#Dear Festivdder
Dear Festividder Letter 2022
I had so much fun with Festivids last year that I’m signing up again. Letter under the cut.
Hello festividder/pinch hitter/treat giver. Thank you so much for making something for me. Obviously any prompts are optional, I just like to provide information and suggestions in case they’re helpful. I know I’ll love whatever you make for me.
(Most of this letter is the same as last year’s except for some different fandoms and a couple of edits.)
General Likes:
I absolutely adore when songs match with the visuals. Clips that follow the lyrics, a story that is told through the video, or just a song that is chosen because it fits the characters.
Specific lyrics that relate to the fandom, character, or pairing > Generic love song.
Shippy videos
Friendship videos.
Videos about specific characters.
Videos about the whole group of characters.
Videos based on the work as whole.
Videos based on a specific aspect of the work.
Holding hands
Showing the progression of a friendship or romance.
Some likes I put in letters for fanfiction exchanges but might be relevant for videos as well:
Cozy scenes.
Casual touching.
Little soft/quiet moments between friends or significant others.
People being really good at what they do and their friends/partners being impressed.
Teaching each other.
Communities supporting each other.
Women who get stuff done.
Marriage proposals.
Female Friendship.
Found Families.
True companions.
General dislikes:
I don’t have any specific visual triggers, but I would prefer any strobe effects, lens flares, or stuttery cuts be kept to a minimum.
I’m not a huge fan of lyrics placed on the screen. I find them visually distracting.
Rap or Hip Hop (Nothing wrong with them, the beats just tend to hurt my head.)
The screaming kind of music. Again, it hurts my head.
Videos where the song doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the characters, canon, or video.
Songs with lyrics are my preference, but if you have the absolute most perfect instrumental song, go for it.
I like a wide range of genres and I particularly love 20s-40s Big Band, Early Jazz, Doo-Wop, 50s-70s Classic Rock, Motown, Classic Musicals, Tom Chapin, and Postmodern Jukebox.
With fandoms set in the past I especially enjoy videos set to period accurate songs or Postmodern Jukebox in the style of songs from that period.
Specific Fandoms:
The Court Jester (1955) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: A few references to death and some mild violence. The main character is sometimes enchanted to court another character.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: The Court Jester
Ships: Jean/Hawkins.
I’m excited about basically anything for this fandom, the song and dance numbers, the fighting, the humor, the movie as a whole, anything. Jean/Hawkins is one of my favorite ships ever.
Liberty’s Kids (Cartoon) (40 x 30 minute episodes.)
Fandom content notes: It’s the American Revolution so there is a fair amount of violence. There’s hardly any blood shown on screen but they don’t shy away from showing how terrible war is. A character is tarred and feathered. Slavery and racism are also portrayed and specifically shown to be wrong. One of the main characters nearly dies from a smallpox inoculation.
Fandom specific DNW: The war, slavery, or smallpox as a focus. Appearances by those things are fine, just not a video based around them.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Liberty’s Kids
Ships: Sarah/James.
I’d especially love a found family focus or a Sarah/James video. But also, feel free to get creative and make a video about the historical aspects and set it to whatever musical choice you like. While my preference in any fandom is fluff, I do have a fondness with the Sarah/James pairing for slightly darker, though still ultimately fluffy, videos that show that they’re living during a war and that with the class difference their love won’t be easy.
The Magic School Bus (1994 TV Cartoon) (52 x 30 minute episodes.)
Fandom content notes: There are multiple episodes where the characters turn into different animals. There are also many episodes going inside the human body.
Fandom specific DNW: The aforementioned animals episodes (people turning into other things is a squick of mine.) The spider episode. Human body episodes as a focus. Shipping videos focused on the kids, hinted at ships are okay. The reboot show.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Magic School Bus
Ships: Ms. Frizzle/Mr. Seedplot. To a lesser extent: Ms. Frizzle/Molly Cule and Ms. Frizzle/Mr. Ampere.
Be creative! Science, Friendship, Learning. My top favorite episodes are Makes A Rainbow, Gets Ready Set Dough, In The Haunted House, Gets A Bright Idea, and Holiday Special. My very favorite character is Mr. Ruhle, but I love all of the main and recurring characters so much, even Janet. Feel free to include anything from the games or the books if they would fit into your vision. I’m down with basically anything outside of my DNWs.
On The Town (1949) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: A small amount of harassment played for laughs, from Hildy to Chip and between Ozzie and Claire. One line in a song presents street harassment as a cute element of small town life.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: On The Town
Ships: Ivy/Gabey, Hildy/Chip, Claire/Ozzie
I’d just love something fun here. I ship all three of the couples and I love the six of them as a big friend group. Anything that shows off how much fun they’re all having would be amazing.
Secondhand Lions (2003) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: There are some scenes of war and violence in flashback. There is a flashback where two characters are drugged and shanghaied. At least one horse is injured/possibly killed. There is discussion of hunting the lion. The lion eventually dies of heart failure. Fish and salesmen are shot at. There are a number of guns. There is a reference to a character having died in childbirth. One character has a heart attack and recovers. Two main characters die off-screen. There’s a brief scene with child abuse.
Fandom specific DNW: The brief funeral for the lion. The deleted scene funeral.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Secondhand Lions
Ships: Jasmine/Hub. (Lesser extent: Walter/His Wife, Walter/Sheik’s Grandson)
I would love absolutely anything you want to make here. I especially love the relationship between Walter and his uncles, and the love story between Jasmine and Hub. Any appearances by the pig who thinks he’s a dog, the chicken standing on the pig’s back, or the deleted scene of shooting ears of corn like skeet would be loved. I absolutely adore the soundtrack to the stage musical if that inspires anything.
Sesame Street (US TV Henson-era 1969 - 1990) (Mostly viewable in clips, loads of episodes, though many are unviewable.)
Fandom content notes: One episode deals with the aftermath of the death of a main character.
Fandom specific DNW: The aforementioned death of Mr. Hooper. Videos focused on Muppets other than maybe Big Bird or Oscar.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Sesame Street
Ships: Linda/Bob, Maria/Linda, Maria/Luis, Maria/David, Susan/Gordon, Mr. Macintosh/Willy, Maria/Luis/David, Susan/Gordon/Bob, Bob/David/Linda/Luis/Maria/Olivia
I absolutely adore the human cast of the first twenty or so seasons for Sesame Street and would love any video based on any of them. Or anything based on any of my ships or on friendships or on the street as a family. I particularly love the characters being Big Bird’s many honorary parents. Linda is my number one favorite character. Favorite characters not mentioned in my ships include Mr. Hooper, Buffy, and Gina. I’m fine with clips all the way up to season 30, but that was too much for an exchange. I’d also love a tribute to the classic episodes.
Sister Act (1992) [SAFETY],
Fandom content notes: The setup involves a scene where the main character witnesses her ex-boyfriend commit murder. There are a few cops. The bad guys attempt to kill the main character.
Fandom specific DNW: A focus on the bad guys. A video based around the second movie, the occasional clip is okay, especially of the nuns singing. Shipping.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Sister Act
Ships: None.
This movie just makes me so happy. I love all the female friendship so much. Although the fandom was approved as “Sister Act (Movies)” I’m really only interested in the first film. I would like to see something friendship or found family focused. Perhaps something about the way that the convent find their way back into helping people. I’m okay with clips of the male characters but this is a rare fandom that’s almost entirely women and I would rather focus on them.
State Fair (1945) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: Two words that were common at the time but are uncomfortable to the modern ear.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: State Fair
Ships: Eleanor/Wayne, Emily/Wayne, Margey/Pat, Melissa/Able, Esmeralda/Blue Boy
I grew up with this movie and it is very much a comfort movie for me. I’d love something based on any or all of the pairings. I ship Wayne equally with both Eleanor and Emily. I don’t ship Margey with Harry at all. I’d also love a video about the Frake family as a whole or a video about any character other than Harry. I especially love McGee the song plugger. Or just a video about the fair and everything that happens at it
To The Manor Born (TV) (21 x 30 minute episodes + 1 x 60 minute reunion special.)
Fandom content notes: None.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: To The Manor Born
Ships: Audrey/Richard.
I’d love a nice video about the enemies to lovers/will-they-or-won’t-they relationship between Audrey and Richard. I’d also love something about the Audrey and Margery friendship, the Audrey and Brabinger friendship, or Audrey learning how to live not in the manor. I adore every single character.
Wishbone (TV) (50 x 30 minute episodes)
Fandom content notes: A number of the famous works of literature that Wishbone retells include character death. At least one literary story involves a deal with the devil. At least one episode contains scenes set in a cemetery at night. Several characters have lost parents and a one-off character is stated to be dealing with food insecurity. In one episode the kids get locked in a burning building and escape.
Fandom specific DNW: Anything related to death. “Dog Days of the West” (I’ve never seen it.)
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Wishbone (Pretty sparse but there it is.)
Ships: My only real ships are Ellen/Walter and Wanda/Bob. I find the idea of a Walter/Ellen/Wanda/Bob polycule interesting, possibly including David’s parents.
For this fandom I’m mostly interested in a video focused on the “real-life” parts of the episodes. The storylines involving Joe and his friends. A little bit of Wishbone inserting himself into famous works of literature wouldn’t go amiss, but it’s not my preference for a video focus. Though if you have the most perfect song for a video about Wishbone imagining himself in stories, I would love to see it. I’d most like a video focused on the characters’ friendship. Or one about family.
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Dear Festividder Letter
Hi all, I’m participating in festivids this year and my letter is under the cut. Feel free to read it if you like reading dear creator letters. Haha.
Hello festividder/pinch hitter/treat giver. Thank you so much for making something for me. I’ve never done festivids before and I’m really excited about it. Obviously any prompts are optional, I just like to provide information and suggestions in case they’re helpful. I know I’ll love whatever you make for me.
General Likes:
I absolutely adore when songs match with the visuals. Clips that follow the lyrics, a story that is told through the video, or just a song that is chosen because it fits the characters.
Specific lyrics that relate to the fandom, character, or pairing > Generic love song.
Shippy videos
Friendship videos.
Videos about specific characters.
Videos about the whole group of characters.
Videos based on the work as whole.
Videos based on a specific aspect of the work.
Holding hands
Showing the progression of a friendship or romance.
Some likes I put in letters for fanfiction exchanges but might be relevant for videos as well:
Cozy scenes.
Casual touching.
Little soft/quiet moments between friends or significant others.
People being really good at what they do and their friends/partners being impressed.
Teaching each other.
Communities supporting each other.
Women who get stuff done.
Marriage proposals.
Female Friendship.
Found Families.
True companions.
General dislikes:
I don’t have any specific visual triggers, but I would prefer any strobe effects. lens flares, or stuttery cuts be kept to a minimum.
Rap or Hip Hop (Nothing wrong with them, the beats just tend to hurt my head.)
The screaming kind of music. Again, it hurts my head.
Videos where the song doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the characters, canon, or video.
Songs with lyrics are my preference, but if you have the absolute most perfect instrumental song, go for it.
I like a wide range of genres and I particularly love 20s-40s Big Band, Early Jazz, Doo-Wop, 50s-70s Classic Rock, Motown, Classic Musicals, Tom Chapin, and Postmodern Jukebox.
With fandoms set in the past I especially enjoy videos set to period accurate songs or Postmodern Jukebox in the style of songs from that period.
Specific Fandoms:
All Creatures Great And Small (TV 2020) (13 x 60 minute episodes + 1 unreleased at time of writing Christmas special.)
Fandom content notes: It’s a show about vets so there is some animal death. Backstories include mentions of character death, racism, and hinted at abuse. The season 2 finale includes a few news reports of the build up to WWII.
Fandom specific DNW: Any of the animal death.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: All Creatures Great And Small
Favorite ships and character dynamics: Anne/Bert, Dorothy/Mrs. Hall, Dorothy/Mrs. Hall/Siegfried, Helen/James, James/Tristan, Maggie/Tristan, Siegfried & Tristan, Helen & Tristan.
I’d love anything about any of my ships or favorite friendships. (Especially Helen/James, James/Tristan, Maggie/Tristan, a combination of those three ships, or Dorothy/Mrs. Hall.) A video about the Skeldale House family (including Helen!), the series in general, all the cute animals, or anything else you’d like to make.
The Court Jester (1955) [SAFETY] 
Fandom content notes: A few references to death and some mild violence is all.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: The Court Jester
I’m excited about basically anything for this fandom, the song and dance numbers, the fighting, the humor, the movie as a whole, anything. Jean/Hawkins is one of my favorite ships ever.
Madeline (1998) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: One medical scene where Madeline has appendicitis. A snake and some mice appear briefly. There’s also a kidnapping.
Fandom specific DNW: The appendicitis scene.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Madeline
This is a fandom where I am especially interested in found family. The school as a family and Miss Clavel’s promise that whatever happens she and Madeline will stay together give me great joy. I adore Genevieve. I ship Madeline/Pepito, but in a way that acknowledges that they are still children. A video focused on Miss Clavel would be lovely. I also have a lot of love for Lady Covington.
The Magic School Bus (1994 TV Cartoon) (52 x 30 minute episodes.)
Fandom content notes: There are multiple episodes where the characters turn into different animals. There are also many episodes going inside the human body.
Fandom specific DNW: The aforementioned animals episodes (people turning into other things is a new-ish squick of mine.) The spider episode. Human body episodes as a focus. Shipping videos focused on the kids, hinted at ships are okay. The reboot show.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Magic School Bus
Be creative! Science, Friendship, Learning. My top favorite episodes are Makes A Rainbow, Gets Ready Set Dough, In The Haunted House, Gets A Bright Idea, and Holiday Special. My very favorite character is Mr. Ruhle, but I love all of the main and recurring characters so much, even Janet. I also ship Ms. Frizzle/Mr. Seedplot. Feel free to include anything from the games or the books if they would fit into your vision. I’m down with basically anything outside of my DNWs.
Secondhand Lions (2003) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: There are some scenes of war and violence in flashback. There is a flashback where two characters are drugged and shanghaied. At least one horse is injured/possibly killed. There is discussion of hunting the lion. The lion eventually dies of heart failure. Fish and salesmen are shot at. There are a number of guns. There is a reference to a character having died in childbirth. One character has a heart attack and recovers. Two main characters die off-screen. There’s a brief scene with child abuse.
Fandom specific DNW: The brief funeral for the lion. The deleted scene funeral.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Secondhand Lions
I would love absolutely anything you want to make here. I especially love the relationship between Walter and his uncles, and the love story between Jasmine and Hub. I also kind of ship Walter/The Sheik’s grandson. Any appearances by the pig who thinks he’s a dog, the chicken standing on the pig’s back, or the deleted scene of shooting ears of corn like skeet would be loved. I absolutely adore the soundtrack to the stage musical if that inspires anything.
State Fair (1945) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: None
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: State Fair
Favorite Ships: Eleanor/Wayne, Emily/Wayne, Margey/Pat, Melissa/Able, Esmeralda/Blue Boy
I grew up with this movie and it is very much a comfort movie for me. I’d love something based on any or all of the pairings. I ship Wayne equally with both Eleanor and Emily. I don’t ship Margey with Harry at all. I’d also love a video about the Frake family as a whole or a video about any character other than Harry. I especially love McGee the song plugger. Or just a video about the fair and everything that happens at it.
Sesame Street (US TV Henson-era 1969 - 1990) (Mostly viewable in clips, loads of episodes, though many are unviewable.)
Fandom content notes: One episode deals with the aftermath of the death of a main character.
Fandom specific DNW: The aforementioned death of Mr. Hooper. Videos focused on Muppets other than maybe Big Bird or Oscar.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Sesame Street
Ships: Linda/Bob, Maria/Linda, Maria/Luis, Maria/David, Susan/Gordon, Mr. Macintosh/Willy, Maria/Luis/David, Susan/Gordon/Bob, Bob/David/Linda/Luis/Maria/Olivia
I absolutely adore the human cast of the first twenty or so seasons for Sesame Street and would love any video based on any of them. Or anything based on any of my ships or on friendships or on the street as a family. I particularly love the characters being Big Bird’s many honorary parents. Linda is my number one favorite character. Favorite characters not mentioned in my ships include Mr. Hooper, Buffy, and Gina. I’m fine with clips all the way up to season 30, but that was too much for an exchange. I’d also love a tribute to the classic episodes.
To The Manor Born (TV) (21 x 30 minute episodes + 1 x 60 minute reunion special.)
Fandom content notes: None.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: To The Manor Born
I’m pretty boring with this one. I’d love a nice video about the enemies to lovers/will-they-or-won’t-they relationship between Audrey and Richard. I’d also love something about the Audrey and Margery friendship, the Audrey and Brabinger friendship, or Audrey learning how to live not in the manor. I adore every single character.
0 notes