#Deepest Lore(tm) activated
opbackgrounds · 2 years
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So Oda revealed in an SBS that this dude is Kalifa’s dad, and I choose to believe that means that Kalifa’s known Spandam since she’s been a little kid. I can only imagine that the day she realized he was going to be her boss was one of the most miserable of her life
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opbackgrounds · 2 years
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Fun fact: Per the vivre card info (which, granted, have not always been correct) Olvia’s bounty was the exact same as Robin’s. Which, in a way, makes sense, as they’re wanted for committing the same crime.
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opbackgrounds · 2 years
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Why did no one tell me that Tom was indirectly named after Thomas the Tank Engine?
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opbackgrounds · 3 years
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I did not know that Kokoro was initially conceptualized as a dude
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opbackgrounds · 3 years
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I sincerely thought we were going to get some Davy Jones info during the Fishman Island arc, and was a little surprised when Oda went for a Flying Dutchman reference instead. I still think Jones could be an important historical character, little name drops like this are very On Brand for the series. 
At the same time, I also wouldn’t be surprised if this little bit of info is just flavor text for this arc. It says something for Oda’s world building prowess that both are equally possible  
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opbackgrounds · 3 years
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This is an oddly specific word to have in one’s vocabulary, but I really like this bit of trivia
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
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Who knew the Skypiea arc was secretly a Naruto crossover?
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
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wait wait waitwaitwait...Vivi knows the poneglyphs exist? And that they contain history? I mean, Saul says in Robin’s flashback that simply knowing about them isn’t a crime, and presumably as a princess she has access to the secret room in the Royal Tombs, but still! I had no idea. 
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opbackgrounds · 5 years
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Bless Oda for interrupting his manga to give us fictional animal fun facts
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opbackgrounds · 4 years
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Not to be confused with Batchee, the fly Fullbody put in his soup during the Baratie arc to humiliate Sanji. 
No, I’m not kidding
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opbackgrounds · 5 years
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The really funny thing is per one of the early SBS (dunno which one, I remember  posting it here way back when) is that all One Piece flintlock pistols are multishot weapons, not just Mr. 5′s revolver.
I mean, I’m sure it’s so Oda doesn’t have to worry about characters reloading their guns, but come on.
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opbackgrounds · 5 years
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Isn’t Mirror Ball Island where the dance competition takes place during Jango’s cover story? 
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opbackgrounds · 5 years
Those two characters next to Genzo in Belle-mere's flashback were actually named in a databook. Like you guessed they're the supervisors of an orphanage on Coconomi Islands. Their names are - and I'm 100% serious - Mummy Mee and Daddy Dee
Oh my god
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