#Decided to throw up my silly wb stories
rockingthegraveyard · 7 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: One Piece Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Whitebeard Pirates, Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate, Portgas D. Ace, Thatch (One Piece), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco, Izou (One Piece), Haruta (One Piece) Additional Tags: Fluff, Siblings, all around good family floof, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Universe Summary:
A collection of one shots revolving around our favorite banana mustache dad and his nerd kids.
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missjackil · 5 years
Enter at Your Own Risk
I’m having some very heavy negative feelings about the SPN “Fandom” right now, if you’re interested, read on, if not. scroll on by.
So this has been a very long hiatus... longer than the Christmas break and in 2 weeks it will be over. I’m excited because I miss Sam and Dean so much, but I'm also depressed because it’s down to the last half of the last season and we won't ever, I repeat EVER have any new content. Why? Well... I know you all have your ideas, but I will go to my grave believing the “fandom” chased them away.
These guys have worked with and had fun with people for 15 years, consider them family, and the “fandom” does nothing but complain about them. Relentlessly, Sometimes J2 express their thoughts about some storylines they didn't like, or moments they thought were OOC but no one who has ever worked anywhere for any length of time has had 0 complaints. However, no one ever stays in one place for 15 years when they have had other opportunities when they don’t love it. 
SPN’s ratings never tanked. Not once, not ever... there was a drop in ratings after s1 which happens with every show, especially before Netflix, so a drop from S1 to 2 doesn't count. They have maintained a place in the top 3 shows on CW/WB through all the seasons, and even now when ratings are low, they still are in the top 3 of the network. Ratings only show LIVE viewing which not many people do anymore. Every network has lost live viewers across the board because of streaming and DVR, so everyone pretending it had anything to do with ratings or losing viewers, just sounds uneducated. 
Going into S14, J2 announced they were having shorter seasons. Why? So they could spend more time with their family, keep the show going indefinitely, and not burn out. They said numerous times, that they planned to keep going as far as the show will take them. Had they already planned to only go 15 seasons, that's when they would have made the announcement. So the show and the network could make as much money off them as they could before it ends.
However, in S14 something changed. For starters, Jensen worked hard on the character Michael!Dean spent many hours with a linguist JUST so he could speak the Arabic words correctly in 14x1 and then he’s thrown hate on SM when he had solo interviews at SDCC of the “fandom” assuming he and TPTB were dissing Jared so they could promote Michael!Dean and then when Jared explained at the NY Premier what had happened, no one recanted their hate. And then the season starts and SM exploded with how much everyone hated Michael!Dean!!! And what do we notice next? After the half, there was an awkward change.   
I believe it was during the break that J2, decided to call it quits. We had the story of getting Kaia home kinda vanish, the stalker girl from Optimism fell by the wayside, Charlie disappeared and woops, so did most of the AU hunters. Can’t follow through on new stories when suddenly, there's less overall story to tell.
Then we have the mysterious, heart-wrenching story about how Jared had some kind of breakdown while trying to perform the “I believe in us” scene in Prophet and Loss.  In his own words, he said he physically couldn't say the words and perform the actions of shoving Dean in the chest. It was so bad that Jensen was worried Jared had a stroke! Jared then said that he made it through, and went home cried himself to sleep feeling like he's disappointing everyone. 
Why on earth would that happen? Because he didn’t want to end it. He probably felt like he was projecting his disapproval of this decision onto Jensen. “This is WRONG this is QUITTING!! I believe in US... why don’t you believe in us too?”
Just watch that scene and see if you can’t see why it would have been so hard for Jared to get through it if he didn't want to stop the show! Almost as though he was telling Jensen (between the lines) “So what if the fans didnt like this, there will be a better story, but if we quit now their wont be another story!”
If that’s not convincing enough, we have Jensen in his own words and Jared confirming, that this season, when Jensen showed up day 1 to start directing, he felt so good being there that he texted Jared “2 more seasons?” and Jared replied, “Let’s talk”. 
Maybe they were waiting to see how you “fans” would take the new season? Maybe if you haters weren't such assholes even as the show is going out, maybe they would have worked something out to stay on longer? But no, all SM is bitching over the most ridiculous things! Like OMG SIDE CHARACTERS!!! or the guys looking a little goofy in a purposely silly episode. Like seriously, wtf guys?
And here’s the kicker.... you are all gushing over the nice J2 pics, the funny interviews, and TV magazine pics, that we’re never gonna have again after a couple months. We will get some con footage, but gone are the days of J2 interviews, funny and sometimes impressive Shaving People Punting Things videos, gag reels, etc. We will be lucky if we even get “caught in the wild” J2 pics. And most heartbreakingly, we won't ever see them working together outside of con panels. 
And cons will now be “Jared are you gonna have Jensen on Walker?” “Jensen are you putting out a new album or got your eyes on a new role?”
But hey, I guess that's worth it just so we don't have to see Claire, or Cass again huh? As long as annoying little Hellers don't have any material... it's so worth throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 
I know its not the whole fandom who want the show to end, but unfortunately, the loudest mouths (fingers) were heard.  And seriously, most of you dont really give a rats ass about the boys, the show or the real fans. You have a dozen other fandoms you're in and you're just bored with this one. So instead of just moving on, make sure you trash something that is making a lot of other people happy.  Karma is a bitch though.... just saying
Rant over.... for now
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davidmann95 · 7 years
Could we get a DCEU One Million film?
…huh. That’s a prospect I have to admit I hadn’t considered in the slightest, and one that opens up some really interesting dimensions, ones not even explored in the original crossover.
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When I’d thought in terms of a concrete future for the DC movies, my thoughts had always immediately turned to Kingdom Come. That’s sensible, right? A tragic, apocalyptic end to the age of heroes slathered in biblical allusions and set off by an ideological wedge driven between its most iconic heroes, with Alex Ross’s take on the Justice League clearly being the primary aesthetic influence on the DCEU taken from the actual source comics. Everybody fights over vaguely topical concerns, everyone’s framed as gods and they’re all very sad, there’s a gigantic spectacle ending in a tremendous bodycount, and while the ending is an optimistic one, it also ends the idea of superheroes as we’ve always known them, i.e. them dressing in those silly costumes and not grappling at length with their own geopolitcal implications. Hell, this book pioneered Superman brooding because he’s paralyzed with indecision over his place in the world as a symbol and Wonder Woman killing dudes with a sword; that those were deliberate contrasts meant to show how far astray they’d gone didn’t do jack shit considering this is the biggest comic those two have ever been at the center of. Obviously, if there’s any ultimate fate for the universe that would fit with the DCEU’s tonal, aesthetic, and character priorities and tie them all up in a nice bow, it would seem to be this one.
The issue is Justice League happened, and while it only rebooted the whole enterprise in terms of approach rather than continuity (aside from some lazy writing and/or creators throwing their arms up in the air and deciding “this take sucked, we’re going with a new one, deal with it”) - though a continuity component also seems to be coming to double-down on the new take anyway in Flashpoint, a pretty questionable decision at this point - it’s just not the same world anymore. Superman’s all Superman-ey, Batman occasionally cracks jokes, Flash is a goofball, John Williams and Danny Elfman music have taken back over, and with Wonder Woman as the new lead feature, the franchise as a whole seems to be pivoting towards more straightforward blockbuster fare rather than aiming far beyond its reach to try and make The Dark Knight multiplied by The Avengers with the guy behind 300 at the helm. In that context, all our heroes’ noble aspirations going to hell and climaxing in the US Government nuking a sizable portion of Superman’s friends seems significantly less like the inevitable outcome of the entire enterprise.
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Assuming the original high concept stayed in place - Justice Legion Alpha travels back in time to get the primordial Justice League to celebrate something in the future, shit goes sideways - the surrounding context is different enough as to produce a totally different effect from the original series. The JLA of that book were old hands at travelling through space and time, and the idea that they’d have massive impact in centuries to come: Flash had a nephew from the 30th century, which Superman regularly commuted to after school as a kid. The idea behind One Million wasn’t what the idea of the 853rd century meant to those characters so much as DC as a whole: that everything turns out okay in the end. Here however, this is the first time these versions of the characters have dealt with anything remotely like this, and so they’re all going to be bringing a ton of emotional baggage into play. Wonder Woman, raised to venerate ancient myths and champions, sees herself reinterpreted as one; nerdy scared Flash learns he gives rise to the most prolific and storied superheroic lineage of all time; Cyborg finds his image smoothed over by the tide of history as another platonic champion rather than a guy who struggles with his body and isn’t sure how he feels about this whole superhero thing period; Aquaman having spent his life running from Atlantis is told he’s destined to become its greatest king; Batman after a career of relative obscurity who knows his end is close at hand and who probably thinks of himself as the guy who got the really important people together in spite of his fuck-ups learns his legacy is in fact acknowledged and maintained forever, even as at the same time he can barely restrain his horror at the idea of Batman always being needed. And Superman? He’s not comfortable with the expectation of godhood, and having literally risen from the dead to prevent hell on Earth means people in the DCEU would likely go from thinking “is he…a god?” to “Yes, yes he is God, this is self-evident and the commonly accepted understanding”. So humanity’s ultimate fate being to deliberately remake itself in his image is something he might not actually be altogether comfortable with. Even whether or not you go whole-hog with Superman living at the heart of a star and reviving Lois and Krypton at the end, or the teams collaborating across 83,000 years to create a computerized murder-sun with an insecurity complex, this brings enough to the table in terms of reconceptualizing the ‘heroes as gods’ vibe of the previous movies and introducing the legacy aspect of these characters in the biggest way possible to more than justify the bonkers conceit narratively.
Aside from that, there’s the practical bonuses; as with Guardians of the Galaxy for Marvel, this opens the door for doing bigger and weirder stuff in the other movies, especially since the implicit understanding is that everything weird in the 853rd century has or will have some antecedent in the present; hell, you could set up as many future movies as you wanted with throwaway lines about historical events that the League will eventually go through. Plus WB gets a whole new line of action figures and statues and whatnot out of it, and another gaggle of heroes to pad out the ranks when (or I suppose if at this point given how badly the original plans were clearly knocked off track) they try for their version of Crisis. So while the answer is that of course they’ll never do DC One Million - it’s entirely too ridiculous for them to countenance even now, and between the Legion of Doom, a potential showdown with the Suicide Squad, and Flashpoint (which has its own alternate versions of Justice League characters) there’re already several immediate concerns demanding to be attended to in a Justice League sequel, with Darkseid still an all likelihood waiting in the wings for a third if they make it that far at this point, plus it would sort of undercut the Legion if they ever decided to use them - I’d say that they could, and therefore should.
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