instead.” Dean piped up. He was broadcasting an air of confidence, but Dean was shaking on the inside. Not only was he essentially standing up to his father when he was in a terrible mood, but he was contradicting his decisions. But Dean was way more terrified of something happening to Sammy because dad took him on a hunt far more advanced than Sam had ever experienced, and he was angry on top of it all.  
“What?” his father snapped back. 
“I said take me instead. Sammy is only 9 and has only been on a few cases. And both of them were for simple vengeful spirits being laid to rest. This is a poltergeist. They're way more violent and Sammy isn’t very experienced yet. I’ve helped you with a couple other poltergeists. I can definitely handle it.”
“It’s not about whether or not you can handle it, son. He needs to see that what we do is important.” 
“Then we’ll show him. But I don’t think tonight is the night. He needs more training before going against such a violent spirit.”
“Fine. Let your brother know you’re coming instead. Be in the Impala in 5. We need to head out.”
“Yes, sir.”  
“And Dean, let him know that attitude better be gone by the time we’re back or I’ll tan his hide.”
“Dean clenched his jaw at his father’s threat, but muttered out a “yes, sir” before following Sam to their shared room. 
“Hey, Sammy. I told Dad to take me instead. So I want you to just finish up your homework, ok kiddo?”
“Wait, what? Dad is letting me stay?”
“Only cause I convinced him to. Keep the door locked and salted and keep the shotgun within reach ok? I gotta go. Oh and make sure you don’t say anything to dad except “yes, sir” or “no, sir” for the rest of the week ok? I don’t want him to take his bad mood out on you.”
Sam simply shook his head in acceptance and Dean ran out of the room.
“Sam!” His dad yelled as he opened the front door 3 hours later. “Get over here and help me with your brother.”
Sam scampered out of his room towards the front door. Dean was leaning heavily on his father so Sam came up on Dean’s other side. Sam and his father managed to get Dean to his bed. 
“Take care of him, Sam. He’s got a couple broken ribs and a mild concussion. He just needs to rest. Make sure he has what he needs.”
“Yes, sir.”
As soon as John left the room, Sam began bustling around. He removed Dean’s shoes, helped him sit up and took off his jacket, he fluffed the pillows while Dean was still sitting up, got him under the covers once he laid back and he grabbed Dean a glass of water and some Tylenol. Dean was putting up with his brother’s ministrations, but he finally snapped when Sam kept trying to find ways to help out even after Dean was settled and clearly no longer in need of anything.
“Sam. I’m fine. I promise. Just got to bed.”
“Ok, Dean.” Sam retreated to his own bed after turning off the lights. He laid in bed for several minutes before he couldn’t hold in his guilt any longer. 
“I’m sorry, Dean.”
“For what?” 
“You weren’t supposed to go on that hunt. I was. But you went so I wouldn’t have to and now you’re hurt.” Sam was barely holding back his tears, but he had to stay strong. Dean didn’t like chick flick moments and if he started crying that’s definitely what this would turn into.
“Sammy, this isn’t your fault, and besides. It’s my job to protect you. If you went out there tonight, you probably would have been hurt too, and I just don’t want that to happen ok?”
“Ok, Dean.” Sam said. He still felt guilty. Sam didn’t care if he got hurt. Dean being hurt because he went in Sam’s place wasn’t ok. 
“Come here.”
Sam bolted out of bed, ready to help Dean with whatever it was he needed. “What do you need, Dean?” 
“Climb in.”  He said as he pulled back the covers for Sam to join him. When Sam just stared at him, a confused expression on his face, Dean reached out and pulled Sam’s wrist towards him until Sam finally started climbing into his bed.
“I’m alright, Sammy. I promise. I am not hurt because of you, ok? I went because I wanted to go.”
Sam nodded. He wasn’t quite there a hundred percent, but being cuddled up to Dean made him feel like everything was gonna be ok. 
“Goodnight, Dean.”
“Night, Sammy.”
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tirstyspngirl · 4 years
Too Much to Take
Febuwhump Day 2: Mind Control @febuwhump
Fandom: Supernatural
Trigger Warnings: Canon-typical violence, mild descriptions of injuries
Tags: Whump, Hurt Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester takes care of Sam Winchester, Hallucifer (mentioned), Sam Winchester hates clowns, post Season 7 Episode 14: Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie, emotional hurt/comfort
Dean glanced back over at his sleeping brother, glad to see he was finally getting some semblance of rest. They’d gone back to the motel, Sam took a ridiculously long shower to remove the glitter, and Dean cleaned out as much of the vile substance as possible out of his baby. He thought about forcing Sam to do it, but the kid seemed miserable enough. No need for Dean to make it any worse. 
As soon as the glitter was as gone as possible, they’d gathered their gear and booked it out of Kansas. Sam took a long time to settle, obviously still keyed up from fighting his biggest fear. Now he was curled up against the window, cheek pressed to the cool glass of the window. Dean caught movement out of the corner of his eye and looked over to Sam. Sam’s face was pinched and he was pressing his thumb into his palm. Dean sighed inwardly. His brother couldn’t seem to catch a break. Or any sleep. 
Dean had been driving aimlessly up until that moment, the only goal being to get the hell out of Kansas. Seeing his brother constantly tormented made his heart ache. Not that he’d ever admit to such a girly notion, but it was true all the same. It was then that he decided they needed a well deserved break. He aimed the Impala towards the one place the brothers frequently talked about, but never seemed to make it to: the Grand Canyon. 
They drove straight through the night. Sam continued to pretend to sleep, pressing his hand every so often. Dean pretended not to notice and pressed down the accelerator just a tiny bit harder. When they arrived in Cameron, Arizona, they booked a room at the Grand Canyon Motel and Dean dropped right into bed. The motel was a little nicer and busier than they normally chose, but it was close to the canyon and Dean was too tired to care much about it. 
Despite the fact that Sam had been pretending to sleep and not actually sleeping, Sam didn’t follow Dean’s lead. Instead he left to grab coffee. As Dean slept, Sam researched more on Dick Roman. Not that he found any useful info, but Lucifer wouldn’t let him sleep much, so Sam didn’t even bother to try. 
Dean woke in the early afternoon, Sam tapping away furiously at the keyboard. Coffee at the ready right in front of him. As Dean walked to the bathroom to shower he glanced at the trashcan already half full with empty coffee cups. He sighed, but kept his mouth shut. He knew there was nothing he could say to Sam that would do any good and he really didn’t want to start an argument.
When Dean was done with his shower they found the nearest diner for lunch. Dean scarfed down his double cheeseburger with extra onions as Sam picked at his grilled chicken salad. Dean tried to encourage his brother to eat, but Sam refused to eat more than a few bites. 
“Are y’all done with your food?” The waitress asked as she walked up to the table. Sam jerked in surprise.  
“Yes, Ma'am,” Dean said, scooting his plate towards her. Sam scooted over his plate without a word.
“You sure you’re done honey?” she asked Sam. 
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“You should eat more if you’re planning on heading down to the Canyon. Gotta keep your strength up. Too many people have gone missing lately and all the recent sightings. Can’t be too careful.”
“Sightings of what?”
“Why the Mogollon monster of course.” She said, walking away with the dishes. “Be careful out there boys.” She called over her shoulder. 
“So much for our vacation.” Dean sighed. 
“So this Mogollon monster. It’s not usually spotted in this area, but it isn’t too far of a stretch to say it could have made its way out here. It’s been known to act extremely violent and its scream sounds like a woman in distress. It’s essentially the Arizona version of Bigfoot. No lore on how to kill it, so we’ll have to take several weapons with us when we go after it.” Sam said as Dean walked into the room in his Fed suit. “What‘d you find?”
“There have been 7 missing persons cases in the park in the past 4 months. No patterns connecting them that I can see right away. They found traces of body dragging. They assumed it was a mountain lion. Attacks by mountain lions aren’t super common though, so it’s definitely unlikely that’s what’s actually happening. Sounds like this moglin creature is our most likely suspect.”
“Mogollon, and yeah, seems like it. Did you get any info on the last sightings of any of these people. It’s a big park. We need to narrow down where to search.”
“Only on two of them. One was with his group of friends. He went missing overnight from the campground on the South rim. There weren't any signs of brute force near his tent, so my guess is he went to take a piss and was snatched.”
“And the other?”
“She was on a solo trip, but the night before she officially went missing, she checked in with her mother, said she was going to be on the Roaring Springs Trail. Then, when she didn’t check in that night like she was supposed to, her mom reported her missing.”  
“You said they found some drag marks, where were those?”
“Out near the Cliff Springs Trail.”
“Ok. Let me pull up a map. See where those spots are and see if we can’t find a likely spot to find this thing.” 
“Ok, since we’re hiking in, we gotta be smart about what we take with us. I’m glad we’re getting to see this damn thing, but I do not want to die in this canyon.” Dean snorted as they dug through the trunk.
“Yeah. A decent amount of water for sure. We each have our sidearms. A machete each. A couple different mags, one silver, one iron. What else should we take? There is absolutely no lore on ways to kill it.”
“I say we take the bronze dagger and flare guns too and obviously some salt and lighter fluid. Honestly, I don’t want to take much more than that. Worst case scenario none of what we have with us works and we regroup, come back later with different stuff.”
Sam sighs at Dean’s response. “I really don’t want to have to come back out here again. I just want to kill this thing and be done with it.”
“Me too, Sammy. Me too.”
With that, Dean closes the trunk and they head down the trail towards their monster of the week. They hike for close to 3 hours before they hear sounds of movement nearby. Simultaneously, the boys stop, straining to hear where the sound may be coming from. With a quick hand gesture, the boys split, Dean moving to the left and Sam to the right, guns raised and ready to shoot. 
The hairs raise on the back of Dean’s neck, alerting his hunter sixth sense to something nearby. He glances at Sam, only to see a hairy beast at least a foot taller than Sam and twice as buff right behind his brother. 
“Sam! Look out!”
Sam spins around, only for a massive arm to swing, sending Sam flying into a nearby rock. Sam slumps sideways upon impact, clearly unconscious.
“Hey! Ugly!” 
As soon as the furry beast turns toward Dean, he send 2 bullets into the monster’s chest and 2 into his head. The monster drops and Dean can hardly believe it. Was it seriously that easy to drop the damn thing? WIthout dropping his firearm, Dean walks over to the beast. Its brown eyes are staring up, unseeing and there is no rise to its chest. Dean kicks it for good measure, but when there is no reaction from it he knows it’s dead.
 Dean scrambles to Sam’s side and shakes his brother’s shoulder, but Sam doesn’t respond. Quickly he checks for a pulse and sighs in relief when he feels it bounding along. Dean feels the back of Sam’s head only to find a decent bump already forming. If he doesn’t have a concussion, he’ll have a wicked headache at least. Dean takes the opportunity of Sam’s unconsciousness to feel along his ribcage as well. Unfortunately at least one rib is broken on the left side and 2 on the right. Dean pats down the rest of Sam’s body, thankful to find no other apparent injuries.  
Sam still hasn’t woken up by this point, so Dean presses his knuckles into Sam’s sternum. Sam groans in response and Dean lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. “Come on, Sammy” he says as he digs his knuckles in harder. Sam blinks his eyes open. Almost immediately, Sam’s eyes dart behind Dean’s right shoulder and winces. Dean glances behind him, but doesn’t see anything over his shoulder. When Dean looks back at Sam, there are tears in Sam’s eyes and looks seconds away from a breakdown. 
“Sam?” he asks tentatively. He keeps his voice soothing and low as if speaking to a frightened child or animal. 
“I can’t take this anymore, Dean.”
“It’s too much. The clowns from earlier this week, and Bobby dying, and Lucifer is screaming his head off behind you. Now it hurts to breathe and we’re 3 hours from the car, I have a splitting headache and I just can’t. I can’t do it.” The dam broke, and tears spilled out of Sam’s eyes.
“Oh Sammy.” Dean literally feels his heart breaking as he listens to Sam give up. But he can’t let him. “Look, I know it’s been really shitty lately. Losing Bobby was a serious blow. And I know those clowns hit you real hard, but we’re going to figure out how to get Lucifer out of your head and it will get better. I promise you. Everything just feels worse right now cause of that head injury. Pretty sure you got a good concussion going and I’m sure your head hurts something fierce. We’ll get you back to the motel, wrap up those ribs and get on some real nice pain meds. You can rest for as long as you need. I won’t look for any hunts until you’re back in tip top shape ok?”
Sam looked at Dean hesitantly. Dean couldn’t blame him. Lucifer was only getting worse and they had no idea how to make it go away. Plus they were at a stalemate in the Leviathan issue with no leads on where to even look. And a 3 hour hike sounded daunting to even Dean right now, and he didn’t have 3 broken ribs and a concussion. But Sam nodded anyway. 
Dean cupped his hand on the back of Sam’s neck, offering him strength. “I’m gonna salt and burn this bitch real quick and then we’ll get you out of here. Ok sammy?”
Dean waited until he saw Sam’s nodded answer before turning back to the monster. He pulled out the small canister of salt and sprinkled it liberally over the entire beast. 
“Damn Sammy, I thought you were a giant, but you got nothing on this dude.” Dean heard a small huff of laughter and took that as a good sign as he poured the lighter fluid on top of the salt layer. He opened a pack of matches and stuck one. He tossed it on the monster and turned away without looking back for any confirmation that the monster was burning. Sam was visibly attempting to get himself under control. As Dean turned back towards him, he steeled his expression and let Dean help him to his feet.
“Okay little brother. Let’s get you out of here.”
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