#Dear Creator Letters
Trick or Treat Exchange Letter
Hi everyone, I decided to participate in the trick or treat exchange this year and here’s my letter. (I've requested the same things two years in a row so I'm reusing the letter.) Under the cut for length.
Hello content creator. I’m glad you’ve joined this exchange. I’m sure I’ll love anything you make. Obviously nothing in here is required except for DNWs. I just like to provide information and suggestions in case they’re helpful. I put in some Halloween specific likes, but I'm fine with Halloween or non-Halloween stories. Largely copied from other exchange letters. I've asked for treats only, no tricks. So my suggestions are all with that in mind.
General fic likes:
Kindness and helping others.
Cuddles and snuggles.
Cozy scenes.
Casual touching.
Little soft and/or quiet moments between friends or significant others.
Characters sharing a love of music or movies or books or hobbies.
Pet owners.
Cute kids when those kids are canon children of requested characters.
Living together, either platonically or romantically.
People being really good at what they do and their friends/partners being impressed.
Characters who speak languages other than English slipping into those languages occasionally.
Teaching each other.
Communities supporting each other.
Everyone being accepting of the characters and their differences and/or relationships.
Women who get stuff done.
Bi and Ace-spectrum headcanons.
Shippy stuff:
Soulmates (both common and creative varieties).
The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement.
Friends to lovers.
Rivals to lovers.
Annoying each other constantly to lovers.
Established relationships.
Couples knowing each other really well and doing things the other one likes just because.
“Man I really love my wife” guys.
Asking before kissing someone.
Stopping a kiss or a touch immediately when asked.
Surprise kisses in an established relationship.
True Love’s Kiss when fairy tale elements are present.
Only One Bed snuggles.
Marriage Proposals (doesn’t have to be the man proposing to the woman in het ships, the woman can propose to the man too.)
Platonic/familial stuff:
Becoming friends.
Female Friendship.
Friends who stay friends (they don’t become romantic and they don’t stop enjoying each other’s company).
Found families.
True companions.
Healthy families of origin.
Halloween-related likes: I'm not much for the "spooky" elements of Halloween. But I do like cute Halloween related things. Children's parties, fun costumes, candy, trick-or-treating, pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, sheet ghosts, witches' hats, pets in costumes, amusing decorations. Anything fun but non-scary. I put in Halloween prompts where I thought of them, but I don't have many.
Reiterating DNWs for convenience:
Any sort of death or death imagery.
Abuse of any sort.
Anything that AO3 has under major warnings.
Unhealthy relationships.
Cheating, especially cheating being presented as a *good* thing.
Character bashing.
Explicit sex (implied or referenced sex between consenting adults is fine).
Anything that could be considered a loss of control.
Anyone transforming into anything else.
Illness beyond the common cold.
Non-canonical pregnancy.
Discrimination or bigotry unless in the context of characters working to end it.
Unhappy ending.
Fandom Specific:
Fandom content notes: It's a medical/firefighting show so the usual content warnings for that genre. Fires, accidents, illnesses, hospitals, heights, danger, a few episodes with snakes, etc. Cops appear often.
Relationships requested: The Crew of Station 51, Dixie/Joe/Kel, Joanne/Roy/Johnny
Tumblr tag for fandom: Emergency!
Fandom specific likes: The crew all being close. The fact that Johnny and Chet are good friends being obvious even through the bickering. Roy and Joanne's kids absolutely adoring Johnny. Joanne being 1000% on board with the firefighting work even if she worries about Roy and Johnny getting hurt. Appearances by Nurse Sharon.
Fandom specific DNW: No rescues involving snakes, spiders, or deadly diseases please. I also don't want anything where Joanne is unsupportive of the guys and their work.
Optional prompts: For Joanne/Roy/Johnny, I really love fluffy stories where Johnny spends time with the DeSotos. Maybe they all take the kids trick-or-treating, or help them make costumes, or Johnny gets a little too into "helping" the kids eat their Halloween candy. Or maybe they all just have dinner together and talk about their days and there's just a lot of love there.
For Station 51, I'd love to see them hold a station Halloween party for the various local kids. Or another show-typical silly event happening in their downtime.
For Dixie/Joe/Kel, I guess I'd just like to see more of the three of them getting to spend time together and get a break from ER work for a bit. Maybe when Joe and Kel went to that conference they were so excited about, Dixie got to go too and they had a fun time getting a little vacation around the conference events. For a Halloween prompt treating people in absurd costumes could be fun. I'd also be happy with them all supporting each other after a hard day in the ER.
Enchanted Forest Chronicles:
Fandom content notes: Cimorene runs away to avoid an arranged marriage. A few bad guys are mentioned as being eaten by dragons. Mendanbar is imprisoned for 17 years between books 3 and 4. Two characters in the 3rd book are transformed into something else. One by accident, the other as a punishment.
Relationships requested: Alianora/The Stone Prince, Cimorene/Mendanbar, Morwen/Telemain, Shiara/Daystar
Tumblr tag for fandom: Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Fandom specific likes: Mentions/Appearances of Alianora even if she’s not the focus. Morwen’s cats being snarky.
Fandom specific DNW: A story where the focus is on the time between Calling On Dragons and Talking To Dragons.
Optional prompts:
- Cimorene/Mendanbar: We don’t get to see very much of their married life so I would love to see some fluff taking place after their wedding but before Book 3.
- Daystar/Shiara: In an AU where they found some way to rescue Mendanbar sooner and Daystar grew up as the prince knowing both of his parents, how does this effect his and Shiara’s first meeting? Do they get along better or worse? Why is Daystar out in the forest at the right time to find her?
- Morewen/Telemain: I am down for basically anything with these two as long as it’s fun. Growing up together. Being classmates in magic school. Quests/adventures. Spending time together between adventures. Married life. Anything that appeals to you.
How exactly did they manage to get engaged? I would love to get the story of what conversations happened that we aren’t shown.
-  Alianora/The Stone Prince: I just want to see anything about their relationship. We don’t get to see a lot of it in the book but I find it fascinating. I like how by the rules of this world, their one-day courtship and falling in love incredibly fast is normal and would enjoy seeing more about it.
Highway to Heaven:
Fandom content notes: A wide range of injustice and discrimination appear throughout the show. Within the episodes relevant to Jane, Diane, and Scotty, there’s character death, a suicide attempt, and some ableism.
Relationships requested: Diane/Scotty, Jonathan/Jane | Jennifer, Jonathan & Mark
Tumblr tag for fandom: Highway to Heaven
Fandom specific likes: Jonathan is an angel but sometimes he’s still painfully human. (E.G. Getting too emotionally involved with an assignment, his crisis of faith in We Have Forever, his reaction to Mark getting hurt in Going Home, Going Home.) I just really like that Jonathan isn’t perfect and makes mistakes and has strong emotions just like the rest of us.
Exception to no character death: I’m okay with mentions of it in relation to Jonathan and Jane, but I don’t want it to be the focus or the ending. I need to see them as angels afterwards if their deaths come up.
Fandom specific DNW: Ignoring the fact that Scotty is quadriplegic. Making the entire story about Scotty being quadriplegic as though it’s his only trait. Not a hugely important thing, but I would prefer Jonathan and Jennifer not sleep together (except literally) since he doesn’t know that she’s Jane.
Optional prompts:
Jonathan/Jane: I am down with basically any story for these two that you want to tell.
How they fell in love. Scenes from their marriage. Missing scenes between the two in Keep Smiling.
What it was like for Jane to become Jennifer and be given the first assignment of helping her husband regain his faith? A missing scene from their two months together.
Something where they meet again later, either between assignments, sharing an assignment, or being reunited in heaven when they’ve both earned their wings.
Scotty/Diane: A Match Made in Heaven is my absolute favorite episode, I would love literally anything based on it.
I’d also love the missing scene of their wedding, or scenes from their married life, or something with them being parents.
Jonathan & Mark: I just really enjoy their friendship and watching the two of them helping others so anything based on that would be lovely.
Magic School Bus:
Fandom content notes: There are multiple episodes where the characters turn into different animals. There are also many episodes going inside the human body.
Relationships requested: Arnold & Carlos & Dorothy Ann & Keesha & Phoebe & Ralphie & Tim & Wanda, Ms. Frizzle/Mr. Seedplot, DA & Keesha
Tumblr tag for fandom: Magic School Bus
Fandom specific likes: Ms. Frizzle being open to dating many different people, not just Mr. Seedplot. The kids all being close friends and no matter how many arguments they have they always make up quickly. Appearances by Mikey.
Fandom specific DNW: Romances between the kids. I don’t mind occasional references to crushes, but I don’t want shipping with them. The sequel show.
Optional prompts:
- The Kids: How did they first become friends? Phoebe transferred in, but have the other seven always been classmates? Was it hard for Phoebe to fit in at first or did they all make her feel welcome? Did they used to have other classmates before Ms. Frizzle’s class? What do they like to do for fun when they’re not in school or doing science?
A favorite headcanon of mine is that after college, the eight of them chip in and buy a house to use as home base. And they all travel around researching in their respective fields, but sometimes they just stay right there and do science. I would love any sort of story set in that world.
- Ms. Frizzle/Mr. Seedplot: How did they first meet? What happens after Liz brings Ms. Frizzle the flowers and note? Do they go on a date? Do the class ship them?
- DA and Keesha: I accidentally thought of the concept of Keesha and Dorothy Ann being sisters and now I'm extra obsessed with their dynamic. Whether actual sisters or just friends who are like sisters.
- Halloween: I'm a big fan of the Haunted House music episode so anything based on that would be lovely.
The Monkees:
Fandom content notes: It's been awhile since I watched the show, but I do remember that various plots included danger, kidnapping, a couple of nazi references played for laughs (Monkees Race Again), implied drug use, brainwashing, Mike mistakenly believing a woman is planning to kill herself (Monkees On The Line), a deal with the devil, all played for laughs.
Relationships requested: Davy/Peter/Micky/Mike
Tumblr tag for fandom: The Monkees
Fandom specific likes: The Monkees all absolutely adoring each other. Being best friends as well as romantic partners. A whole lot of goofy nonsense like in the show. Casual affection. Milly from Monkee Mother staying in their lives and them all loving her as their honorary mom, but still being a little annoyed by her sometimes. The reunion episode.
Fandom specific DNW: A fic focusing on less than all four of them. Drug use. Anything trying to split them up. Any episode where they're not character!Monkees (e.g. the one on tour or the one with Princess Gwen or something similar I'm forgetting). Any episode/movie that's notably darker in tone than the rest.
Optional prompts: I'd just like a nice fun romp. That's what this show is all about to me. A whole lot of fun and silly content. I love the episode Monkee See, Monkee Die. "Spend the night in the haunted house for the inheritance" episodes in sitcoms where they all get jumpy but nothing bad actually happens and it's all revealed to be a hoax anyway is one of my favorite kinds of episodes.
Sesame Street:
Fandom content notes: One episode deals with the aftermath of the death of a main character.
Relationships (and character) requested: Linda, Linda/Bob, Maria/Linda, Maria/Luis/David, Susan/Gordon, Susan/Gordon/Bob
Tumblr tag for fandom: Sesame Street
Fandom specific likes: Mr. Hooper lives. No one ages. The characters making sure to sign for Linda so that she knows what’s going on. Miles and Gabi being best friends. Bob and Maria being metamours and having a very sibling-like relationship. Mr. Hooper refusing to tell anyone what his orientation is. Big Bird basically being everyone’s child.
Fandom specific DNW: Anything involving the death of Mr. Hooper. Making Linda hearing instead of Deaf.
Optional prompts: As with all of these I’d be happy with anything you want to write but here are a few thoughts.
Linda: I love her so much and how silly and how sarcastic she can be. Something with her training Barkley might be fun. Or something where she gets a new book that she's excited about. Or a day at the library.
Linda/Bob: If they had gotten married, what would their wedding look like? What kind of dates do they go on?
According to episode summaries on The Muppet wiki, Bob writes songs for Linda and she teaches him American Sign Language. I would love to see either or both of those things.
Maria/Linda: When Linda first arrives on Sesame Street, Maria is the person who’s the most fluent in ASL and that leads to her and Linda becoming friends quickly. Linda learning some Spanish sign language so she and Maria can both speak Spanish.
Susan/Gordon: I would dearly love some fic about how they met and fell in love. Or a fic about how they decided that they were ready to be parents and that they wanted to adopt. Maybe something with them geeking out together over science.
Maria/David/Luis: The only logical solution to the Maria/David, Maria/Luis relationships. I actually shipped David/Luis before I shipped Maria/David, so I definitely view this as a full triad.
How do they get together? Are two of them together first and then the third joins them? Or do they become a triad all at once? What do their dates as a triad look like? Do the three of them ever go dancing?
How do they decide to get married? To become parents? Does it matter which of Maria’s husbands is Gabi’s biological father or do they only know for medical history reasons?
Susan/Gordon/Bob: Did they know each other before Sesame Street or did they meet there? When did they get together? One thing I really like is the idea of them having gone to college together and getting up to hijinks. I would love to see some of that. How involved is Bob in parenting Miles?
Fandom content notes: Some danger, one episode (Dr. WordGirl Brains) features a mind-swap, another episode features a kidnapping, there are some cops.
Relationships requested: Becky/Tobey, Becky/Violet/Tobey/Scoops, TJ/Johnson
Tumblr tag for fandom: WordGirl
Fandom specific likes: Tobey realizing that he’s loved. Tobey’s robots being sweet.
Fandom specific DNW: Angst. These are children so I’d prefer they not show affection with anything more than a handhold or maybe a kiss on the cheek, unless they’re aged up. Tobey causing genuine harm beyond his usual property destruction.
Optional prompts: I’m happy with any kind of cute content for any of these pairings. I would especially like to see a get together.
I also read a fic once where Becky and TJ were allowed to invite their friends on a Botsford family trip to a cabin on a lake. Scoops and Violet couldn’t go in the fic, but I keep wondering what it would be like if they did and Becky was there with her mutual crushes and TJ was there with his.
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Dear Mr Disney,
I know I am just a hobby animator, a simple artist from a backwoods village in Michigan, but my grandfather once sat in front of you and did an interview of which he actually turned your offer down.
So may I sit with you now? I wish to speak one Creator to another, no matter how well known you are. How long has it been since someone uttered your name and thought of the human beneath? I know you weren't perfect, but we all aren't. However, I know in my heart wherever you are now that you are worried, perhaps terrified,
Why do I think this? Because your beloved Creations, those loved by millions, perhaps billions, are going to step into the Public Space for the first time. I know as a creator I would be scared and would rightfully worry about people taking this opportunity to try to cause harm to you, but more importantly also hurt those who enjoy them.
I had this happen to me an artist took Violet, a character of mine and bootlegged her trying to hurt me and it is the most guttural pain that no amount of anger or tears will fix. It leaves a trauma a deep scar. A character I have come to realize is an extension of myself, quite like Mickey is an extension of you.
So I promise as an animator, an artist, a Creative myself, though I hate your company with a burning passion. I will be a safe place for your creations your Original Characters. Starting with Julias, Ortensia, Oswald, Mickey and Minnie. I promise you, Walt, I will not be amongst the hundreds of others who will take my anger out on them, but especially Mickey. I will love them the same as you did. Like they are one of my own, like they were of my mind,
One Creator to another I will always think of you first as I carry them into my archives and take my turn to tell my stories with them,
I promise you, Roy and Ub with all my heart,they will be safe, loved and taken care of with me,
With all respect and admiration, The Keeper of the Archives Alanshee
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
Dear Creator Letter: Anakin-Clone Appreciation Exchange
Organized as:
General/Setting Likes
Gender Stuff
Setting AUs I like
About the ships
DNW with clarifications
General Likes:
Working with/around PTSD with each other
Asexual or ace-spec characters (doesn’t have to be explicit, just an underlying Vibe is fine)
hurt/comfort (NOT whump)
Generally I like ships being really sweet with each other, even when the sex or kink is rougher
I enjoy pretty much any kind of gender play, including:
Character is now Nonbinary
Trans (in the direction of canon)
Trans (in the direction opposite canon)
Magic sex swaps of the ‘woke up with my body a different reproductive setup, am learning the meaning of gender euphoria’ variety
Whatever the hell Ranma ½ technically is
Cisswaps (born a different cis gender) so long as it’s not used primarily to turn a same gender ship into a het ship
I do like AUs of all sorts, so long as the core of the character is intact, with vibes to match. This includes:
Time-travel, fix-its
Arranged/political marriage
Soulmate AU
Background or role swap AUs
Omegaverse (WITHOUT exaggerated omegaverse sexism or cissexism at all, and without mild/moderate sexism or cissexism as major plot points)
Modern AU - chill bakery/coffee shop/bookstore/beekeeper stuff - classy criminal playing cat and mouse with the FBI agent trying to catch them - “oh no, you’re my teenager’s English teacher and this parent-teacher conference just got very awkward because we started dating over the summer before I knew” - one of them is a celebrity - literally just whatever
Historical Fantasy (mostly for the fashion and/or if the author gets really invested in things like trade routes and agricultural pressures and inane tax law)
History AU, but only if you go the Bridgerton route of Fun And Funky Tropes Without The Racism
Royal Fantasy
Role Swap (does not have to be between the ship!)
Backstory swap (e.g. Never a Jedi AU, Raised a Sith AU, Senator of Tatooine AU, etc.)
For Want of a Nail
Faustian Castle AU
These are not prompts! These are just me trying to explain why/how I ship them, the vibes I usually go for, or the kinks I associate with them.
Cody&Anakin or Cody/Anakin I think Cody is tentatively respectful and unimpressed by Anakin. I've got a whole post about it.
Rex&Anakin, Rex/Anakin, and Rex/Cody/Anakin I don't think Rexwalker needs much explanation. We all know the draw there. As for Codexwalker... I need them to share him. I need Anakin flustered. I need Rex flustered. I need Cody laughing at them.
Any given mix of Anakin with Fives, Echo, and Hardcase A ship of shenanigans! I do want Fives and Echo treated as a set whenever possible. Doesn't matter if they're both dating Anakin, or if one is dating him and the other is wingmanning like kingdom come, just need them to be A Set.
Fox&Anakin or Fox/Anakin Reluctance, suspicion, and a slow growth of trust is the name of the game. Fox is so very guarded and he is JUST as unimpressed by Anakin's nonsense as Cody, but with far less cause or inclination to trust or develop affection for Anakin.
Rex&Vader or Rex/Vader Bring that boy back to the light, baby.
Kix/Anakin or Kix&Anakin Not too grumpy of a medic, please. He's soft-spoken in canon, yeah? Also I like the idea that Kix is eager to prove himself to Anakin in non-medical settings. He's already proven himself as a medic! Let him prove his kissing skills!
Alpha-17/Anakin Alpha is challenging Anakin to prove himself. He is even less impressed than Cody. He is mean about it. I'm not sure if he'll ever like Anakin, but he might tolerate him long enough to have a grudging fondness after Anakin manically destroys a walker that was about to crush him or something.
Regarding my unwanted list/clarification on my DNWs
DNW that don’t need much elaboration:
incest (cloneshipping is fine)
minor/adult ships - age difference of less than three years is fine - major age difference where both are adults is fine
Reader inserts, major inclusion of original characters
Lower body fluids (talking about blood or saliva is fine; excrement is not), vomit
Sick fic (injury recovery is fine)
IDK I just get nothing out of most sick fic
Non-canon Dark Histories meant only to make someone more sympathetic or pitiable (e.g. especially Rape as Backstory)
Downer endings (includes breakups that are not resolved)
Smoking/cigarettes/alcohol/recreational drug use
General sexism or bigotry as a major theme, or from one member of the ship to the other, as well as bigotry-based dirty talk
Moderate to extreme sexism or cissexism for omegaverse
anti-intersexuality bias, usage of 'intersex’ for dualsex (they’re not the same thing)
Particularly dark topics, including: - Noncon - major character death (I’m fine with “Tarkin died and that sure is impacting the war” but “the main character’s younger sister just died and the plot revolves around the grief” is a bit much) - underage sexual content - adultery/infidelity - whump - unresolved terminal illness - suicide - self-harm - domestic abuse - child abuse
To keep things simple, no nsfw for this one
Basic character/setting things:
Werewolf or folklore AUs.
No character bashing. I know the event already has this as a rule, but I want to make sure it's clear that I don't want ANYONE bashed, not just Anakin and the clones. - By this, I mean vilifying them based on negative fanon or otherwise non-canon actions or behaviors (e.g. Anakin mind-controlling Padme into a relationship), or stories that prioritize punishing a character for their narrative crimes in the plot, especially in a way that is inconsistent with the setting or characters doing the punishment (e.g. Padme or the Jedi being incredibly harsh with Anakin about the Tusken Massacre, despite Padme moving past it easily in canon, and the Jedi displaying extreme forgiveness and providing rehabilitation to other characters that Fall, like Quinlan). -The whole Anakin/Consequences movement is one that I dislike immensely. If you don’t know what it is, you’re probably not doing it. If you do know what it is, then you know what I mean here. - It is very common/popular to write Qui-Gon as a neglectful, cold, or downright abusive caregiver/parent figure to the children in his care. I do not like this in the slightest.
For some reason, a lot of writers are very casual about violating a character’s bodily autonomy “for their own good.” I don’t like this (unless it’s horror, but that’s a different topic), and ask that you refrain from having characters do something like that for a person’s own good unless there are some massive extenuating circumstances. Please, for the love of god, do not have characters nonconsensually drug each other with sleeping pills as an act of care unless it's meant to be a sign of how dark and fucked up they are. Like, if Vader is drugging someone 'for their own good,' that's one thing, but...
I’m pro-Jedi and pro-New Mandos. I do not want anything that suggests they: - deserved what happened to them - needed to change or learn to accept more militant values/that attachment is good - were stealing/brainwashing children or engaging in cultural genocide - Traviss-style Mando Supremacy is a no-go - This isn’t technically a DNW because it’s too difficult for the mods to enforce, but I’m not a huge fan of large amounts of Mando'a. If it makes sense for a scene (as in, characters are speaking Basic to one another and would include Mando'a for contextually necessary reasons) or has connotations that can’t be translated, then sure, but dropping in “ad'ika” or “gar gai” every few lines grates on me. Translation convention, please!
I do like the True Mandos but please don’t lionize them.
I have minimal interest in the Original Trilogy and no interest in the Sequels; my mind is squarely in the Prequels and pre-canon era. - That said, I do delight in having baby versions of the characters present; I am always open to toddler Skywalker twins cameo. - I’m not very into the Bad Batch. Cameos are fine.
No Barr*ssoka. No, not even as a background thing.
No Cod*wan. No, not even as a background thing. Preferably, no Jedi Master/Clone ships at all, but especially not Obi-Wan/Clones. (Knight/Clones is fine).
No Master/Padawan. I have exceptions when reading, but for an exchange, I’d prefer not to have any in my gift.
Vilifying Padme in the process of explaining why she isn’t with Anakin. She can be an ex, they could be in an open relationship, they could have not gotten in a relationship at all and just stayed friends, I don’t care, just… be nice about her.
The suggestion that Padme was mind-controlled into loving Anakin.
If you write Rebellion/OT setting versions of the ships, please don’t go hard on the clones being Old.
The word wh*re is considered a slur among many sex workers, and while I’m not among that category, I feel uncomfortable seeing it in contexts that don’t really justify it. If it’s a matter of characterization, to signify a character is a bad person, or part of a rougher underground community where it’s an in-group term, or a period setting, that’s one thing, but just as a part of dirty talk or an accusation or teasing? No, no thank you.
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piecesofeden11 · 1 year
Dear Creator Letter
Since I'm delving into the realm of participating in exchanged, I figured it was time for a Dear Creator/Dear Santa Letter so I can link to it in Sign Ups <3
Dear Santa,
welcome to my little corner of the interwebs! Thank you for taking the time to craft a little something for me. It means the world!
I'm pretty easy to please, actually. Apart from a few heavier topics, which I'll list further done in my DNWs, I'm open to just about anything.
Pairing-wise, I'm open to any constellation between Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padmé. Pining is fun, oblivious love is amazing, jealousy is awesome, too! I love a good A is in love but sees that B and C are so happy so A is holding back. Meanwhile, B and C are actively planning to finally get A in on the action. Or just A's perspective without the happy end (heartbreak can be good, too!)
I'm absolutely fine with all levels of rating, smut is always welcome but by no means a must! Fade-to-black or no naughty content at all, is fine!
I also don't mind any form of AU, be it modern, western, spanish inquisition (didn't expect that) or otherwise! Feel absolutely free to go nuts!
Oh! And if you want to have Luke and Leia thrown in there for adorable family time, absolutely go for it! <3
The only lines I draw are heavy subjects such as rape, non-con, assault, heavy kinks beyond light bondage (blindfolds and such are a-ok). Those are just not my cup of tea.
I hope this was somewhat helpful to you, dearest Santa! I cannot wait to read/see what you come up with, I'm sure it'll be epic!
Until then, may the Force be with you!
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izumisays · 11 months
dear yuletide author,
Thank you so much for reading this and taking part in this wonderful annual conspiracy!
First of all, I hope you have a lovely time! If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and ready to hear all the stories you want to tell.
Fandoms: Hikaru no Go, Natsume Yuujinchou | Natsume's Book of Friends, Link Click (时光代理人), 猎罪图鉴 | Under the Skin (TV 2022),  Hunting (猎狐), Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀)
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, of any rating, ranging anywhere from lighthearted antics to dramatic casefics. But the core of all the stories I love has always been character interaction and interplay of their competences. How the characters play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they’d react to a divergence of events, how true they’d stay to themselves in a different setting – I love fanfiction for allowing us to reconnect with our favourite stories time and again by asking these questions. And there are so many ways to do it! To name a few favourites, I’m always game for POV hijinks, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs.
You may notice that some of my requests lean towards shipfic – those, too, are welcome in a variety of tones – but I also tried to include openings for gen ideas if that’s your jam. Additionally, while it is not usually my top interest, I don’t have anything against AUs if there is something that you are itching to explore: I tend to enjoy them for a new aesthetic that fleshes out the favoured character dynamics in a new light, or a fusion that redefines the playing ground to allow the characters to exhibit their core competences in new and exciting ways.
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and associated kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
No, seriously. I’m totally going to lean into the fact that with ff.net no longer included for consideration, some of my most beloved canons are back in the game. Bring it on!
Hikaru no Go - Shindou Hikaru, Touya Akira
Oh boy. Oh boy. I cannot point out one single canon more significant to my fandom life than this. It completely possessed my brain after I first read and watched it, I simply couldn’t talk about anything else for days on end. It brought so many wonderful people into my life, and it started me writing fanfic: to say it was foundational seems like an understatement. I feel like I can go years without having a Hikago conversation, and then one day something trips me, and I want to climb into a soapbox and yell into a megaphone about it, or at least how my passion for something else actually has roots in this story.
Anyway, this story. It’s something that straddles two big themes for me, in a way that it’s never really one without the other. The first one, of course, is the eternal rivals (I can’t believe I’m typing this phrase in the year of our lord 2k23, omg I’m so excited) — the dynamic between Shindou and Touya is the core of the story and a big reason why I imprinted on Hikaru no Go. They are mutually obsessed, fierce, kinda ridiculous and ridiculously canon couple (in a way that means any hikago gen in my head comes with akihika implied). The other big theme, of course, is what unites all characters of this story into a vibrant tapestry: the striving for excellence, belonging & competition in a pursuit that’s bigger than one single man’s journey, the community and your place in it. There is not a single character in it whose story leaves me indifferent. Sai (Sai!), Nase, Isumi & Waya, Ochi, Ko, Yashiro, a wave of veteran players whose love for the game is a steady flame, the new wave burning with the desire to catch up, and coming to grips with their generation’s supernovas.
I would love a range of things for this fandom: anything post-canon and ship-centric, including getting together (or catching up with the fact that they were together) and addressing the mystery of Sai; anything with the ensemble cast and a good dose of fond humour; any AU which leans into supernatural forces you would want to tap into because the potential is right there; any AUs/crossovers that recreates the dynamic in a different setting is fine as well.
I’m choosing Shindou and Touya as nominated characters, but it could be centered on other characters if you really wish - as long as they are in the frame, so to say, and acknowledged for who they are.
Note you can take or leave, made in hopes to reduce stress rather than inject it: at the height of my obsession, I went to a Go club for a while and learnt a little of the game; it’s safe to say what survived through the years in my head is probably just familiarity with the Japanese terms for the game, its rules and main concepts. So it’s probably enough to understand a metaphor underpinned by what’s transpiring on the page, but definitely not enough to judge anyone for their Go strategy in fanfic. Be as specific or as metaphorically handwavy as you want to be.
My DNWs: I cannot handle other endgame ships for the characters if it means either Shindou or Touya is miserable, and I’m also incapable of stomaching any sort of romantic relationship between Sai and Shindou.
I'm up to date with both anime and manga, but I haven't seen the c-drama.
Natsume Yuujinchou (Natsume’s Book of Friends) - Matoba Seiji, Natori Shuuichi
I’m having the best time having a horrible exorcist relapse.
I don’t know what I was doing with my life, but I had the last several volumes of the manga on the shelf but unread for a couple of years, and only got around to them a little while ago. I am pleased to report Midorikawa-sensei still knows exactly how to get me ferally texting my friends within a few chapters, yelling about LOQUATS. Honestly I’m so pleased that what we’re getting on the page seems to be softer and more open to possibility than what we collectively imagined as a horrible exorcists fandom, yelling about bitter exes and divorces. I am so grateful that Midorikawa-sensei knows not only what we want, but what we need. There is surprisingly less knives and more communication, soft resignation and a working relationship as opposed to a bitter estrangement and mutual avoidance — not ignoring the feuds and bone-breakingly heavy legacies, but growing around them, somewhat? Miharu and Homura arcs were absolutely ruinous in the best way, and what we saw after adds more layer to understanding the history between the two houses but at the same time has enough soft bits around it that makes me hopeful? The mix is intoxicating, not going to lie. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see the reaction of Matoba’s clansmen when Natori shows up in their boardroom to borrow their esteemed leader for a few days, on important business. HOW OFTEN DOES THAT HAPPEN, I need to know for science.
Also because I reread the manga from around Distorted World chapters until end of v.28, I have clocked it that the ongoing theme in author notes is gentle callout that Natori is doing a worse job of judging Matoba by what he does than what he says than even Natsume. He is so stubborn! And the invitation to stop listening to Seiji glibly run his mouth is right there! (I feel compelled to add here that Seiji running his mouth with the most clingy shit is my favourite thing. "Oh it would be nice to have Natori-san’s paper talisman." "Oh it would be nice to go on a wistful little loquat date again." URGHUGHG - me and Nastume both, probably).
Casefics, shipfics, boardroom comedy, AUs or futurefics — all good, as long as it digs into the dynamic between them. Messing with timelines, forced proximity, day jobs crossing with exorcist jobs, narratively convenient youkai curses forcing their hand, etc etc.
I'm up to date with English official translations of manga & anime.
Link Click (时光代理人) - Lu Guang, Cheng Xiaoshi
My request for them as I worded it last year seems woefully inadequate now that s2 has aired, so while in essence my wishes remain the same - all stories that aim to answer any questions posed by the show, fill in the worldbuilding gaps, offer casefics or day-in-the-life-of sketches, and above all, to lean into the fiercely protective dynamics between the main leads of the show are very welcome - I feel compelled to add a few comments to it.
The dynamic between Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang remains central to my interest. I ship them, but if you don’t want to explicitly include that, there is still all the rest of it that makes the two of them zing: cooperation, mutual protectiveness, the clear imbalance in knowledge, complementary powers and different styles, the blurry line between what’s actually a limitation in powers & bad practice, and what’s LG doing his damnedest to steer the events in a certain direction.
While I am right there in the first rows, gleefully screaming about Hypocritcal Homura Lu Guang erasing and rewinding timelines to protect Cheng Xiaoshi, I am also the first to admit that I don’t have a very good idea of how it works, and the implications of the time reset (resets?) initiated by LG. I’ve had a really good time reading other people’s theories and watching in fascination the corkboards with timestamps and visual cues offered by the production team, but the truth is, I do not have a firm understanding or a preferred explanation, so please feel free to take it as an invitation to play with it as fast and loose as you like. If you have an elaborate theory of your own — I’d be happy to see where it takes you, if you want to hand-wave the mechanics in favour of a general logic of a thing, or bypass it because it’s not the kind of story that you want to tell — don’t let that bother you. Timetravel is mindboggling.
Actual crossovers with Madoka, if you are inclined to go there, are totally welcome. I’ve refreshed my memory of it and have some thoughts on what sets the two shows apart, on the bone structure level, so if you want to play in that sandbox, please do. Just note that my interest in this crossover is not in packing any of the Link Click cast in frilly mahou shoujo dresses.
I am a big fan of Qiao Ling’s part in the story. She is such a grounding presence for CXS and through him, on LG. I am fiercely protective of the idea that her role in the story is not a romantic one, but it’s no less important for it. The way her level-headedness and empathy allowed for a break-through with Tianxi in s2, or the fact that she doesn’t shy from a fight but is not taking unnecessary risk — all of these things are an important part of the overall balance of power in the story.
On that note, what exactly happened at the end of s2 with Qiao Ling’s visions? Did she have her own powers awaken? What would be the impact?
The characters we got to know through s2 - they don’t capture my attention as much as the main trio. I found chosen themes resonant - e.g. the dismantling of the idea of a “respectable man” in the context of domestic violence, the imbalance of power and knowledge — but the characters via whom these themes were explored in s2 currently don’t occupy the top three slots for things I think about when I obsess about questions raised by the show. They are more of a vehicle to explore an idea, to me, that characters about whom I have intense emotions.
I'm up to date with two seasons as they aired on Crunchyroll, but I cannot claim to have absorbed all the lore shared via official twitter, on the account of my Chinese still being a learner level. I'm happy to read content based on that, though -- as long as you include an explanation and a link with commentary that will help me understand the context.
Under the Skin (猎罪图鉴 ) - Shen Yi, Du Cheng.
Always welcome the addition of Du Qing, Du Cheng’s fabulous sister, or the ensemble cast of the investigation unit.
For this show, I’m both charmed by the dynamics between the main leads, and the completely realistic (ha!) way they use art skills to solve crime. This is some anime level nonsense and I’m eating it up with a spoon.
Case fics case fics! Case fics that explore and develop the relationship between Shen Yi and Du Cheng. I ship them, and would welcome the acknowledge of the growing closeness and intimacy between them in the story, but you don’t have to push yourself if you are there for camaraderie alone. I think between their backstory and the events of s1, there is a lot that makes them tick as a duo. Things that particularly please me: the playfulness in dialogue and little things like picture notes, acknowledgement and reliance on each other’s competences, protectiveness and care that comes across both in the middle of real danger (how many hostage situations can Shen Yi get himself into? Asking for a friend) and in daily routine. (Food is love! Allowing people to have naps is love!)
The inherent domesticity of adopting one loner artist by a whole investigative unit. I really liked the evolution of how people warmed up to him, and different distance at which these relationships grow and show in their daily work.
On a similar note: how large will Shen Yi’s menagerie grow to be, if he keeps adopting all sorts of strays from his cases? *An amateur artist myself, I am very fond of the many ways art has been shown to interlace and influence things we perceive to be objective and tangible on the show. It’s not just about sketching a perpetrator’s portrait, and joke as I may about the realism of crime-solving with a sketchbook, I’m definitely fond of all kinds of aspects of art and its transformative power that were brought into the show.
Thematically, one thing that boggled my mind when watching the show is how it gravitated towards exploring violence and crimes perpetrated against women, and created a whole range of competent, sympathetic characters… and yet they all somehow were either in victims, perpetrators or both. It’s like the show writers are trying to engage in important issues, but stop before actually seeing it through to the logical end. Is it censorship? Individual creative decisions? I don’t know, but I would hope that in fic, we could be bolder about saying B after saying A.
The drama is available on viki.com, which is where I watched it.
猎狐 | Hunting - Xia Yuan, Wu Jiaqi
Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good white collar crime, especially one that busts a few capitalist myths. But let’s be real, the best parts of this TV show were Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi’s overseas 💕dates💕 I mean business trips, which mysteriously required they be outfitted like a well-matched pair of ridiculously long-legged models that strutted right out of the Vogue pages and into the metaphorical fire. The kind of fire that, in turn, required them to fake date, or dress up even more glamorously to impersonate filthy rich celebrities and their butlers, or deployed other similarly logical methods of tracking down runaway fraudsters.
I would eat up more of such adventures with a spoon, nay, a SHOVEL. Just like the epilogue showed, I’d like to imagine their adventures post-canon be a series of bright postcards (bang bang from Russia with love) capturing their antics in various capitals of the world.
Some ideas for inspiration could be: • Competitive not-dating. Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi just happen to contrive the circumstances in a way that makes the next operation seem conspicuously like a date, and the other one simply cannot let this slide and ups the ante. • I’m totally on board with some commentary or scheming from the peanut gallery of the Economics Crimes Division (I love you, Xiaolei!) to set them up faster. I don’t know if I love more the idea of the two of them giving in to the gang’s attempts to set them up, or the gang continuing to set them up completely unaware that the two of them are already dating, thus amplifying the comedy.  • As mentioned above, every city needs a pair of scarily competent and scarily beautiful law enforcement agents (who are also derps) descend on it to charm the pants off the local police forces and then solve some crime while they are at it. It’s also incredibly cute that Wu Jiaqi is the worldlier (or nerdier?) of the two, and can dispense funfacts and trivia at Xia Yuan’s incredibly soft face. I’m a simple girl and I like simple things. • ALL THE TROPES ever, as essential and completely logical ways to solve economic crimes. All the dress-ups. All the role-playing on the job with bae.
The show is available on viki.com.
Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀): any characters
Sanfan is a mixture UTTER GLEE and deep fondness for the genre staples, self-aware and masterful playthrough of all the wuxia tropes in the book, and one goddamn well-constructed story. It plays the tropes straight, calls them out with a knowing wink, walks the tightrope between the two with panache, and just as you are relaxed and enjoying this trapeze show, it grins cheekily at you, sets the hat on fire and pulls a bunny out of a discoball.  It’s DELIGHTFUL and fun and lovingly crafted, just like a good passion project should be.
I want anything that capitalizes on the absolutely hilarious dynamics between Rin Setsua and Sho Fukan (and while personally I end up using the Japanese versions of their names more often, please feel free to go with the Chinese names if you prefer). Sho Fukan does not want any of those heroic quests, he’s the human equivalent of been there, done that mood, and he just wants to REST and hopefully dump a bunch of magical murderswords someplace safe. Rin Setsua is a Totally Respectable and Non-Villainous Member of Society, of which he will inform you firsthand in the most high spoken and verbose way possible, and maybe even produce paperwork that has definitely not been tampered with. He harbours no ulterior motives, ever, and does not trail behind Sho Fukan for any reason beyond the pleasure of his company, and his mission is to personally victimize and cockblock every morally derelict villain in two countries, by no-one’s request.
Whether you go shipfic (yiss!) or canon levels teamup circus (also yiss!), don’t hold back your horses. Everything about this is Extra, and should continue to be so <3
I am okay with both expanding the canon and playing with AUs/crossovers/fusions for this one, provided they retain the character dynamics. I love the extended cast as well: any characters including the Seiyou gang (and on that note, if you want to write the Seiyou backstory for Shou’s gang that has no Rin in it, you’re welcome as well), reappearance of the familiar faces from Touri (read: Rin’s victim list, past, future and present), original characters lined up and waiting to be screwed over (guaranteed) and rescued (the administration does not bear any responsibility etc etc).
Season three, god bless Urobutcher, just went and upped the ante by 9000 – time and space travel! Magical walkie-talkie pocket-sized boyfriend dolls! Dramatic daddies and villains literally yeeted into literal space, jjba-style! The sandbox has expanded exponentially, and if you think this is a good excuse to open the door wide for any perceivable AUs and still remain canon-compatible, well, then you have the right audience in me.
This year I’m not limiting my request to just the two main characters (though as you can see my fondness for them is great) because I think season three especially kicks the doors wide open for various kinds of hilarious team-ups, confrontations, family dramas and peanut gallery commentaries about one another’s delusions of grandeur. If you would rather write about characters in the demonic realm, or have been wanting a good match-up for characters that never met on screen, or bring back some dead faves — well, then s3 labyrinth invites you to play with it, and I’ll happily read it.
Thunderbolt Fantasy is available on Crunchyroll.
I’m also open for treats for any of the above -- to me, dropping stories into other’s stockings and finding some surprises in your own is definitely a highlight of the true Yule experience :)
Thank you for taking the time to read the letter, and I’m greatly looking forward to reading your story — and hopefully, getting to chat about these ridiculous and wonderful characters post-reveals :)
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kbirbpods · 1 year
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Click below for my "dear podficcer," letter for Summer Swap 2023!
Dear Podficcer,
It's me, Kaje, I'm the problem I'm kbirb pods!
Things I like, regardless of fandom:
THEMES: trans/nobinary characters (extra points for neopronouns); gender exploration in general; found family (genfic or otherwise); angst with a happy ending; polyamory; good asexual or aromantic representation
TROPES: fix-it fics!! extra points for time travel or time loops in fix its; fake dating/marriage; mutual pining; soulmates (AU or just clearly soulmates); crack treated seriously; rivals-to-friends/lovers; oops only one bed
AUs: soulmates soulmates soulmates; regency era (or any different era); modern AU; crossovers, provided i know the other fandom or the fic doesn't require knowledge of the other fandom!; college/sport AU; fantasy/fae AUs
PODFIC SPECIFIC: anything epistolary (texting/chat fics especially but letters and such are also fun to explore); including music / SFX if you're comfortable; including bloopers if you have them/are comfortable exposing them
RATINGS: Contrary to popular belief I do not hate explicit fics so really any rating but I generally prefer G-M I guess
Do Not Wants (triggers, squicks, please no):
major archive warnings (major character death is okay so long as it's temporary and resolved); unhappy endings; I really don't like pregnancy, which includes MPREG (I like a/b/o dynamics minus that aspect) - kidfic is cool I just don't want pregnancy as a theme & especially not graphic depictions of it; suicide/self-harm "on screen" (mentions of past suicidal ideation/self harm are fine if not a flashback/graphic); non-/dub-con or any depictions of rape (once again, recovery is okay if done well); adult/minor relationships or relationships with unaddressed/starkly imbalanced power dynamics; any sort of poorly depicted mental health tropes (no BPD or other personality disorder bashing, no institutionalization, no "split personality" as a trope) - i really like explorations of PTSD/trauma but it has to be handled with fidelity and gentleness
Main Fandoms I Would Love to Receive:
Star Wars: I love so much Star Wars that to split them like I did on AO3 would make this post too long. I think it's easiest to say this: I prefer Clone Wars, Rebels, anything about Jon Antilles, and anything Ahsoka Tano.
My main ships are: Cody/Obi-Wan, Kallus/Zeb, Hevy/anyone (consensual), Finn/Poe or Finn/Poe/Rey, blackkat rarepairs (mainly Jon Antilles/anyone), Jon Antilles & Fay (platonic), Waxer/Boil, Fives/Echo, Kanan/Hera, and Quinlan/Fox My favorite characters are: Hevy, Fox, Ahsoka, Leia, Poe, Fives, Luke, Jon Antilles, Fay (Legends) My favorite themes/tropes are: force sensitive clones, trans!clones, force sensitive Leia, modern AUs, Domino Squad lives
Ted Lasso: My current hyperfixation! My favorite ships are Roy/Keeley/Jamie, Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley, and Jamie/Dani. Ted & Rebecca as platonic soulmates/besties in general. I love explorations of how much Dr. Jacob sucks and fix-its for the ending!
Batfam/DC: I can be picky and yet not? Basically, I just prefer no inner-Batfam fics of the boys because I truly view them as brothers. My favorite ships are Jason Todd/Roy Harper, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Harley/Ivy, Tim Drake/Kon, and Wally/Artemis from Young Justice. This is the fandom that I specifically am obsessed with found family in. I love exploring Alfred being the boys Grandpa and Bruce's complex dadhood.
The Locked Tomb: dying waiting for Alecto news..... I'm definitely Gideon/Harrow on main; I really like fics where one or both of them are trans/nonbinary. Nona is my favorite character so explorations of her found family (the household or the friends or all of them) are important to me. Cam/Pal is important to me. I love modern AUs a lot.
Additional Fandoms I Love:
Teen Wolf: I'm basic and therefore Sterek on main! But I also really love Scisaac and never get enough content for them. Boyd/Erica is always so good. Scott/Isaac/Allison and Scott/Allison hold a special place in my heart, too. I'll never say no to Lydia/Allison or Lydia/Kira either. Found family is incredible for this fandom, too, especially Mama McCall adopting any of the pack! Magic!Stiles is my shit and I love explorations of the Hale family being alive. Genfic is wonderful.
Our Flag Means Death: Obviously Blackbeard/Stede is a big deal and I ship it forever. But my heart belongs to Jim/Olu and any explorations of Jim's gender identity! Pining Izzy Hands makes me weak, as long as he's not being abusive towards Edward or Stede.
All for the Game: My two main pairs are Jean/Jeremy and Allison/Renee but of course Andrew/Neil is always a yes. Andrew/Neil/Kevin is my weakness. My favorite friendships to explore are Renee & Andrew, Renee & Jean, Allison & Neil, and Renee & Neil. (Can you tell who my fave is). I like any fics exploring any of the Fox friendships, though!
The Old Guard: I really like fics that explore the gang's experiences in other time periods. Andy/Quynh is my OTP along with Joe/Nicky so any fics about them. Nile/Quynh is my favorite rarepair in the fandom. I like fics that look at Andy & Booker's friendship and why they're definitely platonic soulmates.
I selected a few other fandoms like First Kill; The Adventure Zone; Red, White and Royal Blue; Good Omens; The Tarot Sequence; and Sandman. I didn't talk much about them because I'm basically just into the main ships for them (Juliette/Cal for FK, Taako/Kravitz for TAZ, Aubrey/Dani for TAZ, Alex/Henry for RWRB, Crowley/Az for GO, Rune/Addam or Rune/Addam/Brand for TTS, Hob/Dream for Sandman). For Teen Wolf and First Kill I don't like Mature/Explicit fics unless they're adults in it. My favorite TAZ eras are Balance and Amnesty.
Fandoms/Ships I Will Create Content For:
Anything I listed above with any of the caveats! This would get really long if I repeated those again. THAT BEING SAID: I will create content for those fandoms even if it's not one of my listed ships.
However I will not create podfic for the following ships: STAR WARS: Rey/Kylo, Leia/Luke, Rex/Ahsoka, any Master/Padawan relationship, or Palpatine/Anakin. BATFAM: inner!Batboys as mentioned TED LASSO: Ted/Jamie (love Ted & Jamie tho) AFTG: Andrew/Aaron SANDMAN: Dream/any of his siblings
Other fandoms I will create content for:
ATLA: Zuko/Sokka, found family Star Trek: Spock/Kirk, Spock/Kirk/Bones, Kirk/Bones Leverage: OT3 is Hardison/Parker/Eliot LOTR / The Hobbit: Gimli/Legolas, Eowyn/Faramir, Boromir/being alive, Bilbo/Thorin. I like anything just exploring the lore and history of the universe and its cultures Venom: Venom/Eddie(/Annie/Dan) The Witcher: Yen/Jaskier/Geralt, Jaskir/Geralt, Geralt/Triss, Yen/Triss Sense8: anything I can find! it's small but there's nothing I won't do in this fandom, honestly... Trigun: Vash/Wolfwood (the only thing I know about it) Marvel/MCU: Steve/Bucky, Clint/Bucky, Kate Bishop/America Chavez, and Spideypool (as long as they're both adults). WITH A LOT OF CAVEATS... Harry Potter. I will only podfic trans-centric Tonks who does not get with Remus or Wolfstar with a happy ending.
Love, Kaje / kbirb
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trudemaethien · 17 days
Dear Codex Flash Exchange Creator,
I’m always open to treats and I look forward to the possibility of receiving podfic and fanart just as much as written fanfic. I’ll enjoy whatever you make for me!
General DNWs:
non-critical portrayal of cults, authoritarianism, paternalism, patriarchy, misogyny, sexism, racism or transphobia; american cultural christianity; whitewashing; domestic abuse; unresolved child abuse/neglect; child death; miscarriage (abortion is fine); drug addiction (drug use is fine); therapy-speak; fixed-everything fluff; perfect little angel children; uwu/woobification, whump, sickfic, or terminal illness; highschool/college/university AUs; genderswap/rule 63, fem!reader, Y/N, /You, reader-insert, or self-insert, harry potter AU
Kink DNWs:
wax play, cold temperature play/ice, scat, emetophilia (non-kinky vomit is okay as long as it’s not graphic), Traditional Omegaverse (nontraditional is fine), 24/7 BDSM or sexual slavery, any other type of slavery, findom/paypig, cishet, prepubescent underage, mommy/milfs, ageplay (which is not the same as age gap; that’s fine), diapers, infantilization, exotification, castration, ultra-submissive character, force-feminization, detransition, nonconsensual body modification, parasites, necrophilia
Omegaverse straddles the line between Do and Do Not Want. If you’re writing it for me, it should be very nontraditional, with the trope being used to subvert binary (trinary?) gender norms rather than support them. (omegas should not be portrayed as stereotypically female-coded, alphas not as stereotypically male-coded, betas shouldn’t be boring/sexless) Make it funky, weird, even queer!
DNWs (SW specific):
Mandalorian culture without nuance; Jedi culture without nuance; all clones automatically being Mandalorian and/or knowing mando’a; clones being taller/bigger than their actor(s) or any form of the word beef or similar to describe physique; codywan (not even alluded to or hinted at past or future); non-humans with human-standard anatomy/genitalia
DNW Characters: Satine Kryze, Bo-Katan Kryze, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Jar Jar Binks, any characters originating in the Sequel Trilogy. Unless portraying a requested ship containing one or more of these characters, I do not want them even as brief cameos.
Do Want:
Gay guys, queer everything, non-traditional roles ie service top/power bottom, submissive top/dominant bottom, one or both partners switching.
Clones, in my opinion, would not unilaterally speak or understand mando’a, but I do love it, and other language(s). I’m absolutely a nerd for mando’a and cultural/language barriers.
NSFW Tropes I like: negotiations for kink or polyamory, first times, porn with feelings, casual sex/QPR, competence kink, praise kink, humiliation kink, breeding kink, watersports, somnophilia, xenophilia, getting caught/walked in on, DP, chastity devices, orgasm denial/edging, overstim, eating out, biting, switching, non-exclusive polyamory: threesomes or moresomes, gangbangs, rough sex, tender sex, awkward sex, dirty talk, but not just dirty talk—also normal talking and laughing during sex, topping from the bottom, friends and lovers.
I’ll read (and write) pretty much any kink that’s not on my DNW list, up to and including edgeplay, extreme xenophilia/monsterfucking, and any consent level from enthusiastic to dubious to none, including consensual non-consent. Bring on the DDDNE content, and please feel free to ask if there’s anything in my DNWs needing clarification.
Story Tropes and AUs I like: angst with a happy ending, found family, have a little murder as a treat, there was only one bed, pining (one-sided or mutual), awkward seduction, men crying/showing emotions, getting together, miscommunication, nonverbal communication, unreliable narrator, dystopia, psychological horror, hopeful ending, canon-typical dehumanization, milwank (portrayals of PTSD and other combat-related disabilities very welcome), Canon Divergence, Nontraditional Omegaverse, Soulmates/Soulbonds, Pacific Rim, Mer/Pirate/Historical fantasy, Time Loop/Time Travel.
Podfic details:
I really like when there’s a little bit of different voices for different characters, and hearing if they laugh or make other nonverbal sounds in conversation, although I’m sorry to say I can’t always hear subtle sound effects, unless they stand out.
Art details:
DNW: flashing/strobe effects, tarot cards or symbolism, christian symbolism, wildly disproportionate/chibi-like characters, or completely non-representational art, disney style. (and this isn’t a strict dnw but I tend not to be a fan of pastels)
Things I like: any skill level, painterly style, vibrant colors, dramatic lighting, irregular perspectives, funky color palettes, or muted with one standout color
fun facial expressions, costume detail, environmental storytelling, dialogue and words written in the picture (bonus if it’s written in aurebesh or mando’a—not mando’a script tho, I cannot read that 😅), scientific illustrations, anatomical diagrams, fight scenes, very specific knowledge from the creator’s expertise, Characters shown in canon settings as well as AU
Gender Non-Conforming/Queer interpretations
Characters as (space) pirates, bounty hunters, and soldiers/warriors/fighters, especially if it’s not their canon role; characters swapping clothes/gear with each other.
(Mainly for OCs) Within the range of typical human coloration, I tend to prefer darker skin, eyes, and hair, as well as wavy/curly/kinky hair rather than straight (also dyed and/or greying: yes please!); for non-humans, the more colorful the better. Fangs, claws, talons, horns, spikes... anything considered "monstrous" and/or "animalistic" is very welcome.
(<-AU versions?), Fat versions of characters, show the rolls! :D plus stretch marks and scars, disabled characters and accessibility devices
Feel free to go as explicit as you like, genitalia showing, fluids, etc. however much you’re comfortable with.
This is in no way a comprehensive list of things I like; go wild and have fun!
Thanks so much for creating something for me 😊
0 notes
Purimgifts Letter 2023
Hi everyone, I’m doing Purimgifts again and here’s my letter. Apologies to my assigned author for being late. Under the cut for length.
Hello content creator. I’m glad you’ve joined this exchange. I’m sure  I’ll love anything you make. Obviously nothing in here is required except for DNWs. (If you’re here for Austins/Murray-O’Keefe please also read the note under that fandom.) I just like to provide information and suggestions in case they’re helpful. Largely copied from other exchange letters.
General fic likes:
Kindness and helping others.
Cuddles and snuggles.
Cozy scenes.
Casual touching.
Little soft and/or quiet moments between friends or significant others.
Characters sharing a love of music or movies or books or hobbies.
Pet owners.
Cute kids when those kids are canon children of requested characters.
Living together, either platonically or romantically.
People being really good at what they do and their friends/partners being impressed.
Characters who speak languages other than English slipping into those languages occasionally.
Teaching each other.
Communities supporting each other.
Everyone being accepting of the characters and their differences and/or relationships.
Women who get stuff done.
Bi and Ace-spectrum Headcanons.
Shippy stuff:
Soulmates (both common and creative varieties),
The Soulmate Goose of Enforcement,
Friends to lovers.
Rivals to lovers.
Annoying each other constantly to lovers.
Established relationships.
Couples knowing each other really well and doing things the other one likes just because.
“Man I really love my wife” guys.
Asking before kissing someone.
Stopping a kiss or a touch immediately when asked.
Surprise kisses in an established relationship.
True Love’s Kiss when fairy tale elements are present.
Only One Bed snuggles.
Marriage Proposals (doesn’t have to be the man proposing to the woman in het ships, the woman can propose to the man too.)
Platonic/familial stuff:
Becoming friends.
Female Friendship
Friends who stay friends (they don’t become romantic and they don’t stop enjoying each other’s company).
Found families.
True companions.
Healthy families of origin.
Any sort of death
Abuse of any sort.
Anything that AO3 has under major warnings.
Unhealthy relationships.
Cheating, especially cheating being presented as a *good* thing.
Character bashing.
Explicit sex (implied or referenced sex between consenting adults is fine).
Illness beyond the common cold.
Non-canonical pregnancy.
Discrimination or bigotry unless in the context of characters working to end it.
Unhappy ending.
Fandom Specific:
Austin & Murray-O’Keefe Series:
Note: The canonical fandom on AO3 is annoyingly broad, I really only wanted to request the Austin family rather than the Murray-O’Keefes. Also, I hate to be hyper-specific, but I’m only interested in the first book, Meet The Austins. That’s the only one I’ve read because I really prefer to keep them as they are in that book.  
Fandom content notes: Meet the Austins deals with the aftermath of the death in a plane crash of a family friend and his co-pilot. The co-pilot left a young daughter (Maggy) whom the family is caring for. Maggy is an orphan who was fairly neglected by her own family. There’s also a part where Vicky has a bike accident and spends some time in the hospital. Most of the book is pretty happy though.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: N/A
Characters of Particular Interest: Vicky Austin. I love Vicky and would really love fics from her perspective. Alternately Aunt Elena or Victoria Sr. would be amazing POV characters.
Ships involving eligible characters: Aunt Elena/Uncle Doug. Victoria Sr./Wallace (The parents).
Fandom specific likes: Despite the sad elements, I see this as a very happy book and would like fics that are reasonably happy as well.
Fandom specific DNW: Going too deeply into the sad elements, a little bit is okay but I’d rather not have any fics that are focused on them.
Optional Prompts: I’d be happy with anything sweet about the Austin family, including Maggy. But fics about how Aunt Elena and Uncle Doug get married and adopt Maggy are my absolute ideal.
I picked up the second book at the library hoping to see the Aunt Elena/Uncle Doug wedding, but it basically just said “after the wedding was over we went home.” I badly wanted to read about that wedding and I was very disappointed that I didn’t get it.
A Countess Below Stairs:
Fandom content notes: The book is set shortly after WWI and the Russian Republic so the characters are all coping with the aftermath. A main character is combat wounded and has nightmares about his experiences. A lot of death happened pre-book and is discussed a little bit. The book’s villains support eugenics, to the horror of the rest of the characters. The villains also express antisemitic and ableist views. A couple of disabled characters are mistreated by the main villain. A minor character dies in a hospital off screen. A character who gets a bit grabby with the maids is treated as quirky but harmless by everyone including the maids.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom:  N/A
Characters of Particular Interest: Anna is pretty much a given. I absolutely love Susie and her uncomplicated-ness. Ollie is such a fascinating character and I love how much joy she has. Minna might be my favorite character, I want to be just like her. Mrs. Park is so loving and kind and I love her relationship with Win. I love basically all of the women characters really. Except for Miss Hardwick.
Ships involving eligible characters: Anna/Rupert, Susie/Tom
Fandom specific likes: Anna still being friends (as much as she can) with everyone below stairs even after she marries Rupert and becomes the lady of the house.
Fandom specific DNW: I’d really rather not get any fics about Miss Hardwick or Dr. Lightbody. Mentions of the harm they caused are okay, but I’d rather receive happy stories set before they arrive or after they’re gone. Or stories set during the book where they just aren’t mentioned at all. I’d prefer not to get stories focused on the Nettlefords or on Cynthia either.
Optional Prompts:
Something about how Susie IS complicated in regards to Tom, how she loves him and wants to marry him, but is afraid that if she accepts his proposal he might wake up one morning and decide that she isn’t what he wants after all. And how worried she is that he doesn’t see her for who she truly is. We’re told all throughout the book that Susie is uncomplicated, but in this particular aspect, she’s quite complex indeed.
Why did Minna choose to marry a man she hardly knew who was looking for someone to help take care of his children and his home? We’re told that they became a love match, but when they married it was out of convenience for Lord Bryne. What did Minna get out of the arrangement at first?
I’d love to see Minna quietly becoming exactly what Heslop and the Brynes need.
Something about how there are several marriages (The Brynes, the Rabinovitchs, hinted at with the Herrings) that start out as arranged or convenience marriages but become love marriages later on.
I like to think that Sergei’s marriage to Larissa isn’t as convenience as Anna believes when he tells her. That Sergei realized that Larissa actually was who he wanted to spend his life with and that they’re happy together. It makes me happy to think that’s why he chooses to propose even after he doesn’t need her money. Something about that would be sweet.
I’d love to see something where Doreen Lightbody doesn’t die but instead leaves her husband to live a better life somewhere else.
Everyone always asks for it, but I’d enjoy getting to read about some of the other 15 or 16 proposals between Susie and Tom.
I know these are all rather involved, so I’d also be happy with nothing but fluff.
Enchanted Forest Chronicles:
Fandom content notes: Cimorene runs away to avoid an arranged marriage. A few bad guys are mentioned as being eaten by dragons. Mendanbar is imprisoned for 17 years between books 3 and 4. Two characters in the 3rd book are transformed into something else. One by accident, the other as a punishment.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Enchanted Forest Chronicles  
Characters of Particular Interest: Cimorene, Morwen, Shiara, Alianora
Ships involving eligible characters: Cimorene/Mendanbar, Daystar/Shiara, Morwen/Telemain, Alianora/The Stone Prince
Fandom specific likes: Mentions/Appearances of Alianora even if she’s not the focus. Morwen’s cats being snarky.
Fandom specific DNW: A story where the focus is on the time between Calling On Dragons and Talking To Dragons.
Optional Prompts:
I would love anything about the women being friends, (I didn’t specifically list Kazul but I’d love to see stories featuring her as well.) Or Alianora confronting her aunt finally. Or even something about an OC coming to canon characters for help with a problem.
A few shippy prompts taken from another exchange letter:
- Cimorene/Mendanbar: We don’t get to see very much of their married life so I would love to see some fluff taking place after their wedding but before Book 3.
- Daystar/Shiara: In an AU where they found some way to rescue Mendanbar sooner and Daystar grew up as the prince knowing both of his parents, how does this effect his and Shiara’s first meeting? Do they get along better or worse? Why is Daystar out in the forest at the right time to find her?
- Morewen/Telemain: I am down for basically anything with these two as long as it’s fun. Growing up together. Being classmates in magic school. Quests/adventures. Spending time together between adventures. Married life. Anything that appeals to you.
How exactly did they manage to get engaged? I would love to get the story of what conversations happened that we aren’t shown.
-  Alianora/The Stone Prince: I just want to see anything about their relationship. We don’t get to see a lot of it in the book but I find it fascinating. I like how by the rules of this world, their one-day courtship and falling in love incredibly fast is normal and would enjoy seeing more about it.
Magic School Bus:
Fandom content notes: There are multiple episodes where the characters turn into different animals. There are also many episodes going inside the human body.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Magic School Bus
Characters of Particular Interest: Do I even have to say anything? Ms. Frizzle, Wanda, Phoebe, Keesha, Dorothy Ann. Arnold is Jewish so he also counts for this exchange, but there’s a lot of Arnold focus as it is and I would probably prefer one of the female characters as a POV character.
Ships involving eligible characters: Ms. Frizzle/Mr. Seedplot
Fandom specific likes: The kids all being close friends and no matter how many arguments they have they always make up quickly. Appearances by Mikey.
Fandom specific DNW: Romances between the kids. I don’t mind occasional references to crushes, but I don’t want shipping with them.
Optional Prompts:
Honestly, just anything about the characters doing science or working on their various projects. I love the friendships between the kids so much and would adore reading about that.
What do the kids like to do for fun when they’re not in school or doing science?
A favorite headcanon of mine is that after college, the eight of them chip in and buy a house to use as home base. And they all travel around researching in their respective fields, but sometimes they just stay right there and do science. I would love any sort of story set in that world.
Sesame Street:
Fandom content notes: One episode deals with the aftermath of the death of a main character.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Sesame Street
Characters of Particular Interest: Maria, Linda, Olivia, Susan, Gina. Mr. Hooper is Jewish.
Ships involving eligible characters: Linda/Bob, Maria/Linda, Maria/Luis, Maria/David, Susan/Gordon, Maria/Luis/David, Susan/Gordon/Bob, Bob/David/Linda/Luis/Maria/Olivia, Harriet/Mr. Hooper
Fandom specific likes: Mr. Hooper lives. The characters making sure to sign for Linda so that she knows what’s going on. Miles and Gabi being best friends. Bob and Maria being metamours and having a very sibling-like relationship. Mr. Hooper refusing to tell anyone what his orientation is. Big Bird basically being everyone’s child. Bob being in both of the above polyamorous relationships at the same time.  
Fandom specific DNW: Anything involving the death of Mr. Hooper. Making Linda hearing instead of Deaf.  
Optional Prompts:
I can’t really think of anything specific for this one. My Tumblr tag and AO3 tag probably cover a lot of what I like. I just like happy fluffy things in this fandom. The street as a giant happy family is my favorite thing and I love all of the friendships so much.
According to The Muppet Wiki, Gina’s actress Alison Bartlett once met Will Lee as Mr. Hooper at a Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade when she was a little girl. Since Gina and Mr. Hooper never got to meet in canon, I would love to see a story where they got to meet. Perhaps even at the Macy’s parade.
I didn’t want to put all of my shippy prompts into a letter for an exchange that isn’t ship themed, so here’s a link to an old Chocolate Box letter if any pairings listed above are what you’re interested in writing. https://releasing-my-insanity.tumblr.com/post/639541205404975104/dear-chocolatier-letter
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ussjellyfish · 6 months
Fluffity fluff letter (placeholder)
Thank you for making something for me! I'm so excited to see what you create.
I love getting gifts and I am going to be thrilled.
I will try to add some more specifics, but they are merely prompts and you should make what will bring you joy).
General likes
mission that is not a date is really quite like a date
gentle conversations working on a problem together
only one bed huddling together for warmth
mild hurt/comfort (headaches, little injuries, mild illnesses) the little things character normally wouldn't even want someone to notice that the other character notices.
low stakes adventures that give characters time to talk to each other
awkward dinner parties dress uniforms / fancy cocktail parties / diplomatic functions where everyone feels a little awkward
mutual pining
requited affection that they both are absolutely certain is not requited (but it is)
slice of life
little domestic moments
I know it's very niche, but I love fpreg if that interests you
trapped together
time loops
looking after each other
holding hands
permanent character death (non canonical)
heavy angst
non con
A/B/O verse
anal sex
character or pairing bashing
0 notes
tinypumpkinwrites · 11 months
Dear Creator ;)
Hello dear and precious exchange friend! First of all, really truly, have fun. I hope that my requests provide inspiration, so if you find yourself chasing your muse, don't worry if it's not hitting every random tag I threw in!
I am a filthy multishipper, so flex those fingers and gestures any way you want to throw them together. OF COURSE I love Griddlehark, who doesn't? But Ianthe and Harrow make such a GOOD bad romance, and Griddle/Harrow/Ianthe could be a delightfully hilarious polycule. Pyrrha is DADDY but can also have a little heartbreak, as a treat, if you want. Jodybeth can be explosive or established, or Corona can fuck Gideon to get back at Ianthe for going for Harrowhark.
For themes, I prefer fluff or action, less coming of age or whump this season and more horny women making bad decisions, but the stakes are either low or ridiculous.
As for explicit, I'm only interested in Chussyplay for crackfic, which is fine, because crackfic is hilarious. I am down for most pairings and positions as long as the writing is horny and done with one hand busy.
Do Not Want (DNW)
fatphobia, diet culture, feeding fetish
scatplay (pissplay ok)
animal death (this is not john wick)
Thank you again, I look forward to seeing your work!  
0 notes
direquail · 11 months
Dear Creator Letter, Femslash Exchange 2023
Thank you so much in advance! Details/prompts/etc. are below the cut
General Stuff
Honestly, I'm really open to most anything you feel excited to write! Including stuff that is not included here, and things like fluff. If you're looking for some ideas, though:
Angst, whump, hurt/comfort
Exploring canon bad/sad endings, traumatic experiences, or tragic plot events
Loyalty; dangerous characters restraining themselves for loved ones, dangerous characters being hurt and cared for/protected by loved ones; characters going to dangerous lengths for loved ones
Worldbuilding, character study, backstory exploration, case fic/mission fic
Morally complex characters and situations
Generally metaphorically putting characters in a centrifuge and spinning them around
This is a little difficult to articulate, so feel free to ignore this one, but: If you're going to have a character talk about their sexual identity, and the setting is in a second world of some kind (like Star Wars or SPOP), I would prefer it was framed in terms of the character, their history, their experiences, and how they feel about them, rather than drag-and-dropping contemporary labels.
Likewise, I'm okay with mentioning or discussing past or current non-f/f experiences, so long as it's limited to discussions/flashbacks and the f/f experiences & pairing remain centered in the story.
Sex scene or PWP likes:
Fraught, uneven, or even shifting power dynamics
Tenderness within an objectively fucked up pairing or situation
Two damaged and fucked-up characters taking care of each other while still being undeniably fucked up about it
Drugs and alcohol are not required but can add another element (though I would ask that you avoid any of the characters being unconscious, unresponsive, or otherwise unable to understand what is going on during a sex scene)
Displays of physical strength/aggression where appropriate, e.g. pinning down, shoving against a wall, ripping clothes
Use of magical/supernatural abilities during sex, e.g. to restrain someone, cause them to become more physically aroused than they already are, provide additional stimulation, sex while flying, sex while shapeshifted, etc.
As mentioned above, sex with any of the characters involved being unconscious, unresponsive, or otherwise unable to understand what is going on
Hard noncon (although, to be clear: I am fine with consensual non-consent as a negotiated kink and most varieties of dubcon, as well as mention of or flashback to sexual assault in a character's past. I just don't want noncon done by one character in the pairing to the other character in the pairing.)
Emetophilia, scat kink, and lactation
Art Likes
Specific Stuff
Locked Tomb 1:
The Body | Alecto | The Girl in the Tomb/Harrowhark Nonagesimus
I'm kind of obsessed with the way Harrow is obsessed with the Body, how she worships it, lies about it, protects it, was made for it, and her bedrock psychosexual Baggage(TM) about that.
I also really enjoy the horror elements, especially as presented in Harrow the Ninth: The sense that this obsession crosses into necrophilia makes it all the more interesting, but also the sense of divinity as horror and non-normative sexuality as heretical and sacreligious. Loving "the death of God" even though it's her undoing and the undoing of God, who she loves more than anything but maybe not more than His death.
Harrowhark Nonagesimus/Ianthe Tridentarius Gideon Nav/Ianthe Tridentarius
These two go together because what I enjoy about them is partly shared, I think: The Banter.
I feel like Gideon and Ianthe get up to Shenanigans out of boredom and constantly try to annoy and one-up each other, but also they're both profoundly lonely (bereaved, really) and the only real company the other has (a bit like Gideon and Harrow's dynamic in their childhood). I would love to see some of that "unwholesome companionship" Tamsyn Muir alluded to in that one AMA. In that sense, I guess I can see them going the route of the first-generation Lyctors wrt outrageous necromancy-fueled sexcapades, but with a lot less hope for their future.
Ianthe and Harrow are also always insulting each other, but it's always felt to me much more like two academics who hate each other and hate each others' work than Gideon and Ianthe, who honestly just seem stuck together. I also really enjoy the suggestion in Gideon's narration in Harrow the Ninth that Harrow is attracted to Ianthe in spite of her disgust for her, and I especially love the idea of hatesex, fuck-or-die scenarios, or other kinds of elaborate sexualized necromancy (like the arm scene in HtN).
Cytherea the First/Gideon Nav
After loving the hot older woman/baby butch vibes between Gideon and "Dulcinea", I probably loved even more the idea of the literal femme fatale manipulating this earnest and extremely talented young butch warrior (and I do think that that's a pretty solid casting of the dynamic, or at least of Dulcinea--she's a femme fatale type).
I'm very intrigued by Cytherea's feelings about her cavalier and how they spill over into charged interactions with living cavaliers--particularly with Gideon, who she seems to not want to kill. I'm intrigued by all the ways she might go about trying to keep Gideon out of harm's way, or from getting involved in situations where she intends for other Canaan House guests to die. I'm also interested in ways she might get sloppy--by indulging in remembrances or nostalgia. I'm not averse to her doing something like sex pollen-ing Gideon (or herself) using whatever aphrodisiac Ulysses the First used to incite sexy parties, for instance, although maybe that'd be too heavy-handed for her. Much to think about, though.
I'm also interested in Cytherea seeing Gideon as an object of veneration or something holy, and the idea that she allows Gideon-and-Harrow to kill her at the end of GtN because Gideon is a divine figure to her, even if she doesn't know her own heritage.
Camilla Hect/Dulcinea Septimus Camilla Hect/Nona
I love Camilla because, to me, she is one of those inherently dangerous, loyal characters who restrains herself for the people she loves. Some reference posts, if you want:
For Cam/Dulcinea, you can go either way with "Dulcinea"--either the real Dulcie Septimus that Cam canonically never got to meet (but clearly had some intense & complicated feelings about), or Cytherea the First-as-Dulcinea Septimus seducing a fabulously deadly cavalier worthy of a Lyctor (which I am SUPER interested in, but will also not be disappointed at all if you decide to go the Cam/Dulcie route)
For Cam/Nona, I'm particularly interested in Nona as kind of an eldritch being? Simultaneously young in that she doesn't have much experience living in a human body, but also so very ancient--and also, being the literal Earth, which is associated with all kinds of primal knowledges and desires. And I think this in particular gets reflected in her canonical ability to understand any spoken language, and her incredible facility for mimicry and body language.
And then, complicating it even more, there's the slow reveal that she maybe hasn't totally forgotten who she is, or is intentionally "forgetting" herself or looking away from her own self-knowledge. But even though she's looking away, she's slowly remembering herself, whether she wants to or not, and those parts of herself make it harder to live as "Nona". She is profoundly deceiving herself, because she wants to live and not die; she wants to be happy and play forever, which is kind of an inherently creepy thing. But even at her most "blank", there are things that she knows and cannot un-know.
So, like:
Coronabeth Tridentarius/Ianthe Tridentarius (with optional Corona/Babs/Ianthe) Coronabeth Tridentarius/Pash | Our Lady of the Passion
Corona! My favorite shady Tridentarius twin.
I like the contrast between these two pairings because they sort of outline the duality of Coronabeth Tridentarius for me?
On the one hand, you have Coronabeth Tridentarius, who is outwardly hyper-competent, but behind the scenes has no hard power in her relationship with her sister--she has to exercise power through manipulation, culminating in the scene where she threatens to kill herself in Nona the Ninth and, in the process, reveals multiple situations where she's made similar threats. She is outwardly the "powerful" twin, but inwardly subordinate to Ianthe; she even comments at one point that her sister always thinks that she knows what Corona is feeling, even if she doesn't really. She has to play the necromancer when really, she wants to be (and thinks of herself as) Ianthe's cavalier--even though that's simply socially impossible, and she can't outwardly show any of that. She wants to differentiate, but she also wants to submerge herself completely in Ianthe; she wants to be a cavalier (since she can't be a necromancer), and a king and a diplomat and a military leader, but Ianthe has already decided the role she's going to play. Like Noodle, she wants to go out, but she also wants to stay in, etc.
And on the other, we have Lieutenant Crown Him With Many Crowns, who is finally getting some recognition of her actual physical abilities and inclinations, but at the cost of all her previous relationships, and also submersion in the frankly genocidal cult of Blood of Eden. Like in her previous life, she has to play all her cards extremely close to her chest, while dealing with an incredible ethical dilemma: Her home sucks, but Blood of Eden also sucks. She wants to protect "her people"--the people of the Empire and Camilla and Nona and Judith--but she has to do it by pleasing Blood of Eden and giving them what they want. She wants to not be part of a violent empire, but also can't be seen as too "soft" or unwilling to commit violence against Imperial citizens, in order to maintain her standing in Blood of Eden.
Both of these pairings have lots of opportunities for hatesex, although the vibes would be very different. Pash/Corona feels very rough-and-rowdy, very physical and physically violent. Corona/Ianthe, meanwhile, feels very psychological, with old lies, people playing one role while feeling something else, and a very subtle struggle for power that might be viewed as completely settled by one party (Ianthe).
Corona and Ianthe also involves Babs: Babs as a go-between or stand-in for Ianthe; Corona being made to compete with Babs--who she can't really compete with, because Babs has canonically been necromantically augmented, as well as trained from birth; and Babs being punished when either twin feels anger that they can't take out on each other. I could absolutely see Ianthe spying on Corona and Babs during some kind of sexual encounter, or punishing one or both of them for getting it on without her.
Locked Tomb 2:
Cytherea the First/Mercymorn the First Casseiopeia the First/Nigella Shodash Mercymorn the First/Cristabel Oct
Honestly, I separated these because I really wanted to highlight that I want to know/hear/read more about the Old Fucks. Their antics and trauma and how they invented necromancy and ate each other and committed crimes that stained their eternal souls, and then what they thought and felt and did after that.
I am specifically open to including other Lyctors, male or female, that were not included in nominations, whether you include them for sexy party reasons or other ones. I am particularly interested in Loveday Heptane, since she is Cytherea's cavalier.
The letter in "The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex" from a cavalier to their Lyctor drives me absolutely insane. Feral. The little bits of epistolary material and necromantic marginalia sprinkled throughout the series are another favorite format of mine, so if there is a "historical document" you'd like to either produce or include in a fic or use as inspiration, please understand I am So Here For That.
But also, I'm really interested to hear your thoughts on them! And am open to most anything involving them.
Grace Harper/Dani Ramos Sarah Connor/Grace Harper Sarah Connor/Grace Harper/Dani Ramos Sarah Connor/Dani Ramos
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power/SPOP:
Castaspella/Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner Adora/Huntara Huntara/Perfuma Light Hope/Mara Adora/Mermista Huntara/Shadow Weaver | Light Spinner Adora/Perfuma Adora/Glimmer Catra/Glimmer Mara/Original Female Character
I am up for literally anything here. Go wild. Write me your pet headcanon for your favorite ship on this list. Write me the fic you want to write for yourself but can't ever seem to find time for. Include other characters if the spirit moves you.
If you'd like a starting point, definitely check out my general likes, and also some of the stuff I have to say about specific other ships and see if an idea there sparks joy!
I am, and I mean this genuinely, very excited to read it. ❤️
Barbie Movie:
aaaaaaaa I was so STOKED to see this fandom in the tagset! If I'm being honest, I just want more fic for this movie, and these pairings in particular made my shipper heart happy.
This fandom is the one I am the happiest with Soft(TM) content for, in spite of what my general Likes contains. I am, as always, open to worldbuilding; pre-canon, post-canon, and missing scene fics.
I was thinking Maybe Kate McKinnon's Barbie and Margot Robbie's Barbie had a bit of a kinky vibe to their dynamic? A little bit of BDSM. The full weirdness of Barbie sex without sex parts is unknown to us yet.
But where I could REALLY see the softness going through the roof is with Margot Robbie's Barbie & Gloria. The ache and pain of life, that they share, and comfort each other through, and fight about, and love each other through. Idk they make me surprisingly emotional. They already have this profound connection as well as profound difference, and maybe there could come a point in their relationship where Barbie is able to give Gloria something that Gloria has previously mostly given to her, with her greater experience in the human world. (I do really dig those kinds of relationship inversions.)
Star Wars:
Padmé Amidala/Sabé Barriss Offee/Ahsoka Tano Padmé Amidala/Sabé Ahsoka Tano/Asajj Ventress Mara Jade/Leia Organa
Carmilla Web Series:
Laura Hollis/Danny Lawrence Carmilla Karnstein/Danny Lawrence Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein/Danny Lawrence
I am a Danny fan, and I especially love stories where she is a werewolf, a vampire, or generally being physically insanely competent.
I love the jealousy and tension between Carmilla and Danny over Laura, and I love to see it resolved in ways that are psychosexual or sexual-sexual, and I would especially love to see whump or hurt/comfort where Carmilla has to "help" or care for a newly-turned Danny, with or without Laura's assistance.
Or, alternately, where Laura undertakes to help a newly turned Danny Lawrence without Carmilla and things get (possibly) scary and (definitely) sexy or romantic.
Original Work & Creator's Choice of Fandom:
A lot of the general likes go double for these two, because there's not a set character or canon dynamic apart from the one mentioned in the prompt.
Original Work:
Werewolf/Werewolf Saloon Girl/Gunslinger Lonely Frontier Farmer/Mail Order Bride With a Past Reclusive Witch Living in the Woods/Wounded Werewolf Looking for Shelter Ancient Forgotten Goddess/Clueless Historian Obsessed With Her Adorable Female Trick-Or-Treater/Female Homeowner Who May Or May Not Be A Demon Troublemaking Bad Girl at School/Goody Two-Shoes Assigned to Tutor Her Demonic Princess/Delicate Human Princess Knight Sworn to Hunt Witches/Childhood Friend Who is Secretly a Witch
Creator’s Choice of:
Sister/Sister Warrior/Her Sister in Arms Magical Girl/Girl She Rescues Chosen One/Her Bodyguard Military Officer/Civilian
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huntressdarkness · 1 year
Dear Creator Letter
First of all, thank you so much for writing/drawing something for me!!! Whatever it is, I know I'll adore it! <3
Warning: Long post ahead. Lol.
Note: There may be more ships on here than what I requested, so... just keep that in mind. Stick with what I requested for your assignment, but I'm always happy to get treats or gifts if some of this inspires you! :D
If you have specific questions, send me an anon ask. :)
PS. Please don't feel pressured to follow any of the 'maybe's' I listed off as prompts. If you have an idea of your own, go for it! <3
General Likes
Kink Likes
General DNWs
Anakin | Vader Likes
Anakin | Vader DNWs
Anakin | Vader Ships
Bad Batch Ships
General Likes:
A/B/O (mpreg is fine)
Being forced together (though “forced” is debatable when it’s what they wanted and they were just resisting)
Cuddle piles
Established Relationships
First Times
Force-sensitive clones (especially if they get Force training from Anakin)
Fuck or die situations
Happy endings
Hopeful endings
Mutual pining
Only one bed
Playful bickering/squabbling
Possessive characters (as long as it's not in a toxic way)
Protective characters
Relationship angst (especially if it’s resolved at the end)
Role Swap AUs
Secret Relationships
Sex pollen
Sith/Jedi/Senator AUs
Slow burn
Soulmate AUs
Time travel
Kink Likes:
Anal Sex/Fingering
Ghost Sex (listen, I've never read anything like this before, but it sounds cool lol)
Impact play
Mild choking
Multiple partners/Group sex
Oral Sex
Pet play
Praise kink
Primal Play
Rough Sex
Tender Sex
General DNWs:
Abusive relationships
Character bashing
Character death (villains are fine)
Codywan (or any Obi-Wan/clones)
Daddy/mommy kinks
First/second person POV
Hurt no comfort
Jealousy if a character is being shamed for it (I love characters being jealous especially if it's because of miscommunications, and everything works out okay)
Most AUs except what I listed above (I prefer canon AUs; Modern AUs are okay if the clones are still clones/science experiments; I love the Batch having their mutations lol)
Rape/non-con between the partners (hurt/comfort between partners after one faced sexual assault or a villain Made Them Do It is fine; Dub-con is fine)
Underage (unless they both are)
Unhappy ending
Woobifying characters (especially Obi-Wan)
Anakin | Vader Likes:
Background/mentioned Anidala is okay but they don't have to be married, either
Female!Anakin (I usually prefer male!Anakin but female!Anakin is cool, too)
Omega!Anakin (if in A/B/O universe) (Alpha!Anakin is okay, so long as he's submissive)
PT!Anakin (I don't really like CW!Anakin; when I say PT!Anakin, I mean the version of him who is light, cheerful, compassionate, empathic, and open about his feelings, even if he struggles with his fear of not being good enough or of failing people and losing them. Don't worry, I'm not excessively picky. So long as he's not being cocky and arrogant, it'll be fine.)
Sith-raised!Anakin (especially if he's more miserable and depressed than actually dark)
Suitless Vader
Traumatized Vader (and him dealing with his guilt)
Vader redemption (especially if it's the clones redeeming him)
Anakin | Vader DNWs:
Clones hating Vaderkin for Order 66 (he was just a weapon of Palpatine; he's not responsible for that or for the chips)
Padme/clone content
Vader being uncharacteristically dark/cruel to the clones (they're his family, even if he Fell)
Note: This includes a combination of prompts and (primarily) ship-specific likes.
Anakin | Vader Ships:
Top Cody, Bottom Anakin, Alpha Cody (if in A/B/O universe), Dom!Cody, Sub!Anakin, Cody topping from the bottom, Padawan Anakin
Cody respecting Anakin (not a fan of the idea that he'd hate Anakin) - like, they’re practically equals in rank, and I like Cody sort of treating Anakin like he would a shiny and being protective of him even if Anakin is technically older than him while Anakin just wants Cody to like him.
Maybe Anakin is trying to seduce Cody and ends up biting off waaaay more than he can chew
Top Cody, Bottom Anakin, Service Top Anakin, Alpha Cody (if in A/B/O universe), Dom!Cody, Sub!Anakin, Sub!Fives, Fives is definitely a brat while Anakin tries to be good, Cody topping from the bottom, Top/Bottom Fives, Fives is chaos personified
Maybe Cody is trying to wrangle Fives into being a good boy because of how rebellious/independent he is, and Anakin gets dragged into the mix.
Anakin and Fives switch for each other.
Top Cody, Bottom Anakin, Service Top Anakin, Top/Bottom Rex, Cody topping from the bottom, Alpha Cody (if in A/B/O universe), Alpha/Omega Rex (if in A/B/O universe) (I’m a little fascinated by the idea of Omega!Rex being a dom in Anakin’s direction lol), Dom!Cody, Sub!Anakin, Switch!Rex
Maybe Cody got tired of Anakin and Rex making eyes at each other while being completely oblivious to how the other feels and decides to get involved.
Anakin/Crosshair, Anakin/Hunter, Anakin/Crosshair/Hunter, Anakin/Crosshair/Hunter/Rex
Top/Bottom Anakin, Top/Bottom Crosshair, Top/Bottom Hunter, Alpha Crosshair (if in A/B/O universe), Alpha (or Omega) Hunter (if in A/B/O universe), Alpha Crosshair/Hunter is an amazing concept to me.
Anakin would get on with them very well because he’s always felt like an outsider among the Jedi the way the Batch have to the clones, so they’d really Get each other. Anakin and Hunter have a lot in common, so their friendship and mutual protectiveness of each other would be a really fun thing to explore. Crosshair is just a brat. And annoying because he wants to be. But he likes making Hunter submit to him (though there’s gonna be a fight first lol) and he likes getting Anakin’s attention. Anakin likes feeling accepted by them, and he’s open to pretty much anything they want.
If Rex is there: Top Rex, Rex topping from the bottom, Dom!Rex, Service Top Anakin, Service Top Hunter, Service Top Crosshair, Alpha/Omega Rex (if in A/B/O universe), Sub!Anakin, Sub!Crosshair, Sub!Hunter
I can’t imagine any dom/sub things happening if Rex isn’t a part of the dynamic since none of the other three have the right personality to be a dom to the others. But Rex knows all the right buttons to push to make Hunter and Crosshair submit to him. Maybe Anakin is being a good boy just to show the other two how it’s done, even if his normal dynamic with Rex is a little different.
Top/Bottom Anakin, Top/Bottom Echo
Maybe they get together after Echo is rescued, bonding over their grief for Fives and over being part-machine. Echo’s very rule-abiding, and Anakin also prefers following the rules, even if he’ll bend them a little sometimes.
Top/Bottom Anakin, Top/Bottom Echo, Top/Bottom Rex, Alpha/Omega Rex (if in A/B/O universe), Rex topping from the bottom, Dom!Rex, Sub!Anakin, Switch!Echo
Maybe it starts with Rex/Echo, and they invite Anakin in because Rex is teaching Echo how to be a dom, and Anakin is There. Or maybe it starts with Anakin/Rex, and they invite Echo to join because he’s Interested.
Top Rex, Rex topping from the bottom, Dom!Rex, Sub!Anakin, Switch!Echo, Sub!Fives, Top/Bottom Echo, Top/Bottom Fives, Bottom Anakin, Service Top Anakin, Alpha/Omega Rex (if in A/B/O universe), Alpha Fives (if in A/B/O universe), Fives is a brat
Fives is pure chaos, and he and Anakin like switching for each other.
Maybe Rex is trying to tame the Dominoes and reign in their chaos and somehow sex comes into the picture. Maybe Anakin’s involvement was an accident. Maybe Anakin and Rex preplanned it all out together. Maybe there’s an unspoken GAR tradition involving new ARC troopers and their commanding officers and sex (don’t ask what that means lol I have no idea).
Switch!Anakin, Switch!Fives, no dom/sub with them
Fives is pure chaos, and he and Anakin like switching for each other. They’re just insane and chaotic together, and they enjoy fooling around more than engaging in power plays.
Top Rex, Rex topping from the bottom, Dom!Rex, Sub!Anakin, Sub!Fives, Top/Bottom Fives, Bottom Anakin, Service Top Anakin, Alpha/Omega Rex (if in A/B/O universe), Alpha Fives (if in A/B/O universe), Fives is a brat and he and Anakin like switching for each other
Maybe Anakin and Fives team up to seduce Rex and get more than they can handle. Maybe Rex decides to reign in the combined chaos of Anakin and Fives by becoming their dom. Maybe the three of them are grieving Echo together and one thing leads to another.
Anakin/Jesse, Anakin/Kix, Anakin/Jesse/Kix
Bottom Anakin, Service Top Anakin, Top/Bottom Jesse, Top/Bottom Kix, Dom!Kix, Sub!Anakin, Sub!Jesse
Maybe Kix gets tired of Anakin getting hurt all the time and decides to teach him to take care of himself better. Maybe Kix and Jesse (or just Jesse) do a team-up to see if they can seduce Anakin.
Bottom Anakin, Service Top Anakin, Top Rex, Rex topping from the bottom, Alpha/Omega Rex (if in A/B/O universe) (I’m a little fascinated by the idea of Omega!Rex being a dom in Anakin’s direction lol), Sub!Anakin, Dom!Rex (I wouldn’t mind if their roles got a bit reversed and Anakin is leading an inexperienced Rex and helping him find his confidence in sexual things, or if Rex has guided Anakin to being more assertive of himself and a dom, and is letting Anakin take the lead.)
There’s soooo many ways they could get together. It could be anything. (Just look at my general likes list for ideas. :) I really like the idea of Rex having sort of hero worshipped Anakin at the beginning until he got to know him better and become comfortable with being a dom toward him.
I love when Rex and Anakin are being Ahsoka’s dads, but it doesn’t need to be a major aspect of the story, or even appear at all. :)
Anakin/501st Legion
Bottom Anakin, Service Top Anakin
Anakin will do anything for his boys, no matter what or how insane. Maybe a sex pollen got involved, and Anakin is trying to help his boys get through it (or vice versa).
Top Cody, Bottom Vader, Alpha Cody (if in A/B/O universe), Dom!Cody & Sub!Vader, Cody topping from the bottom, Emperor!Cody, Attack-dog!Vader
Cody respecting/empathizing with Vader. He can understand being controlled/manipulated by Sidious, since he executed Order 66, too. (I like Cody sort of having treated Anakin like he would a shiny and being protective of him even if Anakin is technically older than him while Anakin just wants Cody to like him.)
Vader killing Sidious and handing the Empire over to Cody is just hilarious to me. Vader doesn’t know how to be free. If Cody was even just tolerant of him and not affectionate toward him, Vader would still follow him gratefully because he’s not being tortured. He has a very low bar for what constitutes a good master and Cody would just. Be horrified.
Throne sex??? Lol.
Navigating a relationship where Vader is a cyborg would be interesting, especially since it’d make intimacy very complicated.
Cody being protective of Vader. Please. Vader’s been through so much, and even if Cody wouldn’t be happy that Vader helped destroy the Jedi, he’d be even more angry at Obi-Wan for hurting Vader like he did. Cody helping a traumatized Vader heal would be incredible. <3
Top Cody, Bottom Vader, Service Top Vader, Top/Bottom Rex, Cody topping from the bottom, Alpha Cody (if in A/B/O universe), Alpha/Omega Rex (if in A/B/O universe) (I’m a little fascinated by the idea of Omega!Rex being a dom in Anakin’s direction lol), Dom!Cody, Sub!Vader, Switch!Rex, Emperor!Cody, Attack-dog!Vader
Cody would be the Emperor out of him and Rex. Vader would serve them because he doesn’t know how to be free.
Or maybe Cody and Rex teamed up to redeem Vader and ended up seducing him along the way, trying to teach how to be free and help him heal. Maybe they actually kidnap Vader from Sidious to help him. Maybe it’s an Imperial!AU where both of them are still with the Empire and somehow, Things Happen.
Maybe it’s a universe where the Empire formed early, and this is the first time they’re meeting Vader, and Cody immediately decides that he Wants Him and ropes Rex into helping him seduce their unfairly beautiful commanding officer.
Bottom Vader, Service Top Vader, Top Rex, Rex topping from the bottom, Alpha/Omega Rex (if in A/B/O universe) (I’m a little fascinated by the idea of Omega!Rex being a dom in Vader’s direction lol), Sub!Vader, Dom!Rex, Emperor!Rex, Attack-dog!Vader
Rex doesn’t want to be Emperor, but he got that role anyway.
Or maybe Rex tracks down his General and realizes he’s alive and decides to bring him back to the Light no matter what. Seducing him wasn’t originally part of the plan but it is now, so he’ll just go with it. And Vader likes it when Rex takes charge, since he doesn’t understand how to be free anymore. He’ll take anyone as a master if they’re even a tiny bit nice to him. Rex just. Doesn’t know what to do with his traumatized ex-general, and he wants to help him and heal him and make him better.
Navigating intimacy with Vader as a cyborg who struggles with it because of his condition and many traumas would be amazing.
Rebel!Vader? Maybe Vader is a Fulcrum agent and he and Rex meet accidentally during Rebels or something, and then realize who the other is and Things Happen.
Or maybe it’s an AU where Anakin was never a Jedi, and it’s an enemies-to-lovers type thing. Either way, Rex gets to fuck him back to the Light. <3
Bad Batch ships:
Anakin/Crosshair, Anakin/Hunter, Anakin/Crosshair/Hunter, Anakin/Crosshair/Hunter/Rex
See above
Top/Bottom Hunter (I usually lean toward bottom), Top/Bottom Crosshair (I usually lean toward top, but either is fine), Alpha Crosshair (if in A/B/O universe), Alpha (or Omega) Hunter (if in A/B/O universe), no dom/sub with them (they don’t have the personalities for it, not with just each other)
There are so, so many ways they could end up together, and I’m fine with anything. Look at my general likes list for more ideas. I especially adore fix-its and soft content with them, especially if there’s lots of playful bickering. (I need therapy for canon, okay?)
I am fascinated by how things would go if they’re both alphas.
Hunter might be the leader, but Crosshair likes pushing him to get him to react and to make him submit to him (though there’ll be a fight first before Hunter would give in). Hunter… despite whatever he claims to himself, likes it, because he likes feeling protected and like he doesn’t need to always be in charge. Leading is haaaard, and Crosshair helps him let go.
Maybe they’re both exploring sex for the first time. Maybe they’re tiptoeing around a relationship during the war before it Happens. Maybe they’re trying to rebuild something after getting separated. Anything is fine.
(I’m not fond of the idea that Crosshair would be angry at Hunter for the Batch leaving once his chip wears off/is removed. I like to think he’s more mature than that and actually understands why they did what they did; he literally shot Wrecker. He’s gonna be dealing with a lot of guilt for hurting them.)
(Note: If time travel is involved, I’m fine with a pairing like Hunter/Crosshair/Hunter/Crosshair or some variation thereof.)
Crosshair/Echo/Hunter, Crosshair/Rex/Hunter, Crosshair/Fives/Hunter
See above for the Crosshair/Hunter dynamic
With Echo: Top/Bottom Echo, Dom!Echo, Sub!Hunter, Sub!Crosshair
Maybe Hunter and Crosshair team up to seduce their newest team member to help him relax and fit in with them.
With Fives: Switch!Fives, he’s a chaotic brat and he fits right in with the Batch’s brand of chaos
Maybe it’s a universe where he doesn’t die, and they encounter each other after Echo joins or after the Empire forms. Maybe he joins the Batch with Echo. Maybe they just happen to run into one another on a mission and Things Happen, because Fives loves them and their chaos, and they hit off very well. I just want to see what it would be like to have Fives with them. Lol.
With Rex: Top Rex, Rex topping from the bottom, Dom!Rex, Sub!Hunter, Sub!Crosshair
Rex has a lot of experience with wrangling his brothers, and making Hunter and Crosshair behave is easy. Maybe they try to seduce him, playfully as a joke or otherwise, and Rex turns it around on them and makes them Want Things they never thought they would. He’s very good at making them behave, even with their own natural tendency towards being brats and disobeying.
Note: I am fine with these ships being combined. Crosshair/Echo/Fives/Hunter, Crosshair/Echo/Hunter/Rex, Crosshair/Fives/Hunter/Rex, and Crosshair/Echo/Fives/Hunter/Rex are all fine.
Note 2: Adding Anakin to any of these combinations is fine, too.
See above for more on the Crosshair/Hunter dynamic
Top/Bottom Crosshair, Top/Bottom Hunter, Top/Bottom Tech, Top/Bottom Wrecker, Dom!Tech (if they have one), Sub!Crosshair, Sub!Hunter, Sub!Wrecker
Anything with the polybatch will be amazing. See my general likes list for more ideas.
Maybe they’re just exploring sex for the first time with each other. Maybe there’s hurt/comfort and a little whump after a mission gone wrong. I adore how much younger and freer and more chaotic they all were before Order 66. Lol.
(A background Crosshair/Hunter romance is always a fun bonus for me. <3)
See above for more on the Crosshair/Hunter dynamic
Top/Bottom Crosshair, Top/Bottom Echo, Top/Bottom Hunter, Top/Bottom Tech, Top/Bottom Wrecker, Dom!Tech, Dom!Echo, Sub!Crosshair, Sub!Hunter, Sub!Wrecker
Honestly, it could be anything. Look at my general likes list for more ideas. It doesn’t need to focus on all of them, but I’d prefer if Hunter and Crosshair, at least, were around as more than minor characters.
Maybe the Batch are trying to help Echo get used to them. Or maybe Echo is introducing sex to the Batch for the first time. Or maybe they’re reuniting after being separated by the Empire.
(A background Crosshair/Hunter romance is always a fun bonus for me. <3)
See above for more on the Crosshair/Hunter dynamic
Top/Bottom Crosshair, Top/Bottom Echo, Top/Bottom Hunter, Top/Bottom Tech, Top/Bottom Wrecker, Top Rex, Rex topping from the bottom, Dom!Rex, Switch!Tech, Switch!Echo, Sub!Crosshair, Sub!Hunter, Sub!Wrecker
It doesn’t need to focus on all of them if that’s too hard, but I’d like if Hunter and Crosshair, at least, were around as more than background characters.
Rex domming the Batch is an amazing concept to me. I love him like that, and seeing how fast and easily he can bring them under his control would be incredible. Maybe he’s trying to make them behave and reign in their chaos and maybe make them more mature, too. Rex disciplining them (the brats especially) is awesome.
(A background Crosshair/Hunter romance is always a fun bonus for me. <3)
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corelliaxdreaming · 1 year
SWrarepairs 2023 Dear Creator Letter
This was so not supposed to be 2,000+ words, wtf...
First of all, thank you for writing for me! (And thank you for dealing with this massive letter omg.) No matter what, I absolutely can’t wait to see what you come up with. I’m pretty easy as far as fics go. If you want to ignore everything in this post and only incorporate the pairing, that’s fine! I enjoy anything from tooth-rotting fluff to soul-rending angst, any rating at all, and I only have a few DNWs. I’d prefer no noncon/dubcon/cheating/violence/etc between the main ship, but if they’re included elsewhere, as long as there’s a heads-up, that’s fine. I don't mind hard angst such as character death, even characters in the requested ship. Also please try to refrain from amatonormativity/compulsory sexuality – philosophies that all people inherently desire romance/sex and would be happier without them. As an aromantic asexual myself, I love a good ship, but that stuff isn't for every single person.
As for what I do like, my very favorite thing in the world is hurt/comfort, particularly of the emotional variety. If, even metaphorically, someone is crying and someone is hugging them, I am very happy. Being an anxiety sufferer myself, I also have a soft spot for seeing characters dealing with mental illness stuff, anxiety and depression particularly, especially if their partner/s are there being super supportive and helping them through it. I've also recently started therapy and working on my own coping skills, and I love to see my faves using them to help themselves/each other. Any kind of porn with feelings also never goes amiss. Being aroace, I absolutely love to see my faves being represented as on either or both of those spectrums. I know this is a romantic/sexual-based exchange, but if you felt like throwing in a queerplatonic relationship as well (or instead? Is that legal?), I'm all for that.
As you can probably tell from my request list, my absolute favorite part of Star Wars is the fighter pilots. I love the angst inherent in the constant battles and always being on call and losing people. The stress and exhaustion. Pilot/pilot pairings knowing they could lose the other in battle at any time. Pilot/non-pilot pairings with the non-pilot feeling so helpless as they watch their partner go off to fight and so relieved when they come back. Commanders hurting because they care about their pilots so much yet there’s only so much they can do to protect them, and every death hurts so much. Just – pilot feels!!
For similar reasons, I love JFO. Cal is a perfect character for me – all angsty and hurt and sad but also determined to do the right thing and learning and growing and u g h. He just needs a nice boyfriend.
I know we're carefully separating different SW sub-fandoms, and that's kind of complicated, but I will mention I prefer the Legends side of things when there's a choice (unless stated otherwise). But I'm not a canon hater, and it’s always interesting to see where what can happen when the two get mixed together. The X-wing book series (and the era in general) is by far my favorite time period. I’m currently reading NJO: Star by Star and will be finished by the time of reveals, so if possible I’d prefer something without (or with very light) spoilers past the end of that book. I'm also interested in seeing things set during this time.
I prefer to see any OC/OC ships with unspecified genders be queer in at least one way – whether it be one or both of then is trans/enby, mspec, acespec, arospec, etc etc. That doesn't necessarily mean they can't be m/f, but queer aspects, please. :)
I think we still include our own AO3 links on these just in case, so here’s that – https://archiveofourown.org/users/icandrawamoth/profile.
As for thoughts on the particular pairings I requested:
Wedge Antilles/Wes Janson (C-EU)
I'm interested in how the Fab Four's relationships change in canon now that Tycho is out of the picture. Especially with Wes and Wedge, once Hobbie is also gone post-Hoth. Two FACPOV stories have shown us these two are close, with Wes being Rogue Squadron's XO. Surely I wasn't the only one who thought for a hot second they were gonna hook up in the ROTJ one?
Wyl Lark/Sonogari (C-EU)
The books tell us this relationship just sort of didn't work out, and I respectfully disagree. Wyl deserves a nice, soft boyfriend to help him will of his nice, softness (and sadness) – even if he does die later.
Original Downed Rebel Pilot/Original Farmer Hiding Them From the Authorities (OT) Original Overworked Rebellion Therapist/Original Overworked Rebellion Medic (OT)
These both seem like great opportunities for h/c! Especially the therapist/medic. Such mutual potential angst and comfort. :D
Idealistic Resistance Pilot/Jaded Former Rebellion Pilot (ST)
This sounds like fun. I'd prefer to not see it that the Resistance pilot just “fixes” the Rebellion pilot's views. Maybe more like they affect each other and more both come closer to the middle of that binary.
Pilot Who Stayed With the New Republic/Their Resistance Pilot Lover (ST)
Juicy! Would love to see it focus on their different ideologies, especially if it's one of my fave things where the NR pilot doesn't necessary disagree with the Resistance but just isn't the kind of person who can leave their whole life behind and live like that – and they can still do good where they are. Would love to see the Resistance pilot understand this, even if they are frustrated by it. And at the end of day, even if they don’t quite see eye to eye, their love is strong.
Tallissan Lintra/Paige Tico (ST)
I still ask myself constantly how I fell in love with Tallie with like five seconds of screentime and two lines of dialogue, but here I am. Paige is my fave lady to ship her with. I like the dynamic that it's very much Tallie's actual job to protect Paige while in battle. (I know I can't actually request additional character, so totally feel free to ignore the rest of this section.) It's be nice to see Tallie be friends with Rose, as with the sisters being so close, I feel like that would be a thing. Quadruple bonus points for any mention of Tallie's sister, Kallie, who was mentioned for like two sentences in the ROTJ junior novel.
Cal Kestis (JFOS)/Wyl Lark (C-EU)
When I absolutely fell in love with Cal even before JFO came out, I needed a good boy to ship him with. The game didn't really provide, so I went looking elsewhere in the saga and came up with my other favorite good, soft boy at the time: Wyl Lark. I played with the idea of Cal somehow getting cryofrozen or whatever and waking up the same age in Wyl's time, or Wyl somehow getting transported to Cal's time, but if you choose to write this, is whatever you wanna. Also a fan of Force-sensitive Wyl. Obviously you're not beholden to this, but I headcanon Cal as asexual bi and Wyl as demisexual pan.
Bode Akuna/Cal Kestis (JFOS)
And then Survivor gave us Bode! At first my headcanons with them were very soft, and then – oof, that reveal. Really anything goes here that involves these two genuinely caring for each other. Canon-compliant, AUs, whatever. I don't tend to read/write a lot of Jedi, and I've loved what I've seen of these two connecting through the Force if that comes out in time. I also looove the idea of Cal being a virgin when he gets together with Bode and Bode being all gentle and caring and leading him through his first time. (I mentioned above no dubcon/noncon, and I know some people would consider Bode's identity stuff that – I'm cool with this pairing, no matter how you play that.) As mentioned above, though you're obviously not beholden to it, I do headcanon Cal as asexual (and both he and Bode as bi), and it would also be cool to see them figuring this out together.
Wedge Antilles/Tycho Celchu (Any), Wedge Antilles/Tycho Celchu (Legends)
*yelling* My #1 OTP! 10/10 will adore anything where they’re together. Something set during that first six months after Tycho’s defection where Wedge was afraid to get close to him and wouldn’t even call him by his first name? Yep. Any type of Lusankya-related angst? Yep. Trial-related angst? Yep. Tycho comforting Wedge when the burdens of command are too much? Yep. Wedge comforting Tycho when the burdens of command are too much? Yep. Anything about what they're doing during all that off-page time in early NJO? Yep. Role-reversals of any kind? Yep. Literally anything? Yeeeep. (Bonus points if anything with Tycho set in NJO features him Not Vibing with the Jedi's pacifism bs.) Genuinely my favorite thing in the world is to just beat one of these guys (usally Tycho, but either way is great) over the head with angst and pain until they break, then have the other one gently put them back together/help them put themselves back together. <333
Nejaa Halcyon/Scerra Halcyon/Rostek Horn (Legends)
Look me in the eye tell me there wasn't something with these three. (Okay, I respect it being what it is canonically, but also.)
Tycho Celchu/Corran Horn (Legends)
You know those things you start shipping as a joke and then – oops, feelings? Yeah. At some point along the way, I just got really invested in these two being friends, and I’m interested in that becoming into romance as well. I especially love the idea of them really bonding after Corran’s return from Lusankya, with having that shared trauma between them. Corran leaning on Tycho to help him though it, Tycho finally having someone to talk to who really gets what he went through. Or maybe it’s before that, Corran trying to deal with being attracted to Tycho while also not trusting him? Big headcanons on Corran being bi and not quite ready to accept it. The two of them struggling while in quarantine on the Lusankya together. Or even something later on, once all of that is done with and they trust each other and are flying together. Tycho is pretty eager to jump to help Corran during I, Jedi. Or maybe Tycho supporting Corran through his exile nonsense in NJO? (Bonus points if anything with Tycho set in NJO features him Not Vibing with the Jedi's pacifism bs.) Anything goes.
Wedge Antilles/Corran Horn (Legends)
That said, I also got a little spark of “what if this pairing?” on my last X-wing reread. Maybe something to do with Wedge's reluctance to get close to the new Rogues, but Corran getting under his skin anyway? Nothing really specific, just intrigued by this premise.
Wedge Antilles/Tycho Celchu/Luke Skywalker (Legends), Tycho Celchu/Luke Skywalker (Legends)
With the popular pairing being Wedge/Luke, and my personal OTP being Wedge/Tycho, I'm just kinda interested in smooshing those two together. Maybe two are already together and third pines? Idk. On a similar note, just Tycho/Luke. Again, nothing real specific for these two pairings either, just find the idea interesting. (I am intrigued by the possibility of Force-sensitive Tycho, so maybe that could be something to play with?)
Wedge Antilles/Broak Vessery (Legends)
The always-wonderful Rogue Podron podcast put me onto this one with how they talked up Vessery and his interactions with Wedge. I like what similar characters these two guys are: both skilled pilots, super dedicated to the people flying with them. Not exactly allies, but not exactly enemies, being forced to work together for a greater goal. I like the idea of something happening between them on Isard's base, like non-even-quite-friends-with-benefits, just an understanding of each other as people and blowing off steam, maybe getting some comfort. Again, I know I can't really request additional characters, but bonus points for Tycho opining on the situation, whether he doesn't like it or is encouraging.
Wedge Antilles/Tycho Celchu/Wes Janson/Derek “Hobbie” Klivian (Legends)
Ah, the classic OT4. I just love how these four are always together in the X-wing fics. Friends, lovers, any combination among them? Golden. Just some random ideas: How the four of them got together and in what order. Dealing with Wedge being the only one there when Tycho got back from Lusankya and Wes and Hobbie not being able to see him for some time. Dealing with their separation while Hobbie and Tycho are with the Rogues and Wedge and Wes are with the Wraiths. Or, y'know, anything. ;)
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izumisays · 2 years
dear yuletide author
Thank you so much for reading this and taking part in this wonderful annual conspiracy!

First of all, I hope you have a lovely time! If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and ready to hear all the stories you want to tell.
Fandoms: Hunting (猎狐), Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀), Link Click (时光代理人), Extraordinary Attorney Woo (이상한 변호사 우영우)
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, of any rating, ranging anywhere from lighthearted antics to dramatic casefics. But the core of all the stories I love has always been character interaction and interplay of their competences.
How the characters play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they’d react to a divergence of events, how true they’d stay to themselves in a different setting – I love fanfiction for allowing us to reconnect with our favourite stories time and again by asking these questions. And there are so many ways to do it! To name a few favourites, I’m always game for POV hijinks, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs.
You may notice that some of my requests lean towards shipfic – those, too, are welcome in a variety of tones – but I also tried to include openings for gen ideas if that’s your jam. Additionally, while it is not usually my top interest, I don’t have anything against AUs if there is something that you are itching to explore: I tend to enjoy them for a new aesthetic that fleshes out the favoured character dynamics in a new light, or a fusion that redefines the playing ground to allow the characters to exhibit their core competences in new and exciting ways.
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and associated kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
猎狐 | Hunting - Xia Yuan, Wu Jiaqi
Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good white collar crime, especially one that busts a few capitalist myths. But let’s be real, the best parts of this TV show were Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi’s overseas 💕dates💕 I mean business trips, which mysteriously required they be outfitted like a well-matched pair of ridiculously long-legged models that strutted right out of the Vogue pages and into the metaphorical fire. The kind of fire that, in turn, required them to fake date, or dress up even more glamorously to impersonate filthy rich celebrities and their butlers, or deployed other similarly logical methods of tracking down runaway fraudsters.
I would eat up more of such adventures with a spoon, nay, a SHOVEL. Just like the epilogue showed, I’d like to imagine their adventures post-canon be a series of bright postcards (bang bang from Russia with love) capturing their antics in various capitals of the world.
Some ideas for inspiration could be:
Competitive not-dating. Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi just happen to contrive the circumstances in a way that makes the next operation seem conspicuously like a date, and the other one simply cannot let this slide and ups the ante.
I’m totally on board with some commentary or scheming from the peanut gallery of the Economics Crimes Division (I love you, Xiaolei!) to set them up faster. I don’t know if I love more the idea of the two of them giving in to the gang’s attempts to set them up, or the gang continuing to set them up completely unaware that the two of them are already dating, thus amplifying the comedy. 
As mentioned above, every city needs a pair of scarily competent and scarily beautiful law enforcement agents (who are also derps) descend on it to charm the pants off the local police forces and then solve some crime while they are at it. It’s also incredibly cute that Wu Jiaqi is the worldlier (or nerdier?) of the two, and can dispense funfacts and trivia at Xia Yuan’s incredibly soft face. I’m a simple girl and I like simple things.
ALL THE TROPES ever, as essential and completely logical ways to solve economic crimes. All the dress-ups. All the role-playing on the job with bae.
The show is available on viki.com.
THUNDERBOLT FANTASY (東離劍遊紀): any characters
Sanfan is a mixture UTTER GLEE and deep fondness for the genre staples, self-aware and masterful playthrough of all the wuxia tropes in the book, and one goddamn well-constructed story. It plays the tropes straight, calls them out with a knowing wink, walks the tightrope between the two with panache, and just as you are relaxed and enjoying this trapeze show, it grins cheekily at you, sets the hat on fire and pulls a bunny out of a discoball.  It’s DELIGHTFUL and fun and lovingly crafted, just like a good passion project should be.
I want anything that capitalizes on the absolutely hilarious dynamics between Rin Setsua and Sho Fukan (and while personally I end up using the Japanese versions of their names more often, please feel free to go with the Chinese names if you prefer). Sho Fukan does not want any of those heroic quests, he’s the human equivalent of been there, done that mood, and he just wants to REST and hopefully dump a bunch of magical murderswords someplace safe. Rin Setsua is a Totally Respectable and Non-Villainous Member of Society, of which he will inform you firsthand in the most high spoken and verbose way possible, and maybe even produce paperwork that has definitely not been tampered with. He harbours no ulterior motives, ever, and does not trail behind Sho Fukan for any reason beyond the pleasure of his company, and his mission to personally victimize and cockblock every morally derelict villain in two countries, by no-one’s request.
Whether you go shipfic (yiss!) or canon levels teamup circus (also yiss!), don’t hold back your horses. Everything about this is Extra, and should continue to be so <3
I am okay with both expanding the canon and playing with AUs/crossovers/fusions for this one, provided they retain the character dynamics. I love the extended cast as well: any characters including the Seiyou gang (and on that note, if you want to write the Seiyou backstory for Shou’s gang that has no Rin in it, you’re welcome as well), reappearance of the familiar faces from Touri (read: Rin’s victim list, past, future and present), original characters lined up and waiting to be screwed over (guaranteed) and rescued (the administration does not bear any responsibility etc etc).
Season three, god bless Urobutcher, just went and upped the ante by 9000 -- time and space travel! Magical walkie-talkie pocket-sized boyfriend dolls! Dramatic daddies and villains literally yeeted into literal space, jjba-style! The sandbox has expanded exponentially, and if you think this is a good excuse to open the door wide for any perceivable AUs and still remain canon-compatible, well, then you have the right audience in me.
This year I’m not limiting my request to just the two main characters (though as you can see my fondness for them is great) because I think season three especially kicks the doors wide open for various kinds of hilarious team-ups, confrontations, family dramas and peanut gallery commentaries about one another’s delusions of grandeur. If you would rather write about characters in the demonic realm, or have been wanting a good match-up for characters that never met on screen, or bring back some dead faves — well, then s3 labyrinth invites you to play with it, and I’ll happily read it.
Thunderbolt Fantasy is available on Crunchyroll.
이상한 변호사 우영우 | Extraordinary Attorney Woo (TV)
I was ABSOLUTELY charmed by this show, with its kindness and compassion in choosing an autistic woman as a protagonist and letting her have a whole spectrum of experiences and relationships, not limiting it to any one thing. I love the tone, not flinching away from the difficulties but glowing with Ghibli-levels of wholesomeness and inspiration. I love Woo Young Woo and all the people who support and challenge her, and who get changed in turn. I really love the ridiculous, over-the-top cases they have to solve. They just bring me so much joy!
There are a many things I’d love to see explored in a story — all focused on these relationships with and around WYW. I think the one would care least about is straight-up romance she has with Lee Jun Ho, though I find him absolutely adorable — but I definitely welcome that as a background for any other story. I just am interested in things other than that for example:
my wonderful, honest Choi Su Yeon, with her stubborn integrity and willingness to call people — including herself — out on things that grate it. Her friendship with WYW moves my heart so much, the fact that she will grumble and complain to WYW’s face but never fail to offer a small kindness that will make it easier for WYW, and how she would whine about her misspent youth but put in as crazy hours into work as anyone else, and her willingness to claw anyone’s eyes out if they are being an asshole. And her own bewilderment at her growing interest in Kwon Min Woo! I want so much more of everything with her: backstory, a day in the office, a glimpse of the future, what have you.
The PARENTS generation. Oooh boy. What kind of relationship did Woo Gwang Ho have with both Tae Su Mi and Han Seon Young? In fact, what is the relationship between the two CEOs now and what was it back then? They have barely met on screen but the absolute tension that’s crackling in the air when they pit against one another… Fantastic. I’d ship it, for the rivalry or friendship gone bad or the legacy of being locked in an inter generational business competition.
WYW and the budding relationship with her brother. I liked him so very much! He had a very different upbringing to hers, and yet his heart seems to be in exactly the same place. I would deeply want for them to have a chance to know each other better — something that would be deeply unsettling for both their parents but so important for the siblings.
I’m sure there are other angles you could take to look at the network of people around/supporting WYW that would delight me, these are just a few things that came to mind first.
Link Click (时光代理人)
Now if there was a sandbox that was just begging to play with it!
There is so much of the set up that is left unexplained — it gives us the world building in bold brushstrokes but leaves the whole thing up to us to explain. There are some rules, but how did they come about, and how did they learn about them? How did they find one another, and what new adventures await? What happens to the bonds between the two main leads once the tensions of the fallout wind them tight? Backstory, a new case, “a day in the life of” — I’d be happy to read any of it. I’m happy with both shippy and gen fic for Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang— because the tension, trust and intimacy is there either way — but I do not see Qiao Ling in a romantic context with either: she is their friend/manager/sibling figure, and I prefer to keep it that way.
I’m also open for treats for any of the above — it was a surprise to me that the settings changed this year, but to me, dropping stories into other’s stockings and finding some surprises in your own is definitely a highlight of the true Yule experience :)
Thank you for taking the time to read the letter, and I’m greatly looking forward to reading your story — and hopefully, getting to chat about these ridiculous and wonderful characters post-reveals :)
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rose-of-tori · 1 year
Year of the Dragon Lunar New Year DMBJ Treat Exchange Creator Letter
Hi, friends! For anyone who doesn't know, there's a really awesome, low pressure DMBJ Exchange going on right now! More details can be found here - check it out and consider signing up!! The more the merrier!
My Creator Letter: Dear Creator, Hi! Thanks for considering giving me a treat :D
I would prefer written gifts to be in English.
Preferred DMBJ canon: Reboot, Ultimate Note, Mystic Nine but really any and all are fine.
Characters: I'm a fan of Wu Xie-centric pieces (I'm basic, I know) but including Xiaoge and/or Pangzi (platonic or romantic) is a must! If you're feeling Mystic Nine, Ba-ye-centric please.
Relationships: (Gen, romantic, sexual is all fine) - Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling, Wu Xie/Pangzi, Wu Xie/Pangzi/Zhang Qiling, Wu Xie & Xie Yuchen (I usually think platonic here, but do whatever strikes you!), Qi Tiezui/Zhang Qishan, Qi Tiezui/Zhang Rishan. Any background pairings are totally fine!
Some general likes: -hurt/comfort (whump or emotional) -anything dealing with asexuality -illness (chronic, terminal, or regular) -enduring a wound but getting increasingly worse -thinking someone has died (but they didn't or it's temporary) -curses -animal shape shifting -disordered eating -non-con of any level (not between the main characters) -overworking oneself -hiding something so as not to burden others -realistic recovery-centric fics (I'm thinking about the 1000 head wounds they've all brushed off with no problem, but also knee injuries etc that takes weeks of frustration and pain to recover from)
DNWs: 1st or 2nd person, explicit sexual content/smut, kid fic, a/b/o (unless it's society-focused, not sexual), pure fluff (make it hurt first lol), crossovers, permanent major character death
A few prompts of the admittedly vague variety and one that's hyper specific: -kidnapping and/or being trapped -being protective in big and small ways, like going feral in a revenge way but also little moments of "don't talk to him like that" kind of things -tomb curses -telepathy -temporary character death (I talked myself into that while writing no MCD and now I'm invested) -time loops -time loops WITH temporary character death -an AU with an outside abusive relationship - for example, Pangzi and/or Xiaoge move in somewhere and befriend Wu Xie only to later realize his current partner mistreats him or canon-divergence where Wu Xie develops a toxic relationship with someone while Xiaoge is behind the gate (maybe to punish himself? idk, that guy's a mess and I love it) Either Pangzi confronts him about this or Xiaoge does after returning or both?
For videos, I don't really have song preferences, but I'd prefer a focus on relationships
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thedeadthree · 2 years
❤️🌹✨Happy Valentines Day!✨🌹❤️ Send this to all of your favorite mutuals who deserve some love this Valentine’s Day!❣️
AJJJJJ YOU ANGEL DEAR YOU ! not me emotional and on the floor SOBBING ! I HOPE YOU HAD THE LOVELIEST DAY DEAR YOU DESERVE IT SO MUCH ! happy valentine’s day to you as well dearieeee ! one of the kindest and most encouraging people i know ! it’s truly an honor to know you and be friends and mutuals with you! 🌸💞
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